Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 22, 2022


Chapter 9

Here starts Chapter 9, with a few new characters, new adventures and some new plot twists. Sit back or lay back with or without clothes and enjoy it all!!!

Robbie led an already hard and dripping cocked Tommy into the large, marbled bathroom and walked into the shower. Robbie pulled his husband closer, and they kissed deeply while Robbie started to piss all over Tommy's muscled, hairy chest. The men moaned and that set Tommy off! He returned the favor by starting to piss all over Robbie's equally muscled, hairy, sculptured chest.

Both men let out a huge sign while still kissing. The men pulled apart as the piss started to subside and Robbie knelt down, taking Tommy's still pissing cock into his mouth and swallowed it to the root, causing Tommy to growl deeply. Up and down, he went, on the magnificent cock he loved and adored. Tommy had to pull Robbie up as his manipulations were going to make him cum way to soon!

Robbie now stood and they kissed yet again. Tommy turned Robbie around and spread Robbie's lightly hairy, ass cheeks apart and dove in with his tongue. They both loved to rim and were equal to the task. Tommy's tongue was driving Robbie crazy with lust and Robbie was soon begging to be fucked hard and deep. Tommy rose up as the men bathed each other with loving care. They soon finished and dried each other off with towels from the heated towel rack. They kissed, yet again, and Tommy led his wonderful husband into their sumptuous, large, bedroom and laid him on the bed on his back. Robbie spread his legs.

Tommy crawled between them and lifted Robbie legs on his shoulders and went to town, rimming the ass he so adored. Robbie, moving his head back and forth on the pillow, started to beg. "OH GOD, Tommy. I need you so deep inside me. I need to be fucked like a pig tonight - your special total slut pig - FUCK ME!!!"

Tommy moved into position and placed the head of his cock at Robbie's quivering ass lips and shoved, using just the spit as lube. He slowly entered that hole he so adored and soon hit bottom. He left it there for a minute and as he leaned in and they kissed, while Tommy slowly started to pull almost all the way out, with just the head of his 10"cock still inside and shoved it all the way to the root. Robbie was all but screaming to be fucked harder and deeper, begging for more.

Tommy continued to pound Robbie's now thoroughly battered fuck hole and Robbie let out a scream that he was Cumming. He shot five bullets of cum all over them without touching his rock hard 9"cock and that set Tommy off. He filled his husband's ravaged hole with six shots of cum. He collapsed on top of Robbie's chest, and they kissed once more while trying to catch their breath.

Tommy rolled off of Robbie, still holding him close. He gazed into his eyes and smiled and said, "That was, as usual, beyond words and there aren't words to say how much I love you!!!"

Robbie smiled and agreed that their love making was always the best. They took each other to new heights! Tommy got up to get a warm washcloth and towel to do some much-needed cleanup work since both men were covered in cum. That task done, Robbie pulled up the covers and the men drifted off to dreamland in each other's arms.

The men awoke in the morning, still in each other's arms and whispered good morning. They dashed to the bathroom to pee, brush their teeth and of course shared a proper good morning kiss, then showered and most importantly searched coffee. Once accomplished, downstairs they went to be greeted by Bradley at the bottom of the stairs. He said good morning to both his boss's and they asked how his evening with Robert went. "We had a great time, had a lovely glass of wine and delicious Cheeseburgers. A few kisses and a fond good night and, of course, a wonderful phone call to say good night. He really is such a special man. We get on so well in all aspects, music, TV, arts and of course in the bedroom - most definitely. He has got to be the best lover I have ever had! I hope it is ok to tell you that without any particulars!!" He laughed as he walked into the kitchen to finish setting the table for breakfast. When they arrived in the kitchen, the coffee smelled wonderful, and Elsa was busy at the stove with what looked like ham and cheese omelets and hash browns. Elsa just pulled a tray of cathead biscuits out of the oven. They looked flaky and smelled divine. Coffee was poured and each man kissed Elsa, as was their custom, each morning.

