Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 8, 2019


While Tommy was slaving away at his office, Robbie met with his head chefs about some new ideas. He had his father attend the meeting too. He had thought with the new French restaurant in the desert, he was possible going to change one of the restaurants in town, to "Le Belle d` Paris @ Blackford's" and serve a menu similar to the place in Palm Desert. The Chefs thought this was a good idea and Daniel nodded his approval, but how to decide which one. He also decided to do a week of French Cuisine in all the restaurants. Everyone thought it was a great idea and they asked if they could have a week to bone-up on French Technique's and of course Robbie agreed. They would discuss menus later in the week. He would have Marcel fax them a copy of the menu from "Le Belle' and include some of his recipes as well.

All the restaurants were doing fine and making good profits so everyone was pleased. Robbie had checked on the Soux Chef who had cut himself and was informed he would be back to work in a day or two. He was pleased with the news. It required a few stitches, but tendons and muscles were not affected. The restaurant's insurance covered everything and Robbie was personally paying for his some of recovery too.

As the meeting was wrapping up his cell rang and it was Tommy with news. "Hey sexy man" Robbie answered. "Hey yourself, I have news," replied Tommy. Do you know a Salvatore Davino? He is a wine merchant and says you carry his wines in the restaurants."

"Mmmm OH yeah, I know of him but we haven't actually met, I don't think. OH waitÉ He is fairly tall, dark hair and very good looking and maybe in his mid `40s??"

Tommy said "yes."

Robbie replied again, "Yes, I have met him briefly when we engaged him to place wines in the restaurants, but that was a while back. So what is that about dear one?"

Tommy replied, "We got him as a new client today. He is leaving his present law firm and will sign papers tomorrow to bring his million-dollar business to us. How about that. OH, BY THE WAY, He loves the restaurants and eats there regularly with either his husband Antonio or anytime he has business dinners with clients. I told him we will have them for a social evening down the road. He agreed that dinner at one of the places sounded like fun. Have you ever met his husband?"

They hung up and agreed to meet at home for a farewell dinner hosting Ben and Carlton tonight. They would gather about 6:30 for drinks with dinner to follow. They had also agreed to have Matt and Walt to dine with them tonight as a surprise for Ben and Carlton. They both were delighted with the invite and would come. It would be a fun evening.

Robbie decided he would do the cooking tonight and had a French Theme in mind for dinner. He had Elsa set the table for six and would have Daryl serve and clear. He would also help Elsa and Robbie wanted him to wear black slacks, white shirt and a black bow tie. He had agreed, of course. So far, he really liked working there!

The menu Robbie decided on would be Pate, which he could get from the restaurant, with toast points and cornichon. Next, a lobster chowder with snipped chives and a touch of crme. He would serve Coq au vin, in delicate sauce with Herbs `d Provence, mushrooms and pearl onions in a red wine reduction served with Haricot Vert and roasted fingerling potatoes. He thought Chocolate Mousse to finish would be great. Also, a tangerine sorbet between courses would be served.

He got home after shopping and had Daryl carry the groceries into the kitchen. He put on an apron and started getting things lined up. He put the Pate in the fridge. He washed and cut up the chickens, dried them and set them aside. He peeled fresh small pearl onions and cleaned the mushrooms. He was also going to add baby carrots for color.

Robbie had Elsa make the lobster chowder since she always did it perfectly. She cleaned the fresh lobster and put the shells and all the herbs into a pot with fish stock and boiled them for about a 1/2 hour and then let the stock just sit without the heat. She cut up the lobster to be added at the last minute. Elsa then sautŽed celery, shallots, baby carrots, minced parsley and a touch of garlic with some kosher salt and pepper. She added a good splash of white wine and let that simmer for a bit. When it was almost done, she would finish it with the lobster and crme added before service. Robbie had Daryl clean green beans and set them aside. Daryl partially peeled the small fingerling potatoes and kept them in cold water.

