Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Mar 23, 2018


Upon waking in the morning still wrapped in each other's arms, they kissed and sleepily said good morning. Then they staggered in to pee and do teeth and shower. They spent time washing, licking and sucking and brought each other to wonderful climaxes. After drying each other, they casually dressed and wandered into the kitchen for breakfast. Elsa was at the ready with coffee and juice at the breakfast table. Cheese, spinach and fresh mushroom omelets soon appeared with sour dough toast and apricot jam.

Elsa told Robbie how good the food was and what a wonderful time she had had the night before and thanked them for inviting her. Robbie stood up and enveloped her into a huge hug, and said, "Your family and we both love you very much and glad you are in our lives. We couldn't do anything without you. You keep us fed, clean and together.

After the hug, he reached into his pocket and handed Elsa an envelope. Shocked, she asked," What's this?". "Well, open it and see dear lady and with shaking hands she did. To say she was shocked was an understatement. As she teared up and with a look of total surprise, said "this is not necessary at all."

"Well it's sort of an order, dear one. You so deserve it and we want you to go, take a friend and have one hell of a good time. Where do you think you want to go?" Well my friend Alma and I have been chatting about a river cruise in France. Can we do that?" "Yes of course you can. I will have Beth at the office make all the arrangements for the both of you. You can leave right after the wedding if you like, or take a week and then go the last 2 weeks we are gone. Call Alma right now and ask her!"

Elsa grabbed the phone, called her best friend Alma and explained what she had received from her 'boys'. Alma was most excited and said they should do the French river trip on the barge. That sounded like so much fun. Elsa responded, "I will get the boys to book it first thing this morning. You do have a current passport, don't you?" "Yes, I do, and I will start packing right now!" Laughing, Elsa hung up and said it was a go and we will leave a week after you sail so we will be back when you get home from your honeymoon!"

Robbie picked up the phone and called Beth at the office telling her to book the trip, gave her the dates and told her to go all out. The best cabin, or suite there is, on the ship, book sight-seeing tours and book an extra two nights before they leave on the river cruise in the best suite at the, aaaah, Shangri-La Hotel and include a tour of the Eiffel Tower with lunch in the tower restaurant and spa treatments at the hotel and on the ship as well. OH, first-class tickets both coming and going on Air France! Nothing is too good for our Elsa!

She stood there with her mouth agape and gasping for air looking totally surprised! "Robbie please, you don't need to do all that, it, it's just too much!" "Darling Elsa, as a couple, we could never begin to repay you for all you do for us, you cook, clean, watch over us and you are family!

"We want to do this, so just enjoy the ride and have a wonderful time. As they say, 'Eat, drink and be merry, for you know not, what tomorrow brings' and THAT, dear one, is an ORDER!!" Then Robbie and Tommy both grabbed her and smothered her with hugs and kisses and told her to take the day off and go shopping. Use your household card for a huge shopping spree and spend no LESS than $4000.00 for your trip. Clothes, bags, shoes whatever!! Now go Elsa. We will clean up when we're finished and will see you tomorrow.

Elsa hugged them both back and with tears in her eyes whispered, "Thank You Both with all my heart." and left the apartment.

After Elsa left, both men had love in their hearts for the woman who did so much for them. Tommy asked, "How much am I going to owe you for my half of this extravaganza? I want to split this with you, and Mr. Man, there will be no me on this! You understand me Mister?" Robbie stood at attention, saluted and clicked his heels together. Then said in a clipped voice, "Sir, Yes SIR!" Tommy moved forward and grabbed Robbie around the waist, pulled his sexy lover towards him, and kissed him soundly. Then in a soft voice as he pulled away, I love you... and Robbie melted into his arms with a sigh.

The men pulled apart and asked each other what else needed to be done today. Robbie said everything was set for the reception/brunch, we have dinner at your folks' tomorrow night and the Cajun feast rolls out tonight. After last night, I'm sure it will be a hit.

Tommy said he had some small things to finish and then had an errand to run. He would be home early. Robbie said he had some bills to get out of the way, and he wanted to check with the chefs about tonight at both restaurants. He was going over the clothing for the trip and then was going to take a nap.

"What do you want to do about dinner for tonight?" Tommy asked. "How does Chinese sound?"

"OOOO, what a great idea. I will order and have it delivered about 6:30; pot- stickers, egg rolls, combo-Chow Mein, maybe some chicken wings and fried rice?"

"No fried rice. Not with the chow-Mein." Tommy replied.

"Oh, Ok, not a problem, but how is the rest of the menu?"

"Great, but what about adding Hot and Sour Soup, and forgo the egg-rolls? Better yet, we can eat in the den, watch stupid TV together and then have each other for dessert!! How's THAT SOUND?" "One word comes to mind. YUMMM!!" replied Robbie.

Tommy finished dressing and went off to get a few things done and stop by the jewelers to pick up the pendent he had made for Robbie as his wedding present. He was excited to see it. He knew it was expensive but it was for his Robbie. He stopped at the jewelers first and was over whelmed when he saw it. He decided to add a heavy basket weave chain to it as well. Several of the sales people came and admired the piece. Once it was boxed and placed in a bag, Tommy thanked them for the great job they had done and left with a spring in his step. He went by the office for a minute, then stopped for coffee at a nearby coffee shop. He was so excited about everything and couldn't wait to tie the knot and spend the rest of his life the man who had stolen his heart and soul!

While sipping his coffee, his friend Sandy walked in and said hello, got a cup of coffee and sat down with Tommy at his request. They chatted for a minute about the wedding on Saturday and Tommy asked if they were coming to the reception after they got back. Sandy said they were looking forward to it, then paused and said he had asked Dave to marry him last night and Dave, with tears, said YES!! Tommy reached over and hugged his friend and hoped they would be as happy as he and Robbie were. Sandy reminded Tommy they had been together for almost five years and were totally committed to each other.

