Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Robby was quite nervous, understandably so. Well, nervous and scared. Understandably so. He had on the least clothing of anyone in the back room behind the teeming gay bar. Everyone except Robby was fully dressed. Robby was wearing his costume. I had picked it out especially for him, and I thought it was quite attractive. Robby was less enthusiastic about it. This was understandable I suppose, as Robby was a young, conservative, married businessman of naturally shy demeanor, and the costume was nothing more than a mesh sock that fit over the young man's ample penis and scrotum. One could pretty much see through the mesh. The wrinkled pink dick meat and full fleshy ball sack could clearly be seen through the material in all of it's male glory. I had tried to encourage Robby as much as possible by telling him how handsome he looked, and that he should be proud of his fucker and sack.

Robby wasn't buying it. He moaned and whined and even cried quite a bit, begging me not to make him do this. He'd never even been in a gay bar, much less have to perform in one. I was introducing my young stud toy to new experiences. For the event, I had removed Robby's cock cage, so his fat fuck meat hung full and heavy in the the red mesh pouch.

"You've taken over my life. My marriage is on the rocks. You do disgusting, obscene things to me. But you can't make me do this in front of other men. You can't display me in public this way!" Tears welled up and overflowed from his eyes, running down his handsome young face. I took his jaw in my hand and turned his face toward me. Then I spit in it.

"Look. Robby, you got yourself into this yourself. You are a natural submissive, face the facts. You were trolling the gym eating up the eye candy. You were dick sniffing when I found you. You don't want to admit it, but being with me is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you in your life. Down deep inside, you crave a real man to humiliate and degrade you. It turns you on. It gives your worthless, boring life meaning."

He shook his cute head. "That's not true." But looking into his sexy eyes, I could see that he knew it was. Robby was never cut out to be a husband or father. He was cut out to be a fuck slave pigboy to a real man. It was his destiny, and I was helping him achieve it. I now carefully controlled his limited sex life with his wife. In fact, I had set up a meeting to discuss with her how Robby would no longer be able to perform the sexual functions of a normal young husband. I had no objections to them living together and loving one another, as long as she understood that Robby's dick, balls, asshole and mouth belonged to me. As long as she understood that Robby would do everything I ordered, when I ordered it. I had not yet had the meeting with the wife, but it was pending. Before I straightened out (or kinked up) his home life, I still had a bit of work to do with my toy. I needed to "break" him a bit more. He needed to realize that he no longer had any self-esteem. That he belonged to me, body and soul.

His arm reached out and his hand grabbed my wrist tightly. "Please...please, Sir, don't make me do this." I smiled and worked his hand free of my wrist. I patted his cheek.

"Robby, this is nothing compared to some of the things you are going to do for me. Come on, boy, you have to get used to the idea that you belong to me now. You have no will of your own. You are my toy to play with as I see fit." I reached out and took one of his pouty nipples between thumb and forefinger. I worried the nipple nub until it stood out from Robby's smooth, nicely developed chest. "You have to go on next, so let's fluff you up a bit." I reached down and took the fat mesh covered dick and balls in my hand. I lifted and rolled the large nuts, then I fingered the fleshy fuck tube. Robby had not been allowed to shoot a load in some time. I had masturbated him to the point of orgasm but not allowed him to cum. So, it didn't take much to get the fuckmeat at least half hard. It pushed out mesh dick sock. Robby looked down in horror.

"I do hope nobody from your office or your church is here tonight." Robby let out a groan. "Still, if they are, they've got a secret too, so I'm pretty sure you're safe." i ran my hand over the nicely shaped globes of Robby's young, smooth assmeat. 'You have a beautiful ass, Robby, a prize winning ass. In fact in a few weeks, I am going to enter your ass in a 'BEAUTIFUL BOY ASS CONTEST!' I think you stand a good chance of winning. Of course, if you don't win, you'll have to be punished for letting me down."

