Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 2, 2021


Brunch was a huge success ,and everyone ate well. The feast was fantastic. Sam said he needed to get back to the ranch to see about the new horses. Daryl, of course, was going back with him. They bid their goodbyes with hugs and kisses from everyone and best wishes on their newly announced engagement. They walked back to their room to pack and then drive back up to Santa Barbara and the ranch.

Sam had work to do. While Sam was driving, Daryl called his Grandmother, Alma to tell her the news. "Gran! Good morning and I hope you are doing well? We all wished you could have come down for the party. It was beautiful and the family asked how you were. Elsa told us when she arrived at the party that you had come down with a cold . Are you feeling better now??" Alma said she felt better, she was sorry to miss the party and that she was glad everything went so well.

"I have some exciting news to share. Do you remember the man I mentioned when I got down here two weeks ago? His name is Sam, Sam Wilson, and you will really fall in love with him like I did. We, UMMMÉwell, We are engaged. He asked me the other night just before we left to go to the party. I know this is sudden and we are not getting married for a while, since we really need to get to know each other much better than we currently do. He is so kind, thoughtful and generous. He's so incredibly handsome and he loves me so very much, as I do him. I have never felt this way before. After Steven left me, I never thought I would or could love again. I was so hurt by him. I hope you happy for me!"

Alma was shocked and pleased at the same time, concerned that it happened so soon after meeting. "When do I get meet this wonderful man?"

"We are planning to come back up the San Francisco in a week or so to pack my things, so you will meet him then. I hope, you will like him. He makes me so incredibly happy!"

"We're headed back to the ranch now. Sam is in charge of the large horse barn, taking care of the horses and buying new stock. He has six stable hands who help out of course. He just brought five new horses for studding and breeding, and they are gorgeous. They were delivered yesterday morning before we headed South for the party."

"I have to quit working for Robbie and Tommy in Town, because I have been offered a new job at the ranch. Gerald, the head houseman/butler just had a massive heart attack and although he survived it, his doctor advises he should retire, so I have been offered the job! He will be well enough to train me in all the aspects of running the huge house. I have accepted the offer and that way I have income, can stay and work with this wonderful family and of course (more importantly) I can be with Sam!! Gran, I am so happy and in real love for the first time!!!"

Alma took a deep breath, sighed, smiled and asked, "Does Elsa approve?? If she does, then I do too! I just want you to be happy!!"

"Yes Gran, she does approve, and she has gotten to know him a bit while staying at the ranch!"

"That's great to hear, but let me talk to this young man, Daryl!!"

"Yes mam!!"

Sam uttered a small hello after Daryl handed him the phone.

"Now young man, I am Daryl's Grandmother Alma. I raised him to be kind, loving and to helpful to others. I expect no less from you if we are to get along. He is the most important thing in my life and if you hurt him in any way, you will feel a rath from this family! You can't imagine and you don't want to have to deal with me, young man! You understand, Sam? I mean REALLY understand boy??"

Daryl started to laugh at what Alma had said and how she said it. Sam's look of abject terror was priceless. He just muttered, "YES, MAM!!" Alma started to laugh, and Sam was speechless as Daryl took over the phone, still laughing.

"Oh Gran, that was priceless! Thanks for that!!"

Sam was still speechless after the onslaught he just received from Alma!! "Please tell him I am totally kidding. I can tell I scared the crap out of him, am I right??" Be happy, young man. I can't wait to meet him when you come up to get your things to move South. I love you baby, so very much, and only want the best for you! Talk to you soon and be careful driving."

"Love you so much Gran. See you soon!!!"and he ended the call.

They arrived at the ranch in about an hour and everything looked peaceful. They put their bags in Sam's house and Sam changed into work jeans, boots, and a tee shirt. Daryl did the same. They were both full of the brunch they had at the hotel, so they would skip lunch. As Sam walked to the horse barn, Daryl was going to find Elsa, but suddenly remembered she was not back yet. She was coming back to the ranch with the senior Blackford's.

