Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Jan 6, 2023


"Go on, Robby, hit 'SEND.' " I wanted Robby to do it himself. I wanted him to willingly take his life down one step farther into complete degradation and subservience. He was crying of course, but his dick was also rock hard and quivering like a stalk of wheat in the wind. Tears ran down his handsome face and dripped form his chin. He had not shaven in a few days and had that dark shadow that is so currently popular on dudes . His eyes looked red and tired. Some of his co-workers had remarked that he looked exhausted and confused. No wonder, he had been sucking dick and getting ass fucked pretty regularly. By pretty regularly, I mean sucking ten to fifteen dicks a day and taking five to ten cocks up his asspussy. And he knew that I intended for the number to escalate. I often go a bit easy on a boy at first. I set him up with friends of mine and guys I met at the party, as well as some of my buddies from gay bars around town. Robby was so cute and so compact and hunky, that he was instantly popular with guys who wanted to ride him. My only demands were that they ride him extremely hard!

Now, you have to understand, this was not easy for Robby. He had been a young, married, straight executive. He had been living a normal life when I picked him up at a local gym.

The clue that he had secret feelings of submissiveness was in the way he kept staring at my big fucking dick when I changed out of my gym gear. The faggot pussy practically fainted when I turned to face him sitting on the bench and stood with my fat fucker inches from his face. To say he was a pushover would not be stretching the truth.

Robby's finger moved to the "SEND" button. He lifted his sexy dark eyes to me and looked pleadingly into mine. "Do I have to, Sir?"

I didn't even deign his pea with an answer. I simply put a hand on his naked shoulder, slid it down across his well formed pec and took one of his nipples between two fingers and twisted.

Did I mention that I now kept Robby's nipples extremely sensitve with the application of sandpaper over the titty-tips. They were so sensitive he could hardly wear a shirt. That way, he thought me me all the time, even at work. Well, I now also made him keep a nice thick butt-plug up his ass at work. The discomfort made him keep me in mind. Anyway, as I twisted his tit-tip, I gently nodded, and he let out with a wonderfully pathetic sigh. The sigh made my dick jump in my pants. Right now, he felt like such a fucking loser. But he also felt alive and sexually turned on.

The source of the sigh and the "SEND" button consternation was a photo and video shoot we had just completed. I decided that Robby should try his hand at modeling. NUDE modeling.

I had two hunky pals of mine capture the session on video and with still cameras. Their pay was a nice cocksuck and ass fuck from Robby. I also had another "model" attend, but more about that later.

We filmed the whole thing at Robby's house for authenticity. Robby's wife had gone to visit her sister for a week, partly to relieve the tension building at home. I felt sorry for her. Her husband had not fucked her in weeks and constantly made excuses not only as to why he wasn't sleeping with her, but about where he went three or four nights a week. I would have to call it a marriage on the rocks. I had no desire to ruin a loving relationship, and I intended to see what I could do to save the marriage but still keep Robby's cute ass and cocksucker lips at my disposal. I would patiently explain to the wife that Robby still loved her, but that his ass and mouth and dick and balls, his entire body in fact, now belonged to me.

With her gone, we were free to use the house for our photo shoot. It gave the whole thing the flavor of reality. First we took some pics and shot some video of Robby in his underpants holding a sign saying, "I AM A FUCKING FAGGOT!" Of course, I made certain his face was in the shots. What good is a submissive's submission if his face is not showing? I have no time for or patience with young guys who write to me and send me photos with their fucking faces blurred or cut off. If a boycunt wants to submit...then he must willingly show his face.

He must place his security and safety in my hands. This was a bitter pill for Robby to swallow.

"Who will see these? What are they for? Do I have to have my face in them?" Questions, questions, questions. Of course, I didn't answer. You don't answer a faggot boy toy plaything.

"Smile at the camera, Robby!" I said instead. He stood there in tight white briefs, smiling and holding a sign that read, "I AM A FUCKING FAGGOT!" Yes, indeed, Robby had potential.

I then had him hold up a different sign...this one clearly stating his full name, his telephone number and his email address. He fought me on that, so we had to take a little break. I had Robby sit in a straight back chair and spread his legs wide. Then, I not so gently tapped his ball sack with a wooden ruler. I gave him a deep tongue kiss and said with a gentle but low voice, "Robby, you will do whatever I tell you to do. Do you understand that? Don't fuck with me Robby. You do what I say!" he sniffed back the snot running from his nose and nodded.

We returned to the photos shoot. Whenever Robby was defeated, he had the cutest way of slumping his shoulders. He looked so nice and humble and weak. I love it. It made my fucker rock hard and often leak a little. Robby told me he regretted that day in the gym when he first submitted to me. He told me it had ruined his entire life. I always smiled at that and wouldcalmly ask him why he hadn't simply walked away then..or in the weeks since. He had no answer for that. He knew he wanted to be dominated, controlled, fucked with! Many men live with that need buried inside of them for years, perhaps most of their lives. They never "smell the daisies," they never "taste the cock!" Robbie was tasting all the cock he could handle.

