Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Apr 17, 2020


Hello! I sincerely hope everyone of you is coping with the pandemic of Coronavirus. I pray that none of you are sick and your families are well, also! Both myself and my husband Allen are fine. We are using this time to do things around the house UGH!! But hey, this stuff needs to be done. I cleaned out the refrigerator the other day and you wouldn't believe things I found that I had forgotten. Next Task: clothes closets. Well I guess that means I have to back in the closet!!! Never thought I would say that!!! LOL. Oh, I just remembered our housekeeper called the other morning and he is now working from home. He emailed us instructions on what to do and how to do them! LOL. OH JOY! OH RAPTURE!! OH BLISS!!!

You know how we put stuff off like that. Well now is a good time to accomplish all the things that need to be done. Try new recipes - I have collected quite a few and love trying new things in the kitchen. Also, time to read a new book or six. Continuing this story for you all! Hope you are enjoying it! You can only get bored if you allow it to happen. Stay well and safe during this time. And if you can, PLEASE donate to Nifty!!

Your Sexy Chef


Both Robbie and Tommy woke early the next morning, feeling great and ready for a new day. Tommy put a cast protector on Robbie's arm and off they went to the large shower and took advantage of the four shower heads and the lovely hot water. They washed each other thoroughly with some lavender bath gel, so refreshing. Raging hard cocks were soon abundant and in need of attention. Robbie sat down on the shower bench and started to lick the pre-cum off of: "OH God baby, suck my cock all the way down and get it wet so I can fuck your hot, tight, hungry ass and fill your hole with loads of cum!"

Robbie obliged and swallowed Tommy's whole cock down his throat. As he went up and down he started to play Tommy's hole. He needed a cock deep inside his now hungry, horny hole. As he pulled off Tommy's cock, he savored the rich taste of pre-cum once more. He craved it and he needed it. He pulled off and stood and kissed Tommy passionately.

"Please lover, fuck me hard and deep and fill me to the brim with loads of your cum. I need it badly. FUCK ME NOW!!! He turned around and shoved his horny ass towards Tommy. Tommy grabbed the ass presented to him, knelt down, and spread those lightly hairy cheeks apart. Tommy dove his tongue deep into Robbie's wanting hole.

Robbie gasped and welcomed the tongue deep in his very horny fuck hole!! "Tongue fuck me baby. I'm ready for your raging cock! FUCK ME!!!" God, how they both loved to rim!!

Tommy stood and put a bit of lube on his middle finger, (they always had it on the shower shelf, just in case) and he lubed Robbie's hungry, wanting, hairy hole. Then standing close Tommy, he inserted the head of his 10" cock into Robbie's hungry hole. "OHHHHHHHH GOD, fuck me baby. You feel so good going deep into my hole. Pound me! FUCK ME babe!!! Tommy pounded Robbie's prostate over and over, fucking him deeply and fast. This set off a chain reaction that could not be stopped. Tommy shoved his huge cock deep inside his husbands now very well fucked hole and caused his cock to spasm as he shot five shots deep inside Robbie's ass. This sent Robbie over the top and with out touching his cock he shot four good, huge ropes of cum out of his cock that splattered against the shower's marble wall. He was shaking as he finished cumming and Tommy had to support him so he wouldn't collapse.

While Tommy was holding Robbie in his loving arms, he licked and kissed the side of Robbie's face. "God baby, you just don't know what you do to me every time we make love. AND it just keeps getting better and better! You are the only man who has ever made me cum like that!! There are not enough words to tell you how much I love and adore you. You are my life and my heart!" Tommy's now shrinking cock slipped out of Robbie's well fucked hole and he could feel the abundance of cum leaking down his leg and he barely got his strength back to stand on his own.

He turned around and took Tommy into his arms and the men gazed into each other's eyes with love, and they kissed passionately. When their breathing turned back to normal, they washed each other thoroughly, turned the shower off, dried each other and went in to get dressed. Then it was time to search for coffee!!!

Wearing simple clothes consisting of t-shirts, jeans and Toms, they went down to the kitchen where Elsa was standing over the stove making French Toast while pulling bacon out of the broiler. It all smelled fabulous and with the smell of French Roast coffee, both men's mouths were watering.

