Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 14, 2022


Well, everyone, as I was starting to write this new chapter and I had reached page 10, I must have pushed something wrong and PUFFFFF then most of the whole chapter that I had already written totally disappeared. Sooooo, I am having to totally start over and pray that my feeble mind can remember what I had written. Damn, I hate this! You realize it was not my fault, but the facockta computer, LOL. So, on with the story yet again!!! Please enjoy!!!

Robbie and Tommy woke in each other's arms as always and just looked at each other saying a gentle I love you and kissed. Robbie said (after he yawned), baby we both have a busy day ahead, and as much as I would love to stay and play with you, we must get up. Besides, I have the proverbial racehorse problem. I've got to peeee really bad. Come join me and then lets run in the water and dress for the day. They ran to the bathroom, peed together, turned on the shower and while the water was getting warm brushed their teeth and kissed deeply!!! The 6 shower heads were running and soon they were standing in the warm water of the shower. They shampoo-ed and washed each other with some minimal cock play. They finished, dried each other and went to pick out clothes for the day.

Robbie was going dressy casual, wearing Khaki slacks, a medium blue cashmere sweater and a dark blue suede sport coat with dark blue slip-ons. A dash of Cool Water cologne, a gold chain, his everyday Rolex and of course, his diamond wedding ring. He was set!

Tommy came out of his dressing room with a dark blue suit, a red and white striped, French cuff dress shirt, with a white collar and white cuffs, elegant gold cuff links and a solid red power tie. He also wore dark blue loafers. A dash of Hermes cologne and he was set.

Robbie looked at him and said, "I don't know if I should let you out oof the house looking that sexy and so HOT!!! Someone might whisk you off and you would leave me forever. Tommy looked at his husband and started to laugh, "YEA, right, you total idiot. You are the sexiest, most gorgeous man on the planet and every other man, other than me runs waaaay down the ladder! Dude, you are my husband, I love you beyond words and you, Mr. Man, know that!!! Now come give me a huge kiss and get me coffee!!!

Both men started to laugh and grasped hands as they wandered downstairs to find coffee and breakfast. They walked into the breakfast room to find Bradley putting finishing touches on the table which was set with fresh linen, flowers and silver. Elsa was at the stove, cooking sausage and French scrambled eggs. There were fresh croissants coming out of the oven. The aroma was fabulous. Bradley brought a carafe of fresh grapefruit juice to the table and poured it into crystal juice glasses. He poured fresh French roast coffee in the China cups. The men walked over and before they sat down gave Elsa huge hug and kiss. "How are you this fine morning darling lady?" She answered fine and told the boys to sit. Before sitting, they also hugged Bradley.

They sat down and were served a fabulous breakfast. All ate well and sipped the delicious coffee. Elsa asked what the plan was for today and if they were going to dine at home this evening or out? If here, what would you like for supper? I was thinking maybe a chicken Caesar salad with garlic bread and a cup of soup. I have some frozen house-made Minestrone. Does that work for you?? Both men said it sounded great and with kisses, thanks and hugs the men were off to work. Robbie was having zoom calls with his head chefs, going over menus and some other ideas that Robbie had. Possibly another round of themed dinners from different areas or countries to pick things up and keep things fresh. They had done this before and seemed to go over well.

Tommy had new clients coming in, a gay couple dealing with a Pre-nup bru-ha from the parents of one of the gentlemen. They were coming at 10:30am and before that he needed to go through messages and emails, although he had kept up pretty well over the holidays. But things change and can come up quickly.

The men went to their cars, kissed each other good-bye and left for their offices. Tommy drove his burgundy Mercedes and Robbie reveled in his new sky-blue Bentley, a gift from his loving husband for Christmas. He thought as he drove, he was the luckiest man on the planet to have married the most gorgeous man in the Universe. He sighed with total contentment.

The men reached their offices and each park in the underground parking lot in their private parking spaces. Each was greeted by security. After the kidnaping of Tommy, they couldn't be too careful. Robbie was greeted by Glen. "Welcome back, Mr. Blackford. I hope you had a great holiday. IS that a new car?? Robbie smiled and said hello to Glen. "Hello to you and I have told you it's just Robbie. To answer your question, we had a terrific holiday, and yes, the car is new!! My wonderful husband gave this to me for Christmas and he totally gob-smacked me with this surprise. I, in turn, gave him a trip to Europe in the early spring. Hope your holidays were great but now I have got to run. Have wonderful day!!"

