Robbing Me Blind

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Sep 2, 2000





"Hey, man! You can make me do this, and you can make me do that. You got the drop on me, and you got me all tied up. But there are certain things in nature that neither you or I can control. And one of them is that I got a big turd up my ass and it's pushin' to get out! Now you made me strip before you tied me up...and you won't untie me so I can go to the bathroom! It's really pushin', man, and it's coming out soon and noth- ing's going to stop it. Now, you want me to shit on your couch, or are you gonna let me up?"

"I...I can't let you loose," Jan said. "The Ranger will be here...when he gets here. You're too strong for me, and I know I was lucky to get the drop on you, alone up here in the wilderness. You ain't fuckin' movin' til he gets here!"

"Okay, buddy, but I'm gonna do it right here all over your nice, expensive, white couch."

"NO!...Uh...DAMN! You better not be bullshittin' me, man! Robber or no robber, my wife'd kill me if somebody shit all over her couch! But I don't trust gotta stay tied up. You're too strong. I just got a lucky punch in when I surprised you."

"Yep, that's the way it's worked out, buddy. But I still got a big turd pushin' my back door open. And in this position there ain't no way in fuckin' hell I'm gonna be able to stop it! You dig?"

"Yeah...hold on a minute."

"Shit, how'd I get myself into this mess? What's that? What are you gonna do?"

"Paper towels," Jan shrugged.

"Aw, ain't that sweet! Buddy boy's gonna play nursey! Gonna collect my poop and wipe me nice and clean!"

"That's about it, sucker! Now you gotta go or not?"

"Jeez! I...I do. But, do I really gotta do it front of you?"

"Ah, losing a bit your self-assurance? Your macho demeanor? Do I detect a bit of reluctance at defecating in public?"

"Hunh? Oh, you mean shittin' while I'm being watched. Um, no, course not. Hey! Fuck no! Don't matter none to me. Hold your towels out, baby, and hope I don't soup all over the place!"

"GAWD! You're not gonna do that, are you?! Lemme get another roll!"

"Ha! Ha! Relax, peckerlick. I got turds as hard your head! No more time to kibbitz. Start pulling out how many hundreds of towels you think you need to protect yourself from my hot shit, cause here we go!"

"OH, GOLLY! I'M NOT READY!! JEEZ!" Jan cried.

He tried to pull the roll free, but it was a fresh one and he couldn't find the beginning! In desperation, he instinc- tively put his hand under the man's expanding anus and stared at it. "AH...OH...IT...IT'S COMING OUT!...I can't get these fucking towels...WOW!...never seen a guy take a shit before! Man, I didn't know assholes opened up THAT much! AH, GEE, THE FUCKIN' THING STINKS! Come on, man, hurry it up, willya. I gotta take it right in my hand...PUSH THAT FUCKER OUT OF THERE!"

The immediate emergency over, his muscles relaxed some, the robber smiled to himself and delayed his delivery. As embar- rassed as he was at this most intimate necessity, he was getting a kick out of the way the guy was carrying on, giving off mixed signals of amazement and disgust. "Gee, fella, I guess it's stuck!"

"Stuck? Stuck? What the fuck you mean, stuck? Turds don't get stuck, you idiot! You think I never shit before? Come on, push that muther outta there, so I can go dump this pile of shit!"

"Okay," he teased, "so it's not stuck. Let's just say it's kinda hanging between dimensions!"

"Hanging between dimensions?!" Jan gasped. "It's hanging outta your scutty asshole...that's what's it doing. Now push!"

"Say please!" the robber giggled, effeminately.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Jan asked, deliberately pausing between each word.

"Me?" the robber asked. "No. I don't think so. I'm just kneeling here naked taking a crap on your couch. You don't want that, so you're back there catching my turd in your hand! What's the problem?"

"The problem is, asshole, that you got about 7 inches of shit sticking out of your butt and I can't reach for the towels in case it breaks off! Now I hate doing this, so will you please bolt the rest of that smelly conglomeration outta there before I barf!"

