Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 19, 2021


Robbie sat there with a gaping open mouth as Sgt. Tyler explained what happened. Tommy was trying to find out but Robbie, shaking his head, whispered, "We will talk later. I have to go and thanks for the news!"

He turned to Tommy and said in a quiet voice, "The son of a bitch committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell with a bed sheet. They found him. They went to take him his dinner and found him hanging there. They called the Dr. right away and the Dr. said he was being held for robbery, slander, as well as many other charges. His trial was trial was pending!! More to come later. Both men sat there stunned and yet relieved.

They each took a huge sip of wine and Robbie called his Dad's cell phone. Daniel answered after the first ring. Robbie relayed the news and Daniel was a shocked as well. "So, I guess there will be no trial to deal with!!" Robbie said that Sgt. Tyler would get back to them tomorrow!"

"We're about to have dinner in the restaurant downstairs, would you boys like to join us??"

"Thanks Dad, but we have already ordered dinner here in the suite and should just be ready. Finish your dinner downstairs and then come up here for dessert and an after-dinner drink."

"Sound like a plan son. We will call when we are ready to come up. We both love you and will see you soon."

Robbie hung up and relayed what was said to Tommy. Just then Bradley brought in dinner, so the men sat down and started eating the first course, a wedge salad with Maytag blue cheese dressing. It was delicious and one of their favorites. This was accompanied by a wonderful Chardonnay from Napa Valley, Hess Select, also one of their favorites. Soon as salads were finished and the plates were taken away, the main course was served. Bradley wheeled in a serving cart with a small gas burner on which he placed a copper skillet. Then butter was added to the pan. He placed two fillets that had been halved into Tornados. Bradley sautŽed them to rare and removed them to a warming tray.

In the hot pan, Bradley added more butter and sautŽed sliced fresh mushrooms, shallots, garlic and chopped Italian parsley and then flambeed the pan with a cognac. Then he added veal Demi-glace` and heavy cream, blended well, then added the sauteed steaks, checked for seasoning and added a bit of S & P. The main course was plated with fresh green beans and pomme Lyonnaise.

It all looked and smell fabulous! Bradley was a great butler and knew his craft when serving. He would be tipped very well for taking such good care of both men, especially ones whose family owned the hotel. He was paid well for his services and made over $100K a year just in tips alone.

He had been with the hotel just a few weeks when the Blackford Corp bought the hotel since the previous owners had been having major trouble with the staff. They were having major money problems and finally had to sell. Daniel was glad to pick up the pieces and with Robbie's help, turned it back into a top Beverly Hills hotel once again.

As they were finishing, the house phone rang. Bradley answered. It was Daniel asking if now was a convenient time to come up for dessert? Robbie asked Bradley to set two extra places for dessert and said that his parents were coming up for coffee. Both Robbie and Tommy thanked Bradley because that dinner was superb, and the service was exceptional! The men went into the bedroom and changed from their robes onto casual polo shirts and jeans but strayed barefoot.

Daniel and Cynthia arrived looking very chic! Daniel was in a simple sport coat and slacks and Cynthia wore a pale pink silk pants suit with pearls and diamonds. As always, she looked stunning. The parents both hugged and kissed their sons and sat down at the table where Bradley served Crme Brulee and coffee. He asked if anyone would want a Cognac. Cynthia declined but both Tommy and Daniel asked for one.

Robbie relayed the news about Ralph's suicide and what impact that could have. Tommy said not much, and it just proved he was guilty and knew he couldn't get out of it. He was facing years in prison for all his treachery and conniving!!

Everyone loved the Crme Brulee' and were looking forward to the party the following evening. Soon hugs were given, and the parents left for their suite down the hall. Daniel kept his suite all the time for business. When he wasn't using it, he had guests stay there for a reduced rate. The family loved the hotel and used it often.

Robbie was thinking of keeping his suite permanently as well because of the restaurant. Daniel agreed. The parents left and while the table was cleared, they sat in the living room, cuddled on the couch, and watched the news. Ralph's death was all over the news and more investigation was ongoing.

