Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jul 1, 2018


Tommy and Robbie undressed in their Suite and crawled into bed, held each other and drifted off to dream land after some lover's kissing and snuggles.

Fredrick had gone to bed early and had slept well, now that John was gone, and he seemed to enjoy life again with his new friends.

Walt had gone up early as well, still a bit shaken by what happened after the kidnapping attempt and being held hostage. But he was determined it wasn't going to bother him further. He was OK physically, just tired. He had met new friends and was now actually looking forward to the rest of the cruise.

Walt woke early and rang for coffee and toast in his stateroom. He had showered and was sitting in a robe when his steward arrived with his order. As he sat drinking the great coffee and reading the ship's newspaper, he glanced at the time and realized he was meeting his friends for breakfast on the Lido deck. One last sip, and he went to dress in shorts, a polo and deck shoes. He left the state room, keys and ID in hand and made it up to the Lido deck where Robbie, Tommy and Fredrick were just arriving. Sam and Rodger had been up earlier and had gone on deck to watch the huge ship dock. It was quite amazing to watch the huge ship parallel park. What a sight!

They walked onto the Lido Omelets; Bacon; Sausage; Fruit; And fabulous, fresh croissants with jam and butter. The coffee on board was always excellent and hotÉin more ways than one as hunky servers were always close at hand. Service on the ship was impeccable as well, and being a Gay cruise line, it had better be more than perfect with picky queens primed to bitch at the least perceived slight.

The men discussed what the plan was for the day. Robbie reminded them that dinner was taken care of and reservations were at 7:00. A van was at their disposal for the evening. They would leave the ship at 6:30 and dress was casual-dressy, but no ties were required. Walt asked the name of the restaurant and Robbie just said it was a secret. "Tommy doesn't even know. Let's go and enjoy the day."

First stop was old Acapulco and shopping. Captain Ben had again given everyone a list of where to shop and several restaurants that would be great for lunch. There were two other cruise ships in port as well, so it would be crowded. Some of the passengers were leaving the cruise here and others were just now embarking and starting the cruise.

The first day they were going to go see Ft. San Diego. Its history was amazing. Originally built in 1617 by Diego Fernandez De C—rdoba, the Marquise Guadalcazar, it was destroyed in 1776 by an earthquake and was rebuilt and finished in 1783. It is one of the most intriguing sites in Acapulco. The men had an interesting time exploring the Fuerte de San Diego'. It was nearing lunchtime, so the group of friends wandered back into town, where Ben had given them the name of a restaurant for lunch, Piatiti del Mar,' which was well known for their seafood. The guys walked in and had no trouble finding a table. They ordered margaritas and had a sumptuous lunch consisting of a combi- nation of seafood. Everyone had a grand time.

Walt picked up the check as a `Thank You' for the help he had received the night before. He was totally grateful for all their help. While enjoying their lunch, they talked about what to do the next day. They all wanted out get out of town, as it were, and see some of the sights. Sam pulled a brochure out of his bag and started to look at it. XXXX

"We still have the afternoon so let's go and see the cliff diving at `La Quebrada'. I have heard about it and I'm sure we have all seen it on TV. So, they left a nice tip and caught a local bus and off they went.

When they arrived, they bought sodas from a stand near the bus stop and took places on the patio, over-looking the cliffs. There was a large crowd, but they managed to get an unobstructed view (thanks to local boys who held the best areas for a few pesos). They normally do five shows a day and they managed to catch the last one as they stood and watched. `Oohs-and-aahs' were heard and everyone was taking pictures. It is amazing that these local men and women dared do this. When the show over, everyone decided it was best to head back to the ship. There was a van taking people to the pier where the ship was docked. They got on board and were whisked down the mountain.

Once back at the ship, everyone was a bit tired from the day and all wanted to have a rest before dinner that evening.

Sam and Rodger walked back to their cabin, hand in hand. Robbie and Tommy watched as their two friends stopped and kissed and then walked on. They were happy for them and how happy they seemed. Fredrick hugged everyone and said a special thank you to Walt for a wonderful lunch. He wished he could do something for his friends but just didn't have the money. He was grateful he was included in everything. When he got back home he would start a new job and would figure out some way to repay his generous new friends.

Robbie and Tommy strolled back to their suite and decided to have a shower and a lay down, before dressing for dinner. They stripped off their clothes and Tommy went to start the shower. As he leaned in to turn on the water, he felt strong hairy arms encircle his waist and a very hard cock poking at his hairy hole. A tongue licked up his back and then a hand reached down and encircled Tommy's now raging hardon. The hands guided him into the hot shower where he was spun around, and his mouth was captured by a pair of pink lips. They parted slightly, and Robbie, looking deep into his husband's beautiful green eyes pushed his eager tongue inside. Tommy met the invader head on and two tongues did battle, exchanging blow for blow until they ached.

