Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Dec 17, 2017


On to chapter 11. The guys are engaged and have wedding plans in place, just when? More twists and turns to come, so read on. Remember, stay true to yourself, please play safe and as always, to keep these wonderful stories coming, please donate to nifty!

The Chef

The men moved over to the seating area and Tommy asked the boys some questions about themselves. Cal spoke first and said that he grew up in LA and had always been interested in flying, so he went to flight school when he finished college with a degree in Aeronautics and that is where he met Jeff. They became instant friends.

Jeff then said that he grew up in San Diego and was a bit of a beach bum. His parents insisted that he graduate from college and make something of himself. Most days at the beach he would see the planes flying overhead and was fascinated by them.

Jeff had done well in math in school and actually liked to study, so he took advanced Math classes at the community college. He then went to his parents and asked if he could go to flight school and become a pilot. They thought it was a great idea and that is where he began. Both men did very well in Flt. school and were head of their respective classes. The instructors were pleased with both young men and both graduated with honors. They both were hired by a small business group and flew small jets for them.

They moved to LA and got apartments next door to each other and got on with life. They had become best friends the minute they met and were always hanging out together. Both men were single and not really dating...girls.

The Blackford Corp., having heard glowing things about the men from their current employers, called and asked if they would like to come and work for them as private pilots. They answered immediately with a huge yes - especially when they found out what they were to be paid.

Tommy asked then why they hadn't moved in together, and they said it was better that they had their own space, but were still close enough to be together. Robbie asked about dating and Jeff replied, they were so busy flying their annoying boss's all over hell and back, morning, noon and night, who had time or the energy to date? All the men broke out laughing and when things returned to a semblance of order, the pilots said they loved their jobs and wouldn't trade them for anything. Tommy then asked about possibly taking a ride in the morning. The men agreed to ride after breakfast. They all said good night and moved to their rooms.

Robbie and Tommy stripped and crawled into each other's arms and were out. They slept about an hour and woke with raging hard cocks. They moved into a 69 and started to suck each other's cocks, licking balls and finally started to rim each other.

Robbie looked at his now fianc? and said gently. "Tommy, please fuck me. I need to feel that huge, hard cock deep inside me, so darling, just fuck me hard and deep and fill my hungry hole with your cum!"

So Tommy moved into position and put the head of his purple cock right at the lips of Robbie's throbbing hole and pushed, using his pre-cum as lube, and slowly slid his steel hard cock into Robbie's hot, hungry, hairy, happy ass. Robbie's eyes rolled back in his head and let out a sigh of total contentment. He reached up and pulled Tommy close to his lips and said, "God, how I love you" and then kissed him deeply and very passionately. Tommy started to pull out but then pushed back in hard and deep as he fucked his man, and while he was fucking Robbie, Tommy reached up and started playing with Robbie rock hard nipples. Robbie had reached his limit and couldn't take it anymore screaming "AHHHHHH, lover, I am going to cum" and he shot five loads over their heads without touching his stiff, throbbing cock.

That set Tommy off and he came deep inside Robbie's throbbing hole. He filled that hole with 5-6 shots of hot cum groaning and moaning and saying with a strained voice, "Take, my cum babe, deep inside your hot hungry man hole. I love you, so much!" Tommy fell on top of Robbie barely able to breathe and rolled to his side ending up side by side still panting. They laid there for a while and decided a shower was in order. They slowly got up and sort of staggered to the large shower and bathed each other. After they dried each other, they went back to bed, cuddled and slept, both with major smiles on their faces.

In the morning after showering and dressing, they sauntered downstairs. They found Jeff and Cal on the patio waiting for them with cups of strong coffee and some home-made sweet rolls on the table. "Y'all ready for a ride? Come on cowboys, let's git to the trail," said Robbie. The 2 men laughed and proclaimed they were ready, so off to the barns they went. The horses were saddled and ready to ride when they arrived at the barn. Jeff and Cal had said they had done some riding in the past and enjoyed it greatly.

