Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Nov 19, 2021


Sam barely conscious, "Baby, are you all right?" he asked in a weak voice. He was upside down, hanging by his seat belt and feels blood running down his face. "Daryl, my lover, answer me, please!!" He heard nothing!! He turned his head to the side and sees Daryl hanging there. He sees blood on his face, and he appears to be unconscious as well. He starts to cry. Sam hears noises coming from outside the truck. "Hang in there, kid. Help is on the way." Sam heard sirens in the distance. He knew help was on the way and of course his first concern was his Daryl!!

The paramedics arrived and surveyed the accident. The police were also there as well. The car which had run into the truck, was on the side of the road and was pretty badly damaged also, and the driver looked to be unconscious, slumped over the wheel. From what they could see he had a head injury and was bleeding. The fire dept. had arrived to assess the situation and deciding how to get the two injured men out of the wrecked truck. There was no smoke or leaking fuel, thank God!!

One of the paramedics addressed Sam, asked his name, and if he was in any pain. "My name is Sam, my head hurts, and I swear I feel blood dripping on my face. Please check on my FiancŽ. His name is Daryl. Please get to him. I have tried talking to him and get no answer!!! One of the firemen came over with the jaws of life and opened the driver's door and put thick padding on the upside-down roof of the truck to get Sam out. They put a neck collar on him to secure him and then cut the seatbelt. He fell into the paramedic's arms. They gently pulled him out of the truck and laid him on a stretcher. "Where is my Daryl?" he screamed, and a fireman told him they were working on getting him out of the truck as they spoke. They also said he was breathing, but still unconscious. He had a head wound and was bleeding. They pulled him out with the same care when they had removed Sam from the truck.

The placed Daryl on a stretcher too and put the men next to each other. Sam moved slightly to see his beloved Daryl. He started to cry. Please save him and make him well. I need him so much and we are planning on getting married in a few months. Also, please call the numbers in my wallet to the Blackford Ranch in Santa Barbara and then call Mr. Robbie Blackford in San Francisco. Also Mr. Daniel Blackford, his Number is also in my wallet.

He heard moaning coming from the other stretcher. "Baby, are you ok??? Speak to me sweetheart." He heard moaning again and a very weak voice said, "Sam, where are you??"

"I'm here baby. We were in a car accident and the truck is pretty banged up. We're most likely headed to a hospital somewhere and I told the police to call Robbie and the ranch."

Before Daryl passed out again, he murmured, "I love you!!"

Sam screamed, "OH GOD, Help him PLEASE!!"

The paramedic said they were near the town of Cambria and would be taken to the hospital there, where they would be treated. Both men were loaded into separate rigs and driven to the hospital and admitted into the ER. Sam was still conscious and needing to see Daryl who was in the next cubical. They started to clean Sam up and the Dr. introduced himself. "I'm Dr. Olsen and it seems you both were in a pretty bad accident. Your truck was hit and was overturned into a small ditch. Your friend Daryl is in the next area and has regained consciousness once again and another Dr. is with him. He seems to be OK, and we are running tests. You both will be x-rayed for broken bones and a cat-scan of your head will be taken to see if your brains are still there!" He laughed slightly, "Don't worry son. You both will be taken care of. The police have secured your truck and any valuables! Also, your people have been notified and Mr. Robbie Blackford and his husband, Tommy Gilman, are on their way here now!"

Sam let out a sigh of relief and laid there quietly as he was examined. Other than some contusions on his face from the broken glass, a slightly dislocated shoulder that they popped back into place, and a sprained ankle, things seemed to be in pretty good shape. He was starting to become really sore, and they gave him some more meds, to ease the pain a bit.

Sam heard voices in the hall and the voice said, "I am his friend and Boss. He knows who I am, and I demand to see him now!!" A head stuck through the curtain. "Do you know a Robbie Blackford, Sir??"