Daryl sat down in the small living room and contemplated all that had happened in the last two weeks. He came down to the ranch with Robbie and Tommy, and they all thought he could be on a mini vacation, so he stayed at the ranch with Elsa. It was beautiful there, peaceful, and quiet. The house and grounds were spectacular. Elsa and he settled in and as he was walking around, he met Sam as he was coming out of the huge barn. He was somewhat dumb struck as he had to be one of the most handsome men he had ever seen. Tall, blond and what seemed to be very well muscled. A smile that lit up the world. They met, shook hands and a spark seemed to flow between them at the same time. They held hands for longer than necessary and Daryl realized that Sam was just his type of man. They had said hello and Sam asked if he would like a tour of the ranch.

Daryl, while still holding Sam's hand, agreed so the tour started - seeing the garden's including the veggie garden and the one for herbs. "You want to see where I work?" They headed for the very large horse barn a bit way from the main house. Nearby was a huge paddock where 10 horses grazed and ran around seemingly playing with each other. It was beautiful to see, and the horses were all equally beautiful. Sam was telling Daryl about what his duties were and said he had been there for just over five years, having come from a ranch in Wyoming. He was happier here and the family was great to work for plus the benefits were fantastic!

Daryl then told Sam what he did in San Francisco and that he worked for Robbie and Tommy as their houseman, helping Elsa, who ran their houses and their lives. Sam said he really like both men and respected them greatly. The family gave Sam the small house to live in after about a year and really like his work ethic and he got along with everyone. He really knew his job and loved working with the horses. He worked hard and long hours.

The man that held the position before him was killed in a tragic car accident after he was hit by a drunk driver. Daniel Blackford started looking around for another person to take the job and through inquiries found Sam at a smaller ranch in Wyoming, doing roughly the same thing. HE got in touch with Sam quietly and asked if he was happy there? Sam replied, "I do, but things are changing here, money is getting really tight, and we have started to sell off some of the horses. I think I want to leave before all the horses are gone!"

He asked if would like a trip to California to see the spread? Sam jumped at the chance and asked when he could come. He was due two weeks of paid vacation but that was if the ranchers could afford it. Turns out that they could pay for one week and he would take the 2 weeks anyway. They asked where he was going and Sam said to California to visit friends, not wanting to tell them he was going for an interview. Sam left the next day and flew to Santa Barbara where he was met by the foreman, Charlie, and driven to the ranch. Charlie introduced himself. Charlie explained he had been at the ranch for 20 years and loved working there. The Blackford's were wonderful people, and that money was absolutely NO problem, and I mean ever!!! Sam laughed at the remark.

Sam was very impressed with the city, the ocean, and the Spanish influence all around as they drove to the ranch. He was awestruck when the pulled into the ranch driveway. It was gorgeous and the buildings were all in tip-top shape. The main house was stunning and huge. Instead of a Spanish style Casa, it looked like a huge Southern mansion with immense white columns. The veranda was massive and wrapped around the whole front of the house extending to the back on the left side. There were tables and chairs set about in wrought iron with glass tops. There were a few single chairs and tables besides. There were fans in the ceiling and there were dimmable lights for subdued lighting. Charlie parked the truck away from the house in front of a building near a huge horse barn. Everything looked pristine and clean. The men walked inside, and Charlie sat behind a large desk and bade Sam to sit in front in a comfortable chair.

"So, Sam, tell me about yourself. Where you're from and how long have you been at the ranch in Wyoming?"

Sam smiled and handed Charlie a resume that he just glanced at and then set it on the desk. "Well, I am 26, and come from a broken home. My parent's and I don't get along anymore. I am an only child. Both grandparents are gone, and my parents are older. The reason why we are not close is because I am gay. I hope that is okay??"

Charlie just smiled and told Sam that a good many of the ranch hands were also gay, some partnered, and everyone is friendly!!"

