Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jul 17, 2018


Dinner plans that evening changed when Patty called and explained that since so many people learned Gavin was on board, they did not want to impose upon Tommy and Robbie. Instead they talked to the chef and moved dinner from the Presidential Suite to Gavin and Patty's suite. She said plans were the same except the location would change. Cocktails in the Presidential Suite and dinner in the McCloud Suite.

Like magic at 6:30 pm, in came the staff who set up two bars, Hors `Oeuvre's trays and the lighting adjusted to a sultry blue-green glow. Guests strolled in at 7:00 and the party was a smashing success! Everyone had a fine large time.

After drinks they moved to the McCloud suite for a fabulous dinner. There were 10 total and the dinner were fantastic. Steamed Mussels in white wine and herbs were the first course, served with a Edna Valley Chardonnay from the Napa Valley. Then came a Mango sorbet. Next came a simple butter lettuce salad with a stunning dressing of Raspberry vinaigrette. The main course was perfectly grilled fresh sea bass with a dilled hollandaise sauce, fresh green beans and small roasted potatoes with a chive and butter sauce. This was served with a white win, also from the Alexander Valley (Near Napa). it was a fabulous Jordan Chardonnay. Everyone ooohed and aaawed over the fare. Coffee accompanied dessert: a lavender scented Crème Brulee.

The talk around the table was the up-coming adventure in the Caribbean. `So much to see and so little time' as the saying goes. Jamaica was high on the list. Also, they looked forward to the famous Iron Market Place in Haiti. Aruba, known for their fabulous beaches and gambling in the casinos at some of the hotels sounded appealing. One hotel that everyone was talking about has the main bar set in a rain forest, complete with a lighted dance floor and thunder storms with real rain. The water is supposedly so clear you can walk out almost a 1/4 mile and be only waist deep and you can watch the little fish swim between your legs.

After dessert was over they all chatted for a short time, but everyone was tired from such an early morning, so everyone said good night and went off to bed. They bid their hosts good night with hugs by all.

Tommy and Robbie took a romantic walk around the deck and stopped to kiss in the moonlight. There were many couples about as well, but everyone respecting other couples' privacy. After the stroll around the deck, it was off to bed for them. They hung up their clothes, brushed their teeth, crawled into bed and cuddled until they fell asleep holding each other close.

Karl asked Walt to spend the night with him, just for some cuddles. Walt agreed, but first he was going to change, put on a robe and come down to Karl's stateroom. This took about 10 minutes. Soon there was a knock at the door and with a grin, Karl opened the door to find a very shy looking Walt, standing there with an engaging smile. "May I come in, kind Sir?"

"Most certainly, oh gorgeous one!!" Karl replied, and Walt entered to be met with open arms and a huge smile. Walt sank into Karl's embrace and a gentle kiss progressed into a very passionate one. The men pulled slightly apart and just stared into each other's eyes. Both men were extremely hard by this time. Karl undid Walt's robe and took in the beautiful body that stood before him as the robe slid to the floor. Walt did the same to Karl.

The men kissed deeply once more and started to explore each other's body with their hands. They caressed each other's hairy butt cheeks. Walt gave out a deep gasp as Karl reached in between the hairy cheeks and played with his now hungry hole. Walt reached around and took Karl's very hard large cock in his hand and started to jack it slowly. Karl turned Walt around and kneeled behind him and started to lick his sexy ass cheeks, spreading them apart and diving into Walt's now quivering hole, rimming him deeply and oh so thoroughly! A great gasp came out of Walt's mouth with a moan of total ecstasy. Karl led Walt over to the bed and the men lay down gently, still in each other's arms. Walt said quietly, "I could get used to this and it feels right to be here with you!"

Karl smiled, said basically the same thing, reached up and kissed Walt deeply. "I have not felt like this in so long, I can't even begin to tell you how great it feels to be like this, in your arms. I know I said we should take it slow, but here and now, I want us to make love to each other. I can't believe how good you feel here with me, naked, hard and dripping."

Walt reached up and kissed Karl gently and said he felt the same! He maneuvered around and wiggled down far enough to take Karl's rigid cock in his mouth, moving up and down and sucking hard, making Karl moan, groan and gasp for air. "Keep that up Babe and I am going to cum and cum hard!!"

