Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jun 25, 2019


Everyone slept well and were looking forward to the day and to coffee. Tommy and Robbie had a small but powerful tryst in the shower before everyone else got up.

When Robbie ran downstairs to see if Elsa needed help, she informed him that she very low on cream for the coffee, so Robbie said he would do a cream run to the nearby store. Robbie got into his car, backed out of the garage and headed out down the street. He didn't see the little grey Honda following him until he was rear-ended.

The little Honda was nearly totaled and steam arose from the little car. Some significant damage was done to his Mercedes as well. Robbie was a bit shaken but managed to get out of his car to check on the passenger of the Honda. The driver appeared to be in shock when Robbie got over to the driver's side of the car. Robbie was going to call someone but realized he left his iPhone on the kitchen counter. Damn, he thought!!!

Robbie spoke to the man in the Honda and asked if he was ok. The man seemed disoriented, but quickly said he was fine and started to get out of the car. There was no blood to be seen.

Robbie said, "I will take you to a nearby hospital to see if you're ok."

Robbie asked for his driver's license and insurance papers but the man said he wasn't sure if he had them. Robbie was surprised, but hey, everyone gets confused in an accident. They would sort it out later.

"What about medical Insurance? Do you have any?" Robbie asked.

"I think I'm with Kaiser," the man replied and he felt in his back pocket and for his wallet. It was missing.

"So, let's get you to Kaiser and get us both checked out." He would call home when they got to the hospital.

As Robbie was driving towards the hospital and was several blocks down the street, the little man pulled a small gun out of his tattered jacket pocket, pointed it at Robbie and yelled, "PULL OVER NOW!!" Robbie was shocked and of course pulled over asking loudly, what the hell was going on and why the gun? The little man, who said his name was Phil, had started to shake and told Robbie that he wanted a friend and a lover and had waited for Robbie come along, so he could also have the many wonderful things that Robbie enjoyed. He didn't need the `blond man' and that he could make Robbie even happier.

Robbie was in shock, to say the least, and replied, "Alright, lets chat about this, but we need to get to the hospital and get checked out first. It looks like you have a bump on the head and are not thinking clearly!"

"I am thinking just fine! We are going to be so happy together and I can become someone special to and for you!!" replied Phil.

Robbie was scared at this point and was thinking to himself how to get out of this mess. Obviously the man was crazy and needed help. Robbie urged, "let's just get to the hospital and get us checked out and then we can get another car and go away together, where we can both be happy. You're so right, I need you and now thinking about it, I really don't need that `blond guy'."

At this point he was willing to say anything to get away from Phil. "Where do you want to goиafter we get checked out at the hospital!!"

"We can go to my ranch in Santa Barbara, we can ride the horses, have picnics and be happy together. Let's go quickly to the hospital so we can leave for Santa Barbara and start our lives together."

Phil seemed elated and said "let's get going and get to the hospital. I love you and need you and want you as mine."

Robbie restarted his car and off they drove toward Kaiser Hospital. Phil seemed more relaxed and let the gun drop into his lap and Robbie saw an opportunity. He reached over and started to grab the gun from Phil's lap. This movement scared Phil and the gun went off! From the angle of the gun, it shot Phil in the lower left leg and he screamed with pain and fainted. Robbie pulled over and stopped at the curb, then pressed the On-Star button on the dashboard and an operator came on and asked if there was a problem. Robbie quickly explained the ordeal, and the operator said the police were on the way. Minutes later, two squad cars rolled up with sirens to help Robbie. They pulled Phil from the car and he came to, screaming, "NOOOOOO you can't take me away from my lover!" and again in hysterics, and the painи he fainted once more. An ambulance was called and Phil was taken away in restraints. Robbie asked one of the officers for his cell phone so he could call home.

He had been gone from the house about 40 minutes and everyone was now downstairs. Ben asked where Robbie was and Elsa said he ran off to get more cream for the coffee but was gone longer than expected. Tommy looked worried and wondered where he could be. Just then the phone rang, and Tommy, not recognizing the number, answered it to hear a shaking voiced Robbie on the line.

"Darlingи babyи I need you to come and get me, now. I am at the police station. I was car- jacked by this crazy man with a gun. I will explain when you get here. My car has been rear-ended, and it is pretty much a mess, and so am Iии. I don't want to see it again. Please hurry baby."

The police station was not too far from the house. Before Tommy ran to his car, Ben asked if he wanted him to drive. He nodded yes and the two men took off to help Robbie, the love of his life. Tommy was shaking and visibly upset. He couldn't believe this had happened. He almost started to cry, but realized he had to be strong for Robbie.

They arrived at the police station and asked where Robbie was. Tommy showed his ID to the Sargent in charge of the front desk. Another officer came and took Tommy to Robbie and when the men saw each other, they both started to cry and exchanged kisses and hugs!