"Oh, now, don't exaggerate. I've been shitting those turds now for over 19 years...and never once did I ever feel like barfing."

"Yeah, well, that's obviously because you rather enjoy the smell of your own shit, now, isn't it? I, on the other hand, don't exactly appreciate it. NOW SHIT!"

"Aw, don't get so belligerent. I'm doing the best I can, honest. Go ahead, take a good whiff of it. It's not nearly as bad as you think. Ok, so it's not your own precious poop. Bet you never got sick ploppin' your own turds, either, didya? So it's some other guy's. A few quick sniffs and it'll be familiar as all hell. Go ahead, put your nose on it. Sniff my hot shit!"

"You sick mutherfucker! Or should I say 'slick' muther- fucker? Think you're gonna get me all screwed up and flustered, hunh? Try my nerves? Think I'm too much of a wimpy pussy to see things au naturel?"


"Natural, dickbreath! You wanna make a spectacle of yourself, kneeling like that with a huge turd hanging out of your bumhole? Go ahead. A real pretty sight when the Ranger walks in!"

"Hmmm. You think he might wonder why you're back there ready to grab onto a big handful of shit?"


"Nsst, Nsst. Boy, we certainly are pussy-whipped, aren't we?"

"Nothing of the kind," Jan said, offended.

"Sure you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be subjecting yourself to this embarrassment. You'd simply let my load drop on the couch, scoop it up and toss it away, then after I'm apprehended you'd get down there and suck my shit outta the cushions! Then nobody'd know it ever happened...and you'd get to have yourself a nice jack-off!"

"FOUL-MOUTH! Gawd, how can you ever conceive of such filth?"

"Aw, come on, man. Get serious for a moment. I'm up here. You're back there. You're the guy that gets to smell it. You're the guy that's gettin' the hardon! I'm all tied up and you're back there gettin' the sights and smells, man, my asshole opening up and all, the sweet aroma of my shit, seeing how my anus opens up and my asslips grasp tightly around that glistening column. GAWD, IT MUST BE EXCITING!"

"You think so, hunh?"

"Hell yes, you wanna trade places? Let me tie you up and I'll be the one to get a hardon in my pants while I watch you take a shit!"

"I DON'T HAVE A HARDON!" Jan exclaimed, practically stamping his feet.

"Oooh," he quickly reached back, "I beg to differ, baby. What's this here in your trousers? Sure feels like a stiff pecker, or else I missed the last circle jerk at the clubhouse."

He slapped the guy's hand away. "I...I..."


"I don't know why I have that! J-just natural, I guess, cause you've got no clothes on. You know, nudity does strange things and stuff..."

"Hmmm. You sure? Never noticed that problem in the locker room."

"Yes you did! Hell, I always got boners in the locker room. I mean, uh, lots of guys get boners...I've seen 'em."

"Hey, baby, it's alright," he cooed, soothingly. "I think I remember now. Yeah, there was a bunch of guys that always sprung bones when we all got naked. And other guys lookin' at them suddenly boned up!"

"Uh, something like that," Jan agreed, somewhat confused.

"So. Were you one of the guys that sprung a boner when the rest of us fellas stripped off...or did you wait until those other guys showed off their stiffs, making you get hot?"

"I never got hot...that's not what I mean!"

"Buddy boy, buddy boy...not too many sure things in life, but one of them is if a dude pulls a boner in a locker room full of naked studs...he desperately wants to suck cock. Now I ain't tryin' to put you down...after all, you kinda got me in a funny situation with a turd hangin' outta my asshole and all...but let's just say that maybe there's a way we might come to terms before the Ranger gets here. You dig?"

"No, I don't! You didn't exactly understand me."

"Oh, yes I did. What you're trying to convince me of happens to boys about 12 or 13. Little peckers'll throw a rod just sayin' the word sex. Get 'em all naked in one room and that's where circle jerks come from! But you're what, 22? 24? You either got a severe case of inhibited adolescence, or you wanna lick my dick. Or ass...if that's what's turning you on at the moment! Either way, now's your opportunity, man. I'm ready to deal. After all, I never really took anything, did I? I don't dig the idea of getting my asshole plugged all the time doing a year or two--I'm a little guy who can't defend himself much. So I'm certainly amenable to lettin' you crawl between my legs and licking your fuckin' heart out."

