Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 28, 2019


The four men made it back to the hotel quickly since there was no traffic to speak of. They had enjoyed a fabulous evening. The restaurant did a fabulous job as well as the catering staff they had hired so the employees could attend the farewell celebration. The food had been outstanding, the wine superb, and the service top notch. But Robbie and Tommy had not expected any less.

Marcel and Robert were touched by the warmth shown to them, with the group picture and the plaque. Now they just had to get packed and the items shipped to France. They were going to keep their house for now, hopefully for frequent visits back to the desert. They were shipping the extra furniture, some carefully packaged artwork and personal items they wanted with them. They would rent the desert house for short-term vacation rentals or let friends stay there for a small fee, of course.

The two couples went to their suites, hung up their clothes, put on robes and met back in the living room to discuss tomorrow and travel arrangements back to San Francisco.

They decided to leave about 1:00 PM since Ben and Carlton were sailing out of the Port of San Francisco in three days. They would take a those days to unwind and repack for their ship. Robbie called the pilots and told them they would be ready to fly at 1:00 pm back to San Francisco. The pilots had enjoyed the wonderful, fully paid, vacation and had lived it up: dancing, sight-seeing, eating some fabulous food and just plain relaxing. It was made even better when the boss was paying for everything.

After a short nightcap, the men went to their rooms, disrobed and cuddled up while enjoying some heavy kissing (and maybe a blow job or four). They said how they loved each other and went to sleep dreaming of the fabulous time they had shared.

Robbie and Tommy woke early and got up to pee and brush their teeth before crawling back into bed. They started to kiss once again and it got passionate quickly. Both lovers were rock hard in seconds. Tommy moved quickly down and started to suck Robbie's dripping cock. Robbie moaned at the ministrations and loved the feeling of the blow job he was getting. Moving slightly south, Tommy lifted Robbie's legs and started to lick the hairy, cum-filled balls he loved. Moving further south he plunged his tongue deep into Robbie's hairy asshole and tongue fucked him. Robbie was now begging for Tommy to FUCK him and pound his prostate to make him cum. Tommy moved into position and plowed his rock hard 10 inches deep inside his husband's waiting hole. In and out he went, causing Robbie to beg for more.

"OH GOD, LOVER. FUCK ME and make me cum NOW!! Tommy did exactly as instructed and pounded Robbie's prostate without hands. Robbie spurted four shots of cum, coating them both. It caused Tommy to cum deep into Robbie's well pounded hole.

The men kissed deeply as Tommy's once rock-hard cock slipped gently out as Tommy collapsed next to Robbie out of breath. Between pants, they once again said how much they loved each other.

"Well darling, that was beyond words, as usual, but we have to pack, eat breakfast and get to the airport so we can turn in the rental cars and fly home. This has been an exciting vacation and look what we accomplished: We've purchased two new restaurants, hired staff and bought a new house. Boy do we have some work cut out for us. I know it will all work out well and I am over the moon with everything. I can't wait for the parents to see the new house and the restaurants!"

They showered together as always, picked out casual travel clothes (jeans and polos) and packed quickly. When they went to the living room, they found Ben and Carlton sipping coffee, their bags by the front door, ready to go. Tommy said, "Let's head out to the pool area and have breakfast."

They called the front desk and requested bell men to take the luggage and everything in the rental cars. Robbie said he would take care of the bill. He stopped at the desk and did that while the others got a table at poolside for breakfast. The bill was high, but it was a total write off as a business expense.

Breakfast was wonderful. They all ordered omelets of different kinds, coffee and juice, freshly made warm croissants served with butter and a selection of jam. The men finished and Robbie made arrangements to have breakfast charged to the room.

The men said goodbye to the staff and thanked them for a wonderful stay. Their cars were parked right out front. They were off for the 30-minute drive to Palm Springs International Airport. They all agreed it had been a productive grand trip. A new house, a new restaurant and let's not forget the new restaurant in Beverly Hills. Robbie and Tommy both knew they had major work to do. It would require a lot of travel between the southland and the Bay Area. But with the new plane and a house, it really shouldn't be too much, or so they thought!!

They made it to the airport and turned in the cars with plenty of time to spare and a van collected them and took them out to the area where the private planes were kept. There it stood, shining in shades of blue and silver. Seeing their plane gave all four a sense of calm. As their luggage was stored in the hull, the crew welcomed them. They also thanked Robbie for a great vacation.

