Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jan 23, 2021


Hello everyone and here we begin a hopeful healthy New Year and I wish everyone all the best for the New Year, we all certainly need it!! I am sure you along with most everyone, is still reeling over the RIOT in Washington DC on the sixth. Everyone still be vigilant, stay safe and healthy!!! As you may know, my wonderful partner Allen is my chief editor and keeps me from making egregious mistakes, (not that I ever make any) LOL. We celebrated our 20th Anniversary on the 29th of Dec. We celebrated at home with one of my favorite dishes for dinner by candlelight. It was very romantic. May we have 20 more wonderful years to come with love, happiness and joy!

So here begins Chapter 9, with some travel, new clients and friends and maybe a little sex now and then, (But only if you're into it!) So, let's get started.

The sun streamed in and both men awoke refreshed in each other's arms as usual. They were covered in dried cum after the night of passionate love making. It was fantastic as usual. Robbie lifted his head from Tommy's dried cum-covered hairy chest and looked up at Tommy's beautiful face. He sighed deeply and was staring at Tommy as he opened his eyes, sensing movement from his Robbie. He smiled, moved slightly and gently kissed the top of Robbie's head. "Morning my sweet love. And how are you this morning?"

Robbie looked up at his darling husband and smiled. "Just fabulous as always when we wake up together like this. Last night was beyond words, but then it just gets better each time we make love. Oh, and by the way, I have decided I love you just a little bit, just around the edges, though!!!" He then leaned down and kissed the top of Robbie's head again.

"Darling, as much as I loved each of us holding each other, I need to PEEEEEEE so badly, so let's hit the bathroom, do our business, shower and go find some coffee, okay?" Robbie leaned up, kissed his husband and then both men leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to pee, brush their teeth and shower. They made quick work of peeing as both needed to go badly, and after brushing their teeth, Tommy reached into the shower and turned it on to warm the water in their huge marble enclosure with the six large shower heads. As Tommy was starting the shower, Robbie wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist and hugged him tightly, then running his hands up Tommy's cum matted hairy chest, "God you feel so good, even with my dried cum all over us!!!"

"The shower is warm now darling, so let's get in. I want to wash you from head to toe and if your magnificently large hard cock happened to slide in and out of my mouth at some point, I certainly wouldn't object!!" Robbie laughing, let go as the men stepped into their hot shower. They rinsed each other and washed each other's hair as was their custom, and Tommy proceeded to wash his lover with scented shower gel that smelled so good. He gently washed Robbie's rock hard, 9" cock, that was starting to leak pre-cum, gently rubbing the soap in and around Robbie furry balls and the down his thighs. Robbie was moaning as he leaned up against the marble wall of the shower so he wouldn't keel over. Tommy leaned forward to lick the head of Robbie's dripping cock and savored the taste he loved so much. He then took the whole length of that hard 9" cock down his throat and held it there. Robbie was moaning louder as Tommy slid to the end of Robbie's cock and started playing with the very sensitive cock head. The once again he took the cock deep into his throat and went up and down with a great sucking motion. "OH GOD Baby, you're going to make me cum and I mean right NOW, as he squirted 4-5 shots of cum deep into Tommy's throat. Tommy pulled back on the cock to saver the taste. Not wanting to miss one drop, believe me, he didn't.

<Tommy slowly stood up and grabbed Robbie. The men kissed deeply, loving the taste of the cum they now shared.

"Now it's my turn. I need your cum too darling!!" But Tommy shyly said it was too late! "When you came in my mouth, I came without touching myself with 4-5 shots of wasted cum down the drain. I'm sorry babe, but I will make more for later and you can as always have as much as you want - deal??"

"MMMMMMM" Robbie moaned as they kissed once more, finished their shower, dried each other and went to dress for the day. Tommy in a wonderful light brown suit with a very light ecru French cuff dress shirt, gold cufflinks and he chose a medium brown tie with polka dots in cream and light brown. Very conservative and stunning. Tommy always looked great in a suit. Robbie, on the other hand, dressed in kaki's with a blue light weight cashmere sweater and a dark blue silk sport coat with dark blue suede shoes. Robbie added a gold chain with a stamp sized gold and diamond pendent. Each added a splash of subtle scent. Tommy's was YSL and Robbie's splashed on Cool Water Cologne. Both men kissed and left their suite to go downstairs searching for coffee.

They walked into the kitchen and were greeted by Daryl and Elsa, who were sitting with coffee, sharing the paper. A wolf whistle came out of Daryl. "Damn guys, you look fabulous!!"