"Well, now, isn't that special!" Jan mocked, trying to sound like the Church Lady. "You seem to be missing an important thing here. I'm the one who's got you all tied up! If I was of the persuasion to do some pecker nibblin'...I could just do it...and still turn you in! Who'd know? On the other hand, it seems to me that you should be making a much better offer if you wanna keep this god-awful shitty asshole of yours virgin and chaste!"

"Uh, you got a point. Not exactly the best set-up for talking deals. I'll hold it, I promise. You reach for the towels."

Once the robber relaxed his attitude, our hero gave a silent sigh of relief. He decided to leave his defensive position under the protruding turd to unravel the towels. Then he quickly changed his mind and reached out his bare hand and grabbed hold of it. He wrenched it from the guy's anus!

"Hey! I said I wouldn't."

"I know. I believed you. But it might have dropped off anyway, no matter what you did. I just couldn't take the chance. What's a little bit of shit on the hand, hunh?"

The guy laughed. "Nothing's quite as serious as we make it out to be, is it?"

"No, sometimes it's just plain dumb. Here, shoot the rest of that fucker out of there, willya? I'm tired of smelling your shit!"

"Oh, you talk so nasty to me! Here you go baby, grab hold of that!"

The 19-year-old robber pushed on his sphincter and squeezed out another 5 massive inches of hot turd. Jan caught it in his towel-covered hand, and started to chuckle. "Man, that was some turd! If anybody ever tells you you're full of shit...don't argue with them." He grabbed a couple more towels and gently wiped the asshole clean. He leaned over and rearranged the ties enough so the robber could at least sit on the couch.

"Thanks, mommy, for wipin' my bum for me! Did you like baby's poop!"

"You're quite a character."

"Sorry, guess I just can't help jokin' around."

"No, it's alright. Actually, you're too fucking funny to make me really offended. Just takes a while to see it's your nature. Course you did call me peckerlick. And you did make certain insinuations."

"Don't forget you called me dickbreath. That must count for something!"

"And the other things?"

"Well, everything I said about that was sound, scientific fact, or something on that order. I don't take that back. Besides, you did kinda agree that we might come to an arrange- ment. Whadda you think? You've gotten a few good peeks at me... here and there. Wanna blow me?"

"Heh! You don't mix words, do you?"

"What's your name?"


"Yeah, figures. You got those nordic looks. All blond and handsome so's you can get anything you want in life. Well, Jan, I don't much mix words. I tease a lot, but mostly I just say it out loud. Saves a lot of time. Speaking of time, we don't have much of it, do we? We gotta get things settled before that fuckin' Ranger comes galloping in here."

"He'll be a while yet, from what I understood. What do you mean, I can get anything I want in life? That's stupid."

"Aw, come on. Blondes have more fun, right? Got the best looks. Blonde guys always seem to get the best...never yet seen one wasn't at the top of the class, or top of the shop, or top of the heap, or what the fuck ever else!"

"I don't see it. You got...well, real nice looks. Don't... you know, don't like...blonde girls go for darker guys, and vice versa? Ain't that how it usually works?"

"Sometimes. You didn't exactly spit it out, but are you hintin' that you might kinda dig my dark looks, blondie?"

Jan sighed and turned away, ignoring the question. Then he looked back. "What's your name...or alias?!"

The young robber smiled. "Yeah, well, that's a problem in itself. My name's Arnold, but everybody calls me Chip. I ain't no fuckin' Arnold, and my parents hung the other on me when I was little. Chip! Little Chip! Ain't that a cocksuckin' name to get hung with?"

"Don't know, Chip. Depends on whether you're a cocksucker. Are you?"


"Ever sucked a cock, Chip?" Jan teased.