They approached Elsa and each kissed her cheek as they reached for waiting cups of coffee. While breakfast was finishing, the phone rang and Robbie answered it. "Good morning, Blackford/Gilman Manor, may I ask who is calling please?" There was laughter on the line and a familiar voice replied, "Well good morning to you too! This is your Father, IDIOT!! Daniel was laughing as well. "Hello son, and how are you doing, may we ask?"

"Just fine Dad, just fine! Getting better every day, matter of fact I am going to see the Dr. today in about two hours. We will see how much longer the cast has to stay on my arm."

Daniel then said, "We were thinking on coming down a bit early with Daryl, and Thomas and Danielle of course. Dan Jr. and Maggie are coming as well. Their nanny is watching the boys. The kids are upset not to be coming but we explained this is an adult party, so they understood. We also got a call this morning from Walt and Karl asking when we were coming down and they wanted to catch a ride. We told them yes! We figured you might need some extra help and we know Daryl is antsy and dying to get back to you three. So, since today is Thursday, we are going to fly down in the morning, landing about 11:00 or so. We have hired a Limo for transport and we are keeping the car and driver at our disposal while we are here. So, no need to worry about picking us up. We can also loan you the Limo to get people to the party from different hotels and so on. I know you have many of your regular diners coming down from the Bay Area."

"Wow, that's great Dad and you know you can come down anytime and stay as long as you wish!! It will be so glad to see you all. We miss you terribly and are so glad that Walt and Karl are coming down. It's been ages since we have seen them and we have room for them to stay with us. We miss them a lot."

Daniel asked, "It is still black tie, correct?"

"Yes it is and we are expecting about 150-175 guests. We have live music, a piano trio, substantial Hors`d oeuvres with a choice of wine, champagne, some imported beers and a non-alcoholic punch of some kind and few soft drinks. We are looking forward to it and the restaurant is really doing quite well so we are pleased about that!!"

We had dinner there last night and it was fabulous. We changed some of the lighting and got some new art on the walls, since Marcel took their better pieces with them when they moved. We kept just about everything else and our new head chef, Pierre, is quite a find. When that other idiot quit on us and we found Pierre, we were very lucky. It turned out to be a great fit."

"Well son, that's wonderful to hear. Give Tommy a hug from us and we will see you in the morning. We love you!!!"

They hung up and breakfast was served and Elsa joined them. Robbie told Elsa that his folks were coming in the morning and that Walt and Karl were also going to stay with them for the weekend.

Breakfast finished, the men had errands to do, making sure all the hotel reservations were ready and their guestrooms were completely done. Elsa had done a fabulous job, as always. There were fresh flowers in the guest rooms, the living room and the entrance hall. The house looked wonderful! They were ready for the onslaught.

Calls to the hotels confirmed everything was ready for their guests. Robbie and Tommy were paying for the hotel rooms and several friends were staying at the house. Walt and Karl, their parents and one room was left vacant for any last-minute guests!!

Their tuxes were pressed and ready to go. The boys took a drive to the restaurant to check on things where they were welcomed by Pierre and Claude, the Ma"tre D. The restaurant looked great. The flowers were spectacular. They were serving dinner tonight but were closed the next day to prepare for the party.

Coffee was served as everyone sat and discussed last minute details. Everything seemed to be happily in place. The men finished their coffee and dashed to get to the Dr. on time for Robbie's appointment. They had parked in front near the front door but someone had parked really close to them and they couldn't get the car out! Just then a policeman rolled by in his squad car and saw the difficulty. He stopped, got out and introduced himself to Robbie and Tommy asked if he could help? Officer James first asked why they were parked in a green loading zone in front of this restaurant. Robbie introduced himself and said that he was the owner of the establishment and they were having a Grand Opening Party the following evening. They were just checking on last minute details. Office James smiled and said if he could help, he would. Just then the person that had parked too close to their car came running out from another store nearby asking what the problem was. Officer James said that they were parked illegally and had blocked the other car from leaving. AND they were going to get a ticket.

Robbie asked the officer to let it go and give them a warning this time but to watch parking there in the future. Officer James thought a minute and said OK but gave the lady a warning. The lady got in her car and after many thanks, sped off.

Robbie turned and asked Officer James if he had ever been to the restaurant before and he smiled and said no, that it was above his pay grade. Robbie smiled and asked if he and a companion were free the next evening and if so, they were invited to the party. It starts at 6:00 and is Black tie. The officer was gob-smacked, smiled and said he and his partner would love to come. "Thank You for the invitation!!!"

