Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jun 17, 2022


Chapter 6

Bradley fell into a contented sleep after the fabulous phone sex episode with Robert. He had never done that before and although it was not the same as in person, it did lend a certain sense of naughtiness and some other twisted fun into the relationship. It is not something that he would want all the time (as he preferred real cock and ass to play with in person with the guy he had fallen in love with)!! He woke early in the morning, knowing he had work to do for the party tomorrow.

He really loved working for Robbie and Tommy, and it had been through them that he had met Robert. He was so lucky to have finally found a man of his dreams.

He stretched, got up, and wandered into the bathroom with a morning hard on leading the way. When he got to the toilet, he waited, but it wouldn't, so next best was this: He just stepped into the shower and held his cock in his hand, aiming it up to his torso, he started to pee all over his hairy, muscled chest. He felt relieved and yet excited. The warm piss felt good and the fact that he and Robert had done water sports a time or two, it felt erotic as well.

He finished pissing and turned on the taps, took a warm, wonderful shower, and made sure he washed all the nooks and crannies. He had gotten used to showering with Robert and loved that they washed each other, starting with kissing and ending with great blow jobs. It would happen again and soon. Bradley finished his shower, dried off, shaved, brushed his teeth and went to get dressed in his uniform: White polo shirt, khakis, white tennis shoes and white socks.

He went downstairs to find coffee and see what needed to be done. It was early, and Elsa was just walking in the door, since her commute to work was just across to driveway.

"Well good morning!" she said to Bradley, smiling. He had started the coffee for everyone.

"Good morning to you dear lady and how was your night??"

Elsa replied she had taken a bath with a lovely cup of tea and soaked for a bit, crawled into bed, and read for about ½ hr. before she fell asleep. She had a wonderful sleep and woke up refreshed, ready for another day, and your evening was good too?" she inquired.

"It was great, although I did miss being with Robert last night. He is so wonderful and now that we are a couple, I miss him when he is not here. We chatted on the phone and then I went to sleep dreaming of him!!!!"

"So, what are we making for breakfast the morning, Boss?"

Elsa started to laugh and smiled a bit. "I thought I would make oatmeal pancakes this morning with raisins and cinnamon, and some soft scrambled eggs on the side. How does that sound??"

"Works for me! What do you want me to start with?? By the way, I love oatmeal pancakes, so you get a big YUMMMM from me!!"

Both made the batter for the pancakes combining oats, flour, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon, then mixing in the milk and eggs with vanilla extract and letting it sit after stirring in the raisins. Elsa added a splash of brandy and stirred everything again. Then Elsa got out thick cut bacon and separated it, coated it heavily with flour and brown sugar on both sides, and set it to broil in the oven. She had Bradley get out the large grill that fit on top if the stove.

Coffee was ready and as they took their first sip of the heavenly brew, both Robbie and Tommy walked in the kitchen saying, "Good morning!!"

"So, darlings, what is on the agenda for today?" asked Tommy.

"Well, after breakfast we have to set the table in the dining room for the party tomorrow, check to fridge and pantry for items we need from the store, do the flowers and just generally spruce up for the party. So, have a seat with your coffee and make a list of what you need. After breakfast we can send Bradley to the store. How does that sound? Oh, and before I forget to ask, how are Daryl and Sam doing? Are they coming up for the party?"

Robbie replied, "I talked to Daryl yesterday and they are both great and doing very well, but NO, they are not coming up for the party, even thought they were invited. They are going out with friends to another friend's house for dinner and cards. They send everyone their love and they miss everyone!!!"

The bacon from the broiler smelled so good and Bradley poured fresh orange juice for everyone. Elsa started on the pancakes and had decided not to do eggs, the pancakes and bacon would suffice. More coffee was poured and soon a large platter of wonderful pancakes and bacon was on the table. It looked and smelled great! Everyone dug in and poured a mixture of syrup, butter and vanilla on the steaming pancakes. It was delicious and everyone ate their fill and were quite content. "I have always loved bacon cooked this way and thank you for doing it dear one!!!" Elsa smiled; it was her pleasure!!

