Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Nov 20, 2017


As you can see, a few twists and turns, and there will be more to come so stay tuned, read on and enjoy! Again, any suggestion or comments are welcome. Please remember to play safe and PLEASE donate to nifty!!

The Chef

Robbie strolled back to his office, looked at some emails and returned a few urgent phone calls regarding the restaurants. He looked at his watch, seeing it was now about 4:00 it was time to go home and wait for his love to arrive. God, what a day! It would be great to get home, put his feet up with a lovely glass of wine and when his Tommy arrived they would share a sultry kiss and shower together. They would then sit down to a scrumptious dinner and fuck each other for dessert. YUM...

Robbie got home to find his lover already home wearing a pair of very tight, red workout shorts, a slinky white tank, and barefoot. What a sight! Robbie was starting to drool by the time he had put things down. Tommy crossed the floor, grabbed Robbie around the waist and planted a kiss that almost made Robbie cum. "I missed you today, babe and am soooooo glad you're home and we are here alone!" "Me Too!" said Robbie between kisses. Let's go take a shower and then we can have dinner. I only have to heat it up. I brought home a lovely Boeuf Bourguignon with some fresh Broccolini Almandine and Pappardelle Pasta. Mmmm, sounds perfect to me. As long as we're together, I could eat dog food and I would be happy. "NOT in this house you wouldn't!" exclaimed Tommy laughing!

They walked into the bedroom, where Tommy began to strip Robbie slowly and carefully. When he pulled down his underwear, a large engorged cock loomed before him, which he leaned forward and licked. Savoring just the head of the dripping cock, "Mmmmmm, Baby, you taste so good!"

"Keep that up and I will cum waaaaaay too soon," cooed Robbie.

"So, what's wrong with a little appetizer before dinner?" asked Tommy.

"Why don't we save this for dessert and keep the urges building?"

"Well, OK, if you insist." he said begrudgingly. They got in the shower, relishing the warm water and the closeness. They washed each other completely from head to toe, spending time on each other's hole, balls and hard cocks. Both had to stop as they almost reached an early orgasm. They finished their shower, dried each other off, and put on some revealing workout attire. They walked into the living room and shared a lovely chilled glass of a shimmering Pinot Gregio and some cheese and crackers. Robbie put dinner into the oven to heat and informed Tommy they had about 20 minutes for 'relaxing' before supper was ready.

They proceeded to tell each other about their day. Tommy's day was pretty ordinary and nothing special happened. He was working on a case with contracts for a new client corporation that just retained the firm. It would bring in some big money and Tommy was certainly happy.

Robbie then went into an explanation of his day. Starting with the arrest of the manager, John, and discovering the embezzlement of the money taken from the restaurant, John's subsequent arrest and happily finding the money. Then Robbie mentioned about appointment of Robert, the former Asst. Manager to General Manager of the restaurant. He is a great guy and will do a great job, as he has leadership skills and gets on with the staff wonderfully.

"I guess we will see what happens in the coming weeks. Also, when my father called our law firm to discuss the arrest and the embezzlement of the funds, he got the 'run around' from some dumb secretary and was put on hold. He was then talked to very rudely by the Managing Director and Senior partner, Jared Williams. He actually told Dad to get off his high horse and they would take care of things 'shortly.' Dad blew a gasket and basically fired the firm on the spot, over the phone! He was furious, to say the least. He then called your father and set up an appointment for tomorrow to discuss us moving all of our legal work to your firm. We are both invited to lunch tomorrow at 11:30 with our Dads to discuss details. Your Dad does not yet know why we're meeting, but I am sure he will be amenable to taking over the legal needs of our multi-billion dollar corporation.