"Oh God, Robbie are you all right? You're not hurt are you?"

"No, I am fine physically, but was scared out of my mind when that idiot pulled the gun and threatened me!"

A policeman came in and at this point and took a full statement from Robbie on the events of the morning. Robbie asked if he should call his lawyer now?

The Sargent said not at this time, no need. While this was going on, Robbie requested that his parents not called at all.

Phil had been taken to the hospital for the gunshot wound to his leg and was also being held for a mental evaluation. He was going to be charged with kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, carrying a concealed weapon, attempted murder and car-jacking. Other than that, he was going to be fine depending on his mental state, which did not look good. He kept screaming for his Robbie! The man was truly a total mess. First crying, then laughing, then once again hysterica!!!

Robbie and Tommy were told they were free to go. Robbie called the mechanic at the garage of the MB dealership (which the family owned) and told them where his car was and go pick it up. He would be down later in the day to pick up a new car. Once that was taken care of the three left the police station. Robbie thanked Ben for driving. Tommy had called the house from the police station and explained briefly what had happened and they would be home shortly. They walked out to Tommy's car with arms wrapped around each other. On the short drive home, Tommy held Robbie close in the back seat while Ben drove. Robbie looked exhausted and mentally he was too!

They got home shortly and Elsa rushed forward and hugged him. She was so glad that he was ok!! Carlton also hugged him and asked if he wanted to lay down for a bit. He sank into his husband's arms and started to cry.

"OH GOD, baby, I thought I was going to die; that he was going to shoot me and I would never see you again." Tommy held him close and said everything was going to be fine. He practically had to carry him upstairs and once in their bedroom, he laid Robbie down, removed his shoes and covered him with a small cashmere throw. Tommy leaned forward and kissed Robbie gently.

"I love you darling and nothing and I mean NOTHING will ever come between us!" Robbie closed his eyes and Tommy kissed him on the forehead and left the room quietly. When he reached downstairs everyone asked how Robbie was doing.

"He's resting and should be fine in a while." Tommy explained, looking relieved.

He looked at Ben and Carlton and said, "Take my car and go downtown or wherever you would like and do something for yourselves after all, this is your vacation. We most likely will go out to dinner this evening. If Robbie feels better we will go down to the dealership and get Robbie a new car."

"Well, this is going to be an expensive day for you guys!" Observed Ben.

Tommy replied, "not really, the Blackford's own the Mercedes Benz dealership and so, of course, Robbie and I both have full access. Robbie's car was about 1 1/2 yrs. old and he was thinking about getting a new one anyway. He just has to pick out the model and color and we are good to go. I am sure we are still going to fly south tomorrow as planned, so don't worry about that. it`s nice having your own plane so don't really have a schedule. We just alert the pilots of what time we want to leave. I'd say we leave here about noon or so. We'll let Robbie decide when he gets up, if that is ok!"

So, Ben and Carlton went off to explore, taking Tommy's Mercedes, and they agreed to have lunch downtown and do some shopping. They would come back about 5:00pm or so, if that was OK? Here are keys for the car, no need for keys here since Elsa will be here and the gate opens when you approach it. We can't thank you enough for helping this morning and for driving me to get Robbie, as I really don't think I could have driven myself.

Tommy gave each man a hug and kiss, slapped each on the ass and said to "go have some fun. Most likely we will go to one of the restaurants tonight and it will be casual dressy. Now go out and have a ball!"

After Ben and Carlton left, Tommy raced upstairs to see how Robbie was doing. He had his head propped up on the pillows and was reading the novel that had been on the night stand. He smiled when Tommy entered the room and patted the empty space beside him. Tommy came over and sat down and then leaned forward and deeply kissed his lover, husband and best friend.

"How are you feeling, babe? Feeling better now? I hope so. let's have a bite of something and then go see about a new car for you. Ben and Carlton have taken my car to go do some shopping and have lunch. They will be back around 5:00 or so and then we can take them downtown and have dinner at the Union Square Restaurant. How does that sound darling?"

"Sounds great, but how will we get to the dealership, if you gave them your car??"

"DUH, we call the dealership and they will come pick us up! It's one of the perks of owning the joint. Right?"

Both men laughed and Robbie got up and took Tommy in his arms saying, "You have no idea, how much I love you!!!" and the men kissed, and kissed, and kissed deeply before starting down the stairs for the kitchen.

Now everyone knows about the strange little man who has been following Robbie around and came to a bad ending. Robbie will be fine and will have a grand time for the rest of the week with their friends. Off to L.A. tomorrow and then on to the desert. Two new restaurants, and possibly a new house. Lots to see and do so stay tuned for more adventures. AND as always, be true to yourself, play safe and PLEASE donate to Nifty!!I Allen is my rock and deeply embedded in my heart and soul!! Ain't love GRAND!!

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 51: Robbies True Love II 13

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