When breakfast was finished, Elsa and Bradley made quick work of the dishes and Robbie and Elsa went through the fridge and pantry making a list of what was needed at the store.

Robbie had the menu in his head of what he wanted to prepare: Homemade pate` with crackers, a selection of olives and nuts to munch, and hasty hots, which are baguette rounds with a mayonnaise spread with parmesan cheese, green onions, chopped crab, a dash of tabasco sauce and garlic powder. Then they are broiled. A delicate Salmon Mousse for a first course, Beef Wellington, Haricot Vert (French baby green beans) and Lyonnaise potatoes. For dessert, a change in plan from a mousse to a Chocolate Souffle with Crème Anglaise. The question was whether to make individual Wellingtons or a full loin wrapped in Puff paste and served with a brandy peppercorn sauce with a touch of cream??

He asked Elsa for her input. She suggested individual servings of the Wellington as for each guest as it made a prettier presentation. Robbie thought a minute and agreed with her. They made their list of things to buy at the store. Robbie would make the pate` tonight and let it meld for flavor.

He would start the souffle in the morning and beat the egg whites and fold it all together just before going into the oven as guests sat for the main course. Also, he could make the salmon mousse while Bradley could set the table. They would pick up flowers and matching candles at the store as well.

With shopping list complete, Bradley and Robbie headed out to the store to gather everything needed for the party the following evening. Bradley stated as they got in the stately Bentley, he loved his job so very much and again thanked Robbie for the opportunity. The fact that he had met Robert and fallen in love with the hunky man was wonderful. Robbie said, "It seems that you are suited for each other and make a great couple!!" They looked forward to getting to know him better, but that would come in time!!

Bradley smiled and said they were looking forward to the get together the following evening. They arrived at the large market and split the list to make the shopping faster. Bradley asked what the color scheme would be for the table and the flowers. Robbie thought in a minute and, "Let's do white, silver, mirrors and crystal with some greenery in the flowers. "You want silver or white candles?"

Robbie replied, "Let's do silver, Okay??? Yooz be da boss-man sur!!!" and started to laugh.

They found everything they needed and checked out. As Bradley started carting everything to the car in the lot, Robbie noticed three hoodlum types near their car that looked as if they were going to try something. Robbie reached for the key-fob and pushed the panic button and a loud alarm sounded and the lights started to blink on and off and a loud automated voice said in a computer tone: "STEP AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE. STEP AWAY NOW!!!" One man was so startled that he fell over his own feet, tripped and fell over while the other two ran off like scared rabbits!!! When the hoodlum picked himself off the pavement, he then ran off in the opposite direction. When they were gone, Bradley looked at Robbie with an amused face and smile. "That was just so fucking cool! Did you see their faces? That was priceless!!"

They loaded the groceries in the large trunk, got in and Robbie started the car. Off they went back home, since everyone had work to do for the party. Bradley called Robert during the drive to tell him of their little adventure in the parking lot. They both laughed and Bradley said, "Love you" and hung up with a smile. Robbie looked over and simply said, "Ain't love grand? I hope this totally works out for you two. You do make a great couple!! Reminds me of when Tommy and I first met. I will tell you the story sometime. He is the total love of my life and we've NEVER had a mean word or been so in love in our lives. It was love at first sight!!! As you know, both sets of our wonderful parents both of us and are loved back!!!"

Once back home, the groceries were unloaded and brought in the kitchen. Elsa and Bradley put the stuff away that was not needed. Robbie started on the pate` by sauteing the chicken livers in butter and olive oil. He added minced shallots and two cloves of fresh minced garlic, two finely minced fresh cremini mushrooms, and as the livers started to cook slowly, he added allspice, thyme, S & P. When the livers were done he added a healthy splash of good brandy and flamed the mixture. He got out the Cuisinart with the steel blade and poured in the liver mixture and started to pulse it until all was a fine mousse consistency. He added a container of Boursin Herb Cheese and blended until smooth. It smelled heavenly and he poured the mixture into two ramekin serving dishes, covered them, and placed them in the fridge. He kept a small amount for everyone to taste before dinner that evening. It was to be served with small rounds of baguette along with triple crème Brie cheese.

