Robert and Johnny

By Kewl Dad

Published on Jun 11, 2023


Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story Ch 29

The following is a work of fiction: Although it is based on actual characters and locations, the rest is purely fictional.  This story depicts sexual situations between males and females of various ages and, may include incest as well. If reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. © 2017-2023

Note from the author

This is the continuing story of Robert and Johnny, who first appeared in my short series: My 11th Summer. Although intended to be a simple stand alone short series, My 11th Summer was so popular, not only with my readers, but myself, that I decided to continue the saga in Tween to Teen. And now, as the boys finish High School and move on to College and their adult life, the final part of the saga begins. So, for those who have been following the story from the beginning, here is part 3 of the trilogy, which I am calling: Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story. Enjoy.

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 Robert and Johnny
The rest of the story
(Part three of the trilogy began in My 11th Summer, then Tween to Teen) By: Kewl Dad

Chapter 29


Rose Garden

POV...Mikey Warren, age 10.5.

I can hardly wait for my brother Robert and  his boyfriend Johnny to pick us up. My cousin Joe has been here since after breakfast and we've been playing with my dog Snoopy in the front yard. That way we won't miss Robert when he pulls up.

I hope he brings his new car, well, it's not new, new, but pretty close and it's so cool. It's green like those beetles you see sometimes in the summer and has this vinyl stuff on the roof and the dash looks like wood, only Robert says it's plastic made to look like wood. Only bad thing is, the seats are cloth and we can't eat anything too messy in there, but that's okay, I love riding in it next to my big brother.

Joe suggested we walk to the end of the block and we bring Snoopy along and he sniffs every tree and rock and pees like a dozen times. Why do silly dogs do that. Boy, I'm sure glad people don't do that, cause I'd be so embarrassed to whip it out and pee on everything, ha ha. Joe probably wouldn't mind, cause sometimes he does that in our yard, or his yard, cause he doesn't want to waste time going into the bathroom. One time he even did it at school on the playground, but it was behind some bushes by the cafeteria and no one but me saw his dick.

I'm calling it a dick now, not a wiener or dinker, or any of those kid names. My dad had a talk with me about sex, but it was the talk with my big brother and Johnny that really made things easier to understand.

I sort of got into trouble a while back because my dad caught me and Joe naked in my room, but Robert talked to my dad and I found out he wasn't mad, just embarrassed. I guess he didn't think his little boy knew about sex stuff yet, but Robert reminded him that he was about my age when him and Johnny figured that stuff out. So...anyway, from now on Joe and I are really careful and we always lock the door, except at his house he doesn't have his own room, so we mostly do it at my house, or in private places like the boxcar by the train station.

What do we do? Well, we've just started learning about this stuff, so it's pretty much just touching, jacking off, and sucks. The butt stuff seems too messy and serious for us, so we're leaving that for later, if we decide we want to do that. That's fine with me, cause truthfully, I'm not sure I want a dick up my pooper, ha ha.

We walk down Taylor street to the corner and peer down Graham street in the direction they will come from, but other than an old beat up pickup there's no traffic coming our way.

We start back up the street then, and I'll be danged if we don't see Robert's shiny Chevy Monte Carlo coming up the street from the other direction. They fooled us and came in the other way, up First Street, and we run toward my house as fast as we can, Snoopy nipping at our heels all the way.

We're out of breath as we hit the driveway and meet them at the car, but Snoopy doesn't seem tired at all and is jumping on Robert as he climbs out of the car.

Robert drops down and pets my pooch for a minute then stands up and gives both of us a hug and asks us where we'd been. After we explain he laughs and said, at least we got some exercise, and so did Snoopy.

Johnny comes around and gives us hugs next and then we go inside to talk to mom and dad. Mom fixes everyone a glass of lemonade and puts a plate of cookies on the table and the grownups talk while me and Joe pig out on cookies. It's boring, but worth it to get some of mom's cookies, and eventually I guess I'm looking bored or impatient and Robert takes the hint.