That, made Walt suck harder and soon Karl released five shots of cum down Walt's throat, which he swallowed them and wanted more. Licking the last of the cum load off the end of Karl's still rigid, drooling cock, he looked up with a wicked grin and shyly said, "You liked that, maybe?"

"Oh, just a little bit, you wicked man, but give me five minutes and we will do that again. But until then, it's my turn!" He immediately went down and started to suck on Walt's hard cock and it took less than two minutes for him to shoot four shots of cum down Karl's throat.

Walt grunted as he came and let out a huge breath, sort of collapsing back onto the bed. "OMG, I haven't cum like that or, for that matter, that fast in years. Now come up here and kiss me and let's get some rest for you, dear man, have worn me out completely!" Karl moved up and held Walt close. Soon they drifted off to sleep.

The men woke slowly in the morning and kissed each other, proclaiming they had to pee badly! They staggered into the bathroom and standing side by side, let a torrent go into the bowl. With a sigh of relief, they stepped over to rinse out their mouths and then kissed. A proper good morning to each other for sure.

Walt had not slept that well in such a long time and he thanked Karl for being the one to help him do that. Karl smiled and proclaimed, "You're welcome, but you weren't the only one to sleep well, Walt. I felt so safe and secure for the first time in ages, I could really get used to it. You're everything I want in a relationship and I hope you feel the same way!"

Walt looked up, kissed Karl sincerely and echoed his sentiment. "It just feels right for us to be together. Maybe fate has brought us together like this and maybe it is meant to be. But PLEASE, don't hurt me, I really don't think I could take a hurt like that again. I lost one love and can't lose another!" Karl answered, "I know just what you're feeling, although our circumstances are somewhat different, we were both hurt deeply and neither us want to go through it again. I promise I will never hurt you, but communication is always best in any relationship. Now let's get in the shower and get each other clean. How about some coffee and breakfast?"

"Sound good to me!!" replied Walt.

The men showered together and had a bit of a JO session, both managing to cum together. They finished showering, dried each other off and kissed once more. Then Walt left to go to his stateroom to dress for the day. They agreed to meet on the Lido deck for breakfast, but also said they were going to keep things on the `DL' for now, especially since they made love and spent the night together. Not that they were ashamed in anyway, they just wanted to keep things publicly slow for a while.

When Walt got to the Lido deck he found Tommy and Robbie sitting with Karl at a table with a coffee carafe waiting for Walt to arrive. Good mornings were said, and everyone got up to go through the Buffet for breakfast. They had a variety of juice, eggs and toast and they talked about the night before, recalling what a great time they all had. Since they were at sea for the day, it was going to be a relaxing day with sun, maybe a movie later, definitely a work out and a good jog too!

Breakfast was fun and lively as Robbie looked up the movie for the day. It was "Star Trek," featuring Quinto and Pine, both heart throbs for gay men everywhere. On they went to get some sun for a bit followed by a workout and a light lunch. The movie was next.

Tommy offered, "Let's keep dinner casual for tonight, maybe at the café. How does that sound everyone?" There was no disagreement so off to change everyone went and met back at the pool. After the workout Karl suggested a visit to the steam room. "That might be iffy though, knowing what goes on in the typical steam room with some gay men! Besides, we don't share!" Walt reminded him.

Tommy and Robbie changed quickly and high tailed it back to the deck to get lounges for everyone. Moments later both Karl and Walt arrived and looked rather sheepish which caught everyone's eye as they sat down. Robbie noticed and nudged Tommy whispering, do you suppose Karl and Walt finally got together last night? Tommy looked over at the men and asked if they had anything to say about anything? Walt looked like a deer caught in the head lights said very quietly, "Yes, we spent the night together and it was fantastic. They still have lots to talk about to get to know each other better."

Karl then shared, "We are very attracted to each other and both slept rather well together last night. But as Walt said, we are taking it really slow. I like him a lot and want this to work very badly!!" Walt looked up and smiling, reached over and kissed Karl. "It was one of the best sleeps I've had in a very long time, and it felt wonderful! But like Karl said, we're taking it slow for now. But I think we will not be sleeping alone, at least I hope so!"

The four guys laid in the sun for a while, occasionally swimming, drinking iced tea and chatting. They got up after a bit and went to work out, have lunch and watch the movie. Robbie decided he wanted the two couples to have dinner in their suite tonight, so he made arrangements with Clarkson to have that done. Also, he requested a Mexican Fiesta for dinner and was assured that the chef would take care of it.