Meanwhile, Tommy was in the study going over some papers from the office. The phone rang and he picked it up. He was surprised to find Daryl and Sam on the line. They wanted to say hello and were sorry they could not come to the party the following evening. "Is all well with y'all?" asked Daryl and said that things were great at the ranch and Sam had just gotten back form a buying trip with three new gorgeous horses, one for studding and two beautiful mares for breeding.

Tommy said, "That's great, Bradley and Robert, the that dark- haired guy you went out with once for dinner, anyway he and Bradley met and are now a couple! They seem to be in love. They both deserve it and are really happy. They are coming as guests for the party tomorrow.

"What are you both doing? Please be safe out there!!"

Sam replied, "We are going to dinner with friends and on to one of the guy's houses for a night of cards. We don't want to be out and about with all the crazies!!"

"Also, we both wanted to say we are falling more in love every day and we can't thank you enough for the cruise for our honeymoon. We can't wait for it to happen. We are thinking on the spring or early summer!"

Tommy exclaimed it was their pleasure. As you know, I got Robbie a new Bentley for Christmas but when we got home we had to get another one because of the wreck. All is fine now. "Listen guys, I hate to cut this short, but I still have some catch up work to finish and we have work to do around the house for the party tomorrow evening. Take care and Happy New Year, and please be careful out there when going to dinner. So, Ciao for now and huge hugs to you both from us!!"

Tommy finished up with his papers and wandered back into the kitchen to see what he could do. "You can go and help Bradley set the table for dinner tomorrow evening, if you would darling man!"

"Yesur, boss man, Iz bedoo'n it rights now, Misser sir!!" Every-one laughed!

He walked into the dining room where Bradley had gotten out the silver as requested. It was the silver service they had purchased in Mexico on their honeymoon. There were 10 place settings. Large Baroque silver candle sticks that held three candles each, were in the center on a large, beveled mirror, leaving room for a long silver vase to hold the flowers that would be done in the morning. The candles would be glittery silver, about 12" tall and the center piece was to be made of white roses and orchids with a bit of green fern, and some wonderful silver mirrored ornaments would be added. There were gorgeous, white damask, linen mats with matching napkins in sterling silver napkin rings. The dining room looked resplendent.

After that was done, Bradley sat down for a break and called Robert, just to say hi and see how his day was going. He picked up on the first ring, as though he was expecting the call. "Hey sexy, just wanted to say hello and see how your day is going." Robert replied laughing, "This is amazing. I was reaching to pick up the phone to call you and see how you were. Two great minds thinking of each other. God I miss you so much, and BTW, I love you too!!!"

Bradley started to laugh and replied with, "I love you too! You may not know how much, as I have said before, I have never been so happy and totally satisfied sexually in my life and thanks to you, just hearing your voice, I now have a raging hard-on that is leaking. I'm missing your hot, nasty hole and wonderful mouth!!!" He started to laugh again.

"Well baby, I am now in the same condition and will have to find a way to take care of this right now as I have a client due in about 10 minutes and I don't think they would appreciate my rock-hard cock leaking all over the front of my slacks. So baby, I will hang up and go take care of this problem I have developed because of your sexy voice. I will call you later when I get done and maybe we can see each other tonight. I would love to take you to dinner tonight, and then have each other for dessert, if you are willing??"

"Baby I am always willing, and I will ask if I can go out tonight and let you spent the night. You don't have to work tomorrow so you?"

