Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Apr 3, 2019


Chapter 6

Both men awoke refreshed and horny as hell, so they moved into a 69 position and started to gently suck each other's very hard, dripping, cocks. They each savored the sweet taste of the pre-cum that was leaking like a sieve. Deep throating each other and sucking up and down with gusto followed. Each needed to rest for a minute and pulled each other's faces for a deep and soul- full kiss. `I love yous' were mumbled. Tommy moved down the bed and raised Robbie's legs up and attacked his hot. Furry. man hole, sinking his tongue deep inside. This got a major moan out of Robbie as with bated breath he panted, "OH GOD, Tommy, please fuck me lover, deep and hard and fill me with your cum. FUCK ME NOW!!"

Tommy moved into position and not too gently, shoved the head of his raging, hard 10" cock into Robbie's massively hungry man hole. Robbie's eyes rolled back into his head and begged for more. Robbie loved being fucked deep and hard by Tommy, his forever lover and husband.

Tommy started pumping in and out deep and hard as requested while Robbie was begging for more: `deeper and harder.' Tommy leaned down and licked Robbie's hard, hairy nipples and bit them slightly making Robbie moan loudly. Then Robbie reached up and grabbed Tommy's neck and pulled him into a deep and sensual kiss.

"GodÉlover, you make me feel so good when we make love like this! You're going to make me cum sooner than later without even touching myself. FUCK ME BABY!!!! CUMMMMM INSIDE MEEEE!!"

That pushed Tommy over the top and he shoved deeply one more time and shot about 6 ropes of cum deep inside his husband's now ravaged and well fucked hole.

As Tommy was cumming, he set Robbie off and as wished, he shot without touching his raging, hard, dripping cock. And shoot he didÉall over the place: his chest, face and maybe even the headboard with 7 hard shots of cum. He was gasping for air and slowly reached up and grabbed Tommy's head, pulling it gently toward him. Looking longingly into his husband's eyes, Robbie smiled, kissed Tommy and then said "God how am I so lucky to have you in my heart and soul and well, my hot, hungry ass too!!! I love you so much."

Tommy kissed him back and said smilingly, "I am just as lucky darling, for you do things to me NO ONE has ever done to meÉEVER! I love you so much as well. And now that we are done with the mutual honor and LOVE society, we need to get up, shower and dress. We both have busy days ahead and we have the guys coming, in like three days."

"I was also thinking that while they are here we can show them around and since they have talked about going to Palm Springs and maybe stopping in LA, why don't we fly us all down to Santa Barbara and stay at the ranch for a day or two. Then we can drive them down to the dessert and we can stay a couple more days and then fly home. How does that sound?"

"I think we may have a condo nearby in Palm Desert so I will check with Dad and ask if we can stay there while Ben and Carlton meet their friends."

Robbie just laid there with wide eyes and a big smile across his face. "What a great idea! I'm sure one of our dads will let us use one of the planes. If your condo isn't available, we can always rent a hotel suite. I also have been thinking about us possibly opening one of our restaurants there, so we can kill two birds with one stone, as it were!"

The men got up, showered and dressed for the day, had a quick breakfast of coffee and toast and were out the door. On the way to the office Robbie called his dad and asked for some time today to discuss a business deal. Daniel thought it was a great idea and said to come have a coffee and chat around 11. "Great dad, see you then."

When Robbie got to his office, he looked up real estate prices in Palm Desert and then looked at the prices here in town for the relative cost of starting a new restaurant there. He then looked at prices for existing restaurants that were for sale. He was surprised that several were low, considering the area. He called a realtor and inquired about the inventory. Two sounded interesting but he would have to see them in person before making any decision. His personal cell rang and of course it was Tommy.

"Hey sexy man. How is your morning going? I chatted with Dad and we do have a condo in Palm Desert and it is currently empty so we can use it if we want. It's three bedroom, three bath, fully staffed and ready for us. How does that sound? Also, he can let us have the plane next week and we can use it again to fly home when we are done. Pretty cool huh?!"