The officer left and the guys got in their car and drove to the Doctor's office. Robbie's hard cast was removed and the arm was placed in a soft cast.

The Doctor took the boys aside and advised, "You can start very light exercises but begin slowly PLEASE!! You can take it off to shower, but this cast must be left on for at least another three weeks, but this will make it more comfortable!!"

They thanked the Doctor and left, feeling great!!

It was about time to get home to greet the families and guests. They arrived home just minutes before a large white limo pulled into the driveway. The driver got out and opened the back door and out stepped Daniel, followed by Cynthia. Then came Daniella and Thom SrÉ Hugs were given all around and kisses from the mothers. Next came Daryl who rushed into Tommy and Robbie's arms as he started to cry, saying how happy he was to be home!!!

Then out came Karl and Walt who greeted everyone and gave hugs to both Robbie and Tommy. They were excited to be there and were grateful for the plane ride too!! Then a surprise emerged as Alma, Elsa's best friend, stepped out greet everyone. Elsa was taken by surprise, as she did not know that Alma was coming. She smiled as Alma walked over and gave her a huge hug, "It is so good to see you dear!!"and then Alma moved to both men with thanks for invite.

Another car pulled up behind the limo, stopped and out stepped Captain Ben and Carlton. "Surprise," they yelled. Everyone turned to look and both Robbie and Tommy were totally gob- smacked at seeing their friends from the Cruise Ship. "What are you doing here guys?" Tommy asked. Ben started to laugh and said they were on a short leave while the ship was docked in LA for about a week for some minor repairs. They had called the house and asked Elsa how things were and what was going on? She told them about the party tomorrow evening and they asked if they could barge in!! She said, "Of course, and I have a room ready for you at the house." She was then asked to keep it a surprise and she happily agreed.

Elsa was so glad to see her friend Alma and she announced Alma was going to stay in her apartment behind the house, overlooking the pool. All entered the house and rooms were assigned. Daryl got busy with baggage as everyone settled in. It was just approaching noon and Elsa asked everyone to come in for a buffet luncheon in the breakfast room..

Both Robbie and Tommy were so delightedly surprised to see Ben and Carlton that after more hugs and kisses they went to their rooms and soon the four reappeared for lunch. Everyone had iced tea while Elsa had prepared soup, (a minestrone), and different sandwiches, ham and cheese on rye, roast beef on sour dough, and a curried chicken salad on Dutch crunch rolls. There was also huge chocolate layer cake with vanilla buttercream icing waiting on the counter. There was also an urn of French roast coffee and a huge pitcher of sweet iced tea waiting as well. Everyone dug in and feasted. It was nearly gone in what seemed like minutes!!

It was fun catching up with everyone as the leisurely lunch wound down. Daryl and Alma helped Elsa clean and straighten things up. Daniel told the group that Robbie's brother, Dan Jr. and wife, Maggie, would be coming. They couldn't get away until tomorrow, but they were looking forward to seeing everyone at the party. Shortly after lunch, the parents left for their rooms and Elsa and Daryl were organized dinner. Most everyone wanted to rest a bit.

Elsa decided that dinner would also be a buffet. She started a huge batch of Bolognaise for spaghetti and there would be a fresh Caesar Salad tossed with fresh croutons and toasted garlic bread. Then for dessert, vanilla ice cream with different sauces and fresh whipped cream with a touch of vanilla. Some of the left-over chocolate cake was still left from lunch and would be available. It was all coming together nicely!

Robbie and Tommy returned to their room to check on their evening wear and found all was ready. They were looking forward to a grand affair the following evening. Robbie was excited to see his brother and his lovely wife at the party, whom he had not seen since the wedding. To ease things, they were going to stay at the hotel Robbie had rented. Both men were also looking forward to seeing friends, meeting new residents and doing some catching up. There were going to be lots of people to enjoy the ambiance, the music, fabulous food and great things to drink.

Time slipped away and Elsa soon called everyone to supper by ringing a dinner bell. The buffet looked and smelled fabulous. Elsa's food was always beyond reproach and always stunningly good. Everyone lined up and served themselves, raving how good everything looked and smelled. Wine was offered and few did partake while others had iced tea or soda. All in all, dinner was inhaled and many compliments were directed at Elsa, which she accepted with a smile and a shy thank you!!