Chip was silent for a moment, figuring the angles. "You got me tied up, man, I'll answer any way you want me to. I already got you checked out for givin' good head. You want I should be strictly trade, or what?" Bad answer, and he knew it too late. But he was confused.

"You think blondes are stupid, Chip?"

"No. Why'd you ask that?"

"You know you already answered my question, don't you?"

"Aw, yeah. Kinda goofed on that. Okay, I've had pecker in my mouth, once or twice, so what?"

"So what?" Jan shook his head in disbelief. "Can't you just be honest and straightforward for once, and cut the crap about maybe once or twice and so what?"

"OK, dude. Like I said, I'm a little guy, right? I did six months in county a while back, and in there you learn to give head or get your head busted open. So, yeah, I've sucked a lot of pricks! But..."

"And you don't have to tell me about the ones you hated. The ones you sucked just to keep your hide intact. I under- stand. Tell me about the ones you enjoyed. And tell me the same about the times you bent over. Not the times you HAD to bend over...unless you'd like to...just the times you bent over because you wanted to."

"Jeez! You ain't so bad at not mixin' words either! Okay, I'll tell ya about it...I'll tell you about it all cause I never had a chance to. I always kept it wrapped up inside, you know. You're something else, man, drawing this all outta me. These ties got nothing to do with it. But, you sure we got time? What about that fuckin' Ranger?"

Jan noticed the little tears in Chip's eyes. "No Ranger. I never called them," he finally admitted.

"What! You been shittin' me all this time? Mutherfucker!"

Jan smiled, noticing the relief in Chip's face as he slumped back against the cushions of the couch. And he was even prepared for Chip's inevitable comeback.

"So! Got me all tied up and naked. Never called for help. Figured you'd just HANDLE me yourself, hunh? Like what you've seen so far?"

"You mean like a scared, naked punk with his dick all shriveled up and only coming up with the farce of having to take a shit so I get really disgusted and just throw you out of the cabin?"

"Y-you saw through it all? So why didn't you call the Rangers? You caught me fair and square. And how come you made out like bein' a real pussyboy? You ain't so dumb. And...hey... you did make me get naked. You didn't have to do that!"

"I ain't so dumb! I catch a guy, ok? A guy that broke into my cabin to steal things. He's smaller than me. I'm no fighter, but this kid I can probably handle. I do, and manage to get him tied up. Just to make sure he's not gonna run away very far, I make him take off all his clothes. Then, when he's secure, I go for the phone. But I make the big mistake of looking at him while I'm dialing. I figure he's a kid that's so full of shit you can't trust anything he says. A real con artist, you know? But for some reason, I put my finger on the button and hold it down. Go figure!"

"Don't have to, man. You're as bad as me. You gave it away when you said you were looking at me all nude. Then you didn't call. Simple."

"Let's go back to that later. You were about to tell me about the times you blew guys willingly. We still bein' honest here?"

"Sure. I don't give a fuck. I could keep bullshittin' in a way by telling you I learned to dig it in jail. You know, you suck so many cocks you're bound to like some over others, right? Guys that're nice and gentle you dig over the bastards. I started springing boners when I was 11. After I came the first time, I loved it so much my ears were totally closed to anybody telling me some things were okay and some were not. If my prick got satisfied...I went for it! And I wasn't no cheat. I talk a kid into going down on me...if he says okay if you do it too... I do it too. Ain't no chore, you know. Little friend's suckin' up a storm on my pecker, I do his right! He likes it, what the fuck, I like it too, you know...this ain't so fucking bad no matter what they say! See what I mean? Cocksuckin's supposed to be so bad...fuckin' idiots! Cocksuckin's fantastic, man! I can dig eatin' out twat, you know, but what the get right down to it...there's nothing there. So when I went for my six months I'd been sucking prick for years. Helped a little, but I still got ambushed. Still, it was best I knew how to take them. Some fuckin' big monsters, too. Assholes!"

"W-what about..."

