Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 11, 2020


Small correction here: I just re-read Chapt. 4, as it was just posted and the person posting somehow made a slight error. When I was describing Tony and Bruce to y'all, It came out that Tony was 5'1. Should have been 5'11." I mean really, 5'1" and 180 lbs; really??? A muscle bound midget. (OOOPS my BAD. Small person?? Sooooooo sorry!!) Mistakes happen once in a while. Oh well, please read on and thanks for your understanding.

That evening, while Tommy and Robbie were upstairs fucking like a couple of sluts, Tony, Bruce and dear Daryl had arrived at bar. All were having a grand time at the Badlands in the Castro. Daryl bought the first round since Tony was so nice to pick him up and he was the designated driver. Daryl got him a white wine Spritzer. Daryl was having a great time with his closest friends, with whom he had been in contact, but not seen frequently as he was with his bosses in the Desert. Bruce opted for a beer and Daryl got a Vodka Tonic. He was only planning on having one drink so he got it in a tall glass.

The men found a table near the dance floor and there just happened to be 3 seats left. Tony and Bruce got up to dance and as Daryl sat there alone, watching all the hot guys either cruising or just looking around , he caught the eye of a very good-looking man standing near the bar sipping a drink. They caught each other's eye and both men smiled at each other. The man was tall - about 6'- and weighed about 200 lbs. He had dark hair (almost black) and was dressed in a red polo shirt, with dark hair peeking out of his shirt collar and was wearing tight fitting jeans. What a great looking guy Daryl thought to himself, and after taking a sip of his drink he looked up and saw the guy approaching.

He had a bit of a friendly swagger. As he came closer he smiled at Daryl with a slightly crooked smile. He stopped at the table and introduced himself as Robert, offering his hand to Daryl. Daryl gave his name and asked if was alone or with friends? Robert said he was alone, just out for a drink and listen to some music. Daryl offered him a seat and Robert asked if he was with the two other guys that were dancing.

"I am with them. They are my best friends Tony and Bruce and are totally monogamous partners. I'm single. Very newly single!!"

"So, Daryl, do you live here in San Francisco or visiting?"

Daryl smiled and said he lived here in town and switched between living at his boss's house and sometimes at his Grandmother's.

"I travel a bit with the men I work for and when in town. I'm their houseman, do-it-all guy and serve as their driver sometimes. They are great guys and treat me really well and I love working for them."

"So, Robert, where do you live and what do you do when you are doing whatever it is, you do?"

Robert laughed and said he had never heard it put quite that way before. "Yes, I live here in town and own a large flat on upper Russian Hill with a great view of the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. I own an advertising firm downtown. Oh, and I am single as well. I live alone with my cat Minerva, the Goddess, who rules the roost, as it were!!"

Daryl laughed and asked how old Robert was. Robert smiled and said he was 29 and then asked how old Daryl was.

"I'm 24. I've been away, working for my guys, helping them set up a new house in Palm Desert. They also just purchased two restaurants, one in Palm Desert and one in Beverly Hills."

"I'm surprised a good-looking stud like you hasn't got a partner." Robert remarked.

Daryl replied, "I had a supposed fiancŽ named Steven. He said he loved and adored me and wanted us to be together but while I was away he picked up and moved with another man and didn't have the balls to tell me in person or even on the phone. When I got home he was gone! moved! He left me a fucking note saying it was over and to see the manager about getting some of my stuff back!! We didn't live together, thank GOD!! So, that's my tale of woe! So, tell me more about you!"

