Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jun 6, 2018


The three men went to breakfast and met Walt, Sam and Rodger on the Lido deck. Robbie introduced Fredrick to them and they all sat down and enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast. While they were eating, Walt's friends stopped by to see how Walt was getting along. Walt introduced his friends Steve and Bruce. Both men were tall, dark haired, muscular and very good looking. They had been friends with Walt and Mathew for some time. Robbie replied it was great to meet them. Encouraging Walt to take the cruise to unwind after the death of Mathew was the mark of true friends. Tommy asked them to join in and have breakfast. Both men thanked Tommy, but said they were meeting other friends for breakfast and would hopefully see them later. Tommy stood and shook hands saying they would look forward to it!

They were at sea that day on the way to Cabo and would dock there tomorrow, for the day. Cabo is known for their Marlin fishing but no one was interested in that nor really interested in shopping either. They all elected to stay on board ship, watch the movie, do lunch and maybe enjoy some pool time. Robbie asked if anyone was up for a cribbage tournament or maybe scrabble later. Sam and Rodger loved cribbage and said they would play in a bit. They wanted to take a walk for a bit and then go work out, then lunch and then were up for some cribbage.

Robbie suggested a work out would be fun. Tommy asked if Fredrick ever worked out and he said sheepishly, "sometimes." Come on kids, let's get changed and head to the gym. Everyone met in the crowded gym and worked up a sweat, going through their routines for over an hour.

The next activity was a dip in the pool. They brought swimwear with them, so they changed in the weight room and went up to the pool. The decking around the pool was covered with gorgeous, hot, sweaty bodies lying in the sun or swimming. Some were couples and there were hot young and slightly older men looking for companionship. As the five friends walked onto the pool deck, numerous heads turned and gazed upon the hot men that had just joined them. Sam and Rodger and Tommy and Robbie were holding hands with their husbands. Poor little Fredrick looked at all the hot men, and just stared wide eyed. They found some lounges together. Sam got towels from the large stack on deck and passed them out them out as the group sat back to relax after their hard work out. Soon, a waiter appeared and asked if they wanted drinks? Everyone either ordered sodas or iced tea. Sam reached over and pulled Rodger towards him and they kissed as Sam said, "I love you babe!"

"Me too babe, now and forever!!" replied Roger.

Fredrick wondered quietly, "Will I ever find Mr. Right and fall in love?" Robbie looked over, grabbed Fredrick's hand and squeezed saying lovingly, "Fredrick, dear one. You have all the time in the world. Let's get you resettled back in town with a new job at my restaurant and find you a new place to live. By the way, where do you live in town?"

Fredrick replied "I live in a small ugly studio just at the edge of the Tenderloin. It's not a nice neighborhood, lots of druggies, hookers and dirty street people begging all the time. I would love to find an apartment in a better area, but one that I can afford. Rents are so high, and I don't have much, but what I do have means a lot to me. I am scared of being robbed or broken into! I am paying $895 a month, and they hit me up for utilities as well. If I wasn't for the restaurant, I wouldn't have money to eat. But I work hard, keep my place clean and always pay my rent on time. But it's so hardÉ"

"Where are your parents living? Can they help you in anyway?" asked Tommy.

"I am from a small town in Nebraska, basically a farming community. I came out to my parents two years ago and they basically disowned me. I collected my stuff and I moved to San Francisco. You basically know the rest. I haven't spoken to them in ages and don't really want to! I really want to thank you for all you are doing for me. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in when you did." A small tear ran down Fredrick's cheek, and a slight smile appeared.

Tommy looked at Robbie and smiled. They both knew that each family owned apartment buildings around town and they could come up with a better place for young Fredrick to live in a better neighborhood. They would check up on that when they returned home.

Robbie excused himself, after putting on a short robe, sandals and went inside. Tommy asked where he was going, and the answer was "It's a secret! SHHHH"

Robbie walked down to the Pursers desk and asked for Clarkson. He appeared, and the men hugged. Clarkson asked what was needed and Robbie explained and asked if it was possible. Certainly, it was, and he would take care of everything. "Oh, and what time again?"

"Cocktails at 7:00 and dinner at 8:00. Flowers, candles, soft romantic music, a bartender and waiter would be great. Clarkson assured Robbie it would happen.

