Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Apr 10, 2022


Chapter 4

Welcome back and here we go!!!

Robbie and Tommy arrived home, greeted Elsa and gave her a kiss and a hug. Elsa said to them, "I had a wonderful time at Christmas with the family, but I must say it is great to be home. I got unpacked and picked out a dress for tonight. It's a dark blue silk sheath and it works wonderfully with the lovely pearls you gave me. I hope that is ok for tonight?"

Robbie started to laugh and said she could wear an old flour sack and still look fabulous!! Everyone laughed and the men went upstairs to have a bit of a rest, shower and change for the evening.

Meanwhile down in Carmel, Robert and Bradley woke from their short nap, wrapped in each other's arms, gazed into each other's eyes and kissed deeply!! Bradley said, "I will never EVER grow tired of you kissing me like that. Now what do you say, we get up and shower together but let's save all heavy sex play until tonight, because I believe my boyfriend is squiring me out for the last dinner of our little vacation. Where are you taking me, if I may be so bold??"

"You may not boyfriend, it is a surprise, let's run in the water, get dressed, and head out for a cocktail and a fabulous dinner. They kissed and went to shower and dress. They had decided just nice slacks and sport coats for the evening, a little more casual, but still a bit dressy.

Robbie and Tommy got showered and dressed for their evening out with Elsa. Robbie chose a dark blue double-breasted suit with a windowpane check in a silver-grey, a white-on-white French cuffed dress shirt and a stunning tie of silver, and several shades of blue with dark blue Ferragamo slip loafers.

Tommy chose a dark green Hugo Boss single-breasted suit, a very pale green French cuff shirt and a striped tie in shades of green, silver, tan and burnt orange in a geometric style. Both wore gold cufflinks and looked stunning. They stopped at the door, kissed and headed downstairs to meet Elsa. Elsa was ready and looked stunning in her dark blue silk sheath and pearls. They walked out to the garage and got into the new Bentley. Robbie drove them down to Le Belle for a fabulous dinner.

Robert and Bradley went to the hotel bar for a glass of wine before they walked down Ocean Ave. to the restaurant. They chatted about their time together and each said they had a fabulous time together and were looking forward to more get-a-ways when time permitted. They each had a Chardonnay and were given a small crystal bowl of mixed nuts to nibble on. They finished their wine and Robert said they had to leave since their reservation was at 7:30. Bradley paid the bar bill, they left and walked up Ocean Ave.

They soon arrived at a charming restaurant called "La Bicyclette" and walked in where they were greeted warmly. They were asked if they had a reservation, and Robert replied yes and gave his name. The Maitre`D smiled and led them to a wonderful table near the side in lovely booth for two. Menus were given and water served. They were asked if they wanted assorted Pains du Jour that came with soft butter, herbs and olive oil. Robert replied yes and they were asked about drinks. They asked for a buttery Chardonnay.

They gazed at the menu and were both delighted by the choices. Everything sounded great! Robert chose the salad `Betterave Chicoree.' Roasted beets, endive radicchio, candied hazelnuts, dill, gooseberry vinaigrette and creme fraiche. It sounded wonderful. Bradley chose the Champignons Provenale, wood fired mushroom caps Pernod, and a hazelnut-garlic butter.

The wine was served, and it was a Napa Valley Sonoma Cutrer. It was opened and poured with Robert tasting first. It was delicious. (When I was drinking, I decided about four years ago that I didn't want to drink alcohol anymore. No big deal really. I was never a heavy drinker anyway, but it was one of my favs!!)

Main courses were selected as well. Robert chose the local Black Cod with French lentils, and English peas in Harissa broth. It sounded delicious. Bradley chose Linguini Pescatore, linguini pasta with lobster, shrimp and other sea food, veloutŽ`, with tomatoes and green onions. It would pair very nicely with the wine that Robert had chosen.

First courses were finished, and they had shared bites and both raved. It was wonderful. The plates were cleared, and a champagne sorbet was served. Then followed the main courses. They were served expertly and looked fabulous. The men tucked in, and again shared bites. Dinner was a huge hit! More wine had been poured and consumed as they took their last bites!! Dessert menus were brought, and they both decided on the Pot de Mousse au Chocolat (for 2), and coffee was offered, and they both ordered an Espresso. They had talked in more detail through dinner about their relationship and what each wanted.