"How did I get so lucky to have found you and to be loved so richly and completely? As I have said before, there are no words to say how much I love you!!"

Tommy leaned down kissed Robbie's cock. He felt so turned on, he had to have more! Suddenly, Tommy felt an `urge' so he raised his head and just let loose with a solid stream of piss. He aimed his big cock upward and let his piss cover Robbie's hairy torso. That triggered Robbie and he did the same. The men continued to piss until they were empty. Then, hardness returned, and Robbie turned Tommy around, knelt down and parted Tommy's hairy ass cheeks and proceeded to invade that hairy crevice with his tongue. Robbie loved rimming Tommy's hole and delved as deeply as his tongue could reach.

Tommy moaning and panting exclaimed, "OH GOD, BABE! Deeper! Now shove that rock-hard cock deep inside me and fuck me until you fill my hot, hungry hole with all your cum. FUCK ME NOW!!!"

Robbie, rose up on his toes and grabbed the bottle of conditioner, slavering his dick and slid his hard, raging cock deep inside his husband. Pushing in and pulling out almost the whole length, then plowing back in, harder and deeper with each stroke, he fucked Tommy with abandon. He could feel his orgasm buildingÉhe was going to cum, but too soon. He tried to pull back, but Tommy wouldn't let him. Tommy reached back and grabbed the globes of Robbie's ass, pulling him in tight. Robbie couldn't stop and began to fire bullet after bullet of cum over Tommy's prostate!

That started Tommy's hard-dripping cock to explode!. Within seconds, feeling Robbie cum in his hot ass, started Tommy to cum against the polished marble shower wall. He squealed loudly, echoing off the glass door and mirrored walls of the bathroom. Once he knew he could never shoot another drop, Tommy fell back into Robbie's strong arms as Robbie's softening cock slid out of his lover's ravaged hole. Tommy turned around and the men kissed passionately once again, and weakly reached for the golden knob to turn off the water. Robbie slid open the glass door and they staggered out of the shower. Tenderly, they dried each other off and went towards the bed where they collapsed in each other's arms. Cuddling up, they fell asleep.

They awakened about 5:30 and went to dress for dinner. Tommy pulled out a pair of gorgeous cream linen and silk slacks. With it he pulled a beautiful green silk tee-shirt out that complimented his eyes and a stunning cream-colored silk jacket to finish the outfit, and cream-colored shoes. The outfit looked spectacular with his short-trimmed beard and stunning blond hair. Robbie pulled a beautiful pair of black silk and linen slacks and a stunning blue silk tee shirt. And then added a black silk casual jacket and then black linen `Toms'. He added a small gold and diamond pendant and his gold Rolex. Tommy put on a large thick gold chain around his neck, as well as his Rolex too. They admired each other and left for the lounge.

Robbie had called and confirmed all the plans for the evening. He was excited for the events he had planned for his friends. They all met in the lounge for a quick glass of wine before departing for the limo-van that was to take them to the restaurant. Ben and Clarkson arrived looking dapper in dressy clothes as did everyone. He had also invited the purser Dave to join them as well. Dave thanked Robbie but was other-wise occupied for the evening. They all walked down and excited the ship and found the large van/limo waiting for them. The men climbed in and everyone asked where they were going. Robbie replied "It's a secret, so don't get your panties in a bunch!" Everyone laughed at the his comment.

The van-limo whisked them up the hill and around the bay of Acapulco and up into the hills and everyone wondered where they were going. When they pulled up in front of a large, luxurious hotel. Everyone looked at the name in front. "Las Brises" (The winds), a world-famous resort and restaurant.

The men walked in and were amazed at the dŽcor. Ben had heard of it but had never been there. Out front, they noticed there were pink and white golf carts. And after inquiring, they were told they were for the guests. They were escorted out to the fabulous out-door dining terrace. The view was spectacular, and they could see whole Bay of Acapulco with the cruise ships in harbor. They were escorted to a table near the front of the patio, which had a grand view. The tables were white, with pink table clothes and white napkins. The chairs were upholstered in pink as well. The crystal stemware and sterling looked stunning. There were fresh flowers and candles gleaming thru the crystal stemware. Everyone was enjoying the sunset (and it was gorgeous.)

A waiter appeared to take drink orders. Robbie ordered two bottles of Sonoma Cutrer Chardonnay for the table. The service plates were sterling, as well as the place settings and silverware. The wine was poured and everyone toasted to new friendships. "To love and happiness for all."

The men were telling Ben and Clarkson how their day went and that the fort and cliff diving were great.