"I most certainly do. He's my mentor and my Boss. Let him and a man named Tommy Gilman both as well. NOW, please!!" Seconds later, Robbie and Tommy walked in looking scared out of their minds, came over, and gave Sam a small hug. Sam started to cry and asked if they knew where his Daryl was?? "We got here as quick as we could. We couldn't take the plane, so we chartered a copter. Dad and Thom know what happened and are waiting to hear from us. We heard that Daryl is up in X-ray. We will know more in a bit. We are working on getting you both into a private room and if it takes buying the hospital, we will get on it! Sam gave out a huge sigh of relief and nestled back into the pillow.

We looked at the police report and it seems the other guy in the car was speeding and was DUI. He is in intensive care and would be even worse if I could get my hands on him. Tommy said, "I have talked to the Police Chief and explained I am one of the family lawyers. He has all kinds of charges against him. He was badly hurt, but still alive. They have him driving under the influence, reckless driving, speeding, and trying to leave a hit and run accident. He got about 20 feet and passed out after he ran into a large cement barrier head on and that finished him. His car, along with your truck, are both totaled. We were able to collect your belongings and they are safe with the police so not to worry."

You both will be in the hospital for a couple of days here and then we will have you both flown to Santa Barbara General Hospital and will stay there until you can come home to the ranch. Everything will be handled. Evidently the guy, whose name in Dave, has good insurance and it will cover you totally for medical now and beyond the accident and pay for a new truck. He is 24 and already has a couple of vehicle citations for speeding and reckless driving. He will likely have his license suspended for a long time if not taken away completely and have to pay a huge fine. Most likely, when he pulls out of this mess, he will spend some time in jail and then will have to go to court.

Just then a gurney was wheeled in and there was Daryl, awake and smiling when he saw Sam and then Robbie and Tommy. . "I am so fucking glad to see you, I couldn't find you and everyone kept telling me you were OK, but I needed to see you. Now would someone please tell me what happened please?"

Tommy retold the story to Daryl of what happened and what was going to happen with the hospital and such.

Just then, the nurse came in and said their private room was ready for them. Orderlies came to move them up to the second floor. Soon they were ensconced in the room, side by side, and very happy. Seems Daryl had broken his right arm when he hit the side of the door and had several contusions, scrapes, and cuts from the broken glass, on his face as well as his arm and his right leg and a sprained right ankle. But they would be off work for a while as they healed.

They were wheeled into their private room and transferred to their beds and made comfortable. The beds were now close enough so they could hold hands and that was a huge relief to them both. Sam asked quietly, "I couldn't get an answer from you and saw you were bleeding, and I was scared shitless. You are my world and thought you were dead or going to die. I thank God we are going to be OK after some recuperating!! Tommy and Robbie, we can't thank you enough for being here for us. I hope we're not too much trouble. What about the work at the ranch?? How is that being handled?"

Robbie started to laugh, "Dude, you have a barn full of capable hunky stable studs, that you trained, who can do the job. Not to worryÉ.and as far as you, Mr. Daryl, I am sure the maids and Miss Ellie will take care of things while you are getting better. We are not going to be entertaining there for a while and everything will get managed. So, concentrate on getting better and that is an order to you both! We love you and are always here for you. The parents have been informed and they wish you both a speedy recovery and send their love!!! So do Alma and Elsa, who were quite worried about you.

Once you get to Santa Barbara Hospital, we will fly them down to see you. Now if there is nothing else, we will head to a hotel and let both of you get some rest. We will check in later." They each kissed the boys and left to find a hotel for a day or two.

They got a small suite at a local hotel, walked in, threw their bags down and collapsed on the bed. I don't think I can handle any more right now. The break-in at the restaurant; Thank God there was not much damage, and the staff can handle most of it. We haven't heard whether they caught the suspect. Maybe I should call the Capt. And see what's up. The men kissed and Robbie said, "Darling man, we will handle it all together, plus I love you!!" Robbie grabbed his phone and called Capt. Smythe at the station.

"All is under control here and the suspect is in custody. We did find fingerprints all over where things had been thrown around in the office as well. He has asked for a lawyer and the DA will send someone tomorrow. Until then, he is well taken care of at the Luxurious Police Hilton with the best cuisine, somewhat comfortable beds, all the comforts of home, except for the bars and guards working overtime, to see that things stay that way!! "

Robbie started to laugh and then explained where they were and what had happened. The Capt. told them to take care and that things would be fine here. "I will keep you informed with all the information. When do you expect to come back up here?"