He hugs mom and dad goodbye, then Johnny hugs them, and we're ready to go. I'd already said goodbye to Snoopy when I put him in the backyard, with a fresh pan of water and some dog chow, so we were ready to go.

I'd been waiting all week for this day and now it was here and I couldn't wait to get on the road. Since all four of us couldn't fit up front, this time I rode in back with Joe. We sat on either side of the big soft seat so we'd be able to look out our window at all the neat stuff that went by, but we were still close enough to talk and stuff.

Robert tells us that it's about a 45 minute drive and when we get to Tulsa we are going to the zoo there. Yaa!, I say, cause I've been there before and it's really a lot of fun. Joe hasn't been and he's about peeing himself, asking me what kind of animals are there and what can we do there?

When I tell him about the little train you can ride, he bout goes nuts and I start to get excited too. Boy, this sure is going to be a fun day, and then tonight, well...Joe and I can have some sexy fun and not even have to be quiet, cause Robert and Johnny understand.

We finally make it to the zoo and Robert pays our way in and we start the rounds, saving the train ride till we get to the far side of the park, so we can ride back to this side instead of walking. Along the way we have hot dogs, big cups of pop, popcorn, and cotton candy, just like at the fair. Joe and I really aren't that hungry after all the cookies, but you know, we're boys, and we love to eat.

On the train, we fill one car, with Joe and I sitting facing Robert and Johnny in the other seat. We facing backward and it's really cool watching the scenery go by, especially the animals in their habitats.

Everyone agrees that we like the seals best, but the Polar Bears were pretty cool too. There was this momma bear swimming around with her baby bear in the big glass tank and it was so cute. I wanted to hug that baby bear, but Robert reminded me that even though he was cute, he was also a wild animal and could eat me...yikes!

It was about two o'clock when we left the zoo, but Robert had a surprise for us. The zoo is also part of a large park and there are trails and even a little lake where people fish.

Robert drove us to a spot where there was a little bridge going out onto a little island smack in the middle of this small lake, or pond, I'm not sure what you'd call it. Anyway, once we got across the bridge, there were trails leading all over the place and we saw a couple of guys wandering around like they were looking for something. Neither of them had fishing stuff, so I asked Robert what they were doing.

He said they were probably just exploring like we were, but the look he gave Johnny told me there was more to it than that. I didn't find out till later what they were really doing there, but when I did, I sure was glad Robert hadn't told me right then.

We did see one guy on the bank fishing and we stopped for a minute to say hi and see if he was having any luck. He was a black guy, like Tony, and was very friendly. I have never understood why folks thought black people were bad or whatever, and this one seemed very nice, just like Tony is.

We finally said goodbye and moved on, making a loop through the island and coming back to the bridge. We paused on the bridge a while and I saw fish in the water and Joe said he wished we had our fishing poles. Truth was, I don't like fishing all that much, but sometimes I go with Joe and his dad just to have something to do.

Back in the car, Robert asked if anyone wanted ice cream and we all screamed yes. We all screamed for ice cream...ha ha, so Robert drove us to a Dairy Queen. It was bigger than our DQ back home, but the ice cream was just as good, and there was plenty of room inside for us to sit and enjoy it.

We finally made it to Robert and Johnny's apartment about 4:30, and even though it had been a fun day, we were all tired by then. Robert suggested we sit down and rest and talk about our plans for the rest of the weekend, but somewhere along the way I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was laying in the bed in the guest room with Joe beside me and he was still asleep. There was a little bit of drool running down his chin and I giggled and wiped it off with the corner of the bedspread. I got up and peed, then went in to find Robert in the kitchen, but Johnny was nowhere in sight.

Robert asked me if I'd had a good nap, then he ruffed up my hair and laughed, calling it bedhead. He said Johnny ran to the store to get some ice and that we'd be having dinner in about an hour.