Robbie rode the elevator to the penthouse floor where the corporate offices were. As he exited the elevator he was greeted by some of the staff and the main receptionist, Joan. "Welcome back Mr. Blackford!" As he walked towards his office. He was met by his new secretary, Betty. "I have some memos for you and a list of messages, plus your father would like to see you when you have a moment this morning!!" She handed him his messages as he walked to his office. It was large and well decorated. He sat down at his desk. On the walls were pictures of all the restaurants that he was so proud of, and quite pleased they were all doing so well. This was a huge feather in the cap of the Corp. The Corp. owned the building, and all the tenants were happy with the landlords too!!

He sat down and started going through messages and noted what phone calls he needed to return. Robbie checked the time for the zoom call with his head chefs in all 12 restaurants. Betty asked if he wanted coffee, and he said he would get it and went to the Nespresso coffee maker on the credenza. He asked Betty if she would like a Latte or coffee!! She smiled and asked for a Latte. Robbie made both and they tasted great. It was a treat that Robbie had bought one for each office and for their parents, as well!!

The zoom meeting was set for 10:00 am and would last about ½ hour. He had some new ideas he wanted to run past the chefs. They were an excellent crew and they all loved working for Robbie and the Corporation!! He called his Dad and said he would come down when it was convenient. Daniel replied, "Come on down!!"

Robbie knocked on the closed door of his father's office and heard a "Come on in son." Robbie went in a greeted his dad at his desk. The men hugged and each smiled a huge smile.

"Good to see you . How are things??"

"Just great Dad, and how are you and Mom? We need to get together for dinner at either our place or yours, which ever works best for us all."

"Great idea! Let me check with your mother and we will set a date. Maybe this weekend? Let's do it at our house, as it's been a while since you have been down. I will invite the Gilman's as well and we can have a grand family party."

Robbie said he had to run as he had the zoom call with his chef's at 10:00. The men hugged and Robbie walked back to his office. He thought it was so wonderful to have such fabulous parents and he felt really blessed. Robbie reached his office, sat, and went over the notes he had made for the zoom meeting. He logged on to the meeting he had set up and quickly all the chefs were in attendance. They chatted about the restaurants and were excited to bring back themed dinners again. Each chef came up with some great ideas. Robbie was pleased that he had such a wonderful team that worked with him and was pleased all the restaurants were doing so well. The meeting ended and he had lots of ideas to implement. It would be a great day.

Just then his phone rang. It was Tommy checking in. "Hey sexy man. How was your meeting??"

Robbie answered, "It went well, and I am so lucky to have such a fine staff!! Dinner sounds great tonight at home, and I will be done about 5:00 or so. I'll meet you home baby, okay??"

"Sounds wonderful! Now I have to run as my new clients are coming in a few minutes. I love you and will call you later when I am done!"

"Love you too!" answered Robbie and the men ended the call.

Tommy was busy with his notes when Alice rang him and told him Mr. Bruce Scott and Mr. Davis Williams were here for the meeting. They were ushered into the office. Bruce was an extremely handsome man, standing just about 6' and had dark blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Clean shaven, he was dressed casually in business attire: Khaki slacks, dark blue polo shirt, with a nice gold chain around his neck and a bit of dark blond hair peeking out of his open shirt. He also had on a dark blue silk sport coat. He also sported a Stainless Sub-mariner Rolex...He had a wide smile as he greeted Tommy.

Davis was equally gorgeous. He was about 5'10' and had medium red hair, stunning green eyes and also clean shaven. He was well built and was dressed similarly to Bruce. He wore darker Khakis, a bright green button-down shirt and a medium brown sport coat. Davis also wore a gold chain, and he also wore an everyday Rolex. There were very attractive diamond bands on their right hands.

Tommy shook hands and asked them to have a seat and asked if they wished coffee and water. The men looked at each other and said coffee would be great. Tommy walked over the Nespresso machine and said, "Name your poison!!" the Each said latte's would be great, with a bit of sugar. Tommy quickly made three wonderful Latte's and served them to the men. Each took a sip and said how great the coffee was. "Now down to brass tacks, as it were, how may I be of assistance??"

Bruce started, "We are planning on getting married next month and Davis' parents are insisting I sign a pre-nup as they want to protect his money from me, or the gold digger, as I have heard I have been called!! He started to laugh. They have not really gotten to know me, nor my background and it hurts a great deal. We have been together for just over two years, and it seems they are just too busy to get together. I love Davis with my whole being and would never ever hurt him in any way!

Davis took over. I was lucky enough to inherit money from my Grandparents when they passed about two years ago to the tune of about $15.7 million, as I was their only grandchild. Both my parents are quite well off on their own and I am sure I will inherit more one day. For a living, I own a small chain of bed linen stores, with high end merchandise from around the world.. We sell luxury blankets, sheets and towel sets, along with hand milled soaps and other accessories. I have three stores and do very well. One is here in town on Union Square, one in Burlingame and one down in San Jose. I am thinking about opening another in Marin, but that is for another day.