Robby's entire body trembled. He swallowed over and over as if he was dehydrating. His fingers trembled and he shifted weight from one large well formed naked foot to the other. Just a few weeks before, he had been a happy, normal married young up and coming executive, and now he was the fuck toy and pig slave of a man he barely knew. Life can take us on strange and mysterious journeys sometimes. I eased a finger down the young man's ass crack and rubbed his asshole. He tensed even more. There were other people in the room. 'Yes, Robby, I think you stand a good chance of winning the "BEAUTIFUL BOY ASS CONTEST.' You have such nice smooth firm ass cheeks with such a nice deep cleft between them. You know they judge boy ass partly on the depth of the ass crack. They also judge on the beauty of the actually asshole itself. They want to see a nice elastic, well puckered set of ass lips, and although I have been fucking your ass pretty regularly and opening you up on an almost daily basis, I feel your hole is still nice and tight. By next year, your hole will be a stretched out mess, so this is the year to enter you in the contest, don't you think?"

His mouth actually hung open in awe, as I spoke. "I can't believe you are saying this to me. I can't believe you are serious!"

I grabbed his nuts and squeezed. " I detect a distinct note of disrespect in your voice, young man. You will be seriously punished for that. " He was so fucking cute...darling really. He was well built but not tall. He had a compact, smallish frame. And he wore glasses, which for some reason really turned me on. "Robby, I swear to God, if you embarrass me out there, I will not forgive you. You will be one sorry cocksucker. I have friends out there in that crowd, so make me proud."

"But...Sir," he said, crying now like a baby, "I don't know how to dance. Not like this!"

"We practiced at my place, didn't we? You bump and grind and give them lots of cock and balls and ass. You show them how talented a boy of mine is! I'll be right at the front of the stage area to cheer you on. If you get scared, tell yourself you're doing it for me!"

A voice blared over the loud speaker as the dance mix died down. "And now Gentlemen, a brand new dancer. A young businessman who knows his business. He's married to a lovely cunt, but wants to give all he has to you dudes out there! How about a nice round of applause to Robby!" I had to laugh. Robby's legs gave out. He slumped right down onto the floor. Do you have any idea what a hundred men applauding and screaming sounds like? And many of them were yelling obscenities like, "COME ON COCKSUCKER!"

Robby looked up at me a terrified expression on his handsome face. It gave me an instant hard on. "Up you go boy. Make me proud." I pushed him through the curtain and then hurried down the steps at the side to stand at the front of the raised disc-like stage. Robby stood there in his red mesh pouch, blinking in the glare of the bright spot lights. It looked to me like he was still crying, but it only make him appear sexier. The guys in the room erupted in cheers. The music started, and slowly...oh, so slowly, Robby began to dance. One thing about my boy, he came through when push comes to shove. He did what I told him to do. Oh, he resisted from time to time, but eventually, he always complied.

Robby twisted and turned his small, compact smooth body. I kept him shaved now, everywhere except for a tiny prick patch above his dick. As he moved, the red mesh pouch and its contents bounced and swayed. I could see the deep humiliation and embarrassment in his eyes. I could sense the feeling of total helplessness he felt. It made my dick leak in my pants. Robby's will was bending more and more to mine. He was becoming nothing but a sex toy for me. And he was sensing that it was somehow "as it should be."

"More, Robby, give them more. Show them your ass!" I yelled to my boy over the music. Robby looked confused, like that deer in the headlights. He turned and presented his bare naked ass to the hundred screaming men in the room. He moved his hips to the music as I had taught him to. I had given him extremely obscene moves...moves that made him look like a bitch in heat. The truth is, he was too fucking scared to do a really great job dancing, but he was young and hot enough to make up for it in other ways. The guys in the audience could sense his total innocence, and that turned them on. There is nothing like 'fresh meat' to appease the hungry male animals in a gay bar at two in the morning.

"Spread your ass cheeks, Robby. Show them your hole!" He frowned, shook the sweat out of his eyes...or the tears...and reached back and grabbed an ass globe in each hand and spread. The crowd went wild. "Stick that ass way them your fuckhole!"

