Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Nov 27, 2021


Sam and Daryl awoke about the same time as their morning nurse came in to check their vitals early. If things looked good this morning, they would be allowed to go home today and back to the ranch to recuperate. They had had a restful night and were feeling much better. They looked over at each other, reached out and held hands, and blew kisses to each other. "Good morning, my sweet man!!" said Sam and Daryl smiled and yet again thought how lucky he was to have met and fallen totally in love with this wonderful man. "Good morning to you gorgeous. How are you feeling this morning lover??"

"With help I want to go to the bathroom, pee, wash my face, most assuredly brush my teeth and then come over and give you a morning kiss. That is if you want one??" Daryl started to laugh and said in no uncertain terms, "It's all a dream about your fabulous kisses and I want your arms around me, mine around you, and want to kiss you deeply, and lovingly for hours. How does that sound lover?? But first I also want to do the bathroom thing and brush my teeth. I swear, I feel fur in my mouth!!"

Both men laughed. After a bit the nurse came back in as Sam had pushed the call button. She was a pleasant sort and asked what they needed with a smile. "When is the Dr. coming to see us?? We both want to try to get up, go to the bathroom, and most importantly, brush our teeth!! Do you think it is possible? Also find out if we can go home soon to finish recovering!"

The nurse smiled yet again and said the Dr. should be in soon and I am about to bring you your breakfast. You both get some yummy, gooey, pasty oatmeal, dry burnt toast, a small glass of orange seeds with a little juice and some delicious, barely warm, watered-down, decaf coffee. How does that sound??"

Daryl said jokingly, "OH YUM, our favorite. Bring it on, can't wait!!" as the three started to laugh. "Be right back shortly with your repast of deliciousness!!" And left the room. The men sat up in bed and reached out to hold hands, rubbing each other's fingers and each said I love you and smiled. "I need to kiss you so badly and can't wait till we're better and can make love again. I need the closeness and the feel of your body wrapped in my arms and I want us to fuck each other so much. I think I am feeling better cause that thought made me get a slight hard on!! So that shows I am getting better, I think" Sam smiled and said he was also getting hard and thought they were definitely on the mend.

Breakfast was delivered by their cute orderly, named Tim. Tall, lanky, and blond with a great smile and bright blue eyes. He appeared to be in his early 20s and wanted to be a nurse. Breakfast was a surprise and knew that Shirley, the nurse was playing with them earlier. They had scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, a large glass of orange juice, a large cup of coffee with cream and sugar on the side. They were both delighted. The meals yesterday were a bit heartier, as they had some light pasta for supper the night before and the ever-present red or green Jell-O. OH JOY!! Of course, these made them feel better. It was all delicious and they dug in and ate everything.

Just as they finished their meal, their Dr. came in and said you both are looking much better. I hear you both want to get up with help, use the bathroom, and do other ablutions, like washing your teeth. I think that can be arranged. After that, we will get you up yet again and you can start walking a bit and if that goes well we can see about sending you home in a day or two. How does that sound?? You both know you could have been hurt a lot worse that you were and have been very lucky during this whole thing!!

Both men thanked the Dr. and were looking forward to using the bathroom, brushing their teeth and then being able to kiss each other with passion. AHHH, such joy invigorated them!!

Robbie and Tommy woke up still wrapped in each other's arms and a bit sticky after the major sex play the night before. They got very wild and kinky and sloppy and down-right slutty. Both men really got off on it and enjoyed it greatly. They didn't do this kind of thing often, but when they did, they just let loose, and it all came out: The lust, the want, and the piggy-ness. They each had cum 2x and loved every minute of it including the water sports in the shower.

They got up, peed and went to take a shower and then downstairs for much needed coffee. They finished their shower and washed each other completely and they dried each other with lots of kissing. They dressed for their offices and walked downstairs holding hands as they often did to be greeted with smiles from both Bradley and Elsa.

They were served coffee and sat down with the paper and Elsa served then bacon and egg sandwiches on Croissants with a bit of cheddar cheese. They were delicious and they ate it all and with a last sip of coffee, they were off to start their day.