I had even gone so far as to show up at Robby's office at lunch time with two rough looking dudes I had picked up at a local bar. The three of us took Robby into the company Men's Room and had him suck their dicks right there in a stall. Fortunately for Robby, no one from his office came in while he was slurping prick, but two men from an adjoining office did.

Their eyes widened at the sight of myself and one of the muscular fuckers calming waiting our turn outside the stall while dick sucking slurping noises came from inside.

One of the businessmen looked at me indignantly, but I had long ago ceased fearing almost anyone.

"Want a turn?" I had calmly asked the businessmen. "He's a really good cocksucker."

"I'm going to report you to security..." the younger and braver of the two executives muttered. He was not a bad looking guy, maybe in his early thirties. I wouldn't throw him out of bed.

I stepped up to him, almost nose to nose and smiled.

"Either of you say a word about this to anyone, and You'd better look over your shoulder every fucking night when you go home!"

"Let's get out of here Pete, " the older man said and left before I could stop him. Pete made to follow but stopped when I called his name.

"Pete, you came in her to piss. So why not do what you set out to. There's the urinal. Go on, have a nice piss."

The longer I looked at young Pete, the more I wanted to eat him alive. I have a thing about good looking, clean cut young businessmen.

"I''ll come back later," he said in a light, kind of shaky voice. "No, Pete, you will go over to the urinal, and you will piss now!" I heard a grunt from inside the stall as my buddy unloaded in Robby's mouth. Little Robby was guzzling sperm.

Pete hesitate a moment longer. I do not like hesitation. I took one step in. He quickly moved to one of the urinals and unzipped. He was so nervous he couldn't piss at first.

"Relax, Pete. Take a piss and go back to work." I moved up nearer to him. He fingered himself, and then I heard the piss hit the porcelain. It was a good strong spray, indicating a nice wide pisshole. "Take a step back from the urinal, Pete, and let me see your pisser! Let me see your pissing dick."

"Come on, man, that's disgusting. Look, do whatever you want to do, but leave me out of it."

I placed two fingers on the back of young Pete's neck, noticing the perfect line of his hundred dollar haircut, and I just squeezed a tiny bit.

"Come on, man, step back from the urinal and let me get a look at your pissing dick!" A tremble went through Pete, I could feel it. Then he stepped back one step, his golden pee arcing up and hitting the white urinal wall. "Take your hands away from your pisser, so I can see it clearly." He removed his hands to reveal a beautiful, hefty, circumcised piece of fuckmeat.

"That's nice Pete. Real nice. Tell me, Pete, are you married?" He didn't answer but nodded. "How long have you been married?"

"Two months!" He said in a very small voice. The piss flow was growing less. In the stall, Robby was working on my other new friend. I could hear the slurping of his cocksucking.

"Ah, a newly wed...I'll bet you fuck the bitch a lot, don't you?" I could feel him bristle at my derogatory name for his new bride. I meant it as no dis-service. Bitch is a name I often use for both men and women. He didn't answer. I lowered my hand and cupped the cheek of his ass. He really tensed up then. "I asked you a fucking question. Do you fuck your new bride a lot with that meaty dick of yours?"

" guess."

I had to laugh. " You guess. You guess you fuck your bride a lot...but you're not sure?" He spun on me, tucking his penis into his pants.

"Look, leave me the fuck alone. Just leave me alone!" He snapped. Oh, I'll bet he was a jock in high school. I'll bet he scored lots of pussy there.

I reached in and grabbed him by the lapels of his expensive suit. "Did I say you could put your dick away, Pete? Did I?" His eyes widened and he shook his head. I could see his lower lip trembling. "Take your dick out again and take your balls out too!" "ZIP!!!! OR RATHER UN-ZIP!!!"

And there he stood, the handsome young businessman who had just happen to walk into the washroom at the wrong time. There he stood with his fat, meaty young dick and his sizable nuts hanging outside of his expensive suit. The timing was perfect. I heard my friend in the stall groan and shoot his load into Robby's mouth. Robby was having a nice lunch. But even when Robby did not suck dick in the bathroom for lunch, I made sure he had a good lunch. I often had him eat sandwiches covered with a nice thick layer of my buddies' sperm. I wanted Robby to always have the taste of fuckslop in his mouth.

"That was great. Here, lick my dick clean, " my friend in the stall said to my cock pig. "When you're through, drag the cocksucker out here, will you?" I then asked my other friend to go into the hallway and watch to make sure the older businessman didn't return with security. Robby was dragged naked into the middle of the washroom. I always made him get naked to suck dick. It made him feel more humiliated, more degraded. He was currently wearing his cockcage, and strings of pre-fuck hung from it. I couldn't stop the little pig from leaking.