They each smiled and reached for their coffee and sat down after kissing Elsa good morning. "Damn this coffee is great, and boy was it needed this morning" said Robbie after taking another sip. Tommy asked Daryl if he had heard from Robert? Daryl smiled and said they were going out for dinner tonight and he was looking forward to it!!

"Oh, what time are we leaving on Friday and when will we be back??" Daryl inquired.

"We are planning on leaving about 10:00 on Friday and will be back most likely on Tuesday or Wednesday. You both will have fun at the ranch while Tommy and I head further south to check on things in Beverly Hills and then on to the Desert. We are taking some things down to the house as well." Oh, and remember Daryl, most of the hands at the ranch are gay, although some are partnered and don't mess around. You most likely will be hit on by some of the "COW POKES. Go with the flow and have a good time but please try to be discreet!!" and Robbie and Tommy both broke out in great laughter while Daryl turned bright red, blushing deeply!

Elsa, while laughing as well, place breakfast on the table. Just simple English breakfast, fried eggs, hash browns, a broiled tomato and sauteed mushrooms and crispy bacon, broiled that was coated in flour and brown sugar, sour-dough toast with home-made apricot jam on the side and glasses of chilled fresh grapefruit juice. It all smelled heavenly and everyone tucked in and ate. It was gone in a flash. "You spoil us rotten dear Elsa, and we love you for it and we thank you," said Tommy. Breakfast was finished in what seemed like minutes, which was so good and really hit the spot and the men had to dash to work..

Each went to their separate cars, had a steamy kiss and said they would be in touch during the day (as they always did anyway). Robbie had a meeting with a slightly disgruntled Soux Chef, who seemed to be having problems with some of the staff. Randy had been hired away from another restaurant and gave forth a fairly impressive interview, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding!! And BOY ...was that pudding rotten!!

Randy had been working at the restaurant down in the financial district for about two months and they were normally closed on Sundays. They were open on Monday thru Fri to accommodate the business crowd for normally a very busy lunch during the week. Then dinners on Wed.- Sat. evenings.. The restaurant did well with the Financial/Banking crowd.

Robbie had been hearing some things he didn't like about the goings on and the way Randy was treating his staff. Robbie heard that he had thrown a skillet across the restaurant at a server, with hot food in it. So Randy was in for a meeting and was due at 9:00 AM. At 10:09, his secretary buzzed him and said the Randy was finally there. Robbie was a real stickler on promptness, over an hour late strike against him to start.

Robbie couldn't believe his eyes: Randy staggered into his office looking like crap, unkept, a dirty shirt and badly stained pants, two different types of shoes, sockless and unshaven. Robbie just stood there with his mouth open when Randy stuttered...slurred... "What the Sam Hill do you want, faggot??" Then he almost fell over as he grabbed a chair and slid to the floor!! There was no explanation that could save this man's job. Robbie picked up the phone and told his Assistant to call security and also my Father and get them here STAT!!!

Robbie looked at the obviously drunken slob on his floor. "OH Randy, there has to be an explanation for this, but I am not going to listen to whatever story you come up with. So as of right now you are soooo fired.

You will receive no recommendation from me and your will forfeit any pay you have coming. You are never to enter any of my restaurants again and your picture will be circulated to all staff. If you do show up, you will be arrested for trespassing! You GOT THAT??"

Randy gave sort of a grunt and sat up, then pulled himself up to a shaky standing position and just glared at Robbie.

"Now at least I don't have to put up with a faggot like you anymore or any of the faggots that work in that stye you call a restaurant, proceeding to fall down again just as security came in to get the drunken slob.

Robbie had his father called and had him come down ASAP to witness this mess as Randy was being hauled away. Daniel walked in just after security came, looked down and asked, "What the FUCK??" Robbie looked at his dad and said, "This mess is Randy, my former Soux Chef at the financial district restaurant."

Robbie proceeded with the story he had heard from staff at the restaurant. He had called Randy in for a meeting and "This slob is what I got." I just fired his ass and we will bar him from coming into any of our restaurants for any reason. He will be arrested for trespassing if he tries to come in, ever again.... Robbie then told Daniel what had transpired in the office moments ago, including the name calling and such. Daniel was appalled at the whole situation, but he knew Robbie would handle whatever needed to be done. That is why he had Robbie running that division and doing a wonderful job. Daniel was really proud of his son and gave him a huge hug and went back to his expansive office, while security took Randy away with a minimal fight.