Daryl and Alma cleared everything from the dining room, helped Elsa load the dishwasher and set out dessert. Everyone was buzzing about the grand opening party the following evening and both Robbie and Tommy patiently explained almost everything, leaving out a few minor details as a surprise.

The phone rang and it was Jeff and Cal, Robbie and Tommy's former pilots and asked if they could help in anyway. "So far no problem but thanks for asking" replied Robbie, "just come tomorrow and have a great time. We hope you are enjoying your little vacation."

"We can't thank you enough. We certainly miss you guys, but now we get to travel all over the country and Europe. We have nice new apartment and love it a lot!! We've got great neighbors and the pool area is fantastic. We got together with some of the new guys we've met and had a bar-b-que tonight."

"We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening. If there is anything we can do to help let us know," offered Jeff.

"How are your new pilots working out? Hope they are up to your high standards?"

"They are great and you both will meet them tomorrow evening. Their names are Jared and Richard and they are one hot couple! They have been together for 4-5 years and are married as well."

"They very good looking and sexy too!!" laughed Tommy.

"Not like you, who are so ugly and plain!" Robbie started to laugh heartily and then said, "We miss you both and are glad you are coming to the party. We are delighted you are happy in your new endeavors! AAAANDÉanytime you don't like the big airline stuff, you can always have a job somewhere with us!! We love you and miss you bunches!!"

Everyone finished their coffee and were going to tuck in for the night. They had all enjoyed a huge large day. Both Robbie and Tommy retired to their suite, slowly stripped and went to take a short shower followed by a little friskiness in bed before sleep. Clean and refreshed (with a little playtime in the shower and some major kissing). They dried each other off and climbed into bed and immediately melding into a tight loving embrace kissing with great passion. They stared into each other's eyes. Nothing needed to be said, the look said it all!! They fell asleep still embraced in each other's arms. Their love was pure and so right for them!!

Everyone awoke about the same time with smiles. All were well rested. After cleaning up with showers and dressing, everyone met in the living room where a coffee station had been set up with cups, cream, sugar and a platter of homemade sweet rolls. They were delicious. Elsa and Daryl were busy putting touches on a huge breakfast buffet which included bacon, sausage, homemade biscuits, an egg and cheese frittata and crispy fried potatoes seasoned with onion and bell pepper, a beverage bar with coffee, water, and a variety of juices.

It was now about 9:00 AM and everyone was catching up on their latest adventures. Just about 9:30, Dan Jr. and Maggie arrived for breakfast and the two brothers embraced. Maggie contributed hugs and kisses for both boys. They were introduced to everyone and the couple said they were glad to meet family and friends now, before the party that evening.

Breakfast was huge hit and the two brothers enjoyed catching up. Of course, Maggie was asked how the young boys were doing. She happily said they were fine, but bit put out that they couldn't come to see their uncles, Robbie and Tommy.

Tommy chuckled and smiling said, "Not to worry. When we get home, we will make a point of taking them for a guy's day, just the four of us." Robbie heard Tommy and called his nephews telling them what they had planned. The boys were jacked about spending time with their Uncles. Tommy also talked to the boys and ended the call after everyone yelled GOODBYE!!!

On with the day. Everyone was ready for the Gala that evening and excited talking about it. Cynthia and Daniella wanted to see each other's dresses for that evening. Cynthia had selected a stunning black, silk and lace, 3/4 ankle length cocktail dress, with a boat neck and a full skirt with 3/4 sleeves and black 3" silk pumps. She pulled out her jewel case and showed Daniella a stunning diamond necklace of about 25 K of all different sizes and shaped diamonds. There were also matching earrings. A large cuff diamond bracelet was going to be added along with a 10 K diamond tennis bracelet. Danielle was impressed, to say the least.

They went to the other suite to see Danielle's dress and jewels for that evening. She had medium blond hair in a fairly modern cut that looked stunning on her. She had chosen a short, knee length royal blue sheath cocktail dress in silk, with an over full skirt for the back and sides leaving the straight sheath showing in the front. It had small cap sleeves and a round neckline. She had matching royal blue silk sling back pumps and a matching bag. Out came her jewel case as well, and she showed Cynthia a stunning diamond and sapphire necklace with matching earrings and bracelet. They were all set and made a stunning pair.

