Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Dec 3, 2014


Robby's Predicament Part Two

We were at the movie theater. We were seated about half way back in an almost empty darkened auditorium, watching that new "Mockingjay thing..." I had no interest in the film. I was interested in handsome young Robby, devoted husband and father, seated next to me. He was terribly nervous and on edge. He'd already had a pretty rough day with me, and now this...the movies. I turned and smiled at him. He looked not at the screen at all, but only at me...very apprehensively. Every moment with me was fraught with danger for him. Poor baby never knew what to expect next. That was how I liked it.

"You're not watching the movie..." I said, letting my hand rub up and down his thigh like kid on a first date.

"Sorry..." he stuttered, turning his face toward the screen. He was quite beautiful by the light of the movie screen, his face manly and boyish at the same time, his eyes sparkling.

"Robby...take off your clothes."

His head snapped back in my direction. He almost rose up off the seat with anxiety. "Huh? What? I mean, what, Sir?"

I frowned. Robby knew he was in trouble when I frowned. We might have to have a discipline session. "You know I don't like to repeat myself. TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES!"

"Oh Not here! There are other people only a few rows away. Please...not here!" I didn't say a word, just stared at him while some young girl on the screen saved the world.

"Robby, sweetie, I am not in a mood to be toyed with. When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it! Do you want me to put the dick cage back on?" Yes, the plastic cock cage that had been the bane of my boy's existence for the last three weeks was off. But perhaps not for long. That's what happened when you give a sex toy too much leeway, too much freedom. They take advantage.

The day had started with lunch. Robby requested lunch at a nice restaurant to "talk things out!" As far as I was concerned there was nothing to "talk out." Robby was my Fuck Toy. Period! I could do whatever I wanted with him. Yes, he was also a married man, trying hard to save his marriage, and a father of a little boy, and yes he was an up and coming young executive, trying hard to keep his job with my ever increasing demands on him even at work, but mostly, he was my Fuck Toy. People have sex or want to have sex all the time, but still they underestimate the importance of sex in our lives. It plays a part in almost every thing we do: in our self- image and our habits, in our dress and our behavior, in our social and cultural interactions. Robby was a natural born submissive, hungry to service men's pricks, and yet he was trying to live life as a straight, married man. What a waste for him and for his wife as well. Still, I didn't care if Robby struggled to maintain his "normal" life, as long as he served my DICK and it came first.

He had asked me to meet him for lunch at this quite posh Upper East Side restaurant, so that I could not play games with him. He thought he was safe here. Well, I would soon put an end to those misconceptions. He was not safe anywhere except between my legs licking my balls or asshole. I was seated in a cushy booth when he arrived. A cute young waiter named Max showed him to where I was seated. He slid into the booth across from me.

"Unzip your pants and take out your dick!" I said to him before he even had a chance to say hello. His bright eyes grew wide. He looked around. The restaurant was filled. "You asked for this meeting. You have ten seconds to unzip your pants and take out your dick, or I leave!" I gave him one of my beady-eyed glares that always freaked him out.

" need to talk to you...I...ah..." He stammered.

"Five seconds!" I slid over to get up out of the booth. He reached under the stiff white table cloth and unzipped his pants. I smiled and slid back into my place. "Not so hard, Robby if you just do what I say. I handed him the key to his cockcage. "You may remove your dick cage." His fingers trembled as he reached down once again under the table cloth and fiddled with himself. While he was doing this Max approached with menus. Robby froze.

"Drinks to start out with, gentlemen?" Max asked with a darling easy-going testosterone filled smile. Robby looked around like a deer caught in the headlights, his hands under the tablecloth.

"I'll have a Grey Goose on the rocks with an almond olive, and the "Boy" will have a Shirley Temple!. Robby's face turned beet red. He didn't know where to look. Max smiled a crooked snotty smile and chewed his lower lip for a minute.

"Great..." he said slowly, looking down at Robby who was looking at the charger in front of him. Then Max retreated, giving us a great glimpse of his magnificent muscular rolling ass cheeks clad in his tight black trousers.

"How could you do that in front of him?" Robby was livid. His nostrils flared. He was fucking adorable.

"Don't get stroppy with me, boy, or I'll d-pants you and spank your bare ass right here in the restaurant. Do you think I won't?" Of course I wouldn't. but Robby had come to expect almost anything from me, no matter how outrageous. "Now, take off the plastic dick cage. You've wanted it off...take it off."

"It's off." he said demurely.

"Put it on the seat next to you!" His eyes grew even wider if possible, and tears filled them. I tilted my head to silence any further protest. He set the cockcage on the booth seat next to him. "Further toward the edge."

"He'll see it. The waiter will see it."

I smiled. "Now masturbate your dick until I tell you to stop, but do not cum. If the waiter returns, do not stop masturbating. If you stop, I swear I will humiliate you right here in public worse than ever before!" That was really saying something, as I had been making Robby masturbate openly in the locker room at the gym. Guys had complained to the manager, who fortunately was a good friend of mine who also got off on having fun with submissive dudes. So, nothing happened, and Robby had to continue to beat his fat fuckmeat in front of the other men in the locker room. I had even made Robby strut around wearing his dick cage. He almost died of mortification at that.

