Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Nov 3, 2017


Chapter 3

Robbie's True Love

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Chapter 3

I came out to the family when I was a freshman in College. I had a few flings while in culinary school, but things didn't really work out, but there was no problem at all, as they had suspected for some time I was gay. They all said they loved me and respected me for having the courage to tell them. My father just looked at me, smiled and said, "Just always be the best person you can be at all times."

I have a slightly older brother (34) named Dan (Daniel III) who is named after our father and grandfather. He also works for the family business as a financier on the banking side as Senior Vice President. He is straight, married to a wonderful lady named Maggie, 32, who is stunningly beautiful and they have two five-year-old twins, Johnathan and James. They live out at Sea Cliff in a huge, old fashioned house with great views. I love them to death and there isn't anything, I wouldn't do for them. I am also their Godfather. I am truly blessed to have such a great brother.

My Father, Daniel ll. is an imposing man, six feet tall and about 200 lbs, and exceptionally good looking. He is 55 years old and has black hair like me, shot with a bit of gray. He's well worked out and is always dressed to the nines in custom suits, shirts (French cuff of course), great cuff links and ties, and hand- made shoes from London at Lobbs, which has a Royal Seal. They are quite expensive (starting around four Thousand pounds each), but they fit like no others had, EVER!! He is quite busy, because of the widely spread branches of the Corp, the firm has a large private jet (Boeing 727) and two slightly smaller G- 6's and when not engaged for my father or other executives for the company, we can use it for business (or even pleasure) sometimes! The interior is done in soft beiges and light browns and has a bedroom with a full bath, which is great for overseas travel. We know it is expensive, but well worth it.

My mother, Cynthia, is quite a stunning woman. She stands 5'7" and weights about 125 lbs. She is 52 but looks much younger. She has stunning black hair, lowlighted in dark auburn. She always is beautifully dressed and always looks perfect. She prefers pearls and diamonds and sports a rather large engagement ring, a flawless 27 karat, emerald cut, diamond ring, with a matching wedding ring of a circle of 2 Karat Emerald cut diamonds, set in Platinum.

He and my mother live down the San Francisco Peninsula in Hillsborough and have a large estate of about 5 1/2 acres with a pool and guest house/pool house. The grounds and gardens look like a park, always full of lots of beautiful flowers, especially roses and a large variety of large trees.

It is an imposing place with vast views of the upper Bay Area, the bay and San Francisco. It has 8 sprawling bedrooms, 10 bathrooms and 8 fireplaces. My second favorite room, is the dining room. It's very large and can be quite imposing the first time you see it. A large mahogany table with 12 Chippendale chairs and fabulous large matching side board with 2 large Waterford Crystal chandeliers over the table with 4 matching sconces on the walls that are a deep red in color almost a Chinese lacquer, quite stunning.

Of course, my favorite room is the kitchen. Huge and done almost like an industrial kitchen in any restaurant. It has a huge Sub-Zero refrigerator and matching freezer and a 12 burner Wolf range and three large ovens. There is a small eating bar with several stools, area in the kitchen as well as a fire brick pizza oven. There is a light and airy breakfast room that seats 10. From the kitchen, you can step out onto the very large patio with a complete outdoor bar-b-que area and large swimming pool with assorted tables, chair, lounges.

My parents love to entertain and do it quite well. The lavish dinner parties with men in tuxedos and the women gowned beautifully with gleaming jewels, or even large swim, pool parties and bar-b-ques.

My parents have a staff of 5, a Cook, Gardener, houseman/butler and a driver and maid. My parents have been married for 36 years and still very much in love with each other. My mother is a fabulous bridge players and has her 7th degree masters in bridge. She and her lady friends, play several times a week. She also has her charity work. Both my parents love to putter around in the kitchen and have a grand time preparing meals and they are quite accomplished at it, when the cook is off. They also love the opera and go always on Tues, (black tie) evening and have a box near the center and have had season tickets for years.

I gaze over at the man lying next to me and think how extremely lucky I am to have this gorgeous hunk as my lover, best friend and husband. He has the looks a movie star. Thomas (Tommy) Alan Gilman Jr. is his name. He is a blond Nordic GOD, and is an only child.