Menus were delivered, and everyone perused the items. Everything seemed delicious. Everyone started with either Cervecci or a seafood cocktail. Main courses consisted of either steaks, or seafood. The service was excellent, and the food was remarkable. Both robust red and buttery white wines were served with their fabulous dinners. During the service Robbie excused himself from the table and handed the waiter his Black AMX card, in private and said everything was to be charged to the card. The waiter, Manual smiled, nodded and said "Gracias, Senor."

When the dinner plates were collected and cleared, Robbie ordered a huge `Flan' for the table accompanied by fresh fruit and Mexican coffee. Walt wanted everyone to have a grand time, so he picked up his spoon, and saidÉ "Gentlemen, a little contest, please."

Whomever can hold their spoon the longest gets a prize. Oh, and I forgot to mention, it must be on the end of your nose!" The men gaped at Walt and he started to laugh. "Let me demonstrate please."

He took his napkin and wiped the end of his nose lightly, then wiped the end of the spoon. He then placed it in his open mouth and breathed on it. The placed the spoon on the very end of his nose,. Then let go and the spoon stayed in place. Everyone started to laugh. The spoon just hung there. Then everyone tried it too and soon everyone had spoons hanging from their noses. The people at the surrounding tables were laughing as well while several others tried it too. Everyone seemed to have a fine large time.

Fredrick won, by keeping his spoon on the longest. Walt took out his wallet and handed over a $20. Fredrick was shocked but excepted the money graciously. Everyone was smiling and started to enjoy the huge Flan that was brought to the table. It was excellent, and the coffee was soooo good with just a hint of cinnamon.

The bill came and was presented to Robbie discretely. Everyone started to protest. Robbie said it was his pleasure to treat his friends to dinner. Everyone smiled and thanked him. He left a very large tip and everyone got up to leave. Robbie stopped at the front desk and asked for the manager. A very well- dressed man came out and introduced himself as Juan, the manager. Robbie and everyone told him what a fabulous dinner it was, and the service was impeccable. Then Robbie inquired where he could get the silver place settings and service plates. I would like a large order of them for our home. Juan said that they were specially made for the restaurant, but he would inquire about them. "How many, do you require, Senor?" "I would like 36 complete place settings and service plates. Would that be possible?"

Juan looked astonished, and said, "That, is an awful lot. do you own a restaurant, Senor?" Robbie replied, "Yes, I do. Actually, 10 restaurants in and around San Francisco."

Juan then inquired the name. "Blackford's" Robbie replied. Juan was astonished once more, and said when he was last in San Francisco, he had the pleasure of eating at the one downtown. And it was fabulous. "I am so glad to have you here in my restaurant. How long will you be in Acapulco?" Robbie replied, "We are here on a cruise on the Atlantis. May I introduce the Captain? This is Captain Ben Johnson and his husband Clarkson." Juan shook their hands and said it was a pleasure to meet them. Robbie, then introduced everyone else and of course included Tommy as his New husband.

He said they were on their honeymoon and handed Juan his business card. Juan then said he would leave a message tomorrow about the silver, the cost and where it was to be sent. Robbie smiled and gave a big thank you. The men departed and got back in the limo-van and drove back to the ship. It had been a delightful evening, and everyone had a grand time. The hotel and restaurant were incredible, the view alone was magnificent.

Arriving back at the ship, they thanked the driver and asked if he could be back in the morning for an excursion to the town of `Taxco' the silver city. The driver, Carlos, asked what time was he expected. Robbie thought 9:00 AM would be great and the driver agreed on the time and a price. The men entered the ship, up the short gangway, called it a night, and said goodbye and went to their staterooms.

Robbie and Tommy walked back holding hands and kissing here and there. Once they entered the suite, Tommy grabbed Robbie, kissed him tenderly, and said, "What a wonderful and romantic evening it was. The spoon trick and everyone seemed to enjoy that bit of fun. Even some of the other guests tried it and they seemed to have had a grand time too!!"

"It will be fun to go to Taxco tomorrow and see the `Silver City'. It is a long trip but I am looking forward to it and see something other than just Acapulco." Robbie said, that he would chat with Fredrick tomorrow about everything. I will have him meet with Dad about an apartment and then meet with Stefan at the restaurant about a job.

"I will cable Dad in the morning and set everything up. Also, we need to ask about getting him moved and rent some furniture, or maybe we have a small furnished apartment for him. I will leave that up to Dad, and now that that's settled, let's go to bed, Babe. It has been a very long and wonderful day!!"

They stripped and hung up their clothes, brushed their teeth, turned off the lights and crawled into bed, held each other, kissed and said a gentle goodnight, and went off to dream land.