"Just a few hours in the late morning and then maybe I could come to the house and help if needed. Can you ask and see for me and let me know about dinner tonight. I need to hold you in my arms, kiss you so much, and then get in bed and fuck each other into oblivion. Does that work lover??"

"Oh YEA, it certainly does, but I have to run now as I have work to do, so let's chat later. Good luck with you clients."

The men hung up with huge smiles. Bradley finished his coffee and went back to work. He spruced up the living room and set the bar up near the fireplace. They had hired several of the servers from the restaurant downtown to bartend and serve at table. They were both gay, very good looking, and for some reason had no plans for the evening. They had accepted the job for the extra pay. They were also interested in each other from afar and had been generally talking, but had not hooked up - even for coffee, but this might change after New Year's Eve!!

There was nothing happening at the big house for New Years. Miss Ellie was cooking up a lot of great things for the staff and they were having their own party. Miss Ellie was doing a good old southern menu. No one wanted to drive in the craziness of the holiday. There was baked ham, collard and mustard greens, several salads, mashed sweet potatoes, hush puppies, corn bread, biscuits and a huge peach cobbler for dessert, with homemade vanilla ice cream. For Hors`d oeuvres there was pimento cheese with crackers, deviled eggs, different cheeses, onion rings and cut up veggies: celery, carrots, radishes, Persian cucumber, zucchini, green onions with a ranch dressing for dipping. All the ranch hands, families, maids were expected, and all would have a grand time. There was a fire pit set up outside and Daryl hired a Combo to play music for dancing. All in all, it would be a fun evening. There were to be games for the kids and adults. It all sounded great!!

Tommy and Robbie checked with their offices to see if there was anything pressing that needed to be taken care of before the end of the year. Tommy was working on a few things but it all could wait until after the 1st. The restaurants were booked solid but the staff in each had everything under control!! Robbie was blessed and pleased he had such reliable staff taking care of things and he was not personally needed at any of the restaurants.

Everything at the house was under control since Elsa and Bradley had ever thing covered. Most of the food was being prepared that afternoon. The fillets were seasoned and drying uncovered in the fridge. The individual Wellingtons would be put together early in the afternoon and the fillets would be seared and ready. The Champignon duxelles (mushroom pate) were ready, finely chopped, and ready to go.

Dinner that night would be easy, and Elsa was making a spinach, wild mushroom and cheese souffle and a small side salad with a simple Dijon vinaigrette dressing and toasted garlic bread plus ice cream for dessert, if anyone wanted any.

The house was done, the table looked great (except for the flowers that would be done on the morning). The house sparkled! Robbie walked up to Bradley, gave him a huge hug and just said THANK YOU!!!

"I hope you're happy here with us as your new little family. We love having you here and hope you happy are too!!!"

Bradley stepped back with a tear running down his handsome face and a huge smile on his bright face. "Robbie, Mr. Boss Man, I have never been this happy in my life. You rescued me from a horrible situation at the hotel and I was sorry to leave, but I had had enough of the abuse from some of the customers. The Manager, Mr. Owen, was great and with your family, I could never ask for better employers. Then having my beloved MB restored (It looks better now that when I bought it years ago) AND now that I have met and fallen in love with Robert... Who could ask for more happiness and pleasure. I thank you both from the bottom of my heart. Now enough of this sentimental crap. Boss Man, I have work to do!!"

He reached over and kissed Robbie on the cheek and gave him a hug. Then he was off to do things. Robbie just stood there and smiled!!

Tommy was in the office going over paperwork for the first of the year when Robbie walked in with a glass of Chardonnay and said, "Hey there, Sexy, WAZ UP???"

Tommy started to laugh and simply said, "Get your cute, sexy ass over here and give me a kiss!!"

Robbie set the wine down, came around and sat on Tommy's lap and the men just gazed into each other's eyes, smiled, and what started out to be a chaste kiss, turned into one of great passion and heat!!! Tommy pulled back and both men were now breathing heavily.