Robbie mounted King, and the three other men mounted their horses. Tommy's horse, Spirit, was ready and a bit feisty. Cal and Jeff each mounted dark brown horses, with black manes: 'Wild Thing' and 'Randy Boy.' So off they rode at an easy trot. They broke into a gallop and rode the fields for a while. The horses needed a rest as they approached the small oak grove where they had stopped the day before. They had decided to give the horses a break for some water. They each brought carrots for their horses. As they approached the grove of trees, suddenly King reared throwing Robbie off onto the ground and the horse bolted into the field. Tommy dismounted and ran over to where Robbie was thrown. The men heard a rattling noise and not 10 feet away. It was a rattlesnake all coiled up. This certainly was not a good thing. Jeff had a hand gun on him which for some reason no one noticed. He raised it and shot the head off thesnake. "Anyone for bar-b-qued rattlesnake for supper?"

Robbie laid there semiconscious with Tommy holding him. "Get me some water," Tommy screamed and water bottle was produced. He gave Robbie a drink and told him to lay still. "Are you hurt anywhere?" "My arm sort of tingles and I can move it, but it hurts." "I don't think it's broken."

"Well, let's get King back here and get your sorry ass back to the house," Tommy said laughing, leaning down and gaving Robbie a kiss. Jeff went and retrieved King who was standing near-by. King stood there looking at his human friend with sort of a sneer on his face and whinnied at Robbie. Smiling, once he was on his feet, although unsteady, Robbie reached over and gave King a hug and said it was ok.

They got Robbie up in the saddle and rode back to the barn slowly where the stable hands looked at Robbie and asked, "Dude, you okay? You don't look so good!"

"Well, truth be told I really don't feel so hot either. I got thrown, due to a rattle snake. I'm OK I guess, but my arm sort of tingles and I ache all over." "Let's get you in and undressed or at least take your boots off. Although most cowboys want to die with their boots on!" Everyone, even Robbie started to laugh. "Are you more comfortable now?"

"We will call the Dr. to see if he wants to see you." After Robbie was partially undressed and laying down, the Dr. was called and did want Robbie brought into town for an x-ray. Robbie was not a happy camper but agreed, much to his chagrin, and the look on Tommy's face said it all! Before Tommy could say a word, Robbie saluted and weakly replied "YESSS SIR!!!"

They managed to get Robbie into the truck and they were off. Once they arrived, they were shown in and insurance information given, x-rays were taken and the Dr. came in with the results. "Well Son, you were lucky, as in nothing really serious, but very small hairline fracture in your left arm, and a bit of a sprain, but we are not going to cast you, you only need a brace. It will heal in a week or so and you will be good as new!"

"Please, do not put a lot of strain on the arm and try not to lift anything more than about a pound and not that for a week or so." Robbie Introduced Tommy as his Fianc?. The Dr. smiled and said congratulations and left the room.

"Could you please, just bill the ranch and they will take care of everything," Robbie said to the nurse, and she replied, "Yes Mr. Blackford, it will be taken care of." Robbie and Tommy both expressed thanks to the nursing staff and they loaded Robbie back into the truck for the trek back to the ranch.

Robbie laid back and sighed, "What a day this has been, I'm exhausted." The pain pill that was given to Robbie was starting to kick in and Robbie was almost out of it when they unloaded him at the ranch house and took him up to bed. Miss Elly asked if he needed anything, Tommy replied "Just some rest for now and we will play it by ear. Maybe a glass of sweet tea might help. I am going to call his and my parents to let them know what is going on."

Where are Cal and Jeff? Tommy wondered. Just then, as if by magic, both men appeared at the bedroom door and asked how Robbie was. Tommy leaned over and kissed a sleeping Robbie on the forehead and all three left the room. Once downstairs, Tommy explained what happened with the doctor, x-rays and such. Both pilots were relieved it was not more serious. At this point Tommy started to cry and let some of the tension out. Jeff, the closest, came over and hugged his new friend saying it was lucky nothing else happened.

Tommy said it was all you, mister since you shot the snake. Laughingly he said, "I have always wanted to play a real cowboy and the snake was the crowning touch but I'm glad that it's over." The three men laughed and collapsed on the sofa. Tommy dug out his cell and called his parents, explaining what had happened. Thom and Danielle were relieved to say the least. He also told his father that they most likely would stay a day or two longer, if that was ok? Thom said to take the time. Robbie's health is more important and Tommy also said, he had nothing serious to deal with that couldn't wait a couple of days. They said they loved each other and hung up.