"Now, Pete, I don't know if your lovely new bride sucks cock or not, but how would you like a really good cocksuck from this faggot pig?"

Robby looked up, blurry eyed, with cum coating his lips and dripping from his chin. I saw recognition in his eyes. "Pete?" he said.

I had to laugh long and hard. The two knew each other! Turns out they played squash and sometimes had lunch.

"Robby, what the fuck are you...?" Pete was dumbfounded.

"Pete, Robby, you two know each other. Great. Pete, how would you like to have Robby here suck your dick?"

"This is disgusting!" Pete spat and turned and made for the door. He got exactly two steps. I grabbed him and slammed him up against the towel dispenser.

"You do not want to make me angry, Pete. I like you. Do not make me angry." I pressed one forearm across his throat. "Now, you never told me, does your new bride suck your dick?"

Pete squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced. I applied just a bit more pressure. ", she doesn't like it."

I made a pouty mouth. "Oh, Pete, poor, poor Pete, doesn't get his cock sucked? You have to teach her, Pete. Be gentle but firm! A good wife sucks her husband's dick every day. Your friend Robby sucks dick every day. Tell you what. Since you two work near each other and seem to know each other...what if Robby sucks your dick every day for you? Then you wouldn't have to pressure your new bride. Robby will be glad to suck your nice big fat meaty fucker for you every day. Right Robby?"

"Don't do this to him, please..." Robby moaned, cum dripping from his chin. Robby was playing the hero, trying to protect his newly married friend.

"Robby does whatever I tell him to do. He will suck your dick every fucking day, Monday through Friday. And if I hear that you skip even one day, you will be very sorry! Do you understand? To re-enforce my statement, I grabbed Pete's nice hefty scrotum and squeezed.

"I don't want...I don't want..." Pete stuttered, totally freaking out.

"You don't know what you want, Pete. And you don't know what is good for you. Now just step over here and let Robby slobber all over your beautiful full fat fuckmeat. And Robby, Pete is a special friend of yours, so do an extra-special job on him, okay? Make sure to lick his balls really well, get down under the sack where the sweat gathers. Give him the blow job of his life."

Well, Robby was now sucking Pete's dick every day. I had taken some photos of them in action. I am afraid Pete was basically a one load a day boy, so he didn't have as much sperm left for his new bride as he wanted to have. He did miss a few days, trying to test me, I guess, so I showed up at his work and just smiled and said hello. Next day, Pete was back on schedule feeding Robby his baby batter at lunch. I actually think it brought Robby and Pete closer together, and I began to formulate some plans for the two and the fun we could have.

"Lift and spread your legs, Robby. Spread them as wide as you can so your balls and asshole clearly show in the photos. Make sure his face is in every shot! Smile at the camera, Robby. Now get up on all fours, ass toward the cameras. Put your shoulder down on the bed and reach back and spread your ass cheeks as wide as you can! Turn your head so we can see your face. Oh, Robby, baby, who'd a thought a month ago that you would be doing something like this, huh? Who would have thought. Show us more asshole. Spread those ass globes wider. Can you get closer to the asshole and still keep his face in the shot. I want folks to see how well fucked his asshole is. Look at those swollen ass lips. Okay Robby, lift one leg now, like you were a dog pissing. Lift one leg and show us your dangling fucker and sack. Smile at the camera, Robby. Oh yes, Robby. Now some nice shots of you masturbating your dick. Don't cum, you know you are not allowed to..but really flog that fucker for us...pump it good. Great...look at that meat drip!

"Now, Robby, I want to introduce you to Leroy." Leroy was a six-foot seven inch muscular black giant with a twelve inch dick. "Say hello to Leroy, Robby!"

Robby looked at the amazing fucker on the negro and swallowed and trembled. "Hello, Leroy..." he said in a little boy voice.

"Cunt!" Leroy responded. That's one of the reasons, I like Leroy so much.

"Now, here's what I want. I want some nice close-up photos of Leroy resting the huge head of his monster dick on your tongue, Robby., okay? I want some clear shots of Leroy's pre-fuck running down your tongue into your mouth. Oh by the way, Robby, to thank Leroy for doing this photo shoot with you, I told him he could fuck your ass. I hope you don't mind." Ha! Robby gave one of those sexy totally defeated looks. He knew that Leroy's cunt-buster was going to hurt like hell and churn up his guts.

The photos were excellent. You could clearly see Robby's face, and it looked so darling with the leaking head of a huge black dick resting on his extended tongue.

And what about the "SEND" button incident? What was that all about? I'm afraid you will have to wait until next time to learn about that!

Next: Chapter 6

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