Joe came in after a couple minutes, and Robert laughed at his hair too and said it looked like he'd combed it with an eggbeater, ha ha. Boy, it felt so good to be with my big brother and having fun. Sure, I loved my mom and dad, but you know how grownups are? they're just not as much fun as kids.

Oh, I know, Robert and Johnny are technically grownups, but let's face it, they don't act like it most of the time. I mean, sure, they have jobs and pay bills and stuff like that, but they like to have fun too. And...they don't get all bent out of shape if me and Joe do stupid stuff, like getting caught naked.

Johnny came back then and we all sat around and talked till dinner time, which was meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, and green beans, which is my favorite vegetable. Even though we'd been eating all day, I was hungry and ate a lot, and so did Joe.

To be polite, me and Joe helped with the dishes and in no time flat we were done. Then we got another big surprise. Robert and Johnny were taking us to the River Park, they said to help walk off some of our dinner.

I'd been there before with Robert and Johnny, but like the zoo, this was new for Joe, and he was really excited about it. We parked in the 21st Street parking lot, then walked down to the river overlook and hung out a bit before heading south down the trail, which ran along Riverside Drive. Traffic flew along just a few feet from us at some spots, and occasionally someone on a bike would holler that they were passing us and whizz by on the left.

We walked all the way to 31st Street where there was another overlook, fountains, and a low water damn. And old railroad bridge had been converted into a pedestrian bridge and halfway there was a fishing place and two overlooks.

After checking out the overlook and using the bathroom there, we walked over to the pedestrian bridge and started toward the other side. In the middle, we stopped to check out the overlook and fishing place, which overlooked the low water dam. It was so cool, and Joe was going nuts just running around looking at everything.

We decided not to walk all the way across the bridge, cause it was getting dark by then and we were sort of tired. Instead, we headed back to the car,and by the time we got there we were ready to sit down.

Robert took us up Riverside Drive in the same direction we'd parked and showed us the other spots along the river. We didn't stop at any of those because we were still tired, and then Robert turned onto this highway and drove us back to the apartment.

Robert said me and Joe could have the bathroom first and we took a quick shower and put on clean underwear and brushed our teeth. Robert and Johnny were watching TV in the living room and when we came in, he laughed and said we really looked comfortable in just our underwear.

We plopped down on the couch then and Robert and Johnny went off to shower and get ready for bed too. Meanwhile, me and Joe watched TV and talked about all the neat stuff we'd done that day. We were starting to unwind some though, and pretty soon I figured we'd head to bed for some fun before we got some sleep.

When Robert and Johnny got back from their showers they were both wearing shorts, but no shirts, and I couldn't help but stare at their buff chests and flat tummies. I still had a little of what mom calls 'baby fat' around my middle, but Robert says it makes me even more adorable, whatever that means. Joe is a little older so his 'baby fat' is gone, except he does have a pretty cushy looking butt. I like touching it when we mess around and he touches mine too, but mine isn't nearly as cushiony as his.

So, me and Joe tell Robert and Johnny we're ready for bed and they walk us to the guest room and give us hugs and tuck us in. I don't know how most kids feel about hugs or tucking in, but when it's from my big brother and Johnny I hope I never outgrow it.

Robert's last words make me laugh. As he's going out the door he says, don't stay up too late, but have fun. Johnny laughs too, then takes Robert's hand and leads him out the door. Robert switches off the light on his way out, and now it's dark in our room except for a night light over by the door. It doesn't take long for our eyes to adjust, and without even speaking we take off our underwear.

Joe giggles as I roll into him, putting my hard dick on his leg, then I lean down and kiss him. It's not like the kisses Robert gives Johnny, but it feels good and causes my dick to tingle. Joe's mouth tastes like the minty toothpaste we used earlier, but Joe tastes good even without it.

We kiss and cuddle for a bit, rubbing around on each other, but pretty soon we're ready to start getting serious. I go first because I like to rest after Joe gives me my tingles. Joe doesn't mind going first, cause he knows I won't rush things and he'll get a really good come out of it.