Tommy had to deal with the lawsuit Greg and Bruce wanted to file against the seller trying to back out of the sale of his house. It included slander, name calling, and refusing to sell to a couple of Faggots. NOT nice and Tommy knew he had the owner by the balls. The man's name was Peter Watson and he thought he was a real tough a-hole. Tommy was going to send some investigators out to canvas the neighbors to get their opinions about this matter. That would start today, and he would also do a background check on Mr. Watson: Full financial, ethical and general information!!!

Tommy sat and composed a letter to Mr. Watson. Explaining who he was, and why the letter. And that Mr. Stevens and Mr. Wallis were suing him for breach of contract, and that if he had any questions, please have his lawyer get ahold of him, but not to contact either Mr. Wallis or Stevens. He sent it registered mail with return receipt. He called both Greg and Bruce to tell them what was going on. Why can't these rotten people just fucking go away. Life would be so much simpler, for everyone!!

Both Sam and Daryl were gotten up and they each had use of the bathroom to pee, clean up a bit, brush their teeth, shaved and then sit up in chairs for a while. Lunch was to be served shortly, and they were looking forward to it. They were in far less pain and getting up, stretching and washing up a bit felt wonderful. When each finished in the bathroom, they came together and kissed each other deeply and held each other close. They were feeling better, although even the soft cast on Daryl's right arm was still cumbersome, and the wrapped bandages on their sprains where tight and helped a lot.. but the kiss was welcomed by both men. They said that they loved each other and would for a lifetime. They settled into their chairs and relaxed holding hands. They smiled and were both grateful that the damage was not greater and that they were not hurt worse than they were. Time would heal them, and Sam would get a brand-new truck. They thanked the Lord that the idiot had great insurance.

After lunch was finished, their Dr. came in and said that they could go home tomorrow, and they did not need to go to another hospital. They would recover quicker at home. If they wanted a physical therapy nurse could come and work with them. Sam laughed and said he had been hurt worse being thrown off of a horse and that they would take care of each other. We have a full staff of people to look after us, including our cook, who is like a mother to us all. And y'all don't mess with Miss Ellie or you die trying!!

The Dr. laughed and said if everything was in order and that they most likely could go home about 2:00 PM. He asked how they wanted to go home, and Sam replied that the ranch would arrange a ride for them to go in comfort. The Dr. departed and left Sam And Daryl alone.

Sam looked over at Daryl and with tears running down his face said, "You don't know how it felt upside down in the truck when you were unconscious and all I could see was blood. You didn't answer me, so I thought you were dead, and I wanted to die too, baby. I can't live without you lover. You're my everything and I thank God you're OK. We will get better and once we're up and around, I want to get married sooner than later, if that is OK?" Daryl just stared at his Sam, and he also had tears streaming. I could see you and didn't know if you were alive either. It scared the shit out of me and YES to your question. Let's get married ASAP! You are my life and I want us to be together forever!!

Sam picked up his cell phone and called the ranch and spoke to the foreman, Dave Clark, and told him what was going on and that they would come home tomorrow. Dave was elated and would tell everyone. He hung up and Sam called Daniel Blackford at his office and was put right through. "Sam, my boy, how are you and Daryl feeling? What's the news?" Hello Mr. Blackford and weÉ. He was interrupted by Daniel, who said, "Young man, what have I told you about that? When we're alone and not with company about, you are to call me Daniel!! Got it?" And he started to laugh!! "Sam tell me, what's up?"

"We are being released tomorrow and can come back to the ranch, but we sort of need a ride. Can you arrange something for us please??"

"Well dear boy, glad to hear the news and we are pleased you're on the mend. Your transportation will be taken care of, so not to worry. How are you both feeling. Getting better I am sure, and happily you sound wonderful. Can I chat with your dear Daryl if he is there?"