The lunch was fun and light, and the movie was very entertaining. Everyone went for a lay down before meeting in Robbie and Tommy's Suite for dinner at 7:00 for cocktails. Dress was Mexican casual. Walt and Karl went to Walt's suite. They stripped down and crawled into bed, kissed and cuddled close, both sighing with total contentment, and fell asleep,

Tommy and Robbie stripped down and by the time they were undressed, they were rock hard and dripping pre-cum. Tommy led Robbie over to their king bed, laid Robbie down on his stomach and started to lick him from his neck down to his hot, horny, hair ass. Stopping to nibble on those firm and slightly hairy ass cheeks. He pulled them apart and started to explore his sexy husband's quivering hole.

"God, I love you so much it hurts, but in a such a good way," blowing lightly on Robbie's hole. It sort of opened like a flower as Tommy drove in with his tongue and proceeded to tongue fuck his husband. "Eat my HOLE!" screamed Robbie.

"Fuck me with that fabulous tongue and then shove you huge 10"cock deep inside me!! FUCK me hard lover and spray me with your hot CUM!! FUCK ME NOW!!!

Tommy moved up and did just what Robbie begged for. He shoved his concrete cock deep into Robbie's hungry asshole and proceeded to pound him balls deep and hard!!! "FUCK me harder, babe! Rape my hungry ass." Tommy pulled Robbie up into doggie position, grabbed his hips and fucked him very hard. His balls slapped against Robbie's furry ass cheeks. Robbie was gasping for breath, and screamed he was going to shoot, jettisoning five bullets of cum all over the bed. That set Tommy off and he came inside his loving husband with seven huge loads of cum as the men collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air.

Both men were out of breath. Robbie rolled over on his back, turned his head and kissed Tommy passionately, "GOD I love you!! You make me totally complete and I feel so totally loved. YOU do things to my body no one else in the whole universe can do. I came without touching myself!"

"Well darling," Tommy said, "You do the same to me every day, all day long. I fall more I love with you every minute. I feel so safe, knowing you're in my very soul and buried deep into my heart!" as he leaned over and kissed Robbie with equal passion! Both men cleaned up and cuddled, taking a short nap before they had to get dressed for the evening.

Dinner had been ordered and Walt and Karl were due to arrive a 7:00 for a cocktail and the fabulous Mexican dinner. They showered together as always and then dressed in light colored slacks and light colored Guayabera shirts. (These are short sleeve casual shirts worn untucked and normally have small pleats on the front of the shirt in small 2" stripes down the front. They come in many different colors to black. The fancier ones can also have embroidery as well. I have about seven of them and wear them often.)

Robbie and Tommy had just finished dressing when the doorbell rang, and their butler went to answer the door. Walt and Karl walked in and the butler asked about drinks. He suggested Margaritas and both guys agreed. Shortly, Robbie and Tommy entered and greeted their guests with hugs kisses on the cheek. They also ordered Margaritas.

The table was set with festive décor and the food smelled fantastic. The men moved to the table and sat so the first course could be served. It was a Cervici, marinated raw Conch in lime juice garnished with cilantro. This was served with a fabulous white wine. The plates were cleared, and a stunning mango sorbet came next.

The main course was a combination plate of colorful Mexican Rice (Ros) with house-made Frijoles, bits of grilled ham, hot sauce and more cilantro. This was served with some of the best looking, Pollo (Chicken) Enchiladas in a flavorful green sauce, covered in cheese. Everyone dug in and other than ooohs and aaaws, not much was said except how great everything was. A robust Mexican red was served with the main course.

For dessert, a Mango Mousse and flavorful Mexican coffee with a touch of cinnamon was served. Everyone moved to the living room with their coffee as the table was cleared. Walt said that that was one of the best meals so far onboard ship and both men thanked both Robbie and Tommy for the invite. Karl asked if everyone was ready to enjoy the Caribbean?

So here is the end of 35. I hope everyone is enjoying my travel log. I have done this trip about six times (Mexico and the Caribbean) and the Panama Canal twice. it is all fantastic! Please go and enjoy it yourself. As always be yourself, play safe and please donate to Nifty. Bon Voyage!!!

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 36

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