"Yeah, I got my cork popped a couple times, too! There again, I held nothing back when I was a little shit. Some guy come up with the idea about cornholing--I tried it out. Took a few times, but then I said hey guy wanna mess around I'll let you stick it to me. And I stuck it to them, too. Mostly they were chickenshit little twerps but--fuck it--I let them jag me. Felt good to me and that's what mattered. Saved my ass in jail, too. Yeah, Jan, I wanna blow you. Even get your pecker up good and stiff so you can drive it up shitty...back door! Damn, wish it wasn't that way. Let me go clean up. I'll let you ride me. You gonna blow too? I just know you want to... never missed the signs yet!"

"Y-you got the signs right, Chip. Probably better than I know. Seeing you all naked, I got funny juices boiling up in me. Never had it happen before. Never sucked a dick. Never did a thing with another guy. look nice. I like the way you look. You oughta be naked all the time, man. You'd get guys like me stirred up all over the place!"

"Naw, it's just you had me captive...all to yourself and in your power. Gave you fantasies. But thanks. Already told you about your hot blonde looks, didn't I? You wanna just try it with me still tied up?"

"I...I don't know. Yeah, maybe."

"Sure, man. It'll be hot. I'm your fuckin' slaveboy, see? You got me all trussed up and buck naked. You can do what you want with your dark haired slave! Come on, master. Do it to me! Order me around. Make me do it to you! I hate it. I can't stand suckin' cock and takin' it up the ass! I gotta be forced! And you're just the guy to make me. Hot blonde stud comin' at me... gonna make me love it! Yeah! Oh, see there, master? Gettin' a bulge in your trousers, aren't ya?! Bet you're gonna start playin' with it, hunh? Gonna work it up real stiff and show me what I got coming to me for being a little sneak thief!"

Chip's words were definitely getting to Jan. Yet, Chip seemed so practiced, he was a bit hesitant. Chip caught it right away. He looked directly into Jan's curious eyes.

"TIME OUT!" he cried. "Jan? No...fuckin'...bullshit! TIME IN!"

Jan smiled, then quickly worked his face into a sneer. He reached down and began to stroke his cock through his Levi's and he walked toward the naked boy. He thrust his crotch at Chip's surprised face.

"Here, you work it! Do your fucking duty, punk. I gotta do everything? Push your face in there and breathe on it!"

"Y-yes, sir!" Chip picked up on it immediately. He'd never played this game, but already he was digging the hell out of it. He grabbed Jan by the ass and pushed his face into the denim crotch, mashing his face into the erection growing inside, and putting his mouth below to shoot in hot air over Jan's balls. "Oh, yes, master. Please don't beat me again... I'll do ANYTHING to please you! Just tell me!"

Jan looked down at the guy, totally relishing his power of command in this new, exciting phase of his sexuality. "Hot breath is makin' my balls sweat. You can't smell 'em that way. Pull my pants down and get your nose ready!"

Chip, betraying an obvious excitement that made Jan's prick flinch, quickly worked the buttons open and slithered the Levi's and shorts down in a flash! Jan gasped, his middle bare and naked to a guy's lust for the first time. He watched Chip totally ignore his rigid cock and go right for his nuts, sniffing and smelling them!

"Oh, yeah! You're a hot little punk cocksucker! Get down there and work those nuts over! Smell 'em up good...get way underneath where the best part is!" He kicked his pants off, spread his legs and worked his ballsack over Chip's face. Back and forth, back and forth.

"Please, sir. Can I lick them for you?" Chip looked up.

"You gotten some good smells?"

"Oh, luscious smells, sir. But I just can't wait. Let me lick the sweat off of them, please, sir!"

"OK, slave. Lick 'em good and clean. But keep smelling while you do it!" Jan was really starting to believe his role. When Chip began to moan as he swiped his hot tongue from way in the back, up and around and over the big nuts, Jan knew it was real! That hot tongue working between his legs had his dick quivering. It was almost an automatic response to the hot licks, but he did feel a bit naughty about it when he lifted his right leg and pushed his crotch forward to allow the wet tongue to keep slipping back further underneath. Fuck him, he thought, he's a slave--a robber and a thief. He slowly bent his knees and settled his asshole on Chip's mouth. To Jan's surprise, the flapping and licking didn't stop. In that position his anus must have been protruding--which only made him feel nastier as he felt Chip's licker squirming around down there. Jan threw his head back and stared at the ceiling, delighting in what Chip was doing!