Then Clarkson asked about the menu. Robbie replied, "The menu I would like to see served; how about a crab cocktail to start, then a baby butter lettuce salad with blue cheese vinaigrette. For the main course, I think maybe a Lamb Shank with wine reduction would be nice, with herb mashed potatoes and French style green beans with slivered almonds. For dessert, a Crepe Suzette FlambŽ. I will let the wine steward choose the wines. Of course you and Ben are invited to dine with us."

"Mmmm, that sounds fabulous. I know Ben and I have no plans for this evening so we will be there. Thanks for the wonderful invitation!" Robbie also sent an invitation to Steve and Bruce, Walt's friends.

Robbie went back to the group, stripped down and laid in the sun with his gorgeous husband for a bit.

"Whose ready for lunch?" asked Tommy. "Let's head up to the Lido lunch buffet. Sound good?" Tommy asked what was up and Robbie just smiled saying it was a surprise for this evening!

Behind the scenes, Clarkson made up invitations, and had them delivered to Sam and Rodger, Captain Ben, Steve and Bruce, and Fredrick. Just then the house phone rang, and Robbie answered. It was Bruce, thanking them for the invite, but they had to decline, as they already had plans for the evening. Maybe another time." and hung up. Tommy asked who that was, and Robbie just smiled and said, "Secret!" He hoped everyone would enjoy the special dinner he had planned for them that evening in the lavish Presidential suite.

The group went up for lunch and had a good old-fashioned gabfest. Books, movies, concerts, and of course, TV shows. The conversation was lively and fun. Sam and Rodger said they were going to lay down and read for a while. The group decided to meet for drinks in the lounge about 6:30. So, everyone headed out and Robbie said to Fredrick, "If you want to talk, I'm available." Fredrick hugged Robbie and Tommy and thanked them for becoming his new friends.

Robbie and Tommy went up to their suite, stripped and got into the shower. Robbie grinned an evil grin and started to piss all over Tommy's hardening cock and balls. Not to be outdone, Tommy leaned forward and started to kiss Robbie deeply and let loose his own stream of hot piss covering Robbie as well. The streams subsided, and the kissing continued. Tommy knelt down and started to suck on Robbie's hard, raging cock. He played with his ball and then slid his finger back and started drawing circles around Robbie's hairy hole. Inserting a finger while sucking his hard cock.

Robbie gasped at the insertion. "I need you inside me babe. FUCK me deep and hard. My hungry, hairy hole needs you!" Tommy stood up, turned Robbie around squeezed some conditioner on his fingers and inserted two into the hot hole he was about to fuck. Moving into position, he slid his raging 10" cock deep inside in one move. Robbie gasped loudly, as the 10'er started to ravage his hungry ass.

"Deeper, Tommy deeper!!! OH GOD LOVER, fuck me, FUCK ME!!! After about 10 strokes, he came deep in his husband's hungry hole. That set Robbie off and he came without touching himself as six shots of cum streamed out and began running down the marble wall in the shower. Panting, Tommy pulled out and turned Robbie around, held him closely and said once again, "Darling Robbie, there are no words to describe how much I love you. You are buried deep in my soul, my heart and my very being. Then leaning down, he kissed him passionately.

Robbie broke the kiss, licked Tommy's neck and with all the passion he could muster replied, "I love you more than life, darling man," and then he kissed Tommy once again.

They rinsed each other, dried each other off, and went to have a lay down. Tommy asked, "What's up for tonight dear man?"

"It's a secret Darling and we have to be dressed and out of here say by 6:00 to meet the gang. The rest of the evening is a total surprise. And THAT is all you're going to get. The dress is dressy casual. So, come here big boy and kiss me. Then let's take a short nap." With that they held each other close and drifted off with contented smiles.

They woke about 4:30 and went to the closet to pick out clothes for the evening. Robbie pulled on a pair of cream silk and linen slacks, a pair of cream colored loafers sans socks, a pale green silk-T and a darker cream silk casual blazer. Tommy chose white linen slacks and a white silk-T. White casual shoes, and a dark blue silk jacket completed the ensemble. Both men donned their Rolexes and wore simple, large gold chains around their necks. The both looked stunning. They grabbed their keycards and IDs. A quick kiss and they walked out of the suite and up to the deck. They grabbed a glass of Chardonnay being passed out by the staff and took a casual stroll on the deck.