Next Tommy called that Blackfords and went on to tell the saga... and NO, they did not need to fly down and they would be home in a couple of days. They thanked Tommy and said to call if anything was needed. Tommy said he loved them and then hung up.

Miss Elly came in and asked if they wanted something to drink. All three men looked up and said loudly... "SCOTCH, rocks!" Miss Elly left laughing and said she'd be right back. And then she appeared with a tray, a bottle of Dewar's, an ice bucket, three crystal glasses, and a small plate of Hors'd Oeuvres. The men thanked her and Tommy got up and poured drinks and handed them out. Each man took a large sip and sighed and sat down relaxing for the first time in hours. I should go check on Robbie, Tommy said and Cal answered with... "Let him sleep for now and we will check on him later."

"So how did you both meet?" asked Jeff and Tommy told the story of the beach and what happened after. It was love at first sight. And now they were looking forward to making it permanent. Tommy sighed and said he was so in love with that man... just mere words can't express. He also said that Robbie loved him the same way and it felt soooo right.

Miss Elly came in and asked if they wanted some supper later. The men looked up and Tommy replied. "something simple, maybe sandwiches and some soup." Sounds good to us, Jeff and Cal chimed in. Miss Elly said it was easy and to let her know when they done be ready to eat, and then asked how Misser Robbie was doin'? as she went back to the kitchen. The men finished their drinks and Cal said he needed a shower and all the men agreed and ambled upstairs. Tommy walked gingerly into their bedroom and found Robbie sitting up and said, "I was waiting for you." He looked at Tommy and said he could use some help with a shower. "Your wish is my command sweet man!" and he walked over and gave him a kiss. "How are you feeling babe? You scared the living hell out of me and I am so relieved you were not more seriously hurt."

They walked into the shower and started to warm the water while covering Robbie's brace with a water tight sleeve, and the stepped under the water where Tommy gently bathed his man. He bathed himself, then dried Robbie. Robbie started to plump up while Tommy slipped his tongue into his mouth. They dueled with their tongues and Robbie couldn't help grabbing Tommy's hard cock as a clear bubble of pre-cum oozed out and coated his thumb. "Slow down babe," whispered Tommy as he gently extricated himself. "There will be time for that later. For now, let's slip into shorts and t-shirts. Food is waiting downstairs." Cal and Jeff emerged a short time later, dressed in the same manner.

Cal asked Robbie how he was feeling and Robbie replied, "I've felt better and thanks for your assistance this afternoon."

"OH! And thanks for the snake business. That has never happened before, at least to me." Tommy said he had called their parents and told them of the accident and they were going to stay an extra day or two. Robbie smiled weakly and asked for a glass of win'e.

"Sorry, Mr. Man, but no liquor. You're on pain meds and no mixing. Sorry babe!" Miss Elly called out: "Supper's ready in the breakfast room. Come and git it."

They sat down to a table holding a platter of mixed sandwiches, rare roast beef, turkey and ham and cheese, a plate of green onions, olives, pickles, radishes and a huge tureen of Chicken rice gumbo that smelled beyond words. The men dug in, like they hadn't eaten for a week. When they finished the soup and sandwiches, out came a huge dark chocolate cake with fresh vanilla buttercream icing, Robbie's favorite. She served espresso as well. By this time, it was nearing 8:30 pm and the men admitted they were beat and headed for bed. With hugs and kisses for Miss Elly and many thanks, they departed to bed. All of them were asleep in minutes with the help of a pain pill for Robbie.

The next morning, was a glorious day with the sun shining through the window blinds and it gently woke Robbie and Tommy. They smiled at each other and melted together for a morning kiss. "UGH," Robbie said and Tommy looked shocked as they pulled apart. "No, NO, darling, not you!" Robbie laughed. "Never you, it's my mouth. It tastes awful, like a garbage pail or a dirty ash tray...and all sticky... I need to brush badly. Tommy smiled and said "You're never icky darling, never, ever! I could use a brushing myself." So, they got up and walked into the bathroom, peed and brushed their teeth side by side. When finished, they turned and kissed once a gain and that got rather amorous quickly and cocks were hard almost instantly.

