Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Nov 2, 2018


Robbie's True Love - Book II

Here starts Book 2. I hope everyone has enjoyed Book 1. Lots more to come. More adventures, intrigue and maybe a little sex, here and there!!!!! (LOL) Lots more food and a few surprises. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. I have enjoyed the notes from you. Does anyone have any plots they would like to see? Let me know.

Here is a list of major characters in this story just to refresh memories:

Robbie Blackford: 34 years old. 5'11" black hair, crystal blue eyes, hairy chested and versatile; well hung, 9x6, cut, considered very good looking. From an extremely wealthy family. The Blackford's interests include Oil, Ranching, Real Estate and a chain of Restaurants called "Blackford's, which is run by Robbie as Senior Executive Chef and President. He and Tommy live in San Francisco.

Tommy Gilman: Robbie's new husband, 32 years old. 6' tall, blond, hazel eyes, close trimmed beard, also a very hairy chest, versatile and 10"cut. A Senior Partner in Gilman and Son, the family's huge law firm. Very successful, numerous law offices around the US, also major real estate holdings. Tommy and Robbie have been together for two years and just got married and are madly in love!!

Daniel and Cynthia Blackford: Robbie's parents. Daniel is Chairman and President of Blackford Industries. They live in Hillsborough CA. (with a staff of five) Cynthia, Mom, very social, has great beauty, adores jewelry, a master bridge player and loves her husband and children. They are multi-billionaire's (around 50-60 Billion).

Daniel Blackford Jr: Robbie's brother and Executive Vice President of a major bank in town. Married with two kids

Thomas and Danielle Gilman: Tommy's parents. Thom is President and Managing Director of Gillman and Son, a major law firm in San Francisco with many offices around the US. Danielle, Mom, a very social lady, plays bridge and loves to entertain...a LOT!! They live in SF in a huge 4 bedroom, Penthouse Apt on Nob Hill (Staff of 4) and are worth many hundreds of millions of dollars.

Elsa: House keeper, cook, overseer in Robbie and Tommy's household. She runs the house for them and both men love her to death. She has been with Robbie for nine years. She also has a gay son.

Walt: The friend that Robbie and Tommy met on their Honeymoon cruise. He lives in SF, and runs and manages an Import / export firm, Also gay.

Karl: A new friend to Robbie and Tommy who they also met on the same cruise. He is a real estate broker. He met Walt on the cruise and they have fallen in love and are now a couple and have become very good friends with both Robbie and Tommy. They live in San Francisco and in Hillsborough. They are both very well off, but they work hard for what they have.

Capt. Ben and husband Carlton. Ben is Capt. for the Atlantis Gay Cruise line and Carlton, is Chief Purser. They have been together for about four years and are deeply in love.

There are many other minor Characters here and there. Enjoy!!!

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After a light breakfast in the dining room of the ship, they walked to the main lounge and waited for de-boarding instructions. They had all said goodbye to Ben and Carlton as well as Patty and Gavin the night before. Ben had told them that they would be in touch soon about their impending visit.

They were in the second group to disembark and walked out to the gangplank. There in front of them was a gleaming silver Bentley with a driver with their names printed on a placard. They greeted the driver and handed their luggage to him, which he stored in the large trunk. He already had instructions where to go at the airport. Robbie and Tommy told Ben and Karl they were flying on a private plane, but he had not told their friends they were flying on Tommy's father's jet.

The drive to the airport was not a long one and traffic was flowing well. They made it there in about 40 minutes. They pulled up to the private terminal and there stood the gleaming jet, white with two shades of blue stripes. As the men alighted from the Bentley their mouths dropped open in awe!! They were greeted by Thom Sr.'s pilot Bob (Captain) and Co-pilot Steve, who greeted Tommy warmly, asking how the honeymoon was?

"It was great, Bob, and thanks so much for coming to get us." The stewardess, Cindy, came over and hugged Tommy and Robbie. Tommy introduced Walt and Karl to the crew and they looked puzzled. Tommy laughed and told them both, that the plane belonged to his Dad and the law firm.

