Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Feb 13, 2023


No doubt about it, Pete was a gorgeous hunk. No wonder he had attracted my attention that day in the men's room of Robby's office building. Not only that, but I knew at once he was a closet submissive. I really lucked out. Here I had young ambitious businessman Robby on a chain, serving me, and in the middle of that, I discovered that a fellow office worker of his, Pete, was also secretly submissive. Well, only in a sense. I mean, he was not the closet faggot that Robby was. Robby really needed and craved abuse, although he had no idea to what extent. Pete was much more reluctant to comply. However in both cases, the boy had been recently married and were attempting to lead straight, normal lives. FAT CHANCE! I was actually doing these faggots a favor. Do you know how may unhappy, fake marriages I have encountered in my life? I am sure you have seen your share as well. And the marriage is either a total lie, with the husband never revealing to the wife his secret urges, or he is open with his wife, and she simply tolerates the fact that their marriage will never be everything it could be.

It's even worse if they have children, because it it she kids who suffer when husband and wife turn cold to each other.

So I was in fact performing a kind of public service by taking Robby and Pete under my wing....or under my DICK. Robby had already been served with divorce papers, but I'll let him tell you about that in a letter I had him write to put up on his Facebook page. You see, Robby needs lots and lots of public humiliation to keep both him and me happy. Pete was a bit different. While Robby was very cute and hot, he was small and slender. He had the look of a student about him. He wore dark rimmed glasses and had a cute "intelligent nerd" look about him. He did have a very big dick, which looked all the larger on his small compact body. But Pete was a fucking Fuck Machine. He was tall and built like a professional athlete.

He had light hair,a movie star face and a twinkle in his eye. His arms were the arms of a weight lifter, and his pecs were slabs of muscle covered with smooth tan skin and two large well formed nipples. His waist was thin, his stomach hard with a nice six pac, and his legs were like straight fine tree trunks. The ass was beautifully rounded and rose like a mountain from the small of his back. His feet were the large well arched feet of a sportsman. And his fuckmeat was to fucking die for. How lucky his brand new bride had been to be able to suck on and get fucked by that slab of cuntstuffing horse dick. Well, I stand corrected. She didn't like to suck dick. Stupid cunt. How could any sane male or female not want to suck on that perfect piece of penis flesh. Christ, It permanently arched out from his body over a huge flesh bag of nuts. Pete was one of those dudes who was heckled and teased in school by the other jocks because of the enormous size of his fucker. Even though he was white and ash blond and Nordic looking, the boys at school, even the black ones, called him "Nigger Dick" because of the girth and length of his fuckmeat. All of this made Pete a bit arrogant and proud on the outside, and kept hidden the shy, submissive boy on the inside. He was quite shy with the girls too at first, shy because of his meat. He was a bit self conscious of his dick lump in his trousers. He tried to find was to hide the pink meaty sausage pushing out his pants. He even tried tucking the dick back between his legs, but that proved very uncomfortable. He had the added trouble of throwing numerous erections during school, and when Pete got a hard on...believe me it was obvious. He got teased even more for that. He masturbated incessantly to try to keep his dick limp and his balls empty, but the more he beat the fucker, the more it seemed to want it. He literally jerked off four or five times a day for a time during his teens.

I of course learned about all of this only later, when Pete was under my "influence." When I said before that Pete was more reluctant than Robby to open up about his secret submissiveness, what I meant was that he resisted more. In fact, I would have lost him, had I not used a little leverage on him...the leverage of exposing him to his wife and co-workers.

I know you might think of this as blackmail, but it really was not. Pete could have weathered the storm. He could have resisted me, but you see, true submissives need an excuse to release the masochist in themselves. They need to fool themselves into believing it is not their choice...that they have no choice in the matter. I know it is a shame that I didn't meet Pete before he got married to his lovely young wife. The same for Robby. It would have saved lots of tears and guilt and angst. But fate had me meet them shortly after they had fucked their new brides in an attempt to prove their masculinity. I understood how hard it would be for those sweet girls to lose the beautiful big juicy dicks filling and stretching their cunts, but it couldn't be helped if I was to assist these males in discovering their true sexual natures. When I finished with Pete and Robby, they would alas never shove their fuckmeat into pussy again. No,instead they would be cocksucking ass fucked faggot boys, slobbering over any dick they could find.

