Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 7, 2018


Walt and Karl awoke in each other's arms, both feeling good being together. They turned toward each other and kissed lightly, Karl saying, "I have to take a whizz badly, but I don't want to move. This feels so nice waking up with you!"

Walt smiled and said he felt the same but needed to shave his tongue and pee as well!! Laughing, both men rose with hard cocks leading the way to the toilet. They stood side by side, crossing streams and smiling. When finished, they brushed their teeth, stood together and kissed while renewing their hard-ons. They walked back to the bedroom, where they got into 69 position and proceeded to suck each other to the root, both moaning.

Neither wanted to cum yet, so Karl turned around and pulled Walt close and kissed his mouth. Walt had his eyes closed and when he opened them he stared into the most beautiful hazel eyes. Smiling he said, "I could get used to this. You turn me on so much, but we don't want to move too fast. We have the rest of the cruise and so much more to learn about each other. But right now, I want to finish sucking your wonderfully hard cock and have you fill my mouth with your hot cum!"

"You won't get any argument from me, but then I get to finish you off in the same way. Your cock is magnificent and you are so damn sexy!!"

So Walt attacked Karl's rock-hard cock and within a few minutes and a few gasping breaths, Karl shot four times into Walt's mouth, savoring every drop. He fell back on the bed with a huge smile on his face. "God, you taste so good!! I want so much more!"

Karl replied, "My turn" and took Walt's hard cock all the way down to the root and sucked up and down with all his might. In seconds Walt exploded and shot five ropes of cum down Karl's throat. Karl savored the taste while he crawled up Walt's exquisite body and kissed his lover deeply, sharing the cum that was in his mouth.

Collapsing next to each other, the men kissed again and said they needed to get up, shower and needed coffee to plan their rest of the day. They were arriving in Cartagena, Columbia early the next morning, so today would be another lazy day at sea. The men showered, dressed in shorts, tanks, and sandals and went in search of coffee.

Robbie and Tommy awoke in each other's arms, kissed good morning and went straight to the shower, also with rock hard cocks. Needing to pee badly, they just let loose all over each other! They were kissing as they pissed. It felt so good.

They shampooed and washed each other, caressing each other into a grand orgasm , rinsed off, dried each other and dressed for the day. They also dressed in shorts, polos and sandals. They met the boys on the Lido deck for breakfast.

Karl and Walt were holding hands, while sitting at the table when they arrived. Robbie looked down and asked if there was something to be shared? Walt replied, "Let's just say we have grown closer and spent the night together twice now and we both enjoyed each other a lot! We are still taking it slow, still learning about each other, but so far I like what I see!!" Karl nodded and said the same as he leaned over and kissed Walt on the cheek.

"Well congrats, there boys. You make a great couple!! A couple of what, we're not too sure!" Robbie laughingly pronounced. "Let's drink a toast with orange juice, to new friends to love, and get on with breakfast, as I am starving!!"

The men enjoyed a fabulous breakfast outside, enjoying the sun and the soft breeze on deck. Robbie and Tommy had their usual Eggs Benedict but with a change this time. It was what the menu called an Irish Benedict, with corned beef hash, on top of toasted English muffins, a poached egg and a slightly spicy Hollandaise sauce with home fries and fruit. Walt had an egg and cheese scramble with spicy sausage and buttermilk biscuits. Karl had just poached eggs on toast with a warm cheese sauce on top with hash browns and fruit on the side. Hot coffee and fresh orange juice went along side. All in all, breakfast was excellent.

As they were finishing, Capt. Ben, Carlton, Gavin and Patty walked up to the table and asked if they could join in. "Please," said Robbie and Tommy as they stood up. Kisses and handshakes were given, and everyone sat down. A waiter appeared immediately and fresh offered coffee to everyone. "Is everyone excited to get into Cartagena tomorrow? It really is a fabulous city. Lots to see and some of the best emerald shopping on the planet. There is a first-rate Emerald store called 'Mr. Emerald' that has a 5 star rating and I can recommend it highly. There are so many things to see and do, you would need several days here to see everything. Cartagena was founded in the 16 century, and has almost a colonial feeling with its bright buildings, many churches and several forts. The Castillo San Felipe de Barajas is really worth a visit. The church, Iglesias de San Pedro Claver, has an interesting museum as well. The Plaza Santo Domingo is really something to see as well. I hope everyone has a grand time."

"The city is quite safe. There is almost no crime and a single woman can walk at night alone and not be bothered. The food is also quite good." Ben and Carlton said goodbye and left to speak with other passengers. Patty and Gavin had things to do also saying goodbye and left as well. The men finished their breakfasts and went for a walk, holding hands. They got to the railing, Robbie sighed and turned to face Tommy. He then reached up and kissed his husband and said, "I love you so much and am so incredibly happy with you and will be forever!!"

Tommy blushed and kissed Robbie back, "I love you more than life itself and I'm so glad we are married and will be together forever!" Walt looked over and said smiling, "All right you two. Get a ROOM!" Tommy smiled and asked what they were going to do for the day. Karl pulled the schedule out of his pocket and inquired, "Let's see what's up for today."

The men perused the schedule and Walt suggested. "Let's take it easy today, as we have a full day touring tomorrow, with walking and shopping. The movie today is "The Four Horsemen" and its a great film. Let's do a light lunch and maybe enjoy some pool time after the movie. Then maybe a nap and dinner in the dining-room tonight, it's casual, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great," Robbie said. "I kind a feel like a light workout now, anyone care to join me?"

"Tommy, we need call Dad today and see how Fredrick is doing and if everything is running smoothly. Although I'm sure everything is fine, otherwise we would have gotten a cable."