Tommy sat there absolutely Gob-smacked. He really didn't know what to say at this point other than sit there with a HUGE grin. He then grabbed Robbie and kissed him passionately saying how much he loved him. When they finally broke apart, gasping for air, Robbie said he loved him with all his heart. They smiled lingeringly, not wanting to stop, but the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen called Robbie to put dinner on the table. When that was done, Robbie told Tommy to "come and get it!" and he did too by grabbing Robbie and giving him a scorching kiss. "That's not what I meant actually, but it works!"

They sat down to a delicious meal and continued to chat about the lunch meeting tomorrow. "Please don't say anything to your Dad. We want it to be a complete surprise." Robbie explained. They finished dinner and cleaned up, putting the food away and straightening up a bit and left the rest for Elsa. They went into the living room and decided to watch an early movie. They ended up watching "The Danish Girl" with Eddie Redmayne and loved it. They were in tears at the end and just held each other. They both thought that Eddie should win the best actor Oscar.

They got up, turned everything off and set the alarm. They stripped each other and crawled into bed, kissing passionately, pulled up the covers and said a sweet 'good night.' They drifted off to dreamland while holding each other tightly.

They awoke hard and ready for the day. They went into the bathroom, took care of business and then rushed back to bed. They got into '69' position and sucked each other with great determination. Tommy then rose up and faced Robbie, kissing him and saying, "I need you inside me babe. I need you to fuck me hard and fast and fill me up to start my day." Robbie raised Tommy's legs and started to rim his willing hot ass, forcing his tongue deep inside and tongue fucked him. Tommy just sighed and said pleadingly, "FUCK ME NOW; FILL ME UP! So Robbie did just that, using a drop of lube and gently entering his lover's hot ass bareback. He proceeded to fuck Tommy's tight hole without mercy. He screamed he was going to cum and that set Tommy over the edge as they came together. (Robbie spewing cum inside Tommy's ass while Tommy sprayed cum all over them both.) Panting, Robbie slowly pulled out of his lover's stretched hole and collapsed beside Tommy. He pulled Tommy close and they kissed gently. "Does it get any better than this?" sighed Tommy while kissing his Love. "I certainly hope it will get better each time we make love, but Babe, next time I want you inside me, please." Robbie requested, "Fill me up with your love juice!" Tommy smiled and said, "I will hold you to that!"

"You know we should take a weekend and go away together. We can do some reading, take long lazy naps, dine here and there...maybe up to the wine country, either Napa or Sonoma." "That's a great idea. Let's see how today goes and tonight maybe pick a date."

They rose and walked into the large master bath to shower while chatting about the possibility of getting away. We can stay in Yountville and with my connections, I bet I can get us a table at "The French Laundry," said Robbie. "I will call Thomas tomorrow and see when he can squeeze us in. Then we can plan our trip, I know him well and I can't see it being a problem."

"Sounds great to me since I have only been there one time and it was beyond words. Expensive as hell but worth every penny!" Tommy added.

The next morning, they got up, dressed rapidly and had a quick breakfast. They were off to work set up the meeting for lunch. Robbie knew it would be at one of the Blackford's, but not sure which one, since there were three in town: one near Union Square, one in the Marina, and one in the Fairmont Hotel atop Nob Hill. It would most likely be the one near Union Square as it was closer to the offices.

Tommy and Robbie arrived at the building separating to go to their offices where they were handed messages, found hot coffee and went to work. Robbie called his dad and asked if the meeting was still on for lunch time. Daniel said yes and asked Robbie to make reservations at the Union Square Restaurant. So, Robbie called and made a reservation for four in a quiet booth in the back for 11:30 and the host said, "Thank you Mr. Blackford, I will take care of everything." Robbie then asked that they not seat anyone on either side as it was a private business meeting. "No problem," said Peter, the host.

They continued through their morning schedules. Tommy had a meeting with a new client that went very well. He glanced at his watch and saw it was about time to leave. It was just a short distance from the restaurant so he decided to walk since it was a beautiful day. He passed a florist shop so he went in and ordered flowers, a large bouquet of two dozen yellow roses, mixed with some lilac, freesia, tulips with magnolia leaves and fern, and had them sent to Robbie's office as a surprise after the meeting when Robbie returned. He wrote a card, had it attached, and was once again on his way.