Breakfast was served and the topic was brought up about going south to check on things at the restaurants and the house as well. They also wanted to stop at the ranch to see how things were going, and Tommy needed to speak with Daryl about his firing of the house gardener. There wouldn't be a problem, but better to check and be sure in person. Elsa wanted to go to see Daryl and Sam. She asked if Alma could come along to see their grandson? "Of course, she can come if she wants to. We will be gone about a week, so you both can stay at the ranch.

"Bradley, you can come if you want to, or would you rather stay here with Robert and get up to `no good' together! We really can fend for ourselves for the time we are away!!! We will stay overnight at the ranch and drive south to check on the restaurants and the house. I would like to leave day after tomorrow in the morning. Robert smiled and said he would love to stay home, look after the house and spend a little time with Robert, but Thank YOU!!!

Tommy had to dash as he was taking on work with Bruce and Davis as they were switching to Gilman and Son. He was dealing with their pre-nub mess, and he had a couple of other clients to see as well. Robbie was going to start today with menus of the countries he wanted to feature in the restaurants. All except Le Belle at Union Square, as it was always to remain French, only!!!

The men left for work and Bradley and Elsa cleaned up after breakfast and did some housework. Elsa got up from the breakfast table after sitting with another cup of coffee but felt a bit dizzy and had to sit back down. She was feeling rather faint, and Bradley thought she looked a bit pale.

He asked if she was ok, and she sort of sat there and didn't answer him right away. She said if he could help her go lay down for a bit. He helped her into the living room to lay on the couch. She did look rather pale and tired. Bradley picked up his phone and called Robbie who was on his way to the office. He told Robbie what was happening, and Robbie turned around immediately and raced back home. He called Tommy from the car, and he too was coming home right away. Each called their Assistants and told them they would be in touch in a while and for Alice to reschedule his appt's for that morning.

They both arrived at the house at the same time, parked in the driveway and raced into the house. Elsa was sitting up drinking a glass of water and had a cool compress on her forehead. The men hurried to her side. Elsa said she was feeling a bit better and not to worry. Robbie was on the phone with their personal physician, and he said to bring her in for some tests, but most likely it was nothing to serious, but better to have a bit of caution just the same! He would meet them as soon as they got there!

They grabbed a coat for Elsa and took her out the front door and got her in the front seat of Tommy's MB. She asked for Robbie to go and grab her cell phone and her purse on the hall table in her apartment. He ran up and got those for her and hopped into the back seat with Elsa in front with Tommy driving.

They soon arrived at the hospital and there was a nurse waiting with a wheelchair. Elsa sat in it and was wheeled into the ER. Their Dr. was waiting for them. "Let's get this wonderful lady into a bed and do an examination to see what is going on." The nurse had gotten her into a gown and into one of the beds in the ER with a curtain separating the beds.

Dr. jones asked Elsa to tell him what happened and how she was feeling at the moment. She told him about fixing breakfast and they all ate together. Then she doing the cleanup after breakfast and was sitting with a second cup of coffee in the breakfast room. Bradley, the Butler, was going to join her. "I started to get up to serve him and felt funny. A slight headache and a dizzy feeling but all of a sudden, I couldn't move, just sort of stared and felt weak. Bradley helped me to the couch in the living room and called the boys and they immediately returned home and got me here."

"Let's get some tests run. Nurse, get a full blood work up and an x-ray of Ms. Elsa's chest and I will order her an MRI of her brain and head. That will tell us exactly what's going on up there."

Robbie and Tommy were holding each other and were asked by Dr. Jones to go to the waiting room. He would be in shortly to talk with them. They each kissed Elsa and left for the waiting room. Robbie called Bradley to tell him what had transpired thus far, and he would be in touch with more results when they had them. "Do you need me to come to the hospital?"

