Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 27, 2019


Capt. Jake smiled as he left Tommy and Robbie's beautiful home out in the Sea Cliff. What a gorgeous home they had. He was very happy with his apartment on Russian Hill and was really in love with David, his partner. Jake was in his early 40s, tall with dark brown hair and a touch of grey, clean shaven, well-built and very good looking. He was also quite versatile. His lover, soon to be husband David, was a bit younger in his late 30s. He was redheaded, with a close-trimmed beard, hairy chest and had gorgeous blue eyes. David was well hung and also versatile. He was the head buyer for the Men's Department at Bloomingdales in San Francisco and did very well. He traveled a lot on buying trips, but the men had been together for 4 1/2 yrs. and were very much in love (totally monogamous) and neither were even tempted to stray!!!

They had a wonderful large two-bedroom, one bathroom (including a water closet for the toilet) in an older building with huge rooms and great view of the bay. It was tastefully furnished and decorated with good things. They were planning on getting married soon.

Their parents totally approved of the union. Both worked hard at their careers and did very well. Jake thought what great new friends they now had in Tommy and Robbie.

Tommy, Robbie and Elsa sat down to a simple dinner that night of Rotelli pasta in a fresh tomato, basil and parmesan sauce, with a hint of garlic and parsley. Fresh toasted garlic bread and light salad of butter lettuce in blood orange vinaigrette. Simple ice cream was served if anyone wanted dessert.

Upon finishing dinner, which everyone loved, the guys left the table for coffee in the library and some light chat about what went on the previous day. Tommy was settled now and more relaxed. It was nearing 9:00 pm when they finished their coffee, said goodnight to Elsa and walked up to bed after clearing their cups and saucers. They walked into the bedroom, undressed, brushed their teeth and crawled naked into bed.

Tommy gently grabbed Robbie and pulled him close and the men kissed gently, but still with passion. "I don't know what I would do, without you in my life. You totally complete me in ways I never thought was even possible. You mean everything to me babe and I do mean everything." He kissed Robbie one more time but Robbie pulled away gently and took Tommy's face in his hands.

Looking thoughtfully into his husband's eyes he smiled broadly saying, "Thank you for the compliment darling, but you know, I feel the same way and have since our first date. Just looking at you, even from across a room, or talking to you on the phone takes my breath away. Most times it makes me hard as a rock" he chuckled. "Our meeting on the beach in San Gregorio was the best thing to ever happen to me."

"When we met, I felt a spark I had never felt before. My whole body shook with desire. When we met later that night at that bar on Polk Street, I was so anxious and excited about seeing you again, I badly wanted to take you home right then and there and make love with you all night long. But I didn't want this to be a one-night stand. I wanted more and I got the grand prize!"

"I can't even put into words how I feel. It is a feeling of total and complete happiness and joy. And like you, my darling, you complete me too!!!"

Both men were crying lightly. "When I got that fax yesterday I was so scared I would never see you again, or that asshole would kill you. I wanted to die, but I knew I had to be strong for youÉstrong for us and I had a feeling after a while, that everything would work out."

The men cuddled for a bit holding each other close and kissing. They drifted off to sleep. It was a dreamless night. One of love and togetherness!!

Morning came too soon and both men awoke, needing to pee and brush their teeth. They rushed to the large bathroom and took care of their immediate needs. The time was just before 7:00 am and both had a long day ahead. Robbie was continuing to check on his restaurants and to determine which one should change into Le Belle d' Paris at Blackford's. He was waiting for faxes showing the menus for the restaurants. They may have come yesterday, but since he was out of the office, he didn't know. His staff would have everything waiting for him when he arrived.

Tommy had some catch up to do since he was gone with the incident. There would be extra security in the building and the men had briefly discussed each having bodyguards. Then thought about it again and decided it was a bit excessive. Tighter restrictions were now being put into place, regarding the carpool and the signing out of cars. And the hiring of staff as well.

They showered together as usual and dressed for the day, being rather casual but still nicely dressed. They wandered down to breakfast in the breakfast room. There was fresh orange juice on the table and the coffee smelled wonderful. The menu that morning smelled great. It was Brioche French Toast with fresh sliced strawberries and soft-boiled eggs with crispy bacon.

The men sat down and Daryl brought in the food. The men dug in and ate well and as they sipped coffee they discussed the day. Tommy asked when they wanted to go south again and take possession of the house? Also, they needed to see about the restaurants. Both were still open and doing brisk business as usual.