Joe's dick is uncut, like me and Robert, and I really like the skin. It pulls back easily and all the way, exposing his shiny pink head, but he said that until he was about 8 it used to hurt to pull it all the way back. I don't remember ever having any problem with mine, but I exercised it a lot back then...ha ha.

I'm sure there are lots of cool things that we don't know about, but one of the things we've discovered is that if we pinch or suck on each other's nipples  they get  hard and feel good. Joe says that's why girls like getting their titties sucked and that always makes me laugh. I never thought of boy having tits, but we sure do, and they work a lot like girl's do, we just don't have those big bags with them.

Another thing we like to do is kiss each other in places that usually don't get kissed, like our tummies, sides, arm pits, and yeah...our butts. So far the kissing has been kept to the butt cheeks, but I've heard that some guys put their tongues in each other's buttholes, but Joe and I aren't that brave yet. I'd like to ask Robert about that, but I'm kind of embarrassed about the whole idea.

Joe spreads his legs to let me get to his nuts and I give them a licking too. Both of us are still hairless, so we don't  have to worry about getting hair stuck in our teeth, but I guess eventually we'll get hair and that might be a problem. I don't think it will stop us though, and we're kind of looking forward to what else that might bring, like sperms. We're not sure if we'll like the taste of them, but from what I've learned from other boys and Robert and Johnny, swallowing them is no big deal.

Joe is sort of humming now as I take his dick in my mouth and just suck on it like it's a Tootsie Roll Pop. With my hand I rub his nuts and flat stomach, then I get a wicked idea and push his legs up and rub his butt. He seems to like that a lot so, I move both hands under him and rub both cheeks at once.

Once or twice I get daring and let a finger graze his butthole, but I don't  try to goose him or anything. I know he's clean back there cause we showered and both ran soapy fingers up our buttholes like we always do.

I wish there was a way I could see Joe's cute butt as I suck him, but let's face it, my view is pretty much his stomach and balls at this point. I take him all the way in my mouth after a while and he starts moaning a little now, trying to keep it down so Robert and Johnny don't hear, but I know they don't care. In fact, they're probably doing some moaning of their own right now. Once or twice when I slept over I stood outside their door and listened, and let me tell you, they aren't very quiet when they make love...he he.

Joe whispers for me to stops sucking him and do his nipples and that means he was getting close and doesn't want to come yet. I like sucking his tiny little nipples, hard as nails and so soft in my mouth. I love the little sounds he makes when I suck on them and the way he runs his hands up and down my back or plays with my hair while I do it.

I think, no...I know, that I love Joe, but it's not like the love Robert and Johnny have. It's more like the love I have for my brother, and in a way Joe and I sort of grew up as brothers. Living so close and spending so much time together, we've naturally developed deep feelings for each other. I think the sex stuff has just made those feelings deeper and stronger and I can only guess what will happen if we ever go all the way. Still, I don't think we'll be lovers, just sex buddies, and I think that will be enough for both of us. I figure that someday we'll find someone else to love, maybe a girl, or another boy, but for right now what we have is great.

Joe raises his legs and wraps them around my body, then he pulls me closer and kisses me. I feel his tongue pushing at my lips and I open up and let it in, then give him my tongue back. This is called 'Frenching', and at first we thought it was kind of gross, but now we really like it. It always makes both our dicks really hard and tingly, like our tongues were connected to our dicks...ha ha. Well, they are sometimes, but that's different, if you know what I mean.

I guess Joe is finally ready to let me finish, cause he pushed my head down and I slide back down his body till I'm at eye level with his dick. It's still shiny from my spit and winking at me as the skin is pulled back a little, exposing that one eyed wonder worm...ha ha.

I stick my tongue out and lick the head and Joe moans again, then I take him in my mouth and start sucking like I did before, only this time I give it all I've got.

