Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Feb 27, 2018


Tuesday came early and both men were excited about Saturday and the wedding. They were up 'as Adam' with a bit of play time in the shower, kissing, touching, making love and sucking each other off!

They dressed and went into the kitchen for toast with coffee and dashed out the door. Robbie said if he had time they might meet for lunch. Tommy thought about it and said that they really needed to get work done in case any last- minute things came up before the wedding. Tommy had some things to finish in the office but nothing major.

Robbie wanted to get with the two Chefs and work out any issues on the Cajun menus for Thursday. Hopefully it wasn't going to be a problem. He wanted to do a tasting on Wednesday night and place it on the full menu for Thursday night at two of the restaurants. Robbie had giving them the recipes to use and let them decide which ones to use, but they had to decide the items since they were to be identical in both restaurants. Everyone was pleased with the meeting and were looking forward to the new changes. A different region was going to happen after the honeymoon. They were thinking maybe Tex-Mex from the Southwest: New Mexico/Texas/Arizona. This was going to be an adventure for everyone.

Robbie had asked a couple of good customers about the idea to see what they thought, and they loved it, so it was a go. Robbie called Tommy and shared what was going to happen at the restaurants and that they could all go to dinner on Wednesday evening for the tasting. The parents were invited, of course, and they were looking forward to it.

Robbie, asked what time Tommy would be home that evening and what he wanted for supper. Robbie suggested pasta of some sort and Tommy agreed. "Whatever works best for you darling, I am easy and open to anything!!" Robbie giggled at that statement and said he would come up with something to fill his tummy! Tommy said he would call and let him know what time he would be home. "Just call me and give me about 45 minutes notice and I will have everything ready when you arrive...oh, and by the way, I love you so much!" Tommy said he loved him too and said goodbye and they hung up, smiling to themselves. Tommy sat back smiling and thought what a wonderful, kind, gorgeous, giving man his Robbie was and could wait for Saturday morning. He knew Robbie felt the same way and while thinking, Tommy got a huge hard-on. Tommy thought, 'Down boy. Wait for tonight.' And with that, he went back to work.

Robbie sat at his desk and was thinking about what to do for this evening for dinner and what heights he could take it to. He considered linguini with clams, white wine, butter, parsley, a bit of garlic and cream, toasted garlic bread, and a Caesar salad to start and then each other for dessert. Smiling to himself, he thought being naked except for an apron and a smile. He liked that idea and he too had gotten hard thinking about tonight. Both men got on so well, never fought or argued, and had one hell of a very hot and versatile sex life.

Robbie finished up and went to the store to get the items for dinner, the linguini (fresh of course) fresh clams, and a loaf of crusty sourdough bread. He had most of the other items but picked up some fresh Italian parsley anyway. Robbie thought he would make his own pasta instead. He had a great pasta maker and it would be fun. So, he put the ready-made pasta back and checked out and drove home. He was excited about the evening ahead and once in the kitchen he got organized, donned an apron and set to work. Combining semolina flour, salt, eggs, olive oil; placing the flour on a large board, he made a pile with a well in the center, added the salt, olive oil and beaten egg in the well and started swirling the wet ingredients, combing the flour mixture until a dough formed.

Then, kneading the dough for a couple of minutes, letting it rest he got out the pasta machine, flattening the dough out and placing it into the machine, he ran it through several times until a very flat dough came out. Robbie then changed the dye and cut the pasta into linguini ribbons and laid it out on the counter to dry.

Robbie had bought a dozen live clams as well as canned ones for the sauce. His mouth watered for the dinner he was preparing for his love. Anticipating Tommy's return home tonight was paramount. He missed him when they were apart, but as the saying goes, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder!'

Robbie started thinking about what dessert to fix and decided on a 'Tiramisu' He remembered he had a package of lady fingers in the pantry, so he got those out and started the custard, using egg yolks, rum, strong black coffee, a touch of Madera wine, sugar, heavy cream and mascarpone cheese. Then, he chose shaved chocolate over powdered cocoa. He made the custard, added the wine and whipped it well. After dunking the halved lady fingers just a bit into the strong coffee, he laid them out on the bottom of a glass 8x8 baking dish. Spreading the egg, cheese and cream custard mixture over the top he added a second layer of the lady fingers, more custard, and then topped it with a sprinkling of cocoa and shaved chocolate and placed it in the fridge to set.

Robbie set the table and went to have a brief laydown before showering and dressing. Well...NOT dressing for the evening, other than just a sexy short apron.

He donned his apron and finished the prep for dinner. Just after 6, Tommy walked in and was astonished what he saw in the living room. There was his love, sort of sprawled on the couch, wearing just an apron...and looking sexier than hell! "Well, hello sexy man and welcome home from a hard day at the office. I hope you like the view as much as the dinner I have prepared for your sexy self!" Tommy stepped over to the couch, bent down to give Robbie a kiss and say 'hey'. Robbie slipped out of the way and sauntered into the kitchen leaving Tommy slack jawed and staring at his soon-to-be husband's sexy ass. "I know you like the view and the view will get better as the night goes on. Why don't you slip out of everything and join me in the dining room for your evening repast, as I have something wonderful planned for supper." Tommy practically ran to the bedroom to remove his clothes, almost tripping while trying to undress while running. He had to laugh at himself at being such a sex hound, but since meeting and falling totally on love with Robbie, he couldn't help him- self.