Both men had wonderful careers and for Bradley, that included travel with Robbie and Tommy. Robert had his very busy Advertising Offices and even with a great staff, he had to oversee everything. His business was one of the best in the city.

So, they figured out that they would spend nights together at either the house or Robert's Condo and then weekends (when free) they would stay at Robert's. They would work it out, provided it all worked for Robbie and Tommy.

Dinner was done and it was quite fabulous. Robert paid the bill and Bradley insisted on leaving the tip. He put a $50.00 bill in the folder, they left, and walked leisurely back to the hotel where they would finish with some hot, nasty and wild love making!!!

Robbie driving the three of them to dinner was wonderful. The weather clear but just a bit winter in the air. Elsa had slipped on a wonderful light colored mink jacket that the boys had given her for a birthday present two years ago. They arrived at the restaurant and had the valet park the car for them. They entered the restaurant and went into the lounge and were greeted by friends and customers. Everyone was glad to see each other, and they ordered drinks from Bob behind the bar. The men got their normal Chardonnay and Elsa asked for a Cosmopolitan. It was served in a chilled glass and was delicious. They chatted for a moment and were shown to their regular table near the middle of the room, yet still off to the side. It was perfect as they could see everything that went on.

They were given menus and ordering was a simple thing as Robbie designed the menu. Robbie ordered the house-made pate` with cornichon and ordered each a glass of Taylor 30 yr. old port. Everyone wanted a simple salad of butter lettuce with house-made vinaigrette and blue cheese crumbles, and garlic croutons.

The pate` was a hit and the port worked very well with it. Everyone enjoyed it greatly!! Then the salads were brought and enjoyed, light and refreshing. Then everyone looked at the menu for the main courses. The special that night was Le Boef au Poivre with Lyonnaise potatoes and steamed Haricot Vert with butter and dill. Also, a Coq au Vin, (chicken cooked in red wine) with pearl onions, carrots and Champignon with mashed potatoes, and Veau ala Crme and wine, with fresh tarragon - also with Lyonnaise potatoes - and roasted baby carrots with a touch of fresh dill and butter.

Prime Rib was also an option as well as many other dishes. They all chose one of the specials. Robbie chose the Steak Au Poirve, rare. Tommy asked for the Coq au Vin, and Elsa chose the veal. Tommy asked for the wine list and chose a Poiully Fuisse, a wonderful French White Burgundy that would work with all the dishes.

The Pate was eaten, and the plates cleared. The salad course was brought to the table and was wonderfully light. Those plates were cleared and small ice sculptures with a tangerine/champagne sorbet with sprigs of fresh mint were produced to cleanse the pallet. They were delicious!

The wine was poured after Tommy tasted it and gave his approval. As always, the service was Impeccable and not just because the owner and Executive Chef was dining there with the corporate lawyer. The service was always wonderful.

They sipped wine and the main courses came with a flourish. During the previous courses, they all agreed it was great to be home and they all had had a fabulous Christmas. Elsa, as always, said the men who she adored were far too generous with her and she loved them forever!!! She said that she and Alma were looking forward to their cruise to Mexico in the late spring. Alma had never been to Mexico before and was excited! Robbie had a thought they might as well add a trip to Mexico City for a couple of days after the cruise. It was fantastic city. This would be a further surprise for the ladies!!

They all declined dessert but did have coffee, and all were getting a bit tired. It had been a long day flying home, checking in at the offices and dressing for dinner. Of course, no check was brought, and Tommy left a large tip of $150 which he discreetly placed on the table, and they got up to leave. It had been a delightful dinner. Now they just needed to finish arrangements for the New Year's Eve party at the house.

They walked out the front door where the Valet had just gotten out of the car and walked to the sidewalk. Then a large SUV came barreling down the street, swerved to miss another car, swiped another car along the side and then plowed to a stop after slamming into Robbie's new Bentley!!

Everyone jumped out of the way and were in total shock! No one was hurt, thank the Lord, except the driver of the SUV who somehow opened the door of the car he was driving and fell to the pavement. He seemed to have unlatched his seatbelt and escaped the airbags. The valet called the police and they arrived in minutes.