Robbie leaned up and kissed Tommy passionately and told him how much he relied on him because he made his life so complete. "I love you babe beyond words. Please be mine forever!!!" Tommy just smiled happily and kissed his husband.

The hour was getting late, and they had lots to do in the morning. So, Tommy stood up and pulled Robbie after him and said softly, "let's go to bed babe and snuggle some more!!"

Off to the bedroom they went, and they said good night to Bradley who was just finishing clearing and setting things for breakfast in the morning. He smiled as well. He really admired both his bosses and hopefully he could meet a man soon and start a relationship as earnest as Tommy and Robbie had.

Robbie turned off the TV and both men headed to the bedroom holding hands. Tommy wished Bradley goodnight and indicated they would see him in the morning for a fast breakfast before leaving for their restaurant. "Make it simple please, just cheese omelets with jack and cheddar cheese, sliced tomatoes and sourdough toast and coffee. Possibly grapefruit juice too? Thank you for all you have done for us!!

"You're most welcome!!" came the reply.

They closed the bedroom door and stripped down, went to brush their teeth, pee and go to bed to cuddle. They were both tired and neither was really into having sex that night. They kissed and told each other how much they loved each other, cuddled up and soon both men were sound asleep.

Sam, Daryl and Elsa were finally home from the hospital after Gerald's surgery. He was still asleep, needing that to heal and would be in hospital for about 10 days, then on to rehab for convalescing and physical therapy. All the staff and family were relieved that Gerald would pull through.

Elsa bid everyone goodnight and went to her bedroom to sleep. What a day this has been, to say the least. She had been in-touch with her boys throughout the day and would to keep them in the loop. Sam and Daryl walked to their house, undressed, brushed their teeth and crawled into bed exhausted. They kissed and drifted off, almost immediately, into a deep sleep in each other's arms.

Sam and Daryl were the first to wake up with the early morning sun streaming in the bedroom window. The men stretched, smiled, and kissed lightly. Two things right now were very important at the moment! First they had to pee badly, which would be difficult as they both had raging hard-ons, but they would manage. Then they had bad morning breath and had to brush their teeth. With this accomplished, they each pulled the other close, kissed deeply and said how much they loved each other. Sam kneeled down and took Daryl's 8" cock down his throat and started to suck it hard. He went up and down, loving the taste of the pre-cum that was leaking out of Daryl's piss slit. Daryl was moaning loudly and said in a weak voice, "That's so good lover. Suck that cock and make me fill your mouth with my cum!!!"

Sam started to play and stroke Daryl's balls and then wet a finger and started on Daryl's hole. He lightly inserted his finger inside and set Daryl off, shooting his load into Sam's hungry mouth. Sam licked the tip clean, savoring the taste of his lover's hot load.

He stood up and pulled Daryl close while Sam kissed his lover deeply and shared the taste of cum that lingered there. Daryl pulled back and said, "That was fantastic!" as he sunk to his knees and took Sam's rock-hard cock into his mouth and gave him a great blowjob in return. Sam was moaning and said with gasped, "OH God babe, you do that so fucking well. suck it harder and let me fill your hungry mouth with my load."

Daryl reciprocated. He licked a finger and started to finger-fuck his lover. Sam gasped deeply and shot a huge load into Daryl's mouth, and he savored every drop. Sam was weak at the knees and almost collapsed! He held onto Daryl's shoulders to catch his breath. Daryl stood up and the men kissed hard and looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Sam said, " I thank God every minute that you are in my life and my heart. The way you came into my life and made it perfect!! Thank you for being you baby! Words cannot express how much I love you!!" The men kissed again and as they separated Sam saw that Daryl had tears streaming down his face. Alarmed he asked, "What's wrong babe? Are you ok? Did I say something wrong??"

