Robert and Johnny

By Kewl Dad

Published on Sep 11, 2023


Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story Ch 32

The following is a work of fiction: Although it is based on actual characters and locations, the rest is purely fictional.  This story depicts sexual situations between males and females of various ages and, may include incest as well. If reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Kewl Dad, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. © 2017-2023

Note from the author

This is the continuing story of Robert and Johnny, who first appeared in my short series: My 11th Summer. Although intended to be a simple stand alone short series, My 11th Summer was so popular, not only with my readers, but myself, that I decided to continue the saga in Tween to Teen. And now, as the boys finish High School and move on to College and their adult life, the final part of the saga begins. So, for those who have been following the story from the beginning, here is part 3 of the trilogy, which I am calling: Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story. Enjoy.

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 Robert and Johnny
The rest of the story
(Part three of the trilogy began in My 11th Summer, then Tween to Teen) By: Kewl Dad

Chapter 32

Happily ever after, again

Summer turned to fall, Lam became a big part of our extended family, and Gerald and Sherry thrived as parents. Sherry's folks had accepted Lam even before they had met him, and soon learned to love him as much as his new parents.

It was no surprise to us that Gerald turned out to be such a great dad, and it was heart-warming to see Sherry assume the role of mother with such ease and grace. They were truly a happy family, and we spent as much time with them as possible.

In September, Johnny and I took Bill, Peter, Mikey, and Lam to the Tulsa State Fair. We had invited Gerald and Sherry to come with us as well, but Gerald had something going on at school that night, and Sherry was attending a wedding. So, it was just us boys that Friday night, and we were all excited about spending an evening together, having fun and seeing the sights.

Though Lam had had some time to adjust to the bright lights and noise of the city, the sights and sounds of the fair seemed almost too much for him at first. However, Mikey had taken Lam into tow as soon as we hit the midway, talking to him and soothing him in his gentle voice, and soon Lam seemed to settle down some.

Bill and Peter, however, seemed to love the noise and confusion, and having attended the year before, they knew what to expect. It was  hard to believe it had been a year since we'd met the boys and I smiled as they noted how much they'd grown over that year. Peter was almost as tall as  his older brother now, and Bill was more outgoing and less shy than he'd been when we first met the two brothers. Both boys were doing well in school, and I hoped it was due in part to the positive influence Johnny and I exerted over them.

This year I'd bought three books of five tickets, and after using six for admission I turned the rest into ride tickets and bought 20 dollars worth of tickets extra. If we needed more later, there were ticket booths scattered all over the fairgrounds, but I figured this would be a good start.

We'd entered at the far East end of the fairgrounds and slowly made our way to the west end where Bell's Amusement Park joined the fair each year. As I've said before I trusted their rides more because they were permanent and usually cleaner, and the attendants more courteous. Not to mention, I loved the ski lift and the gasoline powered cars, as did the boys.

And then there was Zingo, the giant wooden roller coaster which all of us liked so much. Well, everyone but Lam, who had yet to experience it. I wondered if he'd be brave enough to try it, but I need not have worried. Once again Mikey came to the rescue and convinced Lam it was safe and fun. Though he still looked a little apprehensive as the boys climbed on board, when I saw Lam's smiling face as the cars pulled back into the station after the ride, I knew he'd enjoyed it as much as the others.

Once the boys were back with us, Lam excitedly explained what the ride was like, not realizing that Johnny and I had ridden it dozens of times over the years. Next, we drove the gasoline powered cars, tried to wreck each other at bumper cars, then rode the Himalaya.

We were hungry by then, but I talked the boys into seeing the inside exhibits in the IPE first and finding a food place there. Once we'd toured the lower section, including the classic cars on display there, and the 4-H and Scouts exhibits, we climbed up the stairs to the main level and found a place that served everything from Pizza to fried chicken.

Lam, unsure what to order, let Mikey order for him, and they wound up with hamburgers and fries. Bill and Peter had Pizza, and Johnny and I had chicken strips and waffle fries.

After we ate, we toured the rest of the indoor displays and headed back out to the midway for some more fun. Of course Bill wanted to play Bop the Frog, and though he didn't win anything this time, he still had fun, as did the other three boys.