"That's great babe. I have been looking up restaurants for sale in Palm Desert and got some interesting prices. I'm meeting Dad around 11:00 for coffee and a chat. I wish we could have lunch, but I've got things to do, so what time are you done today? I need to call Elsa and tell her when to expect us for dinner. I think something simple tonight. She makes a mean meatloaf. With mash and green beans? How does that sound?"

"YUMMMMM, I love meatloaf and that sounds perfect. I should be done about 6:00, so dinner around 7ish?"

"I will call you later and give you a more accurate time of when I will be home, okay? Gotta run darling, oh, and I love you, just a little bit." Robbie hung up before a response could be heard.

He giggled to himself and looked at his watch. It was approaching 11:00. He picked up the notes he had made and strolled down to his father's office. As he got to his fathers office, Janice his Dad's executive assistant, bid Robbie a good morning and said to go right in. He walked into his father's stunning office but his dad was on the phone and motioned for Robbie to have a seat. Then he pointed to the Nespresso machine and Robbie went and made himself a Latte. He silently asked his Dad if he wanted one and an affirmative nod was given. So, he made two lattes and placed one in front of his Dad on the desk while he sat down, holding the other.

His Dad quickly ended the call, came around and gave his son a big hug, which Robbie returned. "Gee Dad, you look great. How are things going and what are you/we up to business wise today?"

"you look great too Son and seem really happy! You are always smiling. I see things are doing well with the restaurants and money is rolling in. Is everything great with Tommy?"

"Dad, things with Tommy are better than fantastic and I am the luckiest man on the planet. I didn't think I would ever in my life, be this happy! I will call Mom this afternoon and check in with her. Is she doing ok?"

`"Your mother is always fabulous and keeps me on my toes, God bless her, and I too love her more than life. You know she is my whole world, along with you and your brother of course!"

They sipped their coffees. Daniel said the new plane would be delivered next week. So, I was thinking, why don't I turn the other jet over to you and Tommy, (same crew) and it can be for your use to watch over the restaurants?"

Robbie sat there, gob-smacked with his mouth open. He really didn't know what to say. He pulled his cell out of his pocket and called Tommy. When Tommy answered, he simply enquired "how would we like our own plane?"

Total silence on the other endÉ Then, "What did you just ask darling? Something about our own plane, as in a Piper Cub?"

Robbie laughing told him what his dad had asked and they would take possession of his Dad's G350 because the new G650 arrives next week! "So yes or no dearest?"

"What would be the cost for this little plane?" Daniel waved his arms like it was nothing. So, Robbie replied, "It just stays with the Corp and we can use it as our private plane. So, YES?"

"Well DUH and do we get our own cute, young, hunky steward to serve us while in flight?"

Robbie started to laugh out loud at that comment. "We can discuss it later dear one!!"

Robbie hung up laughing at all of that as did Daniel. "What is the cost we have to pay Dad?"

"You guys just pay for the fuel and the Corporation covers the rest. We will discuss it with the Crew when the new plane comes, OK? So happy flying."

"Now Dad, the other reason I wanted to chat was I am thinking about opening another restaurant, maybe two actually in the chain, but this time in Palm Desert and maybe Beverly Hills. What is your take on this?"

"Mmmmmm, not a bad idea. Have your got any specs on this possible new venture?"

Robbie pulled out a folder and showed his Dad what he had been working on. It showed two restaurants in the desert that were for sale with specs and a few pics of the restaurants. They had full kitchens, both still in-tact, which looked clean and the specs seemed right. Both looked interesting. The dining rooms still had tables and chairs and there was a full bar in each, minus the liquor.

"When Ben and Carlton arrive this weekend, we were thinking of going down to the ranch for a day or two and then, driving down to Palm Desert. Tommy's parents have a large condo there where we can stay. Ben said, they have friends there but did not specify where they were going to stay. The Condo has three bedrooms and baths and it looks comfortable. What's your take on the Dad?"

"Sounds like a plan. How much are they asking for everything? And does this include a liquor license?"

