Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Feb 8, 2022


Robbie's True Love Book IV

Chapter 1

Hello everyone and welcome back to my little saga and here is the beginning of Book IV. Here is a recap of the main characters in my story. I hope everyone is enjoying it so far and I love hearing from you with suggestions or comments, and I will write you back. So, sit or lay back and relax!!!

Also, a reminder that this story, as stated in the beginning of it, is totally fiction of my fertile imagination, and any reference to people living or dead is purely a coincidence. (Some of the people who are owners of certain restaurants are real) Any others are all fictional. I have done extensive research on certain places visited or restaurants that do exist, are real, and most I have been to and truly enjoyed!!

As you know already, I love to cook and have an extensive collection of cookbooks about 250 for all different types of cuisine, French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Indian, and from all over the US as well. I was taught to cook at an early age and did most of the cooking by high school. My Daddy (the way we address our dad's, in the south) was excellent on the bar-b-que and he had the most fabulous Texas Bar-b-Que sauce that I must have watched him do that hundreds of times and I have tried and tried, but NO luck. It was always a dash of this and a handful of that, or a pinch here and there!!! His spaghetti sauce was another one and I can copy that pretty well!!! OH well; His minestrone soup was to die for!! I can come close!! My mother was good with casseroles and her pies and biscuits were to die for especially her Cranberry apple pie!!! I still make that for the holidays!! My FAV!!!

All the sex in this story is between consenting gay adult males and always bareback. (Please play safe, use condoms and get tested!!) Some of the sex scenes are quite exotic and erotic. If you're not into erotica and or gay sex, then please move on. You must be at least 18 yrs. old to read this story. So, enjoy and read on!

Your Sexy Chef

Main Characters:

Robbie Gilman Blackford - He is 34 yrs. old, 5'11" about 190#, and very good looking, has black hair and crystal blue eyes, clean shaven with a 5'oclock shadow. He is very well muscled, covered in trimmed black fur down the front, sports a healthy 9x6" cut cock, and is very versatile. He comes from an extremely wealthy family (in the billions). He is a professional Chef by trade from the CIA in San Francisco and the Le Corden Bleu in Paris where he graduated either # 1 or 2 in his classes. He is Executive Chef and owner of 10 restaurants (Blackford's is Fictional) in the San Francisco Bay Area and has two more, one in Beverly Hills: Blake's at Blackford's and one in Palm Desert: Le Belle D Paris at Blackford's. They all do very well. He is a multimillionaire in his own right, and is married to the love of his life, Tommy Gilman Blackford. They have a personal jet that was given to them by Robbie's father when he upgraded one of his planes. It is a G50, and has a crew of three, including a flight attendant.

Tommy Allen Gilman Blackford, Jr. is a blond haired, green eyed, gorgeous, stunning god of a man. He is 6'1" and weighs about 200#. He is 34. He is covered in blond fur, well muscled, has a trimmed short blond beard and sports a 10 x 6" cut cock. Tommy is also very versatile. They are both into rimming and do it a lot!!! He is a lawyer by trade, graduating top of his class, and works with his father at the family law firm, Gilman and Son, as a Senior Partner. He and his father are very close, and the family is wealthy as well. (In the lower billions).

He works hard and is totally in love and monogamous with Robbie!! He also very wealthy in own right. They live in Sea Cliff, very high-end neighborhood in San Francisco over-looking the Bay and ocean. Theirs is a huge house, bought for them by their parents as a wedding gift (about $14,000,000) They also own a large house in Palm Desert which Tommy bought for them. They drive expensive cars, Tommy a new dark burgundy Mercedes 500. And he just gifted Robby with a new sky-blue Bentley for Christmas. Robbie has a high-end Mercedes as well.

Elsa - is their head housekeeper in her early `50s and manages their houses for them. She is a kind, understanding lady who has been with Robbie for years before he met Tommy. She does the cooking and cleaning and runs their lives. They would be lost without her. She is a true treasure. The men are very good to her, she is treated like family, and they adore her. She lives in an apartment over the garage on the property which has two bedrooms, a living room, a large bath, and a small kitchen. She has a best friend, Alma, who lives near downtown on lower Russian Hill in a nice old large one bedroom and is a secretary. They were bridesmaids at each other's weddings and have been BFF for many years, often travelling together, and both are widows. They talk on the phone a lot and both men treat her like family, as well!