Bruce owns a high-end architecture firm here in town and we do residential and small commercial buildings. "What Davis' parents don't know and haven't bothered to find out that I also come from a very wealthy family. Personally, I am worth roughly $230 million, and my parents have considerably more. We are very much in love and there is no way we're signing a pre-nup. We both have our own money, and we have a joint account for things we do together. They never even bothered to check me out! My parents, on the other hand, love Davis and think we make a great couple.

Davis said he bought a house in St Francis Wood over two years ago that he wanted to live in, but it needed some remodeling badly. I had heard of Bruce's firm and made an appointment to have the remodeling done. I walked in was bowled over by the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He had the brightest smile and the most stunning blue eyes. He had dark blond hair and dressed so casually, but at the same time very chic. We shook hands and a spark flew between us that about knocked us over. We went into his office and of course he asked what the appointment was for as we smiled a gigawatt smile at each other.

"I explained about the house and what I wanted done. It is an older home and needs upgrading badly, but I want to keep the old style feel of the house. I brought out a small album from my pocket and showed him the house!"

Bruce then said, "I am impressed with the pictures, but I think I need to see the house in person to get a better picture in real scale, and to discuss what exactly you want to do."

Bruce looked at his schedule and said he was free to go now if it was convenient? Davis smiled and said, "Let's git and maybe if you're free we can discuss more over a nice lunch - my treat."

So, off the men went and drove out to the house in Bruce's Mercedes Benz Kompressor with the top was down as it was a gorgeous day.

Bruce drove out to St. Francis Wood.

(A bit of history here about the area. In 1910, a development Co. bought Adolf Sutro's estate. (Look up Sutro Baths. It burned down in the 1966 and is just a ruin now but was huge and I visited it when I was much MUCH Younger!!) It was on 725 acres. The land was from a Mexican Land Grant... Rancho San Miquel. Soon the Mason McDuffie Co bought 175 acres of it with Landscaper David Burnham and started St. Francis Wood. There were 46 houses built in the 1920's and later grew to 347 houses. There is so much more to say, but not enough time nor space. The history of this area in San Francisco is really fascinating. I love living here in this fabulous city, by the Bay and have lived here for decades. Actually, there are parts of the city I have never seen. So little time!! We have friends who have lived there, and a couple still do!!! But on with the story.)

Davis' house was on a lovely tree lined street. It was a striking two-story house. Striped awnings hung over the windows and the front garden looked beautiful. It was built in the mid- 1940's and had a Tudor style to it. The former owners had added a large master bath years before and needed a bit of work. and there were also four bedrooms, a formal Parlor and large formal dining room and a fairly modern kitchen with modern appliances. There was also a charming breakfast room off the kitchen.

Bruce was impressed when seeing the house from the outside. They walked up the front walkway to a carved, heavy, wooden front door that was inset with a beveled leaded glass panel across the top. Davis opened the door, and they were greeted with a nice black and white marble entry, a side table and two small side chairs. A small Crystal Chandelier hung overhead and small antique mirror over the table. To the right was the formal Parlor which had hidden pocket doors in dark wood. The room was sparsely furnished, with a vintage couch or settee and a couple of chairs and tables and a lamp here or there. Attached to the room was a small but well-appointed Study, or a small library. Opposite, across the hall, was the formal dining room and a large table with 8 chairs in carved wood and a sideboard with leaded glass doors above. There were no rugs and a serviceable chandelier hung over head. There was a nice butler's pantry with beveled glass doors that led into the kitchen. It was nicely redone and had modern appliances except for a fabulous old 1940's white Wedgewood gas stove and oven. It was a real beauty and Davis said it was in perfect working order! There was also a half bath under the stairs that led to the upper story. It had quaint old-fashioned wallpaper with an old-fashioned pedestal sink and antique mirror over it. It was perfect! It was done in shades of green and burgundy with some tile work and a green tile floor.

They walked upstairs to a fairly wide hall with doors at each end. One of the rooms was a nice sunroom, done in bright tropical print material and bent bamboo furniture. It was right out of the `40s and was fabulous. (My grandmother's house had one just like it and I loved that room!!!)

The bedrooms were nice and fairly large, and all were unfurnished except one of the guest rooms that had older twin beds and dresser. The master bedroom, while lovely, needed a bit of work and an update to the bathroom was required. The windows were expansive with great views of the street and the trees. There were window boxes that needed replanting and awnings needing to be replaced as well as some old venetian blinds. A lot of it was just redecorating, but some structural work was needed too. All in all, it was great house!

