Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 27, 2019


Robbie stayed the night with Tommy sleeping, although not well, checking on his love throughout the night. At 7:00 am the nurses changed shift and a new morning nurse came in to see how Tommy was doing. The new male nurse was tall, redhaired and very attractive. He came over to check Tommy's pulse and as he took Tommy's wrist in his hand, Tommy woke up slightly. Not really opening his eyes, he grabbed the nurses wrist and pulled him towards himself. "Morning Babe" he whispered and was going to kiss him. The nurse pulled back slightly, trying to pull away but Tommy pulled all the harder. He finally opened his eyes and saw the funny look on nurse Jim's face. "Oh god, I am so sorryÉAhhhÉJim," looking at the nurse's name tag.

"I am so embarrassed, I thought you were my husband who is just waking up right now!" Tommy was red faced and Jim just smiled (well sort of). Robbie awoke to find the whole situation funny and started to laugh.

"Welcome back sweetheart!!! How are you feeling this morning?"

"I will be better once I pee and apologize once more to Jim."

Jim smiled and said, "If you were single I would have let you kiss me and I would have asked for a date, once you get out of here. But alas, that probably isn't going to happen."

Robbie replied, "Jim, you can't possibly be single. You're tall, very good looking and your red hair is stunningÉand what a build! You should have guys all over you like, white on rice!!"

Jim laughed heartily and said, "Thanks for the compliment. I had a partner, Fredrick, for about 3 1/2 years and we had just moved in together but I came home early one night and found him in bed being fucked by my best friend Carl."

"And there was another guy, who I didn't know, who was fucking Carl. Needless to say, I was just ever so angry and hauled the three of them out of my bed and tossed them out the door with no clothes and called the police. They got arrested for indecent exposure and hauled off to jail. I changed the locks the next morning gave away all of his crap to the homeless shelter."

"Then I gave up my lease and made him pay for it all! Since I had access to his bank account, I found a new and better apartment that very same day and moved. I'm happily single for now and sure the right guy will come alongÉeventually!!"

"Now let's get back to business here. Let me get your vitals and the Dr. will be in shortly. You can first take the IV with you and go pee. Then I will finish up. Ok?"

Tommy got up unsteadily and with Robbie's help made it to the bathroom, did his thing, washed his face, brushed his teeth and then walked back to the bed. He was about to get back into bed when he grabbed Robbie pulling him close and kissing him deeply.

"GOD, I love you sooooo much. Thanks for being here sweetheart!!"

Robbie pulled back and smiling said "I really had nothing better to do anyway and thought the hospital room would be a nice change of pace for a night!!"

Jim started to laugh and asked how long they had been together. Tommy said they had dated for a little over two years and were married almost three months ago.

"Wow, it seems like you guys have been together for a lifetime."

"I hope I can find a love like yours!" Both Robbie and Tommy smiled and told him to be patient and it will come when you least expect it.

"Jim, you seem like a special guy and like Tommy said, OHHH so good looking. You seem to have a great personality too," Robbie replied!

A few minutes later, Dr. Bruce came in and saw Tommy looking bright eyed and awake. "Well young man, your vitals look great and there are no lasting effects from the sleeping medicine you received, so get dressed and you may go home. I will have your discharge papers signed at the nurses station before you're dressed."

"Next time you want some attention, young man, just ask. I don't want to see either of you in here again. GOT that guys? Love you, now get out! We need this bed for sick people!"

The Dr. excited the room laughing.

Jim said, "Tommy you get dressed and I will get your dismissal papers and come back with a wheelchair so you guys can get out of here."

Robbie replied, "Great" and helped Tommy get dressed. When he was ready, the men kissed once more just as Jim came back with the papers and the wheelchair. Tommy climbed in and remarked this was stupid since he could walk, but knowing it was policy, he relented.

Robbie handed Jim a business card and said to call and you can come to dinner at one of the Robbie's restaurants as a thank you. Jim looked at the card. He grinned and said he would love to. Robbie had called the parents and said Tommy was fine and they were going home. Daniel said he would take care of everything.

When they arrived outside, there was Carl in Daniel's Rolls waiting for them. Jim was awestruck at the car. Robbie smiled and said it was his father's car. Jim smiled, and exclaimed "WOW, nice wheels."

The men got in the back seat but before leaving, they hugged Jim and said thank you again. They would be in touch about the invite.

