Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on May 5, 2023


Robby was sullen whereas Pete was livid. Neither of them liked the stunning costumes I had picked out for them to wear to the picnic. I was throwing a back yard barbecue. The grill was sizzling hot, ready for the twenty-two teenage high school boys who would be coming over to drink beer, swim, and get their dicks sucked by Robby and Pete. I know, I know, I shouldn't be providing beer for underage teenage boys, but some of them needed a bit of encouragement to get them to allow two faggots to suck their juicy teenage fuckmeat. Some of the boys who had been coming over lately had been reluctant at first. Some of them were fucking cunt on a regular basis, but others had never fucked a girl or had a blow job. These were mostly straight boys, although I suspected that a few of them would eventually swing over to the other side of Paradise.

So I had brats for the boys, and the boys had "brats" for Robby and Pete. B.D. Robby's industrious brother had rounded up twenty-two boys for this weekend bash. I guess a free blow job is a pretty enticing lure for boys of that age. So I figured with twenty-two horny lads, each one wanting to shoot at least two loads, Robby and Pete would be kept quite busy. I wanted Robby and Pete to realize that the only thing that mattered to them in life anymore was servicing cock. Robby was close to accepting that, but Pete was still giving me some trouble. I think he secretly still harbored hopes of getting back with his wife. It is difficult to break a young man of his urge to fuck cunt and love girls.

To be fair to Pete, he was coming along. I had told him that if he didn't want me sending revealing photos of him in action to his bosses, he had to sexually seduce one of his co-workers. This had been a particularly arduous task for young Pete. He had really come apart over it. Such a simple thing really. Pete was gorgeous to look at. So, all he had to do was decide which of his co-workers was gay and turn on his charms. Who wouldn't want to swing on Pete's beautiful thick hunk of fuckmeat? It's amazing how boys who think about sex all the time and are so self-aware of their bodies and their genitals and their asses...are actually quite shy when it comes down to putting their meat on the line. Well, I'm happy to say that Pete found a young up and coming gay dude in his office, who quickly responded to Pete's offer. The boys name is Chad. Pete took Chad to the hotel room I had provided and fucked the kid's brains out. I would have preferred that the young man shove his dick up Pete's beautiful ass, as I enjoyed demeaning Pete and keeping him on the bottom, but the kid was so fucking cute and he went crazy over Pete's I couldn't quibble. After all, it was the very first time Pete had to score on his own with a dude. You should have seen that young office worker slurping on Pete's big fucker. It was like he fell in love with it. I know he instantly fell in love with Pete, just a little bit. Because he asked immediately if they could see more of each other.

I saw all of this because I had the hotel room riddled with cameras.

Here is this darling boy, cum dripping out of his asshole, licking Pete's swollen fuckmeat clean and licking his big floppy balls, and asking him if they could "do this again."

I almost pissed my pants laughing. Pete hated it. Pete was revolted by it. And yet, Pete had to pretend to enjoy it to protect his position, so of course, he didn't know what to tell the kid.

Still, all in all, Pete's fucker had done a really impressive job on the boy's ass. Of course Pete knew quite a bit about ass fucking by now from taking my fuckhose up his mantwat numerous times. Pete's asshole was getting nice and loose and becoming a comfortable fuck for a thick long dick. I decided that until further notice, Pete should fuck Chad once a week.

I had some other games in mind for them. Chad was so fucking cute, I wanted the option to bring him on board my little world of Boytoys.

So, here were Pete and Robby getting ready for the outside party. I had a bit of trouble with Robby's make-up. The eye shadow and lip stick were particularly difficult for me. I am not in any way a gay man who enjoys making up like a cunt. In fact...although I have absolutely nothing against the scene or those who participate, I have always had a bit of trouble understanding why Men who like Men like Men pretending to be Women! The whole thing eludes me. Still, I thought dressing Pete and Robby us as female whores might add a bit of fun to the teenage boy party. Robby had an adorable blond wig, while I opted for a dark sultry look for Pete. Their faces were pretty much a make-up disaster, and they ended up looking a bit more like clowns than street cunts. I guess I laid on the lipstick too thickly and didn't do the blush right. Anyway, it was pretty funny. They both tottered around on six inch spike heels. I had to warn them to walk on the balls of their feet so they didn't twist and ankle. The boys were dressed in pink cunt strap know the kind that covers nothing except the pussy slit. And so both of their huge dicks hung out on full display along with their well worked ball sacks. I had given each of my boys two viagra, and then had them pump their pricks up to full erections. Then I put a cockstrap on each one to keep it stiff and drooling. They looked so cute sticking out from the thongs...all red and wet and throbbing. Each boy also wore a pink bikini bra. I think somehow, that humiliated them the most. A simple piece of clothing...I had them apply false eyelashes, and I made them wear earrings and bracelets.

I knew the teenage highschool boys would find the sight funny, but I was not prepared for the hilarity that ensued. They went crazy laughing at my two boys and calling them every filthy name in the book. "Whore, Cocksucker, Cuntface, Girliy-boy, Gash, Dick Dump, Slut, Prickhole, Asswipe, Fuckface, Pussy mouth, name it. High school jocks can be creative with language if the setting is right. I had Pete and Robby serve the boys beers. B.D. started a thing going by rubbing his fat teen fucker through his pants and saying to his brother, "Come on, cocksucker, you know you want it. Be a good girl and beg for it!" All the boys started to demand that Pete and Robby beg for cock! For teenage cock at that!