"No, I think it best for you to stay home and man the fort as it were. I promise to call if we need anything." Robbie walked to the admitting desk and got Elsa signed in and gave them her insurance info. Meanwhile Tommy called his Dad to tell him what was going on and he would be in touch after they got some test results back. Please check with Alice about anything that needs to be taken care of this morning. I would appreciate it greatly and Dad, I love you so much!!! Would you call Mom and let her know what is going on."

Elsa seemed fine and answered all the questions that Dr. Jones put to her. Tommy went to find Robbie in the waiting room, talking to his Dad about what was going on as well. He explained everything they knew so far and as him to please call Mom and tell her what's up. "Thanks Dad, we love you!!!"

Robbie was pacing and he wondered if they should call Alma, her best friend? Tommy said they should wait till they knew more. Both men were upset with this episode with their dear Elsa. Tommy took Robbie into his arms and the water works started. Robbie began to sob against Tommy's chest. Tommy stroked his head and told him things would be fine and they would do anything and everything for that dear lady!

The waiting room door opened shortly and in walked Bradley with a grim look on his face. "I just couldn't sit home by myself, so please don't be mad, but I had to come here for you both and for dear Elsa." The men pulled Bradley into a huge three-way hug and said it was fine.

In walked two more men. It was Thom and Daniel, and they went immediately and embraced their sons. They all sat down. Thom asked if anyone wanted something to drink? Robbie replied, "Just some water" and Tommy asked for a diet coke. Daniel asked for a coffee black, and Bradley said nothing, but thanks for the offer. Thom went off to get the drinks. In about 10 minutes, Dr. Jones appeared as was greeted by all. He greeted both Thom and Daniel and then said, "I have some good news."

"Seems Elsa had what we call a very mild TIA. (meaning a temporary ischemic attack) In other words, a very, very, light type of stroke. She is totally coherent and seems to be totally with it, but she will be here overnight so we can monitor her for any signs and she most likely can come home tomorrow. I highly suggest that she take a couple of weeks to rest, eat well, drink plenty of fluids. NO alcohol and no caffeine for a week or so. She must rest but we are sure she will be fine! That means NO work, NO heavy lifting and maybe some LIGHT cooking, but nothing else. We are moving her to a private suite, and you can go see her shortly!! Keep it brief, please. She needs to rest. It's good to see all of you and take care!!"

Everyone let out a huge sigh of relief and everyone hugged. Thom and Daniel had to get back and they said to the boys, "Take the day and rest a bit. Now that we know Elsa will be OK."

"I do have some clients I need to see this afternoon. So, I will be there shortly once I have seen Elsa. I will call Alice to get the rest of my appointments reset for me," Tommy explained. The Dads left and said to give Elsa their love.

In about 10 minutes a nurse came and said Elsa was in her suite and ready to see her `boys' as she put it!! The men followed her to a large suite and walked in and saw Miss Elsa sitting up in bed sipping of a glass of apple juice. She smiled as her men walked in. "I am so sorry to put you all through this, but I guess I needed some attention. "She started to laugh and then started to cry. She was immediately engulfed in hugs from all three men.

"Listen up lady, I am only going to say this once." Robbie announced with a sight grin. "If you ever pull a stunt like this again - and beware - you will have to deal with us! GOT IT?? GOOD!!! You scared the living shit out of us. Next time you want some attention, JUST ask for it damnit!!" He hugged Elsa tightly and started to cry. Please don't ever leave us! We need you forever!!!"

Elsa hugged Robbie and said "I will remember those words and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Now they will bring me some luscious broth and maybe some stale crackers and hopefully, more yummy apple juice. Then I am going to take a long nap and finally get some rest, which I can never get at home, as I have to slave driving bosses who hound me day and night! Get me that and or give me this! Clean this and dust that! Fix this for dinner! Don't ever cook this again!!"