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Blackford - (Cynthia) are Robbie's parents and live in Hillsborough CA., a suburb of San Mateo/Burlingame about 25 miles south of San Francisco. They have a huge estate there (5 ½ acres and a very large house with extensive gardens), and a pool house/guesthouse. It boasts eight bedrooms, all ensuite, and a staff of six. They love to entertain and do it a lot. They are immensely wealthy (around $155,000,000, Billion) and have car dealerships, several banks and major stock holdings in many large corporations.

They also have a huge portfolio of real-estate holding across the US in San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, Dallas and New York, as well as London and Paris. Office buildings, Apt. complexes and rental properties. They also have two large ranches to their name: A large Quarter Horse ranch (over 1500 acres) near Santa Barbara, CA, rearing and studding and selling stock, and a huge cattle ranch outside of San Antonio, TX (26,000 acres). They have both white-faced Hereford steers and Kobe Beef steers, that they keep separated for purity's sake and sell to restaurants all over the US and Europe. They also have oil wells, on the property as well. There is a bit of money there!!! LOL. In order to get around to different areas for business, the Corporation has five planes (jets) including a 737, and a G650 ER for personal use.

Their world headquarters is in the financial district of San Francisco, and they own the 45-story building which also houses the office of the restaurant division that Robbie owns and operates. Daniel drives a new Rolls and while Cynthia has a great Mercedes, she is hinting for a new Bentley for Christmas. She keeps busy with different Charities and plays master's bridge about four times a week.

Daniel is about 6 ` and 200#, has dark hair streaked with a little grey at the temples, is in great shape, wears custom-made suits, shirts, shoes and dresses fabulously!!! Cynthia is 5'7" and 120#. She has dark auburn hair in a stylish cut, crystal blue eyes, and is drop dead gorgeous. She dresses to the nines and has a wardrobe to die for, loves jewelry, especially pearls and diamonds. Her wedding ring set features an emerald cut 27K diamond set in platinum with smaller 2K emerald cuts in her eternity band wedding ring. Both she and Daniel love Robbie and his older brother Dan III, who is now President of the family banking chain. He is also married, and he and his wife Maggie have two twin boys. They also live in Seacliff, not too far from Robbie and Tommy. They adore Tommy and so very glad that Robbie and Tommy are there for each other and love Tommy like another son!!

Thomas and Danielle Gilman - These are Tommy's parents, and they are also quite well to do. Thom is Senior Managing Director of the family law firm, Gilman and Son, Attorneys at law. This is housed in a 38-story office building in the financial district. Their offices are on the top 6 floors and Thom and Tommy's offices, and the board room are in the penthouse. They own the building as well. After they had acquired Daniel Blackford's legal business for the Corporation, they decided to move to this bigger building from the 18-story building to have more space. They also own many buildings in and around San Francisco and Los Angeles, as well as Dallas, Washington D.C., Pittsburg, Boston, New York City and in Florida. Also, they have a quite the portfolio of stocks and bonds. They are the principal lawyers for the Blackford Corp. that brings in millions of dollars a year in fees and retainers alone. The Corporation also own a small fleet of four jets and have a G650 as their personal plane. They are worth about $6.5Billion.

Thom is 5'11" and has dark blond hair, is clean shaven, and weighs 180#. A very good-looking man, he dresses well with custom-made suits and shirts. Danielle is also a stunning woman. She is 5'6", weighs about 110#, and has dark blond hair that is highlighted. She dresses beautifully and loves to play hostess for parties . She also loves jewelry and sports a stunning 20 K oval diamond wedding ring.

They live in a penthouse on Russian Hill. It is beautifully appointed with four bedrooms, all en-suite, a huge living room with fabulous views of the bay and bridges. They keep four in-help staff: a butler, maid, cook, and driver/houseman. They live quite comfortably. They are very kind and giving people and love Tommy with everything they have and adore Robbie for making their son very happy and love him like another son!!!