The boys tried a number of other games as well, but none of them were very lucky that night, although Mikey did win a pair of fuzzy dice which he promptly gave to me to hang from the rear view mirror of my Monte Carlo.

Eventually, we hit the kiddy barn and petting zoo and by the time we finished there, the boys were ready for more rides.

First stop was Zingo, and this time Johnny and I rode as well, holding our hands high as we sped down the first hill. In front of us, I heard Lam and Mikey screaming with glee, and I think I might had done some screaming as well.

We tried the bumper cars again, then Fantasmagoria, which turned out to be Lam's favorite ride of the night, and he and Mikey rode it again while Bill and Peter rode the Pirate Ship ride. Johnny and I declined that one, because it always made my stomach queasy, rocking back and forth like that and almost standing on my nose at the top of the arc.

We were hungry again by then, but this time we craved something sweet and shared funnel cakes, strawberry short cakes, cotton candy, and candied apples. We were full of sugar by the time we finally finished and headed off to the bathrooms to wash our sticky fingers, and to pee.

We wrapped up the night with a ride on the Skyride, all six of us in one gondola as we traveled across the fairground on a cable, suspended high in the air. This was one of my favorite rides, and the view was spectacular. Back then, there were no camera phones to capture moments like that, but years later Johnny and I would make this same trip and finally be able to do so, with our state of the art smart phones.

The boys were dragging by the time we finally left the fair, having been deposited on the East side by the Skyride. We found the Bug Bus quickly, and piled in, the boys excitedly chattering about their favorite part of the fair.

After a while, I noted it had grown quiet and looked back to see Mikey and Lam leaning into each other, their eyes closed, either resting or sleeping. Bill and Peter weren't sleeping but they seemed to be lost in thought as they stared out the window on opposite sides of the back seat.

At first we'd planned on just Mikey sleeping over, but Mikey had convinced us to let Bill and Peter stay over as well. Then when we'd decided to take Lam to the fair as well, Mikey had insisted that he stay over too.

Of course, Johnny and I were apprehensive. However, after talking it over with Gerald and Sherry, they assured us they had no problems with it as long as Lam didn't.

"And if you're crazy enough to host four rowdy boys," Gerald laughed, "then go for it. It will be just like the old days, right?"

Mikey was ecstatic, and Bill and Peter were just happy to be included. They hadn't been around Lam as much as Mikey, but they had accepted him right away and seemed to be warming up to him quickly. However, it was Mikey who had taken Lam under his wing, and though older by several years, Lam followed his lead without question.

At the apartment, the boys were surprised to see we already had everything set up for the sleepover. The coffee table now sat on top of the couch and the one easy chair was in the corner. That left most of the floor open, and we'd placed the mattress from the guest room there, as well as a blowup mattress that we'd bought at the Army Surplus Store. With the two mattresses wedged firmly between the sofa and the book case that held our TV, it made a large bed, suitable for four tween to teens.

We'd fitted both mattresses with top and bottoms sheets, as well as comforters and pillows, and Mikey was the first to pile down and claim a spot in their nest.

"Whee, I like the air mattress best, Lam, you can sleep by me, okay."

Lam was all smiles as he piled down next to Mikey, and Bill and Peter soon joined them on the regular mattress.

Mikey was on the far edge, then Lam, Bill, and Peter on the other side. I didn't know if this arrangement would hold, but for now it seemed they'd claimed their spot for the night.

"Johnny and I are going to shower and get ready for bed," I told the four, "It's up to you whether you want to shower or not, and sleep in whatever you feel comfortable in."

The last part was mainly for Lam's benefit, since I knew that Mikey, and the brothers always slept in just their underwear.

As we left the room, I heard Mikey whispering something to Lam, but I couldn't make out the words from that distance. Johnny and I showered together, but we were good and didn't do anything more than wash each other's backs. We did get hard, as always, but we were saving ourselves for the bedroom, hopefully after the boys were asleep.

As we exited the bathroom, Mikey and Lam were waiting outside the door and I almost ran into them.

"Were you boys snooping?" I joked.

"Nope, just needa go pee, and we're gonna take a shower, together."

"Oh?" I said, looking over at Lam to make sure he was okay with that.

"Yes," Lam said, "save time, save water," he said grinning.