The sidewalk was a total mess as was the street. Car parts were everywhere, and Robbie's new car was totaled!!! People from inside the restaurant came out to see what happened. Everyone was in shock! No one more than Robbie, Tommy and Elsa. The police cordoned off the area and asked the diners to go back inside and give investigators some room to work.

Robbie was stunned. Here they were, out for a fun evening and now this! Granted, no one was hurt, other than the driver of the black SUV and he was being arrested and being taken to the station for questioning. He did appear to be intoxicated or high on drugs, since he was incoherent and couldn't put his words together. Tommy reached over and held Robbie close. He assured him that things would work out and the Bentley was insured. They would replace the car with another Bentley. Elsa also got a hug from both men and said, "Thank the lord we were not in the car when that idiot hit it!! It could have been much worse. I will have to think twice before I go out with you both again, too much excitement!!!" Everyone laughed!!

Tommy got on his phone and called his father who answered on the first ring. "Hey son, what are you up too?" With a huge sigh Tommy asked if his driver could come and collect them at the restaurant downtown? He explained what had happened. Tommy explained that no one was hurt other than the driver, who had been taken away and the police were sending tow trucks to cart the cars away. They had taken plenty of pictures and taken statements from all witnesses. His father replied they would be there soon and not to worry.

Thom's gleaming Rolls pulled up near the barrier, got out of the back seat, rushed over and explained to the officer in charge who he was and that he was Chief Managing Attorney for the Blackford Corp. He explained the blond man, Tommy, was his son and the dark-haired man, Robbie, was his son-in-law. He was there to take them home, once they released from questioning.

The police officer shook Thom's hand and said they were free to go now, and Tommy and Robbie were asked to come down to headquarters in the morning to sign papers reporting the accident. Once in the back of the Rolls, Robbie called his parents to tell them what happened and assure them that they were fine. Thom was driving them home and they would call tomorrow with more details.

They reached the house and asked Thom of he wanted to come in and he politely declined. He needed to get home and they would talk in the morning at the office.

They walked in the front door and all but collapsed. What a night this has been! Dinner had been spectacular but then the mess with Robbie's beautiful new carÉ but this too shall pass. They were thankful that no one was hurt. Elsa asked if anyone wanted anything and both men relied no and so she was off to her apartment to collapse and would see them in the morning. She kissed both men and was off to bed.

Tommy took Robbie into his arms and the men hugged followed by a wonderful kiss and they walked upstairs. They reached their bedroom suite, undressed, hung up their suits, brushed teeth, climbed into bed and just cuddled. Robbie held on to Tommy as he started to cry. "My beautiful new car, I loved it so and the fact you gave it to me for Christmas, but more importantly, you were not hurt, and I thank the good Lord for that. Thankfully we were fully insured and the driver that hit us is in deep shit and will have to pay through the nose for this one! I love you so fucking much, husband mine!!" The men kissed deeply once more!!

Tommy said, when we get the papers signed at the police station, I will take you to British Motors and we can start working on a replacement car for you, OK??" Robbie smiled and then said, "Hold me tightly and keep me safe while I fall asleep in your strong arms." Both men, content in each other's arms, drifted off to an un- easy sleep.

They woke in the morning about 7:00 and were a bit tired after everything that had happened the night before. They peed, brushed teeth and took a nice hot shower together. The hot water felt great, and they washed each other's nooks and crannies. Of course, both got raging hard-ons in the process and gave each other a wonderful blow job cumming in each other's mouths, savoring the wonderful taste.

They finished their shower, dressed in blue jeans, sweaters and casual loafers went in search of coffee and some breakfast. Elsa had everything ready to go when they entered the kitchen. They each gave her a huge hug and kiss. The breakfast room table was set, and she had country ham sizzling in a skillet and fresh biscuits just came out of the oven. It all smelled heavenly. They each grabbed a coffee and sat down. Elsa brought over a platter of fried ham and scrambled eggs and hot, fluffy, buttery biscuits. There was a pitcher of orange juice on the table. Elsa joined them and they all tucked into the grand breakfast the Elsa had made.