Once undressed, he walked out to the dining room wearing nothing but the tie he had worn to the office, as he didn't want to overdress for the evening. Robbie saw this and just said smiling, "Nice Tie, dear. I have always liked that one on you!!"

A sensual kiss followed and then Tommy was asked to sit down. He watched Robbie's naked, gorgeous ass walk into the kitchen. A lovely salad was brought to the table and wine was poured. Robbie asked Tommy, "How was your day?" and took a sip of the lovely robust Italian red wine. Tommy replied, "great, but I am glad to be home." The salads were finished and Robbie cleared the plates.

Again, Tommy admired that hot ass and soon Robbie brought out the homemade linguini with clams. It smelled delicious. A bowl of freshly graded, Parmesan cheese was on the table and both men tucked in and all but licked the plates clean. Tommy sat back and said, "That was delicious darling. I thank you all the way down to my hard cock for that wonderful dinner!"

"Well sweetheart, it isn't over yet as we have dessert, well actually two desserts. One here at the table and another in a while, at an undisclosed location."

Tommy smiled as Robbie cleared the plates. The wonderful Tiramisu was brought in and served. As Robbie set Tommy's plate down he leaned over and kissed Tommy deeply and murmured, "I love you so and forever." Tommy kissed him back with equal fervor and repeated those words back to Robbie.

The men enjoyed the tasty dessert and when finished, cleared the table, put things away and together loaded and started the dishwasher. The kitchen lights faded to black and they strolled into the living-room. Sitting together on the couch, Robbie removed the tie from around Tommy's neck and then started licking his neck slowly. His hot pink tongue continued down to his hair covered nipples. Tommy started to moan more loudly and grabbed Robbie's head, gently bringing it up to his face where their tongues joined in a fanciful duel.

Robbie pulled away and proceeded to lick all the way down Tommy's torso to his belly button. He filled it with spit and moved on down to the head of Tommy's hard, dripping cock. Licking the precious liquid that was dripping out, he sighed and proceeded down the length of the raging 10" cock placed before him. Tommy yelled, "STOP or I will cum right now!! I want this to last and I want a taste." He pulled the loose apron off Robbie and proceeded to do the same licking and sucking that was done to him. Robbie was moaning and groaning and gasping for breath. He pushed Tommy away, stood up grabbing Tommy's hand pulled him into into the bedroom where together, they fell onto the bed. Tommy was laying on his back and Robbie slowly lifted his legs exposing his hot, hairy and now very hungry hole to his lips, where he started to rim Tommy's quivering hole, driving his tongue as deep as it would reach.

Tommy screamed, "FUCK ME NOW LOVER! Fuck me, just fuck me deep and fill me with your love juice." Robbie moved into position and placed his dripping 9" cock at the gate to Tommy's ass. Then he shoved the entire length down that hot and very hungry hole. Tommy groaned and pressed back on Robbie's cock Robbie leaned down and kissed Tommy with white-hot passion and said "I love that ass!" In and out he went while Tommy's head moved back and forth, side to side, moaning, "More, deeper, fill me up" and Robbie really started to fuck and pound. With a wail, he came in his lover's hole with 6 hard squirts of cum.

Panting, he slipped out slowly and laid on top of Tommy, kissing his neck while placing his hands on Tommy's hairy pecs, pinching them lightly. Tommy moved Robbie off to the side and rolled over on top of him, biting his lip gently and then proceeded to lick down the sweaty torso, lifting Robbie's right leg and inserting two fingers into his pink ass. Pulling them out, he savored the sweaty taste and then moved forward as he slowly pushed his 10" man meat into Robbie's hole. Robbie moaned and gasped as the huge cock raked over his prostate, "Fuck you're big! Give it all to me you crazy horn dog." And Tommy did as requested and filled him with a huge load of cum.

Totally exhausted and drained, the two men held each other, kissed and purred. Robbie looked at Tommy's half-closed eyes, while stroking his sweaty face gently. How lucky he was to find such a man, such warmth and care in one gorgeous hunk. Tommy turned his head and they shared a passionate kiss. Robbie pulled the covers up and they dropped off to sleep in each other's arms.

They slowly woke-up in the morning, somewhat sticky and still feeling the effects of last evenings romp. They kissed good morning and went to the bathroom where they brushed their teeth, peed and climbed into the shower. They washed each other with great care, kissing, fondling, stroking, and hugging. It was Wednesday, and they were doing a tasting at the restaurant for the Cajun additions to the menu that evening. The parents were coming as well as their pilots, Cal and Jeff and the seldom silent Elsa. It hopefully was to be a fun evening and just four more days to the wedding.

Thank you all, for reading my story, and as always, it is fun to write. I am open to all comments and look forward to hearing from you. Please just be yourself, be true to your heart and always play safe. Remember, please continue to enjoy these stories and donate to Nifty.

Next: Chapter 18

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