I laughed, "Well, okay. Enjoy your shower, boys...goodnight. Don't stay up too late, and keep the noise down, okay?"

"We will," Mikey said giving me a big hug, then hugging Johnny, "thank you for taking us to the fair, and for letting us sleep over."

"You're welcome, bubber."

"Yes, thank you," Lam said, surprising both Johnny and me by hugging  us as well.

After leaving the two to take care of their business, Johnny and I went in to say goodnight to Bill and Peter and discovered they were already down to their underwear. Both boys had really filled out over the last year and both were magnificent specimens of boyhood. Bill seemed to have blossomed even more so than Peter, and if the lump in his FOLs was any indication of the size of his boyhood, he was going to be above average in that area.

"Night guys," I said, having observed all this in just a few seconds.

"Night, Robert, and thanks." Bill said jumping up to hug me, then Johnny got his hug, "Thanks, Johnny."

"You're welcome," I assured him as Peter gave us a brief hug and thanked us as well, "sleep tight. See you guys in the morning. Keep the noise down, okay?" I said grinning.

"We will," Bill said grinning back, "but we're gonna have some...some fun."

"That's fine," I assured him, "I remember sleepovers with my friends when I was your age, we always had fun."

"Sexy fun?" Bill asked.

"You know?" I said dismissing his question with a wave, "night, guys," I said as I led Johnny back to our bedroom.

"Whew, a few more minutes and he'd have been describing in detail what they were going to do, or...making me describe in detail what we used to do," I laughed.

"Used to do?" Johnny chuckled, "still do, you mean."

"Yeah, but I mean, when we were kids. It all seemed so wicked and naughty back then. Like we were doing something wrong and getting away with it, and that made it seem all the more fun."

"Yeah, but think about it. Maybe our folks weren't as blind as we thought they were. Maybe they knew, but they didn't want to admit what we did. I mean, we know what these boys do, without them even telling us. Because, well...because we did it too. I don't think we invented that stuff," he laughed.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right, but I'm glad we didn't suspect our folks knew back then, it would have ruined everything."

Johnny laughed, "But I bet it wouldn't have stopped us from doing it."

"Nope, we were addicted to each other by then, still are. You're the one drug I crave, and I will never kick the habit."

"Aww, that's sweet," Johnny said taking me in his arms and kissing me gently, "I know we said we'd wait till it got quiet out there, but can we at least just snuggle and kiss?"

"Sure, but no touching my pee pee," I joked.

Johnny roared with laughter, "Your pee pee, when did you ever call it your pee pee? Not even when you were little. I remember: peter, dick, cock, and wiener, but never pee pee."

"Penis, pee pee, same thing," I said sticking out my tongue.

A short time later we heard Mikey and Lam emerge from the bathroom, then some talking and the sound of the bathroom door closing and the shower running again. I supposed one or both of the brothers was showering, which didn't surprise me. On their many overnights they'd always showered, often seeming excited at the prospect. I knew for a fact that they usually showered together, but whether for convenience or out of personal preference I didn't know.

The shower didn't last long, which I took to mean they hadn't done any fooling around, but I supposed they might be saving that for later, perhaps with Mikey and Lam joining in.

I knew from what Gerald had told me about Lam, that the boy had no qualms about sex with another male, but I didn't know how he'd feel in a group setting like this. However, I knew with Mikey to guide him along, he'd be able to make his own decision without pressure.

I was feeling tired now and with Johnny snuggled up against me, running his fingers through my hair I was finding it hard to stay awake. The last thing I remembered was Johnny kissing my lips before I succumbed to sweet slumber, and it was some time later when I awoke again.

It was eerily quiet when I awoke, the only sound the gently breathing of my lover beside me. I stretched and yawned, suddenly aware that I needed to pee. All that lemonade and soda I drank at the fair, I grumbled to myself, before reluctantly sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I sat for a moment, allowing my head to clear, then stood and padded out to the hallway. The bathroom door was open, the light off, so I knew it was unoccupied, which was a good thing as I really, really needed to pee in the worst way.

There was a little nightlight by the vanity, so rather than switch on the overhead light, I left the door open and did my business. I was just shaking off the last few drops when Johnny suddenly appeared, and without saying a word he took my place at the toilet while I washed my hands.

