Robbys Predicament

By Dale Gutzman

Published on Nov 25, 2014


"So you want me to remove your cock cage?" I asked the handsome young man at me feet.

He hung his head and very quietly muttered. "Yes, please, Sir." He had come a long way in just a few short weeks. He now followed most instructions without sobbing or throwing a fit. Of course the secret of my success with him was stern discipline at the slightest resistance on his part. He was a good look young guy too. Not too tall. I was 6'2" and he was about 5'10", just the way I like my boys, small enough for me to throw around if necessary and also small enough for a really good rough ass fuck. He was not tall, but he was in damned good shape. that's what first attracted me to him at the gym. Slender but with nice muscle tone and a really huge horse cock, even when it hung flaccid. Big dick and nice big low hanging balls.

" Why do you want me to remove your nice new cock cage. You know it is for your own good...for your protection, so you don't go around playing with your big fat dick all the time. " I fingered the key to the cock cage. It hung around my neck. Only I could release him from his prick prison! "Why do you want me to remove your nice new cock cage?"

"So I can fuck my wife!" tears filled his eyes as he said it. They ran down his handsome cheeks and dripped from his chin. I had to laugh.

"When was the last time you fucked the bitch?" I used the strong language to weaken and control him. She was most likely in every sense a fine young woman.

"Two weeks ago!" I loved the way he hunched his smooth strong shoulders as he knelt before me. I was sitting naked in an arm chair, one leg draped over the arm, so my nine and a half inch, beer can thick dick flopped over my massive nuts very close to the dude's face. He could smell my cock.

"Two fucking weeks and no fucking pussy! Wow! That must be hard on you." I raised one naked foot and put it on his shoulder, my toes toying with his right ear lobe. He trembled just a bit. He looked only at my big dick, not at my face. He had been taught to look only at my dick...ALL THE TIME! He was really fucking damned cute. A cute little executive, working his way up in the firm. Not my firm. No, Sir. I am not in business...well, not in that kind of business.

"Two weeks, and your fucking wife still doesn't know about US?" He shook his head. I gently nudged his face with my foot.

"No, Sir, she doesn't know. Please, Sir, can't we stop now. I did what you wanted. I sucked your dick, and you even...." His voice broke.

"I even fucked your ass a dozen times...right? And you still have not told your wife about our 'relationship?'"

"With all due respect, Sir, it's not a relationship. You forced me to do these things!" I used my bare foot on his face to push him over onto the carpet. What he had just said was a fucking lie. I know why he lied to me...because he needed to lie to himself to try to preserve some self-esteem. I don't like self-esteem in my boys. I don't like dignity in my boys. I liked them to be dick slobbering Fuck Toys.

"Fucking Liar! You are nothing but a dick hungry closet case, and you know it!" I didn't want to get into name calling games, but I felt he had to face reality. Well, he was facing it in once sense, his nice thick long fucker was encased in a very small tight plastic dick cage. He could not fuck his wife in this condition! He had a very pretty young wife and a small child,I had seen photos, but I felt he was not being honest with them by keeping his secret life hidden. And what was his secret life? He hung around the gym, so that he could stare at the fuckmeat of the dudes working out there. He prowled the locker room and showers, eyes wide, getting off on all the swinging man meat. That was how I first met him. He was sitting on a bench, drooling over my naked fucker and nuts.

You can tell a dick hound. You can tell by the way they sniff the air, hoping to get a whiff of cock scent. You can tell by the way their eyes grow wide as you dress or undress near them, and they can look at your dangling meat. You can tell because as you squeeze by them to get to your locker, they don't move away allowing clear passage. No, on the contrary, they stay right there, so your fucker and nuts brush against them as you pass. I have encountered many dick hounds at the gym. I enjoy walking around the locker room bare- assed naked, just to see how many "fuck hounds" there are there. I usually find two or three, almost every time I go. The old men, the"old cockers" I call them, don't bother me. I let them look. After all, they need a bit of enjoyment too. I let them stare all they want at my fat pink pecker and sack. But the young, good looking ones I try to get to know. I chat them up. some of them are openly gay meat appreciators, and I have no trouble with them either. They are open and up front about their fuckmeat fascination.