Tommy glanced at the clock and said they needed to head to the police station to sign the paperwork from the accident last night and find out more about the idiot who destroyed Robbie's new car. They drank the last of their coffee and headed to the garage and got into Tommy's huge Mercedes. Tommy opened the gate and they drove to the police station.

They walked in the front door and the desk Sargent asked if they needed help. Tommy and Robby introduced themselves and asked for the person in charge of the accident when Robbie's car was totaled. The Sargent looked it up on the computer and picked up the phone and made a call.

"Sargent Morris will be right with you" and soon a good-looking man in plain clothes and a sport coat, arrived and reintroduced himself. He bade the men to follow him to his office.

They were asked to sit down and were offered water or coffee. Both asked for some water, and it was brought in ice cold bottles. Sgt. Morris started with, "Can you please give me your account of what occurred last evening in front of your restaurant. Mr. Blackford?" Robbie went on to describe the events of the last night: How they finished dinner, walked out front to retrieve their car from the Valet for the drive home. Robbie explained they lived in Sea Cliff and the Valet had just excited the car from bringing it to the front and had walked around to the sidewalk to open the passenger doors when a black SUV came swerving down the street. He seemed to have grazed another car along its side behind my Bentley, and then crashed into my new car, which I had just received from my husband, Tommy, for Christmas. It was only four days old.

Sgt. Morris gave a huge sigh and said how sorry he was. He said it was lucky no one was hurt other than the driver of the SUV. That occurred when he evidently un-did his seat beat or was not wearing one and when he opened the door, he fell out onto the street.

Of course, he was arrested on the spot and taken into custody, and after reading him his rights, was hauled off to jail where he is presently sleeping it off with a bandage on his head. His breath test was way over the drinking limit. He has been sited with a DUI, causing an accident involving two cars, and we can tag on attempted murder too!!" He started to laugh, "Just kidding!! We are tacking on some other charges after we talk to the District Attorney"

Robbie told the Sgt. that Tommy is a lawyer and Senior partner at Gilman and Son, his father's firm. Sgt Morris said thank you for the information and it was appreciated greatly!!

He gave both Robbie and Tommy papers to sign, saying that they were pressing charges for wreck less driving, public intoxication, DUI, causing an accident with the car he was driving and destruction of property. The man name was Dave Reynolds. He was 28 and was driving with a suspended license with lapsed registration too. He was in a mess of trouble, but they found out he did still carry great insurance and Robbie would be fully covered for the Bentley that was totaled in the crash. That was some relief, to say the least. Mr. Reynolds was in hospital with a concussion and some contusions. He would be there for several day and then have his ass hauled off to jail. With the charges leveled again him, he was going to spend quite some time behind bars. Robbie and Tommy were glad to hear it. They got up to leave and thanked the Sgt. for his help and to keep them informed. Tommy handed him a business card. They headed for the door and were glad this part of this mess was over.

Tommy drove them to British Motors on Van Ness Ave and found a parking place right in front. The Manager on duty was a Mr. Johnson and recognized both men and asked how the new Bentley was doing and that is when Robbie got a very pained look on his face and a tear fell down his cheek. Mr. Johnson asked what the matter was? Robbie told him what had happened the night before and that the car was, most likely, totaled but would be towed here this morning for assessment.

Mr. Johnson checked his computer and said the car had arrived early this morning and was being assessed as they spoke, but from what details he had it was most certainly a total loss. Tommy leaned over and hugged his husband. We have insurance and it will be replaced ASAP. Tommy looked at Mr. Johnson and asked how long it would take to replace the car? Did they have another one in the same color as the wrecked one? Mr. Johnson looked at the list and said they didn't have one, but the dealer over in Walnut Creek (in the East Bay near San Francisco) has one and we can have it shipped here today and will be ready for you tomorrow, if you would like.

"It is the same model and color as well!! Will that work for you? You can even drive over there and see the car if you would prefer. If you decide to go over to see the car, I will call and let them know you are coming."

Tommy and Robbie looked at each other and Robbie just said in a small voice, "Let's go over and get this done. There was nothing in the car of a personal nature. So, no need to worry!!"

Robbie turned and thanked Mr. Johnson, shook his hand and said they were off to the Walnut Creek dealership!