"Too much pop?" I commented.

"Yep," he said sleepily, "I wonder if the little devils are asleep yet, or still going at it?"

"Angels, you mean," I laughed, "seems to be quiet in there, so I'm betting they're passed out by now."

"Let's check," he suggested as he butted me out of the way to wash his hands.

"Hey," I chuckled, "don't be so rough, or I'll have to show you who's boss."

"Don't threaten me with a good time," Johnny laughed, "maybe later. Come on, let's peek in on the 'angels'."

As we got to the end of the hallway, we could hear soft snores coming from the boys, and once our eyes adjusted to the near darkness we could see them, a tangle of arms and legs as they snuggled together, like four pups in a litter.

"Aww," Johnny said softly, "how cute are they?"

"Very," I whispered, tears stinging my eyes, "do you think we were once that cute and innocent looking?"

"Yeah, we were," Johnny said with authority, "all boys are beautiful."

"I guess," I said, fondly remembering Donnie, Gerald, Ronnie, Jake, Roger and all the others.

"Wait," Johnny said suddenly. Then walking over to where the boys lay, he reached down to remove the sheet that partially covered the boys' bodies, only to reveal that beneath, all four boys were naked.

Johnny replaced the sheet, this time covering the four completely, then walked back over, all smiles.

"Little devils," I said as we headed back to bed, "I guess that means they all played together."

"I'd say so," Johnny chuckled, "can you imagine four horny boys getting together and not fooling around? I'd find that harder to believe."

"Yeah, I guess it's natural. It sure was for us, anyway."

"Now, I'm horny again," Johnny said pulling me into bed, "want to show me who's boss now?"

"Sure do," I said, surprising him by rolling over on top of him and pinning his arms to the bed.

Of course, Johnny could have easily reversed the move and overpowered me, but at the moment it was more fun to be dominated, and he let me have my way.

Needless to say, there was no pain inflicted, only pure pleasure, and when I'd brought him to a spectacular orgasm and swallowed all his seed down, he returned the favor.

As we fell back into slumber that night, I had a warm feeling of peace wash over me. Our life together had always been darn good, but now it seemed like it was damn near perfect.

We had good jobs, our own place, friends, family, and a bright future to look forward too. And best of all: we had Mikey, Lam, Bill, and Peter to remind us of who we'd been on our way to this place we stood in now. Maybe that was why we enjoyed spending so much time with the boys, maybe we were living vicariously through them. Reliving our childhood, while giving this new generation of boys the wisdom of our knowledge. No, we didn't invent sex, but we damn sure refined some parts of it.


End Chapter 32

Send all comments to: I welcome all feedback and promise a timely reply.


Kewl Dad


**A special thanks to my buddy Michael in NY for his much appreciated help with editing, story ideas, and illustrations.  Love ya buddy.

I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. An Old Friend

  8. At the Dike*

  9. Black Cock

  10. Boy Glory Hole

  11. Bullied

  12. Christmas Boy

  13. Christmas on the Street

  14. CL Cock Sucker

  15. Cory*

  16. Corey's Scent

  17. Cody's Christmas Wish

  18. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  19. DMV Boy

  20. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  21. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  22. The Family*

  23. The Ginger and the Chub

  24. Hair Salon Boys

  25. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  26. I Heart You

  27. Little Brother's Feet*

  28. Lost in Fear*

  29. Mars

  30. McChicken

  31. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  32. My Not so Miserable Life

  33. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  34. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  35. My 11th Summer*

  36. One Night

  37. Poindexter Files*

  38. Pride-Pride

  39. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  40. Rolo

  41. Second Chance for Love

  42. Six Black Boys*

  43. Skateboard Boy*

  44. Skateboard Christmas

  45. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  46. Sudden Family*

  47. Taking a Chance on Love

  48. The Athletic Supporter 

  49. The Family

  50. The Year I Learned toLove my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  51. The Reynolds Twins*

  52. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  53. To the Max

  54. Tracy*

  55. Trailer Park Christmas

  56. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  57. Tween to Teen*

  58. What a Dollar Will Buy

  59. Wild Wild West Again

  60. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)

Next: Chapter 33

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