Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Feb 1, 2019


Sorry about the delay for this Chapter, but things, like my real job, some minor health issues, and just general crap seems to get in the way. UGH!!! Anyway, again I welcome suggestions for the story line and as always, I love your comments and feed-back. Enjoy!!!

Both men awoke refreshed after a very satisfying night of love making and a great night's sleep. Both men stared at each other and leaned forward for a good morning kiss.

"Robbie darling, I think we need to do two kinds of showers this morning. Let's get in the tub and start the first one,." They got out of bed and ran to get in the shower and let loose, giving each other a warm golden shower, while kissing deeply. "MMMMM, that was nice!" Robbie said as he reached to turn on the instant hot water and the men washed each other gently and started to stroke each other, still kissing. They both shot copious loads on each other.

Tommy looked lovingly at his husband and said, "I know some people regard 'Golden Showers' as a bit kinky but I love doing it with you once in a while. I would NEVER EVER consider it with anyone else, just like I NEVER want to make love with another man other than you, my love!"

"I feel the same Tommy. You are my only love forever and always. Now let's get moving as we both have busy days ahead.

The men finished showering and got dressed for the day, Robbie in grey slacks and a black dress shirt that complimented his hair and made his crystal blue eyes sparkle, while Tommy put on a dark blue suit, a white shirt and bright yellow tie which looked stunning. The men kissed once more and went down to breakfast and much needed coffee. Elsa made Swedish pancakes with apricot jam and powdered sugar, some thinly sliced fried ham and wonderful espresso. The men dug in and sipped their fabulous coffee. "Elsa, darling you spoil us so.... and we LOVE IT!

I would like the parents to come to dinner tonight so we can hand out the gifts we brought back from our trip. Also, sometime today, we have several large boxes being delivered with sets of silver and things we bought while on the cruise. We have a set for us and sets for each set of the rents, so if you could look out for those."

Elsa replied she would be happy to (since she totally ran the house for them). They sipped the last of their coffee and ran for their cars after thanking Elsa for another fabulous breakfast. Tommy was driving his shiny burgundy Mercedes and Robbie driving his dark blue Benz. Tommy yelled, "I love you. Call me when you can, darling!"

Robbie arrived at the office and had a staff meeting with the Chefs at 9:30. Today they were going to chat about the 'Southern Menu' that Robbie had proposed and everyone thought it was a fabulous idea!!! This new meal service was going to start Friday night. Everyone thought it was going to be a smashing success!!

Tommy walked in and greeted everyone, made himself a coffee Nespresso and sat down to the mountain of work on his desk. He went through messages, returned phone calls and was finishing up a few notes when his intercom buzzed. I was April, telling Tommy he had a call on line two. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is Tommy Gilman. How may I help you?" "Tommy, you gorgeous man, this is Ben and Carlton!"

"Well, hello Ben and big hugs to you both. So when are you coming to town?" "That's why I am calling. If the invite is still ok, we would like to come on Sunday, mid-afternoon, and stay until Thursday morning. Then we leave for Palm Desert for five days and then we have to head back to work. UGH!!"

"Ben that would be great and of course the invitation is still and always open for you both. Let me know your schedule and I will have a car meet you and drive you into town to our house. We will have dinner at the house on Sunday night and you will have a car at your disposal while you are here. That way you can shop, visit friends or just stay in bed and fuck your brains out if you like...!!"

Ben was laughing loudly and told Carlton what was said. "Sounds like a plan.. especially the fucking part!!"

"We have our third Mom Elsa, who lives with us and takes care of us. She has a gay son and is very discreet. She never intrudes in anyway and will welcome you both with loving arms. She is also a fabulous cook and her breakfasts, make that all her meals are fabulous! We can go to one of the restaurants on Monday evening. Just email or fax your flight info and we will take care of everything else. I will call Robbie after we hang up and I know he will be as excited as I am."

"So, are you guys doing well?"

Ben replied "We are both fine and excited about visiting!!" They said their good-byes and hung up.

