Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Robert rose from kneeling and sat on the couch, took Bradley into his arms and they kissed with love. "Thank you for agreeing to marry me and we will work with details later. We will have to tell Robbie and Tommy when they return next week. You have made me so incredibly happy, and I love you beyond words!!"

Bradley still sat there with a huge smile on his face and tears running down his cheeks. "You have made my dreams come true love. You make me happier than I have ever been in my life, and that includes me finding Robbie and Tommy and coming to work with them in the best job I have ever had. If we could, I would marry you tonight, but that just isn't practical, at least for now! What do you say we move this up to the bedroom, where I think you made a promise to me earlier about turning me into a total slut. You were going to FUCK me blind and use me like a total whore! I'm so ready and I need it badly!!!"

They both stood and kissed. Bradley closed off the light, checked the alarm and they walked up the stairs to their bedroom holding hands. Bradley started to giggle and stopped at the landing pulling Robert close and kissing him yet again. Smiling, they both started to run the rest of the way to their bedroom. They quickly stripped and were sporting raging, leaking hard-ons.

Bradley laid down on the bed and spread his legs wide while lightly stroking his very hard, leaking cock. Robert, standing beside the bed sternly said, "NUH-UH Mr..... NO playing with my toy! I didn't give you permission to do that so hands off, slut!! MY precious, fabulous slut...

Bradley removed his hand from his rock-hard, dripping, 8.5" cock. Robert reached out and took it in his hand and started to tease the dripping head, with his thumb... Bradley closed his eyes and wallowed in the sensation. He was with the man he loved beyond words, and he was doing such wonderful things to his body! Suddenly, he felt a different sensation. A warmth and wetness. He slightly opened his eyes to see Robert engulf his cock, the head at first, and then the whole cock to the root. Robert went up and down, causing Bradley to gasp and scream "STOP BABY!!!! STOP or I will cum way too soon. You have me so turned on. I need to be fucked, hard and deep and completely. FUCK MEEEEEEE now.. Sir, PLEASE! Your little slut is begging.

Robert smiled as he then raised Bradley legs in the air, separated then and moved down so he could lick, and tongue fuck the hole he needed and wanted so badly. The tonguing Bradley got was driving him wild and his eyes rolled back into his head. He moved his head back and forth groaning and begging to be fucked once again.

Robert moved into place and reached for the bottle of poppers on the nightstand. "Here baby, open this and give us a sniff. Be prepared to be used and fucked like a slut!!!" Bradley did what was asked, and each took a huge hit of poppers. Then gave Robert a huge hit as well!! Robert aimed the head of his raging 8" cock and shoved in deep as poppers hit then both. Bradley screamed and became almost incoherent begging for more. In and out Robert plowed and screamed Bradley's name as he shot six ropes of cum deep inside his new Fiancé. At the same time, Bradley came between their bodies with 5 shots of cum. Robert lowered his face and kissed with such great passion!!!. Robert slid off to the side and all but collapsed. Both men lay panting, trying to catch their breath!!

Bradley spoke first, "Baby I will give you a full life-time to make love like that over and over again!!"

Robert replied, "I am glad you liked it, but you did a pretty damn good job earlier making me your slut, pig bottom. I loved it just as much. We are so compatible and I'm so glad we are both such versatile sluts!!" and the men started to laugh.

Robert got up and brought back towels with which to clean up and got back into bed. They cuddled up, kissed deeply, and went to dreamland in each other's arms.

Tommy and Robbie had, had a fabulous lunch at Le belle, then walked around a bit to stretch after sitting for a while, driving and then their great lunch... They held hands as usual, got some sneers as well as many smiles. They were both used to it, but didn't really care, as they were both very confident in and with their lives.. They window shopped and stopped in a rather fabulous looking antique store, just to look around.

Tommy was first to spot a fabulous landscape of the desert with Joshua Trees, the part of the desert were famous for. The painting was rather striking, and Tommy thought it would look great in their study. Robbie also liked it, and the price was not to outrageous, so they bought it and had it wrapped. Robbie found a beautiful set of antique wine glasses, a full set of twelve. They were stunning and so was the price, but what the hell, it was for their home, so they bought them anyway. Each glass was carefully wrapped and placed in a box with wine bottle dividers. The packages were transported to their car and carefully placed in the back seat. The painting was placed on the floor behind the front seats.