Randy tried to punch one of the guards as he was being picked up and screamed, "let me go you SOB!" He missed the punch totally and the guard let him fall to the floor on his face. Laying there stunned, the guards picked him up, secured his hands and trudged him downstairs where the police met security in the lobby of the Blackford Building. They took him away with charges of public drunkenness, disorderly conduct and assault!! He was going away for a while.

As the cops grabbed him, they tried to read him his Miranda rights, but he was so drunk, he didn't really understand. They drove him away and one of the guards called upstairs and gave Robbie the run-down of everything. Robbie gave a big sigh as he sank down in his desk chair with his head in his hands and tried to calm down. He knew what was needed was for him to go to the restaurant, get things started and make any changes he needed to make. He was going to need a new Soux Chef, but he had someone in mind at that restaurant who always did very well and was also very well liked, and his cooking skills was superb..!!

He got up, went over and made himself a Latte, sat back down and called Tommy to explain what had happened. God, what a morning it has been, he thought. Tommy was aghast when he heard what had occurred and asked if Robbie wanted him to come to the office. Robbie laughing, said "Thanks lover, but the A-Hole has been taken away and hopefully we will never hear from the idiot again. I will have his knives packed and sent to his address and any other personal items that I find too! This is now a closed matter as far as I am concerned. I will not have to press charges, I don't think, as the security and the police witnessed it all. He is totally done as a chef or even a bad cook in this town for sure!!"

"So Darling, how is the morning going so far. I am sure it is better than mine!!" Tommy replied while catching up on some paperwork and having a new Client coming in after lunch about a building he wants to buy. Should be good revenue for us. The man's name is Bruce Williams and he and his family are just moving here from Omaha I think. He seems to be nice on the phone and he will bring the particulars with him later. Why don't we ask the Dad's to lunch and have a 'catch up' around 11:30ish. Let me know what you Dad says and I will call you back after I chat with mine...

The Dads said great and suggested meeting at Tadich Grill on California St. at 11:30 for a quick lunch. (Side note; This restaurant is real and is the oldest continually run restaurant in San Francisco. Owned by the Buich family, since the 1920s with a lot of the staff that has work there for decades. I think one of the bartenders has been there for 50 yrs. and the food is FABULOUS!!! We have been many times over the years and it's always superb!!! Go check it out. BTW, they don't take reservations. It opened in 1849!!)

Robbie finished up with the head Chef at the restaurant and said he would be down after lunch and straighten out the mess when he got there. The Head Chef was relieved that Randy would no longer be there and causing problems and fights which he sadly always did.

The men met for lunch, each arriving with their own Dad and Daniel and Thom gave each other a hefty handshake and a brief man hug. It was just a short walk and all decided it would be fun to walk a bit and get some fresh air. Robbie and Tommy chastely kissed and they walked into the restaurant for lunch. They were early and lunch had just started so they were seated immediately. The head waiter recognized Robbie right away as he ushered the four gentlemen to the best table in the house.

They perused the menu and all asked for iced tea with lemon. Basket of fresh sliced sour dough bread with butter appeared with the iced teas. Robbie ordered Dover Sole, while Tommy asked for a mixed crab and shrimp salad with Louis dressing. Daniel ordered fish and chips while Thom got fresh grilled salmon with a small salad on the side. He still had to be careful with his diet after his heart episode in the desert. The men chatted and Robbie explained to everyone what had transpired at his office that morning. Daniel said, "He would be lucky after that to get a job as a dishwasher at a greasy spoon in the Tenderloin or at Hunters Point. Frankly, I wouldn't wish him on anyone!!! The men laughed.

Robbie explained that after lunch he was going there to sort things out and had to appoint a new Soux Chef. He knew who he wanted. The young man's name was Teddy and he had been with the restaurant for about 3-4 years. He was a graduate of CIA in L. A. and had moved here after graduation with his (then) partner, Franklin. He applied to Blackford's and was hired immediately. Franklin said after a time that he hated SF and wanted to move back to LA. So, they broke up and Teddy has worked for Robbie ever since. He has great skills and worked well with everyone. I see great potential in him and possibly a head Chef later on. He was hard working and so handsome, but totally work driven!! Great looking with an infectious personality and a wide smile that was full of gorgeous white teeth. He was Blond with Nordic good looks, beautiful blue eyes you could get lost in, 5'11' and about 175.* He was clean shaven and nicely built. When his white Chefs coat was open you could see a bit of blond hair peeking under his tee-shirt collar. Why some hot guy hadn't taken him away, Robbie didn't know but he seemed to be more focused on work at the restaurant. He seemed to love working with food and was pushing ahead, doing very well!! All could see Robbie was impressed with him, and in hindsight, he should have elevated him instead of the drunk, ill-mannered Randy. But he was now gone, soon to be forgotten.