"So, what do you think of the house, and will you take on the job?? PLEASE!!" Bruce started to laugh and smiled at his new client.

"Yes, I will take the job, but under one condition. Since it is late now, and I do have to get back to the office. The condition is that you have dinner with me tonight at one of my favorite restaurants, `Blackford's' at Union square, and I will not take NO for an answer. Please say yes and we can talk about the project and get to know each other, since we will be working together on the house. I will reserve a table @ 7:00. Davis smiled brightly and said a big "yes "after a very friendly handshake. "See you tonight at 7:00!!" He drove to his office and was really looking forward to meeting Bruce that evening.

Tommy listened to their story, smiled and thought what a great couple. "I can help you with that and that fact that you both are well over legal age, your parents cannot impose a Pre-nup on you. They have no case, but I will, if you want to draft a letter to them, stating such information. By the way, are you both happy with your present legal counsel, or their offices?"

Bruce spoke first and said that they had thought about getting new lawyers, since it seemed that they were not being represented to the full extent that they required, they would love to move their legal work here, "If that is ok??"

"Great!" We would be happy to take you both on as clients. You need to send a registered letter from each of you, to your present legal firm, stating that you are "Leaving and taking on new legal counsel." Have them send any and all work they possess to us immediately. Have it dated today and send it by bonded messenger. Where are their offices located? Do you both have the same law firms?"

Davis said they had different firms, and they would notify them this afternoon. "We both want to thank you for your time and look forward to doing business with you firm. I see a picture of a stunning man on your desk. May we ask if he is an important person in your life?"

Tommy started to laugh and that was a picture of his husband, Robbie Blackford, owner and chief Executive Chef of the Blackford Restaurant chain were you had your first official date. "I am sure we can set up a meeting for you both to meet my darling husband. Now gentlemen I have to run as I have another appointment soon. Get those letters in the works right away and leave all your personal info with Alice, my Asst. Also, your parent's address Davis, and I will draft a letter to them tomorrow. Take care and I will be in touch soon."

Both men left with huge smiles and knew they were doing the right thing..

Robbie was just finishing up the zoom meeting with his Chef's, when his personal phone rang, and it was Tommy calling. He answered right away with "Hey, my sexy man. How did your meeting go? Do you have new clients?"

"Hey back at you dearest one and yes they are signing with us. I will tell you about it tonight over dinner. Just wanted to say hello to you, my darling husband. How was your meeting with your Chef's?"

"It went great, and we are doing menu changes but doing different countries this time, instead of US cities. I think we are starting with German Fare, then possibly Italy, France of course, and then, Scandinavia. It's a work in progress. Baby, I have got to run. I have another call coming in from one of the restaurants. See you tonight, lover mine. Love YOU!!" The call was disconnected.

Down at the ranch, things were going very well for Daryl and Sam. Sam was getting ready for another buying trip to Arizona for a couple of new horses and would be gone for a couple of days. Gerald had recovered nicely, but still had to take it easy for a while longer and was away with his family. He would be gone for the month of January.

Daryl had settled into in his new job as Butler, overseeing all of the household help. They all got on quite well, except for one of the young men that worked on the gardening staff. It was his job to take care of all the indoor plants. He tended to be a lazy guy and did things half-assed. He just didn't have what it took to run right properly in the huge house. Daryl had spoken to him about his work again that morning and the guy just laughed at him.

"Who the hell are you? Some fancy faggot who got his job, by fucking his way to the top job."

Daryl was astonished by the comment. He stood back, smiled an evil smile and said, "There is only one guy around here who is fucked at this moment, It is your sorry ass! You are so FIRED as of this moment! I will have the accounting staff send you your check. Collect your crap and NOW GET OUT!!"

This little talk happened right off the kitchen, and Miss Ellie heard the whole thing. She walked in carrying her huge rolling pin and gave the young man an evil look. "Iz do belives dat da Boz round here just gave yo da heave ho!!! So Iz telling yuz to get out this here house right now!!"

She started walking towards the scared man. He just dropped the watering can and as he left, he smirked, saying, "I'm gonna sue your faggot ass. Count on it asshole!!" He left the room. Daryl and Miss Ellie looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Thanks for the back-up Miss Ellie, he really needed to go. I have been disappointed with his work and have spoken to him about it before, so good riddance!!"

Miss Ellie and Daryl hugged, and Daryl went to his small office and called Tommy to tell him what he had done and the threat he received. Tommy laughed and said not to worry, I think he is an asshat and a troublemaker. You did great Daryl, took the bull by the horns and did what needed to be done. Congrats!!! I will call the parent people and I am sure they will be fine with it as they are pleased with your work!!

