Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Jan 28, 2022


Welcome back and on to Chapter 40 of Book III. Please enjoy for this will be the last Chapter in this book. I will continue with book IV shortly, please stay tuned!!!

Bradley walked into the house with a smile on his face and was greeted by Robbie, Tommy and Elsa in the breakfast room. "Well young man, we hope you had a grand time last night and by the look on your face, you did, to say the least!" Bradley broke into a laugh and said "Oh yes!! We are now a couple and will still take it slow, but I have to say I am falling hard and fast. Robert is everything I have been waiting for and he feels the same way. We are going to leave about noon and spend three days in Carmel/Monterey. He has already made reservations for us in an Inn in Carmel. I hope that is alright."

Robbie and Tommy sat there with smiles and said congrats, we approve. Go and have a wonderful time but be safe. Just then Elsa brought a light breakfast into the room for the four of them. Everyone sat down to eat. Scrambled egg skillet with sausage, green onions, cheddar cheese and chopped red bell peppers laced with mushrooms was served. There was also sourdough toast with butter and jam. French roast coffee was poured along with grapefruit juice. It was delicious. There would be more coffee and pasty on the plane on the flight to the ranch.

Robbie's and Tommy's bags, along with Elsa's, were near the front door, ready to head out about 9:00 or so, pick up Alma on the way and they would drive to Butler Aviation to meet the plane. At 8:00 o'clock, the doorbell rang, and Tommy asked Robbie to get that. Robbie shrugged and got up to answer the door. When he opened the door, he let out a shriek and a delighted scream. Tommy, Elsa, and Bradley ran to the door where Robbie stood in total shock. A brand-new skyblue Bentley with cream interior sat in the drive with a huge white bow on top and a merry tag that read (in large letters) Merry Christmas with love always, Your Tommy.

"OH MY GOD, Lover, what have you gone and done?" Tears ran down his cheeks with the biggest smile on his face. He turned and gave Tommy the huge kiss and hug, and then ran out to the car to see it. The man delivering the car from British Motors, handed him a small leather box with `Robbie Gilman Blackford' on a gold-plated, name plaque on the top. He opened it and there were gold keys for the car and two car fobs to hold them. It had an automatic starter button which was activated if the key fob was present.

Robbie was unable to really speak. He took one of the key fobs and walked over to the car on the driver's side and it unlocked by itself. Opening the door, he slid into the soft cream leather driver's seat and just sat there.

"I can't believe you did this for me! I can't even say how much I love you for it. Can we take it to the airport so I can drive it??? Tommy started to laugh and said, "You're like a little kid who just got his first two-wheeler bike!!! Of course, we can take it to the airport. Tommy stepped forward and tipped the driver and a huge thank you was offered. There was a driver waiting to take him back to the dealership.

Bradley just smiled and thought himself so lucky to be working for such generous people. Everyone trucked back into the house where Bradley cleaned up the kitchen and started the dishwasher. Elsa walked over to her apartment over the garage and checked to make sure she had everything. She closed the door, locked up, and walked back to the house to get ready to leave. Tommy had removed the bow and given it back to the driver to be used again for someone else but kept the card for Robbie. Robbie and Tommy stood in the foyer and Robbie grabbed Tommy and they kissed deeply with love. "Baby, that was a huge thrill and such a surprise. I love you beyond words!!" Tommy replied "Merry Christmas husband mine. It is a present given with all my love, always and forever!!!"

Robbie kissed Tommy once again, smiled and said, "We need to stop, or we will never get out of here and get to the ranch!!"

They started to load the luggage into the boot (English term for trunk), and they were ready to go. Elsa hugged Bradley and said to have a grand time and be careful, as did Robbie and Tommy. "Don't forget to set the alarms for the house and call to let us know when you're home. Merry Christmas!" Just before they got into the car, Robbie handed Bradley an envelope and said Merry Christmas. See you soon and have a great time with Robert.

Bradley smiled and waved as Robbie drove off in his new Bentley. He closed the gate and walked back into the house. He called Robert and asked what time he was picking him up and asked what to bring other than a huge gallon size bottle of lube and pint of poppers??!! Robert laughed and said he would be there in about two hrs. "Just general clothes, something dressy for dinners, and yourself. Oh, and don't forget that huge, wonderful cock and your tight, hungry, hairy manhole, since it will be getting lots of workout time. Both men started to laugh and said goodbye. Bradley went to go pack for their getaway.