Elsa went in to set the table. Out came a stunning cream Damask tablecloth with matching napkins. One of the Baroque silver services was brought out and each place was set with care. Silver napkin rings were used. In the center of the table was a large mirrored flat center piece and top of it went two tall silver candlesticks holding three crme candles each on opposite sides of the mirror. Robbie had purchased several dozen light pink and cream-colored roses which Elsa made into a stunning center piece. There was also a small bouquet for the living room as well. Baccarat water and wine glasses were set at each place. The table looked stunning as Robbie looked approvingly into the dining room. It was perfect.

Robbie went back into the kitchen to start the chicken. He lightly browned the chicken pieces in EVOO with seasonings, Herbs d Provence, and a touch of garlic. He deglazed the pan with a good Cabernet and made sure he scraped all the food off the bottom of the pan. He placed the chicken, mushrooms, small onions and carrots in with the chicken, turned the temp to low, covered it and let it slowly simmer. Dinner was well on the way and Robbie chose to sit for a minute. Elsa started on the Chocolate Mousse. It was a favorite of all the guests. Small Tweel cookies were to be served with it as well.

Robbie grabbed an iced tea and went to his desk in the study to check emails. He found nothing earth shaking in the emails, except one from Sean about the house: Everything was completed and they would close early next week. The former owners had vacated and were on their way to London where they were going to settle for now. Once that was done and dusted, they should receive the keys in the mail and Robbie was excited. He called Tommy at his office and he was equally excited. Robbie leaned back in his comfortable chair, closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep. He woke about 20 minute later hearing a noise in the room. It was Daryl straightening up and he didn't see Robbie there. A surprised Daryl immediately said he was sorry to disturb and started to leave.

Robbie stopped him and asked him to sit down. He wanted to get to know his new employee. "So how long have you and Peter been dating? Is he your first real BF?" Daryl smiled at Robbie from across the desk and told Robbie that he and Pete had now been together for just about five months. He also said how much he liked working for them even though it had only been just five days. Robbie smiled and said that was great. "We run a pretty loose ship here but we do work hard and travel a lot. All we ask is for you to do your best with everything. I realize you will pick things up as you are around longer and it will become easier."

"We are headed down to the desert next week to close on our new house and see about our two newest restaurants. Would you like to come with us and check things out? Would Pete mind if you came??"

"No, I don't think so. We are not living together yet and have really only been dating for a few months. Pete is a really great guy and he wants to meet you both. He just started a job in advertising at a firm downtownÉANDÉhe so good looking. He stands about 5'11" and has strawberry blond hair and the most beautiful hazel/green eyes. He is clean shaven, lightly hairy all over and is an amazing lover. We are really starting to fall for each other!"

"Do your parents know you're gay?" Robbie enquired.

"OH GOD, yes."

"I came out to them several years ago, as did Pete. They are thrilled that we are dating. Both sets of parents live here in the Bay Area. They have met both of us, of course, and seem to get along fine. Pete's parents live in Millbrae and mine live in San Mateo. My dad is self-employed and owns a large copy business. Mom teaches grade school."

"Pete's parents run a large daycare center for kids from 2 years old to about 5 and are busy all the time. Pete's Dad is also a residential properties contractor and they do pretty well. I am living with my parents in sort of a maids room with bath, and Pete rents a small studio in San Mateo. We are saving to move in together, but rents are sooooo high. A small two-bedroom, 1 bath, about 850 square feet will run just under $4,000 a month, plus utilities. We won't even mention first and last deposits. I am so thankful for this job and for both of you being understanding and flexible."

"That does my heart good to see a young, good looking man, with hopefully another great guy who have their parents approval. We are both so lucky that both sets of our parents totally love us and support us in every way! Matter of fact, as the big wedding present for us, our parents chipped in a bought us this house and when we were away on our honeymoon, they moved us in here and surprised us when we got home. All we had to do was move some things around here and there and we were as the British say, totally `Gob-Smacked'!!! We absolutely love this house and feel very comfortable here."