Lunch had ended on a high note and everyone was satisfied with the great lunch and super conversation. Daniel was headed back to the office and Robbie was going to the troubled restaurant. It was a short walk and a beautiful day. Tommy and Thom walked back to their office as well. Tommy was explaining about the new client and was excited about the possible new business. He was looking forward to meeting the man; he had only talked to on the phone twice.

Tommy and his father arrived just in time for Tommy to get ready for his new client, Bruce Williams. He had just sat at his desk and was shuffling papers when his assistant, Alice, buzzed and said that Mr. Williams had arrived. Tommy asked Alice to show him in. The door opened and in strolled one of the most gorgeous men Tommy had ever seen. (Still not as handsome or gorgeous as Robbie, but even though married, he could appreciate a gorgeous man when he saw one. He was not tempted...but intrigued. Tommy welcomed Mr. Williams, who said to call him Bruce, and Tommy replied, "Tommy, please!" Bruce was 38-40ish, had dark hair and green eyes with a slight five o'clock shadow. He seemed to be well built, very well dressed in a sport coat and slacks with an open shirt and a simple gold chain.

He wore a wide plain gold wedding band on his left hand and a tasteful gold Tissot watch, but nothing ostentatious.

Tommy offered coffee and he accepted. "Black, cream, sugar or a latte?"

"Black if you please," commenting on how great the office looked. The men sat with their coffees and Tommy asked, "So, Bruce what can I and the firm do for you?"

Bruce answered with, "My family and I just moved here from Omaha where we have lived for years. But I wanted a change from the increasingly difficult mid-west mentality. It got old, cold and we couldn't take it anymore. I am modestly well off with my business and have some old family money as well. I have two wonderful children: a boy, Bruce Jr, who is just 12 and my baby, Allison, who is the love of my life. My little Princess! She is nine and gorgeous. I'm told she looks like me" and he started to laugh!!

"We have rented a large apartment on Nob Hill while we look for a house. I would love something with a view and a back yard for the kids. That would be ideal!"

Tommy then asked how he could help him since he had mentioned that he wanted to buy a building. "That's great! How large, where and for what?"

Bruce smiled and said he was an art dealer specializing in Antiques and a also a collector of furniture, table settings, antique lighting fixtures, paintings, unique artwork and the like. "So, I need a building where I can set up shop, have some showroom space, storage upstairs and maybe a basement. Maybe 4-5 floors but fairly good size as I don't want to crowd things. I can email you some pictures if you like. I have a real thing for Art Deco!! I have everything in storage and will have it shipped when I have a place to receive it."

Tommy asked, "What does Mrs. Williams do?"

An ashen, shaken look immediately took over the handsome face. He stammered and replied, "My wife died in an auto accident two years ago! She was killed instantly by a drunk driver, who fortunately was killed as well, but we won an unlawful death lawsuit and were paid by his insurance company. I just couldn't face the house any longer and we had to have a fresh start."

"Between the sale of my home, life insurance and the settlement, I am - or should I say we are - set for many, many years. I already have trust funds for the kids and college is being handled by the Grandparents. Being here is like a breath of fresh air!!"

Tommy was flabbergasted by the news. He smiled slightly and said he was sorry for the family's loss.

"Now we need to get to the Nitty Gritty, as it were. How much can you spend on the house and your building? Prices here are a lot higher than in the Midwest, I can assure you!!"

"How and why did you pick our law firm if I might inquire?"

"Your law firm came highly recommended from a friend who has using your firm for several years. He's an old college friend who moved here years ago. His name is Walt and he owns an Import/Export Co. here in town. We keep in touch fairly often."

"BTW, I know Walt is gay and was just starting a new relationship with a man who he met on a cruise not long ago. I was also there"

Tommy was once again totally GOB-SMACKED by this bit of news.

"Bruce, you won't believe this, but my husband Robbie and I were on the same cruise for our honeymoon when we met Walter were introduced to his new partner Karl. Karl happens to own a very lucrative Real Estate firm and we have been great friends ever since."

Tommy questioned Bruce delicately, "But the question here is what made you take a basically GAY Cruise? I mean that might have been awkward for you with gay men hitting on you!"

Bruce replied, "It was easier than a straight cruise, where I would have been hit on by the ladies. This, for some reason, seemed safer and I had a great time."

