Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Mar 9, 2023


Well, the dumb Twat lost his job. It was pretty funny actually. I made him go into the office one morning wearing a very tight pair of light tan pants, covered with his pecker leak. No underwear of course. The pants were skin tight, going up the crack of his ass and bulging out in front. For this particular day, I left the cock cage off him, so that his half hard and very hard dick pushed out against the thin light colored material. I had him wear loafers with no socks and a white dress shirt of such thin material that the brown of his nipples showed clearly through the cloth. As a final touch, just before he went up to the office, I broke the zipper on his pants. His big fucking dick that had not cum in three weeks kept falling out of the gap in the trousers. He knew this was the day he was getting the axe. He cried and begged me to just allow him to quit, but I insisted that he go through the fun of getting fired for being a pervert. After all, what is the point of having a personal fuck toy if you don't put him through disgustingly humiliating experiences? Two of his fellow workers already knew he was a faggot slave from attending one of his forced sex shows. Since that night, they had been making him suck their dicks at the office every day. They also played fun games with him, like making him shove a large magic marker up his asshole and keep it up there all day. I approved of course. But this day would be special. The boss had called him in for a meeting about the recent low quality of his work. Robby's attire was sure to get him kicked out on his ass.

I already had a new job lined up for Robby; cleaning the toilets in five gay bars around town each morning. These were particularly scummy, raunchy, filthy, bars were there was lots of disgusting action in the Men's room. By morning, the walls and floor were covered with cum and piss. Of course, Robby would being cleaning the toilets with his mouth. Need I even tell you that? What self respecting pig would clean filthy urinals, toilets and floors in any other way? Oh, the boy sobbed and made a fuss as usual. He told me he might catch some horrible disease having to lick up all of that awful crud. I beat his big nuts for that and informed him that bodily fluids and waste from any real man was elixir to a piece of shit pig like Robby.

I reminded him how dull and useless his life had been when he had been married and held down an ordinary nine to five job. I had him smell my dick and balls to also remind him how wonderful it was to be able to serve me. Robby could not resist the smell of my genitals. Sweaty or clean, the natural odor or my fuckmeat drove him nuts. He lost all ability to think or act for himself. That's how it is with submissives. The very smell of the armpits or nutsack or asscrack of a real man, and they lose all control. They live for the stink and taste of scrotum, asshole, and fuckmeat. Robby often got so turned on by my body odor that he would cry. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his cute cheeks. He would thank me over and over, if I allowed him to lick the mushroom head of my big fat cock or suck on one of my nuts. Of course he bathed my feet with his mouth daily. If you are going to keep a pig boy toy, you have to allow him these little pleasures.

Anyway, now he could spend each morning licking the dried cum and piss off the floor and walls and urinals and toilet bowls of the gay bar bathrooms. I kindly explained to him that for the first few days, his lips and tongue would probably get chapped and raw from all the licking action, but his mouth would get used to it. Part of his job each day was to give the bar owners a really good blow job or ass fuck to thank them for hiring him. After all, it's the least he could do. And Robby was so cute, so adorable, that I had no trouble convincing the bar owners to allow him to orally service the Men's room floor and facilities. In fact, I convinced them to encourage the clientele to be particularly sloppy in their bathroom habits.

Meantime, I was also working on another really special job for both Robby and my new toy Pete. I was negotiating to get them jobs cleaning the jerk off video booths in several adult book stores in town. You know how totally disgusting those booths get...unbearable really. Well, I figured that several times a day, Robby and Pete could lick the floor and wall of each of the booths clean. It was really kind of like performing a public service.

Robby's boss was revolted to say the least by Robby's appearance, his pants stained and gaping and his dick clearly visable. He not only fired him on the spot, but threatened to call the police. Robby left the office sobbing, his former co-workers laughing at him. As a final bit of humiliation, I had him clean out his desk with everyone watching. Of course, we had organized the desk beforehand. The desk drawer contained four thick rubber dildos of various sizes, bestiality magazines, golden shower dvd's, cock and ball straps, nipple clamps, lube, and various other things. Robby had to carry this stuff down twenty floors in the public elevator and out the front of the building to my car. I have never seen him so close to totally losing it. He trembled so badly that several times he dropped the dildos. People on the street just stared at him. And with his arms full, he couldn't protect his crotch and his fat dick

flopped out of his trousers. Of course I didn't let him in my car right away. When Robby is totally humiliated, he is cuter than ever. I opened the window a crack and told him to go into the convenience store adjacent to the office building and buy some condoms...size small. I told him he had to carry all of his toys with him. He came out a few minutes later openly sobbing. They would not serve him and called him a fucking pervert. Which is quite accurate.