"Aaahh, so THAT explains it!" Walt whispered to Karl.

Bob said to "climb aboard and let's get this hunk of bolts in the air. We have a long flight and you must be looking forward to getting home. Cindy has a great lunch planned. Oh, and Tommy, you might call your father and let him know we're in the air. I know both sets of parents can't wait to see you both. I am sure they are looking forward to meeting your friends too!"

When the men were while the plane taxied, Cindy gave a rather, amusing pre- flight talk and safety chat. She had the men laughing about the smoking area out on the left wing, but only after reaching cruising altitude!!. And that they had to bring their own "wing belts!" The engines roared and they lifted off smoothly, soaring into the sunny blue sky. Karl looked over at their friends and asked why they didn't say anything? Tommy sheepishly explained they wanted it to be a surprise. They were also being chauffeured home from the airport.

"This is just too much! We have to pay you for all of this." said Walt. You are way too generous!"

"Look," said Tommy, "We were to going to fly home this way anyway and it's not like it costs more to fly four than two. So, sit back and enjoy!"

Once at cruising altitude, Cindy served coffee and warm pastry, just out of the oven. The men chatted about all they had to do when they got home and no one was really looking forward to the mountain of work, catch up, packing and then unpacking, and setting up a new house. But hey, you play, you pay!!. Everyone laughed and sat back to enjoy the hot coffee and warm pastry.

Tommy asked if Walt and Karl wanted to join the mile-high club? A shy expression hit both men with mouths hanging open. "Just use the rear rest room and keep the screaming down to a dull roar. Now GIT started, we have about 90 minutes before lunch. Robbie and I are going to take a nap."

"Have fun!!!"Oh, and by the way, the whole crew is gay. Bob, and his husband Steve, have flown for my father for over five years and sort of 'came with the plane.' Cindy and her wife have been with us for three years and are delightful women. Cheryl, Cindy's wife, is a flight attendant for another private plane service. They sometimes switch off so they both fly for us and are wonderful women. My father is thinking of upgrading to a G650 which is larger, longer range and a lot more comfortable." Karl and Walt both snickered at that remark. "What is wrong with this plane? It's gorgeous!!"

"Well guys, it is getting a bit long in the tooth as it were. It is about 10 years old and my father wants to go bigger! The firm can afford it. We also lease it out at times and it makes us some good money. We also haul freight and mail that makes money as well. I would be surprised if there wasn't cargo below for this flight. AND it is a great tax right-off!"

Walt and Karl just sat there for a while as Robbie and Tommy got up and pulled out one of the large double lounge chairs that folded into a bed. The men lay down and cuddled for a short nap after a tender kiss.

Walt and Karl looked at each other sheepishly and stood. They strolled to the rear and into the large restroom and locked the door. After some passionate kisses, they got down to business and gave each other some serious cock sucking, (since there really wasn't room for anything else) and blessed each other's mouths with major loads of cum. All in all, it was a totally new experience for them. They shared how much they loved each other and emerged with major smiles on their faces. (Mouths that had been full of cum when they had kissed each other, kept on kissing until it was all consumed.) They sat back in their seats and held hands as they drifted off for a short nap before lunch.

After about 20 min, the plane hit a bit of turbulence and the plane bounced around a bit, waking the men up. They all stretched, while Bob came on and asked if everyone was ok and apologized for the turbulence. Everything smoothed out again and Cindy asked if anyone wanted something to drink. It was nearing noon, so Robbie asked for everyone to be served a glass of Champagne.

Out came a bottle of Krug '97 and some gorgeous crystal flutes. After being served, Robbie raised his glass and offered a toast, first to his husband Tommy, with love and his heart. Tommy returned the toast all smiles. Next a toast to their wonderful new friends, hopefully for a life time, wishing both much happiness in their new-found love! "To Walt and Karl."