Tommy called Robbie and he was excited to hear that Ben and Carlton were coming on Sunday afternoon." Let's invite Walt and Karl for Sunday evening and have sort of a reunion. It will be fun for all of us to be together again!"

Tommy asked, "Darling would you take care of that? I have a meeting with that new client about his pre-nup. So I have to go. Love you babe and will chat later. What time you will be home tonight, cuz I have plans for that HOT, HARD, DRIPPING COCK of yours!!" and with that he hung up.

Robbie just stared at the phone and started to laugh, and at the same time started to get a hard on. DUH!!!!

Robbie picked up the phone and called Walt at the office and after pleasantries, asked them to come to dinner on Sunday evening and that Ben and Carlton would be staying with them for most of the week. Walt thought it was going to be fun and as far as he knew they had no plans for dinner on Sunday. They were both doing great, growing closer and more in love every day. "When I talk to Karl in a few, I will call you and confirm. OK? Then we can discuss time, what to bring, etc.!"

"Sounds like a plan" Robbie responded and the men hung up.

About five minutes later the phone rang and it was Walt confirming that they could come. "We will set a time and dress later - not too late as it is a school night.

Both Robbie and Tommy were excited that their friends were coming. They would have a fabulous dinner on Sunday night. Robbie called his Dad and asked if their driver could pick up Ben and Carlton on Sunday afternoon and bring them to the house. He would let him know what time as soon as he heard back from Ben. He had said mid-afternoon. Daniel said it would be fine, just to let them know the time. Then Daniel asked if they would be available for dinner down at the house one evening? Robbie replied it would depend on the guy's schedule, so he would let them know after the men arrived.

Tommy was sitting, going over some notes, when April rang and told him Bob Schaffer was here for his meeting about the Pre-Nup. He was brought in and asked if he wanted a beverage. He said coffee would be great and Tommy offered to get him an Nespresso. April grabbed her pad and came in to sit and take notes. Tommy asked how things were going and Bob said fine.

"Bob, I have carefully read through the Trust and understand the things in it. But seeing you are well over 21 and that you got the money from the trust for you to handle since you were 30 and from what I have surmised, you have done quite well with it all. There is nothing in the trust what-so-ever regarding a Pre- Nup, if you are to marry anyone. So, technically there is nothing your parents can requiring you sign a Pre-Nup of any kind, or for any reason. If you would like, I can send a letter to your parents, as your attorney stating such and I will be happy to do so!"

Bob let out a sigh of relief. I think that would be a great idea. One less headache I have to deal with. He looked at Tommy and said, "I have done some thinking and have made a decision: I would like you to be my attorney and for Glen, as well. He loves the way you have handled things for us and he is not thrilled with his law firm either. We would like to take you and your husband out for lunch or dinner for helping us with this matter. It is greatly appreciated."

Tommy said "We are having friends from the cruise staying with us starting Sunday afternoon. it is Capt. Ben and his husband Carlton, the Chief Purser and we are having a small dinner party and have asked Walt and Karl to join us that evening, so won't you please come too and we can surprise the boys. Bob pulled out his cell and called Glenn and got an affirmative 'yes' for the party. Please keep it a secret from Karl and Walt and let them be surprised."

"Sounds like a plan." Bob replied, smiling.

The men said good bye and Bob left with a spring in his step. Tommy reached for the phone to call Robbie just as his private line rang. It was Robbie calling.

"Hey gorgeous. I was just going to call you. My new client Bob Schaffer and his finance` Glenn, have become new clients of mine and the firm of course. They both know Walt since they work together, so I asked them to come to dinner on Sunday to surprise the guys and to meet Ben and Carlton. I think it might be fun."

"So, there will be eight of us total. I asked Dad to lend us his Rolls and driver for the afternoon to pick Ben and Carlton for us, as another surprise, then bring them to the house and have a good gay catch-up evening. I know Elsa will knock their socks off, so can you get with her and plan a stunning menu. We should have all the new silver from the trip by then, as it should arrive today, and we can really put on the dog, as it were."