"Once our boys get settled we have to go home as Blackford's down at Union Square has gone through an extensive remodel and will re-open on Saturday evening as Le Belle d Paris at Blackford's'. If you're not doing anything on Saturday evening, why don't you and your wife, partner, or whomever, come by and see the place?" Capt. Smythe was gob-smacked and said that he would check with his husband, Jeff, and see about Saturday evening. "Thank you!! Oh and please call me RichardÉ I'll be in touch!!"

Both men were quite relieved that their friends were going to be ok!! They were loved and respected, by all. They would most likely spend a few days in hospital recovering and then flown home to finish recuperating and would be back to the health side with lots of care and love!!

Both Robbie and Tommy went back home knowing that all was well and that they had the opening at the restaurant on Sat night, which was the day after tomorrow. They got back in short order and went straight to the restaurant in a limo the Co had sent to retrieve them and then to check on the final preparations for the opening. They had flown back in a helicopter and made it to the restaurant. They were quite pleased with everything. Nothing more could be done, so they decided to head home as they were both just ready to drop from all the stress of the break-in and the accident with Sam and Daryl. Thank God, they were going to be OK!! They were quite exhausted by it all. They had called their offices while in flight back to SF. They were met by Daniel's Rolls and his driver. What a relief! They were driven home and were near collapse when they arrived where they were met by Elsa at the front door. She hugged them both and kissed each one. They had called Elsa at home and then called the ranch to let them know what was going on. She in turn called Alma regarding her grandson and was quite relieved that they were going to be ok after a hospital stay and then home at the ranch to recuperate!!

Tommy and Robbie were home and done in totally. Robbie asked for a light dinner of maybe soup and 1/2 sandwiches and some iced tea. A glass of wine would have put them out and there was still work to be done for the party on Saturday evening. The men finished their meal, which was delicious, and kissed their dear Elsa good night and practically crawled upstairs to bed.

They undressed and Tommy started the shower. Both men relished the hot cascading water, bathed each other, kissed a bit, but they were both exhausted for any sex play. They dried each other carefully and crawled into bed, kissed, and as always, told each other how much they were loved. They turned off the light and were both asleep in each other's arms in seconds.

Both Sam and Daryl were really starting to feel the pain from the accident, but the nurses and doctors were keeping them pain free and comfortable. After evaluation, no surgery was required on either man. They were relieved as were their families. They would be sent to the major hospital in Santa Barbara and then to the ranch for recovery. The ranch had sent flowers that were appreciated greatly. The Blackford's and Gilman's had also sent flowers. Both men felt loved and thanked the lord that they were able to be in the same room together, close enough where they could at least hold hands for a bit. They told each other that they would get through this and would soon be well and happy together.

The police had been in touch with Robbie about the fired waiter at the restaurant and about the damage he had done. He was still screaming that he had been set up and he was innocent! They were going to press charges and sure he would do some major jail time! Nothing's worse than a disgruntled ex-employee who is out for revenge!!

Sam and Daryl woke up almost at the same time and it was the early morning nurse who came in for vitals. It always happens when you're trying to sleep and rest while in the hospital, a nurse or someone comes in and wakes you up! (This happens in real life as well. I speak from experience! LOL!!) They smiled at each other and held hands and Sam said, "I wish I could kiss you Baby. I miss sleeping with you and holding you and of course loving you darling man."

Daryl replied, "Maybe if we're good and behave we will not have to go the hospital in SB and can go straight to the ranch. That would be wonderful lover!!! Oh, BTW, I love you so much - at least around the edges." Both men started to laugh.

Their vitals were good and told the nurse that they were feeling much better and asked if they could get up and at least brush their teeth. "We will see when the Dr. does his rounds, but you both are doing well. So, hang in there boys!!!"