"Ohhh, yeah! Lick me there! Lick all around. You like that smell? You like that, slaveboy?"

"N-no!" Chip muttered between the legs. "Please don't make me do this! Please don't!"

That only encouraged Jan. He was enjoying the idea of using force. He pushed on his muscles, trying to force his asshole open. At the same time, he reached down and grabbed Chip behind the head, pulling his face up into his pungent valley--allowing no disobedience.

"Stop fighting it," Jan demanded, "a slave does what he's told! Now get your tongue hard. I want to feel it driving right up inside there. Come on, SHOVE IT IN! LICK OUT MY BACK PASSAGE! YEAH, THAT'S WHAT SLAVES ARE FOR...TO LICK OUT THEIR MASTER'S BACK PASSAGE! TONGUE ME OUT! CLEAN OUT MY HOLE! OOOH, THAT'S IT...DEEPER!" Jan put his other foot onto the couch and straddled Chip's face, backwards, pushing it down onto the cushioned seat. Holding onto the arm of the couch, he sat down on Chip's face, grinding his asshole over the boy's mouth. He lifted once, moving his cock and balls to the side and looked down, staring directly into Chip's wide, pleading eyes and watching his tongue at work.

"Don't look so upset, slave. You love it down there... licking out my asshole. And don't try to tell me you're not enjoying the taste. Keep digging in there, and put my whole asshole into your mouth and suck on it. YEAH, THAT'S HOT, SLAVE! SUCK THE SHIT RIGHT OUTTA MY ASS YOU SMART LITTLE PUNK! MAKIN' ME HANDLE YOUR TURD LIKE THAT! You're filthy, you little punk, so you must love this! Uugh! There, I got it all opened up for you...LICK OUT MY RECTUM!"

Chip was getting more than he'd bargained for. He'd held fantasies about licking a guy's butthole...but this! He was amazed at the transformation in Jan's attitude, but couldn't deny that having the stud looking down at him--delighting in forcing him to do this dirty act--was exciting him much more than it was disgusting him. After all, Jan's asscrack had smelled fresh, yet aromatically masculine. He figured the guy had taken a dump sometime since his last shower, but had wiped himself quite thoroughly. Sure, that'd be Jan's habit, he was sure. But even the best wiping wouldn't remove all traces. And those traces were exactly what had attracted Chip enough to keep lapping behind the guy's nuts until he'd found that fragrant spot.

When his mind registered excitement at the prospect of licking there, Chip's cock had gotten harder. Chip never denied his cock. He took it as a sign that he was in for a hot, lusty time. And the more Jan seemed to enjoy it...the more Chip was digging it--and digging in! Pretend he wasn't enjoying the taste? He hadn't been aware of any particular taste...until Jan had said that. But, even though he was a little scared of actually being able to distinguish a taste that might ruin his mood...because certainly there had to be something there to match the smell, he dug deeper and concentrated on it. Sure, he could have tried to ignore it..but that wasn't Chip's way. When it came to sex, he went into it all the way! And with that butt on his face, he had his chance. So he went into it--ALL THE WAY! He squirmed his tongue up the hot rectal cavity as far as he could stick it. There was, indeed, a slightly bitter moistness hiding just inside. Remnants, he decided, but he didn't think of shit. He thought of nasty assjuice! Something a slave should enjoy! Damn, he thought, as he realized he loved the tingly flavor of Jan's assjuice..I AM A FUCKIN' SLAVE ...I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN! THOSE DUMB FUCKS IN JAIL COULD HAVE HAD ME DOING THIS...EVEN THE BIG BLACK STUDS! WONDER WHAT SUCKING OUT A HOT NIGGER HOLE WOULD BE LIKE!! SURE HAD MY SHARE OF THE JUICY CREAM OUT OF THOSE BIG FUCKIN' COCKS! HAH! Hard-core sadistic bastards weren't even half as nasty as this pussy-whipped stud sitting on my face. He knows how to treat a slave! Make him eat out your shithole! Yeah, I'll eat it out. He's looking right down at me. He can tell I'm diggin this! So is he. His dick's leaking all over the place!