The men got in and started for home and made it in a short time. They pulled into the gated driveway and parked. The garage held their other two Mercedes, so the car from the ranch had to sit outside. Tommy started to unlocked the front door but found the door ajar and he pushed it open! He yelled for Robbie to come quickly, while Tommy called the police and they waited for the police to arrive. They came in a few minutes!

Tommy explained to the officers what they had found and that they had not been down to their house in well over a month. They had set the alarm before leaving as they had always done. One of the officers called for back-up. After explaining what was happening, another patrol car arrived quickly. They were trying to figure out why no alarm had sounded, and why police were never alerted to a possible break-in??

The officers walked in with guns drawn and tried to turn on lights. It seemed the electricity had been cut, hence no alarm. One of the officers went out to check the wiring box and sure enough, the wires for the alarm had been cut and the power had been tampered with.

The officers search the house and it had been pretty well ransacked. Furniture was tossed about, and broken, paintings slashed, dishes and glassware broken, and on one of the living-room walls the words, "FAGS GET OUT IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!! OR DIE!!!" in red spray paint...

Robbie and Tommy just stood there in each other's arms, with tears sliding down their faces, in total shock. Their beautiful home destroyed and torn up with their beautiful things thrown about and broken. They held each other close. They walked into their bedroom where the bed slashed, sheets ripped, some clothes destroyed with bleach, stained carpet, and again red spray paint on the walls, "ALL FAGS MUST DIE!!" They didn't get into the safe but had tried. Tommy called his Father right away and Robbie called his Dad as well. They explained what had happened to their home. Both fathers were in shock as well.

They said they would fly down that afternoon and asked the boys to make reservations at a near-by hotel and book suites for them. Tommy got all the papers out of the safe, including insurance documents, and put them in a brief case along with any jewelry they had there. Tommy asked the officer in charge what was the best hotel in the area, as he wanted to book suites for themselves and their fathers who were flying down. Carl Roberts, the lead officer, said that the `Fairfield by Marriott Suites' was great and an excellent hotel. Robbie called and immediately booked three suites for several days, starting that evening and gave them his credit card. The hotel was not to far from the house.

The forensic lab agents came to dust for prints and take pictures of everything. Robbie's phone rang and it was Daniel saying they would land in little over an hour, and Robbie said they would come and pick them up. He had booked suites at a great hotel, especially as they could not stay in the house...if ever again!!! Both men felt like they had been raped and violated and both thought they would never feel safe or welcome in that house again.

Carl, the lead police officer, said they could leave and would be called if any questions arose. They got in their car slowly and drove away. By this time, some of the neighbors had come out to see what was going on. The police would interview those who lived close by. They asked if they may had heard or seen anything suspicious. These interviews would all go into the police report.

Robbie looked at his Tommy and started to cry. Tommy pulled over and held Robbie in his arms saying everything would work out. Robbie, while crying, said quietly, "Our beautiful home! The home you gave me, it will never be the same ever again." He started to cry harder. They held each other and Tommy said, "Let's settle down a bit and figure a few things out. We need clothes since we didn't bring anything, as we had clothes here. So, we need some essentials, and shaving stuff. We can have Bradley overnight us some things and we'll tell him what happened. Then we need to call the ranch and tell the boys and Elsa. Don't worry. Let's go get a huge glass of wine and calm down a bit. They decided to go to Le Belle and book dinner for the boys and Dads for that night, had a large glass of wine and gather their wits. The Dads would call when they were close!!

Tommy drove them to the restaurant where they were greeted warmly as they walked in and went to the lounge. The bartender knew what they liked and had two glasses of their favorite Sonoma Cutrer set for them. They took a large sip and calmed down. James, the bartender, said they looked upset and asked if everything was alright? Both men looked up and told a brief version of what had occurred and that the police were combing the house looking for clues. Their fathers were flying down as they spoke, and all four would be back later for dinner that evening.

As the men finished their glasses of wine, Daniel called from the plane, saying they were just 10 minutes out. Both men got up and went to retrieve their car and drive to the airport to collect their dads. As they parked, Robbie noticed Daniel's plane landing. They drove out to the tarmac as the engines wound down. Both men alighted from the plane and quickly walked to hug their sons, carrying small overnight bags. These were loaded into the trunk of the car and soon they were off to check into the hotel.

