Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Mar 25, 2023


The kids at school called him B.D., so i called him that too, even though that wasn't his real name. He was a really hot looking high school junior. He had it all going for him; the muscular body of a young star athlete, a cocky boyish grin on an extremely cute face, a loose easy going manner, and a youthful voice thick with testosterone. He was a girl fucker, I could tell that at once. Probably fucked more than one too...I'd guess. A real high school ladies man! And if the bulge in his tight jeans was any indication, he had a huge cock between his legs. Perhaps that was the genesis of the nick-name, B.D. I was willing to bet the boys on his sports team gave him that name, after watching him move around the locker room bare assed.

I'd be willing to bet more than a few boys in his gym class masturbated their teenage dicks at night, thinking about B.D.'s thick, long fuckmeat.

And B.D. was Robby's little brother. That's right. I had orchestrated a meeting with my fuck toy Robby's little bro! Oh, speaking of that cute teenage grin, it was totally absent at present. B.D. was sullen and angry. He slouched down in the chair across from me and glared at me...unsure of my role in this entire fiasco. Well, I had been the one to send B.D. photos of his older brother Robby, sucking on numerous dicks and taking cock up his asshole. I'm sure it shocked the young teen no end. B.d. was one hundred percent straight boy! Randy had really lost it when I made him push the "SEND" button on the computer. He had begged me to keep his brother out of it. He said his family was very conservative and straight laced. His little brother had always idolized Robby.

"Please, please, Sir, don't destroy that. It already cost me my wife and my job. Please, not my family too." Bare assed naked Robby trembled as he knelt before me. He lowered his head and began to lick my feet. If he thought that would get me to relent, he was dead wrong.

"Robby, we have already established that you are a worthless faggot cocksucking piece of shit! You are good for only one thing...pleasing real Men like me. Now, to please me, you need to do everything I tell you to, correct?" I nudged him with my bare toes. He knelt there looking up at me, eyes red from crying. I raised my foot and inserted my toes into his mouth. I fucked his mouth with my naked toes for a few minutes, enjoying the look on his face as he stretched his lips to accommodate my foot. Robby was a total submissive and wanted this...needed this. It wasn't easy to constantly come up with new ways to degrade and humiliate him. Fortunately I am pretty creative in that department.

"Robby, I want you brother to know just how disgusting you are. I want him to see what kind of a fucking slut he has been idolizing all these years. Tell me the truth, Robby...the fucking truth. Have you ever fantasized having sex with your own little brother?"

"He's just a kid...he's in high school. That would be..." He saw me staring him down, and his voice trailed off. By the way, his voice seemed thicker and lower lately, perhaps from all of the sperm he had been swallowing in the last month.

"The truth, Robby...have you ever thought about sucking your little brother's big dick?" I had seen photos of the boy, and suspected he was well hung from the high school year book.

Robby hung his head. "God forgive me, yes! Yes, I have thought about sucking his dick. I would never do it. Never in a million years, but I have fantasized about it. I am really a disgusting piece of shit!"

"Yes, Robby, you are. I totally agree with you. What kind of human being thinks about sucking his own brother's fuckmeat? And do you think about eating out his young asshole as well? Do you fantasize sticking your face between the cheeks of his ass and licking his young rectum?"

As usual, Robby ended up crying. He cried a lot. "Yes, I have thought about that! Oh fuck, what a mess. I feel so ashamed!"

"That's good, Robby. I like it when you feel ashamed. You're really cute when you turn all red with guilt. That,Robby is why you now have to push the 'SEND' button so that your little bro an see what a disgustingly perverted piece of shit you really are. My friends all know. Your wife knows, your ed-fraternity brothers from college know. Your former workers know. It's only fitting that your little brother knows, right?"

'He'll never speak to me again!" Robby was sobbing, huge tears rolling down his handsome young cheeks and dripping from his manly chin.

"Perhaps not. But why should a normal healthy girl fucking straight jock speak to a fucked up faggot dick slut? Doesn't make any sense to me. It's important that he knows the truth."

I masturbated Robby to full dripping erection while he sent the photos to his brother. I didn't let him cum of course, just get nice and drippy.