It was about a 40-minute drive to Walnut Creek, and they found the dealership with ease. They pulled into the parking lot, and one of the salesmen greeted them asking if he could be of assistance? They asked for the Manager Mr. Smythe, and they had been sent by Mr. Johnson at British Motors in San Francisco." Ah yes, you must be Mr. Blackford and Mr. Gilman. We were told to expect you. "Right this way please, and they were shown into the showroom. Mr. Smythe approached and offered his hand, the men shook it, and Robbie said, "It is a pleasure and Mr. Johnson spoke highly of him.

"I understand that your new Bentley was involved in an accident last evening and that we happen to have the same model and color you wanted to replace it with." Robbie replied yes, that was correct.

"Then right this way gentlemen and asked them to come into another showroom, where sat an identical Bentley to the car Robbie had owned for four days. He let out a huge sigh and Tommy hugged him. "See baby, I told you it would all work out." Robbie looked skeptical and asked if maybe a different color would be better?

Tommy replied quickly, "I know you wanted this color, and you will have it, yet again, dear husband, but this time we will wrap it in thick bunting to keep it safe from crazy drunk drivers!!" and everyone laughed!!!

So, let's rap this up and I will write you a check if you let me know for how much, and if you could have it detailed for us, we will come back and pick it up after we go have some lunch. Could you recommend someplace that is nice, close to here, and has great food. Does that work for you, Mr. Smythe?

"Why yes, of course. We will have to call the bank to verify that the check will be honored. The total will be $339,0000, if that works?"

Tommy replied he was sure now many people can come in a write a check for that amount. Here, is my banking information and my business card. Please call my father, Mr. Thomas Gillman, managing director and owner of my law firm, Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law, where I am a senior partner. Oh, and my husband is Mr. Robbie Blackford, who's father is Mr. Daniel Blackford, CEO and Chairman of Blackford Corp. Robbie owns and operates 12 restaurants in the Blackford group and is the Exec Chef.

"I am sure that the check will be honored, Sir! I realize it is just for formality and you might want a reference from Mr. Johnson at British Motors in San Francisco who knows both families very well. Now, if you could call whomever you need to and then direct us to place where we could have some lunch... Thank you. Do you want the check now or when we return?" If you could give it to me now, I will call to verify, and the car will be ready when you return from lunch. Tommy got out his checkbook and wrote a check for $340,000. Mr. Smythe smiled and said a genuine thank you. He had recommended a nice restaurant down the street, an Italian/Deli and the food was good according to him. Both men thanked him and were off for lunch.

Once outside the dealership, both men started to laugh, and Robbie said he would be in shock when learning you bank balance and the reference from Mr. Johnson at British Motors. Tommy was not worried in the least. They walked to the restaurant and were delighted with the place. They sat and ordered iced tea and looked at the menu. It looked promising.

Back at the dealership, Mr. Smythe got on the phone and called Mr. Johnson. He was a bit flabbergasted at the reference he got for Tommy and his family. He was told the check would be good, but please call the bank for clearance on the check. Don't be surprised when you find out. The Gilman's and the Blackford's are very good customers, and they are all above reproach.

Mr. Smythe called the bank to verify the check and the manager had to laugh, "I guarantee the check is more than good!! At present his balance, in that account is just under $2 Million and that is just one of his checking accts. Please take the check and have wonderful day!!" Mr. Smythe just sat there holding the phone stunned to say the least!!!

They ordered a great lunch. Robbie chose lasagna with a side salad, and Tommy got the Cannelloni filled cheese, spinach, and sausage in a delightful marinara sauce. They had small Italian salads to start and as a whole, the lunch was quite good, but not over the top fabulous. Robbie paid the check and as they were walking out, Mr. Smythe called and said that the car was ready to be picked up. The men smiled and walked back to the dealership. The new Bentley sat outside, in front of the showroom entrance and gleamed in the early afternoon sun. It took Robbie's breath away! He turned, looked his husband in the eye and said, "There are no words to describe how much I love you and will forever!!!"

Tommy smiled, leaned over, and the men kissed lightly. "You can show me how much when we get home this afternoon for a nice `NAP'!!" They both wiggled their eyebrows and laughed as they approached the new car.

