Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 19, 2019


They reached the hotel, feeling tired but fulfilled and ready for whatever comes. They reached their bedroom, after saying goodnight to Ben and Carlton and agreed to meet early for breakfast. They started early because they were due at the restaurant at 9:30 to meet/greet the whole staff and let them know what was going on. Of course, Robbie had decided that no one was to lose their job although there were to be a few promotions and of course, if anyone wanted to leave, they were welcome to with a good reference. Time would tell..

They went to their bedroom, undressed and hung up their clothes. Tommy came over to Robbie and pulled him close, took his face in his hands and stroked the side of his face with his thumbs. He looked lovingly into his husbands eyes and with a huge smile and said, "I am so proud of you for tonight. You handled everything perfectly and I know everything tomorrow will go well. I doubt anyone will want to leave, especially since you are giving everyone a raise. They will be happy to hear that. When they get to know you and what a great boss you are, working with them side by side; Working with them, not for you, per say; Knowing you are not afraid to do anything that you would have them do; they will be excited. Excited as I am every time I look at you. You are my world. Just always be you baby!!"

Robbie had tears running down his face and a smile on his lips as he reached up and kissed Tommy long and passionately. "I thank you, lover mine, for having such faith in me!!" The two men kissed once more before tumbling onto the bed.

They both had raging hard-ons and moved into a `69' position. They started licking each other and lapping up the pre-cum that was now starting to drip. Both men savored the taste and each took the whole cock down their throats and started to move up and down. Robbie was the first to cum deep in Tommy's mouth with four good shots. That set Tommy off and he filled Robbie with five shots of his own.

They moved back to face each other and kissed. Sharing the essence in each other's mouths. Robbie said, "Damn boy, you taste so good. I could drink from that tap daily or several times a day for that matter!!"

Tommy laughed saying he felt the same, "But now let's just cuddle and see who fucks who in the morning. Maybe, if we can hold out, we can switch back and forth. Who knows!?"

They crawled under the covers, cuddled up, and said, "I love you!" and went off to dreamland with smiles on their faces.

The men woke up thre next morning feeling great, still nestled into each other's arms with raging piss hard-ons. They raced to the bathroom and peed together, then brushed their teeth. Robbie took Tommy by the hand and led him back to bed. They stood by the bed and pulled each other close and kissed deeply. Robbie turned around and gently pushed Tommy back onto the bed facing upwards. He then crawled on top of him and began to lick his neck, just below his blond beard, causing Tommy to moan deeply. He licked further south to the hard-little nipples protruding from his well-muscled, hairy pecks.

He moved further south and started to lick the head of Tommy's dripping cock. Tommy pushed up and Robbie enveloped the head of Tommy's cock. He sank all the way down until the cock was deeply embedded in his lover's throat. He moved his mouth up and down on the treasure, sucking harder, causing Tommy to moan louder. "OH GOD babe, you do things to me that no one else has ever done. I need more!!" He let the hard, spit covered cock slip from his mouth and tried to swallow his balls, now full of cum, together. They were too large to both fit so he gently took one into his mouth at a time and sucked it gently. Then he lifted Tommy's legs and went for the prize!

Tommy's hairy asshole came into view as he spread Tommy's legs further apart. Robbie dove in for a taste. He gently licked the edges of the hole and then attacked the hole directly. Tommy gasped as he felt Robbie's tongue deep in in his quivering hairy hole. "GOD babe, please fuck me, PLEASE. I need you deep inside me. Pound that manhole and fill me with your cum.

Robbie moved up and placed the head of his 9" dripping cock at the entrance and pushed in. No lube was needed after the great rimming he had done and of course the pre-cum that was leaking profusely. Once again causing Tommy to wail. "OH GOD, YES! FUCK ME!!!" Robbie sunk his cock deep inside his husband's hairy ass and proceeded to pound with everything he had, going in and out and hitting his prostate with each pass.

Robbie took his free hand and started to jack Tommy's huge cock. With just a few manipulations Tommy came, shooting cum everywhere, covering them both with generously with the white nectar. That set Robbie off and he filled Tommy's battered hole with five huge shots from his 9" hard on. It was a mindblowing orgasm for both guys. Robbie kept it up until his cock began to shrink, all the while kissing Tommy whole heartedly!!!

Robbie was moaning as he slipped out of Tommy's hole. "God, I love you baby!!!"

Tommy replied, "I love you much more!!"

