Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 7, 2022



Welcome back everyone and hope you enjoyed the last Chapter. More adventures to come! The New Year's Eve party just getting started; Robert and Bradley's new romance; more from Sam and Daryl at the ranch; What adventures are lurking in my feeble little mind??? You'll Have to wait and see!! So on with the party!!!

Robert followed Bradley upstairs and they met in the room with a massive hug and a searing kiss. Robert took Bradley's face into his hands as he stepped back He kissed him lightly on the lips and still gazing into his lovers eyes said softly, "I am so in love with you! I sincerely hope you feel the same way. You're the most gorgeous man I have ever met and what a body you have! I can spend the next 50 years admiring it, loving it, taking it, and lifting you to new heights of passion and love making!!! Are you ready for the ride with me baby??"

Bradley kissed his lover with equal passion and pulled back with a huge smile on his face. "OH, HELL YES, lover!!! You do things to my body and mind that no man (and I do mean, NO man) has ever done before and I love it so very much. Have you looked in the mirror lately, lover mine? You are also the most gorgeous man I have ever known. That body of yours in beyond words, your ass and cock are what gay dreams are made of. I wish we could just get naked and make love all night long - not even go to the party, but alas, I have to go as it's my bosses who are giving it. So let me change and get downstairs before we get carried away here!!"

Bradley had his clothes laid out for the evening. A new pair of black stretch jeans that also fit like a glove, a black Cashmere sweater with a small collar, with three buttons at the neck, black suede Toms, a simple gold chain and a splash of YSL cologne. He was set.

They walked back downstairs when they met Elsa by the front door, looking stunning in her navy-blue lace cocktail dress and covered in a stunning black mink jacket with pearls. The Town Car was waiting out front and she had already said goodbye to Robbie and Tommy. She told Robert and Bradley to have a grand evening and as she walked out the door, she said, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

Robbie heard them come downstairs and came out to greet them. "You both look relaxed and ready for tonight. AND you look hot and sexy! They all walked into the kitchen where Darrin and Will were working on set up for service. Everything smelled great and the dining room table looked fabulous.

Robbie was dressed in his tight jeans, Toms and white cashmere sweater. Tommy was in his jeans and green cashmere turtleneck. Robbie also added a diamond and sapphire pendent and his diamond Rolex. Tommy wore a stunning Emerald and diamond pendent, his Rolex sapphire and diamond studded Rolex. Both men looked stunning and as they worked together, they stopped, kissed, and smiled.

The doorbell rang and Bradley opened the front door to find Walt and Karl standing there looking hot in their sweaters and jeans. He welcomed them in. They all had become such good, wonderful, friends with Robbie and Tommy since their cruise. Both men were doing extremely well in their businesses and were very much in love. Karl's real estate business was booming, and Walt was now President of the Import Export Business. They were shown into the living room and drinks were offered so each asked for Chardonnay. Will was now acting as bartender. There were Hors'd Oeuvres of pate', baguette sliced, Brie cheese, mixed nuts and olives. They were just sitting down when the doorbell rang again. Bradley went to answer the door and it was Jarrod and Richard, Robbie and Tommy's trusted pilots and great friends who had been a couple for quite some time. They had met in the Air Force and after being discharged went for commercial licenses. They loved working for the Blackford family and now for Robbie and Tommy! They loved flying and were paid extremely well with lots of benefits. They were married two years ago and lived down the peninsula in San Mateo in a lovely home, with a view of the bay and beyond.

Right behind them were Sam and Dave who were old friends of Tommy and actually were with Tommy at the beach the day that Tommy met Robbie. All the men were greeted, received drinks and were snacking and catching up with just general conversation. It was going to be a great night! All the guests were present and having a grand time.

Robbie walked into the kitchen to see how things were shaping up. It was approaching seating time for dinner. Beef Wellingtons were going to be put into the oven shortly and the potatoes were being cooked at the same time. The Salmon Mousse was plated and garnished, the Sorbet had been scooped into ice bowls and would be garnished with mint before service. Robbie walked into the dining room to light the candles and adjust the lighting. So far, everything was looking great, and was being timed to perfection.