My hands roam his body again, and this time I let my finger go up his crack and rest on his butthole as I continue to suck. Joe squirms around, and at first I think he's trying to get rid of my finger, then I feel his butthole sort of suck my finger in and he sighs contentedly.

I take that as an invitation to go further and I let my finger slide in all the way and begin to pull it in and out as I suck. It feels weird, kind of hot and squishy, but I know it's clean, and I think I'm about as excited as he is. I don't get to do it long though, cause suddenly he cries out and his dick begins to expand and contract as he comes, and when he's done, he sort of poops my finger out and flops back on the bed.

I ask him if he's okay, and he says yeah, and that I gotta let him try that on me, cause it really feels good. I'm glad he's not mad, and excited to hear it was fun for him too, and I'm looking forward to him doing it to me. But first, I gotta wait for Joe to recover.

Joe doesn't rest long and he seems to be in a really horny mood as he starts in on me. He likes rubbing my chest and tummy and of course pinching and sucking my hard little nipples too. He kisses my ears and my face and we giggle. He has baby brothers and sisters and I see him do that to them sometimes and it makes me smile. He's such a loving little boy, and I'm so glad he's my cousin and that we get along so well.

Next, Joe moves down and blows raspberries on my belly button, just like he does with the babies, and we both giggle again. Sex with Joe is definitely fun. It's not just about getting that good feeling, it's getting there, and what comes along the way.

Tonight, he surprises me by doing something new. Sliding to the end of the bed, he picks up my right foot and sniffs it like a hound dog then gives it a long lick down the soul. I flinch, cause my feet are sensitive, but at the same time my dick throbs like it's connected to my foot.

I ask him to do that again, and he does, and this time he even sucks on my big toe. I ask him where he got that idea and he said his dad stuck his baby brother's whole foot in his mouth, and it was so funny, and he got the idea from him.

Well, I liked it and I guess Joe did too, cause he kept working on my feet for a while before he finally crawled back up and got to work on my dick and balls. Joe likes to use his tongue a lot, licking up one side and down the other, then pulling the skin down and licking all around the head before starting all over again.

That is almost enough to make me come, but when he finally puts his mouth over it and swallows the whole thing I'm grabbing at the sheets trying not to come too soon. He must sense that cause he backs off and begins licking my nuts, and I guess he's feeling really daring tonight cause next I feel his tongue going lower till he's licking that part Robert calls the taint. Taint balls and taint butt...ha ha.

I'm thinking about earlier when I had my finger up Joe's butthole and wondering if he is going to do the same thing for me, but I have to admit his tongue feels pretty good too. He can't quite reach my butthole in this position, and I'm not sure that's what he wants to do anyway, but just having him down there has my dick throbbing like crazy.

Then I feel his finger back there, and after a little fumbling around he finds my b-hole and just sort of rubs it. His finger is dry and won't go in, but I guess he figures that out cause he brings his finger to his mouth, and without sniffing it first or hesitating at all, he wets it in his mouth. Wow, I'm not sure I'd be that bold, but when he brings his finger back this time he slips in easily and I forget all that.

I tell him that feels really good, and please can he suck me now and he grins and goes at it like he's the one getting the good feeling. He saws his finger in and out as he sucks, and pretty soon I'm too far gone to hold back anymore. Crying out louder than I intended, I start to come and it's a big one. My butthole clinches around Joe's finger but I don't push him out and he continues going in and out with his finger till I finally flop back like I'm dead and he pulls out.

We lie there side by side for a minute not saying a word, then Joe asks me if I'm okay. I laugh and tell him I'm great, that what he did was great, and that next time I'd play with his feet too. He sighed like he was satisfied, rolled into me and gave me a kiss, then he said goodnight and rolled into his pillow.