The men laid beside each other for a while and then ran to the shower to wash off the cum, spruce up and dress. They dressed nicely, but not over-done. Just a nice jeans and polo's and Toms on their feet. They each added the daytime Rolexes and simple gold chains around their necks. The staff had seen them dressed up several time when they had dined there. No need to impress! They were due to meet Ben and Carlton for breakfast at the pool restaurant. They quickly ran down to the pool area to find Ben and Carlton sipping hot coffee. "Well, good morning friends. Did someone let a wild animal into the room this morning? I thought there were two animals fighting with all the screaming we heard!" Are either of you hurt??" Then Ben started to laugh as did Tommy while Robbie looked embarrassed.

Tommy answered with "We were just having some fun is all but I am lucky I can still walk!!" Robbie explained and blushing which brought more laughter.

They ordered a light breakfast, English muffins and coffee, since they had to leave soon. Tommy filled in both friends on what was happening today. He also remarked they were closing on the house in 10 days and as of today, the restaurant was theirs. Ben and Carlton were elated and gave congratulatory hugs.

Once breakfast was finished, Tommy drove them to the restaurant. The front doors were unlocked and as they walked into the dining room, they found the place full of people with Marcel and Robert standing at the front. A buffet was set up with pastry and coffee and hot water and a selection of teas.

Robbie and Tommy were welcomed by Marcel and Robert who asked if they wanted coffee. They went and helped themselves and sat down at the table at the head of the room. Marcel stood and introduced both Robbie and Tommy and explained to the amassed group who they were and why the meeting was called. Robbie then stood and shook Marcel's hand. He looked at the group and saw some reluctant looks on their faces.

He smiled and reassured them that no one had anything to be afraid of. "I know some of you are shocked by this sale, but please be assured I am not some evil ogre and your jobs are safe. Most of you have worked here a long time and I encourage that of all my employees. Let me set the record straight about who I am and why we, my husband and I, are here. YES, I am buying "Le Belle" and here is my background. I don't want anyone to think that this is my first rodeo.

"Again, my name is Robbie Gilman/Blackford and I am 34 years old. Tommy Gilman is my husband and is our lead lawyer for the restaurant group. He is a senior partner of Gilman and Sons in San Francisco, and we live in San Francisco in a beautiful home there. I am also the owner and President of a chain of restaurants in the Bay Area called Blackford's. I am the Executive Head Chef as well. There are 10 of our restaurants in San Francisco and in cities around the Bay Area. We have been wanting to expand and just purchased another restaurant in Beverly Hills called `Blakes' earlier this month.

I went to the CIA in San Francisco and graduated 1st in my class and then attended the Cordon Bleu in Paris where I graduated 2nd in that class. I am a skilled Chef. Other than Tommy, my main passion is cooking and serving the best food with the best service."

"This is not a fly by night deal and I will be running it from both here and from San Francisco. I am a very `hands on' type of Chef. I will only except the best from everyone, but I will not ask anyone to do anything that I will or cannot do myself. We love this area so much that we, Tommy and I, just bought a home here and will set up a residence when it closes in about 10 days."

"Now, as for the restaurant, we have eaten here several times in the last week and I love the way you, the staff, work together and I am impressed how you handle the guests who dine here. The whole place is a wonder and beautifully kept. The minute we walked in, we were both very impressed."

"So now to the nitty gritty, as it were. None of you will lose your jobs and are welcome to stay. But if anyone wants to depart, you will be given a good reference by Marcel or I, but I will hope all of you stay with us. Each of you will be getting a 15% raise effective immediately."

"We are sad to see Marcel and Robert leave, but they are returning to Europe for personal reasons. They are retiring in France and will be living near Paris I believe." Marcel and Robert nodded.

"We will be closed for a day or two, to let Marcel remove some of the precious art and some personal belongings they wish to take with them. You all will be paid during the closure, so not to worry. I can assure you money is never an issue. I will NOT be changing much, just a few little things here and there and adding some of my personal flair, as it were. I have folders here that will show each of you pictures of my other restaurants and reviews printed in some guidebooks.

Tommy handed out the folders to everyone. They glanced at them and oooo's and aaahh's were heard. One server, in particular, paid close attention to Tommy as well. He quietly stared at the sizeable lump in Tommy's pants as he passed by and licked his lips.

"Now, for the name or possible name change, we are still working on that, but we want to incorporate "Blackford's' in there somewhere. But we may just leave it the way it is if it is awkward. It will be announced in the papers and mailings will be sent out to the regular clientele who dine here."

"We want a positive transition moving forward. We will be throwing a small farewell party for Marcel and Robert before they leave, including all staff and some of the local clientele. We will have food, drinks and maybe a few speeches, but it will be a fun affair."

"I will be promoting some of you and those announcements will come in a day or two. That is all for now and we want to thank you for spending part of you morning with us. Now we should let you get back to your duties and prepare for the lunch crowd."

Everyone applauded and many came up and shook Tommy and Robbie's hands and wished them well.

Everyone seemed please and everyone seemed really happy about their raises too!! Those who were not working left to go do errands or enjoy their day.