They settled back and Sam's cell phone rang. It was Robbie calling to check on them. He gave Robbie the news and he was pleased but told him they would wait for the doctor's report. Robbie said they were missed greatly, and everyone sent get-well wishes.

Robbie and Tommy had woken early and had a quick breakfast. They headed to their offices and Robbie took a run by the restaurant remodel and everything was just about done. He had a meeting to go over the menu for the party with the Chef Carl. The chef had a family emergency and had to bow out, much to Robbie's chagrin, but his soux Chef stepped up and was doing a fabulous job with organizing everything. They were to have a seafood bar with oysters, clams, shrimp, and crab. There were to be passed Hors'd oeuvres, Foie Grau canapes, a caviar bar with mini blini's, miniÐBeef Wellingtons, a carving station with smoked salmon, a salad station with fresh Caesar salad and Spinach salad. There would be wine, both red and white, as well as champagne, soft drinks, and iced tea. No hard liquor was being served. They were expecting about 150-175 people, and it was black tie.

They had invited Ben and Carlton but doubted they could come as they were on a cruise and most likely couldn't get away. Karl and Walter were invited and few of their other good friends. Sam and Dave were coming but were upset about the accident and disappointed that Sam and Daryl weren't able to come. Robbie hoped that Capt. Richard Smythe and his husband Jeff could come. He had done such a great job with the break-in, and he seemed really nice. They were looking forward to meeting his husband, Jeff.

Tommy was busy at the office all day and had a new client he was meeting after lunch. It was a case about a gay man, Bruce Wallis and his partner, Greg Stevens, wanting to buy a house down the Peninsula, and they had had their offer accepted of $2.63 Million and a healthy deposit of over $1 Million was given and excepted. It was the perfect house for them in the Millbrae Hills with a great view of the bay and the Airport. It sat on a 1/3 acre, had 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, a family room, den/office, a large living room and dining room. A large patio with a full outdoor kitchen and Bar-b-que., a large hot tub, and a 3-car garage.

When the owner found out the man who was buying the house was gay with a male partner, the seller tried to pull out of the deal, saying things like he didn't want the neighborhood to suffer because some nasty faggots were moving in and refused to sell to a couple of degenerates. The owner was in a for very rude awakening. He said he would destroy the house before selling it to those kind of people!!

Tommy was furious when he heard the reason for the meeting and was going to go for blood!! After lunch was over, which Tommy ate in his office with his Dad, they went over everything for the meeting. Thom was going to sit in as well. Bruce and Greg arrived on time at 1:30 and were shown into Tommy's office by his Assistant, Alice. Bruce was a striking man about 6'2" and about 210 # with dark hair and a trimmed mustache. A bit of dark hair peeked out of his open collared dress shirt. Well-built and very nicely dressed. Greg was smaller and also very handsome. He stood about 5'11" and maybe 190 # with dark blond hair, was clean shaven and appeared to be smooth chested. Both men were very attractive! Tommy greeted both men with a hearty handshake and introduced Thom who was head of the firm. Coffee was offered but both men asked for water. It was brought.

Tommy started and said he had read the papers that were sent to him. Bruce added a little background on themselves. Bruce was 36 and Greg was 32. They had been a couple for about 10 years. Bruce owned a construction company, Wallis Construction, down on the Peninsula in San Mateo, specializing in home building and office and home/business remodeling. It was a large company and had about 35 employees.

Greg worked in retail in a high-end linen, bath store. Egyptian cotton sheets, blankets, pillows, silk robes, sheet sets and luxury personal items for bed and bath, simply called Greg's. He owned the business and had 4 outlets throughout the Bay Area that did very well. He had a about 16 employees. His business was based in Burlingame. They were both quite well off and very much in love. They were getting married in about a month and then were off on a gay cruise on the Atlantis Cruise Line. Tommy smiled and said that he and Robbie had taken that cruise for their honeymoon last year and it was great! They had become great friends with Capt. Ben and his husband Carlton, the Chief Purser. "You both will love the staff and the food is excellent. Which cruise are you taking?"