Elsa Smyth - She is Robbie and Tommy's personal housekeeper and cook. She had been with Robbie well before he met Tommy. She now runs their houses and their lives for that matter and is truly adored by both men. They really couldn't live without their Elsa. She is in her early 50's and an attractive lady, a widow and never remarried. They had a son, but he was killed as a teenager (18) in an auto accident by a drunk driver, and he was gay as well. She is about 5'5" and has dark hair, a trim figure, dresses well and lives in a nice apartment over the garage on the grounds of Robbie and Tommy's house in Sea Cliff. She is extremely well paid and is treated like a member of the family, loved by all!!!

Alma - Elsa's BFF, lives on Lower Russian Hill in a comfortable older 2-bedroom apartment. She and Elsa have been best friends forever. She is also in her early 50's.They were Bridesmaids at each other's weddings. She is also a widow and works as an Exec. Secretary. She has a son, but they don't speak. He is a bigot and hates gay people. They have a son, Daryl, who was taken in by Alma when he came out to his parents and was thrown out of the house. Alma has taken care of him since. They adore each other and are good to each other. She is often included in family gatherings and is a wonderful lady. She and Elsa often travel together and get on very well. They share Daryl as a co-grandson. Daryl adores Elsa as well!!!

Daryl Smyth - He is Alma/Elsa's Grandson and is 27. A very attractive man with dark hair in great physical shape, hairy chested, well endowed (8x6), and totally versatile. He was thrown out of his house by his parents, who are totally against Gays and was taken in by Alma, his grandmother, who adores him. When Robbie and Tommy were looking for someone to help Elsa with their huge new house, Elsa thought of Daryl, and he became their houseman to help with cleaning and things around the property. He is like family to the men, who took to him right away and look out for him like a younger brother. He was engaged for short while to the idiot Steven, who threw him over and moved away while he was traveling with Tommy, Robbie to their house in Palm Desert and was gone for a long period. So much his loss!!! Daryl in the long run was so much better without him.

He now works for the family at the ranch in Santa Barbara as Butler /Houseman and got the job when their former Butler, Gerald, had a massive heart attack and needed to retire. This is where he met the love of his life, Sam, who is the manager of the horse barn and is in charge of the horses for the ranch very capably. They met at the ranch, when the men and Daryl were visiting, and it was love at first sight!! They are now engaged and extremely happy together!!

Sam Wright - Sam is the manager of the horses at The Blackford Ranch near Santa Barbara. He oversees buying and selling the horses and for their breeding purposes. He has a degree in horse management and does his job very well. He is 28 and is an extremely good-looking man. Has blond hair, is very well-muscled, hairy, well hung and versatile. He lives in a nice 2-bedroom house on the property and is well liked and gets along with everyone. And he is gay and engaged to Daryl, whom he met at the ranch, and they will be married soon. About 80 percent of the hands around the ranch are gay and most are partnered. He loves his job and does it very well and the Blackford's trust him totally and has a great business head on his shoulders. He came from a small ranch where he did roughly the same thing, but the ranch was not managed well and was going under, and he was offered the job at the Blackford Ranch and wanted more in life and here he is!!! And a very happy man!!

Bradley - Bradley came into the story late and was the butler assigned to the suite at Blackford Arms Hotel in Beverley Hills, were Robbie and Tommy were staying while dealing with problems at their restaurant, Blakes at Blackford's. He is a well put together man in his very early 40's and very good looking. Dark hair and eyes, hairy and well hung, well-built, totally gay, and versatile, and loves erotic sex, and tends to be a bit vocal during sex!! He has been at the hotel for many years and does an excellent job as a Butler for the wealthier guests who book suites there. There was a problem with one of the guests that he was assigned to after Robbie and Tommy left for home and he had been slapped and had hot coffee thrown at him. Then guest had been asked to leave. And Bradley was suing the couple. He was well complimented by both Robbie and Tommy for his care.

It seems that the butler/houseman Gerald at the ranch had a heart attack and had to quit work. Since Daryl and Sam were engaged and wanted to move south, it killed two birds with one stone. Daryl was to take over for Gerald as butler but now they needed someone to take his place to help take care of their households.

Robbie had asked if Bradley wanted the job in San Francisco. He had turned in his immediate resignation to the hotel, because of the incident, and moved north to work for Robbie, Tommy and Elsa. He was delighted, but even more, he needed a change of scene. Being single, he wanted to have a relationship with a man he could love and be loved in return. All he could do was hope.