The men were greeted by Mr. Smythe who stood with a huge smile on his face. "Mr. Gilman, I am sorry I doubted you about the check, but we do have to be so careful with all the scams running today. Please forgive me. Here are the keys, a keyless entry as you are well aware and you have, like the other car, full warranty. Be care while driving and I hope to possibly see you again. The pair kissed again, and Tommy went to retrieve his Mercedes, while Robbie got in and adjusted his seat and mirrors and set it for # 1 on the panel. Tommy could later make his selections for preset #2 to drive it as well. The insurance was also set and off they went. Before they left, they set Robbie's mobile phone for hands free use while driving. They set off for home. What a morning it had been!

Sgt Morris called Robbie as they were driving home and asked if they could meet tomorrow at Robbie's office. He had more information about the car accident. Robbie said that would be fine and to come by around 10:30. He would be expected.

The drive home was easy with very little traffic and soon they were pulling into the garage and getting out of their cars. Elsa came out to see the newest automobile acquisition. She smiled and said it looked just like the other one, but in much , MUCH better condition. Tommy said the car's thick bunting cover would be here tomorrow to keep this one safe!!! Everyone laughed.

The nap that Tommy had mentioned earlier sounded really good. The men stopped and asked for iced teas and they were going up to rest. "I am making a Cottage Pie and a salad for supper tonight. I hope that is ok??"

The men's eyes lit up and said that sounded perfect. Does Bradley come home tonight or tomorrow, since we have work to do to get ready for the party for New Years Eve!!

Elsa said they were due back later tonight after supper. The men smiled and said, "great" and took their tea upstairs for their "NAP!!!"

Down at the wonderful hotel in Camel, the men just returned from a fabulous dinner and a wonderful evening. But now they were headed to their room for some hot sex and both men were hornier than fuck. They got to their suite, closed and locked the door, kissed deeply, and went to the bedroom to strip and hang up their clothes.

They were both rock hard by this time and ready for adventure. They walked over to the bed, where Bradley shoved Robert, and crawled on top of him. He was grinding his cock into Robert's. He leaned down close to Robert's face and smiled. They kissed a bit and then Bradley said, "I never thought I would meet and fall in love with such a caring, wonderful man. A man who is the best-looking man on the planet, who has a great and caring personality, has a great career and cares for people. Oh, and a huge cock and knows how to use it! I love you so fucking much! You complete me so totally!!! You fill my brain with love!!"

Robert had tears running down his face as he heard Bradley's words. He let out a huge sigh and smiled through his tears. "Darling man, you said it all, but have you looked in the mirror lately my love? I gaze at the heavenly, gorgeous, hairy body of yours, and all I have to do is think of you (which I do very often) and I get rock hard and start leaking in my slacks. I also never thought I would ever meet a man that does the things you do to me and for me. I love you so damn much and want to be with you forever! I hope this works for you baby???"

The men kissed with great passion and love. Bradley moved his mouth down to Robert's neck and started to lick just below his ear lobe. Then he moved his body up and sat down on Robert's crotch, rubbing his hole on Robert's dripping cock. God, it felt so damn good, and he knew he was turning on Robert beyond words.

He slid down and took each of Robert's hard nipples into his mouth through the chest hair he so loved. He had always had a thing for hairy muscled men. He teased each nipple to full hardness. He moved further south and gently licked the head of Robert's steel-hard cock that was leaking like a sieve and tasted the honey that covered the head, savoring the taste.

He licked down the side, teasing with his tongue, to reach Robert's furry balls and took each one into his mouth, sucking gently. Robert spread his legs for better access to his nether regions. Bradley licked one of his fingers and started to play and tease Robert's hairy fuck hole. Bradley spread Robert's legs further, lifted them up, and started to lick the hairy hole he so loved. Robert let out a huge sigh and Bradley dove his tongue into Robert's hairy ass.

"God lover, you are driving me fucking crazy and I haven't even gotten to touch you yet and I need to, or I am going to die. I need you to turn around and let me suck that hard piece of man meat. Fuck my throat with it! Then move up and sit your hairy man cunt on my face, so I and tongue fuck you deep and hard. Then we will see who fucks who first!!"