Daniel was first to speak and calmly asked what exactly happened? Tommy took over and explained what they had found when they approached the front door of their house. The police arrived and together discovering what they found on the inside. The house was trashed! Spray painted walls with hate crime slogans, furniture ruined, and all their clothes destroyed. Robbie started to cry again, and Daniel tried to comfort him. "Son, it's all just stuff that can be replaced and as far as the house, we will look into fixing everything. It could have been much worse! You could have been there and possibly injured or worse!! I promise to make it right. Thom reiterated the same thoughts and said that things will work out and we will catch who the hell did this to you both!!

They arrived at the hotel and checked into to their suites. Robbie said they were going to the restaurant for dinner that evening. Both men agreed that was great. They went to rest a bit and make phone calls. Robbie, after entering their suite, called the ranch and got Daryl, Sam and Elsa on a conference call and told them what had happened. They were both OK and the Dads had flown down to help with the investigation. They were going to `Le Belle' for dinner that evening and had a meeting set up with the police at the house for 10 AM in the morning to start the investigation. Of course, all were scared but relieved at the same time. Thankfully they weren't hurt or worse!! Sam asked if they needed to come down and help with anything?

"Not right now. The dads are here and that is enough for now!! The police take this stuff very seriously. We love you all and will keep you updated as we learn new things. We are going to `Le Belle' tonight for dinner and then and we'll have an early night as both of us are just exhausted. We will call tomorrow and update you on what we know so far."

Tommy called Bradley to tell him what was happening and got him on his cell. Of course, he was shocked and asked Tommy asked if Bradley would also send clothes down on the jet in the morning. Bradley asked for a list of what they needed. It was given, and it was just casual clothes, with a set of sport coats and slacks for going out. It would be taken care of. The men said good night and not to worry!

Robbie and Tommy collapsed on the bed and slept fitfully for about an hour, got up and showered, and had to dress in the same clothes which they quickly sent to be laundered and pressed. At least they were clean clothes.

Robbie called his Dad and said let's meet for a drink in our suite before going to dinner. Tommy had also called Thom and they would meet at 7:00 for a quick drink and then head to `Le Belle.' There was lots to discuss. After dressing, each man called their mothers and reassured them all was OK and about the meeting in the morning. Both ladies were relieved that their sons were not hurt and agreed with their husbands that things could have been much worse. They said a sweet goodbye, that they all loved each other and would inform them of next steps after the meeting in the morning!!

Both Daniel and Thom arrived at the boys' suite and were welcomed with hugs. Drinks were offered and both Dads asked for a single malt scotch, neat. Tommy and Robbie opted for their normal chardonnay. The boys were still quite upset about their beautiful house and doubted if they could ever live there again. Robbie said they had talked about renting a large condo for a year. They would have a place to stay until they got things settled and found another house to make their home.

Daniel said it was a sound idea and that could just be the ticket. All would work out in the end!! The men left for the restaurant and parked with valet and walked in and were greeted warmly, by staff and a few patrons in the lounge. The dads suggested they sit down right away and have wine with dinner. They were seated at the owners table with a nice view of the whole restaurant. They were brought a selection of breads, flavored butters and water with slices of cucumber and lemon with a sprig of mint. Menus were also distributed. Robbie and Tommy weren't very hungry and were mentally and physically exhausted from their awful day.

Both Daniel and Thom were hungry, so Daniel ordered the Le Bouef au Poivre, with roasted potatoes and steamed French green beans (Haricot Vert). Thom opted for Salmon, grilled, on a bed of wilted fresh spinach, roasted cherry tomatoes and steamed broccoli. Tommy chose an order of house-made pate` and a small dinner salad with French vinaigrette, while Robbie also ordered a small salad with Roquefort dressing and a small grilled fillet of Salmon with a light Beurre Blanc sauce. Half bottles of a great Cab and a Chardonnay were brought to the table.

Robbie stated, "I know we will learn more from the police in the morning and they will have forensics there most of the night, but both of us are quite shaken by this whole mess and I for one can never set foot in that house ever again. My dearest Tommy gave me that house with all his love and that has been destroyed. All the work, the antiques we bought, the little treasures we got that made it our home away from home. I know these are all just `things' and we are both glad and relieved that we were not at home at the time. We could have been hurt or worse. I/we just want this to be over and done!!"

The dads agreed and they would learn more in the morning when meeting with the police and the forensics department.

Dinner was served and the men ate and drank a little, and although the dinner was superb, neither Tommy or Robbie were very hungry and picked at their food. The staff noticed something was wrong as they were not their normal jovial selves and asked politely if everything was alright and was their dinner up to par? Robbie and Tommy apologized and said personal things had come up that spoiled their appetite. But as usual, the food and service were superb!!

