Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Jan 5, 2023


Robby looked really cute. He was totally naked of course, except for his costume for the event. What was the event? A cocktail party at a swank New York Penthouse, hosted by a friend of mine in the Arts. All of the guests were gay men into exploring what I would call "the darker side of sensuality." There were writers, visual artists, actors, theater and film directors, dancers and musicians both rock and classical. Many of the older gentle men had their current boy toys with them. The boy toys were mostly hunky young men trying to sleep their way to the top. What does Shakespeare say? "God grant us wisdom that have it, and those that are fools, let them use their talents." I fear I am paraphrasing here, so those of you are into the Bard, check "Twelfth Night." The party was black tie...except for the gorgeously ripped bartender who was topless...and Robby.

Robby had not yet made his entrance. I was grooming him in an upstairs bedroom. He was naked as I said, except for a bow tie and a black ribbon tied around his fat dick.

He was shaking pretty badly. "Please, Sir. I can't go out there like this. Please. Don't do this to me." This had become a kind of mantra for him. With each new indignity, each new humiliation I heaped upon him, he pleaded over and over for me to be lenient. He knew inside that leniency was not part of my game. Not part of OUR GAME. After all, he was a player in the game. He was the submissive. He had allowed me to control him. He pretended that he had not. He pretended that I somehow I had forced him into our relationship, but in truth, the only force I had used was my control of his sexual desire to be dominated. He may have been masquerading as a young up and coming businessman, as a handsome married straight man, as a clever young dude, but in reality he was a cocksucking ass fucked submissive pig boy who would do anything I told him to.

Yes, there were times he balked...many times, and I had to use some persuasive force like a cattle prod to the nuts or a ruler spanking on his erect fucker, but the fact that his fuckmeat was erect almost all the time he was with me (except of course when it was safely enclosed in his cock cage) proved just how much he got off on the abuse. And as far as I was concerned, the abuse was just starting. I had plenty of games still in mind for my sweet, cute, hunky little fuckpig.

So here he was in this upstairs penthouse bedroom, naked as the day he was born except for a bow tie and ribbon, digging his toes into the plush carpeting, sweating, his lower lip trembling, his eyes filled with tears and his chunky young man dick so swollen it looked ready to explode.

"What do you mean, don't make you do this? Of course I am going to make you do this. THIS IS FUN, FUCKFACE! You are going to serve snacks and treats to the guest. You are going to move among them with a tray filled with canapes and a smile on your face. You are going to let them touch you in any way they please. The only thing you may not do is cum!

The guests may pump you, but you must warn them that you are not allowed to shoot your load. I know this is not easy for you, as you will be the only totally naked man in the entire room of almost fifty guests. Many of the guests will think you are some kind of hired street hustler. Some may take photos of you. But that shouldn't worry you too much. After all, the internet is filled with photos of when you danced at the bar last week. You are becoming quite famous. That is because you are so fucking cute. "

"I'm going to lose my job. Someone at the firm will see one of those photos, and I will lose my job." His voice had a slight quaver to it that was charming. I love it that when he was stressed and he gulped in air, his pecs rose and fell, showing off his nice pouty tits. I had been working on his nipples for a few weeks and they were now much larger and more prominent than before. They were not like pencil erasers yet, but soon would be. I had also been working on the nipple tips with sandpaper, so that it was almost intolerable for him to wear any kind of shit. Of course, he had to wear a shirt at work all day, so he was pretty much in agony. I felt that it would remind him of me...even at work.

"Oh God," he moaned, shifting from one bare foot to the other, causing his nice fat beribboned dick and his full young scrotum to sway a bit.

"There is nothing to worry about, Robby, you look real cute! You ass is so smooth and shaved so nicely. Your dick looks nice and full and heavy, and your tits are perky. Remember to stick your tits out when you offer men your snacks. Stick your tits out like you are some cheap whore! And remember to stand with your legs apart slightly so your balls hang free.

And push those ass globes out in the rear. Be proud of your best qualities. Okay?" I smiled and patted my boy on the cheek. He gave one last sob, as I opened the door and the noise from the party downstairs filled the bedroom.

THE NOISE QUICKLY ABATED AS ROBBY DESCENDED THE STAIRS. Heads turned, eyes widened, mouths gaped, and some men even applauded. Robby was so shaken up, his legs almost couldn't support him. He had to hang on to the bannister. There were some real celebrities in the crowd...some major actors...and that somehow made it even worse for Robby.

For some reason, when you are naked in public, so I hear, it is your bare feet that make you feel the most vulnerable. More so than the dick and balls and ass. I don't know why. The bare feet somehow humble you, so I hear. All those shiny patent leather shoes and expensive Italian loafers, and poor little Robby was barefoot. And bare assed. And bare dicked!