Robert Clark- Tall dark and very handsome Robert first came on the scene when he briefly met Daryl at a club one evening in the Castro. They were intrigued with each-other, and Daryl agreed to go out with him... Robert is in his late 30's, tall, 6'1" and about 200# , hairy and very muscular, hung, and very versatile and very good looking. He owns a very successful advertising agency downtown San Francisco and has a gorgeous apt. on Russian Hill and lives with her Highness, Minerva, his Persian cat who rules the roost and Robert adores her!!!

Daryl and he went out for dinner one time and really liked each other and did some hot and heavy kissing, but nothing further. He was totally taken with Daryl and wanted to see more of him. Daryl had to leave with Robbie and Tommy and fly south as they were on business, and it was his job to help take care of Robbie and Tommy's household needs and work with Elsa. Unfortunately, they both had misplaced phone #'s and couldn't get in touch and Daryl couldn't remember what the name of Robert's business was. So, they were unable to communicate.

Meanwhile, at the ranch, Daryl had by this time had met Sam and they had totally fallen for each other. When Bradley moved north and took over as butler for their houses, Robert stopped by to ask to see Daryl. Bradley explained that he was no longer lived there and had moved south to Santa Barbara, to the family ranch. The men took to each other right away and sparks flew when they shook hands. AND... they are now dating and seem to be veery compatible and happy together.

Capt. Ben and Carlton - Ben and Carlton work for the gay cruise line Atlantis. They are married and very much on love. Ben is in his early 40's and extremely good looking, tall, muscular, hairy and very versatile. Carlton in slightly younger, in his late 30's and very good looking. He is now Chief Purser for the cruise line. They both are extremely good at their jobs and love living at sea on the ship. They have been married for four years and are very happy together.

They have made great friends while on their cruises and have become very good friends with Robbie and Tommy, whom they met on Robbie and Tommy's honeymoon. They have stayed with them and traveled to Southern California together. They will remain great friends for many years.

Walt and Karl - Robbie and Tommy met them on their honeymoon cruise and have become extremely good friends since the trip. Walt Packard is Executive VP of Carter's Import and Export Co. in San Francisco. Successfully worked his way up from stock boy and does very well for himself. He is tall, 6'1", and about 190#, dark blond hair, blue eyes, hairy, hung, very versatile, and in his mid 30s. His finance, Mathew, was killed in an auto accident just a little over a year before the cruise. He lives in Hillsborough, just south of town in a large house that he and Mathew had bought just before he died so tragically. Karl Thompson lives in San Francisco and met Walt on the cruise. He is also about 6', and about the same weight. Light blond, hairy, well build, hung, and very versatile as well. He owns a successful real-estate office firm that has two offices: one in town and the other down the peninsula.

Neither man had any inkling that they would meet since both had not been looking for romance as each had been badly hurt. Karl had been in a relationship for several years and discovered his younger partner thought it was an open relationship and had been fucking other guys for a long time. Karl came home and found him fucking his best friend. So, that ended that relationship right then and there and their great, or so he thought, friendship. So be it!!!

They met on board ship and fell in love before the cruise was over and are now very happy together!!!

Well gang, that about ends this portion of the chapter to reintroduce the main characters in my story. Any questions, please ask. Now back to Christmas at the ranch!!! ***

Christmas morning came early, as it always does when anticipating Santa coming. (Yes, even for adults!! LOL.) As usual, Robbie and Tommy awoke in each other's loving arms, turned to each other and kissed lightly, even with morning breath and said in unison, "Merry Christmas Darling."

They got out of bed and ran to pee and brush their teeth. And then had a proper good morning kiss. The quickly ran in the water, put on sleep-pants and robes, and wandered downstairs in search of coffee and the family! Sam and Daryl woke about the same time and went through almost the same scene, peeing, brushing teeth, kissing good morning and wishing each a very Merry Christmas. It was their first together as an engaged couple. They were so happy together and it showed! They dressed in sweatpants, shirts, and slippers, and wandered over to the house to be with the family for Christmas. They walked in the back door and greeted Miss Ellie in the kitchen who was busy getting things ready for the big Christmas breakfast. There was bacon frying, sausages on the grill, potatoes on the flat grill, and the makings of homemade French toast on the counter.

The coffee smelled very good and there was a huge urn on the counter so, the men grabbed cups and helped themselves after greeting Miss Ellie with hugs and kisses. She pretended to get mad but loved the way everyone treated her and secretly loved it!!!