Sam passed the phone to Daryl who said, "Hi! So nice to talk to you. We both can't wait to get home to totally get better. I am sure the house and barn have nearly fallen apart with us gone." And then he started to laugh, as did Daniel. He passed the phone back to Sam who said goodbye to Daniel with thanks. Sam was smiling and said to Daryl that transport was being arranged for us tomorrow to get back to the ranch. YEA!!! "We are being released about 2:00 in the afternoon. I can't wait to get home and curl up with you and sleep with you in my arms. God, how I miss that baby! I love you so damn much!!" He leaned over and the men kissed deeply with great passion!!

Robbie was down at the restaurant taking care of last-minute things for the party on Saturday evening. Things were looking fantastic, and all was in place. He had called everyone in and was having a full staff briefing, in the early Saturday afternoon before the party. He called Tommy at the office and was about to ask about dinner plans when he got a phone call from his Dad. He held the call to Tommy and said he would call him back in a minute. A quick "I love you," was exchanged before he hung up. Daniel said, "I have great news. I just heard from Sam, and they are being released to come to the ranch tomorrow afternoon, to finish recovering."

"I am sending a limo to get them home safe and sound. Oh, and I took the liberty of talking to Dave and he is going to get a new truck for Sam which the ranch will pay for and that way he can keep the insurance money to use for whatever else he may need. What are your thoughts son??"

"I think that is a great idea. Check with Dave and get a bigger truck that has a duel cab and, of course, a horse trailer hitch on the back. Longer bed, as well and I don't think color will matter. Get all the extras, disc player, great speakers and comfortable seats with heat and cooling features for the seats, as well!"

Daniel said, "Great ideas and will call Dave back and ask that all the extras be thrown in!!"

The men hung up and Robbie called Tommy right back and told him the news about their boys. Tommy was elated. He also told Tommy about the new truck, and Tommy also thought it was a great idea. "Listen babe, I have to get back to work. What's on for supper tonight? Why don't I pick up some Thai food on the way home and the four of us can have a feast. Love you baby and will see you later. I need a kiss badly and will collect when I get home!!"

The men hung up and Robbie called the house and Bradley answered, saying, "Blackford Manor" and asked who was calling? Robbie started to laugh and said "I love it. keep it and use it. How are things going? Bradley answered with a smile and said things were just great. "May I speak to her Ladyship please, if she is not busy??" Bradley said he would get her, and Elsa picked up and said hello.

"Darling Elsa I have great news and that is the boys are being released from hospital tomorrow afternoon and Dad is sending a limo to take them back to the ranch. It's a surprise for them from the ranch and the ranch is also buying Sam a new truck, fully loaded and that is a total surprise too. I'm sure your boy will call you shortly with the news, so hush hush and we are bringing Thai food home for supper for the four of us. I hope that is OK and that you haven't planned anything as yet for Dinner??"

"Nope, nothing yet" replied Elsa. She said she was elated about the boys and would call Alma and let her know as well!! Thai food sounds wonderful. They would set the table in the breakfast room for the four of them. They hung up and she told Bradley what was planned for the evening. He smiled and went back to work doing some dusting and vacuuming. God, he loved this new job and adored his bosses.

Elsa was busy in the kitchen and there rang the doorbell. Bradley said he would get it and walked to the door and answered it and was dumb struck. There before him was the most gorgeous men he had ever laid eyes on. About 6' 1" and about 200#'s, with gorgeous dark brown hair, cut in a wonderful style and bright hazel eyes, a smile filled with sparkling white teethÉ He had on a polo shirt in emerald green and a pair of nice khakis that fit like a glove. Out of the top of the open polo shirt spouted thick dark brown hair on his chest, trimmed. A wonderful smell of Davidoff, Cool Water cologne wafted in the air. Just enough, but not overdone.

Bradley couldn't speak for a few seconds to this god that stood before him. He shook his head and said, "May I help you Sir?" The gorgeous man smiled and replied, "My name is Robert Clark, and I was wondering if Daryl was about??"