Hardly being touched, except for the pressure applied to push it back for a good view, Jan's prick was indeed flowing. Jan suddenly lifted up, hunching his ass up in the air, and shoved his cock into Chip's mouth!


The lewd rimming had been too much. He shuddered, filling Chip's mouth with hot, boiling sperm! He wished he could be watching him drink it down, but the intenseness of his orgasm had him grasping and hanging over the back of the couch. His ass bounced up and down as he fucked into his new slave's cocksucking mouth--delirious at the sensation. Gawd! How he wished his wife could suck cock like that!

Finally, he pulled back, just letting Chip lick around the corona, sucking his tender knob for more juice. After he caught his breath, he bounded off the couch and stared down, watching Chip lick his lips. He could see the exciting lasciviousness in his eyes. He wished his cock was up good and hard again, so he could drive it back into the boy's hot, sucking mouth! A little rest, that's all. He would do it again. Why not? He still had the boy tied up.

"Let me loose! Please, master, let me loose! Let me get my hands on my prick before I shoot all over myself!" Chip was squirming, his hard prick pointing straight up...his big balls pulled tight into their sack...his ass rubbing all over the stark white couch.

"Don't...don't do that! Jan stood back and pointed. "Stop rubbing your asshole over the couch! May...maybe there's still some...stuff. Don't get it dirty!"

"Fix it master! Fix it for me. You got me so hot tastin' your assjuices I can't help it. Fix it for me. Here!" Chip tossed his legs back, lewdly exposing his asshole. "Touch me, wipe me, LICK ME! I'm you're slave, master. My asshole belongs to YOU. Do something with it!"

Jan stared at the gaping hole. It was a hot sight having the guy laying back like that, showing himself off. Jan had never realized how exciting an asshole could look--especially another guy's! He hadn't been digusted, exactly, when he'd had to wipe it clean. It had just been a necessary thing, and he'd done it mechanically. Still, he involuntarily squinched up his nose at the prospect.

"I'm not letting you loose. I can't help it if your cock's stiff because you dig sucking my ass. But..." he moved closer and crouched down on the floor, staring at the boy's anus, "I'd better check this out. You get shit on that couch and..." Jan reached out and began to poke his finger at the hole. He rubbed it around the protruding anal lips, drawing his finger back and looking at it. He turned the finger over and surveyed it. Good, there wasn't any shit on it. "Close your eyes!" he ordered Chip. "Don't question me...just close your eyes!"

Chip did as ordered, or so it seemed. Peeking through the slips, he saw Jan quickly lift the finger to his nose and smell it! But he gave himself away when he got a big grin on his face.

"You peeked, you shit!" Jan screamed, blushing. "I gave you an order! You'll pay for that disobedience before the day's over!"

"S-sorry, master. I didn't mean to. But there's no harm. I'm your slave. You have every right smell me. Or anything else! You are in total command. It don't matter what I think about anything you do!"

"Yeah, that's right." Jan smiled, mostly to himself. "I'm never gonna do this again...and you don't count. Almost like I'm alone. Do whatever the fuck I want to do. Yeah, I think I'll just go in for a better look!"

He put his hands out and took hold of Chip's offered buttocks. He worked them open and closed, watching the puckered anus fluctuate, showing off its tender pinkness. He dug his thumbs in there, pulling the lips open until he could almost see up into Chip's rectum! Chip helped by relaxing, letting his asshole gape. The pink skin was so bright, Jan was amazed that he could detect no telltale signs of shit. After all, the guy had pushed a big, fat turd out of there less than an hour ago. It was so amazing, in fact, that Jan decided to put his face closer. So close that he was able to smell the guy's hole. He tried to pretend he wasn't doing it, but the slight odor began to fry his brain! He put his nose right on the anus and began to sniff at it--loudly!