Daniel and Thom enjoyed their dinners. The elders asked for coffee, but no dessert and Tommy and Robbie didn't want anything else. Robbie signed the check and Daniel left a very large tip for the staff. The men stood, walked to their car, drove back to the hotel and retired after hugs and good nights.

Robbie and Tommy walked into their suite, closed the door and Robbie nearly collapsed into Tommy's arms with gasping sobs. Tommy gently kissed his forehead and guided him towards the bedroom where he began to undress him. He laid Robbie down on the bed and Tommy undressed and crawled into bed. The men cuddled and kissed, with Tommy saying gently that things would be fine, and everything would work out. They both drifted off to a fitful sleep.

Daryl and Sam were both very upset and wondered if they should drive down to help, but then reconsidered since they might be in the way. They had spoken with Tommy and were assured that the boys had plenty of help and the Dads would be flying down that afternoon. He also said they were not hurt in any way (other than being shocked at the break-in). They would know more tomorrow. The boys knew they were loved and if they needed any help they would call and give Elsa a full report. They hung up and would wait to hear any news tomorrow.

Bradley had thrown together some clothes for both men and had the package sent to their hotel. He instructed the staff to hold them for a week or so. Maybe some of the clothes at the house would come out unscathed by the attack, but this was still to be determined.

They had delayed their trip up the coast until they knew more about the disaster in the Desert. God, what a total fucking mess! It would take a while to get things settled. They would wait to hear for Tommy and Robbie before making any decision about going away. The pair would be fine at home by themselves but were worried about what had happened!!

Tommy and Robbie woke after a very restless night, neither man got much sleep, but were comforted that they had each other and cuddled close. They woke in each other's arms and got up to pee and see about coffee. They would wait till a decent time to call their father's suites to see about breakfast.

Just as their coffee arrived, their phone rang, and it was Daniel asking how they were and what to do about breakfast? Robbie conferred with Tommy and said let's have breakfast in our suite and asked the Dads to come over where they could eat, talk and wait for a call from the police. Daniel said he would call Thom and they would be over in about a ½ hr. Robbie said great, and they went to shower. The boys had sent their clothes to be cleaned by the hotel and would wear the same clothes until they received the clothes that Bradley was sending down.

They cuddled a bit and washed each other, but there was no interest in sex at all. They did kiss and said how much they loved each other. After the shower finished, they shaved and dressed and then they walked into the living room. The doorbell rang and their fathers arrived and were warmly greeted. Hugs and assurances were given, and all were offered coffee. They perused the menu for breakfast, and decided on omelets, some with cheese, some with ham or bacon, with fresh fruit, crispy hash, sourdough toast...and more great coffee.

Breakfast was promptly delivered, and they dug in. Even Robbie ate a full breakfast as he was feeling better the events, but still anxious about what they would learn from the police.

They were just finishing breakfast when Tommy's cell rang and it was lead Officer Carl Roberts, requesting if they could meet. Tommy said their fathers were now here from San Francisco and asked where Officer Roberts wanted to meet. Carl said, "Come to the house. The forensics team had uncovered some prints and some other clues as well." Tommy replied they would be there in 30 minutes. He hung up and relayed the message to everyone and then went to hug his husband. The tears started again, "It will be ok, Dearest One, I promise!, baby!!"

The men walked to the car that had been brought by the valet and they drove to the house about 10 AM. The forensics lab truck was still there and the whole area had been cordoned off. There were at least 2-3 police cars parked as well.

Both dads and the boys approached the house and were met by Officer Roberts on the spacious porch. He welcomed them and asked them to come take a seat while they discussed what had been uncovered. Both Robbie and Tommy were reluctant to enter the house, but realized they had to buck up and do what the police wanted!! After the crime scene investigators had taken pictures and collected evidence that was needed for the case, some of the furniture had been up righted. The rooms were still a total mess and the spray paint on the walls upset both men greatly.

Carl welcomed all the men and when the fathers were introduced, and hands were shaken, everyone sat. Robbie let out a huge sigh and had a queasy feeling in his stomach but took a deep breath and settled. Tommy reached for his hand and held it tightly!!