Again, Bradley had to find words and asked about what this was regarding with Mr. Daryl? "I met Daryl about a month ago or so and we went out to dinner, but I haven't heard from him and wanted to say hello and ask if we might go out again? I seem to have lost or misplaced his number and haven't been able to call him. I did find a paper with this address that he gave me when we went out for dinner and then remembered where he lived so, I took a chance to see what was up. Still somewhat dumbstruck, Bradley said, if you could wait right here for a minute and let me get the housekeeper, Elsa, and see what she knows. He gently closed the door and took a deep breath before going to find Elsa in the kitchen. He explained who was at the door and if she ever met him before?

Elsa said she did remember him and to show him into the living room and she would be right out. Bradley went to reopen the door and lead Mr. Hunk into the living room. Else entered with a smile and said hello to Mr. Clark and was nice to see him again and asked what he wanted with Daryl? He explained to them again that he had had Daryl on his mind and that he had misplaced the number and decided to come by and ask him out for dinner once again.

Elsa smiled and said things have changed around here and that Daryl no longer lived here. He was now working and living at the family ranch near Santa Barbara. He has met someone, and they were engaged to be married. He had fallen totally in love with Mr. Sam Wilson who was the horse foreman for the ranch and Daryl was now the Butler and head of the household staff.

Robert looked shocked and dismayed, but smiled and said, well good for him and I wish them much happiness, I guess I missed the boat on that one. He then turned to Elsa and said thank you to her and to give Daryl best wishes and that he had stopped by. He then turned to Bradley and asked what his name was and what did he do here at the house. Bradley smiled and said that he had taken over for Daryl and had been here about a week. Bradley asked if he would like and iced tea and Robert smiled and said, "Yes, thank you so much!!"

Bradley got up to get the tea and came back with two iced teas on a silver tray with napkins. "SO, where are you from Bradley and how do you like it here in the City?"

"I used to work and live in the LA area and worked for one of the Blackford Hotels. I had one too many incidents with an unruly guest and quit. Robbie offered me this job when they found out the Daryl was moving South to be with Sam. They make such a great couple and are really happy. In fact, they were on their way up here to get Daryl's thing when they got hit by a drunk driver. It spun their truck around and they ended up-side-down in a ditch. They are just getting out of the hospital and aside from cuts and bruises and some sprains they are fine." Robert let out a sigh of relief. "Glad to hear they are going to be OK!!"

Bradley asked what Robert did and if he lived in town? "I live on Russian Hill and have a very large, older, two-bedroom apartment with a grand view and own an advertising agency and live with Madame Minerva, a beautiful Black Persian Cat who is a total Goddess and is treated like one. She can be quite demanding!! "

Both men laughed. "I am very single and not dating anyone!"

Tables turned a bit. "Are you single and do you know the city at all? Maybe I could be a tour guide and show you around if you would like?" He smiled with gorgeous white teeth that lit up the room. "I have visited the city a time or two, so I don't really know anyone other than my bosses. Robbie and Tommy Blackford. I have met both sets of parents and know the Blackford's fairly well as they own the hotel where I used to work. They are great people. Do you know that they own a chain of restaurants here called Blackford's?" Robert replied he had eaten at several and used them often when entertaining clients because he loved the food there, and service is always fantastic!! "When Daryl and I went out for dinner, I took him to the Union Square place, and it was gorgeous!"

I know this is last minute but if you are free soon, I could show you around town and we could have lunch someplace, maybe the Wharf at Scoma's. Bradley blushed and said he would like that and needed to make new friends. Let me give you my number and call me anytime. Robbie and Tommy are re-opening the union Square Restaurant on Saturday evening. It will be their French themed "Le Belle d Paris." It is a big black-tie event, and I am invited as a guest. Would you possibly like to accompany me, and we could get to know each other if that is not to presumptuous?" Robert smiled and said that he had received an invitation and was going anyway, so why don't you come as my guest?"

Bradley smiled and said yes after a moment's pause, not wanting to appear over eager. After chatting with Robert for this short time, he decided that this was the man he had been waiting for and hoped things would work out for them. He was beyond stunning, was well spoken, and had the brightest eyes and smile. That alone got his motor running and he had to try not to get hard.