They needed to see about the name change for Blake's In Beverly Hills, turning it into Blackford's. Some of the menu would remain the same as it was, but there were some subtle changes here and there, more Blackford's in style and flair. They also wanted to move some of their stuff down to the house: clothes, artwork and after seeing what is needed for their new home, they were going shopping. It was going to be a lot of work but lots of fun.

Both Elsa and Daryl were going to accompany them and work together to get it all done in a week or so. Elsa wanted to bring some clothes down as well and get a settled into her suite. They decided that everyone would leave on Sunday afternoon, and come back the next weekend. They needed to check with Elsa and Daryl before making final plans.

It was off to work and they promised to keep in touch with each other during the day. Robbie arrived at his office and went to the penthouse floor. The minute he walked in everyone inquired how Tommy was. It was wonderful so many people cared enough to ask. Robbie told everyone a little, but not too much, since there would be a trial in several months, but he said Tommy was fine and off to work this morning after a full day of rest. Everyone was pleased. Robbie entered his office and his assistant gave him messages. As he expected there were tons of emails. She also handed him several faxes He would deal with it all in good time. There was a large manila envelope from Le Belle waiting. It had to be the menus and some of the recipes he had requested. He was elated. It would be a busy day.

When Tommy drove up to the underground parking garage, there was a security guard. There were two cars ahead of him and the guard was checking IDs. Wow, this was a significant change, but after what happened, it was needed. When his turn came, he rolled down the window and recognized George, the security guard. George said, "Good morning Mr. Gilman and welcome back. I am so glad you're ok!! Everyone was worried. Welcome back Sir!"

Tommy was touched by the greeting, "George, thanks for the kind words and it is a good thing we have added extra security. It pays to be more careful. You have a good day!"

Tommy drove to his usual parking place near the elevator. He got out, locking his car with the remote key, and walked to the elevator. When the door opened, there was another security guard there. "Good morning Mr. Gilman, glad you're OK. we were all worried! Your office Sir?"

"Yes, please Paul." Paul pushed the button for the Penthouse floor. The ride up was quick and when the car stopped, the doors opened and there was a throng of people there with balloons and applause. "Welcome back Tommy!!!" He was a bit taken aback and was literally speechless. He thanked everyone and slowly walked to his office. Alice, his assistant followed him and asked if he wanted coffee. "Thanks Alice, but I can get it. How many thousands of messages and or crap to deal with today?"

"I have handled most of it Tommy. Just some personal things for you to handle and your father wants to see you when you catch your breath."

Tommy walked over to the Nescafe machine and made his coffee. He asked Alice if they needed to discuss anything immediately? He also asked if she wanted a coffee too.

"That would be nice and thank you!!" The coffee was delivered with a smile as Tommy sat down.

"We were so worried about you and are soooo glad you're ok!!" They got down to work and went through everything. When they finished he buzzed his Dad and asked if it was good time to come down. Thom said "Come on down, Son." When he knocked on his father's office door, he heard `come in Son.' Thom rose as Tommy entered the large ornate office. His father came over and hugged Tommy tightly. "God Son, you scared the living shit out of us and if you ever do that again, I will kill you. understand?" He kissed Tommy on the cheek and started to laugh.

The men sat down on a large sofa and began to discuss things. "Dad, I noticed the new procedure in the parking garage and I like it. I also noticed the guard in the elevator. Good touch; What is going to happen with the cars and the sign out procedure?"

"Well son, there will be a new office with the keys and a sign out sheet manned by security at all times. You have to show your company ID, sign in, explain why you are taking a car and how long you will be gone. Once verified, you will receive the keys and are free to go. If you are going to be later than you first thought, you must call a special number and tell them you have been delayed and what time you will return. Everyone will be given a 10-minute leeway on the return time (for traffic and such).This is a much more efficient way to handle things and safer for everyone! We should have done this a long time ago, but hey, it is in place now and that is all that matters!!"

Tommy nodded approval. He and his dad discussed other business matters and soon Tommy was back in his office. His cell rang and it was Robbie calling. "Hi baby, I was just finishing a meeting with Dad. I am just walking into my office and wish you were naked and spread open on the top of my desk, waiting." (Laughing) You should see the new security setup here for the building. I will explain when I get home tonight. BTW, can we have another quiet evening just us two tonight? Let's give Elsa and Daryl the night off. I want something easy for supper, you and me naked, and ready to get down and dirty. We'll just Fuck all night long. I am now rock hard thinking of you baby!!!"

"Well dear heart, after that little scenario I am rock hard too and dripping in my pants. God, what you do to me, even on the phone!! But let's stop this and save it for tonight, OK?" The men said, "I love you" and each hung up. Both were thinking about an evening of lust, the hot, nasty, loving each would get later. Both men got back to work. Robbie called the house and gave Daryl and Elsa the evening off with pay. They were delighted.

