Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Oct 12, 2019


"Sargent Willis, I have a Mr. Whiting here and we would like to come down and speak with you about a missing wife and Mr. Whiting's children. Ok, we can do that and will be down shortly. This is kind of an involved story. Thank you and we will see you soon."

Tommy addressed Richard and said, "We are going to go to the police station and set things in motion. We need their help in finding your wife and most certainly your kids. I'll drive and we will get them back. Hopefully we will set things in motion for a formal separation and divorce. This will all work out.

They went down to get Tommy's car and Tommy asked if he knew where she might be?

"I gather, since you told me, that since her credit and ATM cards have been cut off, she has no money, except a little cash so she has to be with friends. Do you know any of her friends and where they live? Oh, and did she ever carry much cash on her?"

"Not that I know of," Whiting replied. "She always charged everything and kept, maybe...$50 or so in her wallet. And, as I said, I immediately cut her off from all credit and access to her ATM. She does have one friend that I know of. Shirley Jacobs. She lives somewhere down the Peninsula. I think possibly San Mateo or near there. We can look it up. She may have had it in her address book. I can look when I get home If that helps?"

"Good, we can stop at your house on the way and provide it for the police. Are there any other clues she may have left?"

They drove out to Richard's home in the Avenues. He let Tommy into the house and they went to her desk and found the address book and an odd piece of paper with some doodles. They found Shirley's name and a 650 area-code phone number in the book.

They checked her closet and found a suitcase missing. Some drawers in her chest of drawers were open and clothing strewed about. Most of her jewelry was there which Richard packed up and decided to take with him. However, her most valuable pieces were gone. They checked the kid's rooms and found similar evidence of hasty packing.

Richard started to cry. "OH please, let my children be safe and bring them back to me, PLEASE!!!"

Tommy reached over and gave Richard a light man hug and assured him, "We will do everything to bring them back safely. If that is all from here, we need to go down to the police station and get things started."

Once in the car, Richard started looking through her address book marking the page with Shirley's address and phone number. Richard sighed with relief, "I found it, Mr. Gillman. I have the address and the numbers match what was scribbled on the scratch pad."

"When we arrive at the police station, we will have them call to see if anyone is home. We'll make it a wrong number and ask for another name. That way we will know if Shirley is there."

The arrived at the police station in short order and parked in visitor parking. Richard anxiously walked in at Tommy's side. The Sargent manning the desk asked if they needed help. Tommy introduced himself with a business card and asked for Sargent Willis. The desk Sargent picked up the phone and called for Sargent Willis and he soon came out from a back office and greeted the men with a smile.

"Follow me if you please" and they walked a short distance to a small office where they were bade to sit down."

"Mr. Gillman, it is a pleasure to meet you. Through this department I have heard many wonderful things about your firm. Welcome."

"Now Mr. Whiting, please tell me what is going on."

Richard told the Sargent his story and showed him the photos of his wife, and his supposed friend, including the ones from the motel. He explained that she and his kids were missing and that he may have a clue to where they might be. He also explained that he had closed all her credit card accounts and her ATM had been cancelled. He was going to have the locks changed that afternoon.

"That is smart of you. If you call a locksmith right away, we can have a patrol car meet them at the house and you can have the locks changed as we speak!"

Richard thought that it was a great idea and called his friend Rob, who owned a lock and key shop. and asked if he could help.

"Sure Richard, I can do that. Are you home?"

"Not right now. Rob, I need all the locks changed ASAP and I will have a policeman meet you there. I have a spare key in the little storage room near the front door. It's hanging on a nail inside, to the left. No one knows of it, not even my wife."

"That's fine Richard, I will take care of it. Please remind me of your address and I will put a bill in the mail, or better yet, I will leave it on your coffee table. Pay it when you can. I'll give you a friend's and family discount."

"Rob, thanks for doing this so quickly. It seems my dear sweet wife has been having an affair and has run away and taken the kids. I will have a policeman meet you at the house. How long before you arrive?"

"Oh, just to make sure, we need the front door, the kitchen door and the lock on the sliding door in the family room!"

"I will take care of everything and I know things will work out for you. I'll be in touch, take care!"

Richard hung up and said Rob can be there in about 30 minutes. "Will that be enough time for one of your officers to get there?"

"That is perfect for us," replied Sarg. Willis. "Now please show me the address you came up with that belongs to her friend. Do you have a phone # too?" Richard handed over the address book, the note he found, the name of the friend, gave him a sticky where he had marked the address and phone # too.

"This is perfect. Let me call the house and make another fake call to see if anyone is home. Then we will dispatch a squad car to the address. We will get your kids back and have your wife arrested. Please don't worry!"