Joe fell asleep pretty quick, but I had some thinking to do and I usually did my best thinking just before I fell asleep. The foot stuff was fun, but it was the butt stuff that really had me wondering what it would be like to have Joe's dick up there. Would it hurt, would it be messy? I knew I could ask Robert and he'd give me all the answers, but it was still a little embarrassing to talk to him about sex stuff. I knew he knew Joe and me messed around, but he didn't know how far we'd gone, and that was personal and private stuff. I mean, I didn't go around asking him and Johnny what they did in bed in private, even if I pretty much know they did it all. I'd  have to give it some more thought, I finally decided as I yawned real big, then before I could think anymore, I was asleep.


Sunday we slept late, but me and Joe did rub our dicks together and get a nice feeling before we finally got up and got dressed. Robert and Johnny took us to this pancake place called Ihop, yeah, I know, funny name, and I had pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, yummy. Joe had blueberry and we swapped bites, but I liked my strawberry better.

After breakfast, well, it was almost lunch time by then, Robert took us to this place called, Woodward Park, where there were all kinds of flowers, especially roses. We walked through these gardens, and there were flowers and fish pools and it was beautiful. It was a perfect way to end our visit, but then it was time to go home and I was a little sad.

On the way to Pryor, I thought about the butt stuff again and didn't talk a whole lot. Joe knows me by now and he don't push when I'm moody like this, and he talked to Robert and Johnny and kept them busy the whole time. He's a funny kid and had the two cracking up a lot, and I had to smile when I heard some of the stuff he comes up with.

At home, mom insisted Robert and Johnny stay for dinner, and I gave them my best pouty face and puppy dog eyes and they said yes. Joe had to go home cause his family was going somewhere, but that was okay. As much as I loved Joe, I didn't need to be with him every minute.

I was feeling pretty good by dinnertime and I told mom and dad all about the neat places we went, what we ate, what we watched on TV. Everything but what me and Joe did in bed...ha ha. I can just imagine how dad would react to that, and mom would probably faint.

Robert kept grinning at Johnny and I finally dropped my fork on purpose so I could bend down to see what was going on under the table, and sure enough they were holding hands and...they were both hard...he he. Boy, those two are worse than me and Joe. Just being together makes them  horny...or, maybe it's cause they love each other so much. I'm going to have to think about that one some more.

After dinner, mom put the dishes in her brand new dishwasher and we all went into the living room to watch TV and talk some more. Robert and Johnny didn't seem to be in any hurry to get home and I was sure happy about that. It might seem rude, but I squeezed in between them both, practically sitting on their laps, but they didn't seem to mind. They made room for me and I rested my head on Robert's shoulder as Johnny put an arm around both of us.

Mom said we looked sweet like that and dug out her Brownie camera and took some pictures of us. Those are not the kind of pictures I'd want the kids at school to see, but they were fine for the family. I hoped that someday when I was all grownup I could look at those pictures and remember just how great my life was growing up.

Around 8:30 mom insisted I take a shower and I didn't argue. Sometimes I wished I still took baths and that Robert and Johnny could help me, but I wasn't a little kid anymore. I was almost 11 and growing up fast, and things were changing. Some things I didn't mind, like my body growing and stuff, but I sort of missed the things I did as a kid. I know, I know, I'm still a kid, even at 11, but it's not the same. Some kids want to grow up too fast, not me. I like being a kid, and even though I have Robert and Johnny to show me what being an adult can be like, I still worry that all the fun will be sucked out of life once I grow up. Yeah, I know, I worry too much, but that's just how I am. In some ways I'm a lot like Robert, but in others I'm way different. Mom says I look like Robert, who looks like dad, but sometimes I think I'm more like mom in some ways. Oh, not that I feel like a girl, he he, but I'm sensitive, like her, and maybe not as tough as dad.

Robert says I'm perfect just like I am, and that every person is unique. He's told me about all his different friends and the things that made each of them unique and I can kinda see that, since I know most of em. Robert and Johnny are both different in some ways, but in the most important way they're exactly the same, they are so full of love, not just  for each other, but for all their friends and families. Heck, I'm getting all teary-eyed just thinking about them. I love them both sooo much, and I want to be just like them when I get older. Meanwhile, I'm still a kid, and I have a lot of growing up to do, whether I like it or not...ha  ha.