Then she started to cry, and this time Tommy engulfed her in a huge hug. "We will try to do things differently this time. Sorry we work you like a dog. We are so mean, and it is totally uncalled for. Just to make things clear, you are getting another raise, of $.10 an hour, just to be fair!" He gave her one more kiss and everyone smiled. Each kissed her again and said they would be back tonight and will bring some personal things for the night: A nighty and robe, slippers, a bed jacket and some toilet things. "Now get some rest and we will see you later."

The men left and let out a huge sigh as they walked out the front door of the hospital to their cars. Tommy left Robbie and went around to the driver's side and got in for the short drive home. Robbie all but collapsed into the seat. Tommy took his husband's hand and held it during the drive home. "I am going to tuck you in for a nap, and I really do have to go to the office for a bit since have some urgent business with a couple of clients. I will be home shortly, and we can go back to see our dear Elsa and then maybe out for a quick bite of supper. We can take Bradley with us if he doesn't have plans with Robert.

They arrived home and went straight to the bedroom where Robbie stripped and crawled into bed. He picked up his phone, looked at Tommy and said we need to make a couple of phone calls. First to Alma to let her know what is going on and she may want to come to the hospital with us, to see her best friend. Next we need to call Daryl and tell him. We had to as she is his second loving Gram.

The calls were made, and Daryl was quite upset and wanted to come home, but the men said no. She will be home tomorrow and will be resting for a couple of weeks. Come up then when we get her settled. We are flying down in a couple of days to see how things are going at the restaurants and the house. We will stop at the ranch on the way home and pick you up and bring you home with us. We can fly you back down after visiting with your Grandmother's for a couple of daysÉ

Daryl was greatly relieved and knew she was in good hands. After he hung up he went to find Sam and tell him what's going on and to also tell Ms. Ellie. Both were quite upset, but knew she was in capable hands and would be fineÉThey knew they had Bradley to help, and she could run things perfectly well, from sitting on her throne and commanding what she wanted doneÉHOW and WHEN!!! With just a wave of her scepter!!!

Robbie woke from his nap as Tommy was walking into their room from the office and cuddled for a minute. They kissed and were relieved that Elsa would be OK! Robbie got up, redressed and they went downstairs. Bradley was sitting in the family room reading a story on Nifty when the men came in. `Hey boss men, how are you feeling?" he asked as he got up from the couch.

Robbie said he was going to go over to Elsa's Apt. and gather a few things to take to her at the hospital: Her toiletries, a robe and nightgown, a bed jacket they had given her as a present some time ago, and a pair of her favorite slippers. He was glad she was going to come home tomorrow. He placed the things in a small over- night bag he found in one of her closets. After he had everything, he walked back to the house and thought he might make her some yummy soup for her supper, something light, but filling and so much better than the food from the hospital. Also, some fruit and cookies for dessert.

He walked back into the kitchen and started to work on a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup which he hoped would hit the spot. He found he had all the stuff of which to make it. It was finished in no time and put into a thermos. He had a China bowl, plate, silver fork, spoon, napkins, fresh lemonade - not to sweet or to tart - and a cut crystal glass. He sliced strawberries and melon and put them in a plastic container. He packed all the food to carry. Bradley came in and helped with the finishing touches. "Robbie, is she really going to be ok?? I am really scared, and I have come to love her like another Mom!!"

"Dr. said she will be fine but has to take it easy for a bit and I am worried now about going south and leaving her alone. We will have to see what the Dr. says, before we decide about taking the trip. We could take her to the ranch, where we have a full staff along with Daryl and Sam to look after her. I will ask the Dr. first then make the proper decision for all concerned. I don't want her left alone at all. I have had here with me for years, and like you said, she is and always will be another mother to me. She is family above all else!!"

The men loaded things into the car, and all headed back to hospital to see their beloved Elsa. They stopped and picked up Alma too. They reached the hospital, parked and soon headed towards her suite. Robbie had talked with his parent people, and they were also going to come by for a quick visit. They loved Elsa as well and all wanted the best for her.

