Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Five men huddled close to inspect Pete's asshole. The young executive squatted naked on the sink in the locker room of the health club. He squatted with his face looking into the mirror and his hunky muscular ass sticking out toward the dozen or so men looking on. Pete was crying. For some of us, it is difficult to look at a grown man crying. If the young man is the handsome jock type, it is somehow even more pathetic. Others of us love seeing such a sight and get instant erections beholding it. Most of the guys at the gym fell into this later category. They were dick hardened perverts who love nothing better than to watch a healthy, straight, naked young man suffer. It made their dicks dripping hard.

Fortunately I am friends with the manager of the club, who is as much a control freak and sexual pervert as I am, so I was able to do some pretty nasty things to both Robby and Pete right there in the club in the presence of other men. This was a private party of sorts. Invited men only. And our star entertainer was my new boy Pete! So Pete squatted there, his big fat balls hanging low and swinging, his muscular ass globes pushed out towards the group of dick hard men. And Pete was crying. Big old tears rolled down his smooth young cheeks to drip from his strong masculine chin. His toes clutched the porcelain rim of the sink as he squatted uncomfortably. In the mirror in front of him, he saw not only his own face, but the faces of the men watching. There was an animal hunger in their eyes. It was as if they wanted not only to watch him suffer but to consume him as well. Beautiful! And I videoed the entire thing.

The five men who had moved in closer to the young ass squinted and moved their heads from side to side, as if studying a rare specimen. Three of the men were older, in their mid to late fifties. One of them was bald and chubby, a second was muscular and hairy, and a third thin and studious with large glasses. The other two inspecting dudes were younger, in their mid-twenties. I don't know which upset Pete be inspected by older guys or by young studs his own age. A little further back seven more men observed the proceedings, two of them hunky college dudes in their early twenties.

The lean man with the spectacles spoke up. "Pete, I think you missed a few hairs around the asshole. I can clearly see two asshole hairs sticking out right at the ass lips themselves. What do you fellas think?"

The chubby bald guy leaned in so close he almost stuck his nose in Pete's asshole. "Yes, he definitely missed several asshole hairs, I think he should be punished." A moan of sorts escaped Pete's sexy mouth, and he struggled to hold the painful position on the sink.

One of the young guys, a cute dude with curly dark hair tilted his head so the light caught Pete's asshole just right. "Yeah...that is really a sloppy job of pussy shaving. He said he was finished. He really ought to be severely punished! I suggest a really good testicle strapping!" The young dude eyed Pete's heavy dangling scrotum with obvious lust in his eyes.

The hairy dude was more cautious. "I think we need to make sure. It could just be an already shaved pussy hair, just clinging to the skin. Or a trick of light. Before we commit this boy to serious punishment, I feel that we need to be responsible." He produced a large flashlight from his travel bag and shone an intensely bright beam right on the young man's asshole.

Pete moaned again, and another tear or two dripped from his chin. His beautiful pink corrugated asshole was now lit up like it was featured in a follow spot! The five chosen inspectors leaned in closer once again. Their faces were literally inches from Pete's asshole.

"No, those hairs are growing out of the ass ring. He missed them when he shaved. No doubt about it. Sorry, but this boy is sloppy and careless. He definitely needs to be taken down a peg or two." At that all the men in the locker room vocally agreed.

"Please...I tried...I did the best I could!" Pete had labored for almost an hour shaving his balls and crotch and hole. He had studied his asshole in the mirror before applying shaving cream and scraping the hole hair from his sensitive skin.

"Pete, I am afraid your best falls woefully short of acceptable..." I said, "especially in front of my close friends!" Close friends! I didn't even know the names of most of them, and Pete knew that. "If you have indeed missed some pussy hairs, you will have to be punished!"

"Don't go easy on him..." One of the handsome college boys in the onlooking crowd purred. The kid's dick was nine inches of throbbing hard and leaking meat.

"I think a suitable punishment would be for every man in the room to use your mouth or ass as he pleases. What do you think, Pete?"

"Oh God, please no. Not that. I've never been...I can't...I mean..." He blubbered and spittle from his trembling lips mixed with tears from his red eyes.

"I think it's time, Pete that you learned what you really are. Time that you learned that when a man gives you an order, even a simple order like shave your cunt clean of hair...that you had better do a thorough job to please the man. I've been cocking around with you for weeks now, playing stupid games. I've had our fuck slut Robby suck you off. I've had you play sex games with Robby. I've had you shave here in the gym before, and each time, I've gone easy on you. I've listened to you whimper and moan and complain and whine about your wife and how you are straight and all that shit! Pete, It's time we got serious. When I give you an order, I expect you to follow it to the letter. The slightest fuck up WILL BE PUNISHED AND PUNISHED SEVERELY. You need to learn that!" I smiled and stroked his damp hair to let him know that I was doing this for his own good. I reached down and took some of the cock slop leak from my dickhead and wiped it on his face. The guys in the locker room laughed.

"But I...I couldn't see back there to get...I's not possible to see every hair...I..." He broke down. His body trembled with sobs, but still he maintained his awkward perch on the sink.

"You ass is going down. Get it out toward these nice gentlemen! Stick that cunt out! Now, Pete, I told you that if you couldn't shave yourself, you were allowed to ask one of the nice men at the club here to assist you. You didn't do that. Why?"

"I was too ashamed! I don't know any of these men, and I was just too ashamed!"