Down at the ranch, things were gearing up for the family to arrive about 1:00 o'clock. The dining room looked fabulous as did the rest of the house. The bedrooms were ready, and each had a small Christmas tree with lights twinkling. Both Sam and Daryl were excited for Christmas as it was their first together as a couple.

Daryl had gone into town the day before and picked up the new saddle he had bought for Sam and it was gorgeous: Black leather with sterling bits here and there, including his name on a silver plate on the front of the saddle. It had cost a fair amount, but Sam was worth it. He was so in love, as was Sam!! Miss Ellie was working like a beast in the kitchen preparing dinner for that evening. Gerald had been invited to come, along with the Foreman, Dave, who had been with the ranch for years.

Gerald was overseeing everything for the house party and was very pleased with the work that Daryl had done and was doing. He was going to miss working in the big house but was ready for a rest and a few small vacations. His Dr. was pleased with his progress and about ready to sign off except for visits every few months. Little known to him, the family was giving him a vacation wherever he wanted to go. Paying for everything included the use of one of the jets. Even though they were busy for the day, they managed to get in a little love session that morning and had flip fucked each other. It seemed that they could never get enough of each other, but it all worked out. They were looking forward to the family coming for Christmas.

The ride to the airport in the new Bentley was fantastic and Robbie loved his new car. Everyone raved about how comfortable and roomie it was. The new car smell was wonderful. They made it to Butler Aviation in record time and pulled up to the Blackford hangar where the senior Blackford's and Gillman's were already gathered. They alighted from the new car and Cynthia said with a look of some shock and delight, "Where did this come from dear son??" With a huge smile Robbie replied, "This was a Christmas present from your fabulous other son Tommy, and I was surprised with it this morning! I had seen one the other week and mentioned it to Tommy when we were driving, and there it was this morning. I am still awestruck to say the least. They came and examined the car with oooh's and awe's and exclaimed how beautiful it was!!! Cynthia then turned to her husband and said that her Mercedes was looking a little tired. Perhaps a new Bentley would be perfect for her! Daniel just smiled saying, "Go pick out what you want and it's yours darling!! Whatever you want as always!!" Daniella looked at Thom Senior, with a look of want and he smiled and said they would discuss it later. Cynthia said they had a phone call from Daniel Jr. last night saying both kids were sick, and they weren't coming for Christmas, and they would get together in the New YearÉ They were sorry not to see their grandkids, but better for them to be well!!

Luggage was being loaded into both planes and everyone boarded. Daniel had said it was stupid to take both planes. But Tommy and Robbie said they were flying south after Christmas to the other house and to check on the restaurants and then returning home. Daniel said they were flying off to Dallas for New Years with Thom and Daniella, to see friends.

They were in the air in no time and pastries and coffee were being served. They landed within minutes of each other. Daniel had arranged for a large limo to pick them up and take them to the ranch. Everyone deplaned and retrieved their luggage, where it was loaded into the limo by the driver. Then everyone climbed in, and they took off for the ranch. Everyone looked forward to Christmas and the big party tonight.

The drive was about 45 minutes to reach the ranch and the limo pulled up in front of the house. They were greeted by Daryl in a dark suit and tie. Everyone got out and hugged him, especially his two grandmothers, and he received many hugs and kisses. Alma said, "Darling boy, I have never seen you look so happy except when you got your 2-wheeler bike. I am so glad you found Sam and he found you!!"

Luggage was taken into the house and up to their rooms. Miss Ellie said there was coffee and such in the breakfast room. The seniors were going to unpack and get settled in their suites. Robbie and Tommy took their bags to the parent's rooms and did the same. They were told cocktails were at 7:00 and dinner at 8:00 in black tie, please.

Robbie and Tommy entered their suite and embraced each other with a huge kiss. Robbie pulled back slightly and again thanked his darling husband for the wonderful, surprise gift for Christmas and that he loved it more than just words! "I have a rather nice present for you later tonight when we go to bed" with a wink and a wicked smile. Tommy just laughed, and they kissed again. " I love you beyond words, my lover forever and always.