"It is our great pleasure and we will be using you a lot in the coming months." Tommy watched as Robbie and the crew and smiled.

Once on the plane, they buckled up and Kathleen gave her safety talk. They taxied and soon had clearance to take off. Upward they flew. It was a smooth takeoff and they were soon at cruising altitude. Kathleen brought out coffee and pastries to enjoy. All accepted and chatted further about what an exciting time they all had.

Ben and Carlton were very grateful for their superb hosts and wanted to give some money to cover costs of the hotel and meals. Robbie declined, "Absolutely NOT!! It was our pleasure to have you both and we know this friendship will last for a lifetime. You both have become a two of our closest friends, and hopefully early next year we will take another cruise. But we will have our hands full with a few things until then!!" Everyone laughed. The coffee and pastry were gone and before they knew it, they were descending into Butler Aviation at SFO.

Robbie called the office and was arranging a car to pick them up, when he was told it had been taken care of and that they would be met at the plane, Robbie asked who was picking them up and was told they had a driver and car dispatched already. He was a bit baffled. When he hung up, he told Tommy what was going on and Tommy shrugged and said, "I know nuthink, dahlink!" Everyone laughed again and soon the plane touched down with precision. It was a very smooth landing.

Robbie looked out and was surprised to see a Bentley and a Rolls waiting. Standing by the cars were their parents with their drivers at the ready. The men disembarked and ran to hug their parents. The luggage was transferred to the trunks of the cars and everyone got in their respective cars. Tommy and Robbie rode with Daniel and Cynthia, while Ben and Carlton rode with Thom Sr. and Daniella. It was a short drive into town and soon they pulled up to the big house over-looking the Bay where it met the ocean.

They all had enjoyed the trip were certainly glad to be home as well. Elsa greeted them at the door and hugged her boys. They kissed her cheek. "Welcome home all of you!! I hope you had a fine large time!!" Both Robbie and Tommy hugged their dear friend and replied, "yes it was good to be home and they glad to see her as well!"

Robbie then said that were going to have to go back South in about a week to move into the new house and check on the restaurants.

They carted the luggage inside to be met by a strapping young man standing in the entrance. He was 6` tall, medium blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was very well put together. His tight, white polo shirt was filled out nicely as was the crotch of his khaki pants, and muscular thighs. His white athletic shoes appeared to be brand new. Both Robbie and Tommy stared at the young man, taking in his awesome good looks.

Elsa stepped forward and introduced the young man. Gentlemen, this is Daryl and he now works for me (us). We had talked about getting someone to help me and after interviewing several people, both men and women, I chose Daryl. He just is about to graduate from junior college and is studying business management. AND he is Alma's Grandson. I have known him for a long time. He has been learning the ropes around here and is a great asset to me, easily dealing all the heavy stuff. He has agreed to work here and he doesn't mindÉUummmmÉyour lifestyle as it were!

I have given him one of the small guest rooms in the back and his ready and able to work. He can stay here if needed but otherwise he comes about 7:00 am and will leave after dinner or whenever I no longer need him each day. He lives with Alma and he is able to travel so he will be a big help to us here and also in the new house.

The men shook hands with him and said, "Welcome aboard. I hope things will work out nicely for Elsa and us."

Robbie introduced Ben and Carlton, telling Daryl that they would be here for two more days. Then they will leave us to resume work on their cruise ship. Ben is the Captain and Carlton is the Head Purser.

"Daryl, could you please take the luggage upstairs?" Tommy pointed out whose luggage belonged to whom. "Our luggage goes to the Master bedroom and their luggage goes to the blue suite. Thank you, Daryl."

Daryl got right to it and started to carry the luggage upstairs.

"Well Elsa this is a grand surprise. I hope he will work out. He seems personable. Is he a quick study and follow your orders?" Robbie asked. "He has been terrific and has really helped with the heavy cleaning. So far, he is doing a grand job!" The parents just stood back and watched all of this transpire. Cynthia remarked quietly, "AHH the joys of breaking in new help!" The parents all knowingly shared a smile.

"I have lunch all prepared for everyone. I will serve on the patio since it is such a gorgeous day, will that be alright?" Robbie looked surprised and leaned forward kissing Elsa and said, "We don't know what we would do without you!!"

Everyone went out to the patio where a table had been set for eight. It had a flower centerpiece and large pitchers of iced tea and lemonade.