He stands 6'1" weighs roughly 198 pounds, gorgeous blond hair, He has a very close-cropped beard and the most beautiful green eyes, almost the color of emeralds. His also quite muscular and his chest is covered in the most gorgeous blond fur. His small and tight green bikini, hides a thick, just barely under 10" cock that is 5.5 "around and he is also cut. We do tend to make a very striking couple with my black hair and his stunning blond looks...

Let me describe Tommy's family. His father is Thomas Sr. Of whom Tommy resembles greatly, and is Senior Partner and is Managing director of the firm, Gilman and Son, Law Associates. A very successful and a quite large law firm with offices in Fan Francisco, Los Angles and New York. They have many departments, Corporate, Entertainment and Family, Acquisitions and Real Estate, both Residential and Commercial, and is very, very lucrative. They also own some major real-estate, thought California and New York. Tommy is a senior partner and works in the Corporate side.

He told me he has a beautiful 2bd/2bth apt. on Nob Hill over-looking the bay. His parents. Thomas Sr. and Danielle live in Pacific Heights in a fabulous 4 Bedroom 4 bath, Penthouse with a sweeping view of the city and the bay. They keep 3 in help, a cook, butler and maid. Thomas Sr. travels a lot for the Corp, so they have a G6 Lear jet.

We have been a couple for about 3 years and are extremely loyal and have eyes for only each other. We are also very versatile. How we met, was really by chance.

I had driven down to just below Half Moon Bay on the California coast to the nude beach there. It was a wonderfully warm late spring day in early June. I was walking towards the Gay end of the beach, when this gorgeous blond approached me wearing a very small light blue speedo and filled it out to the brim, so to speak....and asked what time it was. Looking down at my watch and told him it was just about 12 noon. He smiled and said THANK YOU!! His smile just about knocked me over and the sparkle in his green eyes. well I was hooked. I asked him "are you alone or with anyone?" He told me he was with a small group of friends and I was welcome to join them if I wished. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I had not seen such a gorgeous man in like, forever. Being single I was sort of always looking but figured when the right man came along I would know it...I had only had one short relationship a few years earlier, but he drank toooooo much and I caught him in bed with another friend of mine, fucking his brains out, when I went to pick him up for dinner. Needless to say, that ended our relationship immediately and my friends too, then and there. I was not really in love with him and I guess it was time to end things anyway...

I had gone on a couple of "LOOK SEE DATES" but nothing became of any of those. I had one encounter that really shook me to the bone.... I had met a guy on a dating site men4men... His name was Mark and we chatted on line for about 2-3 weeks. We finally decided to meet and set up a time to meet at Castro and 18th street. We had said what each would be wearing as we had not met yet. He had mentioned several times he hoped I would find him good looking. I said to him" looks are not everything but what is inside a person that counted. So, when we met that Fri evening about 9:30, and said the customary hello's...I said to myself' Not bad, he was tall, dark features and worked out... We walked into the Bad Lands bar and he proceeded to go to the bar and get himself a beer and then just walked away and not offering to get me a drink??? Strike one!!! How RUDE is that!! And he walked over to quieter side and I soon joined him after getting my glass on wine, I favored. So, I walked over and said over the din... It was nice to meet him and after what he had said about his looks, I found him to be very good looking, He then stepped back looked me up and down and said... "Well, I certainly can't return that compliment" You could have knocked me over with a feather... I can't believe the gall of some people. In about 2 Nano seconds I couldn't decide whether to throw my glass on wine in his face or his crotch!!! I refused to sink to his level so I put my glass down and just left. The hind sight is, I should have thrown my wine in his crotch, but hey I am just not that kind of person... When I got home I wrote him the most scathing email saying the karma he created, would come back and bite him in the ass and he was not good enough for anyone and wished him to be alone forever. I then blocked him, so I don't know if he really read it or not but hey it made me feel really good!!

I had, had it and decided to remove my ad on men4men and then jokingly said to myself, I was going to become a lesbian and date women from now on.... LOL. That wasn't really going to happen but I was just sick and tired of these jokers, who didn't portray themselves for real, lying about their looks and wants, ages and all they want to do is fuck with your head and ass, and want a one night stands, get off and say well thanks. let's get together for more hot sex sometime!! ENOUGH!!!

So, anyway back to the hunk at the beach. I introduced myself as Robbie and when we shook hands he said his name was Thomas (Tommy). When we touched it was like a bolt of lightning went through me... I had never experienced that before.... It almost knocked me over... I looked into those emerald green eyes and was a goner!!! I fell in love right then and there!!!