They went back downstairs and met everyone for coffee and to see what they wanted to do for the afternoon? The ladies said they would enjoy a bridge game for the four of them and the men agreed. So, they went off to play in the family room. Robbie said he wanted to go see his horse and asked Tommy if he wanted to go see King with him. Tommy agreed, and they were off to the stables with carrots and treats for the horses. Elsa and Alma were going to play a game if Gin Rummy, so everyone was occupied for the afternoon. Miss Ellie asked if anyone would like some lunch. Cynthia said maybe something light like small salads and small grilled cheese toasts.

Everyone was having a grand time playing cards. Robbie and Tommy walked into the large horse barn and Robbie gave a whistle after being greeted by Sam and some of the other hands. "Merry Christmas," was said by all. At the whistle, king stuck his head out of the stall and whinnied as Robbie approached. "How is my best boy,??" he asked to King with a stroke on his head and neck. Tommy was amazed at the kinship they had developed with each other. King stamped his hoof and graciously excepted his treats from his human friend and whinnied again in thanks. Tommy also stroked King and gave him an apple and was whinnied at in return as a thank you. Both men looked over the huge barn and were pleased on how everything looked. Sam showed them the new horses and both men were impressed. "You really are an asset to this ranch Sam, and we all love you for it!! "So how are things with you and Daryl? We hope you both are still over the moon with each other!!" A huge smile broke out on Sam's face and replied, "I have never in my life been this happy or in love. I have to say, when the accident happened, and I saw Daryl upside down in the truck and he wouldn't answer meÉI thought he was dead and wanted to die myself. When he came to, I was so relieved and overjoyed. Then finding we were not that badly hurt, and everything was going to be ok, we were so happy and thankful!!!"

"So how are things with both of you? We're so glad to see you so happy!!" Sam asked.

"Well, things are going very well with all the restaurants, and we are both beyond fine, still over the moon with each other, in fact just this morning my loving husband totally surprised me with a new car! It is a brand new, Bentley, sky blue with cream interior and fully loaded. I was gob-smacked to say the least and he will get his later!!! A surprise for his presents too. I hope he will like it, but his cute ass will have to wait until Santa comes in the morning!!!"

Sam started to laugh and couldn't wait to see the car. They will be up to a Francisco sometime soon to collect Daryl's things and will try to be safe this time.

The men said goodbye to Sam and gave King an extra pet. They went back to the house.

"What do you say we head up to the room for a bit of a cuddle before we have to get ready for tonight?"

When they reached their suite Tommy replied, "But first, I think we should put our gifts under the tree and get that out of the way!"

"Great idea babe, and then a nice cuddle." They kissed each other and went downstairs each carrying a couple of bags containing presents.

Back at the house in Sea Cliff, Bradley brought his bag downstairs which he had packed to go to Carmel with Robert. After the hot wonderful sex session, they had had the night before, he was ready for anything Robert had to offer, hoped Robert was as well. They both where hot for each other as they both liked many of the same things and had the same thoughts about politics and such. They were both in favor of gay rights and were for the LGTBQ movement where both helped when they could.

Robert arrived about 12:00 noon and the men greeted each other with a huge kiss. Robert said how he had missed Bradley, even though they had just been together. Bradley reached up and stroked the side of Robert's face, looking longingly into his eyes and smiled, "I am looking forward to this little trip!!"

Robert grabbed Bradley's bag and took it out to his dark red Mercedes and put it in the trunk. Bradley secured the house, set the alarm, grabbed his jacket, and locked the front door. Robert held the door of the car and Bradley got in smiling.

The dealership had come that morning to pick up Bradley's Mercedes to have the work done on it while the men were away and had dropped of a loaner car for him to drive while the work was being done. Bradley was still dumbfounded at the generosity of the wonderful men he work for!!

Robert asked if they wanted to stop and have lunch someplace or just have a snack as he had planned a nice dinner out that evening. Bradley smiled as he took Robert's hand and said that a snack would be great. "Where are we staying, Carmel or Monterey?" "It's a surprise sexy one!!!"