"Great Idea, maybe I will call my Dad as well and see how things are going at the firm." Then everyone went to go change and meet in the gym.

There was lots of eye candy to observe with many buffed men working out, straining muscles and dripping sweat. God, life was good. Tommy commented on all the hot men. Robbie, looking rather perturbed, asked, " You want one of them, oh husband mine?" Tommy looked hurt and said, "Why would I ever settle on 4th or 5th best when I have the best and most gorgeous man in the universe married to me. They're all chopped liver compared to you, Robbie." Robbie smiled, "Good answer stud." xxxx The men finished their workout and went to their suites to change and meet on deck for something to drink and have lunch in a while. The movie sounded fun and all were looking forward to it. The rest of the day went well, everyone enjoyed to movie and the time at the pool, swimming, lounging in the sun and chatting about the next day.

They left about 4 to go and rest before dinner that night. Robbie and Tommy reached their suite, and each called 'home' to see how things were going. Daniel answered and was surprised to hear his son's voice, when Robbie said, "Hey Dad, what's up?" "Wow this is a great surprise, how are things going?" Robbie answered saying "that this is one of the best trips ever!!! You both should take this cruise.. much to see and do. We have some amazing stories to tell. So, dad how are things going and most importantly how is Fredrick doing??"

Daniel replied with, "What a delightful young man, very polite, and very well mannered, I must say! We got him settled in an apartment in that building we own, on Leavenworth and Pine. Nice 1 furnished bedroom, close to the restaurant and Stefan took to him and he is doing a great job. He works hard, and I think he is dating someone. We are looking after him. Have you met some nice people on the cruise?" Robbie went on the explain about both Walt and then meeting Karl. You will meet them both when we get home. Walt just moved into a house near where you live on Ralston. There both great men and I think they have started dating... They have both been through so much and need some happiness. They have become great friends!... So how are you and mom doing...? Hope things are well with you both..?"

"Your Mom and I are fine and missing you a whole bunch," "Please give mom big hugs and kisses from us!! We are bringing some great presents home for you both and for Thom Sr. and Danielle too. We hit Cartagena tomorrow, then to St. Thomas, Aruba, San Juan and then home to Miami. I think you have the itinerary. I would like to ask, if, Walt and Karl can fly home with us, if that is alright?" Daniel said, he thought it would be fine.. "When you dock in Miami, there will a limo and driver waiting to take you to the airport, does that work?" Well dad, got to run, we need to shower and dress for dinner... Oh, and Dad, I am so incredibly happy and fall more in love every-day!!!"

Tommy had a similar discussion with his dad.. Things at the firm were going well and your mother is missing you a lot!! He told them a bit about the trip and said that you both and Daniel and Cynthia, need to take this cruise, NOT the gay one, of course. He told them about Walt and Karl and asked if they could fly home with them from Miami.. "Sure son, that will be fine. I think Daniel has arranged a limo and driver at the dock, to get you to the plane." We both, miss you guys and can't wait for you to get home.. There will also be a surprise when you get home. Have a great rest of the trip.. LOVE YOU SON!!".. I love both of you too!!"

Tommy hung up and the men discussed what their parents had said. Robbie told Tommy that dear Fredrick, was doing really well and thought he may have met someone. He also said, they had a surprise for us when we got home?" The men came close and kissed deeply and took it to the bedroom. Once there the men stripped and cuddled in the king size bed and wrapped in each-other's arms and fell asleep. Walt and Karl had gone to Karl's suite, stripped, laid down, cuddled close and also went to sleep. Everyone woke about 6:30, showered and changed for dinner and met in the lounge for a drink, then went into the dining room for dinner.

The four men were seated at a great table. Menus were perused, and dinner was decided. Tommy and Karl ordered the roast rack of lamb, med rare, with veggies and potatoes and mixed salads to start. Robbie ordered Clam chowder to start, then the grilled salmon, also with mixed veggies and scalloped potatoes. Walt ordered the Pasta Puttanesca, with Garlic bread and a crab cocktail to start. Dinner was served, and it was wonderful. Dessert was a wonderful Chocolate SoufflŽ with scented whipped cream and coffee.

They went up to see the show in the lounge and it was entertaining as usual. The off to the disco for a few dances and then off to bed. Several men came over to them and asked to have a dance, but all were politely declined with a smile. It was now pushing 12 and everyone was tired so off to bed they all went.

Walt and Karl went to Walt's suite that night, stripped and crawled into bed and started to kiss deeply...Karl looked deep into Walt's eye's.. Saying gently, "I love being with you. it feels so right, and I know this is fast, but I want you to make love to me tonight, I need you inside me and for us to become one.. I, most likely am falling love with you! If you can't or don't want to do this, I will totally understand, I will not be hurt if you say no!" Walt reached up and grabbed Karl's face and started to kiss him deeply, while moving his fingers down to Karl's ragingly hard cock and started to stroke it. Karl started to moan and spread his legs wide, while Walt. Moved his hand down further and started to play with Karl's hairy hole. Walt moved down to take Karl's hard dripping cock into his mouth and sucked it deeply into his mouth. The he moved again and lifted Karl's legs and started to lick is shaved balls and then proceeded to lick his hungry ass. Probing deeply into the hot hairy hole, was almost more than Karl could stand... "Walt...Please fuck me now, right now.. I can't stand this anymore... I need you inside me.. PLEASE BABE.... NOW!!"

Well, it's now getting to the Caribbean for about a week and then home sweet home. More surprises to come, some intrigue. Hope everyone is still enjoying my story. I love hearing from you. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. As always, be your selves, play safe and please donate to Nifty!! Adios for now!

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 37

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