B.D. texted back..."What the fuck?" Oh man, what fun. I had Robby explain to little bro that he was a cocksucking ass fucked faggot, and that he felt he had to be honest with his brother. I had Randy confess that he had now sucked hundreds of dicks and taken over fifty cocks up the asshole. He revealed that he was a cockslut who thought about little else than serving the dicks and balls of real Men! I imagine young B.D. sitting in his bedroom, getting this news. I wondered if B.D. had ever had a faggot swing on his young jock junk. Maybe one of the underclassmen in his school. Some of the older boys in school do that. They get an underclassman to be their personal "suck boy!" When I was a senior in high school, a whole bunch of us jocks had our own personal "suck boys." Sometimes we'd share our boys and trade off. That way we could experience a different 'suck boy' and see if our boy was doing a good enough job. Not that we didn't have girlfriends and fuck cunt...but a "suck boy" was convenient and an easy way to unload. I wondered briefly if B .D. had a 'suck boy" and if such things still went on. Nowadays we are all so concerned with bullying and offending anyone, a lot of fun has been sacrificed.

So that was the reason that young, handsome B.D. now sat in front of me. Or rather, slouched in front of me. He was a cutie all right. I imagine every girl in the school wet her panties over him, and a number of the boys as well! B.D. was clearly upset.

"I can't fucking believe it!" he said, shaking his head at the additional photos I had presented to him. Photos of Robby dancing naked in a gay club for example. "i don't fucking know what the fuck to do. Should I tell my Dad? Should shit...what should I do? He's a disgusting piece of shit faggot!" Robby was not in the room at the present time. Just B.D. and me.

"I'm really sorry that you had to find out, B.D. But it's for the best. Imagine if you didn't know. At ever family gathering, he would be drooling over your teenage dick and you would have no idea the cocksucker had the hots for you. Believe me, it disgusts me, as much as it does you! When I found out, I couldn't believe it. He had been my buddy. We had gone to the gym together. And then one day I learned that all he was after was my big fat cock! I felt fucking violated..." it was a damn good act, if I say so myself.

"B.D. nodded. His eyes were read with tears. Betrayed brother tears. "Yeah, fuck, that's how I feel...fucking violated. Do you know how many times I been naked around him? I mean, I thought nothing of it. He was my big bro! I fucking idolized him. I would change in front of him and everything. I was naked in front of him lots of times..."

"And every time, he was staring at your fucking big teenage dick and drooling. He was wanting to suck that big fat teen cock!"

"Aw shit, I want to kill him! I want to fucking kill him! I'll never talk to him again. But what about when he comes over to the house for holidays and to visit? How will I act in front of Mom and Dad and Sis? Aw, shit what can I do?"

"That's why I called you to come over, B.D. I think it's best if you confront him. I'll help. I think it's best if you tell him to his face what a disgusting perverted slut he is. I also think you should make him suck your dick!" This was the delicate part or the operation. I had to get the young jock where I wanted him. His eyes bugged out and his hands turned into fists.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Look, I'm like you. I am a straight as an arrow hetero cunt fucker...but I made the faggot suck my dick, and it made me feel much better. In fact, I make him suck it every ow and then!"

"But that's exactly what the faggot wants! That's what my stupid fucking disgusting piece of shit brother wants. He wants my dick!" His cute young face was screwed up into knot! Fuck he was angry!

"Hear me out, dude! He wants it yes, but if you make him confront his perversion under your conditions...with you in control, then he will be face to face with just how sick and disgusting he is. Make him suck your dick under your terms. Be just as nasty and brutal as you can be with the homo! Make him lick your balls and eat out your ass. Make him crawl for you and grovel. I swear, you will feel so much better, believe me. Have you ever had a faggot swing on your dick?"

He looked at the floor confused. "Yeah, the little brother of this one girl I was fucking. She was on the rag, and I was really horny and he was a little faggot, I could tell, so I let him suck my fuckmeat a couple of times." "And did it make you feel any less the Man? No, of course not. You are all Man, B.D. And your brother is a scum sucking faggot. I say, we can both teach him a lesson...maybe shake him up for life. What if you made him suck the dicks of all of your high school jock buddies? Gave him so much dick that he regretted ever being a faggot! That would sure be getting back at him. It would even the score. What if you beat the shit out of him...took a belt to his ass and everything! Let out all of your anger and betrayal! I'd be there to help you. And you know what, I think that eventually it would help the piece of shit too! It might just just cause him to face his perversion and turn away from it."