"We're leaving from NYC and sailing to Barcelona, then on to Lisbon and then to South Hampton. Then we take the train to London where we are staying at the Savoy for a week and then flying home. We are looking forward to it a lot!!"

"Now, let's get to it. Tell me what is going on."

"We had seen the house, as the last of several with a realtor friend of ours and loved it right away. It was in a perfect location and had a view of the Bay and the airport. The kitchen had just been remodeled and they had added a breakfast room. The price was just in our price range, close to the city, and there is lots to do on the Peninsula. Both our businesses are down there. We have many friends there as well as here in town. You mentioned your husband's name is Robbie. How long have you both been together? We have been married for about a year and what a year it has been. We had been together about two years before we married. I love him more than life!!!"

"What does Robbie do for a living and how long have you worked here? Are you both related, Uncle/Nephew/what??" Both Thom and Tommy started to laugh. Tommy said with a smile. "This man over here is my Dad who I love and cherish. I am a senior partner and handle most of the LGTB business here. We are quite a large firm and have offices all over the US. My Robbie on the other hand, is a restaurateur. Have you ever been to "Blackford's?" He is executive chef and owner under the family's Blackford Corp.

Both men were awestruck. "OMG, we love those restaurants, and we always take friends there or have business lunches there. I think we can say you both married well and as they say in the South, Man you are in HIGH COTTON!!" Everyone started to laugh!!

Now what I want to do is write a formal letter to the idiot who is selling the house and explain he is breaking the law. From now on he is to contact our firm for any inquiries!! It is sexist, and his bigotry is showing. You are in escrow and paid for almost half the house and he cashed the check! He is in the wrong and you can sue him for defamation and libel. We can get him to pay damages and that will, in the end, cut the price of the house. Tell him you are going to sue big time. We can also engage the media on behalf of gay rights. The papers will have a field day with this. What do you say??"

"Sounds like a plan," and both men were pleased they had come that day! Things were looking bright. They all shook hands and Bruce and Greg left with smiles. Thom said before leaving for his office, "You handled that like the pro you are, son. I am proud of you and am always behind you 1000%." The men hugged and Thom went back to his office. Tommy called Robbie's cell and then men chatted about what was happening. Tommy was pleased with the meeting and told Robbie about Bruce and Greg and how nice they were. Bruce said he loved the restaurants and dined there often. He also said they would chat later and see if they could come to the party.

Robbie had called the hospital and said the boys were doing much better and most likely they would not have to go the hospital in Santa Barbara but go straight back to the ranch. The guy who hit them had regained consciousness and was still a bit muddled. He said he knew that there had been an accident and the other car ran into him. What he didn't remember was that there were dozens of witnesses, and the way the boy's truck was hit, it was clearly his fault. Sobriety tests had shown he was well over 3Xs the limit. As soon as he was better he was to be arrested. He did have a policeman posted outside his door!!

He would have to go to court and had a slew of charges against him: DUI, reckless driving on an expired license, expired registration, and trying to leave the scene of an accident. He was told that he still had good insurance and that he had to cover the hospital bills for the two men who were hurt, pay damages to them, pay for a new truck, and pay for any things that were in the truck that were damaged. The truck had been totaled, as well as his car. He weakly said he was sorry and started to cry. He was in one hell of a mess!!

Sam and Daryl were going back to the ranch in the morning by ambulance and they were glad about that to be sure. Sam had called the ranch and told them the good news. They couldn't wait to get home and put their lives back together after the accident. But they would have to go through physical therapy and rest. Happily, they would fare better at home.

Bradley was working hard with Elsa to learn the house and the men's routines. He was a quick learner and was so glad to be out of the hotel. The hotel's law firm, Gilman and Son, were handling the case and the hotel was suing the guests that had assaulted Bradley. They would likely not get off lightly. Slander, intent to commit harm with the slap in the face, knocking Bradley down, and throwing hot coffee at him resulting in 2nd degree burns; They were banned from all future visits to any of the Blackford hotels and their names were being circulated to the other hotels, so they were likely to be banned from them as well, except maybe a cheaper hotel in a poor section of town. Good luck to them!!