I took some cock leak off the leaking dick of the handsome college dude and wiped that on Pete's face. "Well that was your mistake, Pete. Right there. Shame or feeling ashamed must never stop you from completing a task that I give you. You will feel terribly humiliated. Terribly ashamed. You will feel disgust and degradation. All of this is part of the game, part of your training, part of your emerging submissiveness. I want you to live in an entire world of shame! I want every moment of your life to be filled with shame and humiliation. I want your ego totally erased! I want to be able to submit you to every single dirty, filthy, perverted sexual indignity known to man, and I want you to embrace them! I want you to live FOR them.

I WANT YOU TO LIVE FOR THE SHAME! There is no acceptable excuse for having two asshole hairs sticking out, when I clearly told you to shave your cunt clean of hair! So, every man in this locker room is going to use you sexually to pleasure himself! You will suck dick! And if even one of the suck jobs falls short of being excellent, you will be punished further.

These men have had their dicks sucked by the best faggots in the business, so you had better be on top of your game! And these men are going to fuck your ass! And if even one of them complains that it wasn't right up there among the best pieces of ass they have ever had, you will be punished further. So your cunt had better be tight and smooth and soft and really milk those fuckers. You had better make sure every dick plows balls deep, and you had better beg each man to fuck you harder!

"This is going to be a rough night for you, Pete, and all because you fucked up! From this, you will learn, I hope, never to displease me in any matter how insignificant!"

His body shook with sobs and his foot slipped on the porcelain sink top. He tumbled to the floor and into the arms of the five guys near his ass. He was like some kind of helpless baby. They stroked and petted his body. One of the young dudes rubbed his leaking dick all over Pete's handsome face, while the bald chubby guy started to pump Pete's hefty prick. I admonished the men to hold for for a moment.

"Before we start the punishment, Pete, I want you to crawl around the room and kiss the dick of each man here. Kiss their dicks and thank them for taking time to teach a worthless faggot like you. Kiss every dick in the room...and no little pecks. I want a nice long full open mouthed sloppy kiss on each and every cockhead in the locker room!"

I was breaking Pete quite quickly now. Soon, just like Robby, he would have no need for a wife or a female companion of any kind. He would live only for COCK. Robby had lost his job in shame, and soon, so would Pete. However, Pete's humiliation would involve his entire office staff and our boy Robby as well. Pete looked truly beautiful crawling bare assed naked around the locker room, and I reminded myself to have him crawl naked much more. His big fucker and nuts swung from side to side as he crawled.

Up until recently, life for both Robby and Pete had involved many things; wives, plans for families, their jobs, hobbies, going out to dinner and movies, sports...many things.

And not, their entire lives revolved around just one thing, PLEASING MEN'S FUCKMEAT! You may wonder how a person can spend his entire life, day in and day out, thinking about nothing but cock and ass and balls and serving men sexually. Not being allowed to have any thoughts or wishes about anything except fuckmeat! You have to work hard to deaden even a submissive to that degree, but believe me, it can be done. I have done it to boys and men countless times. In fact, I am considered something of an expert on the subject.

Of course it changes them forever. It changes their lives forever. When the guys gather around the tv to watch the Superbowl Game, a trained submissive faggot goes from man to man, licking his balls and kissing and sucking his juicy dick. His eyes never even stray for a second to the game. His eyes remain constantly on the available fuckmeat. He doesn't even look the men in the eyes...that would be presumptuous. No, He only stares at the leaking dicks, the hot sweaty balls, the moist ass cracks. While other dudes at the party drink beer and feast on snacks, our submissive drinks the dick leak or cum of the studs watching the game. Or perhaps he is allowed to lick up the asshole or ball sweat. Maybe when one or more of the dudes needs to take a piss, they piss their beer piss into his open waiting mouth! And this is how he serves men, day in and day out. This is how Pete and Robby would end up! but they had much more training to endure. They had much more to learn. They still had some will left...some arrogance. And as everyone knows, arrogance in a submissive is not allowed!

I allowed one of the young college dudes to bite the two remaining asshole hairs out of Pete's hole ring. The the suck and fuck orgy commenced. It was the worst night of Pete's life, but also the night in which he learned the most about himself and what he really was and what he really wanted! When he vomited up cum, we made him drink it down again. We made him lick cum and dick leak off the tiled locker room floor. We made him lick and suck male asshole, and when the fuck ran from his own ass onto the floor, he had to lick up that as well.

Down deep inside, Pete adored the attention and the abuse. Even though outwardly he sobbed and pleaded, and like a little high school girl on her first date, complained that the dicks were too big and he couldn't take them up his pussy, inside, he loved every moment of it. He would never ever forget this night. It shaped him. it dictated his future! Every now and then, I knelt by his double fucked body that glistened with sweat and cock slop and ass juice, and told him what a good job he was doing. I praised him for taking his punishment so bravely, and I assured him that this would teach him never to fuck up or let me down again. When a spent dick pulled out of his mouth, I gently scooped up some of the cum and dick slop from his body and fed it to him.

"You are going to learn to love this taste, Pete. You are going to love this taste above everything else in life. You are going to eat it morning, noon, and night! And you are going to love the feel of cock up your cunt. Your cunt is going to feel empty and lonely and lost without dick up it. So we are going to make sure you have plenty of dick up your pussy every single day. This is what you want, Pete. This is what you need. You and Robby are alike in that. And the three of us will take this journey together!

The next day, I sat in my living room chatting with Robby's high school jock brother about Robby's disgusting faggot needs!

Next: Chapter 15

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