I know it was a line of extreme bullshit. But remember young B.D was not thinking too rationally at this moment...and lets' be honest, the handsome teenage jock was not the brightest light in the candelabra. He looked at the floor for a bit, pushing the toe of his trainer into the rug. "As fuck, I don't know. I don't want to ever see him again!"

"I know how you feel. But you have to see him again, at family affairs and so on. So you have to do something about it. You have to take charge. The best way to do that is to show him that he can't hurt you. That you are in control...and that you think of him as nothing but a receptacle to unload your dick jizz! I'll help you. You can work him over all you want...any time you want. It will make you feel good."

"But do I want my buddies to know my bro is a fucking faggot?"

"Why not? When they see how you use will be the Man! When you pass around your own older brother and he has to slurp on their dicks, they will respect you all the more. Use the faggot for your own advantage, B.D. Don't let him use you! " He ran a large hand over his cute face. He squeezed his eyes shut, while my eyes bored into the huge lump in his tight jeans. Jesus, this boy might be over nine inches down there! "Do you want to see him? Do you want to see the faggot? Do you want to see just how disgusting he is? Remember, he sent those filthy pictures to you1 He sent them to his own brother! What kind of sick fuck would do something like that? That's a nice thick belt you've got on. How'd you like to raise a few welts on the faggot's ass with it? Just to show him who's really in charge?" B.D. teared up. He actually did. He was so fucking frustrated and felt so betrayed, he teared up. That was great. I love to see teenage boys cry. Finally he wiped his nose and stared at me. "I'd like to bash the fucking faggot!"

"Then why not do it? You can do anything you want to him, and he won't fight back! He's a natural submissive faggot! He's a born cocksucker and assfuck pig."

He studied me. Was I mistaken or was the lump in his pants larger? "I'm not supposed to hate faggots. I'm supposed to treat them as equals."

"Ah, here's you are mistaken B.D. You shouldn't hate gays. Gays are not faggots. Gays may prefer their own sex, but they don't go lusting after every big dick in pants. Cocksucking queers who want to suck the fuckmeat of every teenage boy they see aren't gay They are perverts. They are faggots. Your brother is a fucking pervert. That's why you need to show him who is boss. Who is in control. If you don't, he will continue with his sick thoughts about you. He will think he has the right to lust after you. Fuck his fucking face. Beat the shit out of him, and let your buddies fuck his face all they want. Piss on him! That will put him in his place. How dare he mess with you!"

Jesus, the kid was hot! His muscular thighs began to twitch. I could see his leg muscles through his tight jeans. I could see his nipples harden under his thin tee shit. He was a mean little teenage fucker, all right! "Should I call him in? Do you want to work him over..or if you need help...I'd be glad to work on him with you!" "Bring the God damned bastard in here. He's not my brother any more! He's a sicko fucked up piece of shit! " "Right on, Man! Way to go!" I called out..."Hey, ASSWIPE, get in here!

The door opened and Robby, totally naked except for his cockcage crawled into the room. His eyes looked terribly pained at the sight of his teenage brother, but his big dick strained at the prick protector. He arched his back nicely to get his ass up, as he slowly crawled toward his brother and myself.

"I'm so sorry..." he blubbered at his brother.

"Shut the fuck up, homo pervert!" B.D. kicked out with his tennis shoe clad foot and caught Robby on the shoulder. Robby tumbled over sideways and his dick and balls wobbled.

I smiled: "Do you want to fuck his face first, or beat the shit out him?" I held out a birch rod.

B.D. looked at me, a new strange glow in his cute teenage face. "Let met whack him with the stick first. Then he can suck my dick!" Robby moaned, but was it with humiliation, fear, or perhaps lust? I handed B.D. the stick.

"This birch rod works really well on the ass, the back of the thighs, and on the nut sack! Just remember all the times he looked at you naked when you were changing. All the times he secretly craved your teen dick and balls and ass. Shit, he's been eying you up for years! Don't go easy on him. Especially not on his nutsack. Really let him have it!

Young high school jock B.D. actually seemed to grow in height. He fairly bounced on his feet as he swished the rod through the air. And was I mistaken again, or was his fat teenage dick pushing out the material of his tight jeans obscenely...the fuckmeat acting as if it had no place to go, but to burst right through the material?

Let the fun begin!

Next: Chapter 16

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