Marcel and Robert sat down again with both men and sipped coffee and nibbled on some of the fabulous pastry. Just then a bonded messenger came in and asked for Marcel. He identified himself with I.D. and was handed an envelope. He tipped the messenger and he left. Marcel cautiously opened the envelope and there it was, a certified check for over five million dollars. His face erupted into a huge smile and asked Robert to stand up. He gave him a hug and a huge kiss and then showed him the check. Granted, they had money already and had done quite well for themselves over the years, but now they could live a lot better and could buy a small place outside of Paris they had only dreamed of. Everyone was pleased as the four new friends hugged each other. Marcel said, "I know we leave our French baby in great hands!!"

The time was now approaching 11:00 am and the restaurant would open for lunch in about 30 minutes. Tommy quietly got up to use the restroom. He walked in and stood at the urinal and had just unzipped when one of the waiters came in. He was fairly tall, brown hair, nice enough looking and seemed well built. He went to the sink but stood there staring at Tommy a few feet away. He washed his hands and looked in the mirror at Tommy standing at the urinal pulling out his very ample cock as if he was contemplating his next move. He dried his hands, grabbed his crotch and adjusted himself. Then he walked behind Tommy and lowered his zipper.

Tommy thought nothing about it and concentrated on starting at the urinal. The man stared at Tommy's ass momentarily and quietly walked up behind him and put his arms around Tommy's waist and began feeling for Tommy's ample cock. Tommy jumped at the unexpected maneuver! The man told him his name was Claude and he invited Tommy to join him for some hot, raunchy sex in the handicapped stall. Tommy was stunned at first!!

He quickly turned around, pushing Claude away and said angrily, "What the fuck are you doing asshole? Get your fucking hands off me and move away before I punch that ugly face of yours, you SOB! Claude stepped back with a slightly bemused look on his face, his cock out.

"I saw you staring at me and wanting me during the dining room meeting. I can show you many more things than the man who calls you his husband can. I will really treat you right when my hard, 6 1/2" cock is embedded deep in your hot furry asshole!"

Tommy started to laugh and mocked, "OH really, do you think you could come close to pleasing me with that little tiny boy cock? Is it even 6 1/2"? OH PLEASE! My husband Robbie, who I love with my whole heart, has just over 9"of hard, dripping cock and I love it! BTW, he loves my 10 1/2" cock up his ass too. We never even look at anyone else, especially at a little ugly asshole like you!!"

"So, before I smash your face in, you are going to go out there and quit immediately, gather your shit and leave now before I press charges!! You will NOT get a reference of any kind and I will make sure you are blacklisted for every restaurant in the valley!! You really fucked up! NOW GIT!!"

Claude had a look of total shock on his face as he stumbled out of the restroom. Tommy followed him out, watched him approach Robbie and Marcel and he said he was not going to stay and would leave immediately. He picked up his stuff and walked out leaving Marcel and Robbie dumbfounded. Robbie looked at Tommy and mouthed, "What that was about??"

Tommy pulled Robbie aside and whispered, "We had a slight altercation in the restroom and he decided he wanted to leave his job. Oh, and he said he didn't need a reference. So, there you go. Who knows why people act the way they do?"

Marcel joined them and said Claude was a fair server but never did any more than what he was required to do, never volunteering for anything extra. "There are plenty of great servers out there and replacing him is no big deal. I know of several that would love to come work for you if I ever have an opening. It's up to you Robbie."

Robbie said he would give it some thought. Just then Sean walked in with papers for them to sign and it soon was a done deal. Everyone was happy, except for Claude, of course!!

Robbie and Tommy bid everyone goodbye before they left and said they would be back later in the day with friends for dinner. "There may be about seven and we would like you and Robert would join us as our guests in a celebratory dinner."

They agreed right away and said they would love to. "Let's make it a party so dress to the 9's. Do you have a couple of good friends to invite tonight?"

Marcel immediately said yes. They would invite two great friends, David and Samuel, a couple who were very good friends if they are available. He got out his iPhone and called Samuel straight away. They said yes and asked what it was about? Marcel said it was a surprise and the dress would be fancy, but not black tie! They should come to the restaurant at 7:00.

The purchase completed, Tommy and Robbie set off to do some shopping, also to call their Dads to tell them the news and finally, to get the whole story about Claude. Such is life.

Here ends Chapter 22 with another twist and they now have 12 restaurants in the chain and a new house. I Hope everyone is enjoying the story and again if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I will write you back ASAP. Thanks to those who do write me.

As usual, be good to yourself and be kind to others. And remember, there are no strangers in your life, just friends you haven't met yet. Always play safe and please donate to Nifty!!

Your sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 61: Robbies True Love II 23

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