Robbie sat down in a chair and called Tommy over with his hard cock leading the way, standing cock to mouth height, Robbie took the monster cock down his throat and started to suck hard and fast. As he sucked Tommy's hard dripping cock he glanced up and saw Tommy had his eyes closed with a smile on his face. Robbie reached over and started playing with Tommy's balls and his middle finger found his tight hole. Tommy spread his legs to give is lover access. Using a bit of saliva he punctured the tight ring with his finger while continuing to suck his man's hard cock. He finger fucked his hole and soon Tommy screamed "AAAAHHHH, I'm cumming!" and shot a huge load down Robbie's throat. Savoring each drop of the precious cum and tasting the sweetness, he swallowed it all, and as he took his mouth away, he licked the tip and let out a big sigh, "What a way to start the day! You taste soooo good!" Tommy looked down and drew his lover up and kissed him deeply and expressed his love savoring his own cum in Robbie's mouth, "I love you so much and can't wait to marry you, babe! And now my turn." He laid down on the bathroom floor and told Robbie to sit on his face, so he could tongue fuck his hot, hairy, hungry hole, which Robbie adored. Robbie immediately squatted over his lover's face and Tommy went to town, savoring his lover's hairy hole, loving every bit of it. He soon had Robbie panting and ready to shoot a load.

"I'm ready to cum Tommy."

"Shoot all over me and cover my furry body with your cum," and Robbie did just that. He shot at least six shots of cum all over Tommy. Robbie shivered as he shot the last of his load. By this time, Tommy was rock hard and came again, mixing his cum with Robbie's.

Robbie lifted his well tongued ass off Tommy's face and stood, helping Tommy to his feet where they embraced, mingling their cum together. Panting deeply they said, almost in unison, they loved each other and turned on the water for a much needed shower.

After drying off and dressing for the day, they walked down the stairs and met the men in the family room where they were drinking coffee and chatting. Robbie and Tommy walked over to the side bar and poured coffee for each. Miss Elly walked in and asked what the boys would like for breakfast? Robbie looked up at Miss Elly and said, "Miss Elly, you always take such good care of me and the family and what you have done this weekend has been fabulous. Now we want to do something for you and the other staff, who we so appreciate. We will make breakfast for you today." Miss Elly got her hackles up and said, "Yous wants to come in tuh MY kitchen and be cookin for us? I don likes peoples messin in MY kitchen."

"But, Miss Elly, it is just a small gesture to say thank you for all you do for us and you know I would never ever leave your kitchen a mess."

Robbie then said, "I remember when I tried to make cookies while you were at the market one time and had flour and such all over the floor when you came home and busted my butt!"

"I learned my lesson, and also remember... I run 10 restaurants so I am neat as a pin and I have three sous-chefs to attend me. Now go relax and we will get to work making y'all a fantastic brunch."

So they shooed Miss Elly out of 'her kitchen' and started with fresh squeezed orange Juice. Then bacon, dredged in equal parts of flour and brown sugar were placed in the broiler until crispy and golden brown. Now the eggs were poached on fresh bread sliced thick and broiled with butter, then topped with a delicate cheese and sherry cream sauce ladled over the eggs and snipped chives and a bowl of fresh sliced strawberries and bananas accompanied the masterpiece with a touch of Grande Marnier.

Robbie, rang the bell and in walked Hank, the foreman, Miss Elly (the boss), and two more ranch hands. They sat down at the laden table and were told to dig in. Tommy then put a huge carafe of French Roast coffee on the table with fresh cream and sugar. The men watched Miss Elly's face closely as she took her first bite. They waited and waited for a sign that they did well in 'HER KITCHEN'! The men smiled as they dug in and ate as well. After several bites, Miss Elly put her fork down and got up from the table and walked over to the men who invaded 'Her Domain'. She stopped and smiled and pulled Robbie and Tommy to her amble bosom and said she was very happy with her meal and it was delicious.

She went back to the table and finished eating. When they were finished, the men cleared the table and did the dishes. When all was finished, the kitchen was spotless. Miss Elly came to inspect everything, shook her head, said little MMM, MMM, MMM, smiled and walked out of her kitchen.