The ladies were set for the evening and the men were going to wear black tie. Robbie was going to wear his red Shantung Silk dinner Jacket with black evening slacks and velvet evening shoes. He added a black tux shirt with diamond studs and matching cuff links and black silk bow tie. After checking with Tommy, he added a black sequin vest. A diamond lapel pin and a black silk handkerchief completed his look.

Tommy was going to wear a more traditional tux of black silk and linen, beautifully cut. A white tux shirt with diamond and sapphire studs and cufflinks. A dark blue embroidered low-cut vest with a matching bow tie and black suede evening shoes completed his ensemble.

The afternoon slipped by quickly. Everyone changed and then met in the living room. The entire party looked stunning. All the men complimented the ladies on how glamorous they looked. Elsa appeared in a beautiful emerald green silk cocktail dress and wore the Mobi-pearl set of jewels the boys had gotten her on cruise. Alma appeared in a gorgeous black sequin cocktail dress she had purchased for their trip to Paris. She wore a beautiful set of pearls and matching earrings.

Robbie had decided that Daryl deserved a present so they had sent him down to Nieman's and had gotten a new tux fitted in one day and he looked great! Daryl appeared in his new tux and looked stunning. It was just a simple black tux, white shirt, studs and cufflinks. Patent leather evening shoes finished his look. He had gotten a haircut and was bound to turn a few heads that evening. The rest of the guests appeared, Walt and Karl looking stunning in their evening wear and did Carlton in his tux while Ben worn his dress Captain's uniform from the Cruise Ship. There had been champagne set out and everyone had a glass to celebrate. It was soon time to leave for the party since Robbie and Tommy had to be there to welcome their guests. Two large limos arrived to carry everyone to the restaurant. Valet parking had been arranged for the evening. Cal and Jeff were meeting them at the party as were Dan Jr. and Maggie.

Everyone was excited to celebrate the official opening of "Blackford's at Le Belle d Paris" in Palm Desert. Robbie and Tommy and their guests arrived early so Robbie could check on details for the party. It was 5:30 and guests should start arriving about 6:00.

As everyone walked in, there were small gasps. Everything looked spectacular. Stations had been set up with different foods. The servers had been dressed in white tux shirts and black bow ties. Black slacks and long black aprons finished the look. There were candles lit everywhere, and the crystal chandeliers twinkled in the candlelight. Everything looked perfect.

The flowers were outstanding from the entrance foyer to the main dining room. The florist had done a superb job and from this he would be used daily for the fresh flowers for the restaurant. The previous florist was doing lackluster work with no imagination and it had looked like it. They were let go and were obviously disappointed in loosing such a big job but they had no one to blame but themselves.

The group was greeted by senior staff and they were genuine in their praise. The women glowed in their magnificent jewels and all were dressed to the 9's. As everyone was walking around looking at all the marvelous food stations, the doors opened and in walked the first guests. Robbie, Tommy and their parents formed a receiving line and greeted the guests as they entered.

There were smiles everywhere and it looked as if the party was going to be a great success. All the guests were also dressed to the 9's. The Desert folks always turned out with dramatic flair on special occasions. Introductions were made and they were off to graze the food stations while waiters passed wine, champagne and iced tea. Soon all the guests were connecting with friends and acquaintances.

In walked several of Robbie's best customers and their wives or boyfriends and were greeted warmly. Sandy and Dave walked in dressed to the 9's like everyone. They were, of course, great long-time friends of Tommy and were with Tommy that day at the beach when he met Robbie and had remained friends since. It was great to see them, as they men embraced. Dave and Sam knew the parents as well and said a fond hello. Then they were off for drinks and Hors'd oeuvres.

In walked Salvatore Davino and his husband Antonio, the wine merchant from San Francisco. He also had moved all his legal business to the Gilman offices a short time ago, as they were very displeased for the job their law firm was doing. They had done a superb job of keeping the cellars at Robbie's restaurants filled with the best wines, not only great domestic, but wines from around the world for quite some time. He been asked to take over the cellars for both Palm Springs and Blake's in Beverly Hills. Of course, he was delighted.