He strolled into the restaurant and was asked if he had a reservation. Tommy said he was meeting the Blackford party, table for four. "You are the first, but I can seat you now or would you prefer to wait in the lounge?" Tommy said he would wait at the table and was shown to a beautiful table in the back of the restaurant. There was a reserved sign on the table and he noticed the tables on each side were also reserved as well.

He ordered iced tea and just as it was brought to the table, his father arrived. Tommy rose and greeted his father with a hug, and as they sat down, Robbie and Daniel arrived as well. They were seated and all ordered iced tea.

"Well Daniel, it is good to see you again. Are we still on for dinner this Saturday evening at your place?" "Most certainly," Daniel replied. "Come casual as we are going to Bar-b-que in the back yard and eat there as well if the weather cooperates. It is supposed to be and nice, warm weekend. Salad, steaks, baked potatoes, and all the rest."

Tommy and Robbie were seated next to each other and held hands discreetly under the table smiling at each other. Both Daniel and Thom ordered the steak sandwich with fries and a salad while Robbie ordered a Monte Cristo and Tommy ordered a Club Sandwich. Then Daniel said, "Thom, I have a business proposition for you! How would you and your firm of course, like to handle our legal business and I mean ALL of it, going bforward?" I have fired my old firm. I have not been very happy with for some time. I am just done with them!"

Thom sat there with his mouth slightly open and just stared at Daniel. He was totally gob-smacked, he just muttered, "REALLY? Are you totally serious?"

Yes, of course I am! I don't generally offer my multi-billion dollar Corporate business to just any law office. You have a stellar reputation and you do things right! I have studied your business practices for some time and did not come to this decision lightly. I want you and need you, and since our boys are together as a couple, let's keep it 'all in the family' so to speak. Tommy looked wide- eyed, even though he knew what was coming. (He thought that the Blackford Corporation was worth around 20-30 Billion dollars.) WOW! Was he going to be surprised!

They continued to eat and by the end of the meal, Thomas said he would have to run it through the board, of course, but didn't see a problem. He called the office from the table and asked his secretary to call a special board meeting for that afternoon at 4:00 pm and it was vital that all board members be there. "I will have an answer by 5:00 pm today and will call you immediately after the meeting ends." "No problem" said Daniel. They finished lunch and declined dessert.

Daniel signed the check and Thom left a sizable tip as everyone got up and the two fathers gave each other a hardy handshake. The boys hugged discreetly and said they would see each other at home this evening. They left the restaurant and Thom Sr. and Tommy got into the Maybach that was parked out front and sped back to the office. A big sigh came out of Thom as he sat back in the comfortable leather seat. "That was a total surprise. Did you know about it?" he asked his son? Tommy looked at his father and smiled and said "Yes. Robbie told me last night, but asked that I not say anything as it was a surprise." "Well, color me surprised. I was totally Gob-smacked to say the least, and I am sure the board will approve it immediately." Can you imagine the revenue this will bring in? Do you know how much that Corporation is worth, not to mention their personal wealth? The estimates are around 30-35 Billion for the business and most likely 12 or more for them personally. This is huge. Hell, they most likely own a huge amount of property just here in SF, office buildings and apartment houses. They also own property all over LA and New York as well and I think Chicago too. Then there are the ranches south near Santa Barbara and cattle in Texas, with oil, I think. That alone is worth several billion. There are the three or four banks, the restaurants-there are 10 of those, right?"

Tommy then said, "Don't forget about the four car dealerships! This is just amazing and quite a feather in the firm's cap."

"We may have to hire more people just to handle their business. But hey, whatever needs to be done." His father replied.

They arrived at the office and as they walked in the lobby area Thom's secretary said the meeting was set for 4:00 in the board room. "That's great. Can you also arrange a small bar and some Hors'd oeuvres? This should be an exciting meeting to say the least."