"Well I went to SF State and have a master's in business, from Cal. I got into advertising and love what I do and I do say that I do very well for myself. I am out to my parents, whom I totally adore. They live in Pleasanton and I see them often. I was in a relationship with a guy for about two years, and then he thought it would be fun to have an open relationship, without telling me. So, I came home from work and found him in our bed with two other guys fucking their brains out. My ex looked up and saw me and just mumbled, OH SHIT. I just left the room, grabbed my coat and started to leave as he came running out of the bedroom, all sweaty and covered in cummmm, and screamed "WAIT, LETS TALK ABOUT THIS!!!" I just said calmly, there is nothing to talk about. I am leaving to go stay with a friend for tonight. DON`T call me or try to get in touch. Pack your shit, clothes and anything you have here that is yours and get the fuck out of my house. If I find anything of mine that is missing you will be in jail for theft faster than you can think. Get the FUCK out by tomorrow morning you fucking shit head!!! Just get out. I turned and left him standing there crying.

I came back the next morning and he was gone and so were all his things. I did an inventory of my things and nothing was missing except, I had a small stash of money [$20's and a few $50's] for emergencies totaling about $250. Half of it was gone; It was only a small amount but it was worth it to get the asshole out of my life. I had the locks changed that same day. That was almost two years ago and I have been single ever since. I would like to have a friend to go out with on a regular basis, movies, dinner, maybe some dancing.

Daryl looked up at Robert and smiled. "I know that hurts a lot when you have someone who professes love for you and then pulls those kind of stunts. I am looking for the same and I really don't think I am ready for a relationship with anyone right now, but a close friend to do the things you like would be fun for me too!!

Robert asked if Daryl would like another drink and Daryl nodded yes and said thank you. As Robert was going to the bar, Tony and Bruce finished with their dancing for now and came back to the table. Tony asked, "Who is that sexy guy you were chatting with. He's hot!! You interested??" Daryl answered, "His name is Robert and we were chatting. I will introduce you when he comes back with more drinks. He is really nice but neither of us are interested in dating right now. we may become friends, do dinner and a movie, etc.? " Just then Robert came back to the table with 2 drinks. Daryl introduced his friends to Robert and he added his last name as Clarke. And since there was now a vacant chair, all 4 men sat and chatted. Robert asked Daryl to dance with him and put out his hand. Daryl smiled and clasped his hand and they went to the dance floor and danced a fairly fast one together.

A slow song began and Robert smiled, and reached over and pulled Daryl closer and they danced slowly together, each relishing the closeness. Robert looked up and said to Daryl, "You're a very good dancer and thank you for sharing that with me. The song ended and they walked back to the table.

Tony and Bruce had watched them on the dance floor and they both commented that they made a great couple, "Nice dancing there, guys. You look good together, said Tony. The men just smiled and took sips of their drinks. Another song came on and Tony and Bruce got up to dance again, leaving Daryl and Robert at the table to chat.

Robert asked, "What do your Bosses' do and would I possibly know them?" Daryl smiled and stated. "My bosses are Tommy Gilman and Robbie Blackford. They are a gay couple and got married several months ago. Robbie is President/Owner and Senior Exec Chef of Blackford's, the restaurant chain and he or they just bought two restaurants, Blake's in Beverly Hills and in Palm Desert they bought Le Belle dParis. They also bought a beautiful home in the desert as well. They' (or I should say `We) live in Sea Cliff, here in town. Tommy is Senior partner in Gillman and Son, Attorney's at Law and they are very successful. Their parents are wonderful people and have taken me in as another son. They all treat me very well!! Both families are amazing and extremely well off. I also stay close contact with my Grandmother, Alma. Her best friend for eons is Elsa. She is Chef, housekeeper and runs both houses and is a great lady. I report to her. I love working for them and the perks are not bad either.

Robert was gob-smacked. "I love Blackford's and eat there often. I always take clients there. Ummmmm, I would love to take you there for dinner sometime soon. Not really a date, but just two friends having dinner together. Does that work for you, I hope?"

Daryl smiled and said yes he would love that. You want my number to call me sometime. Robert pulled out his phone and entered Daryl's number.

"I hate to cut this short, but I have to go now. I have to meet a client early tomorrow. He's a special client and wants to setup new advertising with me with for some new products he is introducing. It has been a pleasure to meet a new friend and I look forward to seeing you again soon for that dinner."