"Now, as I said, we would like you to come down to the desert with us next week."

Daryl pondered a moment and replied, "I would truly love to but I just can't afford the airfare and then a hotel, but thanks anyway for the invite!"

"Daryl, dude, you work for us and we take care of all that and pay for everything, plus we pay your salary as well. We will even give you a travel bonus while you are with us and provide wheels for you down there. Oh, and airfareÉwe have our own private jet which we will use, so now, will you be willing to go with us??"

" Mmmmm, let me think on this for a minute. I get to go to Palm Desert with two of the most attractive men I've met, who are my bosses, who pay for everything including the use of a car while I'm gone, receive a salary and a bonus and get to fly on a private jetÉ Oh Gee, I am so not sure about any of this!!" Daryl broke into a huge grin and exclaimed, "HELL YES!!!" Damn, I love you guys for having faith in me, even though my Grand, is Elsa's best friend and she is like a second Grand to me. I love her to death!!"

"So now that is settled and we have a dinner party to get ready for so just move it boi!! Wez dun gots works to do." Both men stood up laughing and Daryl went to do his stuff and Robbie went to the kitchen and got to workÉcooking.

He checked on the Main Course, the Coq au Vin was coming together and smelled fabulous. The table was set to perfection and the wine was chilling. Elsa had started the chocolate mousse, and decided at the last minute, to top it with candied orange peel. It was now chilling in crystal glasses. He had made the Tweel cookies earlier that morning. The time was now 4:30 and Tommy should be home shortly, so Robbie went upstairs to rest and dress when Tommy got home. He had picked out his clothes earlier that day: black linen slacks, black suede Toms (sans socks of course) and a royal blue and black stripped silk shirt with a sprinkling of discreet diamonds. Robbie laid down and slept lightly until Tommy walked in. He looked down at his peacefully sleeping husband, sighed deeply and thought once again how lucky he was. He walked up to the bed softly after stripping off his clothes and crawled delicately into bed with Robbie. They cuddled up and drifted off for a quick nap. Everyone was arriving at 6:00 for cocktails.

They awoke, stretched into each other's arms, kissed and smiled at each other. "Ready for tonight, dear one?" Tommy asked. He leaned in and kissed Robbie once more. "I think so, I'm just glad to have you home and in my arms. Only last- minute things to do in the kitchen, so let's run in the water, get cleaned up - all except your dirty mind - and please save those thoughts for later!!"

Tommy smiled and replied "Of course darling."

Robbie turned on the shower heads in the spacious shower and they stepped in to wash each other. It always felt so good and was a practice they shared almost every day. Once done, they dried each other and went to get dressed. Tommy disappeared in the closet and picked out tan linen slacks, a cream silk shirt and cream colored Tom's as well. He added a diamond pendent and his Diamond Rolex. They both thought they looked smashing and went downstairs .

Ben and Carlton followed behind, dressed in similar clothes. They exclaimed they were excited about tonight and asked Robbie what was planned for the evening? Robbie replied, "It's a secret, so don't ask please. Just be excited."

They did not know that Walt and Matt were coming to surprise them and bid them farewell.

They walked into the living room, where a cart had been set up for drinks with everything anyone would want. Wine had been opened as well. They each poured wine while Robbie went into the kitchen to see how things were going. Elsa said, "Everything is under control so just relax. Daryl and I have it!!"

Just as Robbie was walking back into the living room, the front bell rang and he answered the door. There stood Matt and Walt whom he happily greeted and ushered into the living room. They surprised Carlton first and he let out a yell. Walt grabbed Ben and turned him around. The rest of the group yelled "surprise!" and they were. Totally!!

Matt and Walt chose from the bar cart and they chatted about what had been going on. Matt and Walt had both been busy with work but had decided that they would live together in Walt's house in Hillsborough. Matt would be moving in shortly. They had decided to rent out Matt's Condo and not sell it. Of course, they knew that Carlton and Ben were headed off to sail down through the Mexican Riviera and across the Panama Canal.