A small bell was rung, and Robbie announced that dinner was served. Everyone walked into the large, gorgeous, dining room and was stunned how everything looked. Both Karl and Dave said, "WOW! This is some casual picnic!!" and everyone laughed.

"I decided that a picnic should be fun and entertaining, and we haven't had you all over for a long while, so why the HELL not! So, suck it up guys and enjoy. Hope you're hungry!!"

Everyone was seated with place cards, but the couples were not seated together, so everyone could get to know everyone better and give everyone chances to chat.

Darren and Will entered the dining room to serve the first course, which was the delicate Salmon Mousse, with a dilled cucumber sauce and decorated with tomato confee featuring sliced Persian cucumber and fresh dill. The Edna Valley Chardonnay was poured, and tall crystal goblets were filled with seltzer water, ice, mint and cucumber slices. It was very refreshing. Robbie stood at the head of the table and proposed a toast, and lifting his wine glass offered, "Gentlemen, thank you all for coming tonight and spending New Year's Eve with us. You all are great friends and both my darling husband Tommy, and I welcome you. We wish you and yours a very healthy and prosperous New Year!!!" Everyone cheered, clicked glasses gently and took a sip of the excellent wine.

The mousse was a huge hit, and everyone loved it. Robbie said it was his recipe and it was served in the restaurants. "I tried taking it off the menu once and got called on it and guests told me to put it back on, so it stayed on!! Enjoy!!"

Will and Darren cleared the plates. Next, came the small ice bowls with the tangerine/champagne sorbet, with small sprigs of mint. It seemed to disappear in seconds and several asked for the recipe. Everyone raved!!

Robbie excused himself from the table and went in the kitchen to check on things. The Wellingtons had been baking and were looking perfect. The Haricot Vert were ready to steam, and the potatoes Lyonnaise were just about done, (getting a bit crispy around the edges). The Brandy Peppercorn cream sauce was heating on the stove and ready to serve. Robbie checked the temperature of the Wellingtons and said they had about another 5-8 minutes, and the pastry was puffing and browning well.

Robbie went back to the table and sat down and continued to chat with his friends. He said that the main course would be out shortly. Will removed the white wine glasses and poured a Jordon Cab into the crystal wine hocks. Everyone took a sip of the wonderful Cab and deemed it fabulous. Walt asked what is was and what was the year. Robbie replied, "It is a 1976 Jordon Cabernet and the story behind it is really funny. Back years ago, I was at a dinner party where it was served, had to have been 1980 or so, I asked about it and the next day I went and bought a case of 6 bottles, and laid them down. Just before I met Tommy, I had a dear friend who was visiting from Belgium, who I had met at the Le Cordon Bleu, in Paris and we became good friends while learning to cook. He came from a restaurant family and knew so much about wines and food. Anyway, he asked for a case of the wine, so I contacted a great friend who knew Sally Jordon, the owner of the winery, and asked to get a case of the Cab. Money was no object at all!!! Sally said to my lady friend, and laughed as she said, "OH Hell, so would I love a case of that wine myself!!" So, my dear friend never got the wine as I wasn't to be found. About two years later I went to visit him in Belgium and took (hand carried) a bottle to have when we dined together. We ended up having a lovely lunch on the patio of a charming restaurant, owned by his mother, and served the wine. It was a huge hit. (AND that my dear friends, is a true story). I unfortunately have not been able to attend classes at Le Corden Bleu. But I have taken classes at the CIA in San Francisco, and it was really wonderful and learned a lot, but I also amazed the Chef who was teaching that I knew so much, it was great and very rewarding!!! I still have two bottles left and they are stored very well and beyond words!! As you can guess they are quite valuable!

Everyone at the table were getting to know each other. Sam had been promoted to head buyer for Nordstrom and doing very well. No one had met Robert and he was regaling guests with stories of his advertising firm. He was doing extremely well and had eight people working for him, but then he was so incredibly lucky to have met and fallen in love with Bradley. Bradley blushed and said it was wonderful, and that he too was very much in love!!!

Walt was working for an export/import firm and was just promoted to President of the company, and he had an announcement! He stood with his wine glass and said in a deep commanding voice, "I want to thank our hosts for this night. I was so fortunate to have met Robbie and Tommy, while they were on their honeymoon where I also met the love of my life, Karl. Earlier this afternoon, I proposed, and Karl accepted!"