They entered and found Elsa sitting in a comfy chair reading when they walked in. She smiled, "Well, hello. What are you doing here and what all do you have your hands?" Robbie replied as he set things down and placed the containers of food on the table where Bradley set things up for her repast.

"Just some of your things to make you more comfortable: Robe, slippers and your favorite bed jacket. Also, I made you some dinner, chicken noodle soup, some fruit and lemonade. I thought it might be better than what they will serve here!"

Elsa smiled and said a big thank you! Alma had come over and pulled up a chair to sit next to her BFF. With a smile she said, "Lady, what the hell were you thinking by scaring us all to death like this. I will not stand for it, GOT IT? We have so many more things to do, places to see and especially our grandson's wedding. You wouldn't want to disappoint them would you??"

She leaned over and gave Elsa a kiss on the cheek. I say, "STOP IT NOW!!!" and started to laugh as the two old friends held hands.

It was getting on to 5:30 and Bradley asked Elsa to come over and have a seat as he served up her supper. It looked and smelled delicious and definitely better than what she had for lunch. Elsa said she was feeling much better and was looking forward to going home tomorrow.

As Elsa and everyone was finishing Dr. jones walked in with a smile, seeing everyone happy and that Elsa had eaten. "Well, young lady, what was the menu for supper?"

Elsa smiled and said, "Robbie made some wonderfully healthy chicken noodle soup with lots of fresh veggies, fresh squeezed lemonade and melon and berries for dessert, AND it was delicious!!"

Dr. jones smiled and as he sat down, I have some news. You had a very minor TIA or in Med speak, Temporary Ischemic Attack. A VERY minor stroke. Everything seems to be normal, and we will put you on some special meds to keep it from happening again. We want you to stay tonight, just for observation, and you can go home tomorrow, provided when you get home, you rest and do no heavy lifting. I want you to walk every day, just for some fresh air. Eat healthy but from what I know you do that now. No alcohol for a while, get plenty of rest and don't let these guys push you around!!"

Robbie and Tommy both rolled their eyes and said, almost in unison, "Yea, like that is going to happen. Us push her around? Doc, you've got that backwards. You need to protect us from her. Madam Elsa rules the roost with a huge broom and a whip!!! Are you really sure she is going to be ok? She is our treasure, and we can't nor wouldn't want to live without her!!!" He got up and walked over and kissed Elsa's forehead. She smiled and he just said, "I love you!!"

Bradley finished putting everything away to take home and Tommy asked if she needed anything. She smiled, stood up and gave Tommy a kiss and a hug. "Just be there for each other and take Alma home."

"Get some rest and we will call in the morning."

"When I am ready to be picked up to be taken home to my palace and become a lady of leisure, yet again. Now thank you all for coming and for the fabulous dinner. I want to have a rest, do a bit more reading, watch some TV and go to sleep. So, thanks again, but I am feeling great. Go home and please have a great night and I'll see you sometime tomorrow."

They each kissed Elsa, said sweet dreams and everyone walked to the elevator. Tommy rushed ahead to get the car and Bradley carried everything from dinner to his car. Tommy dropped Alma off, hugged her and said goodnight. She commented that she was very relieved it was nothing more serious and that she was sure Elsa would be just fine.

Robbie and Tommy drove the rest of the way home with the men holding hands. Nothing was said as they were deep in their own thoughts. As they pulled into the driveway they noticed that Bradley had just parked his car and was getting the basket out of the back seat to carry into the house. Tommy parked and as the large garage door closed, all the men entered the house and went into the kitchen. Bradley set the basket down, started to unload it and put things in the dishwasher and the leftovers in the fridge.