Carl spoke and asked if they had any notion who wanted to harm them and do damage to their home?? Both boys thought for a minute and the grocery store incident came to mind. They recalled the man that hurt Robbie by pushing his cart into the back of Robbie's legs, the fight and ugly words that were exchanged, and the man being arrested and fined. He was also being banned from the store. He couldn't remember the mans name, but Carl said he would look everything up since it sounded nasty from the very start!!

He had said he would get even with them, and they would still have to die!!! Robbie again started to cry, yet again. Tommy held him close, and he calmed a bit!! Robbie looked up and said "OMG!!! It's that ugly nasty asshole from the grocery store.. He was a real pain in the ass... His wife divorced him and took a huge chunk of his retirement... I bet it was him, as he said he would get us for ruining his life and having his money taken from him!!!"

"Did you find any prints or other evidence??" " We did find prints and other clues and we are running the prints now and will know the results soon!" Both Robbie and Tommy let out a huge sigh, but still would never live in this house again...They loved it so, but all had been ruined and both men felt violated and almost raped ( Been there, done that, and the feeling is horrible.. All they took was jewelry and some other personal items, but still a great loss too...!)

At the ranch everyone was still worried about the men, but things needed to be done... Sam had the huge horse barn to tend and Daryl the huge ranch house, to deal with... Daryl received a phone call saying that both Daniella and Cynthia were flying down the next morning and would stay at the ranch for a day or 2 then drive down to be with their husbands and their sons!! Daryl had to make sure that their suites were perfect, as they always were, but fresh flowers, needed to be placed in the bedrooms and also their private bathrooms as well... The maids have always done a great job, of cleaning and making the beds, so Daryl had no problems with that... Dinner had to be planned, so he would chat with Miss Ellie, regarding the menu's for the next couple of days...

Daryl walked into the kitchen to see about supper for that evening and the want to discuss the menu's. for the next day... Miss Ellie said tonight was pan fried pork chops, fresh corn on the cob and au-gratin potatoes and fresh baked Cat Head biscuits with honey-butter and something special for dessert, but that was surprise!! Daryl seemed pleased and when finished walked over to the barn, as he was missing his Sam and to tell him the news about the mother's coming in the AM. He found Sam sitting at his desk in the office doing and filling out papers for the horses that had just been bred...That would bring in many thousands of dollars for the ranch!! Everyone, especially Daniel was very pleased with that aspect of the horse ranch...

Sam saw Daryl walk up and the men embraced and kissed deeply and told each other they loved each other... Daryl told Sam about the mother's coming and also the menu for that evening... Sam smiled and said a big YUMMMM, and that was one of his favorite dinners!! Sam said he had to finish the paperwork and would then go have a lay down and asked if Daryl would like a "NAP wink, wink, too" Daryl smiled and said he would see about it!! Then slowly walked back up to the house with a huge smile on his face!! An afternoon delight was just perfect, and he got a hard while walking back, and thinking about making love with his Sam!! He loved that man beyond words!!

Back at the house Bradley put together clothes for his bosses, underwear, socks, shoes, jeans tee-shirts and casual slacks and a couple of casual dress shirts and their shaving things. At the last minute he decided to throw in a simple suit and sport coat for each as well.. He packed 2 large suitcases and had them picked up and expressed that same day to their hotel that would arrive that same day.. That was a relief to have that done.. Robert had run over to his office as he had some work to do and sign some papers as well!! He would be back shortly, and Bradley said that could just go out to eat dinner that night, as he didn't feel like cooking.. Robert agreed and said that was a great idea!!

He finished his work and signed the papers and headed back to the house, missing his fiancé and needed a huge cuddle before dinner out that evening.. He thought that maybe Tadich Grill would be great for dinner (It's the oldest Restaurant in San Francisco 1849 and fabulous.. one of our favorites!!) they could go fairly early as they did not take reservations and could have a drink at the bar before dinner while waiting for a table if need be!!

Back in the desert, the police were wrapping up their investigation of the break-in and the destruction to the house and furnishings.. all such a waste... the man would pay for all and spend a good long time in jail when apprehended. That should be shortly they hoped!!

The Dads and the boys went back to the hotel and headed for the bar for a much-needed cocktail. They would see about what to do for dinner that evening. Cynthia had called Daniel and said they were flying down in Thom's plane the next morning to stay at the ranch for a day or two and then drive to the desert and stay at the hotel. They needed to see their husbands and their sons as well!! Daniel thought it was great and would see them soon. They would see how things went in the desert and maybe drive up to the ranch, but that would depend on what would happen with the investigation!!