Huge smiles appeared and a large cheer went up. Glasses were clicked carefully, while major congratulations were given with applause!!! "So when and where, and we will do your reception at one of the restaurants, on us and your choice!!? Both men were totally gob smacked, looked at each other and smiled broadly and said a huge YES!!! "Provided that you both stand up with us as our best men, after all it is you both that brought us together. Tommy and Robbie smiled and said yes right away!!!

Tommy and Robbie got up and hugged their friends and kisses followed. Everyone was so happy for the couple!

Jarrod and Richard, their great friends and jet pilots, were also happy. They had just celebrated their 4th Anniversary. "Best decision we ever made was to get married and to work for two of the best bosses ever."

They saluted Robbie and Tommy who were touched and exchanged grins. The main course of the Le Boeuf Wellington, Haricot Vert and potatoes were brought in and served. After each plate was set down, Will napped a luscious looking brandy, peppercorn, cream sauce over part of the Wellingtons. It all smelled delicious and looked fabulous!!! All the men dug in. The Jordan Cab went very well with the meal. Everyone raved about the food.

Just general talk was spoken during dinner, and everyone really thought this was one of the best New Year's Eve celebrations they had spent. The main course was soon finished and the last of the Cab was also finished. The plates were cleared!!

Walt asked Robbie what plans their plans were for after the first. "Well, we are headed south to check on the restaurants, both in Beverly Hills and in the Desert. We may stay down there for a week or so. We also want to stay at the ranch for a couple of days and see how Sam and Daryl are getting on. We have plenty of room in the desert house if anyone wants to come for a day of two or even come to the ranch. We can do some riding, lake swimming or just lay around the pool. Bradley will come with us, so Robert, if you can get away, you always welcome to come as well!! Robert smiled and said he would love to see the ranch.

"We have a great cook, Miss Ellie, who rules the roost with a huge rolling pin. One does NOT MESS with Miss Ellie. We love her to death. She has been at the ranch forever and loves us like a Grandmother would. I was able to talk her out of a couple of recipes, which I must say was NOT an easy task. You will love her!!!

"As you may know, Gerald, our Butler/houseman, had a massive heart attack earlier this year but is fine now and had to retire. Our dear Daryl has taken over running the house as the new Butler/Houseman and doing a fine job. Sam, our horse manager, who has been at the ranch for about six years, met Daryl and it was love at first sight for them and as of Christmas they are now engaged. They live at the ranch in a small house that we gave to Sam when he was promoted to manager. He is excellent with all the horses and is in charge of buying, and the breeding we do. We are very happy for them. We gave them a cruise on the Atlantis Gay Cruise Line for their honeymoon as a Christmas gift.

I guess we will be gone about 2 weeks, so, just let us know when you want to come, and we can fly you down on R&T airlines!!" Jarred and Richard sheepishly smiled and said nothing, as did Bradley. Walt and Karl looked perplexed along with Sam and David. Robbie started to laugh and explained that his father had given them his older G5 when he got his new G650, so they now had their own plane!! Everyone laughed!!

Coffee service was brought in followed by a huge Chocolate Souffle and a container of Grand Marnier Crme Anglese. It looked and smelled fabulous! Portions were served and it soon disappeared. Everyone raved about it. The coffee was wonderful. Soon everyone moved onto the living-room about 10 PM. Robbie left momentarily and returned with a box of party hats and noise makers. Everyone groaned about the hats but put them on for good fun. Tommy had given Robbie a crown and scepter and everyone laughed. Soft music played in the background, and everyone got up to dance. Some were fast and a lot were slow so the lovers, partners and husbands could hold each other close and whisper sweet nothings in their ears. There was some kissing of course. During the fast songs they changed partners, and all had a grand time. After dinner drinks were offered. All declined since there was to be champagne at midnight.