Tommy remarked, "I need a glass of wine. Shall I pour three?" The other men nodded, so Tommy took out three wine glasses and poured Chardonnay. They held the glasses up and made a toast to dear Elsa. Robbie was on the verge of collapse and when Tommy saw this said, "Come on baby, let's get you to bed, you are about done in. I think all of us could use a good night's sleep. We need to call Daryl and Sam and then the parent people to tell them what's going on. They will be relieved, especially Daryl. Wine finished, the men said good night to Bradley and Tommy walked his husband up the stairs and into their bedroom. He quickly stripped him and helped him into the bathroom, where Robbie bushed his teeth and practically fell into the bed. Tommy pulled up the covers and Robbie was out cold, sound asleep. Tommy kissed him goodnight and walked over to the desk in the sitting area of their very large bedroom. He sat down and called Daryl. Daryl answered on the second ring and Tommy told him everything. Daryl started to cry and was very happy that Elsa was going to be ok!! He would relay the news to Sam, since Sam had to run over to the horse barn for a slight problem. Tommy said goodnight and they would be down shortly to see them and then head south for work.

Bradley made it up to his bedroom, called Robert and told him the news. He too had been on pins and needles. Robert was pleased to hear from his lover and glad to hear the good news. "Good night lover. We can chat tomorrow. What time is Elsa coming home??"

"We aren't sure yet. We will get a call when she is ready, although if I know my bosses, they will go to the hospital mid-morning anyway. Goodnight baby, I love you and miss your arms around me!!" Bradley undressed, crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly.

Tommy undressed and brushed his teeth. He crawled into bed and cuddled up with Robbie and was asleep in minutes as well.

Moonlight peaked in the windows of the small house shared by Daryl and his darling Sam. They were so in love! Daryl reached over to hug his intended and the bed was empty. Daryl glanced at the clock, and it was just after 5 AM. MMM, he must be at the barn early this morning. He didn't even feel Sam get out of bed that morning. He got up, peed, put on a robe and wondered into the kitchen. There was a note by the coffee pot. It read, `Good morning lover, had to get to work early this morning and didn't want to wake you. Coffee is ready. Come over to the barn when you get dressed as I need my morning kiss. Love you so much!!! Daryl started to laugh as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He sat down at the small table and thought how lucky he was for everything. He had wonderful friends, his bosses and the family cared for him, and he had his Sam! The love of his life. He had a job that he loved beyond words. He had thought life was over when shit-head Steven had left him. He could have never imagined that all this would happen, and he truly felt so blessed. It was all meant to be. Then the news about his dear adopted Grandmother, Elsa, and that she was going to be ok. He thought that Robbie and Tommy would bring her to the ranch for a rest as they were coming down anyway, and she wouldn't be alone.

He took another sip and ran in to shower and dress for the day. Nothing was happening at the house other than normal workday. He had to check and make sure all the rooms were ready for guests. The maids would take care of everything. Fresh flowers would be put in the rooms the day they were to arrive. Dressed, he grabbed a coat and walked over to the barn to see Sam.

As Daryl walked in, Sam was walking up to the front from the back of the huge barn. There was a huge smile on his face as he saw his lover coming towards him. They met in the middle of that barn and just stood there smiling at each other. "Good morning cowboy!!!"

Sam smiled again, grabbed Daryl and pulled into him and the men kissed deeply. Daryl knocked Sam's hat off his head. The kiss was long and loving. Two of the young guys had just walked into the barn. It was Stan and Jim. Stan just smiled and said loudly, "Geez, they're at it again or maybe still. Come on guys get a room!!!!" The men pulled apart while Sam smiled and asked, "Jealous much??" Everyone started to laugh. Sam pronounced, "I am ready for some breakfast. You ready too baby??" Both men walked to the big house for breakfast.

Tommy and Robbie were excited and thrilled that Elsa was coming home today and had orders for her to take it easy. They were going to take her to the ranch for a rest to be waited on by everyone in order to get her strength back. They asked Bradley if he wanted to come as well or stay home and be with Robert? He really would not be needed so staying home was fine. They would be gone a little over a week, depending how things were going with the restaurants. Blake's was doing just fine and back in full operation after the debaukle with Ralph. Ralph tried to take over the restaurant and tried to steal the cash from the receipts, and then committed suicide while in jail awaiting trial.