My friend the host sauntered over with a large silver tray of delicacies and handed it to our bare assed boy. Having to hold the tray, Robby could not cover his fuckmeat. Not that he would dare do that anyway. He would not dare embarrass me in front of my friends and my friends' friends. The old men salivated and the boy toys glared, as

Robby moved into the room of black tuxedos and evening dress. They actually made way for him. Some stepped back to get an over all picture, while others leaned down to focus on the boy's fucker and nuts. A few discerning men looked at his cute face. His eyes were filled with terror. He smiled a totally artificial smile, showing off his even white teeth between his cocksucker lips. I wondered what his lovely wife would think if she could see him now. Poor dear, she knew something was up. He had been totally distant from her for weeks now. For her own sake, it was time I had a chat with her about her husband the cocksucker and assfuck pig. It wasn't fare of him to keep her in the dark about his new life. I had kept him in a dickcage so he could not fuck her. I was actually contemplating offering to fuck her myself, so she had some pleasure. I would allow Robby to watch of course. I has set up a meeting with her for the week after the party at which Robby was serving canapes.

"I'm a bit concerned about his ball sack," my friend Jack said, reaching down and tugging on Robby's scrotum. Robby twitched and jerked.

"Hold the fuck still when a man handles you, Robby!" I barked at him. Robby froze, but looked terribly uncomfortable. Jack put his hand under the nuts and hefted them.

"His nuts don't seem like they swing very much." Jack said.

"Robby, spread your legs wider and swing your nuts for my friend." A group of five or six men, all in tuxedos gathered around my naked fuck toy. Robby looked at me pleadingly.

I gave him a stern look and he crumbled. He spread his legs and moving his hips he swung his ball sack back and forth. His dick of course flopped around as well.

"You see what I mean...there's not much swing to the sack. The nuts don't hang low enough." Jack tapped the scrotum with his hand, and Robby winced.

"I know what you mean, Jack. We are working on that. Robby hangs weights from his nuts every day. Wait until next month, you'll see. His fucksack will hang half way down to his knees. I promise you."

"He's got a nice fucker on him. You aren't still letting him fuck his wife with it, are you?"

"I'm thinking about letting him fuck her once a month, if he is a real good boy for me."

Jack shook his head and laughed. "That's the trouble with you. You are always too kind to your boys. You let them get away with murder. A piece of shit like this should be milked once every two months and never allowed to fuck cunt."

"Let's see his asshole..." someone I didn't know said.

"You heard the gentleman, Robby. Put down your tray and reach back and spread your ass cheeks!"

"I can't. I can't do this..." Robby sobbed. That brought chuckles from some of the guests. But not from me!

"You fucking cocksucking Cunt. Don't you dare embarrass me in front of my friends. When I tell you to spread, you spread! Now, show your fuckhole!"

Robby's hands were trembling so badly, he lost the grip of his smooth muscular ass cheeks twice, but finally he was able to spread properly and reveal his puckered pink asshole.

Of course all the hair had been shaved and plucked from around the pussy. The ass lips were a bit red and swollen from the recent fuckings I had given him. And also from the objects I made him fuck into his rectum for my pleasure. Tears rolled down his handsome face, as he bent over, holding his ass open for all to see.

And so it went for an hour or so. Robby moved through the room and was fondled and stroked and pumped and pinched. Meanwhile, I caught the eye of a nineteen year old would-be actor with flashing eyes and a hot body and a very fuckable face and ass. He was the boy toy of a producer who happened to be a friend of mine and who was also very liberal. He gave me permission to fuck Trey. What a fucking fake name...Trey. I led Tray into one of the spare bedrooms. I was not by any means the only one intending to fuck at the party. Some of the celebrities were stripped bare assed and fucking the young actor meat right there in the living room. But I had special plans in mind...not so much for Trey, but more for Robby!

I told Trey to strip naked. He looked at me with dreamy, druggy eyes and smiled. I slapped him and told him he had ten seconds to get his fucking clothes off. That got him moving.

I went back into the party and pried poor humiliated Robby away from the three men who were groping and fondling him. I led a relieved Robby into the bedroom. Trey stood there all buff and bronze with a dripping hard on. He was used to getting sucked off by older men.

"I'm going to fuck your ass!" I told Trey. He did a double take.

"I don't really get into that. I mean, it's not my thing. You can suck me if you want..."

I slapped him again, twice this time. He didn't know what to do. "Hey, dude...stop that. That's not right." He held up a hand.

"If you want a career in this town, bend over that arm chair and spread your ass for me." That was as blunt as I could put it. Robby just stood there dumbfounded.

Slowly Trey turned and presented his remarkable ass to me. He bent over the back of the chair and reached back and spread his ass cheeks.

"You gonna use a rubber?" he asked.