The time flew by, and it was close to midnight!!! The young men, Darren and Will, brought in crystal flutes on silver trays and a large sterling silver ice bucket and there was nestled a bottle of Dom Perignon. When the glasses were poured, Robbie asked for Will and Darren to join them. It had been confirmed that they were indeed a couple and very much in love!! The large Grandfather clock started to chime at midnight, and everyone yelled Happy New Year!! Glasses clinked gently, and everyone had sips of the fabulous wine. Then kissing started and lasted until the last chime rung. A New Year had started but what a grand night it had been!!!

Robbie looked dreamily at his husband and murmured as they ended their first kiss, "Happy New Year, husband mine now and forever. I love you more each minute of every day!!"

"Not as much as I love you darling man. You're in my heart forever and always!!!" Everyone broke apart and finished their champagne. They danced a bit more, but Sam and Dave said they had to get home as they were having brunch with friends on the morning. Karl and Walt said they also had to leave. They were meeting with their families for lunch to break the news that they were now engaged. Each of the families adored both men and would be happy for them. They were sure the mothers would take over the wedding plans. Jarred and Richard had been asked to spend the night and of course Robert was staying with Bradley for the night as well.

Shortly, Elsa walked in the living-room to let the men know she was home and had a fabulous evening, a fantastic dinner, the show was excellent, and she would see them all in the morning for breakfast/brunch about 12:00. They all said good night, as Elsa retired to her lovely apt over the garage.

The whole evening had been a smashing success, the company had been wonderful, and it was great catching up with friends. The food was fabulous and the wines superb. Will and Darren had done a fabulous job finishing of the cooking, plating had been perfect as well as the service. Jarred and Richard hugged Robbie and Tommy and told them the night had been magical and the company perfect. After all, the bosses trusted them with their lives as pilots. They loved their job as well as the perks they got and adored the men they flew for!! The whole Blackford family had been gracious, and they were paid very well indeed!! So off to bed where some hot and heavy love making would ensue!!

Robert and Bradley help set things right and helped Will and Darren clean up, start the dishes because there was not really any food to put away. Robbie handed then each a thick envelope and received hugs, kisses and many thinks for making the evening a great success. They left after wishing both men a very Happy New Year!!

Bradley and Robert had retired to Bradley's suite, undressed and took a quick rinse off together. While in the shower, they held each other close, kissed deeply and told the other how much they were loved. Then Bradley stepped back and started to piss all over Robert's rock-hard cock, hairy balls and crotch. He moaned as he pissed, and not to be out done, Robert also started to piss all over his lover: his chest, abs, and also his rock-hard cock. Both men melded into a passionate kiss until the piss subsided. So, they rinsed each other off, dried each other and crawled into bed, kissing with passion and love. They drifted off to dreamland and would make love in the morning, flip fucking each other with great abandon.

Robbie and Tommy embraced at the bottom of the stairs as they turned off the lights and set the alarm. Tommy kissed his husband passionately and told Robbie his love had no bounds and would last forever!!!

"Let's git upstairs. I want us to bring in the New Year with us thoroughly fucking each other and then falling asleep in each other's arms!"

"Robbie smiled at his loving husband and said what are you waiting for? There is a hard cock I want to service in many different ways!! And they walked-up the stairs with their arms around each other's waists. Isn't love just grand!!!

Everyone appeared to have slept well. Walking down the stairs were Robbie and Tommy. As they walked into the kitchen, there sat Jarred and Richard with coffee while Elsa was busy getting the brunch ready. A tray of freshly made cinnamon rolls were coming out of the oven and they smelled great. Robert was sitting at the table with coffee in hand while Bradley was helping Elsa in the kitchen. She was putting a Breakfast Sausage Strata in the oven that she had made the day before, since it had to sit overnight in the fridge, and then baked in the morning. It was made of fresh ground sausage, fresh spinach, eggs, sharp cheddar cheese, mild chilis, fresh mushrooms, stale bread that had been cubed, cream, a bit of dried ground mustard and S & P. (This is something I make often, or variations of this recipe, which can be changed to suit your own preferences and tastes). It is really good. Look up the recipe and try it! ENJOY!! Fresh orange juice was on the table as well.

Everyone was in a great mood and the men complimented Robbie and Elsa on a fabulous dinner the night before. Everyone had a great time.