Le Belle was also doing very well and had a two-month waiting list for future reservations. They were sure the house was still standing. Both men had busy days: Tommy had to write and send the letter to Davis' parents about their demand for the men to sign a Prenuptial agreement. What he wanted to do was send them a fact sheet telling them how much Bruce was roughly worth and that maybe the parents needed to sign an agreement promising not to take money from him, thus turning the tables on them. He would talk to both men this morning regarding this matter when he got to the office. But first, breakfast was in order. Then the men had to go pick up Ms. Elsa from the hospital and take her home to rest.

They likely would leave for the southland in two days, once they got things squared away and brought Elsa home and prepared her for the trip. Robbie made the three men a quick breakfast of toast, soft scrambled eggs and coffee. Breakfast was finished quickly, Bradley started the dishes, and Robbie and Tommy would leave shortly to pick up Elsa at the hospital. The hospital had called just before breakfast saying that she would be ready to go home in about an hour.

Both men were excited to have Elsa home and hopefully she would have a full recovery. Before they got into Robbie's Bentley, they kissed, hugged Bradley and started to the hospital. The drive was easy, and they were there in minutes. They found Elsa waiting for them by the entrance, sitting in a wheelchair with a huge smile. Robbie had parked in the patient loading zone, and they went in to get their charge. Elsa was holding a packet of instructions from the Doctor. These should be followed to the letter, and they also found out that she could fly for the short distance to the ranch in Santa Barbara.

They helped her into the Bentley's roomie back seat and Tommy got into the passenger seat. They had both kissed Elsa and were glad to have her home with them. She was glad to be going home and was greatly relieved that she would be fine and recover fully.

They arrived home shortly and got Elsa into the house asking if she was hungry and wanted something to eat? I would love an Arnold Palmer and some soup for lunch in a while. "Your wish is my command, dear one!!" replied Robbie. They got her settled on the couch in the family room with a Kashmir throw on her lap, while Bradley took her bag over to her apartment.

Robbie told her that they were still leaving for the Ranch in two days and would take her for a weeks' worth of rest where she would be waited in hand and foot. She would see her Grandson and Sam. They had both been quite worried about her and they needed some Grandma time. Tommy left for the office since he had a busy day and would be home for supper about 6:00 or so. Robbie had to go to the office for a while to finish up details about the menu changes he wanted to make.

On the way to the office, Tommy called Bruce and inquired about the letter to Davis' parents and his financial discloser, and then asking them to sign an agreement they would stop all the foolishness about the Prenup crap. Bruce thought it was a great idea and was also reminded about the letters they needed to have messengered over to their present Law offices, ending their business dealing, and requesting all their file be sent to Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law. Bruce said his office manager/secretary was doing that now, and Davis was doing it also. They would send copies of the same letters to Tommy for his files. He told Tommy he would fax a listing of his assets to him directly and thought it was a great idea to put Davis' parents in their proper place. They were both done with the parental bullshit!!!

Tommy called Robbie to see how things were going and how was Elsa after he left. "She is doing fine, resting, glad to be home and was excited about going to the ranch to recover. It was now Wed. and they wanted to fly first thing Fri. morning to the ranch. Either Sam and or Daryl would meet them at the private airport. They were excited to see them both and, of course, Elsa.