They awoke gently, did their ablutions, showered and dressed for the day. The day was warm and they were excited about their trip. In shorts and tee's, they went up to the Lido deck for the breakfast buffet. They met Sam, Rodger, and Fredrick and as they sat down, Walt arrived with a big smile. Good mornings were exchanged, everyone had a delightful breakfast and discussed the day.

Fredrick was a little quiet and withdrawn. When Walt asked why he was quiet, with sad eyes, he said he couldn't go today. Tommy asked why?.

"I just don't have any more money and can't afford the day trip I'm flying home tomorrow and need money for a cab, have to buy food and then have to work the next day." Robbie just smiled, reached over and hugged the boy he had grown so fond of.

"Not to worry, young `Jedi,' but all will be taken care of. I cabled my Dad this morning and you will be met at the airport by one of our drivers from the company. You have a meeting with my Asst. Manager, Stefan, at the restaurant in the evening for your new job, and then the next day, you will go to meet my Dad and he will take you to one of the buildings we own. You will be set up in a new furnished apartment with very reasonable rent in a far better neighborhood than where you live now.

Our people will help you get settled. All you need to do is pack your personal thing and anything else you want to bring with you!" Fredrick just stood there, open mouthed and wide eyed! "Why would you do this?" Robbie smiled and said, "We are helping you get ahead. All people need help sometimes and we are in a position to help you. All we ask in return, is to do your best in everything. If you need help, just ask. Be true to yourself. Always play safe, be kind, generous and offer help others in need. As they say, `Play it forward!' If you want to go to school, we can help with that as well!" He reached over and pulled Fredrick into his arms and hugged him and Tommy, joined in as well.

"Now let's get going and have a fun day."

So, they boarded the van and headed out to Taxco, expecting a fun day away from the ship and seeing more country side. They arrived in the mountain town of Taxco and it was amazing. The colors of the buildings were bright and cheerful and the shops were amazing. The town was founded in 1529 and sits at an elevation of 5,833'. They have many good restaurants and a number of fascinating churches and museums. They are also known for their spectacular silver products and jewelry. The day was warm and clear. The men got out of the van and asked the driver, Carlos, to join them for lunch and he graciously excepted. They were going to a 4-star, restaurant called Cafecito and Carlos said he would meet them there at noon. All the friends had grand time, walking around and checking out the shops.

The silver jewelry was indeed spectacular. Walt bought a beautiful sterling bracelet for a friend and a pair of stunning sterling cufflinks for himself. Tommy bought a pair of gorgeous silver cuff links for his Dad and Robbie did the same for Daniel. Robbie also bought a stunning sterling necklace for Elsa with matching earrings, and bracelet.

Then he saw the most outrageous set of jewels for his mother. A filigree silver necklace, earring and bracelet set with emeralds and diamonds. It was a bit expensive, but after all, it was for his mother. Tommy bought a necklace for his mother as well. It was solid silver, set with Sapphires and matching earrings. All were quite satisfied with their purchases. Robbie sneaked in a ring, in silver for Fredrick. Sam and Rodger bought each other silver bracelets and all in all it was a beautiful day. They wandered some more, with bags in hand and found the restaurant just about noon. Carlos was waiting for them and all were looking forward to lunch.

Lunch was fun affair with great Mexican food and margaritas. It was a bit of a drive back to the ship, so on the road they went. It was a very successful day.

Tonight was a combination `Welcome Aboard Dinner' for all the new passengers and a farewell dinner for those getting off the ship. It was to be black tie. They arrived back at the ship about 4:30 and everyone was a bit done in by the shopping trip, lunch and then the long ride back. They paid Carlos and also gave him a generous tip thanking Carlos for the safe drive and hoped he had enjoyed lunch. Si Senor. Muchas Gracias. Mucho Gusto! Adios AmigosÉ

Everyone boarded the ship and went to their staterooms. Robbie and Tommy put their jewelry in the safe, then stripped and laid down, cuddling close and drifted off to sleep after a sensuous kiss.

Hey, everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying the little trip to Mexico, the sights to be seen= and food to be eaten. I have been to all the places mentioned. I would love someday to have a `Casa' (house) in PVÉ one of my favorite cities in that beautiful area of Mexico. Ah, one can dream.

More to come. The final day in Acapulco and then on the Panama Canal. Done this one, 2x one in each direction GREAT TRIP and very interesting.. Fredrick is getting off, and going home, as are Sam and Rodger. So, Robbie and Tommy have to say good-bye to their new friends.

Lots happeningÉ. So, stay tuned, and as always, be true to yourself, please play safe and donate to Nifty!! Comments are always welcome!. And again, thank you, my dear Allen, for all your help and being in my heart! I do love you so! The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 32

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