Daryl, with tears still streaming and with a gasp said, "No, darling man. You said everything just right!! You have to know that I feel the same as you do and love you with my whole heart and soul as well. I know this is early," as he sank to one knee and looked up at Sam, smiling, "Will you marry me, Sam? Please, and spend the rest of your life making me the happiest man on the planet. We can have along engagement to get to know each other very well, but my proposal comes from my heart and soul. Please say yes!!"

Sam was totally stunned and started to laugh, as tears ran down his face. First, I will have to say you stole my thunder, as I was going to ask you the same question later today when we were out riding. So, of course, my answer is YES my cowboy! I would love to be your husband forever and beyond. The men kissed longingly and went into the shower.

They washed and dried each other off as was now their custom. Dressed in jeans, boots, and denim shirts, Sam looked at Daryl as they headed to the house for breakfast. "Let's not say anything to anyone just yet. I want us to tell everyone together if that is okay with you babe?? I mean with Gerald in hospital and the party tonight, we don't want to overshadow Robbie and Tommy's excitement.

Daryl agreed completely.

The new horses were due to arrive in about an hour. Breakfast was on the patio and the men walked up to see Elsa having coffee and reading the morning paper. Elsa looked up and smiled at the two men approaching. She said brightly, "Good morning to you both. Don't you both look happy and cheery this fine morning. Both men gave Elsa a hug and they sat down as Miss Ellie brought a fresh pot of coffee and a pitcher of fresh orange juice. "Mornin y'all. Iz bringen out yors brekfas rights now. Scrambled egg with sausage, hous fried taters and toast. Iz be righ back!! Everyone just loved Miss Ellie and even with her bad English, she was a treasure. It was just her way of talking.

[This character is based on a lovely lady who cooked and was housekeeper for my Aunt and Uncle. I still dream of her biscuits and gravy (as you may or may not know, some of us folks from the south refer to gravy as a beverage!!!) LOL!!. Her name was Ida and she talked just like Miss Ellie. We all adored her. She was with my Aunt and Uncle for years and years, until she retired. I first met her when I was about 4, Although she knew me before that. True Story!!)

Miss Ellie brought out a steaming platter of eggs, sausage, and potatoes. Everything smelled great and everyone helped themselves tucking into breakfast and chatting about the horses arriving and then the trip South to Beverly Hills for the restaurant party that night. Staying at the Blackford Arms would be a treat!

Breakfast was soon finished, and Sam excused himself to get to the barn to check on last minute things for the horses. He asked if Miss Elsa would like to come and meet the new horses when they arrived in about 30 minutes or so. She stated she would love to and would come down when the trailer arrived. Daryl went with Sam holding hands as they walked to the barn.

The huge horse trailer soon arrived and pulled up in front of the barn. The driver and a hand got out and started to hook up the ramp for the horses to walk down. The stable hands helped calm the horses and reached to swing open the gate. The back of the immense trailer was opened and inside were five of the most gorgeous pieces of horse flesh, Daryl had ever seen. They were untied and harnessed and led, one by one, down the ramp and walked around a small paddock to stretch and have a drink. They were truly magnificent. Sam was sure pleased with the purchase he made for the ranch for riding and breeding. Some serious money was to be made for the ranch.

The first out, was a gorgeous black horse with a white star on his forehead. His name was listed as King'. He was stunning! He whinnied as he was lead to the small pasture. Next was a Chestnut named Victoria' and she was also a beauty. This stunning mare and would do well. The third horse was a Rone. He was gorgeous as well, a male of great stature who would also do well as a stud horse. His name was Good Boy'. What a striking hunk of horse flesh. He was also led to the pasture. The fourth was a stunning Palomino, a gorgeous Mare with beautiful coloring and a pure white tail and mane. Her name was just Pretty Girl'. She whinnied and pranced a bit and they could see she was glad to be out of the trailer. She was led to the trough for a drink then to the pasture. The last to be led out was a beauty! He was a Sorrel, a gorgeous deep red-brown color with Matching mane and tail. His name listed was `Charger' and would command very high prices for his stud services since he was magnificent!