"I can't understand why we didn't meet?" Tommy exclaimed. "Well, that's because I stayed in the cabin most of the time. I really didn't feel like socializing much. I took solitary walks on the deck at night, just reflecting on where my life was going to go from there and I was only on the cruise from SF to Acapulco and flew home."

"I packed up and moved here with my kids. I like it here and look forward to settling in, finding new friends and who knows what might happen, we will have to wait and see."

"We have Walt and Karl to dinner occasionally and see them socially. What a small world!!" Tommy chuckled. "We also became very great friends with Capt. Ben and his husband Carlton from the cruise line. They were just here for a visit and we all took a trip together down south to Beverly Hills and then to Palm Desert. My husband is a restauranteur. We bought two new restaurants: One in Beverly Hills and one in Palm Desert. I bought Robbie and me a new home the desert as well. We have our main house in Sea Cliff which our parents bought us as a wedding present. It's really quite lovely, a bit large, but we love it."

Bruce inquired, "How long have you both been together?"

"We've been together for about four years and have been married almost a year. Robbie and his family own a chain of 10 very successful restaurants called 'Blackford's' here in the bay area and Robbie is the executive Chef and is fabulous! And like I just mentioned, we also have a restaurant in Beverly Hills called Blackford's at Blake's and we also have one in Palm Desert called Blackford's at Belle d' Paris."

"My father and I own this law firm and we have offices here, L. A., New York City, Dallas and Chicago. He is Senior Managing Director and CEO and let's just say I help run things as Senior Partner. We are rather busy and with our extensive client list, we do very well!!!"

"Robbie's family is very successful. Have you ever heard of Blackford Corporation? With more holdings than we can count."

Bruce was of course, dumbfounded at that revelation. He had heard of Blackford Corp and all he could think of was, WOW!!!

"So again, how much money are looking to spend for your building and your new home? Walt's partner Karl, is in Real Estate as a broker so we or Walt can put you in touch with him if you wish."

Bruce smiled at the offer and said he was willing to go as high as say $5-6 Million for the house and say up to $8-10 million for the building, will that make a dent here???

Tommy just smiled once again, "You can definitely work with that, I am sure!! Just out of curiosity how much money are you roughly worth?"

It was Bruce's turn to smile and he replied, "Roughly about $130 million or so. May I have another coffee!?" Tommy just smiled and said of course!!

"Bruce are you dating anyone? did they move with you from Omaha??"

A small tear escaped Bruce's eye and ran down his cheek, "No, not at present, there hasn't been anyone. I just couldn't think of dating anyone, it's all too new, being single for the first time in many years. But maybe after we get settled and find a wonderful house, schools for the kids, find an excellent housekeeper like the cook and housekeeper we had in Omaha"... there was a pause as another tear escaped with a sigh..."Mrs. Henderson, Margret, who has been with us for years, since before the children were born, didn't want to move here and leave her family. We all love her, but we are starting new lives here and maybe this is a good thing!"

"Have your friend Walt put you in touch with Karl and start looking for a building and a house you are happy with. Now, I have to ask, are you happy with my work so far and are you interested in joining our firm as a client?"

"If so, you need to send a certified letter to your present law firm, severing all ties with them and have them send all your files here to me. We will sign a letter of intent requesting us to assume your legal business and a client contract. I will handle it all from there. Is that ok with you?"

The men finished their coffee and Bruce left to pick up his kids from school. After he walked Bruce out, shaking hands, Bruce said he would be in touch in a day or two.

"We will be out of town from Friday morning until about Tuesday or Wednesday as we are flying down to our ranch in Santa Barbara to check on thing's there. Our housekeeper Elsa and our Houseman, Daryl are going with us to the ranch where they will stay and relax, sort of a mini vacation for them, while Robbie and I are driving South to check on the house and the restaurants. The plane will meet us back in either Santa Barbara or we may have it meet us in the desert. We haven't discussed that yet. Anyway, I will back for sure on Thursday morning for business. I will be in touch but if anything comes up in the meantime, don't hesitate to call the office and Alice will put us in touch.

So here ends Chapter nine. I hope you're enjoying the story with the addition of a new twist in the plot featuring Bruce. New business for Tommy. The trip sounds like fun for them, especially Elsa and Daryl. OH, and don't forget the date Daryl has with Robert before they leave. More intrigue to come AND as always, be true to yourself, be kind, help out where and when you can, and please stay safe and well. THANKS to Allen for your hard work as always!!!

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Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 96: Robbies True Love III 10

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