He had surprised Robbie by providing the champagne served tonight as a gift from him for the wonderful business Robbie had given him. Robbie was surprised by the gift but graciously excepted. He was, of course, introduced to both Robbie's parents and well as Tommy's. As Robbie looked around he saw Captain Steve and his husband Dan, come in looking fabulous. He had been so helpful in getting Joe Ingman charged with everything involving the car accident when he was injured. They were both greeted warmly and told they were welcome anytime. Steve was so happy that Robbie was recovering nicely.

The place quickly became very busy and everyone was raving about the delicious food and the wonderful champagne. Both Cynthia and Daniella had gotten wonderful comments on their dresses and gorgeous jewels that sparkled in the candlelight. Both Robbie and Tommy had a great time greeting and mingling with all their guests, both the customers who had flown down for the party and the regulars they had met from Palm Desert, since purchasing the restaurant. They were frequently asked how they liked living down here and how things were going. It was obvious the locals cared.

Both Robbie and Tommy raved how nice everyone was, with few exceptions. Most had heard about the accident when the "idiot" tried to run over Robbie in his car. They were delighted he was recovering fine and that business was doing so well. The guys told several people that they were headed North again in a day or two as they had businesses to run, but would be back ASAP.

Ben and Carlton were drawing quite the crowd with Ben dressed in his uniform as was Carlton. Many of the gay men at the party expressed interest at taking a cruise sometime when schedules permitted. Ben said they would be welcomed with opened arms.

Dan Jr. and Maggie, Robbie's brother and sister in law, were having a wonderful time, seeing friends from up North they knew. It was good time to catch-up with everyone.

The combo started playing near an open space and a few of the older couples started to dance, as did some of the gay men with their partners or husbands. Tommy and Robbie joined them smiling, since the evening was a smashing success.

The night was drawing to close and everyone was starting to leave around 10 PM. Many compliments were passed along, and the many customers who were regulars told Robbie that he had given a new vitality and great feeling to the restaurant that wasn't before. It was just a bit different now and the change was wonderful. They would be bringing other friends who had not dined there before the next time they came to eat. Both Robbie and Tommy were quite pleased, even overjoyed, as was Daniel, who was beyond ecstatic with the job his son had done with the Blackford's chain. Both sets of parents were quite happy with all that their children had accomplished. They were proud, so very proud.

The party had now ended with great success, and all their friends remarked what great evening they had had and it was also great to catch up and visit.

Ben and Carlton were staying the night and would leave tomorrow as they had to get back to the ship in L.A. The parents were staying for an extra day to rest up before they headed North. Dan and Maggie were flying home with their parents and were staying in a nearby hotel. They said they loved the twins a lot but a little get away was always a good thing. Tommy pulled Robbie into a huge embrace and told him how proud he was and what a fabulous job he had done for this evening. Then Robbie said, as he looked into his husband's gorgeous eyes, "We did it together!!."

They kissed deeply and said how much they loved each other, but Robbie quietly sighed and said he was glad the night was over.

The staff was thanked with great applause and envelopes were handed out with bonuses for all the hard work they had done. And as an added bonus, they would be closed the next two days with pay for cleanup and a rest break for all the hard work they had done.

Robbie Tommy and their guests proceeded out to the limos to go home and collapse, as they were all tired. Their Gala had been a great success and they hoped they would reap many benefits in the future. Everyone had a terrific time.

Well, here ends book II of my story. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I had writing it. I do enjoy hearing from you, especially my friend Max who writes regularly with praises and observations. I would love to hear from more of you with any suggestions or comments. They will all be answered.

I sincerely hope everyone is surviving this horrible pandemic and that you, your friends and family are safe and well. Our families and friends are all fine, as are Allen and myself, thank God. Please continue to pray for the well-being and safety of others who have been stricken with this horrible virus. We will get through this, it may take a while, but we will survive and be stronger for it.

So, in closing, please be safe, play safe if you can, although I think it might be hard at a 6' distance, LOL, be kind, help others in need, if nothing more than a kind word. And even with so many out of work, please try to make a small donation to this wonderful site: NIFTY.

With love and care to all.

Your Sexy Chef

P.S. Stay tuned for Book III with more adventures to "cum" soon. I hope! Well back to the closet (the one I am cleaning). It's like finding a whole new wardrobe! YEA!!

Next: Chapter 86: Robbies True Love III Introduction

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