Tommy suggested, "As we eat, we want to show you pictures of the new house and of the restaurants. You all with love the house and we want you to come down after we close, pick your rooms and of course you can use it anytime you wish." There are quarters for Elsa too.

Elsa came with a huge platter of various sandwiches and large green salad. Everyone ate while perusing the pictures and marveled how everything looked. They loved the house. They also went nuts over both restaurants and looked at samples of the menus Robbie had brought back as well.

Daryl came back down and helped Elsa serve and then discreetly disappeared. Ben and Carlton also thanked the `parent people' for the elegant ride from the airport. Ben said they had had a fabulous vacation, but were looking forward to getting back to the ship, and laughingly said, "To sail off into the sunset!!"

Everyone laughed and once again Tommy and Robbie replied it was their pleasure to have them, both as guests and as dear friends!

Lunch was concluded and Daryl reappeared to clear the table for Elsa. Robbie pulled Elsa aside and asked a question, "Is he family??" You know, gay?

Elsa looked puzzled and asked, "Does it make a difference? And yes he is and has a new relationship blooming with a young man he met at school. I have met him once and seems to be a nice well-mannered young man from a good family here in town."

"His name is Peter and the boys are about the same age. He is also very good looking and they are both studying business management."

"We will look forward to meeting him, but we will ask that he not bring Peter to stay the night without asking permission first. We are sure he is nice, but until we know him, I really don't want a stranger in our home."

Elsa smiled and said she had told Daryl the same thing and he understands.

Soon the parent people had to leave and get back to work. Cynthia and Danielle wanted to do some shopping downtown. They had a few events coming up and they decided they needed new cocktail dresses. So, off everyone went and they four were alone. Ben and Carlton went upstairs to go through luggage, sort of repack and get things out they were going to need for the next two days.

Robbie was sitting in the library going over some papers and Tommy was looking at their calendars for the week when Daryl came in and asked to speak to them. He was invited in to sit down and they asked if there was a problem of any kind?

"No of course not, but I thought I should tell you about me and what I am about! First I want to thank you for this opportunity and I will work hard. Since you most likely know I am also gay and have a wonderful new boyfriend named Peter. You will meet him soon I hope. He really is a great guy and we are falling in love. I am just about ready to graduate from San Francisco City College and then I want to go to SF State and finish my full degree. I may ask for help, if you don't mind from time to time, I hope that is ok?"

"My grandmother Alma and Elsa have been friends for years, so when she mentioned this job to my Gramma, I asked if I could have it and things just worked out." Tommy and Robbie smiled and once again said "Welcome aboard. But please for now, we really don't want Peter to spend the night until we get to know him. We hope you understand?"

"Oh, certainly I do and we are both totally ok with that."

Daryl got up and said he had work to do. He thought he would like working here, and for now he was going to be here for 3-4 half days a week and fill in when needed. He would work more whenever he could. The men agreed and off he went.

Tommy and Robbie went upstairs to deal with their luggage and unpack. They should decide what clothes to take down the desert and would take them down next week. As they were unpacking, Robbie's cell phone went off and it was one of the head chefs at the downtown restaurant. He said, "Robbie, welcome home but we are in a bind. One of my cooks sliced his hand open pretty badly, and had to be rushed to the hospital and our main busboy called in with the flu. One of my Soux Chefs has not been feeling well. So, if you could come down and help out in the kitchen, I would appreciate it greatly!! We really need the help, as we are booked pretty well and I have a fairly large birthday party in the large private room tonight."

Robbie just shook his head, rolled his eyes, and said he would be down in about 30 minutes. The chef sighed and said thanks again and he would see him shortly. Robbie explained everything to Tommy, got ready and dashed out the door. I will most likely not be home till late so you and the guys are on you own tonight. He reached over and kissed Tommy with regret and said, "I love you so much and thanks for understanding," and he quickly departed, leaving Tommy to deal with the luggage and dirty laundry. Such is life.

The guys are back home, HOORAY!!! And the parents have caught up at lunch, the new houseboy, Daryl, looks promising and while sorting things, Robbie gets called into work. Oh well, you never know what life will bring!! More twists and turns to come.

Getting the new house set up and the restaurants integrated is a work in progress. Everyone enjoy life, play safe, and as always, be yourself, be kind to others and do good deeds.

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Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 63: Robbies True Love II 25

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