Robert looked at his watch and said he had to go as he had an appointment with a new client at his office. He politely asked for Bradley's number, and they actually exchanged numbers. Robert said they would be in touch about Saturday evening. Bradley showed Robert to the door and bid him a great and successful day. Robert got in his cream Mercedes Benz and drove away. Bradley closed the door and leaned against it and let out a huge sigh. He needed to take care of some personal business and right away. He said to Elsa that he needed to go upstairs for a bit and have a lay down and that he had a slight headache.

Elsa asked if she could get him anything and he politely said, "No thank you." He went upstairs quickly to his room where he closed the door and locked it. He quicky striped and reached into his nightstand and pulled out his supplies: a bottle of poppers, a bottle of his favorite lube, and an 8" flesh colored dildo. He laid down on the bed and started to stroke his already hard, dripping cock. He smeared the precum on the head and then brought some up to his mouth for a taste. It was like nectar. He grabbed the lube and applied some to his cock and reached down and put some on his very hungry hole and inserted a finger deep. God, it felt so good! All the time he was thinking of Robert and how fucking hot he was. He hoped that soon they could get into bed and fuck each other, or, on this case, he wouldn't mind being a total bottom for that gorgeous hunky stud.

He opened the bottle of poppers and took a huge hit. He placed the large dildo at the entrance of his fuck hole and inserted it slowly all the way in and started to fuck himself. He was also stroking his cock and knew he would shoot in a matter of minutes. He took another hit of poppers and stroked even hard while still fucking himself In and out and really started to pound his ass with the toy, deeper and faster. In his mind's eye it was Robert fucking him with that hopefully huge cock. That put him over the edge, and he started to cum shooting load after load all over himself. He must have shot 6 spurts and was covered, all over his hairy chest and absÉ He collapsed onto his pillows and was breathing heavily but soon came down from the high. He let the dildo slip out and just laid there and started to rub the cum all over his body. He scooped some up and licked his fingers clean. He had not cum in a while and it felt so fucking good.

He dozed for a bit and then had to clean up since he had work to finish. The guys were bringing home food from the Thai place for dinner. Just as he was waking, his cell rang, and he reached over to pick it up. He saw it was Robert calling and he answered after to 4th ring as not to appear too eager. He answered and said a simple "hello." Robert's voice came through clearly and he said, "I am sorry to interrupt your busy day and hope I didn't catch you at a bad time, but I had to call and say it was my great pleasure to meet you today and I hope you will accept my offer to come to the party with me. I hope you don't find me too forward when I said you are one of the most attractive men I have met in a very, very, long time!"

Bradley said nothing for a few seconds and then answered, "Thank you for calling. I was going to call you later today or tonight, as I know you said you had meetings and didn't want to disturb you. The feeling is mutual. That I must say meeting you took my breath away and you have to be the most handsome man I have ever met in my life and most certainly I would love to go to the party with you on Saturday night. Should I meet you there?" Robert started to laugh and said thanks for the compliment, but dear Sir, have you looked in the mirror lately? I must say you are gorgeous as well and am looking forward to Saturday evening and I will pick you up, if that is alright??" Blushing, Bradley looked down at his cum covered, hairy chest and his cock was starting to grow again. "So what time are you coming to pick me up, say maybe 6:00 or so? Does that work for you?"

"That is just what I was thinking and maybe we could go somewhere after and have a drink and chat and get to know each other. I would really like to do that. A nice quiet place. I haven't stopped thinking of you all afternoon. I could barely pay attention to my client, but got through it with some difficulty, if you know what I mean. Oops, there goes my other line, and I will see you Saturday evening about 6:00. Black tie and I am sure you will look stunning. Can't wait! Bye for now." and the call was disconnected.

Bradley was once again rock hard and had to have another wank. He used the drying cum and a bit more lube plus another hit of poppers, stroked and came yet again in a matter of minutes. He thought to himself, GOD, what a total hunk of gorgeousness!!! Now he had to get up and shower and dress again. It was time to get back to work!!