"Darling I need to finish up here. Can we please save this for later in bed if I can last that long?" He then kissed his Robbie yet again. "Now go cook or something, PLEASE. I need to finish this and you're too much of a huge distraction!!! NOW GIT!!!"

The preparations for the party were going great and both Bradley and, of course, Elsa were beyond fabulous. Elsa and Alma were going to dinner at `Le Belle at Union Square' and were given Robbie's regular table. He had requested a Town Car from the company to chauffer them for the evening and after dinner they were going to Club Fugazi in North Beach to see the Beach Blanket Babylon Show as a special treat. It was the last night, and they were closing, ending the show after some 40 yrs. It would be a fabulous evening for them both.

The souffle for dinner was over the top and quite tasty and was a total hit!!! ( I personally make this souffle for us every couple of weeks and for guests sometimes and is always a hit!!) No one really wanted dessert, but espressos were always welcome. Coffee finished, and everyone chatted about what needed to be done in the morning. The flowers were in a large vat in the laundry room waiting to be made into arrangements. There were to be arrangements for the foyer, several for the living room, and of course a large one for the dining room table and the sideboard. All were to be white roses, Phal. Orchids, Christmas Fern, white Freesia and Magnolia leaves, sprayed silver, small, mirrored ornaments with sparkly silver bows. It all would look quite festive. Champagne and wines had been chilled and ice buckets were at the ready. The Cabernet would be opened, decanted and left to breath for the main course. Robbie had made small ice bowls for the tangerine/champagne sorbet that he had prepared to be served between courses.

Everyone was a bit tired, and all trotted off to their cots for the night. They said good night as Elsa left for her apartment over the garage, and Bradley went up to his small suite to call Robert and say good night (as now was their custom when they weren't together).

"Hey, sexy lover mine,!!" Bradley exclaimed when Roberts answered the phone on the second ring.

"MMMMM" was heard by Bradley, and he laughed asking, "Did I catch you at a bad time? Were you busy with something important??"

"Yes, you did lover. You interrupted me from thinking about how wonderful it would be to talk to my very hot, and SO SEXY boyfriend. Then BINGO! There you were on the phone, but I still am laying here all alone so I guess a good night over the phone will have to suffice!!" He let out a huge mournful sigh!!!

Bradley started to laugh and replied with, "You poor little thing. Soooo neglected and alone. I love you baby, so fuckling much but you are spending the night tomorrow and I will make it up to you with some hot, nasty, raunchy, flip fucking, hot ass rimming, and maybe some water sports. But only if you're a good boy and tell me how much you love me!!!"

Robert started to laugh and replied, "Baby, I can't put into words how much I love you and adore you. I was going to suggest that we have some fun over the phone, but let's save it for tomorrow night. Good night sweet man...happy dreams!!" He blew a kiss into the phone and hung up. Bradley let out a huge sigh and smiled from ear to ear, then undressed, crawled into bed and soon drifted off to sleep thinking of his hot sexy boyfriend.

Everyone slept well, and it was full on in the morning. Coffee was ready and Elsa had put out thin sliced ham, fresh croissants, butter, jam and hard-boiled eggs for breakfast with fresh squeezed orange juice. Everyone ate a bit, and soon Robbie and Elsa had all the flowers done and they did look fantastic. Robbie had originally thought it would be a picnic affair, hot dogs, hamburgers and potato salad, but then settled on very casual dress but wanted dinner to be a spectacular feast in the dining room for his friends. Everyone would be surprised at this - after all it was New Year's Eve.

Robbie and Tommy had discussed what to wear and they had told the guys jeans and sweaters would be great. Robbie had chosen and beautiful blue, cashmere, V-neck sweater, great looking jeans and denim Toms to be comfortable. Tommy had chosen jeans as well that look like they had been spray painted on and show off his "assets" to the fullest and a gorgeous emerald-green, cashmere, turtleneck sweater that matched his eyes to a "TEE" and a pair of Toms in emerald-green.