"I will take care of everything." She replied.

They each went their separate ways and worked until it was time for the meeting. At 2:30 Tommy's personal line rang and of course it was Robbie overjoyed with the flowers and card, which read, "With all my love now and forever. Your lover." Robbie almost started to cry when he saw the flowers on his desk. When he read the card, he did start to cry a bit with tears of complete joy.

When he called Tommy, he said it was the sweetest thing ever and how much he loved Tommy. Smiling, they said they would see each other tonight at home about 6:00 or so.

At 4:00 pm exactly, Thom walked into the board room where he was met by curious looks from the board. Thom walked to the bar and poured himself a scotch, neat, and sat down. Everyone came and sat down with him and Thom called the meeting to order. "Would someone please explain what is going on and why the Impromptu Board Meeting?" one of the board members asked, sounding irritated.

"Well, gentlemen and ladies I have great news, which in my opinion is beyond spectacular. I had lunch today with Daniel Blackford and he has offered us his entire legal work for the whole Corporation. It will bring in many millions of dollars to us in revenue each year." Everyone was silent for a moment and then broke into applause and cheering. "I can't believe this. How did this happen?" asked a senior board member. Thom went on to explained everything he knew and asked for a vote. It was unanimous. The motion was passed overwhelmingly. So, it was a 'done deal' and at exactly 4:22 Thom called Daniel with the news. Smiles were shared by all and now the work was going to start. Thom asked his secretary to draw up a formal letter to the (former) law firm, terminating their relationship on behalf of 'Blackford Corporation', effective immediately. It was to be sent registered mail with return receipt. Any unfinished business was to be handed over to: Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law. "I am sure this letter will send shock waves through the whole law firm and rightly so."

When Tommy arrived at Robbie's that evening about 6:30, he walked in to find Robbie changing his clothes for a work out with shorts, a tank and athletic shoes. He was going to the gym in the building for a good work out. Tommy walked in and saw Robbie, he grabbed him and gave him such a kiss that it even overwhelmed him. "WOW, what a day! Oh, and by the way, you left out a few things about your family Corporation. My father was totally blown away when your father handed him the reigns for the legal work for the corporation. My father will likely have to open a whole new set of offices and double the staff, just for your family's, stuff!" He faked the woe of a distraught diva, complete with hands to his brow.

"And the problem is exactly WHAT?" Robbie said, laughing and Tommy started to laugh also. Then Tommy said, "Why didn't you mention all of this before, I mean I knew you had money, but all of this comes as a HUGE SURPRISE!!"

"I guess I can get used to sleeping with a billionaire."

Robbie replied with "Hey, that's my father your speaking of. I am just a simple Chef who works his ass to the bone, sweating and cooking for a living." Tommy said, "That's MY ass, you're working to the bone, so treat it gently."pulling him close for a searing kiss!

After Tommy changed clothes, they went down to the gym and had a sweat dripping work out. It felt good to exercise strenuously. After about 90 minutes they quit and went upstairs to shower and think about dinner.

Tommy suggested a simple dinner of pasta and a salad. "Sounds great and what is your heart's desire for pasta this evening, kind sir?"

"How about a quick spinach and arugula pesto with fresh cheese graded on top of Buccatelli Pasta? And a romaine heart salad with maybe blue cheese dressing and you know what I am craving for dessert?" YOU NAKED, in our bed with that huge cock buried deep in my ass, pounding me into oblivion and filling me with your lovely cream sauce!" "How does that sound?"

Mmmm...Dinner. What a great idea and I already have the fixings so it is not a problem at all. And I love your idea for dessert! BUT I want some of that too, you on top pounding my hungry, horny ass into the mattress and filling me with all that hot cream from your hairy sexy orbs! They pulled together for a steamy kiss and went to fix dinner. Both could hardly wait for dessert!