He then leaned down and kissed Daryl on the cheek, smiled, waved to Tony and Bruce who were still on the dance floor, and left the bar. Daryl just sat there a bit stunned but he had a huge smile on his face when the guys returned to the table. Bruce inquired, "You still here? I thought you guys looked great together and I'm surprised he didn't take you home with him!"

"We are just starting out as friends, although he did invite me to dinner with him soon. He has a special client he has to meet at his office in the morning. He is really hot and I like him, as a friend, but I am not ready to jump into a relationship yet. I am still hurting from what the Asshole did to me!!!

He is also not really ready for a relationship either. He got burned pretty badly as well. He came home and found his partner (of two years) in bed with two other guys fucking their brains out. The partner thought he was in an open relationship without telling Robert.

"This is fine for me for now. I need to see where this leads. I think he is a great looking guy and I like him. That's all for now. Are guys ready to leave yet? If not, I can take a cab. I am about done in and don't want to drink anymore." Both Tony and Bruce said they were ready to go too.

The guys left and walked to the car. On the way, they were chatting about their night out and Tony and Bruce were holding hands as they always did. A couple of drunk punks were walking towards them. They yelled, "OH My God, look at the FAGGOTS!!! Ain't that sweet?"

The guys tried to get out of the way, but the punks came at them and one tried to punch Tony. He just stepped aside. The punk was stunned as Tony spun around and his leg shot out and kicked him right in the stomach. He fell backwards groaning laying on the ground. The other idiot came after Bruce, screaming, "How fucking DARE YOU ATTACK MY FRIEND?" Bruce just stood there, raised his fist and struck the guy right in the face. Blood spurted of his nose and he also fell to the ground. Daryl stood there stunned but got his phone out and called 911!! The Cops were there in seconds and after an explanation, the two men were picked up off the sidewalk, taken away to the squad car, put in the back with handcuffs and were read their rights.

The policeman said they could come down either right now or in the morning to press charges. Bruce looked at his lover and then at Daryl. They chatted for a moment and said they didn't want to press charges, they received their punishment by getting beat up by `Faggots.' We're pretty sure they will NEVER attack anyone again.

One of the policemen handed Tony a card and said if they changed their minds in a day or two, they could still press charges. The men thanked the officers for their help and continued on to their car.

The three men got in the car and locked the door, sitting back with a big sigh. "WOW. What an ending to another wise great evening." Daryl was first to speak, "That stomach kick you gave the first guy and the face punch that followed was pretty cool! By the way, THANKS guys. I really had a great time with you both and thanks for being there for me. It means a lot. I hope Robert calls me and we do go out for dinner. He is a really nice guy and if I do say so, He is DAMN HOT TOO!!! But, like I said for now, I am just looking for a friend and we can very casually date, with nothing too heavy. I want to meet several guys and see what is out there before I commit to a new relationship."

Both Tony and Bruce smiled and told Daryl it was good to see him as well and although unexpected, the two crazies were easy to handle. Maybe you should take a defense class. You never know what or who is out there. We can hook you up with our trainer, who is really cool, great looking and also gay. He has a partner and they work and teach together in the gym. I'll text you their info tonight when we get home!"

After they drove Daryl home, they all kissed goodnight and Daryl let himself in going straight to his room, stripped, crawled into bed naked and as he fell asleep he thought about Robert and smiled. He woke in the morning with a huge erection as he often did, but this morning was different. He thought of the man he met last night. God, what a hunk and he seemed to be really nice, well-spoken and caring. He grabbed his rock-hard cock, started to stroke it and was soon shooting a large amount of cum all over his lightly hairy chest with a deep sigh and a smile. He was thinking of Robert as he came and was looking forward to seeing him for dinner soon!!!

Daryl got of bed, showered and dressed for the day. He wandered into the kitchen and was greeted by a smiling Elsa. He went over and gave his Assistant Grandmother a hug and kiss. He then reached for a mug and got his coffee. "Elsa, what is on the schedule for today?"