Bradley moved around and gave his cock to his lover. Robert swallowed it right down to the base and started to HUUMMMMM!!! Bradley gasped and screamed "OH GOD!!!" Then moved his hungry manhole right onto Robert's face and got the deep tongue fucking he loved. "Oh Robert, make me your total slut-cum bitch. Please fuck my man cunt right now and fill me with load after load of cum. Cum deep into my nasty, hungry hole!!"

Robert turned them both around and got behind Bradley as he raised his legs high into the air exposing his hole to Robert. Robert leaned down and started to tongue him yet again, driving Bradley crazy withy lust!!!

"PLEASE FUCK ME LOVER deep and hard. I need you deep inside me. FUCK ME!!!

Robert placed the large head of his dripping cock at the entrance and pushed in with no lube! Bradley gasped at the invasion but loved it. "Deeper sir, deeper and FUCK me like the slut I am for your cock! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!! Robert plowed deep into the hole he sought and pounded hard, over and over again.. Bradley without touching his cock, gasped, yet again, and shot a huge load of cum all over them, the bed, and headboard with 6-7 huge shots of cum. He was gasping for air as Robert howled and shot 5-6 shots of cum deep inside Bradley's now totally ravaged fuck hole. They collapsed and kissed deeply and softly murmured, "I love you!!"

Both men just laid there for a bit and then Robert slid off of Bradley. They sank into the mattress thoroughly exhausted after their hot, nasty, verbal love making!!! Both men started to laugh, and then kissed lovingly. Robert said, "That was beyond words, but after we recover a bit, I need you to do the same thing to my wanting, hungry manhole. I need you deep inside me, pounding me hard and deep, with your huge 8" man-cock and making me your total slut pig. Oh, and I love you beyond words!! They kissed again and drifted off for a quick nap. They dosed for about ? hr. and woke in each other's arms. By this time, the cum that Bradley shot all over had dried all over their hairy chests. They leaned together and kissed. Robert pulled back and said in a sexy deep voice, "Sir, are you ready to fuck this slut pig deep and very hard and fill my man-cunt with cum? Please Sir, I need it badly! Then the men faced each other and kissed with more passion.

Bradley rolled over on top of Robert, grinding his, now rock-hard cock into Robert's body, "You ready pig, my sexy pig??" Robert started to laugh and said "OH please Sir, make me your total pig bottom slut. FUCK ME hard and deep and fill me up!!

Bradley moved down between his legs and lifted them up, so he had access to Roberts fuck hole. He then dove his tongue into his hole and started to lick, tease and tongue fuck it and then added a couple of fingers. Robert, moving his head from side to side and panting, "Oh God baby, use me, FUCK me!!!"

Bradley moved up and placed the head of his cock right at the entrance of Robert's hole and pushed in all the way. Using spit for lube, he took it all. Looking deep into Bradley's eyes he murmured, "I love you so fucking much baby. FUCK ME!!!" Bradley complied and started to pound Robert's nasty pig hole. in and out he went and soon he was ready to shoot! He screamed, "Lover cum with me and I am going to fill your hole with a huge load of cum. That set Robert off, and he jacked his cock two times and shot another huge load. At the same time, Bradley unloaded deep in his lover's ravaged hole and filled it full. He collapsed on top and both men were gasping for air. "Dear God, nasty sex can be so wonderful." And it was too!!!

Here ends another Chapter four and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I have such fun coming up with this stuff. Robbie got his new Bentley but what will happen to the guy who wrecked the first one?? Only time will tell. Robert and Bradley had a grand time in Carmel and had some great meals (The restaurants are real, and I have been to each!! Casanova's is a favorite!!). Oh, and a little hot sex too!!! LOL.

As always, play safe, be yourself and play kindnesses forward and get your booters if you can. (Had both my regular shots and just got my second booster last week!!) YEA!!!! Thanks to my darling Allen who gets this stuff up and running and out to my fans!!! Love hearing from you and if y'all have comments or suggestions, let me know any ideas you may have for a story line. I will write back. Please DONATE to Nifty. THEY DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT!

All the best always,

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 131: Robbies True Love IV 5

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