While the first few boys were getting their dicks, balls and assholes licked and sucked, the other took advantage of my swimming pool. Some of the boys had brought suits with them. Some swam in their underwear, and a few brave ones with big dicks to show off, went swimming bare assed. This gave the other boys courage, and soon most of the teenagers were totally naked. That was most enjoyable. Bit fat teenage dicks flopping and swinging. Boys playing grab ass with each other while waiting for two faggots to suck their needy dicks.

Because B.D. was an enterprising young man, he had invited his buddies to invite friends of their own along to the party. So the number ended up closer to thirty. Yes, Pete and Robby would be kept busy for hours and hours. Imagine that much horny teenage cock in one place. I felt almost like a school teacher! However three of the boys brought their little brothers along, and that disturbed me for a bit. I wasn't sure I wanted boys that young at the party. I was afraid of course that they might spill the beans to others and get me in trouble. But I was also uneasy about having boys that young participate in a group suck-a-thon!

B.D. was as always the voice of reason. "Hey, dude, these young dudes have never had their dicks sucked! There's got to be a first time. I figured this was as good a place as any.

And, Dude, just think how totally degrading and humiliating it will be for my faggot brother and the other faggot to have to suck dick this young. They will be totally freaked out."That made sense to me. I knew Robby and Pete would be completely freaked out by having to slurp on such young pink virgin dick. And imagine how they would feel having to lick and suck out those young boy asses! So of course I okay-ed it.

After an hour or two of romping and drinking and swimming and cocksucking, I could see that my boys needed a break. Their faces were covered in teenage boy sperm which dripped from their noses and lips and chins. They looked totally exhausted and depressed, and they had barely gotten started. I thought it might be time for lunch. I had several grills filled with sizzling bratwurst. After we fed all the boys...teenage boys are always hungry, I knew that it was time to feed Pete and Robby. I also thought we might have a bit of entertainment.

I ordered Pete and Robby to shove fat greasy bratwursts up their asses! Holy shit you should have heard them cry and beg. You'd a thought I had just asked them to sell their first male child! They actually got down on their knees to beg me to not make them do this in front of thirty cheering boys.

"It's not the end of the world, boys! I'm just requesting you to shove bratwursts up your assholes, that's all. Tears ran down the cheeks of both boys, mixing with the cum clotted there, creating a disgusting paste. Their lips were coated with boy cum and some ass juice as well. Strings of cum connected their top lips to the lower as they begged me not to make them do this. Of course, that just strengthened my resolve. So, eventually, with a gang of teenage high school jocks and some little brothers roaring with laughter, Pete and Robby spread their handsome ass cheeks and shoved thick grilled brats up their rectums! There they stood, awkwardly tottering on high heels, feeling the greasy sausages up inside their bowels. The teenagers had by now given my boys nicknames. Pete was "CUNTLIPS." and Robby was "FACECUNT." Cute names, I thought, and quite apt.

Both Robby and Pete actually trembled as they stood there, swollen dicks bobbing, make-up turned to cum slop paste, trying to maintain their balance, and also trying to hold the greasy sausages up inside their assholes!

"I can't stand this!" Pete muttered. " I can't take any more! Jesus, I can't take any more!"

"Now, now, be a good girl!" I whispered in his ear. "Don't embarrass me in front of my fine young teenage friends. And we've got some youngsters here for you to suck as well. You want to make a good impression on them...don't you?" Pete looked around, totally confused. His black eye liner had run into the cum paste on his face. He looked grotesque.

"This is the very first cocksuck for some of these boys, so make sure you do an expert job!"

"There's so many..." Robby sobbed. His blond wig was sticky with teenage boy jizz.

"Yes, about thirty. You girls are getting quite popular. Word is spreading to different high schools. You are becoming celebrities. Look at all the boys snapping photos of you with their phones. You'll be all over the internet! I wonder if your wife would recognize you, your make-up and wig. And what about your ex-wife, Robby? Would she know you all dolled up like this? I know you are anxious to get back to your cocksucking, but you boys can't work with nothing in your stomachs except teen jock cum! You need some decent food. So why not lie down here on the grass and eat the brats out of each others' assholes?

Well, my God, you'd a thought I had asked them to storm the Alamo! They gave such pathetic looks that broke up laughing. It took a few minutes for them to realize that I was totally serious, and a few more minutes for them to realize they had no choice in the matter. The teenagers gathered around, many of them pumping their leaking dicks while they ate their brats to watch my "girly-boys" suck grilled sausages out of each others' assholes! One of the hottest parts of the whole game was watching them trying to position their heads between each others' legs so their mouths were right at each others' assholes! The swollen dicks and huge floppy balls got in the way. Finally, I suggested that they each lift one leg up high, giving them clear access to the shitholes and allowing us to watch at the same time. They were both crying pretty hard by now.but they maneuvered themselves into position. I made both young men keep their assholes totally shaved, so we could clearly see the pink ass puckers with just the tips of the greasy black grilled brats poking obscenely out.

"That's fine, boys. Now just pretend you are taking a dump and shit those sausages into each others' mouths. I know you are hungry, but suck the sausages before you bite some off. Make sure you chew thoroughly before you swallow and take your next bite! "


I was proud of Pete and Robby. They put on a good show! They were obviously ready to perform some real sex shows in front of some adult audiences. Those shows would demand very much more of them in every way!

Next: Chapter 20

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