Once the clothes were sent, Robert and Bradley showered together with a little cock play in the shower, but they wanted to save it for later that evening when they got back from dinner. They dressed casually, jeans, sweaters and light jackets, and were soon off to Tadich Grill for a drink and a lovely dinner. Robert drove, and they held hands while driving to the restaurant. It was just past 6:00 and they would not have to wait long for a table, they hoped. Robert left the car with the valet, and they walked in where were greeted warmly. They asked for a table for two and were told it would be about 10-15 minutes, so the men found a place at the bar and ordered drinks. Robert ordered a Dewars and Soda with a twist, and Bradley ordered a Sonoma Cutrer Chardonnay.

They sipped their drinks and started to discuss the problem with Robbie and Tommy's house. Both were quite upset and wished they could do more for them. They were summoned to come to their table and were shown to a small-enclosed booth that was intimate and cozy. They were served a basket of fresh sliced Sour Dough bread and butter, water and given menus. They served primarily fish and seafood, but there were Italian items and a steak or two on the menu.

Robert decided to start with Oysters on the half shell, followed by a Caesar Salad with extra anchovies and Grilled Chilian Sea Bass, while Bradley was going to have Fried Calamari with Aioli, a mixed Cosmopolitan Salad and Cioppino with toasted garlic toast!! (I love their Cioppino, but alas, I have been allergic to all seafood: crab, shrimp, etc. for many years, but from what I remember it was FABULOUS!!! Their Calamari and all the fish are fresh and delicious. We may go this weekend for a treat!!)

Their orders were taken, and they sipped their cocktails and held hands discreetly gazing into each other's eyes. Bradley said in a low voice as he smiled, I love you beyond words lover and can't wait for later tonight for our hot and nasty lovemaking. Let's if we can get each other pregnant!!! Robert just started to laugh and said he was now hard as a rock and he could, he would love to be pregnant with our baby!!! Both men stated to laugh as their appetizers were served. They were delicious, and Bradley ordered a bottle of the Sonoma Cutrer. They finished their starters, and the salads came which were equally delicious. Their wine was poured, they toasted each other and dug in.

Those were soon devoured, and a cute waiter brought their main courses. A large paper bib was brought for the Cioppino and tied around Bradley's neck. (A tradition with Cioppino) Robert's Sea Bass was grilled to perfection and served with house made Tartar Sauce, the vegetables were crisp, and a small side of pasta was also served.

It all smelled flavorful, and they were silent as they both ate with gusto, agreeing that the dinners were superb!! They finished and were asked if they wanted to have dessert, but both declined, but did ask for espressos. Their plates were cleared, and Bradley excused himself to use the facilities. He found their waiter and handed him his credit card and the waiter thanked him. Bradley walked back to the table and sat as their Espresso's were brought. The check was handed to Bradley, which surprised Robert and he gave a polite Thank you to his lover, now Fiancé. He signed the check and left a hefty 25% tip for their cute waiter, whose name was Carl.

They finished their coffees and retrieved the car from the valet drove back to the house. As always, they held hands while Robert drove. He looked over and sighed with complete contentment as he had never been this happy in his life. He had finally met the man of his dreams, and he would with open his heart spend the rest of his life adoring this man!!

They arrived at the house quickly and went through the gate which closed behind them and got out. Robert locked his car, as Bradley went to unlock the front door and let Robert enter. He closed the front door, and Bradley turned off the alarm and relocked the front door. They came into each other's arms and kissed passionately. "God knows, I will never grow tired of that. You're the best kisser ever, my love!!" said Robert.

The men walked upstairs and slowly undressed each other and found they were both rock-hard and horny as hell. Something was said earlier about getting each other pregnant!! They were such total horn dogs!!! Once stripped, they fell onto the bed and kissed again. Bradley quickly moved southward and took Robert's rock-hard, leaking cock down his throat and started to hum, causing Robert to gasp with pleasure and he quickly said, "STOP lover or I will cum way too quickly and I want this to last. Now go down further and find my hungry man cunt, get me wet, and fuck me like a whore! USE ME, FUCK ME, and make me cum!!!"

Bradley moved into position and placed the head of his 8"cut cock at Robert's anus and shoved, using the spit as lube. Robert gasped, and his eyes rolled back into his head. "OH GOD YES!!!!! FUCK ME Like the whore I AM!!"

