Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Feb 10, 2023


Pete was standing totally naked in my apartment. It was the first time I had actually had him over. For some reason, being in my home made the handsome young executive extra nervous. While my boy Robby was short and compact, Pete was a tall muscular dream stud, looking as if he belonged on one of the television shows that featured unrealistically handsome dudes. Pete being totally naked was understandably ill at east. Pete had protested for the last few weeks that he was totally straight and that he didn't want to be a part of our games. Pete had also gotten married less than three months ago, so I could understand that he wanted to spend time fucking his beautiful new bride, not playing perverted games with a sadistic Master (me) and his fucked up submissive slave (Robby) . Like some men seem to have Gaydar, I had an uncanny sense about men who secretly are submissive or wish to be, even though they may be strong powerful leaders in their daily lives. It was in the eyes. I had developed a knack of staring into dudes...looking into their eyes and not wavering my glance.

Oh sure, from time to time, I got into a bit of trouble staring down young studs. But I am built pretty well and stand six feet three inches tall, so I don't crumble easily.

And yes, I freely admit it, I love to pick on young straight dudes. I love to test their heterosexuality. You and I have both seen any number of straight guys who drink a bit too much and suddenly take an extreme interest in their male buddies. They hug them and hang on them. They slobber over them. In fact, they pay much more attention to them than they do to their cunts. Men like this are ripe for the plucking. My interest is is awakening something inside of them...turning something on...and then controlling it! I tell you about this, so that you can better understand my interest in men like Robby and Pete. I have no interest in love or in having a "boyfriend." What I want is an extremely good looking straight man whom I can bend and shape into a cocksucking ass fucked slave. AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE...WAITING.

So handsome tall, muscular Pete stood naked, shifting nervously from one large bare foot to the other. As he moved, his huge flaccid dick swing back and forth over his hefty low hanging sack of nuts, which was covered with a fuzz of light ball hair. His handsome face held an expression of extreme discomfort.

"You know, Pete, I am thinking that you need to lose the ball hair. I like a nice smooth scrotum on my men. Your sweet bride of three months will appreciate it too. when she licks your balls, she won't get testicle hair in her teeth. Oh wait, I forgot, your wife doesn't like to suck your dick and lick your nuts, does she?" Pete squeezed his eyes shut. " You know Pete, much as I hate to say it, but a wife who doesn't love to gobble her husband's fuckmeat is not a true wife at all. She should be down there between your legs licking your fucksack and meat half the night. I'll tell you honestly, if I were a cunt and you were my husband, I'd spend half my life down between your legs."

"Please do not talk about my wife!" He said through clenched teeth. He got so angry when I brought up the subject of his marriage. "Do you ever think, Pete that maybe it was a mistake to get married, I mean, now that you have discovered the joys of getting your dick sucked by Robby? Now, Robby is a fucking good cocksucker. I have trained him very carefully. Robby knows that if he doesn't give an A 1 cocksuck every single time, he will be punished. Are you sure, Pete, that you couldn't convince your bride to suck dick? I mean, maybe if you asked her pretty please? Would you like me to talk to her for you? I could explain to her that one of the most important things in the life of any man is his need to have his dick sucked. Think about it, Pete. I'd be glad to intercede for you."

'NO THANK YOU," the handsome stud growled. His eyes were like lasers burning into me. "Please don't talk to my wife. And please don't bring her up in our conversations!"

You see, Pete was in that wanting to break away from me stage. It was a common thing. Most of my young men went through a stage where they felt guilt and regret and wanted to break away from me and go back to their boring straight lives. It was part of my job to get them over this hump.

"Spread your legs a little wider, Pete and look down!" I said quietly and gently to Pete. Pete complied. You see, that was the thing about submissives. They might cry, beg, pout, complain, protest...but in the end they did as ordered! To see a big muscular handsome dude following orders like a puppy dog is a real turn on for me. It makes my fat dick all hard and leaky, Pete shifted his weight and spread his strong athlete's legs a bit wider. He looked down. Lying on the floor between his legs was my boy Robby. Robby's face was directly below Pete's long thick fuckmeat and nuts. Robby looked up longingly at the scrotum and dick. He had come in the last few weeks to really appreciate a good hunk of fuckmeat. And believe me, Pete had a magnificent hunk of fuckmeat. Robby had a pretty impressive fucker on him, himself, but he seldom thought about it in that way any more. He had not fucked cunt for a couple of months now. His dick was kept in a dick cage most of the time, I allowed it out for Robby's daily masturbation exercises...during which he was never allowed to cum. If Robby was a good little submissive, I milked him as a reward every now and then. But Robby was learning to find sexual pleasure through his mouth and throat and asshole. These were the centers of sexual pleasure for a submissive. A submissive's joy came from servicing the dicks of Real Men! Robby and Pete both knew deep down in side, that I was the only Real Man in the room.