But the closeted ones interest me. The young men who swear to their families and to themselves and to God even that they are straight... one hundred percent straight, but who spend hours and hours at the gym each week eying the pricks and asses of the other dudes. Closet Fags who probably think about cock while they are fucking their girlfriends or wives. I like to play with these kinds of boys. I like to "set them on the right track," so to speak.

And that was the case with Robby. What a fucking faggot name..."Robby!" Not Robert or Rob or even Robb...but "Robby!" Robby the young married executive who just about fainted when I changed next to him and gave him a really good look at my ass buster. I moved around a bit, as if searching for something in my locker, so that my thick meat would jiggle and grow almost half-hard. I have really good control of my fucker. If he had had dentures, they would have fallen on the tile floor. He stared in awe at my dick! I raised one foot and put in on the bench so the scrotum and dick were only inches from his cute face. Oh, yes, he was very cute indeed...otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. He never pulled back, not for a second. He just sat there with my dick hanging a few inches from his nose and mouth. I rummaged through the locker.

"You don't have any extra condoms, do you? I got a fuck date after I leave here, and I am out of condoms!" This was all bullshit of course. I didn't have a fuck date until later int he evening, and I don't use condoms...except for specific condom games, like having a toy of mine clean dirty used condoms with his mouth.

Robby just stared at my dick. Words wouldn't even come. He just sat there, hands over his own dick to cover it's erection. I spoke louder!

"I asked you if you have any condoms!" I allowed my voice to get a bit stronger, a bit deeper...a more commanding tone. "I need extra large!" I added. He finally shook his head. I loved the fact that he wore glasses. I think there is something really sexy about a handsome dude with eyeglasses. It really brings out the natural submissiveness.

"No, I, eh...I don't have any. I'm...I'm all out!" He stammered, eyes on my dick. I turned toward him so my fucker was now hanging just in front of his nose. With every inhale of air, he was smelling my dick.

I put my hands on my hips and just stood there, one leg up on the bench, my cock and balls right near his young handsome face. Then, I moved my hips so my half hard fucker slapped his face. He gasped and pulled back.

"Don't pull away! Get your fucking face back there!" I said with a low, growl to my voice. His mouth moved but no words came out. This was the big test. Like reeling in a fish. "Get your fucking face back where it was!" I could see his naked body tremble. He was smooth and had very little body hair. He shook his head "no!" I laughed and reached out and grabbed a fist full of his hair. I dragged his head close to my dick and proceeded to gently whack his nose and cheeks and lips with my hardening fucker. Just then, a guy passed our aisle of lockers. Robby tried to pull away, but I held his head there. "Don't move, Faggot! Don't you dare move a fucking inch!" I said loud enough the for passing dude to hear. Robby grew red from his face down to his toes, but he didn't move. I rubbed my now leaking dick all over his face.

"That was our first encounter. Robby swore that he was straight and had no idea why he was so fascinated with my dick. He swore to me he "wasn't like that." I simply ordered him to meet me at the gym three times a week. On our third "date" I took him into a stall and had him suck my dick. He wasn't a very good dick sucker, but he got better with time. On the fourth meeting, I took him into the steam room and made him lick my balls and suck on my asshole. He knelt there in the steam, tongue up my rectum, a good little boy toy. I began to tell him what to wear and what to do in his own life. I made him strut around the gym locker room bare assed, showing off his body to the other guys. I made him stand at a sink with one foot up on the sink and shave his balls, right in front of all the other dudes there. He trembled with humiliation. When he said he didn't want to play these kinds of games any more and wanted out, I kindly informed him that it was too late...that he was MINE!