Breakfast was served and during breakfast Robbie said they wanted to go south in a couple of days to check on the restaurants in BH and the desert, as well as check on the house. They also wanted to bring more personal things down to make their house more to their liking. Jarred said fine, just let us know when they wanted to go, and they would make it happen.

Brunch was finished, and everyone raved about it and hugged Elsa and thanked her!! Jarred and Richard left shortly as they had things to do that day. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and Tommy said they would let them know when they wanted to fly.

Soon after breakfast, Robert said he had to leave since he a couple of early clients in the morning and needed to prepare for them. He would see Bradley soon and would call later in the day. Robert got up to retrieve his things and Bradley went to show him out and of course they would kiss each other goodbye saying that they loved each other!!! After Robert left, Bradley let out a huge sigh and began work on straightening up the house and started to put things on the dining room table away to get the room back to normal. He started by counting all the silver flatware before putting it away. (A lesson taught to me by my Grandmother. Always keep a count of the silver used during a party for the table and recount it before putting it away. Something could be misplaced or put somewhere else, or even in the trash can. (It happened to me once and I was frantic but found it as it had slipped off the counter and fallen in the trash so keep count.) During a formal dinner there can be as many as 6-8 pieces of silver per place setting, depending on how many courses being served, and with a large party it can add up. At 10 people to dinner, that can be 60 Đ 80 pieces of silver on the table, I personally never have more than six to a sit-down dinner, any bigger that that you should have help to serve!

Robbie and Tommy left him to it and went into the library to do some work. They kissed each other, and Tommy said the whole evening was a great success and he thought everyone had a great time.

"Darling, you are really a very special person and do so much to make everyone very happy." As they sat the house phone rang and Bradley answered it as the now famous "Blackford Manor" and asked who was calling.

Daniel started to laugh on the line and asked to speak to his sons please. Bradley buzzed the library and said that Daniel was on the line. Robbie picked up and said, "Hey Dad, great to hear your voice. How is big `D'?" Daniel replied they had a grand time, and the party was a great success. They were flying home later in the day. "How was your little shindig last night? Did everyone have a great time??" Robbie replied, "It was fabulous, and everyone left a bit ago. Now we have our noses to the grindstone. We are preparing to go into the office in the morning and do the accounting from the night before. Most of the restaurants were quite busy and totally sold out with reservations for New Year's parties. There were several restaurants that had not been open due to their locations: The one in the financial district and the one in the Marina. All the others were quite busy and did booming business.

Robbie finished the call and went to see how the things in the house were going. Everything seemed to be in order, and he just smiled. He knew they just couldn't live without Miss Elsa and didn't want to. She was member of the family and dearly loved by all!!! Bradley was a Godsend and loved working for them. He was so glad to out of the environment of the hotel and rude guests and he now had a wonderful new boyfriend. It seemed that Robert was a keeper!! Both he and Tommy really liked Robert a lot and knew the men were so happy together. Robert was a real stud! So great looking, had a very successful business, was well liked, AAAAANNNND he and Bradley were in love!!

Elsa appeared and asked about dinner for tonight. "Well since we had a huge feast last night and a delightful breakfast this morning, I don't think we need lunch as I know I am full, so how about one of your fabulous soups and maybe some salad and toasted garlic bread. Does that work dear one?"

"That sounds good and so easy. Maybe we can watch a movie and retire early. Does that work for you, Mr. Man??"

Robbie started to laugh and said, "Yes, that is perfect and what time would you like to serve this fabulous feast for us??"

"Does 7:00 work? That would be great with me since I have all the ingredients. Now let me get back to work before the boss finds me slaking off. She was laughing as she walked away, back to the kitchen.

Robbie walked into the library to find Tommy working on some legal papers for the next day. It was a trust case and family bickering over an estate. He looked up as a huge smile erupted on his handsome face when he saw Robbie approaching.

"Hey lover mine, what's doing??"

"Just want to see your handsome face and beg for a kiss or two. Do you think you could accommodate me, husband mine??"

"Well, just come over here and see, you sexy beast!!"

Robbie went over and walked behind the large desk, leaned over and smiled, and brought his lips to Tommy's as they melded into a passionate kiss. Both men were breathless when they pulled apart and smiled. Robbie said, "I should let you get back to work or this could lead to a very hot and sensual twist, but you and I both have work to do, and we can save it for tonight. OKAY?? Oh BTW, Elsa is making soup and salad for supper with toasted garlic bread at 7:00, does that work for you my sexy man??"