Bradley plowed in and out and soon was close. "Take my cock, my loving whore and beg for my cum in your man cunt. I am fucking you bitch! Take it!! And with one final deep push, he shouted: "I'M CUMMING." He shot 4-5 spurts of cum deep inside his lover's now well fucked asshole. At the same time, Robert ejaculated five shots over his head and covered Bradley face and hairy chest.

Both men were panting, trying to catch their breath, when Bradley leaned forward, and the men kissed with great passion. "That was beyond words, yet again. I love you so much! Do you want to have another go in a bit or wait till morning so I can have the pleasure of thoroughly using that tight man cunt of yours and fill you with love and loads of cum??" Bradley once again kissed Robert and replied, "Let's wait till morning so I can get a huge load inside me as we both just came in buckets!!

Bradley climbed off of Robert and walked on unsteady legs to the bathroom to get wash clothes to clean up. He came back after a quick pee and cleaned his lover, the headboard and then himself. The crawled into bed and they held each other close, went off to dreamland after one more good night passionate kiss!!

Earlier at the ranch, both Sam and Daryl had finished their chores and met in their little house for a brief LAY-DOWN and to get ready for the wonderful supper that Miss Ellie was preparing. They met at the front door and walked in, took each other into their arms and kissed with passion. Both quickly stripped and walked into the bedroom, laid down on the bed in a 69 position, then each taking a hard cock into his mouth, slowly went up and down, savoring the precum that was forming. They soon reached their limit, started to shoot into the other's mouth gulping some of it down. Coming off their cocks, the men turned around and kissed, sharing the load that was each other's mouths and at the same time kissing deeply. Sam was the first to speak. "Babe, that was wonderful and maybe we can get even more frisky later tonight as I need to be fucked hard and deep. How does that sound, lover mine??"

"Fabulous as usual and can't wait for later!!" The men then drifted off for a little nap before showering and dressing for dinner. As they were waking the phone rang and it was Robbie calling with new information about the break-in.

Daryl answered and was surprised to hear from them, although they knew what had happened and wanted to hear some good news. "Hey Robbie, how are you guys doing? Any progress on the mess from the police yet?"

"We are both fine, although we both are really upset about all of this shit!! We loved the house, and it was starting to feel really comfortable. We think we found out who did this, and police are looking into it!! We think it was that asshole who tried to run me over at the grocery store since we got him arrested. His wife was furious that he acted that way and it ended up in a really nasty divorce. Anyway, the police have it handled, but we're not sure how long we will be here. The Dads flew down this morning and we are at the Fairfield by Marriot Suites. Daryl informed them that both mothers were flying down in the morning to the ranch since both were quite worried about their sons!! One of us will go pick them up. Is there anything we can do for you now?? We both care and love you so much!!"

Robbie started to cry, and Tommy reached over to hold him close. He took the phone from Robbie and said they would be in touch and keep them informed, but for now they just wanted a quiet dinner in their suite and go to bed and just hold each other close.. Daryl said that he and Sam understood, and again asked if there was anything they could do to help.

"Not at the moment and I am sure we will chat tomorrow after another meeting with the police. We are going to sell the house and save anything we can but basically start over. We are fully covered by insurance, so we are just thinking about everything for now. We will be in touch, and we love you both so much. Thanks for caring. Give the mothers a huge hug and kiss from us. I am going to go now as we need to order dinner and chat with the Dads. Ciao. Sleep well and give Elsa a huge hug from us. Have her call tomorrow morning. Miss you both and of course Elsa too! Good night!!!"

Daryl and Sam held each other and were a bit sad for the men who they both adored and loved like older brothers. They dressed and ambled up to the house for a much-needed glass of wine and sat down to the fabulous feast that Miss Ellie had prepared for supper.

Well, everyone, here's another bit of a twist and the plot thickens. As usual any input or suggestions are always welcome. Hope everyone is doing fine. I am doing better after my heart surgery and back working part time. I am about done with all this nasty wet weather, the cold and the f---ing rain! I am so over this!!!!

As usual, please play safe, comfort others in pain and please play any kindnesses forward!!! You will be rewarded. So on to Chapter 15 and see what happens in the next. Will they sell the house and get a bigger and better one? Who knows?? OH, and as always, many thinks to my wonderful Allen, for his editing work and getting this posted. He is my angel and always will be!! We celebrate 22 years this year!!!

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Best to all! Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 141: Robbies True Love IV 15

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