"Darling," said Robbie, "I will get two of the guys from one of the restaurants to help serve and play bartender (we will pay them under the table, so to speak) I am sure it will take some of the pressure off Elsa. What do you think, Babe?" "Great idea, oh, but what about someone to help clean up to help Elsa? And by the way, I love you so much...what time are you coming home tonight? I heard a promise earlier and don't forget the Rents are coming for dinner and presents tonight."

"Oh God, I forgot! But that will be fine. We may have to delay our little 'TRYST' for while tonight, but I still plan on ravaging you today, BIG TIME!!

The men continued with their day and accomplished a lot. They arrived home about 6:00 and the parents were coming about 6:30 for cocktails and dinner was to be served around 7:00. The table looked great, with candles and fresh flowers. The table gleamed with all the silver they had bought on their cruise, service plates and all.

The presents for their parents were sitting in the living room near the fireplace and the jewelry was sitting on the coffee table in the living room. The men rushed up stairs, after a soulful kiss in the entrance hall, to change for dinner. They each had a quick wipe down, as there was no time for a shower and put on comfortable, but stylish clothes, appropriate for the evening. The men kissed once more and headed down the stairs as the doorbell rang. Both parents just happened to arrive at the same time. Cynthia and Danielle greeted each other with a hug and air kiss while both Thomas and Daniel shook hands and patted each other on the back.

When Elsa answered the door and greeted everyone, and of course they greeted her with hugs, everyone went into the large, elegant living room. Elsa took drink orders as Tommy and Robbie entered the room and greeted their parents with warm hugs and kisses. Everyone sat as Elsa reappeared with the cocktails everyone requested. She had brought Chardonnay for both Tommy and Robbie, their usual. While everyone chatted about their day, Robbie rose and went to retrieve the gifts they had bought for their parents, and for Elsa as well.

First, came the large boxes of silver serving pieces, flatware and chargers. The parents opened the boxes and were thrilled with the gifts, especially the mothers, who were delighted with the beautiful sterling silver. Then came the jewelry. Cynthia gasped when she opened the Emerald earrings and necklace and quickly replaced the jewels she was wearing. When Danielle opened hers, she also gasped at the gorgeous sapphire and silver set as well. She also removed the pearls she wore that evening and put the sapphires on. Everyone oohed and awed over the fine jewels. Now the fathers opened their boxes and loved the gorgeous cuff-links they received. Everyone was delighted with the gifts and to say the least absolutely were overwhelmed by the generosity of their sons.

Elsa opened her box to find a gorgeous, Mobi Pearl set in sterling silver that included a large brooch, matching earrings and ring. She ooohed and awed over the jewelry and then hugged her 'boys' and thanked them profusely. She then excused herself and went to the kitchen to check on dinner. The first course was a spicy shrimp cocktail and soft French rolls. She had prepared a stuffed pork loin roast, with a mustard sauce. Haricot Vert (tiny French green beans) and small roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic. For dessert she had made a simple chocolate mousse.

After a half an hour, she rang the dinner bell. There was sparkling water with lemon slices on the table and the shrimp cocktails were on the table too. The candles were lit and everything sparkled. Robbie took charge and poured the Chardonnay for the first course.

Everyone was impressed how the table looked and everyone loved the sliver on the table. Robbie dug in and urged everyone to begin. All were delighted by the wonderful shrimp. Next came a simple butter lettuce salad. Plates were cleared and Tommy told them about Capt. Ben and Carlton coming and the parents were excited to meet them both.

The main course was served. It was delicious and both mothers asked Elsa for the pork recipe. Needless to say, dinner was a smash, but then Elsa is a fabulous cook. She smiled and said she would gladly give the recipes to their cooks. She would call them in the morning. She retirned to clear and was stunned by the applause in the dining room. She blushed and hurried back to finish serving the dessert and coffee.

Being a work night, both parents asked to be excused as they all had busy days ahead. Their drivers had loaded the silver into the trunks of their cars. So, after many thanks and hugs back and forth, the parents departed. The boys closed the door and they both had major smiles on their faces and major lust in their now growing cocks. The both yelled a good night to Elsa and raced upstairs.

Next: Chapter 43: Robbies True Love II 5

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