With coffee in hand, the men walked into the loving room, where they were met by Robbie and Tommy coming down the stairs. "Well good morning to you both and Merry Christmas! Where is the coffee, pray-tell?" Sam started to laugh and said, "In the kitchen of course!!DUH!!"

They went into the living room and sat down. Robbie came back with more coffee and the four sat and chatted while waiting for the family to arrive.

Both sets of parents appeared and not far behind were Elsa and Alma, in robes and slippers. Good mornings were said by all and soon one of the maids brought over a silver tray with coffee cups and cream and sugar for the parents. It smelled so good and very welcome.

Everyone was assembled and were talking about the fabulous dinner the night before. It truly was amazing, but then everything Miss Ellie makes is that way. They were lucky to have her at the ranch. Daniel stood and told everyone how it would work for presents. Robbie was to hand out presents to everyone. He got up and grabbed two envelopes from the front of the tree and handed them to Elsa and Alma. They were amazed at the gesture but took the envelopes and opened them with a gasp. They contained a cruise to Mexico on the Princess line in a 2-bedroom suite from San Francisco to Acapulco, then a 4-night stay, at Las Brises Hotel and 1st class tickets home. The ladies were speechless. They gave each man a huge hug and kiss and many thanks. "You are just too kind and generous, but we love to go, and I think we will have a grand time!!!

Robbie and Tommy got up and hugged both women saying they deserved it and to have a great time. Robbie handed similar envelopes to each set of parents. They were large envelopes and they just said "Merry Christmas. Love forever to the best parents in the world." Robbie and Tommy.

Both parents looked and asked, "What have you gone and done this time???"

"Well open them already!!!" and they did at the same time. Gasps were heard by all the parents. Inside were fully paid trips on the Orient Express from London to Istanbul, then back to London and a five-night stay at the Ritz in separate suites with spa treatments. Also, while in London, high tea for four at Claridge's Hotel and dinner one night at the Savoy Hotel. Massage appointments for each of the men, and hair, nails, and spa treatments for the ladies!! They were speechless. "We don't know what to say to you other than a huge thank you!"

Both sets of parents were astounded and smiling ear to ear!!! They all got up and hugged their sons and kisses followed from their mother's. "When do we leave?"

"That would be up to you to decide, but I think early spring would be the best." They agreed and were totally overjoyed.

Robbie handed a large box to Daryl from a well-known bootery in in Santa Barbara. There was a card on top and Daryl opened it with shaky hands. Merry Christmas to the love of my life. Love always and forever, your Sam!! Daryl opened the box and gasped. Inside were a fabulous pair of ostrich and bull hide dress boots in black. They were stunning and everyone agreed they were gorgeous. Also, inside was a wonderful black ostrich belt with a large silver belt buckle and Daryl's initials in gold were in the center. Daryl gasped and started to cry. He went over to Sam and gave him the biggest kiss and hug as a huge thank you!!!

Now Robbie handed an envelope to Sam, and he smiled at Daryl as he opened it. My Darling, your present was too big to wrap. I will have to go get it as it was hidden as a surprise for you. Daryl got up and went into the adjoining room and brought back a gorgeous black leather saddle embossed with silver here and there and a silver plate near the horn with his name engraved on it. Sam was overwhelmed and started to cry as well!!! "OH God, darling man. I am speechless and I love it!!! I can't wait to go riding later today since I know it takes breaking in, but there are no words to say thank you and how much I love you!! Our first of many Christmases and this one is special!! Thank you so much. And the men kissed yet again!!"

There was one last present to go and that was an envelope to Tommy. On the front was written, `To the one and only true love of my life. You live deep in my soul and are engraved on my heart forever. With all my love, Your Robbie!!' Tommy opened the card and inside was an itinerary for a three-week European tour of England, France and Italy. He was totally speechless and looked at his husband with awe, wonder and surprise. There were reservations at London's Connaught Hotel for the Sutherland Suite. Reservations for High Tea at Claridge's Hotel, visiting several well know men shops in Saville Row for a couple of new suits, Moss Brothers for a new tux and Lobb's for custom made shoes. Then off to see Windsor on the train and tour there. (I have enjoyed this excursion and it is fabulous!!) On to the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels and tour. (I've also done that! I have been to London eight times and never tire of it.)