"Now, Pete, I know that Robby has been sucking your dick every day for the last few weeks. I am sorry if that has dampened your sex life with your new bride. But what can you do? It's perfectly okay with me if you want to tell your bride that you don't have much baby batter for her because a guy at work is sucking your dick every day. Who knows, she might understand. It might even prompt her to suck you off herself! Are you blushing, Pete? I do believe you are blushing. A big jock like you blushing like a little boy. How cute. Anyway, tonight we are going to try something a little bit different. I want you to masturbate your dick, Pete, and I want you to spray your load into Robby's mouth. Let's see how good of an aim you have Pete. Try not to get it all over his face...try to get as much of your batter into his mouth as possible. Your job, Robby, is just to lie there with your cocksucker mouth open wide. I want you watch you masturbating yourself Pete. You look so handsome. And don't be shy. I know some dudes like to play with their nipples or balls or even with their assholes when they jerk off. Feel free. Really give me a first class masturbation show. Oh yeah, I am going to film it on my phone."

"Don't film it. NO more pictures of me!" Pete was being a bit stroppy tonight. I might have to take him down a peg or two.

"Pete, I already have lots of nice photos of Robby sucking your dick in the toilet at work. If I wanted to blackmail you , say, I wouldn't need any more. No, this filming is just for myself...and a few of my friends.

"Please?" That was the proper tone of respect I liked to hear from Pete. He looked and sounded so cute when he said "Please?"

I smiled. "Now just don't worry your pretty little head about it. Your job is to show me a really good masturbation. A handsome, well built young man yanking on his hefty fuckmeat is a real thing of beauty. I love to watch your penis get all swollen and long and leaky. And Robby likes it too, don't you Robby?"

"Yes, Sir..." Robby said on the floor, looking up at the big dangling dick and nuts.

"Keep that mouth open Robby. Okay, Pete, start the show! Begin to pound your pussy stuffer!"

Robby and Pete were both natural submissives. Pete got this totally ashamed, defeated look in his eyes. One large strong hand wrapped itself around his fucker and he began to yank it into erection. I filmed it in close-up and long shot. I moved around to capture how his magnificent ass muscles strained as he pumped his now erect fuckmeat.

For a man to have to beat his meat standing and performing in front of other dudes can be a humbling thing. I had witnessed high school boys and college dudes at team initiations forced to stand in rows and masturbate in front of the coach and other team members. It was a kind of bonding thing. And it was a totally humiliating experience. I knew some dudes, even straight dudes, had circle jerks with their buddies to unload their straining nuts, but this was different. This was one man, standing naked in front of me, pounding his pud.

Beneath him, on the floor, Robby lay obediently with his mouth wide open. Robby's hefty dick was hard as a rock and leaking a stream of clear pre-fuck. The thick dick bounced on his thighs and rose up into the air and even now and again slapped his stomach. Robby was really turned on by this game. Former "straight" boy Robby was coming around. Just a few days before, he had gotten the divorce papers from his wife. Robby's teenage brother had sent him a vitriolic email after he received the photos of Robby sucking dick and getting ass fucked. The kid had idolized Robby, and now he saw him for what he was...a cocksucking ass fucked faggot. Robby had really broken up over that one. He had sobbed in my arms, saying how much he loved his little bro, and how now the kid hated him. I soothingly pointed out that I would help out and try to get Robby's little brother to let Robby suck his teenage dick. In that way, they would bond in a whole new way! I said it would be good for Robby to service his brother in that way. It would cause them to bond in a whole new way! I was used to Robby's crying jags by now. I knew what he really needed and what he really wanted! His little bro was a real cute stud. He was a champ athlete in high school and a real girl fucker. Robby needed to learn that even a kid like that was much more of a man than he was. He needed to learn that his job was to service the dicks of Real Men like his little brother.

I was also interested in having our Robby suck the dick of his soon to be ex-wife's brother. Something about that seemed nice and kinky to me. I mean, how cool would it be. He would not be fucking her any more...but he would be sucking the dick of her brother. Ha. Of course all of that depended on Robby's little bro and his brother in law agreeing to be sucked. And that is a hard nut to crack. It takes lots of skill to lure someone into that kind of scene. But I am pretty damned good at it, if I do say so myself.

It was so cute. Pete was actually crying as he masturbated. I caught it all on camera. He was crying, but his nice thick hunk of fuckmeat was hard as an iron bar. Pete's huge dick has a great thick vein running along the bottom. It makes the fucker look particularly fierce. His hard jock tummy fluttered as he beat his meat. His chest rose and fell and his nice fat perky nipples rode the crest of his breathing. He was a beautiful sight, very animal like. And then, with his dick dripping pre-fuck down onto Robby's face, he stopped.

"I can't do this. I just can't do this! " His hand trembled around his fuckmeat, the huge head and wide pisslips sticking out beyond his pumping hand.

"Calm down, Pete. You know you have no choice. You know that secretly you want this. Now just relax and think about your wife's cunt. Think about fucking her while you masturbate. Pete sobbed, grunted, and continued jerking his joint. His big balls danced. Yes, he would definitely have to shave his nuts for me. I like my boys clean and smooth and hairless like our boy Robby, who lay on the floor with his mouth wide open like a fucking sex pig. I had to laugh thinking of the change in him in just a few weeks. Robby's own hand hovered close to his hard leaking dick. He knew he was not allowed to touch it without permission. A kind of moan escaped his open mouth, a moan that formed a sweet harmony with Pete's fuck grunts. I noticed the sweat dripping from Pete's lightly haired armpits. Such strong, muscular arms. Robby's hand just grazed his rampant dick.