He got up, showered, redressed, and went downstairs where he found Elsa sitting in the kitchen with a steaming cup of coffee. She looked up and said, "You look better, headache all gone? Would you like a coffee??" He went over and poured himself a cup and sat down. I took some aspirin and had a laydown and fell asleep. I hope that is OK and I won't get into trouble for sleeping on the job??" Elsa started to laugh and said with a smile, "You need not to worry about that. You have been working like a Trojan since you arrived, and we all need a bit of a nap. I am glad you're feeling better. Who was that attractive man you met at the door? He looked familiar to me somehow."

"His name is Robert Clark, and he went out with Daryl once, for dinner and came to see him. I explained to him about Daryl and Sam and that Daryl had moved to Santa Barbara and then the accident. He said he was sorry for the intrusion but was glad to hear that Daryl was happy and not too badly hurt in the car accident. Seems his goes to Blackford's a lot when entertaining clients for his advertising business. He has asked me to accompany him to the party on Sat. night and is picking me up about 6:00 and then we are going out after to chat, if that is ok with everyone??"

Well, why not, you do need to make friend's here and from what I saw you couldn't do better. What a very attractive man. I remember meeting him very briefly when he and Daryl went out for dinner. He seems to be very genuine and seems to be nice. Just take things slow. Now let's get set up for supper and you can tell Robbie and Tommy about your visitor over supper. Bradley smiled and bowed and said, "Yes Mam." Elsa smiled and went on the finish in the kitchen.

It was just after 6:00 when the garage door beeped and both men arrived at the same time. They parked, got out, and came together and kissed each other. Then, they headed into the house. Tommy had bags of the Thai food for supper in his hand. The men entered and yelled they were home. Tommy was walking into the kitchen and asked Bradley for help with the sacks. He rushed to assist and placed the food on the counter. It smelled great. Robbie came over and gave a kiss to Elsa. I think we're going to change and will be down shortly. As both men ran upstairs, they got into the bedroom and Tommy attacked Robbie's face with kisses and said, "I have waited all afternoon to do that! I find that I love you a little bit, most of the time!!!"

Robbie nearly knocked Tommy down as he attacked him and said I will get even with you later, after we eat supper as I am starving not only for dinner, but I have a hot date with a very over the top, hairy, muscled beast who I am told can be quite the sex pig. I am willing to find out!! Try not to be too jealous darling!" He smiled a small, evil grin at Tommy. They changed and went quickly downstairs into the breakfast room and where dinner had been plated in serving dishes and smelled delicious. The men sat and everyone dug into the feast.

Robbie was first and said things were looking great for the party on Saturday evening and thought it would go over very well indeed. There were several newspapers who were sending one or two food critiques and one reporter from the society page. It would go over very well. Tommy told them about the real estate mess he was working on, and he had the seller where they wanted him. He was sure that they would win and force him to lower the price by a substantial amount!!

Bradley was next and he told them of Robert's visit. He had explained how that Daryl had moved, had a new job at the ranch, and was engaged. He said Robert was thrilled for Daryl's happiness and the new love in his life. Bradley then told the guys that Robert asked him to be his date for the party on Sat. evening and that he regularly dined at Blackford's when entertaining clients from his advertising agency. "His last name is Clark and I think you both met him quickly when he came to take Daryl out for dinner some time ago. Anyway, I hope that is alright with you. He has also offered to show me around the City sometime. I am excited and the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous certainly doesn't hurt either. We just have to wait and see."

Robbie and Tommy were thrilled that Bradley had met someone and said of course, go with him to the party and you don't need permission to date anyone, although we would like to be asked and meet any person you chose to bring home for safety reasons. We have lots of valuable things here in the house and it never hurts to be cautious. We hope you have a great time on Saturday evening and your dating does not interfere with you work duties here at the house. Bradley smiled and said of course. Dinner was finished and Elsa and Bradley cleaned up while Robbie and Tommy went into the living room to watch the news with a cup of coffee.