Robbie had called the house saying they would be home for supper and were looking forward to a quiet evening and to bed early. They had been so busy they had not had time for any sexual activities and were both horny as hell. That would be taken care of tonight for sure!!! Dinner would be a simple Mexican casserole called Chicken Enchilada Stack-ups. It was like a Mexican lasagna, with frijoles and rice on the side. They had had it on their honeymoon cruise, and it was delicious. Sangria was also going to be served. Bradley set the table for two in the breakfast room. He also made the sangria and let it cool in the fridge. Elsa was hard at work de- boning the chicken and chopping the onions. Bradley graded the fresh cheese. It was good to work as a team and everything was shaping up nicely!!

Robbie and Tommy arrived about 6:00, came in through the kitchen door from the garage and kissed Elsa and hugged Bradley. "Something surely smells good!! How long till dinner? We want to go take a shower and wash off the day, so we can relax. How have things been here today? Elsa answered quickly and said just fine, and dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes. You want a Sangria to take with you? Dinner is in the breakfast room tonight, so git and we'll see you shortly.

The men took their wine upstairs and went into their suite, closed the door, and locked it. Wine glasses were set down and the men got close and enveloped each other in a massive hug!! Tommy looked at his Robbie, smiled and leaned in to kiss his husband passionately. "God, I love you so much and have been dreaming of that kiss for hours!"

Robbie reached up with his hands and stroked Tommy's face, smiled and brought his lips to Tommy's as the men kissed deeply yet again. With a huge sigh, they released each other while Robbie started to undress Tommy, starting with his shirt and tie. As he was unbuttoning his dress shirt, he started to stroke the hairy, well-muscled chest he so adored and tweaked his left nipple. It caused Tommy to gasp with delight! Then he started to undress Robbie starting with his shirt and tie. Once the shirt was on the floor, he began to play with Robbie's hairy chest. He leaned down and took his right nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue. Robbie gasped and reached down to feel Tommy's ragingly hard cock in his suit pants. He released his belt and let his pants slide to his ankles. He was down on his knees in a flash and released the raging cock from the confines on the boxer briefs. The tip was starting to leak, so Robbie leaned forward and licked the dripping head of Tommy's cock. Then he took the head into his mouth and started to suck up and down, causing Tommy to moan. "OH GOD, baby, keep that up and I will cum way too soon and besides, I need a taste of your cock right now. He pulled Robbie off his knees and had him stand as he undid Robbie's slacks and was on his knees before the man he adored more than life. He took his leaking cock into his mouth and swallowed all 9" at once. Robbie gasped and started to face fuck his husband. Tommy took it all with relish and loved the feeling of the cock he so adored deep in his throat!! He was in heaven.

He released the cock and stood up. The men looked lovingly into each other's eyes and quietly said they loved each other, kissing once more.

"Do you want to continue this or save it for later, because I want to flip fuck with you, eat your hot, hairy ass and you do the same for me? Let's climax with each other and finish up by pissing all over each other in the shower while I kiss you deeply! Does that work for you baby??"

Robbie just smiled and said, "OH, hell YES!!!" Let's get cleaned up and hold these sexy, naughty thoughts until later.

They each took a sip of the Sangria and then went into shower. They stepped into the hot water and washed each other, as was their custom. Then they dried each other and dressed in sleep pants and tee's and went downstairs barefoot with their wine in hand.

"Darling Lady, that smells so good, and we are both hungry after the day we have had. But why are there only two places set at the table?? You both are to eat with us always!!!" Light salads were placed after two more places had been set. There were also chips, salsa and house made guacamole on the table. The decanter of sangria was also placed there!! The four sat down and enjoyed the wine and chips and chatted about their day.

"Bradley, how are you settling in here? Do you like it so far?? We hope so as we love having you in San Francisco. Things will calm down a bit after the re-opening of the restaurant. Of course, you and Elsa are most certainly invited as family!!"

Bradley smiled and said things were progressing here at the house and he was very happy to be here and out of the hotel. I just couldn't take the rude guests anymore and I am so grateful to you both for this wonderful new place to live and for this job, which I am loving already!!"

