Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on May 16, 2018


Robbie and Tommy left the dining room, holding hands and smiling getting many stares from the other men in the dining room. They were to meet Sam and Rodger for drinks in the main-lounge. They ordered Chardonnay from the bartender and waited just a short while, when in walked their new friends. Tommy asked what they would like to drink and the both said a Pinot or Cab would be great. While waiting for their cocktails, Robbie asked what they had eaten for dinner. Sam replied, "A salad from the salad bar, which was quite large and wonderful. They went through the buffet and had tried several different things. They had salmon, roast beef, a wonderful-looking stew, and bar-b-qued ribs, that were quite tasty. A trip through the dessert bar, which also was large with a lot to choose from, and they were really quite full. After they had received their drinks they sat down and chatted about their lives, careers, hopes and dreams.

Rodger was really quite upset that his parents were so ANTI-GAY and hated everyone. But, he was so glad to be accepted by Sam's family and received into their family. Both Tommy and Robbie sympathized with him and he asked if there was anything they could do. Rodger replied with Sam, "I really thank you, but I think the best thing is to just stay away from them and for us to live our lives. They have no idea where I am, and even if they did it wouldn't matter. I am happy for the first time in years to be in a loving, caring, wonderful relationship. I have a loving husband who would lay his life down for me, as I would for him. And on top of that, to have all his wonderful family behind us, what more could a man ask for? He reached over and kissed Sam passionately.

Robbie looked over and said jokingly, "Get a room!!" He then smiled, leaned over and kissed Tommy.

It was time for the show to start so they ordered more wine, settled back and enjoyed the show. Before it was over, Robbie said, "Lets hit the dance floor for a bit and then I think we would like to call it a night, after all this is our wedding night, and as we are BOTH VIRGINS, (wink, wink) we seem to have a need to remedy the situation, and soon!! Robbie and Tommy cracked up and started to laugh hysterically. Rodger and Sam were laughing too! Sam said that they were in the same boat. Tommy said "why don't we cancel the dancing - just for tonight and once those remedies are done, over and dusted, we can meet on the Lido deck for an early breakfast in the morning and plan the daysay 8:00 AM?"

They departed and went their separate ways. Tommy grabbed Robbie's hand and led him out on deck for a moon-lite stroll. When they were alone, with arms around each other, they looked deep into each other's eyes, brought their lips together and kissed very passionately, pulling apart slightly to say how much they loved each other and resumed kissing. Robbie grabbed Tommy's face and said, "Let's head up-stairs and take care of this problem of our virginity." They gabbed hands and ran for the elevator.

They passed several couples standing in the moonlight and even a couple of men 'on the prowl'. When they reached their suite, they unlocked the door and went inside, locked the door and turned off the lights and rushed to the master bedroom. They tried to slowly undress each other while kissing, touching, and caressing.

By the time they had stripped, both men were hard as steel. They lay on the bed and devoured each other's hard cocks, licking, sucking, teasing with lots of moaning. Robbie raised Tommy's legs and dove his tongue into his hot, hairy, hungry manhole, tongue fucking him deeply for several minutes. Tommy's head rolled back and forth, moaning, "More babe, I need your hard-dripping cock deep inside me NOW!!" FUCK ME, FUCK ME hard and deep and fill me with yourcum Babe!" Robbie complied with a deep plunge to his balls and really started to fuck his husband. "OH GOD, Babe, I am going to cum soon. CUM with me baby" and with that, Tommy shot ropes of cum all over his blond, muscled chest and abs. That set Robbie off and he filled his husband with at least 6 shots of cum, deep inside. He leaned forward, and they French kissed each other with bated breath. The kisses went down their sweaty necks and back to their pink lips. Robbie pulled out and laid down on his back, while holding Tommy close. Panting, he said, "that was fabulous, but then it always is darling, husband mine." Smiling still, Tommy got up and went into the bathroom and returned with a warm, wet, wash cloth and they cleaned each other up, crawled back into bed, turned off the light and kissing once more, exchanged 'I love yous' and drifted off to a peaceful, wonderful sleep.