When they arrived at home, both Elsa and Daryl were waiting at the front door. Elsa gave them both a hug and asked if Tommy needed anything? Tommy said it was great to be home but needed a quiet day to decompress. The Police Capt. coming over this afternoon to get Tommy's full statement of what happened. Capt. Brown had gathered quite a bit of information about `dear' Steve from the office. God was Steve a mess.

Robbie pulled Tommy upstairs for a proper bath and some real cuddle time which was needed badly by both. They closed and locked their bedroom door and melded into each other's arms and kissed deeply and lovingly. With tears in his eyes, he looked at his beloved husband and admitted he had been so scared when he got that fax, "I thought I had lost you forever."

"Thanks to the SFPD, you're home safe and in my arms. Am I going to have to get you security squad darling?? I will do it and I have decided I want a better security system here at the house and grounds. I don't give a crap what it costs, but it starts tomorrow or even this afternoon after I make some phone calls. I will not put our lives in danger since we seem to be targets with our businesses and the money we have. I want us to get drivers and not drive ourselves anymore. I can get Dad to recommend some people. Tommy tried to object but saw it was pointless. Robbie had his mind made up!

"Now let's get into that tub. I want to wash you very intimately and then we can make love, if you're up to it." As he was speaking, he undid Tommy's slacks and found indeed Tommy was definitely UP for it. They finished undressing while the water ran in the tub. Robbie added bubble bath with a soft lavender fragrance. They hugged each other and slid into the fragrant bubble bath holding each other closely. God, it had been a long two days and happily it was almost over. After luxuriating in the foam for 30 minutes, the men got out of the bath and showered off the lavender bubbles before crawling into bed.

Robbie laid on top of his rock-hard husband and the men kissed frequently. "I really don't know what I would do without you baby. You are always there for me and for us!! God, I love you. Please don't ever leave me, I would die!! You're my life and you are imbedded in my very soul!!"

Robbie started licking Tommy's neck and moved down to his hairy muscular chest, gently sucked both nipples, driving Tommy wild with lust. He continued downward to his groin and gently licked the head of Tommy's erection. Tommy let out a huge moan as Robbie took the flared head of his cock into his mouth and suck it all the way down to the root. At the same time, he started playing with Tommy's hairy balls that were filled with cum and churning for release. He went down further and started to lick those same cum filled balls while Tommy's moans got louder. Robbie spread Tommy's legs and his tongue went to the precious, hairy, hole he cherished!! Robbie licked that hole and it opened like a flower, accepting Robbie's tongue as far as he could get it in. Tommy was now gasping for breath and begged Robbie to fill him up with his hard 9" cock. He needed fucking! Robbie filled him completely and coated him with his love juice.

"OH GOD BABY, YES!!!! FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER AND MAKE ME CUMMMMMM!!" After 6 hard plunges into Tommy's hungry hole, pounding his prostate hard and fast, Robbie started to cum launching six large shots deep inside Tommy's battered hole. That set Tommy off and he came without even touching himself and sprayed both guys with 7 large shots of cum that flew everywhere!!!

Robbie was still inside Tommy, as he collapsed on top of his lover and the men kissed softly, trying to catch their breath!!! Their love making was spectacular!

The lovers drifted off into a contented nap and woke about an hour later stuck together. Once separated, they headed for the shower. They held each other close and without anything being said started to piss on each other. The warmth felt so good, mixed with the warmth of the shower. It was, as always, a special moment they shared. They washed and dried each other putting on casual lounge pants and tee shirts as they went downstairs for some tea or coffee. Elsa came into the den and asked what they wanted for supper? She had a worried look on her face but Tommy said he was fine, just a bit done in by the whole ordeal. Robbie asked about some simple pasta, a nice salad and some garlic bread. Will you join us for supper Elsa? PLEASE? She nodded yes and walked back to the kitchen to start prep for dinner.

Just then the front gate rang and it was Capt. Brown. Of course, he was admitted by Elsa and gave a wolf whistle as he entered the huge house! "DAAAAAAMMMN guys, is this mausoleum is all yours??? This place is huge!"

He introduced himself to Elsa, who showed him the living room. Both Tommy and Robbie laughed at his take on the house. "We like the feel of a quaint little place. It is rather small compared to some of the places in the area. Our parent's bought this place for us as our wedding present and Elsa came with us from near downtown. She has been with us for years and we couldn't live or want to live without our Elsa. She is a pure treasure and she rules this place with a strong hand!!"