The food was nearly ready, and Robbie spent time in the kitchen putting the Beef Wellingtons together. He had seared each fillet after seasoning them, prepared the puff pastry and cut it into the appropriate size afterward smearing Dijon Mustard on one side of the fillets. Then, he added a smear of Foie Grau and topped each with a good amount of the champignon Duxelles and closed the puff pastry - thus sealing each. He used left over scraps to decorate and brushed each Wellington with an egg wash for a glaze. The beans and potatoes were cleaned and prepped. The Salmon Mousse was made the night before as was the Tangerine/ Champagne sorbet. The Chocolate Souffle was ready for the egg whites to go in the oven when they sat down with the main course. The Hors`d Oeuvres were prepared as well, and the whole house looked fabulous with everyone's help. It was nearing 3:00 PM when everyone realized they had not eaten any lunch. Elsa made simple sandwiches and iced teas. It would suffice until dinner.

The extra help was arriving at 5:00 to check on everything and set up the bar for the evening. Both were experienced servers, Darren and Will, and were two of Robbie's best employees.

Darren was to plate and serve from the kitchen with help from Will after he was through playing bartender at dinner.

When all was ready to go, everyone retired to their rooms to rest before dressing for the evening. Elsa was going with Alma for the evening in a Town Car that was arriving at 6:00. She would pick up Alma and off to dinner at Le Belle. Both were dressing up for the evening. Elsa had chosen a stunning navy-blue lace cocktail dress pairing it with the black mink jacket (also a gift from Robbie several years ago) and was wearing the pearls the boys had given her with pearl and diamond earrings.

At 5:00, right on the dot, Darren and Will arrived dressed in black pants, white shirts, black vests and black bow ties. They were both very handsome, in their late 20's. They were greeted by Tommy and Robbie and were shown to the kitchen. Robbie had gotten out the China plates for each course with labels of what went where, and when to serve. They were both very experienced and knew how to run a dining room and kitchen. There were bowls of mixed nuts and olives set about in the living room, and there were linen cocktail napkins at the bar. Robbie showed them how to plate each course. There was a fabulous Edna Valley Chardonnay for the first course. A stunning Cabernet was served with the main course. It was a Jordan Cab from Alexander Valley and had been decanted earlier. They were shown the ice bowls for Sorbet in the freezer. The Wellingtons had been pulled and were warming to room temperature on a baking rack and Robbie had just finished making the Demi-glaze with Green Peppercorn and Brandy cream sauce for the beef. The beans had been prepped as were the potatoes.

Everything was set and it was now close to 5:30 so Tommy, Robbie and Bradley needed to clean up and change clothes. Guests were arriving at 7:00 for cocktails and dinner was to be served at 8:00.

Just as they headed upstairs, the doorbell rang, and Bradley opened the door to a stunning sight! There stood Robert, looking good enough to eat in black, skin-tight jeans, black suede Toms and a stunning bright red v-neck, cashmere, sweater that fit like a glove. That sight took Bradley's breath away to see his hunky boyfriend standing there. They gave each other a kiss and finished going up stairs to Bradley's suite of rooms. As they walked up stairs, they stopped, embraced, kissed deeply and whispered, "I love you!!"and continued upstairs so Bradley could change.

Well Gang, here ends a rather long and involved chapter and it is now New Year's Eve and the dinner party will commence shortly. Sorry it took a bit to get this out, but I had to have cataract surgery on both eyes one week apart. All went well and I can't believe the difference in how things look; Everything is so bright and clear!!! My eye surgeon was a hot hunk and did a wonderful job. So soon, on to the next Chapter.

As always be kind, play well with others, and play kindnesses forward. Be safe, be vigilant and be safe. Many thanks to my wonderful Allen for his work in helping me with this story. I love you Boo!!

Please donate to Nifty!!! Ciao for now!! Happy Father's Day to all dads out there. Happy Pride and best wishes to all.

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 133: Robbies True Love IV 7

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