We walked to where his friends were sitting, and I was introduced to Bob, Dave and Sandy... we sat and chatted. interesting group of men... Sandy and Dave were a couple for about 2 years, and Bob was single. They and Tommy had been friends for several years. They seemed to be nice men.... I asked Tommy, if he was single and he nodded yes....and we smiled at each other.

I asked Tommy if he had plans for later in the evening, and he said "No, I am free for the evening... So, we made plans to meet for a drink at the PS Bar on Polk street that evening around 9 as I was meeting with a business Assoc. for an early dinner. I arrived about 8:45 and sat near the door and ordered a chardonnay.

I had thought I had been stood up, as it was well after 9, so as I was leaving, about 9:20, Tommy came through the door, apologizing for his lateness but got gabbing with a friend at dinner and lost track of time. I said," I was a very punctual person and from now on he had to try really hard to be on time". He said he was sorry again, and asked if he could get me another drink? So, we sat and talked for over an hour, getting to know each other. We touched hands and that same spark was there. Since it was Sunday evening and we both had to work the next day, we agreed to meet on Thurs. evening for supper. I am thinking possibly sooner or as soon as possible for us both.

Now is the time for me to disclose to you, what I do as far as work goes. I guess you could say I am in food service. I had gone to the CIA, and then the Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and was a chef, and I did not give too much away all at once, as my family and I own a good size group of 10 restaurants throughout the Bay Area. The name of the restaurant chain is called Blackford's and are fine dining restaurants, specializing in American/ European Cuisine. My family is immensely wealthy, with banking, real estate in San Francisco, L.A and New York, several car dealerships and several banks with some really great investments in the stock market, AT&T, Microsoft, Apple, Tesla, Mercedes and Ford, Lincoln Mercury and a few other well know stocks. Also beside all that, there is a Large Horse Ranch near Santa Barbara, with a stunning 6 bdrm, 7 bath and Olympic swimming pool, 3 guest houses and a large staff, raising Quarter Horses and Arabians total of about 50 or so and Robbie has his own horse, "King" a fine Palomino.

There is also an extremely large ranch in Texas, about 24,500 acres with 2 kinds of cattle, Angus about 2000 head and Kobe, about 1000 head of these as well. These herds are separated to keep the beef pure of origin. There are roughly 135 oil wells. To say profitable is an understatement. I, myself, have a gorgeous 3 bedroom, 3 bath pent-house apt in upper Pacific Heights, with a fabulous view of San Francisco Bay and Alcatraz and I drive a top of the line, dark blue metallic new Tesla.

Tommy said, when I asked what he did, he said he is a partner in a large Law firm downtown and does Corporate Law. Tommy, also said he does quite well and has a fabulous 2 bdrm/2 bath apt. on Nob Hill also with fabulous views as well. He also said he drives a late model dark grey Mercedes Convertible. He also stated that he came from a fairly affluent family, but liked to make his own way. I was impressed by this, but still said nothing about my family as yet. We finish our drinks and decide to take a walk, still getting to know each other.. We seem to be quite taken with each other and are holding hands. We had exchanged cell numbers each putting in our info into each other's phone during drinks.

At one point, during our walk, he pulls me into a door way and looks into my eyes and slowly bends forward and kisses me.. scorching hot, sensual and lustful. I, of course kissed him back with equal gusto...I pull slightly away and look into those beautiful green eyes and say, I was wanting to do that same thing since we met. He said the same thing and felt a chemistry thing between us. That was definitely the case with me as well. We had both gotten hard and we groped each other slightly and trying to catch our breath after that scorching kiss... So, now what to do.... So, of course we kissed again, with equal passion.

I, then said to Tommy, that I would like us to get to know each other a bit better and not hop in to bed just yet.... As gorgeous as he was, I was so tempted to just say to hell with it and go right to bed and fuck our brains out, but by this time I wanted more, than just a quick roll on the hay!!! Tommy agreed and asked if I had plans for the following evening. I said, smiling, "just going out with you for a quiet dinner with you and having more conversation and getting to know each other." So, we agreed to meet at my Apt the following evening at 7 for a drink and I said I would take care of making reservations. I said I was very much looking forward to meeting the following evening and I just couldn't wait to see Tommy again...I gave him the address, another kiss and we parted ways.

Next: Chapter 4

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