Capt. Brown smiled and asked, "Please call me Jake." and then enquired if she had a sister for the police station!!! Everyone laughed and Tommy replied "NOPE. She is one of a kind and you can't have her!!!"

Again laughing, everyone sat down and Elsa came and offered coffee or tea. The boys asked for coffee and so did Capt. Brown, who then said, "Again, please call me Jake."

"Now Tommy, can you tell me what you remember from yesterday evening?

Tommy thought minute as Elsa brought the coffee in on a tray and started to pour.

"Well, I was working at my desk, finishing up a few things and Dad stopped by to say good night, and then Robbie called and asked what time I was coming home? I looked at the time and thought I would call one of the office staff to get a car from the carpool and drive me home. I intended to tip the person too."

"I called and got Steve, who just happened to be near the office, and he came on and asked what I needed. I told him to go down to the motor pool, sign out one of the town cars and then drive me home. I told him that I would meet him at the front door in 15 minutes.

I gathered my stuff after shutting down the computer and went downstairs. Steve was waiting out front. I got in the back seat and he handed me an iced tea. I thought it was an odd, but nice gesture. I took it gratefully and sat back, thinking how nice it would to be home with Robbie for a quiet evening. We were going to have pasta, a glass of wine and a nice evening together. I put my head back as I was getting sleepy all of a sudden and I don't remember anything after that until waking up in the hospital this morning. It is all quite puzzling.

Jake then told Tommy what they had found out about everything so far. "Steve had been hired as an office gofer, doing odd jobs, you know helping around the offices about three weeks ago, thru personal. He seemed to have a crush on you and I don't know if you noticed he seemed to be hanging around you a lot." Tommy then said. "Now that you mention it he was around a lot, and he seemed to be everywhere I was."

He lives in a rundown tenement, SOMA (South of Market) in an tiny studio apartment. The smell in that place is enough to make the rats leave!!! We also now have the landlord and owner on notice that things have to be brought up to code or they're in jail. It's a real slum. I am sure what other tenants there will be happy too."

"Anyway, he did go down to the motor pool and did take a Lincoln Towncar, but didn't sign it out. He just took the keys and left. He had hatched a plan to take you for ransom and extort $ five million. Jake showed Tommy a copy of the original fax asking for the money.

Robbie had called his Dad and then he called us, in case he had the phone tapped or was actually watching. All this was pretty crude and there was no way he could have pulled this off. He was really foolish. He had his phone # on the top of the fax, we traced it and went to save you and arrest him. We faked a pizza delivery and when he opened the door, it was all over. He screamed NOOOOOO and fainted straight away.

We had the tea in your system including the dregs in the glass from the back of the car analyzed and found he had given you a sleeping powder from the drug store. He had ground it up and put it in the tea. So, here you are, safe and sound. Any questions Tommy?"

Tommy smiled as he held hands with Robbie, "No, not at the moment. Thanks for all the info. Is he being arraigned soon?"

"Most likely tomorrow and you don't need to be in court for that, at least not right now. We will see what the D.A. has planned first. We have him booked for stealing a car, kidnapping, extortion, confronting a police officer with a loaded firearm and a few other things too. He is going away for a long time. He really is not a well man!"

Gentlemen, thanks for your time and the wonderful coffee, but it is getting late and I still have to file this report and my husky husband is taking my cute ass out to dinner!"

"His name is David, by the way." Both Robbie and Tommy were totally GOBSMACKED!! "

"WOW, we had no idea that you were gay. But we do know the force here in SF, is very forward thinking and that is such a good thing"

"Goodnight and thanks for everything. You two have a fine large time tonight. BTW, where are you going to dinner??"

"Why Blackford's of course!!

Well, my special readers, here ends Chapt. 29 and there has been lots of intrigue. Tommy is home safe.(T.G.) The kidnapping perp is in jail, hopefully for a long time. They have met Jim, the sexy male nurse at the hospital and the sexy police Captain. These new friends are ready for new adventures. Please stay tuned!!! Please play safe, be yourself, be helpful to others and play good deeds forward. Your reward will be great!! As always, thanks to my darling Allen for editing this story and helping me keep saneÉLOLÉ

The Sexy Chef

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Next: Chapter 68: Robbies True Love II 30

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