Driving out of town south they hit a Mickey D's and got nuggets, fries and diet cokes. The drive down the coast was wonderful. It was a clear. beautiful day. Both men smiled at each other and enjoyed their snack as Robert drove. They chatted about themselves, learned more history about each other and what they wanted in a relationship. The #1 for both was total honesty and good communication with each other. Once committed, no other's brought in and NO cheating! They were to be monogamous!!! They laughed, told each other funny stories and soon they were arriving in Carmel having passed the outskirts of Monterey. They drove down by the ocean and pulled into a very large, gorgeous hotel called the La Playa'. The grounds looked wonderful, and the lobby was gorgeous. They had the bellman bring in their bags while Robert went to the front desk to check in. He was greeted and given keys to the suite he had booked. The bellman took them up the elevator the top floor to the La Playa Suite' and opened the door for them. When they walked in, Bradley was dumb founded. There before him was a huge suite and an unbelievable view of the ocean. The bellman asked where to put the bags and Robert replied in the bed- room please!! He tipped the young man with a smile, after he pointed out the amenities in the suite and left them alone.

"Merry Christmas you sexy man." They came together and a deep, loving kiss followed. They held each other close and kissed again. "Let's go take a walk around the hotel and around town. Then come back here for a bit of a lay down. We have dinner reservations at a wonderful restaurant I have been to many times. I think you will like a lot. It's one of my favorite places!!!"

They grabbed light jackets and went to walk around, checking out the hotel, which was lovely. (I have stayed there several times and it really is spectacular!!) The they wandered around town looking in at art galleries and found a cute little cafŽ, sat outside having a great coffee, and watched people. It was relaxing. They checked out a couple of little shops and had a grand time. They held hands which got some smiles, and some not so nice looks too, but nothing was said. They wandered back to the hotel as it was now pushing almost 5:00 and they had wanted to have a snuggle before dressing for dinner. Coats and ties were appropriate for the evening. They stripped down and laid down naked coming together and kissing deeply while their cocks grew hard.

Bradley swung around and took Robert's cock into his mouth and sucked it down to the root while Robert took Bradley's now leaking cock into his mouth and savored the taste which he loved. His feelings for Bradley had increased greatly and was just the man he wanted for a wonderful relationship. Both men started to suck the cocks in their mouths with great enthusiasm and soon were rewarded with gushes of cum flooding their faces and both savored each luscious drop. They turned around, kissed, and shared the cum in their mouths causing each to groan and moan .

They continued to kiss and then fell back and cuddled up for a short nap before showering and dressing for their evening out. They fell asleep in each other's arms contently and both were in heaven!!

Robbie and Tommy stripped down, crawled into bed naked, and cuddled up sleeping for about an hour. Tommy woke first and reached down and started to stroke Robbie's growing cock. It started to leak, so Tommy took a bit on his fingertip, brought it to his lips and savored the nectar. Robbie opened his eyes, stared at his handsome husband and smiled. "You found a toy you want to play with before Santa comes dear one??" He reached down and started to stroke Tommy's rock-hard 10" cock which was also leaking pre-cum. Robbie moved down and took the whole 10 inches down his throat. Tommy moaned and then turned around and did the same to Robbie, swallowing the 9" cock down his throat as well. Up and down they went until Robbie grunted and filled Tommy's mouth with a huge load of cum. That set Tommy off and he filled Robbie's mouth with his load. Robbie came up and kissed Tommy and they shared the cum in their mouths. They sank next to each other, and each let out a contented sigh!!!" I needed that darling and I can't wait to see what else Santa brings as I have been a very good boy this year!!" Robbie started laughing. "You have to wait and see!!!"

They laid there for a while, content just holding each other until they had to shower and dress for the evening festivities. Christmas with the families would be great as getting together with them was always a pleasure. They dressed slowly and had brought their new dinner jackets to wear, Robbie's in dark blue shantung silk with dark blue vest and tie and Tommy's in dark green brocade silk, a dark cummerbund and tie, and both with diamond cufflinks, black evening slacks and black silk or velvet evening shoes. They had shaven and had showered together, as always, and stopped to kiss and touch each other all the time.

They finished dressing and went downstairs about 6:45 and went into the living room. Daryl came in a tux and was setting up the bar for cocktails. "Young Jedi, you look mighty handsome their dude!!" Daryl bowed and said, "Thank you kind Master!!" And everyone laughed!!