In working with boys like Robby and Pete, one not only has to re-orient their orientation, but also bring out a latent need for COCK. Americans are woefully undersexed as a culture.

We come from Puritan stock with a strict morality and sense of guilt that is laughed at by man other nations. We even demand that in order for a politician to be a great leader, he be a noble and faithful fucker. When the truth about someone like JFK comes out, we have to find some way to process that or excuse that. In Europe or Asia if a man is a great leader, no one give a shit whom he fucks. I am generalizing here of course, but my point is that to create a submissive cocksucking faggot out of a formerly "straight" normal dude, one has to awaken in him the need for dick. It is not enough for a submissive like Robby to want cock...he must need cock. At some point it must become like a drug to him. He must be unable to resist any cock presented to him. This is what I strive to achieve with my boys. Everything else in life, friend, family, job, hobbies, religion, must become secondary to the need for DICK!

With Robby I had begun to achieve that condition. He would stare at my flaccid or erect fuckmeat and actually drool. I wanted my fucker to be the center of his universe. And subconsciously, he wanted this too. Like Pavlov's dogs, he would conditioned to salivate uncontrollably at the very sight of my penis and nuts.

So today, after finishing work, I had Pete meet me at a very ritzy exclusive men's gym. Lot's of big business higher-ups used this gym. Who knows...some of Pete's bosses might very well be there. I took Pete into the plush locker room, where men wrapped only in towels chatted about the stock market and sports and cunt. Many of these men were very fit and handsome. Some were older but still in great shape. Some had let their bodies go to flab, but most of them still cared enough to work out three times a week.

I selected two lockers side by side. I began to undress and told Pete to do the same. I enjoyed how terribly nervous he was. His strong large hands trembled at his shirt buttons.

"But I don't have any gym clothes or anything..."

"Don't worry, Pete, just take off your clothes." the innocent looking light haired giant with the boyish face blinked at me and frowned. I signaled for him to hurry, and he began to undress. I stripped down to my Calvin's and then turned to face him as I peeled them down. His eyes went to my dick and balls. He could not not look! He knew that this was to somehow become a sexual experience, and he dreaded it! Still, it excited him. He took off his body hugging well cut, expensive suit trousers and stood in front of me totally naked. Of late, I had insisted that both he and Robby go to work commando...sans underpants. Pete had protested and told me his wife thought he was nuts to not wear underwear. She had told him is was somehow dirty and perverse. EXACTLY! Smart little could see the total outline of Pete's magnificent fucker through the material.

By the time he became a senior in high school, Pete had begun to relish and enjoy his big dick. He knew the boys envied him and the girls imagined sucking on it or getting it stuffed up their wet teenage pussies. Pete had begun to fuck cunt. He pretended he loved the girls he dated, but actually, he only wanted to fuck their brains out. In that way, he was a normal teenage boy He later confessed to me that he also took an interest int he genitals of the other jocks in his school. He didn't bother with the slender, small, weak boys...but he was somehow fascinated by the muscled jocks with fat swinging dicks in the locker room showers. He would roughly jerk off at night, thinking about these male schoolmates of his, violently fucking their girlfriends. In his lust driven dreams, they always hurt the girls because their dicks were so large. They forced the girls to take their fuckmeat balls deep, and sometimes...often actually...Pete imagined he was one of these poor, small, weak girls. Pete also began to imagine these teenage girls getting fucked up the ass as well!