Daryl rang the dinner bell just before 7:00 and the friends wandered into the dining room and marveled at the beautiful table that was set before them. The candles were glowing and everything sparkled. The delicate flowers were gorgeous. Everyone had place cards and sat at their assigned places. Daryl entered and filled the water glasses. He was introduced to both Matt and Walt. They smiled and said hello. Robbie explained that the size of the house was almost too much for Elsa alone, so she hired Daryl full time to help.

The first course was placed and the pate was delicious and the Chardonnay also was a big hit. Plates were cleared and the soup course was brought in. It smelled heavenly and everyone exclaimed the Lobster Chowder was huge hit. Then came small frosted glasses of the Tangerine Sorbet with small spoons. It was the perfect palate cleanser, refreshing and tasty.

During this time, Robbie explained about the trip to Beverly Hills and shared that they had purchased a restaurant there called `Blakes.' They were going to re- name it Blackford's.

Then Tommy jumped in and talked about going further East to Palm Desert and about buying Le Belle d Paris'. Obviously it was a French restaurant. Robbie planned to add Blackford's to the name and they were also going to change one of the restaurants here in the Bay Area to Le Belle d Paris' as well. Then came the news that Tommy had bought a house for them in Palm Desert and that all were welcome anytime when they were there and they had a standing invitation to spend time with them. Of course, Matt and Walt were delighted.

Robbie said he would share pictures after dinner. Daryl and Elsa brought in the main course. The Coq Au Vin smelled wonderful and was cooked to perfection. They served a light red wine with dinner, a pinot, and it paired perfectly with the chicken. Everyone raved about dinner and Robbie felt that Daryl had done a superb job of serving. He was a keeper.

The plates were carried away and coffee and dessert were served. The Chocolate Mousse with candied orange peel and just a hint of Grande Marnier was huge hit. It was just enough to finish off a superb meal. Everyone raved about the food and applauded both Elsa and Daryl for a great dinner and service.

Robbie blustered, "What am I? just some hunk of chopped liver? I get no praise? I worked hard too, dear friends!!!" Everyone laughed at this point and Tommy said, "My poor unloved baby. So put upon. I will get you a big gold star for your forehead which you must wear for 48 hours! Will that make my `little one' happy?" Robbie put on a pout and then smiled. Everyone clapped as they adjourned to the living room to finish the evening.

Matt asked what time Captain Walt and his sidekick had to be on board in the morning? "Oh, about 10:00 or so," Walt replied. "We don't sail until 6:00 but I have some major catching up to do and so does Carlton. Things should go smoothly as always. We really aren't worried.

"We really have a great staff and they work hard for us," added Carlton. "But you realize this is the longest vacation we have taken in years and we've loved every minute of it."

"But that said, we hate to be party poopers, but we really need to go finish packing and get to bed. We have a very busy day tomorrow," Walt smiled. "Thanks again for all your hospitality." They got up, hugged Tommy and Robbie and then gave Walt and Matt hugs as well saying it was great to see them again. As they went upstairs, Ben and Carlton thanked their hosts for another fabulous evening saying how glad they were to be friends. After Ben and Carlton retired, Robbie and Tommy gave big hugs to both Elsa and Daryl, said good night and walked upstairs arm in arm. They were ready to retire after a long, but wonderful day.

Here ends another chapter and a lot is going on. Matt and Walt had a fabulous time at dinner and were pleased to hear the news of the new restaurants and the new house. Ben and Carlton had enjoyed a fabulous vacation but were ready to go back to work on board ship. More adventures to come so stay tuned. Again, any comments are really appreciated and certainly welcome. So, as usual, thanks to Allen for his editing and keeping me in line! Be true to yourself, please play safe always, please donate to Nifty so they can continue to maintain this wonderful site and host your favorite stories.

Best to all!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 65: Robbies True Love II 27

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