"We're going to do some spot cleaning and just general sprucing up." Just then Robbie and Tommy walked into the kitchen smiling. "Well good morning to you both and Mr. Daryl, how was your evening out with Tony and Bruce?"

"We had a great time and I met a really nice guy. We danced a bit and had a drink with Tony and Bruce. His Name is Robert Clarke and he owns an advertising agency downtown and lives in a large condo on Russian Hill. He is really very hot and has asked me to dinner soon. He loves Blackford's and says he goes there a lot. Do you know him by any chance?"

Robbie asked, "What does he look like?" "MMMMMM about 6' and 200#, very dark hair, gorgeous brown eyes and is in very good shape. He said he was 29. He is really a hunk; So good looking!!"

Robbie said he thought he remembered someone like that but was not really sure. "You know I only go in if there is an emergency or when I am needed to fill in, but I will look him up in our registry, you said his last name is Clarke? Does he own Clarke Advertising?" Daryl looked pensive and said, "He did give the name of his business, but I will find out. He was really nice and was looking for a companion to go to the movies and dinners, nothing too heavy. He said he would call me in a day or two and we would go to dinner somewhere. I am intrigued by him. Did I say he was great looking????? Oh, and has a beautiful smile!!!

Tommy and Robbie started to laugh and Elsa gave a giggle from the kitchen. They all sat down to a wonderful breakfast of a fabulous Quiche Lorraine, with baked ham, 3 cheeses in a buttery crust, fresh squeezed orange juice and a lovely fruit salad with fresh berries, cantaloupe and bananas. It looked and smelled delicious. The French Roast coffee always smelled heavenly!! Soon Robbie and Tommy kissed and bid each other goodbye as they left for their offices. Daryl helped Elsa with the dishes and tidying the kitchen. Elsa had asked the men if they were home for dinner, and they said they would let her know about lunch time.

As both Daryl and Elsa started the housework, the usual laundry, vacuuming, dusting, etc. Daryl's cell rang. It was Robert. "Well good morning, stud. I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to meet you last night!! You are drop dead gorgeous, seem to have a great sense of humor and a beautiful smile that fits you face. Your eyes sparkle when you laugh!" Daryl was slightly taken aback with the comments and had to smile at Robert's compliments.

"Why thank you Robert for saying those things, but hey have you looked in the mirror lately? You are gorgeous yourself and also made me laugh. I am sorry you were really hurt by that guy. Can you spell gold-digger here?? Anyway, I'm glad you got out of it unscathed, as did I, with the idiot I was supposedly engaged to. We are both rid of them forever and we move on. I really enjoyed my time with you last night!! I am looking forward to having dinner with you when- ever you are ready!!"

There was a pause and Robert replied, "How about next Wednesday evening? I can pick you up or we can meet at the restaurant, whichever you prefer. Come to think of it, why don't you pick me up, we can have a drink here if you like and you can meet the people I work for. They are great guys, and Robbie, the owner of Blackford's, you may know. So why don't you come about 7ish and we can have a drink and then go to dinner anyplace you would like, provided we split the check, and that kind Sir, I insist on !"

Robert was taken aback at this wonderful man he had met just last night. It was Monday morning and they both had to wait until Wednesday evening. But what was the rush? They were going to keep it casual, even though Daryl thought that Robert was a great guy, he wanted to see other people, and not sleep with or just fuck for the sake of fucking. He had a hand for that, as he did that morning. Although he had to admit, that the thought of Robert made for a very powerful orgasm.

Well enough of this! He had work to do and started in with Elsa. He did the heavy work, moving furniture for vacuuming and such. Both Robbie and Tommy had left for busy days at their offices. Robbie arrived and was greeted warmly by the office staff and went to his office with a list of messages and letters that needed to be answered. He went over to his Nescafe machine and made himself a Latte« sat at his desk and started in. His personal phone rang and it showed Tommie's name on the top of the call list. He answered and said, "Boy, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me at the office!!!! If my husband finds out, we are both dog meat! So don't call here again. Maybe I can sneak out a bit later and we can meet up and have some play time. Meet me at the apartment around lunch time and be naked when I get there, but after this, it has to stop! After this it is over!!! Got that BOY??"