Back in the hospital, both Daryl and Sam were doing well and looking forward to getting back to the ranch tomorrow and, to their house and their bed especially. They were sitting up in chairs next to each other and reading a couple of hot stories on Nifty on their tablets. They held hands and told each other how much in love they were and each smiled. It was getting sort of late, and they had had a fairly decent dinner, followed by ice cream for dessert. That was a rare treat at the hospital. They stood and came together in a massive hug even thought they were both still sore from the accident. The kissed deeply and Sam said, "I can't wait to sleep with you in my arms and wake up naked. With both of us with raging hard-ons and then you shove your huge hard cock down my throat and up my tight hairy hole where it belongs. Fill me with days and days of your hot cum!!! That, my darling man, is what you have to look forward to for tomorrow evening. After we rest up, I will then do to you what you have done to me lover and we kiss good night and fall asleep in each other's arms." They smiled and then crawled into bed, after they kissed each other goodnight and went right to sleep dreaming of what was to cum!!!

Everyone woke early the next morning and since it was Friday, they each had work to take care of. Tommy had with his real-estate case with Greg Stevens and Bruce Wallis. The letter the firm and Tommy sent to Mr. Peter Watson, the owner who was selling, was quite upsetting after finding out that investigators had been sent to ask about him in the neighborhood. They did not get favorable replies from the neighbors as he was not well liked by almost everyone. Tommy found out he was not a pleasant person and had a habit of belittling people and being a rude, nasty, foul-mouthed man. Not many people liked him.

They also found out that he and his wife, Shirley were starting a real ugly divorce. She had moved out with all her jewelry, furs, clothes and the almost new Mercedes, leaving him a much older Lincoln. Also, she left with most of the cash in their joint checking acct except about $250.and all of their savings. To say he was not a happy camper was an understatement. She had also taken his hidden credit cards, which he did not know she knew about, and ran up some hefty charges that he was responsible for. She had gotten some new clothes, bags, and shoes that he would have to pay for. She had run up a sizable bill of close to $15,000. She was very happy, and she had taken a suite at one of the best hotels in Palo Alto, The Clement, and the suite was running about $1,400 per night and that he was now unhappily paying for it. He of course didn't know this yet!? She had also taken several pieces of valuable art and some antique furniture, and all of this was done when he was supposedly out of town on business and was gone for several days.

What he also didn't know, was that she had been putting money secretly away for a while and had built up a nice little nest egg. She thought, "You rotten bastard, now you will get yours! You're a nasty SOB!!!"

Mr. Watson got home after being gone for about 2 1/2 days and was very surprised when walking in the house and finding things missing and then in the bedroom all of his wife's clothes gone and the room was a mess. Her jewelry cases were missing as were her costly fur coats, one full length sable and two minks: One jacket and one full length as well.

OMG he thought and went to his secret stash and found the money, about $5K, and credit cards were also missing. He picked up the phone and called the bank to find the saving account was empty as well as the joint checking account. It totaled $642,000 and he was now broke or almost broke. for the moment. He thought, "Damn you bitch! Where the fuck are you? I will find you and your ass is mine!"

The phone rang. He grabbed it and said a shaky hello? A voice asked if this was Mr. Peter Watson? "This is the Strafford Hotel calling, where you were just staying. There has been a decline on your credit card from the bank and you will need to pay your bill immediately. Maybe this was a mix up and I am sure it can be corrected. But it needs to be attended to as soon as possible. The bill stands at $980 for $375 per night while you were here. The charges in the restaurant added another $230, including tips for the staff. How would you like to take care of this sir?"

"I need to talk to the bank after we hang up and it will be taken care of at the latest tomorrow. Thank you for calling and I am sorry for this." He hung up and was furious!!