Soon, both sets of parents appeared. Daniel in a traditional back tux with diamond studs and cufflinks. Cynthia looking stunning as always in a floor length gown in silver and black lace and wearing a stunning, huge, diamond necklace with matching drop earrings and a large two- inch-wide diamond bracelet. She also had on her 28K emerald cut diamond wedding ring with matching eternity band with two karat emerald cut diamonds set in platinum. Her scent was Joy perfume, so subtle but wonderful. Thom also wore a great looking black tux with onyx and diamond studs and links. Danielle was in a dark green lace and silk gown and had on a large suite of emeralds and diamonds in her necklace and earrings. Her large diamond oval cut engagement ring was well over 20K, set in gold with begets. She also wore a beautiful emerald and diamond bracelet and a gorgeous emerald and diamond dinner ring on her right hand.

Elsa came in soon after in a long black silk dinner gown with a long strand of pearls and matching earrings. Alma appeared in a black lace gown and pearls. Everyone looked great! Last to arrive were Sam, who looked stunning in his dark blue tux and Daryl, in a straight black tux and gorgeous black alligator dress boots. Gerald arrived, looking great in a black tux and was looking well considering his recovery. Daryl took drink orders and soon everyone had a drink. Margie, one of the maids, passed hors d' oeuvres on a silver tray. Everyone was chatting about how nice it was to have the families together and were admiring the Christmas tree that was stacked with presents all around it. Thom asked how everything was at the Ranch and that they were excited to get away for New Years in Dallas. He could check in on their office there after the New Year, and Daniel thought it was a great idea as well to check on his property there.

It was just 8:00 when the dinner gong rang, and Daryl showed everyone into the dining room. The candles were lit, everything sparkled and looked very festive!! Soft Christmas music played in the background. Daryl had been excused from serving and he was to join them for dinner at the table with Sam. It was their first Christmas together and both were excited, thus the maids would be serving.

Everyone was seated with their place cards and Daniel stood and gave a big welcome to the family for Christmas. It was a great pleasure to have everyone here around the dinner table. They were missing Dan Jr. and family, but the kids had decided to get sick so they couldn't come down, but it would be made up in the New Year.

The first course was brought in, and it was a stunning Salmon Mousse with a gorgeous dill sour crme sauce. A light, buttery Chardonnay was served with this course from the Napa Valley. It was delicious! When this was finished, in came small frosted/chilled martini glasses with a champagne/raspberry sorbet as a pallet cleanser. These were removed when finished. Talk around the table was about what everyone had been doing with business and personal activities. The conversation was lively and spirited, with a joke here and there, that had everyone laughing.

The main course was brought in with a flourish: Carved Prime Rib, medium rare, with roasted new potatoes in EVOO, fresh rosemary, a hint of garlic, salt and pepper, and baby English peas with pearl onions and dill. There were bowls of creamed horseradish, dyed a delicate pink. A stunning 97' Jordan Cab was served with the Prime Rib and was perfect with the meal. It looked and smelled heavenly, and everyone dug in. As always, Miss Ellie outdid herself. The whole dinner was outstanding. The plates were cleared, and they continued to chat, discussing any gifts that were wanted for Christmas.

Daniel had said how pleased he was with the work that Sam was doing, and the horses were a great addition to and for the ranch. "You, young man, have deserved a huge raise and it will be reflected in your next check with a bonus for the holidays. Young Daryl, we are also please how far you've come in running the ranch house for us and how quickly you have caught onto everything. Gerald, as always, you have done a wonderful job running this house and we all are so glad you are recovering!!! You know you can stay on here to live if you so wish, and we are giving you your house at the ranch to own. We will, however, expect you at some house parties if you so wish.

Gerald just let out a sigh and then a smile covered his face. "I have so loved working here for these many years and so glad you had faith in me to run your household. It will be a pleasure to live here as I have done for many years. Daryl is doing a fine job and he will continue to learn, as we all must, his new job and hopefully, career!"

Dessert was brought in. It was individual Chocolate souffle's with a Grande Marnier Crme Anglaise. Dinner was a smash hit (as everyone knew it would be). Miss Ellie was asked to come into the dinner room, where she received a standing ovation and huge thank you from everyone!!! She was embarrassed but secretly delighted.