"Of course not! "

"Some lube?" he sounded scared, really scared.

"Of course. Robby, suck his ass to lube him up!" Robby was speechless. He shook his head from side to side, his eyes wide with fear and horror.

"Robby, suck his ass to lube him up. I will not tell you again. And get your tongue as deep up his asshole as you can."

Robby knelt behind the dirty blond actor. Trey's balls hung low and swung, like Robby's soon would. Robby brought his face close to the asshole and then pulled back. He looked up at me once more, his eyes begging for a reprieve. I gently too the back of his head and forced his face into the young actor's ass. Robby made a slight gagging noise, so I slapped the back of his head for being impolite. Robby began reluctantly to lick at the corrugated ass lips of the teen. I went around and kissed Trey on the lips. He had a good mouth and a sweet taste.

"Deeper. Robby. My dick is going up there, so lube him up nice and deep. Get your tongue into his rectum!" I heard Robby's heavy breathing as the tongued and sucked the nineteen year old asshole. Soon the boy was dripping saliva from his bum. I stripped naked and gave a few pumps to my already hard and leaking dick. Robby's eyes went right to my cock. He was such a fucking dick hound. "Okay, Robbo, lube my dick up!" I fucked my leaking prick into Robby's mouth. He now sucked my cock two or three times a day, so his mouth was a second home. Me didn't just suck, he hungrily made love to my fuckmeat. He wanted it and needed it. And he was willing to degrade himself to get it. When my fucker was wet enough, I pulled it from Robby's mouth and shoved it roughly up the kid's asshole. Trey howled so loudly, I'm sure others at the party heard.

"Please, man, I'm not used to this. I don't get fucked!" What a fucking stupid thing to say. "I don't get fucked!' Then what the fuck was six inches of my dick doing up his rectum?

And I still had more than a couple of inches to go. I insist on fucking balls matter what age the hole is. I grabbed his slender tan hips and pushed more fucker into him. He grunted and threw himself over the chair. His hands grabbed at air. I fucked him that way for about fifteen strokes...then I pulled out. My cockhead made a plopping sound as it pulled free from his shithole. This boy was no virgin, but he hadn't been fucked that often, I could tell. But now, the reason I had set up this game. You see...this entire event wasn't for Trey...and it wasn't even for me. It was for Robby!

I turned and faced Robby, my rampant prick covered with spit and cock slop and fresh ass juice. Streaks of brown slime covered the prick stalk.

"Okay, Robby...clean off my dick!" The stupid fucker nearly collapsed. He couldn't believe what I had just said. His face was so cute as he tried to work it out. In his mind, no human being would ask another person to do such a filthy, perverted, disgusting thing.

"Robby you have five seconds to get my dick into your mouth, or you will be sorry!" I didn't wait. I grabbed Robby by the ears and slammed my filth covered fucker into his mouth.

Now the young man did choke and chortle. He gagged as I fucked his face, and snot and backup ran from his nose. His eyes bulged as I skull fucked him.

"Here, let's make this easier." I dragged Robby over so his face was next to Trey's ass. Then I fucked my dick hard into the young actor's ass again. It made a kind of "squish!"

Trey groaned. I fucked the ass for twenty strokes, then pulled out and slammed my fuckmeat into Robby's mouth again, transferring more ass slime into the boy's facehole.

Robby was almost delirious. His mouth hung open like a manhole minus the cover. I fucked from mouth to ass and back to mouth again, over and over for the next fifteen minutes.

Finally, I shot a huge load up Trey's ass. He cried, as I did, that it wasn't safe...Ha! After Trey's nice tight rectum had milked out all of my baby batter, I pulled the dick from the stretched nineteen year old asshole and turned to Robby to have him clean me off. I mean, it's a boy 's job to see that his Man's fuckmeat is spotless.

Robby made a horrible face, but licked the ass juice and cum off my wilting dick. He got to lick up a few dribbles that leaked from the gaping pisshole.

"And now, Robby, a special treat. You get to suck my cum out of Trey's asshole! Just think how lucky you are. Someday, when Trey is a famous actor, you will be able to say, 'I sucked cum out of his just fucked asshole!" I made Robby lie on his back and had Trey squat over his face. Then I instructed Trey to squeeze like he was taking a shit, and I told Robby at the same time to suck on the boy's sore just fucked asshole. My God, Robby looked swell that way. So swell, I just had to get some photos. Trey understandably didn't want his face showing in any photos, as he was someday to be famous. Big fucking deal! It was quite obvious that Trey was only good for one thing in life...and only moderately good at that.

Robby on the other hand was proving to be a first class submissive. I truly believed now that I could take him down to any level I wanted. There was no limit to the disgusting things I could do to him and with him.

Next: Chapter 5

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