"That's good to hear as I don't want to cause any problems if I get the position! I told the parent's some time back and they basically told me I no longer had parents, to pack and get out, so I did just that. I packed my meager belongings and got in my truck that I bought the year before, working at odd jobs before I learned of the job with horses at the ranch in Wyoming. I applied and got the job, learning from there. It is a small place with only about 10-15 horses and now they are barely hanging on. When Mr. Blackford called, I guess he had heard about the ranch and my work so here I am. I am single and I drink very little, never have smoked anything (if you know what I mean)!! I live a quiet life, love to read, watch old movies and play board games. I would love to work here if the job is still open? I love the look of the whole place!!"

Charlie smiled and said let's go over to the horse barn and you can see what you're getting yourself into! The walk was short, and Sam was excited to see all the horses. Before they reached to barn, Sam asked how many horses were on the ranch?

"Besides the private horses for the staff and the Blackford's, we have close to 30 head and have facilities for breeding and studding. In total there are close to 1000 acres here. We have chicken and sell eggs, we have also a few dairy cows for milk and a hundred head of beef cattle. We have a full-time staff of 30 men and women working here and it is very profitable. On the very back end of the property there are a few working oil wells too!!

They walked into the large barn and again Sam was very impressed with what he saw. It was clean, very neat, and all the stalls were beautiful. The stalls had names of the horses posted on each gate. Sam walked over the see a few of the horses and Charlie handed him a few apples from a large basket and a few carrots. The horses seemed to love their treats and several nuzzled him to sort of say welcome. He stroked them and fell in love right way with the whole area. Charlie watch as Sam dealt with some of the horses and knew immediately he would be a great fit at the ranch.

"Let's head back over to the main house as it is about time for lunch and where you will meet the true head of the ranch! Her name is Miss Ellie, and she has been with the ranch for many, many, years and rules the roost, so to speak. She is a fabulous cook, and everyone loves her. If you pass muster with her, you're a shoo-in for sure. Only senior members of staff are allowed to eat at the house. There is another kitchen over by the bunk houses for the rest of the staff. They also are treated well and the cook there is named Walt. You will meet him later on."

They entered the kitchen from the back patio where Miss Ellie was making sandwiches. There was also a huge bowl of potato salad and a pitcher of sweet tea with ice. Charlie introduced Sam to Miss Ellie and told her Sam was applying for the job of manager of the horse barn. Sam was awestruck by Miss Ellie. Standing before him was a large black woman with huge breasts and smile that could light up a room. "I'z pleezed tuh meet cha Mr. Sam. Hope y'all's is hungry, cuz I got's me a mess of vitals fo y'all." Sam smiled and loved Miss Ellie from the start. It was a nice day and Charlie asked if they could eat out on the patio. "Wy sur nuff Mr. Charlie. Y'all go sitz yo selvs down and I'z bringen lunch!!"

Sam and Charlie went out to the patio and sat under an umbrellaed table. Miss Ellie brought lunch and they dug in. It was, as usual, fabulous!!

This is so much better than the food we had at the other place. They ate in silence for a bit and sipped their sweet tea. "Sam, do you think you would like to take on the job here? You seem like a natural fit and the horses seemed to get on with you right quick!"

"So, you are offering me the job?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Yes, as Mr. Blackford left it up to me. I have been hiring and firing here for years and you will fit in very well. So, I think you want the job, right??"

Sam smiled and nodded and said a big YES!!! "I will have to get back to Wyoming and turn in my notice, pack, and drive out here. Can you give me a week or two? Would that be ok??"

"That will be fine. I will add a signing bonus as soon as you sign a contract with us and we will pay for you for your move, mileage, gas, etc." Yet again, dumb-founded, Sam just smiled, and a silent tear ran down his cheek.

Charlie put a contract in front of Sam. It was a simple one-page contract, with duties, hours and what his pay was to be. He was management, so a flat salary was listed at $90K a year, plus bonuses and he was be given a two-bedroom house in which to live, with one bath, a living/dining room area, and a small kitchen. A very comfortable house or so it seemed. "Would you like to see your new house? It was built about 10 years ago and very comfortable. It is furnished completely, but if are some things of your own you wish to use, we can plan to store the things you don't want to use. Will that be ok with you?"