Tommy received the fax regarding Bruce's assets and was surprised to see the amount he was worth. It was over and above what he thought: Stocks, bonds, investments and real-estate too. It was over $300 million. Davis' parents could not even come close to that amount. Tommy called Alice in the take a letter for the parents. He started by introducing himself and why they were receiving the letter. Mr. Scott and Mr. Williams have moved from the present law offices and their legal work to Gilman and Son as of today. He was questioning their notion wanting a Pre-nup to protect their son's money. He stated that they had not even attempted to get to know Bruce Scott and they would find an enclosed statement detailing a small portion of his assets. They needn't be worried about any type of Pre-nup and that they were both of legal age and the parents really had no say in the matter!! If you have any questions please, contact my office. My kindest regards: Mr. Tommy Gilman, ESQ. Senior Partner of Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law. Alice typed it up on Company Letterhead and Tommy signed it. Alice was having it sent to the parents by bonded messenger. This should take care of any further problems.

Alice faxed copies of the letters to each man and soon got a phone call from each, saying a big thank you for the work that had been done. They were very pleased with the letters being sent. Tommy started to wonder when they would receive a reply for the Williams'. They would just have to wait and see. Whatever the outcome of the letter, he knew both men were safe in his capable hands.

Robbie decided to start his European Adventured menus at his office with Spain, and then on to Germany. He had always loved a great Paella and other tasty Spanish dishes such as cold Gazpacho (cold tomato soup, garnished with croutons, cucumber or cilantro) and Tapas (which are normally small plates, served in bars sort of like snacks) Chorizo, Fried Calamari, Olives, selection of nuts, fried baby octopus, or grilled. Most Spanish people eat La Comida (lunch) fairly late as most merchants close their stores or shops between 1-4 in the afternoon, take a Siesta (Nap), eat something and re-open in the later afternoon and stay open till 7-8 PM. Dinner is not really eaten until 10 PM or so. It should be an exciting event to start, and he was looking forward to it. These dinners would start out for a week and may be extended for second week, depending on how they went over. He was sure they would be great.

Robbie had now planned to cook dinner that evening with grilled Salmon, a light Beurre Blanc sauce with chives, then a small salad, some rice pilaf and some steamed mixed veggies. A Jell-O parfait for dessert. Since no alcohol was to be served (Dr. orders) he would make a jug of iced tea. It would be great tasting and healthy as well. Robbie left the office and headed to the store to buy food for dinner. He had called from the office to see how her Ladyship was feeling. Bradley said she had gone over to her apartment to sleep for a bit in her own bed and that things were fine at home. He asked if there was anything he could do? Robbie explained the menu and Bradley said he would take care of the salad and the pilaf and set the table in the breakfast room. He would also make the iced tea. Robbie thanked him and told him it was a pleasure to have him as part of the household and family. The men hung up and Robbie called Tommy at the office to tell what was planned for the evening. Tommy said it all sounded great and was looking forward to it with anticipation. He would be home about 6:00. It was now just after 3:00 PM. The men said goodbye after the usual `I love YOU!!!'

Tommy had just hung up when Alice called on the intercom. He had an urgent phone call on line three. He asked who it was, and Alice said a very irate woman name Mrs. Williams who wanted to speak to him immediately. Tommy just smiled, sat back, picked up his phone and in his best lawyer voice stated. "This is Tommy Gilman. How may I be of service??"

Well, this should get interesting. Wonder what Mrs. Williams will say to Tommy? We will have to wait and see. I hope you all enjoyed this latest chapter. I have such fun coming up with these story lines. I hope everyone is doing well. As always, stay well and play safe, always be kind to others and play niceness forward to help others when you can. You will be rewarded. Fall is coming and I am looking forward to my fall wardrobe, my great sweaters, etc. I think fall is my favorite season, Halloween, (My fav holiday!!) My birthday month (LOL) is November (Why just have one day when you can stretch it to a full month). I love Thanksgiving and the smells of the roast Turkey and all the wonderful sides YUMMMM!

As always, thanks to my dear Allen for his hard work in editing this mess and getting it sent for all of you to read and enjoy!! I welcome any and all suggestions or comments you may have, so don't be shy!!! I will reply!!

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Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 136: Robbies True Love IV 10

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