Rugged, handsome Max returned with our drinks to find Robby with one hand under the tablecloth jerking his fuckmeat. It was quite obvious what he was doing. Max had to make a snap judgement. Should he stop this game, or should he enjoy it. He looked around at the other tables, then gave me a wink, as if to say, "I know what is going on." I returned his smile as if to say, "Play this right, and you will get a huge tip!" You can say a lot with a smile.

"Your drink, Sir." He said placing the vodka in front of me. Then his smile grew broader, showing a great set of teeth. "And a Shirley Temple for the 'young lady."

Robby grew red in the face again. He glowered. He lifted his head and was just about to tell the waiter off, when I spoke. "Shut the fuck up, Roberta!." Max guffawed and heads turned. He straightened up into his best waiter stance, but his grin remained. "She is such a naughty little slut, always playing with her pussy in public." I said, nodded my head to where a very sour faced Robby was beating his meat under the tablecloth.

"You need to punish her, Sir..." Max offered. What a fucking great waiter.

"Oh, I will. You can be sure, I will." I looked at Robby. "Take you fingers out of your cunt and drink your drink, Roberta!" Now you see, I had never planned on our lunch going in this direction. I had not counted on a really savvy waiter. If you want to totally control your Fuck Toy, you need to be adept at improvising. Robby brought his hand up from under the cloth. It was covered in pre-fuck. He had cock leaked all over his hand. He reached for the cloth napkin. "Not on the napkin, asswipe. This is a quality restaurant. Do you think they want your clit leak all over their napkins?" Max stood there glowing with glee. Robby looked panic stricken. "Lick it off your hand!" Tears ran down his smooth cheeks. He put his slime coated hand up to his face and licked.

I looked up at Max. "Max, tell me, is this one of those very chic restaurants where the waiters put our napkins on our laps for us?" Max's eyes twinkled. He was a smart kid. I learned later that he was one of those wannabe actors who waited on tables to get by.

"Not always, but it certainly can be, Sir!" Was Max one of the boys, or was he straight? It didn't really matter of course. He was 'with it.' He grabbed my mauve cloth napkin and shook it out with a professional snap, and then he placed it on my lap. His hand gently cupped my trouser clad fuckmeat and nuts.

"If I may say so, Sir, you are a very impressive man!"

I laughed. "Keep saying so, and you're libel to get a very impressive tip. " He snapped out Robby's napkin and reached down to encounter what I knew was a large, wet, erect penis. I saw his hand pump up and down a few times, as he gave Robby's dick a couple of strokes. Max looked at me and raised his eyebrows as if to say, 'nice dick on this one!' Robby closed his eyes in horror. Max pumped faster and Robby gasped and held his breath.

'He's not allowed to cum until his salad arrives." Both Robby and Max looked at me with amazed expressions. "We'll both have the large special lunch salad. I'll have the honey-mustard dressing, and Robby here will provide his own dressing!"

When Max had departed, Robby almost lost it. His eyes looked red and flashing and spittle clung to the corner of his cocksucker mouth. "I won't do this. I asked to meet you here today because I'm finished. I am through with this! It is going to stop, here and now!" I'd never seen him so defiant.

I smiled at him pleasantly. "Request denied." he waited for me to say more. I didn't. His mouth moved but no words came out for a while. "Robby, calm down or your dick will deflate, and we need it hard for your salad dressing."

He shook his sweet face. ' can't make me do this stuff. Not any more. It was first, but it's ruining my life."

"Oh come off it, Robby, you need this and you know it. You need it like you need the air you breathe. Everything else is fake. Everything else is a lie. This is truth. this is the real you! You are most yourself when you are sucking on my dick or eating out my ass." His mouth opened and closed words. Then...

"My wife! I love Jill. I don't want to lose here, but I will. I will lose her if we keep this up."

"I offered to talk to her for you. I offered to tell her that I am turning you into a homo fuck pig, but that I would return you to her when I was through." Tears dripped from his cheeks. "I tell you what, Robby...something that might help matters. What if I fuck your wife? My dick is nice and big...bigger even than your fuck hose I could fill her cunt and ass and keep her happy. I'm not really into cunt, but I could make an exception for your sake. "

I almost blew my cook and burst out laughing at the thunderstruck look on his face. He was so wired that he now believed any piece of shit I handed him. 'No, Jill, you wouldn'" I let my smile expand to a grin.

"I could fuck both of you in your bed at the same time. I could fuck her cunt, then your mouth, then her ass, then your mouth, then your ass, then her mouth and so on. that way, you could keep your marriage intact. No more cock cage. Just the three of us fucking and sucking happily."

"NO!" He almost shouted at me. Heads turned.

"Why so great a No, Robby? it's my only concrete suggestion. Otherwise it's back into the cockcage for you and poor Jill gets no dick!"

He leaned in, grinding his teeth. "You understand I am married! You understand I have a child! This has got to stop!"