"Get your fucking paws off of your prick, Robby. Your job is to serve Pete, not play with your clit!" Robby moaned and took his hand away. His fat dick gave a lurch and some pre-fuck slime bubbled out of the pisshole.

At last, Pete was ready to blow. I could tell from the way he slightly bent his knees and thrust his pelvis forward. His hand jerked and yanked harder, as if he wanted to pull the fucking dick right off of his body. YANK! YANK! YANK! "In his mouth, Pete. Shoot your load into Robby's face twat!" Two men who only a few weeks before had been convinced that they were one hundred percent straight! Pete grunted again and, bending slightly with drool hanging from his lower lip, shot a huge load of fuck down into Robby's mouth.

Splat! splat! splat! Three large globs of fuck slop pelted Robby's mouth. Pete howled as the intense orgasm shook his body. Robby make a kind of choking sound as the fuck filled his mouth.

"Do not swallow, Robby. That's an order. Do not swallow!" Robby shook and held the lake of sperm in his open mouth. Pete finished his orgasm by splattering a bit more fuck onto Robby's face and neck and chest. His dick throbbed and spit. His chest rose and fell in great heaves. This boy really came in an intense way. At last the fucker subsided and hung half limp, half hard over the heavy balls.

"Do not swallow Robby. Now, Pete. I want you to squat over Robby's face. Squat right down over his face so your asshole is over his nose and mouth!"

Pete looked at me with a pathetic look in his eyes. "Haven't you done enough? Please let us stop!"

"Squat down so your asshole is touching Robby's nose and mouth area. Now Robby. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to use your lips and tongue to push Pete's sperm up into his asshole! Use your tongue and lips to get some of the fuck sauce deep up into Pete's asshole! I'm going to check Pete's shithole, and I better find a good quantity of sperm up inside there!" Robby's face was a fucking mess. He held his mouth open carefully, a lake of sperm in his mouth. I walked in and with a hand on Pete's muscular shoulder, I pushed down...until I felt Pete actually sitting on Robby's face. "This is going to feel real good, Pete. I'll bet your wife never does this for you. Amazing to me how squeamish so many girls are about sucking and licking male asshole. Robby's going to push your own cum up into your asshole with his tongue. You reach back Pete and spread your ass cheeks, so our boy can really get his tongue up into your shithole. You have such nice full muscular ass globes, Pete, really try to spread them to give Robby easier access to your asshole!"

I got in close so the camera could catch it all. It was a sweet sight. Cum oozing out around Robby's lips and Pete's ass pucker. Pete's huge balls resting on Robby's forehead.

"Get that fuck slop way up inside Pete's bowels, Robby. Stick your tongue way up inside there. good, that's enough. Now Pete. You see that clear glass bowl over there. I want you to squat over that bowl and shit the cum out of your ass into the bowl! Make sure to smile for the camera while you do it. It's so hot to see a big muscular jock doing something like this.

Don't be shy, Pete. Make sure I can catch it all on camera. Don't feel awkward if you fart...that happens sometimes. I want to see how much fuck Robby actually got up your ass. If he didn't get enough up there, we will have to do the whole thing all over again." At that, both boys let out a sob!

"Come on, Pete, squeeze it out. Don't be embarrassed. It's not like I'm asking you to take a shit in front of me. I'll save that for another night. Just shit out the cum!"

Pete squeezed, and his face got red. His strong thighs and calves trembled. A sputter came from his ass pucker. Then a brownish white slime began to run from his asshole.

It ran down into the bowl. There wasn't much, not as much as I had hoped. But we could experiment with this game again sometime. A few good sized table spoons of ass slime and cum ran down into the bowl.

"All right, good job Pete. Robby, crawl over and lick Pete's ass clean. You can't expect a man to go home to his wife with his ass leaking cum, now can you?" Robby crawled on all fours over to the jock and spreading his ass cheeks, he began to lick the ass crack and puckered asshole. "How does that taste, Robby? Pretty good, huh? That's man ass you are getting there, Robby. That's something you could never get from a bitch. That is the taste of Man Ass! Just like when you eat my ass, Robby. Whose ass tastes better, Robby. My ass, or Pete's ass?" Robby was so busy licking and sucking ass, I didn't demand an answer from him. At last, his face slick with slime, Robby released the ass globes and looked up at me.

"Good boy, Robby. You deserve a treat. Drink the cum and ass slime out of the bowl!" Pete made a sound like he was about to puke. "Robby really wants to do this, Pete. He wants to lick up your cum and ass slime. Robby is made for things like this. It is his purpose in life. Robby, show Pete how much you respect him. Lick his fuck jizz and ass juice out of the bowl!"

You see, with boys like Robby, the former up and coming young executive turned pussyboy, the more filthy the activity...the more degenerate the act...the more he wants and needs it. Eventually, I would be getting Robby to commit some acts too filthy, too disgusting, too degenerate to even write about!

Next: Chapter 12

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