Moving into the living room, Tommy asked if anyone was up for a swim. After thinking a bit, the men said yes and went to go change into swim wear. They met at the Olympic size pool, placed towels down and dove in. Tommy helped Robbie into the pool. His brace was securely wrapped in plastic so it would not get wet. They splashed and swam while Tommy sat with Robbie as they watched and ogled the two sexy pilots. Robbie looked up and said to Tommy, "Boy those two are really good looking and look at great bodies they have."

"Not as good as yours, babe! I was wondering if they were gay and possibly a couple?"

"I have wondered that too. Maybe we should just ask them and see what they say." Tommy and Robbie got out of the pool and walked over to a lounger and sat down, together.

Soon thereafter, Miss Elly came out and asked if they wanted something to drink? The men answered with, "Sweet Tea, please," and Miss Elly turned and walked back into the kitchen. She reappeared with glasses filled with ice and a large pitcher of the tea, napkins and some sugar cookies, still warm from the oven. Yummmm, the men uttered and got out of the pool to pour tea and grab a cookie. Cal asked what the difference was between sweet tea and regular iced tea?"

Sweet tea is a southern tradition made of boiling water, with sugar added to the hot water to dissolve. Then the water is poured over tea leaves in a large pan and let steep for about 15 minutes. Then the tea is strained and poured into a large pitcher, served over ice with lemon and mint or even orange slice. That makes it refreshing.

Cal and Jeff sat next to them on another lounge. Robbie looked over and sheepishly said, "Guys, we have a question and we hope this will not upset you, but we were wondering if you were gay and a couple? If you are, obviously it is great, you don't have to be afraid to tell us, and if not, that's cool too but we feel that we are building a relationship as friends as well, beyond being excellent pilots."

Both Cal and Jeff looked like deer caught in the head lights, so to speak. Sort of flustered both men looked at Robbie and Tommy and nodded. Jeff spoke first and said after a nod from Cal, "Yes, we are indeed gay and a couple and have been for several years. We love each other very much. If fact, just last night, Cal proposed to me and I accepted immediately" Robbie jumped up and gave both men a hug, as did Tommy!

"Congratulations and this is so cool! But why did you keep it a secret for so long?"

"Well, that is sort of a secret, because we are not out to our families. Hence, the separate apartments. We're always together and we only use one of them whenever the family or families come. We need to do this...."

"How come you haven't come out yet?" asked Robbie. "As you both know the Company doesn't care and we are both delighted to have you as friends!"

Cal said that they had discussed coming out to the families next week, but the consequences could be dire since Jeff's family is very, very religious and their church is always preaching that homosexuality is wrong, vile, and that all FAGGOTS should just die!

"Mine, on the other hand, might (and I mean might) be more accepting. We really don't know the outcome of such an announcement."

"Well, you both don't need to ever worry about employment, income and such as long as you work for the corpoation." Both men smiled and said thank you with tears running down their faces.

They looked at each other and finally in public, they kissed and hugged and said how much they loved each other. This was a great thing and Robbie and Tommy would stand behind them all the way!

The men sat and talked for a while. Then Tommy said, they needed to celebrate this happy occasion with dinner out and maybe some dancing. Robbie stated that was a great idea and he knew the perfect place. It was downtown and had wonderful food and dancing and had a great reputation. "So, let's head out about 6:00 and get there about 7:00 for dinner and then let's let loose for some hot dancing. It will be our treat." said Robbie. The men went upstairs for a bit of a lay-down. Robbie and Tommy undressed and crawled into bed and had a snuggle and napped for about an hour. The time flew by and at 5:30 they got up. They had a bit of playtime in the shower, but decided to wait until later that night to make love. They put on jeans, trainers and polo shirts, and decided not to wear their Rolexes, just simple watches in order not cause any problems. When ready they made their way downstairs where Cal and Jeff were waiting.

They had dressed about the same way in jeans and polos as well and off they went for a fun filled evening. They arrived at the downtown restaurant just in time for their dinner reservation. They were shown to their table and received menus. They ordered drinks, perused the menu, and decided what to order.