"And what am I supposed to do with my needy cock?"

He almost spit at me. "Go stick it in Max the waiter!"

I nodded. "Oh, I probably will. But I still need you for my full time assfuck boy. I chose you Robby. Out of all the dudes at the gym and the bars, I chose you to fuck!"

Right then, the salads arrived. Max hovered. "Are you really going to make him do it, Sir?"

I cocked my head and gave Robby a lopsided grin. "Robby, put your dressing on the salad. It's sure to be quite a load, you've been carrying it around in your sack for some time."

Robby sat very still. This was a crucial moment. Would he stay in my control, or would I lose him? I had lost boys before. I am not perfect at one is. Robby's hard look softened. His lower lip quivered. "Please....." he moaned. That was all, just the one word..."please..."

"Robby, I don't have all day. After we finish lunch we are going to the movies. Now, put your fucking dressing on the salad!" Max didn't leave. His body blocked our table from the rest of the restaurant. With trembling fingers, Randy lifted his salad and put it under the table.

"Be careful. Don't spill any salad. I'd hate to have to make you get down on your hands and knees and pick up lettuce off the floor with your mouth." So poor young Robby had to jerk off onto his salad. When the dish returned to the table, It was quite a sight...all that lettuce and those vegetables, and that cheese, and a bit of turkey, and croutons...all covered with dick slop..thickly coated with sperm.

"That is so sick, Man, I fucking don't believe it..."Max said with admiration in his voice. "He does whatever shit you tell him to?"

I nodded. "Pretty much. Eat your salad Robby and don't get your tears in it, it will dilute the flavor. After we finish our lunch, Perhaps you would like to go into the Men's room, or in some back store room, and if Max here can take a quick break, perhaps you'd like to suck his dick for him? You don't want to miss this chance, Max, Robby here, or Roberta is a first class cocksucker. "

Max cocked his cute head and made a wistful grin. "I'd really like that, but I can't take him back there. It's too dangerous. I could lose my job. "

"What a shame, huh, Robby? Robby, you are not eating your salad. I want that plate clean! Tell you what, Max! Because he's such a good boy, and will eat all of his salad, let's get Robby that hot double chocolate cake for dessert. And I will give you a huge tip, if you take just a few minutes on your own to provide a special sauce for the cake!"

Max's eyes grew round. "You mean you want me to..?" The mischievous look on his face was hysterical.

"Yeah, you can find some corner in which to do that, can't you? And Robby loves lots of creamy sauce on his cake."

After Max went off to masturbate on Robby's dessert, I looked my boy, seated there, morally deflated, across from me.

'You see, Robby, it's not so bad, as long as you do what I say. It can be fun. I think of things for you to do, and you do them. And I've thought of something to help you with your wife. You sit down and have a nice long talk with her. Tell her that because of the stress of work , or something, you have been having emotional and sexual problems. You have not told her because you love her deeply, and you didn't want her to worry. That is why you have been so distant lately. And let's face it, Robby, it's not a have been having emotional and sexual problems. Anyway...tell Jill that you are in a kind of therapy. Think of our games as therapy and you won't be lying. Tell her you are in therapy and it may take a few months, but you are certain you will once again be the loving husband you have always been. If she loves you now, she'll love you even more for your honesty and your vulnerability. Now, I am even going to let you get rid of the cockcage...but everything in life is a trade off, so if we get rid of the cage, you need to do two things for me."

For the first time all day, he looked hopeful. Poor scout. "What two things?"

"Friday night, you will be dancing at a gay bar I know. I'll provide the costumes, don't worry. You'll be home very late. Make up some excuse."

He shook his head. "I can't dance., Sir. I'm...clumsy...and...not in front of a bunch of guys."

"You don't get it, do you Robby, you fucking boor! You will do whatever the fuck I say you do. I will work with you on your dancing. Besides, it's not like real dancing. You just shake your ass and dick and balls and give them lots of sex moves. Maybe, we'll invite Max."

"In front of men? You want me to do that in front of a bunch of men?"

"Probably about a hundred or so, horny, drunken men! Don't worry, you are a handsome young man with a huge horse dick. What's not to like?"

His cute face fell. "It'll be like at the gym!" There was a tremor in his voice.

I chuckled. " It will be like at the gym, yes, only much much more fun! Oh, and the second thing. I have this African American gang of young men who occasionally provide certain favors for me, and I owe them. So, I told them you would be happy to suck them all off and take their dicks up your ass. I admit, they can be a bit rough at times, and they are all hung extremely well, larger than you and I, so it may be a bit of a struggle for you. But I am sure you will come through for me, as I try to come through for you. I believe you did tell me at the gym that you are somewhat repulsed by black cock and negro balls and asses, so this will be a good chance for you to work on race relations. And did I mention, they do love to use white boys as toilets! Oh look, here comes Max with your dessert. My my, look at all that nice glazed sauce dripping off the cake. Didn't young Max do a fine job? Eat up, Robby, and then it's off to the mall and the movies!

Next: Chapter 3

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