The men turned slightly red but smiled. They nodded and for a moment, neither could speak. Finally, Walt spoke while holding hands with Karl. "Thank you both for your wonderful friendship, as it means so much to us. We never expected to meet so many nice people on the cruise, especially you two. You have become such great friends and we also hope this friendship will last for many, many, years. For us to meet like we did and to click like we both did; to fall in love even though we know it has been so short in coming; to know it just feels so right; Here is to love and dear friends. We wish you every happiness in your new home for years to come!" The men all clicked glasses.

Cindy came out with tears in her eyes. "Gentlemen, that had to be one of the best toasts I have ever heard. I, of course, wish you all happiness and love for years to come. Now ENOUGH of this sentimental crap. Get seated at the table as I am about to serve luncheon." and she turned and walked back into the galley.

She came back in carrying salads, a simple butter lettuce with tomato and avocado in a light vinaigrette, with a crispy crouton on the side. The men had more champagne and enjoyed the salads. The plates were cleared and out came the main-course. Chicken pasta Alfredo, steamed broccolini and garlic bread. The men dug and just savored the great lunch. Those plates were cleared, and dessert was presented: a wonderful crisp topped Crme Brulee, along with French Roast coffee.

The men savored every bite and were full to the max. They moved away from the table and went to sit in regular chairs. They chatted about all the work they had to do upon arriving home. Walt said he had barely moved into the new house and had not even spent the night there yet. All those boxes...UGH!!!

Tommy and Robbie said their parents had just bought them a new house, and they had only seen it once and had to totally pack and get moved. They hadn't even called a moving and packing company. yet!

"SO, it sounds like we four are going to be busy for a while." Walt asked where the house was located and Robbie said "Out in Sea Cliff. We can't wait to move in and get settled. We also have a grand lady who takes care of us. Elsa has been with me for years and loves playing Mom. We couldn't live without her."

"The house is large and we are thinking of getting some part time cleaning help for her and she can manage the household. We are going from a 3-bedroom, 3 and 1 /3 bath one story penthouse in Pacific Heights, to a huge 5-bedroom house. We sent her on a trip with her best friend Alma to Paris, while we were gone for 2 weeks. We hope she had a grand time." Tommy explained

All too soon, the plane was descending and they were on final approach to Butler Aviation at SFO. The sky was clear with a few clouds and temp was about 70*. The landing was very smooth and the plane was soon taxiing and stopping. Robbie looked out the window and there were the two familiar gleaming Rolls Royce's standing by with both sets of parents waiting and chatting. Daniel and Cynthia were standing by their Burgundy and Grey motorcar, while Thomas and Danielle stood by their new soft metallic dove grey and dark blue Rolls.

The door to the plane opened and the four men deplaned and Tommy and Robbie ran straight for the parents. After many hugs and kisses, Robbie and Tommy introduced their friends Walt and Karl to them. Hands were shaken, and hellos given reinforcing all were pleased to meet each other.

Daniel told them dinner was at home this evening and everyone was invited. Karl and Walt looked astounded and accepted graciously. It was to be an early dinner and nothing really fancy.

Karl was going to Walt's new house for the night anyway. Robbie and Tommy would be driven home before dinner as well and then come down to Daniel and Cynthia's home for supper. Luggage was loaded and off they went into town.

But instead of going down town where the penthouse was, they headed out to Sea Cliff to the new house. Robbie and Tommy were confused!

Soon, the two cars pulled into the spacious drive and parked. Robbie asked his parents what was going on and all that was said was "Be patient!! You'll see."

Immediately, the front door opened and there stood Elsa with a huge smile on her face. The men got out of the car slowly as Elsa ran forward, hugged both her boys. and said, "WELCOME HOME!!" as the boys were slowly escorted to the front door.

Karl and Walt were amazed by the sheer size of the house and how grand it looked. As everyone walked in, it hit Robbie first and then Tommy. The house was furnished and looked fabulous with flowers on the hall table under the Chandelier, which shown with gleaming Chrystal overhead.

With AWE in his voice, Robbie looked around stupefied and said. "What have you done??" Tommy was equally stunned.. "Well, dear sons, we took the liberty and having your condo packed, with Elsa's supervision of course, and had everything moved here and unpacked so your house is ready for you!"