"Oh God, No..." I heard Robby moan, but he did as I ordered. His pink puckered hole was totally exposed in the spotlights. Robby does have a beautiful asshole. I know it must be difficult for a 'so called' straight dude to display his asshole to one hundred fuck hungry gay men, but Robby came through for me. "Rub a finger over your asshole, Robby!" I suggested, and with a sob, he complied. He totally degraded himself for me! That is as close to feeling love that I ever allowed myself. To know that this boy was doing this for me! Flashes went off, as dozens of customers took photos of my boy humiliating himself. "Turn your head, Robby, so they can see your face and get photos of it." Robby turned his head. His mouth hung open, a bit of spittle hanging from it. He looked like a slut in heat. His eyes were glazed over. "Dance more, boy...move that ass!"

The crowd loved him. They wanted to eat him alive. Guys threw five and ten dollar bills at the stage. But the best was still to come. A little surprise for Robby. "Now turn and face us again, Robbo...keep grinding those hips. Now, Robby, baby, Lose the pouch!"

He froze. His eyes blinked and stared down at me. "What? You want me to............." He slowly shook his head in disbelief.

"TAKE IT OFF..." I chanted, and the crowd picked it up. "TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF!" I know dudes like some of you send naked dick pics over the internet all the time, so this seems like not big deal. But for someone like conservative, shy young Robby, it was Hell! I had just ordered him to strip totally bare-assed naked in front of a hundred screaming gay men. I was asking him to show his cock, his dick, his fuckmeat to a throng of half-drunk animals. I know it was only a mesh dick sock and afforded not much coverage, but next to being totally naked, it was a wealth of clothing. Robby's trembling fingers approached the mesh pouch. He pulled back. He looked down at me again.

"I can't...I just can"t. SIR...I can't!" His eyes pleaded with me. His lips moved but no further words came out. His entire body shook with fear.


He did! He removed the mesh sock and revealed his handsome dick to a hundred pairs of eyes. Every man in that room was staring directly at Robby's cock and balls. His fucker and nuts were on total display. His hands moved to cover himself, but then he thought better of it. The boy was learning.

"Good boy, Robby, good boy. Now dance for us. Shake your dick and balls. Make them bounce." I think it was at that moment that Robby's resistance shut down. He started to dance, a glassy look in his eyes. His fuckmeat and nut bag bounced and swung. The guys cheered. I could sense the boy trying to feel the music, trying to get lost in it. "Reach down Robby and grope your dick and balls. Lift your fuck sack for the men!" Robby cupped and lifted his scrotum. His dick began to fill out a bit, growing thicker and longer. Sweat dripped from his nuts and from his armpits. One song stopped and another began...Robby kept dancing. The new music was more throbbing, more primitive and animalistic. "Okay Robby, start to pump your prick....beat your meat for us, Robby. You know you want to cum. You have not cum in such a long time. Go ahead Robby, you have my permission. Beat your fuckmeat for us!"

Robby masturbated. In front of a wild horny fucking crowd of men, he masturbated his fat young dick for us. He pumped his fucker, so that his ball sack jiggled and danced. He pumped his fucker so that pre-fuck hung in strings from it. His face contorted into something basic and brutal. He closed his eyes and beat his young meat. His breathing grew ragged. His chest heaved. It didn't take long. The pent up fuck slop boiled to the surface. I reached out and handed Robby a glass.

"Here, Robby, shoot your load into this glass! Blast it out, boy, go for it!" He had no pride left. No control. He was just a fucking sex toy. He screamed as he shot rope after rope of fuck into the glass. I've seldom seen a boy shoot so much in one load. His baby batter splashed into the glass. The crowd went nuts. Rope after rope of slop spurted out of the boy's piss slit. His body quivered like the plucked string on a violin. I actually thought his swollen nipples would burst off his chest. At last the spray of fucksnot slowed and stopped. He kept pumping, as if he could not stop himself. He grunted and groaned, and finally his breathing returned to normal. He hung his head in shame as a realization of what he had done returned to him.

"Oh, God, no..." He sobbed as he sank to his knees. The room had erupted in a thunderous ovation.

"Take the glass, Robby and drink your spunk for the men!" His sweat slick face turned toward me, but there was no pleading expression there. Just a dead look. He was mine now, and both of us knew it. "Go on, Robby, drink your sperm for the men!" In front of one hundred gay men, Robby, my submissive fuck toy, drank his own cum. I had broken him, and now the serious fun could begin.

Next: Chapter 4

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