Speechless, Sam answered, "I have no real furniture, a small chest that was my grandfather's where I keep papers and I have a nice desk that I bought and would like to keep. I have my books, CD's, and a large wall mounted TV. I have my clothes, boots, and a small collection of cowboy hats, about four that I like. Other than that, I can put it all in my truck!"

"The owners of the other ranch will be dismayed by my leaving, but I am sure they will be relieved as well. I don't know how much longer they can hang on to the ranch. May I stay here tonight and then can someone take me to the airport tomorrow so I can fly to Wyoming and get back here to my new home? Sam stopped, picked up a pen and signed the contract with out batting an eye. "Now Sir, may I please see my new house?" Charlie smiled and picked up the contract. Then the pair headed over to Sam's new house.

The house was white one story with green shutters and the front door was painted the same color. There was a pleasant, covered front porch. There were flowers planted in beds along the front of the house with a carport along the right side. There was a kitchen door as well, and of course, the front door. They entered the house and Charlie handed Sam the keys. "Welcome home Son and we hope you will be happy here!!"

Sam looked around the nicely furnished house. The living room had a small love seat and matching chair in dark leather. There was another nice chair, off to the side, in a lighter brown fabric, side tables and three lamps. Sam went to check out the bedrooms and bath. There was a queen size bed in the master, tasteful furnishings done in shades of off-white, tan, and pale green. The other bedroom was small and held a twin bed and a dresser. Sam thought it would make a great den for his desk and the bath was in between the two. There was wall to wall carpeting in dark tan and a small wood burning fireplace. Charlie said there was a stack of firewood in the back of the carport.

The kitchen was fully functional with dishes, glasses, plates and silverware, stove and refrigerator, and a small table for two in the corner. The house was about 1000 square feet and looked very comfortable. Sam knew he would be happy here. He just needed to get moved and adjusted to California life in his wonderful new job. Maybe even lucky enough to find a wonderful man to share it with. Only time would tell.

Sam was invited to have dinner at the house that evening and it was spectacular. Rib-eye steaks on the grill to wonderful medium rare, baked potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, also done on the grill, and a bit burnt, just the way he liked it with butter, S & P.

Two ranch hands joined Charlie and Sam for supper. Dave was an older gentleman in charge of the cattle and had been with the ranch for years. He seemed very nice and gave Sam a warm welcome. Next was a man named Curt who was sort of an all-around guy that could do cattle, horses, garden, and he had been there about 10 years. He made himself useful when someone got sick or was on vacation. Everyone sat on the patio as it was a nice evening. They had a choice of beer, wine, or sweet tea. Sam opted for sweet tea and the others had a beer. Dinner was simple fare consisting of Bar-b-que ribs, potato salad and homemade baked beans. They ate, chatted about the ranch giving Sam and insider's view of what went on behind the scenes. Curt said he was gay as well. Charlie introduced the men and happened to mention that Sam was gay. Curt had a partner who worked in town as a CPA . They got married about five years before and had been together for a total of 23 years. They lived on the ranch. Curt asked if Sam was single? Putting his head down Sam said sheepishly that he was and not dating anyone, but hopefully things will change when he moves here. Only time would tell, but from what Sam had seen so far, he was very impressed and couldn't wait to move!!!

Here ends Chapter 27 and I hope everyone enjoyed the insight into Sam. Stay tuned for the next adventure with everyone, Daryl moving South to be at the ranch and with Sam. His new job of running the house. What will happen with Robbie and Tommy with him leaving? They were happy for him but Robbie, always thinking, may have an idea up his sleeve. Wait to see what happens.

As always play safe, be mindful of others, be kind and generous. Wear your masks and get vaccinated if you're not already!! Pray that these wildfires in California are over SOON!!! As always, thanks to my dear, darling, Allen for his work as editor and chief of this little novel. Many THANKS my love!!! And please, Donate to Nifty for their grand work of delivering these stories to all of us!!!

Best Wishes to all,

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 114: Robbies True Love III 28

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