Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jun 15, 2019


Both men awoke in the morning still wrapped in each other's arms, sort of stuck together with cum from Robbie that sprayed everywhere. Robbie murmured, "MMMMMMM, good morning my sexy man and last night's love making was one for the books. My ass still tingles and I am still feeling your hot cum deep inside!"

The men kissed and announced that they both had to pee badly. They kissed briefly and sauntered in to the large bathroom. They rinsed their mouths with mouthwash, each thinking the same thing got into the very large shower without turning on the water, and just let loose with their warm morning piss all over each other, while kissing and smiling. Both moaned deeply while pissing on each other and they started to get hard. Tommy had almost finished pissing when he kneeled down and took Robbie's growing cock into his mouth, tasting the piss that was still leaking.

"MMMM, darling you taste so good," after removing Robbie's cock from his mouth. He lowered his lips once again onto Robbie's now rock-hard cock and proceeded to suck it viciously, sliding up and down Robbie's cock while savoring the taste and the hardness of his husband's cock.

Robbie was so turned on by the hard, fast sucking his cock was getting, it took no time for Robbie to cum, and cum he did, filling Tommy's mouth with the delicious nectar Tommy so craved.

At the same time Tommy was sucking Robbie's cock, he was jacking his own extremely large and now fully hard cock. When Robbie filled his mouth with cum, he shot a huge load all over the large marble shower floor. Robbie had to hang onto Tommy's wide shoulders to keep from falling over. He was drained and it felt so good.

He pulled Tommy to his feet and kissed him and said softly. "Now it's my turn for you to fill my mouth with your hot load!! God I love you so fucking much!!"

"A bit too late for that darling, as I came when you did, but I promise to fill each other tonight, but right now we have to get moving as we have to drive down to the airport and meet the parents and see the new plane."

The shower was turned on and they bathed each other thoroughly, and when finished, they dried each other and went to get dressed in preppy, yet casual clothes. Linen slacks, Toms and polo shirts and light weight silk jackets. They went downstairs and Elsa had fresh toasted bagels, cream cheese smears, OJ and strong black coffee waiting.

"MMM, this is a perfect bite before we head south to meet the parents." Robbie then asked Elsa if she would like to join them, to see and ride in the new plane? Elsa replied, "That sounds like fun, give me a minute to change and I will meet you in the garage. Are you sure your parents won't mind?"

"Not a bit! They know how close we are and would welcome you with open arms and you do know they adore you. In fact, I heard Mom say to Dad that she wished she could clone you and have an Elsa for herself, so it is safe to say YES you can come with us!!"

The three climbed into Tommy's dark burgundy Mercedes and he slowly backed out of the garage, down the driveway and through the electric gate. Tommy reached the street and drove South heading to Butler Aviation near SFO. They did not notice the old beat up Honda Civic parked on the street that started to discreetly follow them.

The man had watched the house all night long and was becoming impatient since he had plans for HIS Robbie. He followed at a discreet distance, not losing sight of the fancy burgundy car ahead. The big burgundy Mercedes pulled onto the freeway and headed South to the airport. The little old Honda had trouble keeping up with the more powerful car but managed to keep the car in sight. When Tommy exited the freeway to turn off for Butler, the small car slowed but it was not being noticed by Tommy or the other passengers in the car.

He pulled up to the gate and the guard asked for his ID. It was given and they drove up to the hanger for Blackford's Aviation where the new, very large G650 was parked on the tarmac. It was gorgeous. Gleaming White with strips of blue, in three different shades. The logo for the corporation was painted on the tail. It was a dark blue capital `G' with three rings of different shades of blue surrounding it. The plane looked stunning.

At the foot of the stairs were Daniel and Cynthia chatting with the chief pilot, Charles. He had been with them for a number of years and enjoyed working for the corporation. They greeted Tommy, Robbie and were delighted to see Elsa as well. The family started up the stairs and were greeted by Katherine at the door. She was an attractive blond in a dark blue uniform. (very professional looking) She introduced herself to Elza and welcomed everyone aboard.

The interior of the plane was breathtaking. A dark blue carpet with small beige dots covered the floor while the walls were done in three shades of blue suede, lightest at the top and darkening as the colors went down. The seats where a gorgeous light beige in supple leather and the wood trim everywhere was Olive Burrell Wood. There was a small lavatory in the front and a large galley from which wafted the smell of warm pasties and the delicate aroma of great coffee. At the far end of the cabin was a work station desk with four chairs and a nearby fax machine. It also had connections for several laptops.

Beyond that was a very small bedroom for the crew and a nice sized bathroom with all the amenities including a shower. Light blue, fluffy towels hung from racks and fancy hand soaps where at the sink.

Beyond that was a larger bedroom with a queen size bed covered with a medium blue silk comforter and pillow shams. There was a closet of ample size and warm terry robes in light blue embossed with the company logo as well.

Tommy whispered to Robbie, "WOW the fun we can have in here sometime!!" Robbie just smiled and winked at his husband.

The interior was stunning and everyone was pleased with the interior of the plane. Charles' voice came over the intercom and asked everyone to have a seat and buckle up. When seated and while the plane taxied, Katherine gave the normal safety spiel with a small comment about the smoking section being on the left wing only and only after take-off. Everyone laughed at that.

The take-off was smooth and easy and they headed South. They would be in the air about one hour down and an hour returning home, part of which would be out over the pacific, and then back to Butler. Daniel could not have been more pleased with the way the plane turned out and was thankful for Cynthia's suggestion about the interior.

During the flight, a discussion was had about where to have brunch. Did they want to go into town and dine or go somewhere in the middle. Cynthia suggested going to Il Fornio in Burlingame. They had valet parking and the food and service had always been excellent. Robbie said, "That sounds like fun. I haven't been there in ages and it's close to the airport."

Before long they started their descent into Butler and the landing was smooth and easy. Charles was an excellent pilot and did his job very well! They landed and taxied to the hanger that was painted in the corporation colors. Everyone started to deplane and thanked the crew for a great introduction to the new plane.

Tommy's Mercedes was brought up along with Daniel and Cynthia's Rolls. They got in and started to drive into Burlingame to the restaurant. No one noticed the old Honda, that was parked outside the gate and waiting for the return of the plane and HIS Robbie!!

When both cars pulled onto the freeway, the little Honda followed behind with the driver watching and making plans. No one noticed at all.

Well, the new plane is gorgeous. The mysterious man continues following Robbie in the little old Honda? Ben and Carlton will arrive the next day and then the boys fly down to LA to see the possible new restaurants and maybe a new house for the boys? Please stay tuned for more adventure. And a little more, hot nasty SEX!!!! Any suggestions are always welcome so please write and let me know how you are liking the story. And as ALWAYS, be true to yourself.. please play safe and please donate to Nifty!!

The Sexy ChefÉ

Next: Chapter 49: Robbies True Love II 11

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