"Feel free to move things around if you like, but we wanted to surprise you and after your long, wonderful honeymoon we wanted to do this for you. One less thing to worry about. The penthouse is vacant, and you can decide what you want to do with it. You can rent it or we can keep it and use it as a Corporate Penthouse for visitors or board members if you like. We can discuss this later!"

Robbie and Tommy, Karl and Walt just walked around looking at everything. Walt said he was amazed at the size of the house and how fabulous everything looked and felt. After going up the grand staircase, they walked into the master suite, with flowers on the table, the bathrooms and dressing rooms were done and looked great. Tommy pulled Robbie into a huge hug and the men kissed deeply.

"WOW, what a surprise this was and one major thing we don't have to worry about doing," exclaimed Robbie.

The men wandered about, looking at everything before they went back down stairs and walked into the huge living room where a bar had been set up. Both sets of parents were holding wine glasses. Elsa asked the men what they would like to drink. Stuttering a bit, all asked for white wine and they were served graciously.

Suddenly, Robbie realized they had not introduced Elsa to their friends. Robbie said that Elsa ran their house and was like another mother and a dear friend. We couldn't manage without her. Walt and Karl went to shake her hand and said it was a pleasure to meet her.

"Elsa, dear, hope your trip was ok? And THANK YOU, so much for supervising all of this. You will get a HUGE bonus from us." With a sly smile, she said, " That won't be necessary, as your parent's paid for it all including a large bonus for me, but, THANK YOU anyway!!

"You know I love taking care of you both and you bring so much joy to me. I love my new rooms here and the view is spectacular! I also love my commute to come to work, I mean I only have to cross the drive-way!"

"Oh, and I will tell you about my trip later when we can relax and let you get settled, but it was spectacular." Everyone laughed.

After sitting and chatting for a while, and the time was approaching 6ish, Elsa came in and announced dinner was ready! Robbie looked puzzled and said he thought dinner was at Daniele and Cynthia's house down in Hillsborough? "Well sons, we said everyone was invited to dinner, but I never said where, did I? We decided with Elsa's help it would be easier to just have dinner here and then we can take Karl and Walt to their house down near us." Everyone got up and strolled into the large dining room.

The table was set with china and crystal and beautiful silver. There were candles and fresh flowers in the center of the table and it all looked fabulous. The eight people sat down and Elsa served white wine to everyone. The parents wanted to hear about the trip and all their escapades and tours. This went on through- out dinner. Also, the presents were mentioned, but those would come later.

The first course was brought in. It was a stunning Caesar salad and everyone dug in and agreed it was delicious. The plates were cleared and an orange sorbet was served in very small, chilled crystal martini glasses. The main course was a simple roast chicken, with herbs and a white wine glaze, mashed potatoes and fresh sautŽed mixed veggies. Dinner was delicious.

Dessert was served and it was fresh, home-made cherry pie with French roast coffee. Everyone was full and enjoyed dinner totally!

Daniel said, "Well folks, it is getting late and we have to get Walt and Karl home and we all have a long day tomorrow. I expect Robbie will need to get into the restaurants and whine and wail about everything that was done wrong while he was away!!!" everyone laughed.

Thomas Sr. said that Tommy's desk was piled high with work and was due in court at 9:00 in the morning with huge grin on his face. No rest of the wicked, for those who play MUST PAY!!" Again, everyone laughed as Tommy looked at everyone with abject horror on his face!!

Walt and Karl still had their bags in the back of the Rolls, said good night with hugs and many thanks. And the car slowly backed out of the drive. Robbie and Tommy said good night to his parents, as they left as well. Robbie and Tommy stood in the drive as they watched to tail lights disappear into the night.

They turned and kissed warmly and Tommy picked up Robbie in his arms and carried his husband into their new house where a new life was going to begin. An "I love you" was heard as the front door closed behind them.

Next: Chapter 40: Robbies True Love II 2

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