On to Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum. (This place is really astounding.) There are also others around the world and well worth the ticket price. They have a section downstairs where the most horrible serial killers which are portrayed! Then off to "Lions of Longleat" which is large manor house, open to the public, with a huge animal reserve and a natural Lion Habitat that you can drive through in your car to see the lions living as they would in the wild!

And of course, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. If Her Majesty is not in residence, you can tour the palace!!

Then off to gay Paris, The City of Lights! YEA!!! Staying at the Ritz Hotel or Le Bristol with a large suite and private butler, seeing the sights on the Baton Mache, (small barge cruise on the Seine), lunches and dinners at intimate bistros and the wonderful musee's (museums). Then off to Versailles to see the hall of mirrors and ornate gardens. On to the Moulin Rouge for dinner and a show with the Can-Can! Then to the famous Louvre Musee. Such wonderful treasures there. (Been to these at least twice...I love Paris!) So much to see and do - but you can't see it all. Notre Dame Cathedral is beyond words. (Last time I was there, the choir was rehearsing for a festival the next day and the music and voices of the choir were stunning!!

The Sacre Cur Cathedral and the artists that paint and draw there are spectacular! The view of Paris and the Eiffel Tower is breathtaking from this magnificent hill. The sheer beauty of it is fabulous! Some of the natives can be a bit rude, but if you try to speak French it helps. So, practice French before you get there. A story about getting coffee at a little bistro is funny but I will tell it later. The waiter was beyond rude, smelled, and was dirty. I do speak a little French!!

The Eternal City is next: ROME. What a fabulous city it is. (I've been there several times and have yet to see all the seven hills!!) Robbie booked a high-end Suite at J.K. Place, a hotel with a five* rating and a hefty price to match. So much to see and do...The Coliseum, The Roman Forum where Caesar often walked, Trevi Fountain, The Spanish Steps, the Victor Emanuel Monument (Italian Wedding Cake) is really something to see and of course St. Peter's Cathedral in Vatican City. This is too hard to describe and do it justice!! The catacombs where most of the Popes are intombed lies beneath the basilica. It is all truly fascinating. (I've been to Rome at least four times and it's new every time, since I see places I have never seen before.)

Tommy sat there with his mouth open and stared at his husband with wide eyes! "I can't believe you have done this, and I can't wait to share this with you. Since you lived there for two years for the Le Corden Bleu, I'm sure you must know the city well." He got up and walked over to his lover husband and hugged him tightly planting a very passionate kiss too! "I am amazed by all of this!!" He sat back down and took a large slurp of coffee, smiling ear to ear!!!

Daniel stood up smiling too and handed Robbie an envelope from his robe pocket. "You are to open this together. This is from all four of your parents. Have a very Merry Christmas. We have been wracking our feeble brains trying to figure out what to give you and this seems to be perfect with your trip over the great pond. Tommy and Robbie opened the envelope together and held a letter that stated that they were getting a two-week cruise. Maybe now they could book an Atlantic crossing from either South Hampton, or from Rome and sail home from their trip from Europe. Perhaps they could get on The Atlantis Line with their friends Ben and Carlton, depending on when they were going. They were gob-smacked and went to hug their parents, smiling from ear to ear!!

Robbie said to the parent people with tears in his eyes, "We could not ask for better parents in the whole universe and we will love you and care for you always."

Presents opened and everyone totally overwhelmed at the gifts, the bell peeled as Miss Ellis called everyone to Christmas brunch. What a fabulous day it had been so far!!!

Well, it has been quite a time leading up to this marvelous day and the gifts received were grand. Everyone was awestruck!! What a glorious morning. Now off to brunch and then maybe a ride later.

Here ends the 1st Chapter of book IV. I hope you enjoyed it as I tried to give some personal perspective. I have been lucky enough to travel to Europe many times and had some great adventures there. My Daddy was a Capt. for a major airline and thus I have been around the world twice and to Europe and South America at least 12 times.

So please be safe out there, wear masks when needed and get VACCINATED!!! Play niceties forward and always be kind to others, play safe and be yourself! As always, many grand thanks to my Allen for his editing work and getting this out to you!! I love you darling man forever!!!

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Ciao for now...

Your Sex Chef

Next: Chapter 128: Robbies True Love IV 2

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