After my shower, I slipped on some shorts and a tee and headed back to the living room. Robert grabbed me and pulled me in and began sniffing me all over, causing me to giggle, then Johnny joined in, tickling my feet, and I thought I was gonna pee myself.

I expected mom or dad to tell them to settle down, but let's face it, they liked seeing me squirm too. Eventually, they stopped and Robert pulled me into his lap as he made a sort of oomph sound.

He said I was getting heavy, and commented to mom and dad that I'd grown at least and inch since I'd last slept over. Mom agreed and said that at my last checkup the doctor has said I was a little ahead of the average according to his growth chart. I wondered if that meant my dick size too, ha ha, but I didn't ask, and he didn't measure it anyway. I do know it's a little bigger than Joe's, who older, but not by much.

Well, all good things must end, according to adults, and so Robert and Johnny said they had to get going. It was almost 9:30 by then and they both had work the next day, so I understood and was just glad they'd stayed as long as they had. I got to stay up a half hour later because of it, but as tired as I was I knew I'd have no trouble sleeping once I hit the bed.

We said goodbye at the door and Robert picked me up and hugged me and kissed my face, then handed me to Johnny for more of the same. I think I did cry a little then, but I wiped the tears away before anyone could see. They hugged mom and dad goodbye and thanked them for dinner, then we watched as they climbed into their car. I stood at the door till their car disappeared down the street, then gave mom and dad a hug and kiss, thanked them for letting me go to Robert's for the weekend, then went to bed. And you know what? I was right, I didn't have any trouble sleeping that night.


End Chapter 29

This chapter is a little different. I had a request from my editor to do a chapter where Mikey and Joe messed around, and here it is. The two boys are learning and growing together and Mikey is beginning to wonder if he's different too, like Robert and Johnny. However, seeing them as examples of what being different is like, he's not too worried. As for Joe, he doesn't dwell on things quite as much as Mikey. Joe is an easy going kid, just like his dad, who takes as much fun out of life as it offers.

Send all comments to: I welcome all feedback and promise a timely reply.


Kewl Dad


**A special thanks to my buddy Michael in NY for his much appreciated help with editing, story ideas, and illustrations.  Love ya buddy.

Please pray for the people of Ukraine, and an end to Putin's War.  Also consider giving to one of the many charities providing food, shelter, and other assistance to the people of Ukraine.

I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. An Old Friend

  8. At the Dike*

  9. Black Cock

  10. Boy Glory Hole

  11. Bullied

  12. Christmas Boy

  13. Christmas on the Street

  14. CL Cock Sucker

  15. Cory*

  16. Corey's Scent

  17. Cody's Christmas Wish

  18. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  19. DMV Boy

  20. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  21. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  22. The Family*

  23. The Ginger and the Chub

  24. Hair Salon Boys

  25. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  26. I Heart You

  27. Little Brother's Feet*

  28. Lost in Fear*

  29. Mars

  30. McChicken

  31. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  32. My Not so Miserable Life

  33. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  34. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  35. My 11th Summer*

  36. One Night

  37. Poindexter Files*

  38. Pride-Pride

  39. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  40. Rolo

  41. Second Chance for Love

  42. Six Black Boys*

  43. Skateboard Boy*

  44. Skateboard Christmas

  45. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  46. Sudden Family*

  47. Taking a Chance on Love

  48. The Athletic Supporter 

  49. The Family

  50. The Year I Learned toLove my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  51. The Reynolds Twins*

  52. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  53. To the Max

  54. Tracy*

  55. Trailer Park Christmas

  56. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  57. Tween to Teen*

  58. What a Dollar Will Buy

  59. Wild Wild West Again

  60. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)

Next: Chapter 30

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