"Miss Ellie, you have served this family for many years, and frankly we don't know what we would do without you. Your cooking and mastery of the (or YOUR) kitchen is beyond words and to say big thank you from all of us, we are once again giving you a wonderful vacation to either Mexico or wherever you might want to go, all expenses paid. We'll also include spending money for you and your family!!!" Everyone broke into applause!!! Miss Ellie started to weep and said a weak `Thank You' and shuffled back into her kitchen.

Everyone adjourned to the living room to open one present each and sat with after dinner drinks. Robbie and Tommy went first to Sam and Daryl, "We know you are getting married soon and we couldn't be happier for you. You both mean a great deal to us, and we want to give you a fabulous honeymoon. So, here is an all-expense cruise on Atlantis Cruise Line, the one Tommy and I went on for our honeymoon, and it is fabulous. Daryl, you have met Capt. Ben and his husband Carlton at the house when they visited. You can pick which cruise you want and to where!!! Both men just looked at each other and both men started to cry in each other's arms as they held one another. "We can't believe you all did this for us, and we can't even begin to thank you for being able to work for this family. You can count on us to do anything at any time! The way you looked after us after the accident, we can never begin to repay your kindness to us!" Tommy said.

"You both deserve it, so please enjoy it when you go. So, when are you guy's planning on getting married already!!" Everyone laughed!

A few smaller presents were passed around, but the big things were to be brought by Santa later that night. Everyone was about done in after the huge meal and were ready to go to bed, so they said good night, hugged, and said, "Merry Christmas." They went to their rooms to get rested for tomorrow.

Sam and Daryl got to their little home. Once inside, they enveloped each other in a huge hug that evolved into a fabulous kiss which lasted for a while. They broke apart and each told the other how much they loved each other as they walked into their bedroom and started to undress. Sam stated, "I can't believe the family gave us our honeymoon for Christmas. That aside, I can't wait to for us to get married and be together forever, darling!!

"I can't either and I am so happy that we are totally accepted by all and have wonderful jobs at the ranch." They brushed their teeth after they had hung up their evening clothes and crawled into bed. The pair held each other close, grinding their growing cocks together. Daryl flipped around and they assumed a 69 position, and sucked each other's cocks until they filled each other's mouth with sweet cum.

Daryl moved back around and laid next to the love of his life, and they kissed deeply, sharing the bit of cum that lingered. They said good night to one another and nestled together falling into a wonderful slumber for the night!

Daniel and Cynthia walked into their beautiful suite, undressed and hung up their clothes. Cynthia said that she felt so blessed to have such a wonderful family and that she missed Dan Jr. and the family, but they would celebrate when they got home and were feeling better, they got ready for bed, kissed each other goodnight, cuddled up and dreamt of sugar plums.

Thom and Danielle did the same and said how lucky they were to have their family and how wonderful the Blackford's all were. They loved Robbie as their own son. They also got ready for bed and went to sleep also wrapped together and slept well.

Robbie and Tommy went to their suite and inside they came together and kissed passionately as they always did. "Merry Christmas darling husband." He started to undress his love. They hung up their clothes and put the jewelry away, then went to the large bathroom, brushed their teeth and crawled into bed and kissed again passionately. They held each other close, said goodnight, and fell into slumberland dreaming of the Christmas that was to come in the morning with their families!!!

Dear friends, here ends Chapter 40, the end of a fabulous Christmas Eve and all are looking forward to a fabulous Christmas Day with more adventures and travels to come. There is also a bit of sex here and there, but you must wait and see. Please stay tuned for the start of the next Book IV, hopefully starting soon. More adventures of Tommy, Robbie and families.

As always, please play safe, wear your masks, GET VACCINATED!!! PLEASE!!! Be kind to others, play niceties forward, and always try to offer a kind word!!! Be true to yourselves, and just be the best you can be!!! Thanks as always to my wonderful Allen for his editing and helping me in so many ways. I love you my darling man, always!!!

Please donate to Nifty and I love your comments and/or suggestions and I will answer any emails!!!

So, for now CIAO!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 127: Robbies True Love IV 1

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