Robbie put a pot on to boil for the pasta, then got out the Cuisinart, and placed the fresh spinach and arugula in it, added fresh garlic and pureed it slightly. Then he took a dry skillet and dry toasted some fresh pecans for a few minutes, added those to the machine with salt and pepper replaced the lid and began to puree, slowly adding EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) then adding a bit of freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano. He threw together the hearts of romaine salad and the crumbled blue cheese dressing with fresh sliced tomatoes on the side. When the Buccetelli pasta was cooked to the aldente stage it was drained and put into a large bowl. The pesto was mixed in well and more cheese added. Everything was placed on the kitchen table and dinner was served. Tommy raved about the pasta and said the Pesto was a complete change as he had only eaten the Basil Pesto and this was completely different and oh so GOOD!

They finished up and did the dishes together (loaded the dishwasher and started it.) Then they wandered into the living room holding hands to see what was on the telly and the also while sipping a great espresso. There was not much on that interested them so they turned off the television.

Tommy said, "You know we have had a very long and rough week with so many things going on. I know you are feeling it too, so what do you say we take some time off and go somewhere for a few days and just relax for a bit, just the two of us. I think both of us deserve it and I am sure our Dad's will give us a few days! Some place quiet, no phones, no TV, just time for the both of us. Where do you think we could go?"

"But what about dinner with your folks tomorrow evening?"

"This dinner is for the folks to get to know each other personally. I don't think we will be missed, at least too much," he said smiling.

Robbie looked up at his lover and said, "I know just the place. Do you ride? Horses I mean?" Laughing at the double meaning. Tommy answered yes, he loved to ride, both ways... referring to the double meaning as well.

"Why don't we fly down to our ranch near Santa Barbara, do some riding and I will show you the ranch. We'll meet some of the guys and have a relaxing couple of days. You will love the house, the pool and you will get to meet one of my best friends." Robbie smiled.

"Who is that?" Questioned Tommy with a weird look on his face.

"Jealous much?" asked Robbie.

Laughing, he said his best friend was his horse, "KING" and it would be good to see him again. He had not been down to the ranch in a long while. "Do you have riding clothes such as Cowboy boots, jeans?"

"I don't have boots but I have all the rest. We'll get you some boots tomorrow and we have extra hats and stuff at the ranch" BTW.. a great many of the ranch "Cowboys" are gay and many are couples, so swimming at the pool is clothing optional when no women are around. Some pretty good specimens, so to speak." Robbie chuckled.

"Sounds great and we can arrange with our dads tomorrow and go down first thing on Sunday morning, since we have our 'family get together' this Saturday night at my parent's place. I really think we should attend for the dinner, just a token appearance, so to speak.

"I'd like to go for about 3-4 days. How does that sound?" asked, Robbie. "Great answered Tommy. We can fly down on one of the jets, and one of the guys can pick us up and haul us out to the ranch. We can use one of the trucks or the Foreman's jeep to get around. The cook at the ranch for the hands is great. Miss Elly is her name, and she has been there forever. She is a great ol' gal and we all love to death, but never EVER get on her bad side, she swings a mean rolling pin. She's a great person and a really a fabulous cook as well! And I adore her."

So now that plans were settled they walked into the bedroom and slowly undressed each other, kissing here and there with bit of licking as well. Once naked, hard as rocks and dripping pre-cum they gently laid down and immediately went into a "69" position and sucked each other. It was hot and heavy until almost cuming in each other's mouths. Breathing heavily, the moved around and kissed with great abandoned. The Robbie moved down Tommy's body. Licking, sucking, taking a few small nips, and finally reaching Tommy's rock hard 10" cock. He started licking the head, tasting the pre-cum, licking down the side and then to his cum filled balls.