"That sounds perfect darling. You know that the dinner you prepared last night was beyond words and was perfect. Oh, I so fucking love you! Now begone you sexy beast before I throw you down on this huge desk and have my wicked way with you. NOW GIT!!!"

Robbie leaned over again, and the men kissed deeply. Robbie left with a smile, and a slight giggle! God how he loved that man!!!

Bradley was busy with putting the last of everything away from the party last night. He smiled and he and Robert had had the best time at the dinner (which was just beyond words). He certainly knew why Robbie had such a successful business and really was a master chef. Robert popped into his head and a huge smile erupted on his face. Just months ago, he was at the family hotel and was finally done with rude guests. Now had a job with Robbie and Tommy whom he adored and on top of that, he was now in a fabulous relationship with the sexiest man: good looking, versatile, hung, hairy and the best kisser on the planet. Robert loved him, and he certainly felt the same way. He was so in love with Robert and their sex life was beyond words, from gentle and loving, to wild, nasty, pig sex they both craved at times. Just thinking of that made his cock harden!!! He smiled at the thought and went back to work.

Elsa came in and asked how things were going as Bradley put the last of the silver away. He smiled and said everything was done and he could use an iced tea.

"Good as I just made a fresh pitcher. We're have a simple dinner tonight, soup, salad and toasted garlic bread and maybe ice cream for dessert. Dinner is at 7:00. You seeing Robert tonight or tomorrow?? I think the men want to fly down south mid-week to check on a few things at the ranch, on the restaurants and then the house. We should be gone about a week, provided they want us to come with. We will wait and see."

Bradley said that he would call Robert later and possibly meet for a drink. Maybe we can discuss the trip and see whether we are going of not. Then we can make plans. "Does that sound OK?" Now, let's get some iced tea and relax a bit. BTW dinner was superb last evening and the hard work you put in was fabulous!!! He gave a gracious bow and then they walked into the kitchen.

Elsa was now busy pulling some frozen homemade soup out of the freezer and placing it in a pot on the stove to reheat to serve for supper. It looked like Minestrone and smelled delicious. She told Bradley to pull out makings for a salad of his choice. He dug around in the crisper and found Romain lettuce and in the cabinet he found a tube of anchovy paste and also a container of fresh croutons. Obviously, it was to be a Caesar Salad, which everyone loved. The lettuce had been washed and placed in paper towels. He tore the lettuce into large pieces. (You should never cut lettuce as it becomes bruised and will have brown edges!). He took a fresh egg and boiled it for one minute (called a cottled egg), then set that aside. He took a large wooden salad bowl and rubbed a piece of garlic all over the inside of the bowl, added a teaspoon of salt and mashed more garlic into the salt making a paste. He added the anchovy paste and mixed well, added a good amount of EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil. Thanks Rachael Ray, she actually got it added to the dictionary) and squeezed the juice of a whole lemon into the mixture, whisked it vigorously, added a ? cup of champagne vinegar, a couple of dashes of tabasco sauce and fresh, coarsely ground, black pepper. He broke the egg open and placed the yolk into the dressing, discarding the liquid white, scaped a bit of the congealed egg white in and whisked very well. He tasted it for seasoning and adjusted accordingly. He gave Elsa a taste and she gave him thumbs up and a smile. He would assemble the salad as they sat down.

Robbie and Tommy came in a Robbie opened a bottle of pinot. The table that Bradley had set looked great. Bradley finished the salad and plated it. Tommy poured the wine, and everyone dug in. Soon OOO's and AAAHH'S followed, and the salad was almost finished when Elsa got up to ladle the soup into warmed bowls. She served it with Parmesan cheese and fresh toasted garlic bread. It was a simple feast, but it was so good and after, well, it felt like eating the world the evening before, it was good thing. Elsa asked about dessert, and all said a huge NO and started to laugh. Elsa and Bradley cleared, Robbie make wonderful Espressos for everyone, and Tommy and Robbie went into the family room to listen to some music and drink their wonderful brew. They nestled on the couch and looked into each other's eyes. They leaned forward and kissed each other with unabated passion. Then each said, "Happy New Year lover!!" and kissed again.