"We are lucky to have you here and if you need anything at all, just ask any of us and it will happen. Now, let's dig in. It smells so good!!"

Dinner was served and they all enjoyed it immensely and ate it all with relish!! A wonderful Mexican Flan was served for dessert. It was fabulous with lightly cinnamon flavored coffee served to finish off the delightful meal.

Robbie and Tommy left the table and went into the study to go over any unread emails from this afternoon. There were a few and they were dealt with. The men kissed passionately and told each other how much they loved each other. Robbie said with an evil grin, "How about a movie, or do you want to go upstairs and get into what we started earlier? Something was said about flip-fucking each other, and possibly some water sports after in the shower. I am feeling a bit piggy and have nasty thoughts running down to my cock!" Tommy smiled back with an evil grin in reply and grabbed Robbie's hand and they headed upstairs, saying good night to both Bradley and Elsa who were cleaning the kitchen.

They entered their suite and closed and locked the door and fell into each other's arms and kissed deeply and then slowly undressed each other, pulling off each other's t-shirts, and throwing them on the floor.. Tommy slowly sunk down on his knees, while pulling Robbie's soft sleep pants down as Robbie raised each foot so they could be pulled off. Robbie now stood totally naked and a rock-hard dripping cock right at his lips. He leaned forward and gently licked the tip, while savoring the precious liquid that covered the head of Robbie's cock. He closed his eyes and thanked GOD for this gift that stood before him. His precious Robbie captured his soul and heart forever. He took the whole length of Robbie's 9"s down his throat.

Robbie grabbed hold of Tommy's shoulders to steady himself. He was so overcome with lust that he started to shake and almost fell over. The feeling as his husband devoured his cock down his throat was almost too much. Up and down Tommy went, sucking hard and driving Robbie further and further to the brink. In a ragged voice he panted, "Baby stop. PLEASE or this will all be over before it starts, and we have many other things to do to bring us both over the edge!! Tommy pulled off of the cock and stood up and the men kissed deeply yet again.

Robbie pulled Tommy, by his hand, over to the bed and said, "Lay down lover on your back and get ready to get nasty and piggy with me. Tommy laid down and his hard 10" stood straight up and was dripping like a faucet. Robbie kneeled over him, leaned forward and they kissed with great passion. He started to rub his 9" cock against Tommy's while the kissed, smearing pre- cum all over. They both relished the moment. Robbie stopped, raised up, and smiled a somewhat evil grin. Then he turned himself around as he said, "I want you to eat my hairy fuck hole, tongue fuck me deep and get me wet, so I can turn around at sit on your bareback cock and you can the plow deep into my hairy, hungry man cunt. I need to be fucked like a total pig tonight. I want to be your total whore slut!!!"

He sat his very hungry manhole right on Tommy's face, and Tommy started to tongue fuck his lover with gusto. He took his hands and spread his cheeks open so he could get his tongue deeper in the fuck hole he adored. They were both into rimming and could never get enough. Robbie was moaning, "Give it to me deeper! I need you to fuck me like a total whore. I want to be your sexy total slut. Use me!!"

Tommy grabbed Robbie and pushed him away saying with a smile, "Sit on my cock and fuck yourself on my huge cock slut pig. Take it all bitch, deep into your man pussy. fuck that cock!!" And Robbie did just that. He turned around and sat his sloppy hole right down on the 10" cock. that stood before him. He took it all at once and moaned as he hit bottom, pushing against his prostate, driving himself crazy with lust. Up and down, he went and couldn't get enough of Tommy's cock. He needed and wanted it badly. He fucked himself up and down, driving Tommy crazy with lust as well. Tommy grabbed Robbie's shoulders and pushed him backwards without his cock leaving Robbie's hungry hole. On his back, Robbie then placed his legs on Tommy's shoulders with his cock still deeply embedded in Robbie's slut fuck hole. He was into his balls and pulled almost all the way out and then plunged all the way back in and the started to fuck Robbie with hard even strokes.