Daryl was amazed by the beautiful horses now in the pasture getting acclimated. Sam was very pleased as well and he knew Daniel would be delighted. Robbie loved to ride and be around horses.

It was nearing 10:30 and they still had to get the horses into their stalls and settled. The stable hands and Sam made quick work of it. The horses were fed and curried and seemed fit. They all appeared content in their new home. Daryl said to Sam, "Babe, we need to get cleaned up and get on the road. We have to bring suits and good shoes. it's about an hour ride or so depending on traffic, so let's grab a quick bite, maybe a kiss or two, finish packing and git!!! Sam smiled at his lover and went for a quick kiss as they headed back to their house.

The men stripped went for a shower and shave. They played a bit but wanted wait for the evening in the hotel. They dried each other as now was their custom along with some major kissing. They dressed in nice jeans and polo shirts. Sam slid on a pair of black Alligator cowboy boots a matching belt, and a black and white stripped polo. They were gorgeous together. He looked so hot and sexy.

Daryl pulled on jeans that showed off his sexy ass and added a white polo shirt that accented his narrow waist and broad shoulders. A little hair peaked out of the top of his shirt. Sam licked his lips and said, "Baby, I don't know if I should let you out in public looking that SEXY. Someone is libel to take you away from me!!!"

Daryl grabbed Sam, smiled and said, "Darling, that would never happen, and I mean never! You're the one I have to worry about, you sexy cowboy, my gorgeous FiancŽ. You are the only man for me, and I will beat people off of you, you are mine - now and forever!! The men kissed but regrettably pulled apart and began to pack for the trip.

Daryl pulled out a stunning black suit and a pale pink, French cuffed, dress shirt and a black and pink striped tie. He also got out a simple pair of gold cufflinks he had been given by Robbie. With his pair of black suede Gucci loafers, he looked stunning.

Sam pulled out a dark blue suit with a very thin grey pinstripe and paired with it, a pale grey French cuff dress shirt, a subtle tie in three shades of blue (from dark to light and silver) and added gold and onyx cufflinks he had been given by the guys at the ranch. He would wear his cowboy boots with it. Daryl remarked, "And you said you worry about me? You're hot enough to be in GQ. Let all the men ogle! Now,let's git before I can no longer control myself and need to have my very wicked way with you. I will hold those thoughts for tonight lover!!! You make me so fucking horny, stud!!! "Sam laughed and they finished packing toiletries, underwear and a clean shirts for the morning.

All packed, they walked up to the house to see if Elsa was ready to head out. She was ready for the trip. She was wearing a well-cut ladies pants suit in beige, a cream blouse and cream colored low-heeled shoes. She had packed a stunning navy blue lace sheath cocktail dress and the pearls the Robbie and Tommy had given her along with navy blue silk and lace heels and a matching cocktail purse. The luggage was loaded into one of the cars from the ranch, a dark blue Cadillac. It was perfect for the trip.

Before leaving, they had a quick nibble of lunch. Sam called the hospital to see how Gerald was doing and they were all relieved to hear he was resting with no complications of any kind. Lunch consisted of a small salad, and a pastrami and swiss cheese sandwich on rye. It was a perfect light lunch as they were going to eat well at the restaurant that evening.

Lunch was finished about 1 PM by that time, and they had to get a move on if they didn't want to get stuck in traffic, even on a Saturday afternoon. After all it was L.A.!

The boys and Miss Elsa headed South for the party in Beverley Hills at `Blackford's at Blakes.' It was to be the reopening of the restaurant after the Ralph "disaster". It would also be Sam and Daryl's private engagement celebration, telling the family in order to gage their response. Many more adventures to come. As always, I would love to hear any comments or suggestions!!

Please be careful out there. Be and play safe and wear your masks! I know we are all tired of them, but better than getting the virus!! Be true to yourself, help other's when needed and thanks, as always, to my darling Allen for his editing work.

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Cheers for now,

Your sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 111: Robbies True Love III 25

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