Robbie opened the manila envelope and it was indeed the menu's and the recipes he'd asked for. He was elated and studied then closely. It was all so exciting. He had been thinking of turning the restaurant near Union Square into the "Le Belle d` Paris at Blackford's". because it was one of the busiest places and there was not a good French restaurant anywhere near them. He thought it was a good choice, but he would ask his father even though, Daniel would say, "Use your own judgement. So far son, it has not failed you and you're just damn good, I believe in you totally!!" He listened to his father's words in his head. He would discuss this with Tommy anyway!

So far all the restaurants were doing very well and the staff were running things with precision. That was a good thing. He knew he had great managers in charge. They all trusted Robbie to do right by them!

He had a decision to make about the restaurants down south and they would take care of things when they got down there next Sunday. He finished up and called Tommy about having lunch. Tommy was busy with clients and catching up so he had to turn Robbie down, but that he would make up for it that evening at home. Boy what a night it was going to be too!!.

He had Alice get him a sandwich for lunch as he worked at his desk and caught up after being gone yesterday. He had no meetings with clients that day which was a good thing. Tomorrow he had things to settle with several clients. Business was great, but it would be good to get away next week, and he could take work with him if needed.

Alice arrived with his lunch which was a ham and cheese on rye with a small salad and a diet coke. No iced tea for a while. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He enjoyed his sandwich and worked until his father called him for a meeting. Thom Sr. had just closed a deal for a new large law office in Dallas and was getting more staff in place. He had bought out an existing firm with a huge clientele.

He took over as Senior Partner and Executive Managing Director. It would also be called Gilman and Son. A nice new infusion of income and another feather in their cap. They had lots of clients with huge ranches containing both cattle and oil. He would be flying down in a few days to look things over and introduce himself to everyone.

Tommy was excited to hear the news and wanted to know if Thom Sr. wanted him to go too? "No son, not this trip, you're going to go down and open the new restaurants and the house for the week, right? You can come down next time and we want to come down to see the house and the new restaurants. We can fly down in our new plane on Sunday and meet you down there and then we can fly on to the Big "D" on Monday afternoon. Does that work?"

"Gee , Dad, I hadn't thought of that and we would love to have you. I am sure the beds are ready and we can even fly down on Saturday night and get things ready for you and Mom. We have Elsa and Daryl coming with us so that will be easy. So yes, let me call Robbie right now and tell him the great news.

Tommy called Robbie's cell. He answered right away and was delighted with the news. "We could have dinner on Sunday night at Le Belle and let your (our) parents see how fabulous it is!! We can have Elsa and Daryl come along too so we can make it a party. Let's leave on Saturday, late afternoon, and get things ready for the week and our first guests!"

It was a done deal. Everyone was excited, especially when Robbie called home and told Elsa the good news. She and Daryl were now excited too!!

With work finished for the day about 5:00. Tommy left to go home. He called security and they escorted him down to his car. So far so good and he drove home and was relieved that day had gone well. He called Robbie and told him he was leaving and would be home shortly. Robbie beat him home by a few minutes. Both Elsa and Daryl were gone. Daryl had a date with his boyfriend for dinner and a movie and Elsa went out with Alma for dinner and a movie as well. Robbie had called and gotten a order of Thai food. It was Thai soup and Pad Thai (Noodles) with shrimp to bring home. He didn't want to cook! He just wanted to spend a quiet evening with his husband, hopefully naked, and ready for a hot night of unbridled passion. He quickly had it laid out in the kitchen and was naked now - except of a short apron that showed off his butt to its full extent. It was going to be fun. Tommy got that full surprise when he walked through the kitchen door and saw Robbie's muscular ass, staring at him. Tommy was instantly hard and ready!!!

Here ends, Chapter 30. Tommy has recovered and doing well. The new security system was great and everyone felt more secure. They were leaving for the Desert on Saturday and were having Thom Sr. and Danielle come down before they went to Dallas. More adventures to come. Now, as always, be yourself, be kind to others and play kindnesses forward. Play safe please. You only have one life, so please take heed from my Mantra: "Life is a Banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. So LIVE,LIVE, LIVE!!! (Quote from the movie "Auntie Mame" with Rosalind Russel, my favorite movie!!!)

Again, I must thank my darling Allen for his diligent work editing for my little novel. He is my treasure!!! Thank God for spell check!! LOL.! Stay tuned for Chapter 31, coming soon.

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Next: Chapter 69: Robbies True Love II 31

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