This was the start of his submissive faggot nature. These were the seeds that would flower years later under my tutelage. These are the feelings he would try so hard to erase from his mind. He confessed to me that in those junior and senior years of high school and on into college, he would often stroll around the locker room, just to see the dicks on the other boys. He loved looking at the thick hanging meat and the full young balls. He got turned on when the whole locker room smelled of boy cock and scrotum. It was like an aphrodisiac to him. He repressed this with such forced that it became buried deep in his psyche. He began to fuck cunt with a vengeance, to try to prove to himself that he was ALL MAN. His buddies in college knew him as a hard drinking, hard fucking dude, never guessing that he was trying to chain down his true longings. When he hung out with his male friends, he would often find himself staring at their dick lumps and trying to imagine what kinds of fuckmeat they had.

Pete now stood naked in the gym locker room in front of me. His hands hovered over his fucker to hide it from my sight...and from the sight of any passing men.

I smiled. "Hands at your side, Pete. Don't be shy! You've got nothing to be shy about, and you know it." My God, it was a magnificent prick!

"Please, Sir, I don't feel good. Can we please not do this today?" His face looked so damned cute when he begged.

"Pete, do you remember our little discussion about how I wasn't pleased with the hair on your balls and around your asshole? How I said it got in the way of your good looks?

Well, I thought today would be a good day for you to shave. So, what I want you to do is take this shaving cram and this razor and walk over to the row of sinks in the middle of the locker room, and put one foot up on the sink, and I want you to shave your balls and asshole hair!"

His beautiful twinkling eyes became saucer large. "Here? Now? YOU WANT ME TO SHAVE MY BALLS AND ASS HERE IN FRONT OF ALL THESE GUYS?"

"Exactly. And make sure you do a thorough job, because if you don't, you'll only have to go back and do it again. Go slowly. Be careful you don't cut yourself. Oh, and while you are at it, shave down that pubic bush. You may leave a nice neat small triangle above your dick root if you like, but get rid of the prick hair jungle.

"Ah...ugh...what...what will my wife say? She'll see that I'm shaved...what will she say?"

"Tell her is a new hygiene thing you read about. Maybe she'll shave her pussy for you and look ten years younger. " I laughed, wrapping a towel around my naked hips. All the men int he locker room covered themselves with towels. Only Pete was naked.

"Everyone is...I'm the only one naked. You want me to go naked to the sinks and shave my balls and ass?"

"Don't forget to put one foot up on the sink so everyone gets a really good view. Oh, and I don't just want you to shave your ass, Pete. I want you to shave your ASSHOLE. I want all those little hairs around the asshole gone. Not a single little curly left...understand? If I find even a single hair, you will be a very very sorry young man!"

"How can am I supposed to shave butthole? How can I know it's got no hair left?" His speech was hampered by a kind of nervous stutter. It made me hard.

"Oh really Pete...that's what the large mirrors above the sinks are for. Spread your ass cheeks and look in the mirror to make sure all your asshole hair is shaved. Or you could ask one of the nice guys shaving their faces to examine your asshole for you to make sure. It's your choice." Tears welled up in his eyes. "Pete, you cry far too easily. I can't be bothered with you always breaking out in tears...not a big, strong, muscular dude like you. It makes you look stupid! Now go on over to the sink and begin. Don't waste my time, or I might have to start texting your wife."

"" He stood there like a big dumb lug with his fat, full, pink dick swinging between his legs.

"Pete, if you don't start right now, we may change our plans, and instead of shaving, I may force you to give yourself a quart bag enema right here in the locker room. I have the enema bag right here in my locker. Would you like that? Would you like to lie here on one of these benches with a hose shoved up your ass and a bagfull of soapy water being emptied up your rectum. I'm sure these men would love to see you waddle naked to the toilet, shit water running out of your hole!" I was actually planning on playing that game with him another day, but if he forced my hand...

With a look on his face like his puppy had just died, he took the razor and the shaving cream and started to shuffle on his big beautiful feet toward the sinks. Heads turned and eyes glared at his totally naked body and his huge dick. Some men looked away, some didn't notice much, and some...quite a few stared with definite interest at the handsome hunk.

Every gym has it's percentage of gay prowlers. A number of these moved closer to Pete to see what he was up to. They had no idea that he was going to give them QUITE A SHOW!

Next: Chapter 13

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