He admitted to me that he thought about me when he was fucking his wife. I called him a fucking hypocrite and he cried. I told him he was betraying both is own wife and me! I took him to a motel and fucked his ass three times in a row. His ass had been virgin, so it was pretty ragged by the time I finished. He could hardly walk. I went to his place of work and made him suck my dick in the office toilet. He grew terrified of exposure. I told him, as long as he did exactly as I wished, there would be no trouble. I forbade him to wear underwear under his suit trousers, and one day, I masturbated him in his pants, so a huge stain formed. He had to go the rest of the day that way. Poor Robby! I made him masturbate four times after work, so he had no fuck interest in his wife when he got home. She began to wonder what was wrong with him. He used to be so fucking romantic. He was romantic with me. He sucked my big dick almost every day.

The first time I pissed in his mouth, he really balked. But I could tell, he loved it. I now sometimes made him masturbate right there in the gym locker room. Other guys shook their heads in disgust and called him names. Robby seemed to have no power to resist me. He had a truly submissive nature. I never even had to raise a hand to him. I just glowered and he crumpled. He licked my fuck sacks for hours while I watched tv. Sometimes, I would sit on his face and have him tongue my ass while I surfed the internet. He spent less and less time at home. IT WAS TIME FOR THE COCK CAGE.

The cock cage was to prevent him from fucking his wife without permission. I had been draining him pretty regularly, but I decided that I wanted to play some cum control games with him. I began to masturbate him almost to the point of ejaculation, but then, not allow him to cum. I would do this over and over, until he was almost crazy with the need to empty his balls. Then I placed the dick cage on his fucker, so that he couldn't get any fulfillment.

"How the fuck can your wife not know?" I asked him now, as he knelt in front of me. It was difficult for him to answer me at first, because I had shoved my big toe into his mouth and he was sucking on it.

"I told her I had a virus and I didn't want her to catch it." His voice trembled, the dweeb!

"For almost two had a virus? Jesus, what a loser you are!" I fucked my toe in and out of his sucking mouth. "Well, you are going to have to tell her something soon. I suggest the truth. The truth is always best. You should just sit down with her and tell her that the man who is fucking your mouth and ass doesn't want you messing around with cunt. You tell her that I will use you until I am tired of you, then I will dump you, and you will be free to go back to fucking her pussy. It's as simple as that!"

I thought he'd have a seizure. "Oh God, no, Sir...please...I can't tell her. She'd leave me. I love her so much!" He sobbed. If he loved her so much, what had he been doing dick hunting at the gym?

I leaned in and stroked his sweat slick hair. I patted his sooth cheek. "Would you like me to talk to her for you, buddy? I'd be happy to do that. I'll tell her all about our fuck sessions. How you crawl around on all fours for me and bark like a dog. How I even put a little leather doggie tail up your ass. I'll tell her how I make your prance around the locker room naked, with your nuts and dick bouncing and dancing for all the dudes."

"No, please...please...don't tell her. I don't want her to know."

"I understand, Robby. And if you don't want her to know, that is your business. But the dick cage stays on. I only unlock it when we have one of our fun dick pumping sessions. Otherwise, we have to keep you pure. I don't want my nice beautiful Robby dick all dirty from fucking into some cunt. You'll have to find some way to stall keep her off your prick."

His cute face fell in despair. "How long? How long do I have to keep it on?"

"Maybe just for a few months or so. Until you've earned the right to take it off!" He raised his head now and looked into my eyes for the first time in a long time.

"How do I do that, Sir?"

"Well, for starters, I am going to introduce you to some of my friends, and you are going to suck their dicks and get ass fucked by them. Secondly, I think you need a second job, so from now on, on weekend nights, you are going to be dancing nude at a gay bar I know."

He fucking freaked out. "I can't do that! I'VE NEVER EVEN BEEN IN ONE OF THOSE PLACES!"

I laughed. "Those places are not so bad, believe me. And the men are going to adore you. And don't worry, Robby, I am going to remove your "meat locker" when you dance, so that your nice fat fucker can swing and flop properly!" He crumbled onto the carpet, a sobbing basket case. After a while, I told him to suck my balls, so he crawled up and began to lick my wrinkled hairy scrotum. That seemed to calm him down him. Then I took him to bed and fucked his muscular handsome young executive ass. We'd work it all out somehow. I had no interest in having him lose his wife, especially if he loved her, but I wanted him to face certain realities about himself. And what fun it was!

Next: Chapter 2

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