Peter Watson slunk down in a chair and put his head in his hands. His money was gone, and he didn't know how he was going to pay the hotel bill. He hoped the sale of the house would be quick and he could hold off creditors for a while. The deposit of the 1 Million dollars was held in escrow and he couldn't touch it.. He was so pissed at what his wife had done, but he was not surprised as they had not been getting along for about a year or so. Their fights had been escalating for some months now. He swore he was going to get a mistress, but then that would cost money too. He found some mail that had not been opened and left on the hall table. Several were bills, that needed to be paid, water, sewer, the phone bill, the gardener, and another was a repair bill for several of the windows that had needed some repair work. Then there was a letter from Gilman and Son, Attorneys at Law. He opened that and almost fell over. It was a lawsuit over the sale of his house to those miserable Faggots. They were asking for a major reduction in price of over 1 million dollars or they would sue him for slander, libel and trying to undo a solid real-estate deal, which held 1 Million dollars in escrow.. He had 24 hrs. to respond or the deal for the house would be taken back and he would end up with nothing.. Both Bruce and Greg were seriously considering ending the whole deal, as they were just done in by the nastiness and that house held bad feelings.

Later that day, Bruce and Greg called Tommy and told them what they were feeling and decided they really didn't want the house anymore and were pulling out and wanted their money back.. Tommy agreed and would start working on that and get them the money out of escrow ASAP. There would be fines of course that dear Mr. Watson would have to pay. They felt better about this and no longer wanted to house that had bad Karma.

That afternoon, the papers were signed and both Sam and Daryl were released from the hospital. They had told the police were to send the two boxes of belongings to the ranch. Then they said good-bye to the nursing staff with thanks for the excellent care they received. There was a stretch limo waiting to take them home to the ranch. They were wheeled out and gingerly got into the limo for the ride home and each man let out a huge sigh of relief. They settled back and they kissed each other saying, "I love you so fucking much" and then said it felt good to be going home.

The big re-opening party was the following evening and both Tommy and Robbie were excited to have the affair over with. Both men had worked hard this week, with the robbery at the restaurant, Sam and Daryl's accident, and the lawsuit that Tommy was working on for Bruce and Greg. The owner was a total fuck up and would be in a world of hurt after it was all said and done. Tommy had gotten word that his wife, Shirley, had left him and had taken almost everything. They both had been invited to the party at the restaurant and they would be pleased to come. They were glad the way things were working out and they would find a better house. It was all a good thing.

Sam and Daryl arrived back at the ranch with some fanfare from all the employees and Miss Ellie had made a welcome home dinner that was to be brought to their house that evening. They thanked everyone and politely said they needed to lay down and rest for a while before dinner.

Robbie and Tommy went home exhausted and need some alone time. Elsa and Bradley had put together a simple dinner of Fettuccini Alfredo and salad for them. They would all eat together and then go to bed early, as tomorrow was the party. After dinner both men excused themselves for a shower, some relaxation, reading, and maybe some simple blowjobs, then on to dreamland. Life was hectic, but yet so wonderful.

Well, this now ends the very involved chapter 36, with lots of crap going on with everyone. Sam and Daryl were home. The lawsuit was heading in the right direction for Bruce and Greg. Just wait to see more of what happens to Mr. Watson. The break in at the restaurant had been settled and the ass in jail. Bradley had met a hunk and hopefully good things were going to happen with them, wait and see. Finally, the huge re-opening party for Le Belle d' Paris at Blackford's. All in good time my pretties, all in good time!!

I certainly hope everyone had a glorious Thanksgiving with friends and Family. Ours was very quiet and we loved it- just the two of us with well wishes from many friends and family. There was an edict put out I heard about yesterday and that was that everyone had to reset their bathrooms scales back 15#s. Everyone have a very pleasant weekend, be safe out there with all the theft going on with the flash mob riots. Such a shame. Wear your masks, be safe, be kind to others, be yourself and spread some joy. We all need it badly!!! I can't believe that Advent starts tomorrow and that Hannukah starts at the end of the week. It's really early this year. Best wishes to all and please, do not forget to donate to Nifty!!

CheersÉ. Your sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 123: Robbies True Love III 37

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