They woke slowly to the gentle beeping of the alarm they had set the afternoon before. Robbie glanced at the clock and it was 7:00 AM. The got up, slowly made it to the bathroom, peed, brushed their teeth and got into the large shower together. As always, they washed each other and were careful not forgetting all the nooks and crannies. They dried each other with big fluffy towels and walked into the closet to decide what to wear for the day. They chose shorts, sandals and polo's. The stop this morning was Long Beach and the ship would be there for the day. There was an excursion to Catalina Island, but since they had both been there, done that, they had decided to stay on board and relax. They wandered up and met Sam and Rodger on the Lido deck for breakfast promptly at 8:00. They looked over the buffet. It was huge. It was a beautiful sunny day and they decided to eat outside.

Tommy chose Eggs Benedict, with fresh fruit and steaming coffee, while Robbie chose a cheese, mushroom, spinach omelet and sourdough toast and coffee. Sam and Rodger chose fried eggs, with hash browns, while Sam had crispy bacon, Rodger opted for grilled sausage. They found a lovely table outside with a large umbrella and dug into their breakfasts. Robbie was quite surprised how good the food was. He said he was going to set up a meeting with the Executive Chef, maybe later today, to discuss menu's and such.

At that, Sam asked what his training was. Robbie replied, "I went to the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) in San Francisco for 2 years, then to the 'Le Cordon Blue Institute' in Paris for 2 years and as I said earlier, I run my family's 10 restaurants in the Bay Area as Executive Chef. I love to cook and this is a life dream of mine. All my staff are fabulous, and the restaurants are well run with my team. We are doing a trial run of different cuisines, from different areas of the country. Right now, we are doing New Orleans, Cajun and seems to be doing quite well for us. We are starting with just 2 places in town and then will expand to all 10. Both Sam and Rodger sat slack-mouthed, and just said "WOW!"

"There are some ups and downs here and there. Earlier this year, matter of fact, on the night we got engaged, there was a man and his wife eating a table over from ours, who made rather rude and threatening comments about queers, faggots, etc., that we should all die. We had to throw him and his wife out, made him pay not only his bill, but our slightly padded bill, (even though ours was free), and he had to shell out almost $800. The restaurant applauded when he left. He threatened to sue us and cause all kinds of trouble. He sent threatening letters, etc. His poor wife was so embarrassed she called and apologized for his arrogant behavior and said he had been acting strangely for some time. He was subsequently arrested several times and finally killed himself. After some investigation, we found out he had been having an affair with an office boy at his work place, he broke it off but the kid had blackmailed him. His wife came out fine, as she had her own major money and got a large insurance settlement as well. So, you see it has been interesting to say the least."

Both men were gobsmacked! Tommy went on with his rather quiet life at his father's Law practice. He went on to explain the lawsuit with the man who was selling his building and at the last minute, decided he wanted $3+ million more than the original price was. We had to sue and won the case in the end. He also had to pay all the court costs as well! The buyer actually got the building for about a million less than original bid.

Sam and Rodger said they led rather boring lives compared to all that. Robbie countered by saying their lives were quiet and peaceful, laughingly. Tommy then asked what music classes he taught and what grade levels. Sam explained he taught all kinds of music for grades 9-12, but confessed choral conducting was his favorite and had several advanced small choral groups, a huge school mixed chorus and all had won several competitions. He proudly announced he had just started a composition class for some of his advanced students. The class loved it and were doing quite well. He had a Master of Music degree from the University of Washington. Both Robbie and Tommy were impressed.

Then Tommy asked Rodger what exactly he did in the office where he worked. Rodger said he worked for a large architectural firm and was their office manager. He had been with them for nearly four years. He was happy in his work and had started to get his architectural degree but still had a year to go. The firm was paying for his schooling. To see them together, it was so nice to see such attractive, hard-working, young men who were so in love.

Rodger said they needed to rush as they were going to Catalina since they had never been there before. Robbie said they had both been there several times and were just going to soak up some rays and play some cribbage later. The men finished their breakfasts and Sam and Rodger were off to sightsee. They waved and promised they would catch up later.

So here ends Chapter 24. Honeymoon starting and everyone having a grand time so far. Lots more to come, more intrigue perhaps? Lots could and will happen, but to who and what. Stay tuned... Please be true to your-self, play safe and please donate to Nifty

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 25

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