Tommy then said, "I feel like we should take this upstairs and get nekkid and then pulled Tommy into a hug, grabbed hands and ran upstairs, yelling, "GOOD NIGHT!!" They could hear both Elsa and Bradley laughing in the kitchen and Elsa was shaking her head with a huge smile on her face.

Robbie and Tommy went into their large bedroom suite, closed the door, and stripped each other of their casual clothes. They were nekkid and hard, joined together in a huge hug, looked lovingly into each other's eyes, kissed with over- whelming passion and moved to the bed where Tommy pulled Robbie on top of himself. "I love you so fucking much, husband mine and I want to be used, raped and thoroughly fucked by you baby. I want to be your total slut pig bottom. Please lover, I am ready for anything!!! USE ME!!!"

Robbie looked down at his lover husband and smiled an evil grin. "You ready, my handsome pig slut??" He slid down and took each one of Tommy's nipples and teased them with his tongue, biting each, causing Tommy to gasp. He licked down his hairy, well-muscled torso and licked his belly button. Robbie lightly scraped his 5 o'clock shadow on the head of Tommy's leaking, rock-hard, 10" cock, causing Tommy to gasp yet again.

Robbie basically ignored the rock-hard cock but went straight for the hairy ball sack that hung there and gently took each ball into his mouth and savored them one at a time. This was driving Tommy crazy! He was gasping and moved his head side to side and started to beg. "OH Sir, please give me more!!! Please use me."

Robbie forcefully grabbed Tommy's legs, held them high, and in a stern voice yelled, "Hold your legs up slut and let me see that throbbing man cunt, that pig hole, I am going to use, fuck and fill you with load after load of cum. I'll totally make you my pig slut fuck pig!!!!!"

"Yes, Sir!!!! Fuck me please. I need it bad Sir!!! Robbie spread those hairy cheeks he so adored and began licking and teasing Tommy's very hungry fuck hole. He inserted his tongue deep inside and savored the sensation. God, how they each loved ass play and loved to lick and tease each other's cum hungry holes. By this time Tommy was screaming for more. "FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!! PLEASE USE THAT HOLE!!!" And without any lube, just using spit, Robbie thrust his 9" cock deep inside Tommy's wanting hole and began to pile drive his spear deep inside. Soon it was time. They were both so turned on! Robbie pushed deep, really deep, inside Tommy's now very well fucked hole and screamed his was going to fill that pig hole with load after load of cum. As he started to cum inside Tommy's hole, Tommy screamed he was cuming too and without touching his raging cock, started to shoot blast after blast of cum all over them. He drenched them totally!

Robbie leaned forward with unabated breath and kissed his loving husband with great passion. And Tommy gasped, "God baby, that was beyond words! I know we both needed that! I love you beyond words I could never express."

His softening cock slowly slipped out and Robbie totally collapsed next to his loving husband. Tommy smiled and just said, "I love you so much" and they drew up the sheet and held each other tightly, slipping into dream land!!

Everyone, I hope you enjoyed this last Chapter. Sorry for the delay but I had to have some dental surgery and I HATE going to the dentist. All is fine now and I'm glad it's over for now, at least this part!!! Next some deep cleaning, you know using the large pile drivers for breaking up cement, LOL!! God I hate going!!! But I will be able to pull up my big boy pants and get it done!! UGH!!!

I hope everyone is still being careful and please be cautious with this Monkey Pox mess. As always, be kind, play kindnesses forward and please play safe!!! Just be careful out there!! I need to thank my loving partner, Allen, for his diligence, his wonderful editing and helping me with it all!! I welcome any suggestions or comments and I will answer any and all emails. Stay tuned for more adventure, with Robbie and Tommy. I have been thinking of a new plot twist for them and what might happen to Bradley and Robert. We will also be checking in with Sam and Daryl at the ranch too. So, Ciao for now!!! Please donate to Nifty to keep these great stories going!!! On to Chapter 8!!!

Yours as always,

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 134: Robbies True Love IV 8

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