Tommy showed the pendent and chain to Sandy and he was impressed and said he knew Robbie would love it. Tommy certainly hoped so! Tommy finished his coffee and said he had to run but they would all get together soon, after their honeymoon. Tommy asked if they had talked about dates and Sandy replied they were still working on it.

As Tommy walked back to get his car and go home he was thinking how incredible lucky he was and how wonderful it was to be so in love. He was oblivious to two men following him as they rushed up behind him and grabbed to bag from the jewelry store! Before Tommy could react, they had a good ten yards on him and ran off. He had gotten a description of the men and what they were wearing as he dialed 911. As luck would have it, there was a police car right there and the officers had seen the robbery. One of the policemen approached Tommy and asked if he was alright while his partner gave chase. Just a block away and around the corner, the robbers ran into a nearby alley, away from the busy main street and hid behind empty crates and boxes to see what they had stolen.

Upon opening the box, they were amazed at what they found. WOW! They could get a huge price at a pawn shop, at least a thousand bills. They had gotten away and felt safe, when larger of the robbers stepped back and hit another pile of boxes and wooden crates, knocking them over and making a terrific noise.

"SHHHHH!!" Fred, the smaller of the two men told his partner Lewis. Then Fred sneezed from all the dust that had been kicked up. "You clam up!" warned Lewis. "We have to think this thing through. Where are we going to take the piece and how much do you think we could get for it? Let's get this over to the 3 Bells Pawn Shop. Eric always takes care of us."

They looked out to see who might be on the street and feeling the coast was clear, they crept out from their hiding place in the alley and start waking casually up the street. They had ditched the shopping bag and put the jewel box in the backpack Fred was carrying. They tried to act casual and 'blend in', not knowing the police had their descriptions including their size and what they were wearing.

They just walked down the street, somewhat nervously, leery of everyone. Fred stopped to light a cigarette. As he took his first puff, a patrol car passed them and noticing two men fitting the description, they called the sighting into the precinct. The police parked about 1/2 block away, called for back-up and got out and walked back toward the where the suspects were standing. Seeing the police, Fred and Lewis turned and ran, or tried to anyway. This, of course, let the policemen know it was them and the policemen took chase. They tackled them and arrested them. A backup Patrol car pulled up with lights and siren. They were unceremoniously hauled off to the police station.

The arresting officer walked back to where Tommy and the second policeman were standing. Tommy looked shocked at what had happened. John, the returning officer, said the men were now in custody and asked Tommy to come down to the station and swear out a complaint against them for robbery. Tommy asked about the pendent that was stolen. "That was a wedding gift for my wedding on Saturday!"

John said they had retrieved it and it was 'in custody as well'. They would have to chat with the Sargent at the precinct. Tommy said he had his car and would meet them there in a few minutes. He had given his name and address and added that he was a Senior Partner at Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law. The officer smiled, nodded and was off.

Tommy hoped he could put this behind him soon and get on with the rest of his day

Arriving at the police precinct, Tommy parked his Mercedes and walked in. He announced who he was to the desk clerk. She asked him to wait just a minute and spoke into her phone. Then John appeared and asked Tommy to follow him to his desk.

He took a full report and went off to get his Captain. Tommy was surprised when Bruce, their friend, walked in and said hello to Tommy and gave him a hug. "It seems to be an open and shut case with special circumstances. Bruce stated with a smile and said that pictures of the piece in question were being taken along with the receipt intact so Tommy could have the piece back to give to Robbie for their wedding. Bruce attested to his friendship with both Robbie and Tommy.

Tommy gave out a big sigh, smiling ear to ear, and hugged Bruce. "Thanks, so much my friend, you have no idea how much I appreciate this from you and the precinct. I really do have to run. We will get together with you both upon our return and then hopefully we will also see you at the reception party. You both are on the list and should get an invitation in the mail shortly with time and place. We don't even know when or where it is yet.

They hugged once more, and Tommy walked out the door with present in hand. Still a little shaken, but happy everything worked out. He thought this was one story he would share, but when. Who knew??

Upon waking in the morning still wrapped in each other's arms, they kissed and sleepily said good morning, staggering in to complete their morning rituals. They spent time washing, licking, sucking and brought each other to wonderful climaxes. After drying each other, they dressed casually and wandered into the kitchen for breakfast. Elsa was at the ready with coffee and juice at the breakfast table. Cheese, spinach and fresh mushroom omelets soon appeared with sourdough toast and apricot jam.

Elsa told Robbie how good the food was the night before and what a wonderful time she had. She thanked them for inviting her. Robbie stood up and enveloped her in a huge hug, and said, "Your family and our family love you very much and glad you are in our lives. We couldn't do anything without you. You keep us fed, clean and together. After the hug, he reached into his pocket and handed Elsa an envelope.

Shocked, she asked, "What's this?"

"Well open it and see dear lady!" and with shaking hands she did. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She teared up and with a look of total disbelief said, "This is not necessary at all." "Well it's sort of an order, dear one. You so deserve it and we want you to go, take a friend and have one hell of a good time."

"Where do you think you want to go?"

"Well, my friend Alma and I have been chatting about a river cruise in France. Can we do that?"

"Yes of course you can. I will have Beth at the office make all the arrangements for both of you. You can leave right after the wedding if you like or take a week and then go the last two weeks we are gone. Call Alma right now and ask her!!"

Well more excitement, the police, and the robbery. Does the crap ever end? Tomorrow is the pre-wedding dinner with Tommy's family, the Gilman's. Then, Saturday, the big day, the WEDDING! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far? Hope SO! Anyway, as always, stay true to yourself, play safe and please donate to Nifty!! Stay tuned...

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 20

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