"AW, SMELL MY SHITHOLE, MASTER! I MADE THOSE SMELLS JUST FOR YOU!" Chip gasped. He was really trying to encourage Jan to totally let loose, and do what he'd had done to him. "I MADE THE TASTE FOR YOU, TOO! COURSE YOU ONLY HAFTA LICK IT IF YOU WANT TO...YOU'RE MY FUCKIN' MASTER, MAN. B-BUT IT IS RIGHT THERE--LICK THE MUTHER OUT...SIR!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jan yelled, shaking the walls. Then he took a breath and plunged his face into Chips' asshole and immediately began to suck on his hot, spicy anus' He was absolutely ravenous! His prior orgasm had done nothing to abate his excitement. The hot guy's nasty, uninhibited sexiness was something he'd never come across before. Okay, so it was a guy. So what! That's the only way it could be. No chick could EVER be this crude and smutty! No chick could EVER act and talk so deliciously vulgar as his slave boy was doing! Yes, yes, it was the proper position for a slave to lick his master's backside. It was also proper, and necessary, for a master to keep his slave happy and obedient. One way of doing that was to bestow little favors like this. Keep a slave's prick drooling and he'll service you without hesitation. He sucked at Chip's asshole, drawing the lips into his mouth--hard!

Then he realized what he missed--being engrossed in this dirty act--was Chip's foul mouth. Quickly, he pulled away. "Don't just lay there, you bastard--TALK DIRTY!"

"As you wish, sir!" Chip got a smug look of his face that Jan missed because he'd thrust his face back between the cheeks. "What shall I mention, master? That you look so handsome licking out my crack? That the smooching noises you're making tell me how much you love the taste and smell of my asshole? I don't have to tell you all know it! So, I'll tell you how you're making me feel. WONDERFUL! Nobody's ever sucked my ass before. I've never sucked an ass before. I love sucking your ass, master! SUCK MY ASS! OH, THAT'S SO GOOOOD! I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE FOREVER...AND WE CAN SPEND ALL OUR TIME SUCKING OUT EACH OTHER'S HOT, SMELLY ASSHOLES! OH, YEAH, YOU'RE REALLY GETTING IN THERE DEEP. WE LIKE EACH OTHER'S SMELL. WE LIKE EACH OTHER'S TASTE. I CAN'T HELP IT, MASTER, BUT I'M GONNA SHOOT! DON'T WORRY, I'LL HAVE ANOTHER LOAD READY SOON. AW, I CAN STILL TASTE YOUR HOT ASSJUICES! OH, QUICK...HERE! UGH! UGH! AWWW!" Jan pounced on the cock, sucking up all the squirting juices while Chip moaned and ran his fingers through the guy's hair!

He looked up at Chip, still swirling the softening prick around in his mouth. Chip was smiling at him, softly caressing his cheek with the back of his fingers. Then Jan realized something was amiss.

"Hey! How'd you get your hands free?"

"Oh, that?" he laughed. "I got free a long time ago! You just never noticed."

"But..." Jan gasped, stiffening.

"Oh, come on, baby, bring that big prick up here. Let your slave boy give you a good suck!"

"Y-you bite me and I'll..." Jan warned, standing.

"Don't be silly, man. You think I'd mess up this pretty thing?" He took the hard prick between his lips and gave Jan a slick, healthy blowjob, gobbling the lumpy pudding down his throat.

"Mmmm. Damn, that was thick! When's the last time you had sex?"

"It's been a while. Me and the wife are having problems. That's why I'm staying up here for a few days."

Chip was still holding Jan around his soft buttocks. "Mind if I stay with you? Or you still wanna turn me in?"

"Hell, why turn you in when I can turn you on! You're not gonna try stealing from me, are you?"

"Yeah...I am," he smiled, using a finger to tickle Jan's butthole. "I'm gonna steal this virgin cherry!"

"Ah!" Jan squealed deliciously. "That's highway robbery, man. But I think I'm gonna like the way you drive that truck!"

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