While I drove Robby over to one of the gay bars to introduce him to the owner, Al, I recounted for him Pete's adventure shaving his balls and asshole at the gym. I pulled over and showed Robby the video I had taken of muscular handsome young Pete, one foot up on the sink, trying to shave the hair off from around his asshole with fifteen or twenty men watching him, some with disgust, some with open lust. Pete, of course, being young and straight and married was not used to such treatment, which made it all the more fun.

Pete too is a natural submissive, but far less comfortable with it than Robby is. Robby came to me more or less knowing what he needed, Pete had to be almost forced into serving me.

He still fought me and stupidly pretended he could save his marriage. When Pete shaved his big swinging nuts and beautiful pink asshole at the gym and came over to me, thinking he had finished his task, I made him bend over and spread his cheeks to show me.

"Pete, you still have quite a few asshole hairs. You need to go back and do a better job. The nut sack is fairly smooth, but there are a few prick hairs around the root of the dick that are unsightly. I am allowing you to maintain a small patch of prick hair, but don't take advantage of my kindness. Now go back to the sink and finish the job properly.' I took close-up movies of his asshole and ballsack.

"Please Sir, don't make me go back and do it again. All those guys are watching me and laughing at me. Please, I beg you!"

"I swear to God Pete, if you don't get your ass back there and do the job correctly, I will give you an enema right here in front of everyone. Then I will make you hold the water up your ass while you do a hundred squats for me. Then I will make you shit out the water into a jar and drink it! If you think I am making idle threats...just try me!"

Two really handsome muscular dudes standing near us wearing only towels, applauded. Then one of them reached into his locker and pulled out a rank jock strap.

"Hey, dude, I think he ought to suck my filthy jock strap pouch clean while he shaves his pussy." he said, laughing.

I smiled. "That's a splendid idea. Pete thank the man, and shove his prick pouch into your mouth." Submissives, you see, love anything at all having to do with a man's DICK. They love to sniff and suck on men's underpants, jockstraps etc. They love to suck out used condoms, thinking about how the rubber had been on a man's fuckmeat. When I was young, still in high school, I had this faggot schoolmate of mine serve me. I used to masturbate my dick until I leaked pre-fuck onto crackers or cookies and then have him eat them. I remember clearly when I made him do it in front of about twenty of my jock schoolmates. They screamed with laughter and he cried, but he still ate the fuck snot cookies. As time went on, I tried out other gross games with him. This was really my introduction to Master/slave sex. I would make him kneel right in the hall of the school and I would have him open his mouth and I would blow my nose into his mouth...usually when a bunch of jocks was watching. They would bully him and treat him worse and worse, and I became his only friend...and here I was the one who was doing all of this nasty shit to him. It taught be something profound about the relationship between Master and slave, Dominant and submissive. I would walk up to him and spit in his face. I took him in the boys can and made him lick my ass. And I honestly believe he fell in love with me. He never resisted a single order no matter how gross or disgusting. Four or five of us would meet him at lunchtime and jerk off onto his sandwiches and then have him eat them. That was the start of my extreme sexual interest.

So, I made Pete suck on the wet, rank, sweaty jock strap while he went back to the sink to re-shave his balls and asshole. If Pete wasn't so damned good looking, it wouldn't be such a hot thing, but he is a real stud. His nuts are big and full and swung when he tried to shave them of the hair. He had to claw at his ass cheeks to get a good view of his hole in the mirror.

It was a beautiful sight. The second time, he did a much better job. I took a flashlight out of my locker and with twelve guys hanging around watching, I examined Pete's asshole.

"Got to keep that pussy shaved from now on, Pete, so that you give a decent ass fuck." I assume, you realize that Pete did not want to be fucked in the ass. He did not like to be fucked in the ass. He hated being fucked in the ass. So, it was my intention that he would be fucked in the ass as much as possible. I had to break him of the fantasy that he was a MAN. I had to break him of the illusion that he could have a wife and family. I had to get rid of the nonsense that he could fuck a cunt. I had to teach him that he was nothing more than a hole for men to dump their dick seed into. Not only that, I had to convince him that he craved male cock more than anything in the entire world.

Both Pete and Robby would one day live for nothing except male dick and balls and asshole. They would crave it day and night, the way a drug addict craves his cocaine. They would need dick so badly that they would be unable to function in normal society. This was their destiny!

Next: Chapter 14

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