Sargent Willis placed the call and a woman answered the phone and said "Hello, The Bascom residence, may I help you?"

In an accent, Sargent Willis asked if George was home? If not when do you expect him, please?" The reply was, "I'm sorry you have reached a wrong number." The Sargent apologized and said he was sorry and hung up.

"Well that was a very enlightening call. I heard kids fighting in the background, and one said, "I want to go home Mommy. I don't like it here! When is Daddy coming?"

Another woman screamed for the child to be quiet. "Daddy wasn't coming here ever and we are not going home. Your father doesn't love you!!!"

"We will head down there right now and you both can come with us. Let's head out!!"

The four men, 2 policemen and Tommy and Richard, headed to the house down the Peninsula. Tommy and Richard followed the police car in Tommy's Mercedes.

When they arrived, they would arrest Sheila and take her in for kidnapping. Richard knew she would put up a fight and resist arrest and told the police as they headed to the cars. He was fearful the kids would likely be scared and hopefully be glad to see their Dad. Richard and Tommy would find the kids and comfort them while the police were arresting Sheila and if necessary, her friend.

When they arrived at the house listed in the address book, They saw Sheila's car, parked in front. As the police and Richard approached the house, the little boy, Dicky, opened the front door to come out and play. He saw Richard and screamed "DADDY!!!" Dicky ran to his father and almost knocked Richard off his feet. Richard grabbed him and held on tightly. Dicky was crying. "OH DADDY, I am so glad to see you're here!!!"

"Hanna come here" he screamed back toward the house, "Daddy is here!!!"

Little Hanna came rushing out and made a beeline toward Richard. She too grabbed her daddy's left leg and started to cry.

"OH Daddy, we thought you was gone and never coming ever again!!" Richard picked up his little girl and kissed her while holding her close. His right arm was wrapped around Dicky. He then said, "Daddy loves you both so much and would never leave you. EVER!!!"

Sargent Willis walked up to the door to find Sheila standing there with a huge frown on her face and a look of total contempt. "What the hell are you doing here?" she screamed at Richard.

"I came to get my kids, dear." Said Richard sarcastically. "How could you just take my kids from me?" He tried to remain calm as to not frighten the kids.

"Then to hell with them. I didn't love them or want them. How could you?"

She just looked even madder and scowled once again. Tommy told Richard to take the kids to his car and to buckle them in the back seat. Richard happily did just that!

Now that the kids were out of sight, Sargent Willis spoke to Sheila, "Mrs. Whiting, I am arresting you for the kidnapping of Richard's children, Dicky and Hanna, and unlawful flight to another city."

She looked horrified at him and screamed: "I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE, IDIOT! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" She tried to attack the policeman. The second policeman came over and together they subdued her. She was handcuffed and roughly led to the waiting police car, still screaming and fighting with the police.

Shirley finally appeared and just stood there at the door with a look of amazement on her face. What was happening? She knew nothing of the drama that was unfolding as the police finally got Sheila in the squad car. She was ready to object but not sure what or who to object to. The arresting officer turned to address the woman at the door. "Mam, I suggest you stay inside and shut the door unless you want to join Mrs. Whiting in the police car. I could arrest you for Aiding and Abetting Mrs. Whiting. You could also be charged as an accessory to kidnapping. Shirley quickly went inside and locked the door.

Sheila was taken to the police station for processing. She was definitely going be spending the night in jail. When Sheila was booked. She was read her Miranda Rights and given one phone call. Stupidly, she called Shirley instead of a lawyer. Her message to Shirley was short and sweet: "Grab my jewelry and cash. Don't let Richard have them and call

Tommy called Robbie to let him know what was going on and he was surprised to hear the short version of the story and asked when he would be back at the office and what was going to happen with Mr. Whiting and the kids... "I will take them home to their house for now.. Mrs. Whiting will be incarcerated for a while and then, will go to trial... I will call you later babe, and let you know how things are...I love you darling and will see you later!"

Robbie hung up and thought that Tommy, really had his hands full with poor Mr. Whiting and those poor kids, who had been through so much drama...

So, gang, here ends Chapt. 32.. Hope you all are enjoying the new twists and turns. As always, I will welcome any comments and or suggestions, so please feel free to write.. I do answer all emails from you!!!

Also, once again, Be true to yourself. Please play safe and live a happy life!!! Also,, thanks to my dear Allen for all his hard work in editing this mess at times.. I love you baby... (we have our 19th Anniv. In Dec....YEA!!!)

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Next: Chapter 71: Robbies True Love II 33

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