Robbie was moaning and begging for more. "FUCK ME, make me your total slut pig!!! FUCK me harder and deeper!!" Tommy was pounding Robbie's man cunt hard and deep. Robbie was groaning and moving his head side to side on the pillow. Tommy was sweating by this time and the sweat dripped from his face onto Robbie. He leaned forward and the kissed with unbridled passion, as Tommy served him of his cum. You want it don't you my slut? Beg for it now! Robbie exclaimed, "God yes!! fill my cunt hole with your cum. Tommy pushed in as far as he could and released like 6-7 shots of cum deep into Robbie's totally ravaged hole and then collapsed onto Robbie and they kissed deeply!!

Tommy raised up after the lengthy, passionate kiss. "OH GOD baby, that was the best and I guess you needed it badly. I almost blacked out when I came. I can't put into words what you do to me and how much I am in love with you, husband mine!!! I fall more in love with you every minute of every day!!" Robbie had tears running down his face with a huge smile. "God lover. That was one for the books. I love to get really nasty with you once in a while and how I needed that tonight. But now, if you noticed, I didn't cum, as I was saving for your tight man cunt. But first, I want you to suck your cum out of my hole and use it as lube so I can fuck your nasty ass and fill you with my cum. Come on bitch, get busy with my ravaged hole, and get ready to be fucked hard and deep. Get that cum out of my cunt. I need to fuck your hairy nasty ass!!"

Tommy did just what was asked and sucked a massive amount of cum out of Robbie's thoroughly fucked manhole. Taking the cum deep inside his mouth, he moved down to Robbie's rock hard 9" cock and started to suck it in, spreading the cum all over it. He laid down and raised his legs high. Robbie started to tongue fuck Tommy's hairy and now very hungry hole. He got it nice and wet. Raising up, he placed the head of his ragingly hard cock on Tommy's anus pushed in. Tommy gasped and begged for it deeper!!

"OH GOD YES!!! Fuck my man cunt lover and fill me with your cum. Fuck me hard and deep. Robbie was pounding Tommy without mercy and was soon at the edge. He could not hold back and with one great push deep into the hole he cherished, he let loose a torrent of built up cum deep into Tommy's fuck hole. He leaned down and they kissed deeply. Robbie started to shrink, and his cock soon slipped out of the ravaged hole. They kissed with again and each said I love you at the same time!! "God that was fabulous baby, It just gets better and better and I think we need to shower in two ways."

They stood up on shaky legs and headed to the large bathroom in their suite and stepped into the shower. They kissed once more, and Tommy was the first to let go with a huge amount of piss all over Robbie's hairy muscled chest and crotch. That set Robbie off and he soon was pissing all over Tommy as well, covering his with the warm yellow liquid. They both loved to do this once in a while as they continued to piss all over each other. They came together and kissed yet gain. Tommy released the hold on Robbie and sunk to his knees and took the piss covered cock and drank the last of it. He started to suck Robbie's cock and Robbie was sensitive asking Tommy to stop. He knelt down and started to suck Tommy's piss covered cock and loved it. He stood up and turned on the shower heads. Soon they stood under the steaming water, held each other, and kissed, (as they could never get enough of kissing each other). They soon finished bathing each other, dried each other off and crawled into bed for a good night's sleep in total contentment!!!

Hello everyone. Sorry for the delay of getting this chapter out, but I have been dealing with some minor health problems, nothing really to serious, but they now under control. I wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving with friends and families. Just don't drink toooo much TURKEY, LOL!! Allen and I are being quiet, just the two of us on Turkey Day which is fine. Been busy with work and need a day of relaxation. So as always, be true to yourself, be kind to others, play things forward to help those in need. Play safe, wear your masks where required, get you shot and or booster. I have had all of mine. Much more to come with the aftermath of Sam and Daryl's accident. The re-opening of the new Belle d Paris at Blackford's. A surprise may be coming for Bradley. But that remains to be seen! Best to all and be safe out there! Please donate to Nifty. It all helps!!

Best to all!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 122: Robbies True Love III 36

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