By this time ,Tommy almost collapsed on the floor laughing. Robbie is screaming in the phone, "Stop that laughing you total slut, I won't have it! I've got to go!!

The men hung up and Robbie doubled over with hysterical laughter. "That was too good" he said to himself! He made a couple of phone calls, sent some memo's out and answered some email. When that was done he called his husband, and Tommy answered right away. "Hey sweetheart, what's new? You been busy??" I have been swamped and have a meeting with a client who wants some privacy away from the office, so I am going to use the Apt. about noon. Just wanted to let you know what is up and will chat with you later. I am also going to stop in and see Dad for a few minutes on the way to my meeting. I talked to him and Mom and he is chomping at the bit, wanting to come back to work. I am going to drop off some contracts, nothing too heavy, for his opinion. It will keep him busy and not bugging mom.

Robbie replied it was great to hear that Thom was doing well. "Good luck with your meeting this afternoon.. I wonder, what is so secret that he can't take his meeting at the office, but I am sure you will tell me what you can tonight. Oh, are we staying in or out for supper tonight?"

Let me get through this afternoon and I will call when I am through and make a decision then, is that ok dear one?" "Sounds like a plan and will chat later. I have to get back to work and have no secret meeting today at all, just slaving away, chained at my desk! (A big sigh) Love you Babe!" and he hung up. He called his favorite Deli and had lunch sent to the Apt. for them and their "meeting." It would be handled by Ralph, the door man. when it arrived.

Tommy laughed and if he knew Robbie like he did he knew exactly what was going to happen at noon!! He went back to work and had a quick meeting with some fairly new clients to finalize the contents of a will between two partners. It was about a twenty-minute meeting and they both had to sign it. They had been together for 30 years, and one of the men just came into a huge inheritance of many millions of dollars. This was to provide protection from any of the wayward relatives who were out for just the money. They knew they would have friends and cousins 3x times removed coming out of the woodwork, begging for their share from dear great Uncle mmmmmm you know, what's his name, for their share.

Anyway, the document was signed and both the men were happy to have that wrapped up as Tommy looked at the clock on his desk. He had to get ready for the meeting out of the office. He closed his computer and let his secretary know he was out of the office for about 1- 1/2 hrs. and he was out the door.

He stopped quickly at a near-by liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine. He parked near the Apt. building and raced to the front door, greeting Ralph the door man. Ralph said hello to Mr. Gillman. He asked if Mr. Blackford had arrived and the answer was no, not as of yet. Tommy said thanks and ran to the elevator bank riding up to the penthouse. He sighed as he entered.

He had asked Ralph to discreetly ring once Robbie had gotten on the elevator. He nodded, yes and smiled. He quickly put the wine on ice and got two glasses and then striped off his clothes and laid down seductively on the couch and waited for His Robbie to arrive. Just as he sat down on the couch, the phone rang one time and he smiled to himself, what an afternoon this was going to be!!

So here ends Chapter 5 of book III. I Hope you all enjoyed it. As you now know there is a possible new man in Daryl's life, the dashing and good-looking Robert. Will Daryl give into his charms. Will he go and meet more men to see what is out there? Just wait and see. Robbie and Tommy's secret triste in the Apt. sounds like major fun. Secret romances are always fun, with someone you love and adore! Like I said in the beginning of this book, some of these things are actually true, you just have to figure out which ones are real or made up. HEEEEEEE!!HEEEEEEE!!! As always, be true to yourself. Please be safe out there and please stay well. The life you may save are your's and dear loved ones or friends. As always I welcome all comments and suggestions. So, enjoy as we move on to Chapter 6. And please donate to NIFTY!! Thanks!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 92: Robbies True Love III 6

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