Carefully taking each in their mouths and sucking gently, Robbie moved down to

Tommy's ass ring. By lifting his legs high and spreading his ass cheeks, he dove in with his tongue and Tommy swore he was reaching his prostate. Tommy was moaning, groaning and sliding his head back in forth. "Stop lover or you are going to make me cum and way toooooo soooon!" Robbie grabbed the lube next to them on the bed and applied lube to his dripping cock and with three fingers liberally lubed Tommy's anxious wanting man hole and then slid his hard 9" cock deep inside his lover. Slowly moving in and out, then picking up the pace." Oh my God, Tommy, my love, your ass feels like it was made for me to fuck you. It feels so great to be deep inside you. Making love to you is the best ever!" Tommy reached up and pulled Robbie down so they could kiss deeply and said with bated breath, "You're the best lover I have ever had in my life. You feel so great being inside me. SO, lover now fuck me deeper, longer and harder than before and fill me with your cum."

"Please, I need more. FUCK ME Baby!" and with that he could not hold back and screamed AUUURRG, shooting a huge load of cum over his head and hitting the headboard. He came in several waves. This of course triggered Robbie, who then filled Tommy with about eight blasts of cum deep in his rectum. He held still for a last shot, moving in and out of Tommy's hot manhole, then he slowly slipped out as he began to soften. Robbie laid next to Tommy, held him close and they kissed gently, while gasping loudly. Robbie then said, Tommie, I love you more than life the depths of my soul. Tommy answered back also "I love you more, now and forever, my love!" Let us recover for a bit, then I want you deep inside me and to fuck me harder. I need you to cum into my soul and totally make me yours."

"You already are mine, my darling now and forever!"

They kissed again and slowly drifted off for a nap to recover slightly. Robbie's hole was twitching with anticipation of thoroughly being fucked hard and deep. They awoke about an hour later, both hard and dripping once again. Tommy rolled over on top of Robbie and gave him a scorching kiss. "You ready my love, cuz, I have a very hard cock that wants to fill you with my love juice."

"Ready, willing and able sweetheart. Use me, fuck me, thrill me and fill me up with your cum Baby!" Tommy moved down and started to suck on Robbie's cock, still tasting of his own ass. He sucked it deep while playing with Robbie's hot, hungry man hole. He moved down and started licking Robbie's hairy balls, still playing with his hairy ass. Then he lifted Robbie's legs and went right for his hot quivering hole, and stuck his tongue deep inside, rimming him. Robbie started to pant and begged for more!

"Please fuck me now Baby, I need your huge cock deep inside me! FUCK me, hard and deep and fill me with your cum! Breed me now Tommy. NOW!!!!"

Tommy slid his huge, raging 10" cock deep inside in one swift move and began to fuck his love for all he was worth. This only lasted a few minutes, Tommy screamed he was going to cum, pulling almost all the way out and slamming back inside as he started to fill Robbie with blast after blast of hot cum deep inside. This then set Robbie off and he also shot big ropes of cum between them.

Kissing deeply, they cuddled and drifted into a deep sleep without even cleaning themselves off.

When they awoke in the morning, they struggled to untangle and walked straight into the shower before turning on the water. They both kissed, said they loved each other, and started to piss all over each other. Finally, as their piss subsided, they turned on the shower and gently washed each other clean. They were semi-hard, but after the night before, they were both sated and very content. They finished their shower and dried each other off with kisses here and there. They shaved and dressed for the day. Tommy wore a striking dark blue suit, red blue and white striped shirt with a power red tie. Robbie was in more casual business attire with dark blue slacks, a beautiful medium blue silk shirt, and a light blue blazer. The walked into the kitchen where Elsa had set the table, a welcome pot of hot coffee, cheese omelets with a stack of sour dough toast and homemade strawberry jam. They sat down and started to eat after thanking Elsa for a great morning feast. They ate everything and got ready to leave, saying they would be in touch during the day and they would make plans for that night since Tommy suggested they spent the night at his house. "We still need to work on packing and stuff too! Let's see how the day goes, okay Babe?" and they kissed and were gone.

Next: Chapter 9

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