The men hung up and Daryl went to see Sam to tell him the news and what he had done. The men kissed each other, and Daryl was once again praised for the job he was doing. Daryl walked back to the house and got an iced tea and sat out on the patio, just thinking what his life was like now and what it had been. He was so in love with Sam, he knew that Sam felt the same and they couldn't wait to marry each other. They were planning a late spring wedding at the ranch with a reception to follow.

Sam was going to come over and they would have lunch together. A quiet dinner at their house would follow for some serious lovemaking after, as Sam was leaving the next day for Arizona. He would be driving the horse trailer. He was taking one of the stable hands with to share the driving. They would stay the night at a motel and drive straight through the following day, (After picking up the horses in the early morning.)

The young man going with him was fairly new to the ranch and was engaged to the sweetest girl from Santa Barbara. The young man's name was Casey and his girlfriend's name was Sally. They made a cute couple.

Robbie finished his day and headed home. He called Tommy from the car and told him so. Tommy was just finishing up with his last clients for the afternoon. It was a set of new leases for a building the client's company owned. No big deal and it still made the firm money.

Tommy went down to his car and was greeted by George, the guard in the garage, and was told have a great evening. Tommy was driving home thinking his life was just beyond perfect. He had the most unbelievable husband any gay man could dream about. They had two fabulous houses and two sets of parents anyone could be blessed with, a fantastic job he totally loved and a set of friends who were the best in the world.

He arrived home, pulled into the garage and was getting out of his large Mercedes when the door opened, and Robbie appeared. He walked toward him with a huge smile. "Hi lover, my gorgeous husband," and leaned in where the men kissed with passion as they always did. Tommy pulled slightly away and said he had been dreaming of a kiss like that most of the afternoon. He was glad his wish had come true. They walked onto the house and Robbie asked if he wanted a glass of wine. Tommy nodded yes and went upstairs to change and get comfortable before dinner.

He was looking forward to the dinner that Elsa had planned: Soup and salad and something light for dessert. He was soon downstairs in a pair of comfortable sweatpants, a light sweatshirt and comfy slippers. He walked into the kitchen and greeted Elsa with a kiss and a hug. Bradley was setting the table and said he had a dinner date with Robert and would be back fairly early. Elsa told Bradley to go get ready and that she could manage since dinner was all most ready. Bradley went up to change quickly since Robert was picking him up and they were just going for a drink and a hamburger. There was a car honk! Bradley wished everyone a good night as he dashed out the front door!!

Soon, the three sat down to a delightful dinner of great minestrone soup and Chicken Caesar Salad with lovely glasses of wine. Each talked about their day. Robbie explained his new idea about doing food from different countries, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, etc.. Both Tommy and Elsa thought it was a great idea. Robbie said that they were working on it and would come up with dates soon.

Tommy told them about Davis and Bruce and that they had decided to become clients of the law firm. He also discussed the Pre-nup that Davis' parents wanted, and it was a no-go. He was sending them a letter in the morning explaining that they were both over 21 and were capable of handling their own affairs and the parents had no say in the matter. There was nothing they could do and the fact that they have not gotten to know Bruce at all or his circumstances (the fact that he is worth several hundred million dollars). They are both really nice and very good looking. I think we could become friends!!

Dinner was over and the men took their wine into the living room, turned on some music and relaxed while Elsa cleaned up from dinner. Both men cuddled close, kissed and held hands. Tommy looked down at Robbie and told him he had no words to describe how much he loved him. He suggested they should go upstairs and take the cuddling to a new level. They got up, took their glasses into the kitchen, said good night to Elsa and went up the stars holding hands.

They entered their bedroom, closed and locked the door, then came together and kissed each other with increasing passion. They each took their shirts off, then the pants came down, and both men were hard and leaking. Robbie took Tommy's hand and led him into the bathroom and straight into the shower. He had dimmed the lights as they walked in the bath. They stood there, looking into each other's eyes and kissed yet again.

Here is the end of Chapter 8. I hope you enjoyed it. It took a while for me to recall what I had already written, but I seemed to be equal to the task. New characters and a couple of plot twists have appeared. As always, let me know what your thoughts are, and I'd love any comments or suggestions you may have. Let me hear from you.

As always, many thanks to my dear Allen for his work in editing and sending it into Nifty. Please donate to keep this wonderful site alive and running.

Please be true to yourself, and just be who you are!!! Be kind and play kindnesses forward, play safe and still be careful out there with the Monkey Pox and the lingering threat of the Virus.

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 135: Robbies True Love IV 9

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