What you see is an asking price of 2.4 million and that includes the transfer of the license, all the tables, chairs and the fully installed kitchen. Both men were wondering why it was so cheaply priced? "it's not bad for the area but I will learn more when I call and make an appointment with the owner. I will also learn what kind of clientele they have."

"The men get here early on Sunday afternoon and we are having friends in for dinner that night and will talk about leaving Tuesday morning. We are borrowing your car to pick them up at the airport, if that is till ok?"

"Of course, Son, that's fine and we look forward to meeting your friends. They seem like nice men, and from what you told us about them, you and Tommy do too."

They finished their coffees and Robbie said he needed to get back to work as his phone buzzed with a call from one of the restaurants near Union Square. Robbie answered the call and it seemed he was needed there ASAP due to a labor issue and a fight in the kitchen. `Not a good thing' Robbie said to himself. He excused himself as he ran out the door and straight to his car in the parking garage. On the way to the restaurant he called Tommy and let him know what was going on and he would call later with details. Tommy told him to be careful and the men said, "I love you" to each other to end the call.

Robbie didn't notice a man standing in the shadows of the garage watching him closely. Robbie reached his car, unlocked it and then drove to the restaurant to settle the problem there. God, what a way to start a day, but then this too shall pass, hopefully.

When Robbie walked into the restaurant he heard yelling and screaming in the kitchen area. He quickly walked in unnoticed, picked up a nearby pan and slammed it down on the stainless counter, making a huge, loud noise and everyone froze! Robbie yelled, "STOP THIS NOW! What the fuck is going on here? I will not have this in my restaurant. Now, who is going to explain this and I mean NOW!"

Everyone looked shocked and quieted down right away. No one said a word. Robbie looked at Gerald, the manager, and asked what was going on! Thank God, it was after lunch and most of the crowd had left to go back to work. Gerald said a fight broke out when one of the servers took a wrong order earlier and delayed service to a good table. When the correct server questioned him loudly, the other waited and then threw the plate of food at the other server, not only making a mess, destroying a lunch plate of good food for a customer and the servers started to fight. Gerald had tried to stop the fight, and it had escalated to the screaming match what Robbie witnessed when he arrived.

Tommy looked at the mess and said very quietly to get the fucking mess cleaned up NOW and that those not involved should get back to work and he wanted the place pristine before he left. He then looked at the two servers, (Steven and Clark) and said sternly, "There is absolutely no reason for this kind of behavior here. Obviously you weren't thinking, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. Now who wants to explain? I want the truth. You both have been great employees, so out with it!"

Clark looked up with an upset face and apologized for his behavior. "I had a fight with my boyfriend this morning and it put me in a really bad mood. When Steven took part of my order by mistake, I just lashed out at him. It totally surprised me when he threw the plate at me and screamed, "Here is your fucking food!"

"We have been good friends, so, Steven, I apologize for my actions. I was wrong and sorry I took it out on you!!"

Clark looked up and said, "I'm sorry too!"

Robbie looked at both men and thought for a moment, then said, "If you both weren't such good servers and normally great employees, I would fire both your asses right now! Instead, I am docking you both your pay for today and all your tips will be turned over to me now and will be given to charity. You both will work the next 2 shifts as dishwashers and you are both to clean this kitchen spotlessly at the end of tonight's shift. Your dishwashing duties start right now so get to it boys and if this ever happens again you both Soooo fired! Got it??"

Both men left and Robbie sat there with his face in his hands and sighed, "Is this really all worth it? I need a drink!!"

As he walked through the kitchen both men were cleaning up the mess and talking quietly. Robbie walked into the bar and got a class of wine. No one said anything to him and everyone heard what happened and were smiling a little. As Robbie sipped his wine while sitting at the bar, he didn't notice a man sitting in a dark corner part of the bar, sipping coffee and watch him intently.

As always be true to yourself, play safe and just enjoy life. It has so much to offer!! Please donate to Nifty!

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 45: Robbies True Love II 7

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