Robbie said they were meeting the group in the lounge about 6:30 to kick off the adventure Robbie had planned for the evening. They said hello to several men who looked at the two very sexy men. Robbie looked up and saw Sam coming toward him. Rodger was not far behind. They met and hugged. Robbie raised a finger to his lips and made a Shhhh sound telling them not to say anything about tonight, as it was a surprise for Tommy. They smiled and nodded. Rodger and Sam got drinks. They hugged and kissed. Rodger and Sam both looked very nice in their linen slacks and polos. They walked on to the lounge and sat for a bit while they chatted about their afternoons.

It was just before 7:00 so Robbie rose and said men, "Follow me!" Tommy with a surprised looked, said "What's up, why are you being so secretive?"

"Just follow me and all will be revealed soon, my love!" They proceeded to the suite and Robbie rang the bell. Their butler, Raphael, answered the door. Tommy looked totally confused, as he walked in their suite until he saw the beautiful table set with flowers, candles and crystal. There was a waiter, and bartender standing there with smiles. "What is up darling?" "Oh, just a little something I threw together for you and our new friends."

"Well I am just overwhelmed to say the least." Just then the doorbell rang, and Raphael let in Charlton and Ben as young Fredrick followed them in. All were dressed nicely, and hugs and kisses went all around. The bartender, George, took drink orders and Hors'd oeuvres of wonderful looking canapŽs were passed. Everyone was chatting about their day and having a wonderful time.

Fredrick was so relieved that John had been turned over to the authorities in Cabo and was off the ship and gone. He pulled Robbie apart from the group and gave him a huge hug with a big `Thank You' from his heart. "I can't thank you enough for all you continue to do for me. I don't know what I would have done without you both." The hug was returned, and Robbie said things would change for the better for him when they get home. They returned to the group just as Raphael announced dinner was served. Everyone took their appointed places after browsing the place cards.

The first course, a wonderful crab cocktail was set down before each man, and a delicious Chardonnay was poured. It was a Sonoma Cutrer. No one spoke as they devoured the tender crab. Those plates were taken away and a Champagne Sorbet was served in frosted glasses. Then the butter lettuce was served and salad rapidly disappeared.

The main course was served and everyone `ooohed and awed' over the gorgeous lamb shank with a fragrant wine glaze set before them. The aroma was intoxicating, and the plate looked fabulous. Gracious conversation was had by all as they ate and drank. A rare Jordan Cab was served with the main course, which everyone greatly enjoyed.

The plates were removed and a small cook top was brought in on wheels. The chef put butter in the pan and it melted along with grated orange peel, a bit of white sugar and some fresh squeezed orange juice and then a healthy splash of Grande Marnier and then the pan was set aflame. The pre-made crepes, were then slipped into the sauce and then gently folded into quarters and set aside on a warm plate. Dessert plates appeared, each with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream and the crepes were placed around the plate and more sauce spooned over the crepes and served by the waiter. This brought on applause from everyone and huge smiles. The crepes were delicious, eaten with gusto and gone in minutes. Coffee was served, and everyone adjourned to the living room with great thanks to the chef and waiter for providing a fabulous repast.

Everyone chatted about what to do the next day and all were looking forward to getting to Acapulco and staying for three days. Then it was off to and through the Panama Canal. Ben told everyone the shopping in Acapulco was fabulous and would give them a list of shops, so they wouldn't get ripped off. The prices would be fair and good quality.

However, the next stop was Mazatl‡n and that was also a great place for shopping and home to several fun restaurants and great beaches. It was getting late and everyone was getting tired so good nights were said with hugs and kisses all around.

By this time, everything was cleaned, and the staff had gone. Robbie and Tommy saw everyone to the door. The door shut and Tommy grabbed Robbie gently, pulled him towards him, and delivered a huge romantic kiss. Robbie smiled and Tommy simply said a big THANK YOU and what a fabulous evening it was. They turned off the lights, walked into the bedroom, got undressed, and crawled into bed where they held each other close and fell into a wonderful, peaceful sleep.

Mazatl‡n awaits as do more adventures on the high seas. If you have never done this cruise, on ANY cruise line, It is really fabulous. I have done it several times. It really is a lot of fun. There will be interesting facts about the cruise along the way. So just do it! Life is short, and as the saying goes, `Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!'

And once again. Please be true to yourself, play SAFE and live life to the fullest!

My mantra is: "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death SO LIVE, LIVE, LIVE!!!(from Aunty Mame)

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The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 28

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