Cal and Jeff wanted the special of the night, a three course meal of soup or salad, Lasagna and profiteroles for dessert. Tommy and Robbie each wanted fish. Tommy had the sea bass, grilled, and a Caesar salad. Robbie ordered the grilled salmon, with a spinach salad to start. Their cute waiter came over with drinks and asked if they were ready to order, and all of them did. The waiter, Bruce, said they made excellent choices and was off. Robbie ordered some wine, half bottles of an imported Chianti and an intriguing Chardonnay, 'Le Crema' from the Napa Valley.

The salads came and looked delicious. All dug in and when finished, the plates cleared, the main courses were brought and smelled great. There was a bit of talk about telling their parents when they got back and everyone would take it from there. They finished their meals with dessert and coffee. Then Robbie paid the tab and they went off to the dancing area and found a table so they could watch everything and everyone around them. They sat and ordered club soda for now.

The music came on with the DJ playing some hot music. The men got up to dance. They even changed partners, Robbie dancing with Jeff and Tommy dancing with Cal. The all were having a great time when a slow song came on. So, they switched partners so they could each dance with their own Fianc?s. Getting back to the table for a sip of soda, Cal said he had to go the john to pee. He walked across the room headed for the restroom when a tall, good looking man, stopped him and asked for a dance in an demanding tone. Cal looked up and said, "Thank You, but I am with my friends and my Fianc?," and proceeded to the john. He walked in and walked up to the urinal, unzipped and started to pee. He had just finished when he was yanked back by the tall man from outside, saying "I am going to fuck your uptight ass! No one ever turns ME down! I have been watching you dancing with those other two men and flirting with both of them."

"ARE YOU CRAZY? You fucking pervert, those two men are our bosses. I don't fuck with strangers, especially assholes like you, and YES, you have been turned down flat! Now get the fuck out of here and leave me alone if you know what is good for you."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?"

Just then, Tommy walked into the john to see the scene before him. "What the fuck?" He grabbed the man assaulting Cal, spinning him around and punched him in the face, knocking him backwards into the wall. The man hit hard, slid down to the floor, bleeding from his mouth and nose and almost out of it. Groaning he sort of said, "I am going to get you asshole!"

"Yeah, like you could." Tommy then said to Cal, "Go get the manager and get him here now!" "You are so done here and I will see that you are never allowed in this restaurant ever again! Hell, we might even press charges for assault."

Cal came back with Shaun, the manager, and as he looked over the situation, he asked for an account of what happened. Cal told him his story and Shaun reached down and picked up the asshole, told him he was 86'ed from the bar forever and was going to take his picture and pass it around to the other bars in town so he wouldn't be allowed in them either.

"I hope you are going to think LONG and HARD about your actions." He hauled him up to the front of the bar, took his picture, and literally threw him out the front door, landing hard on the sidewalk to a cheering crowd. Several men came up and said to Shaun that the man was a total asshole and had tried accosting many others before this. Shaun said, "He is 86'ed from here and I will see to it that he gets the same treatment at the other bars as well." He was going to pass his picture along with an explanation of what happened tonight.

Cal wasn't hurt, just shaken a bit is all, but walked back to the table and said to the guys, "I think it's time we left and went back to the ranch." Shaun walked over with an apology to the men and asked if there was anything he could do? The men said "No" and that they were going to leave. They thanked him for his help. They were staying outside of town and were leaving in a few days to go back home. Shaun then handed them coupons for free dinners and drinks when they came back. Robbie said thanks and they left. What had started out as a celebration, turned nasty and the four men couldn't wait to get back to the ranch and relax.

Upon returning to the ranch all were tired after the ordeal in the bar. Robbie mixed each their drink of choice and they sat and discussed the evening. Actually, they had been fairly quiet in the SUV going home. "Well that was certainly interesting but what a way to end. Up until then it was a perfect evening," Tommy said. "But HEY, we are all OK and got out unharmed, except for Cal being shaken up a bit." Jeff asked, "So, my sexy hunk, do you always cause this kind of ruckus when you go out??, my sexy man?"

"Only when I am with friends!" replied Cal. They all laughed, stretched and said they were ready for bed. Up they went to their own rooms and after sharing kisses all around they gently closed their doors.

Robbie took Tommy into his arms and kissed him quite hard and romantically. "I am so glad you're in my life and heart! I love you with every fiber of my being." Tommy kissed Robbie back and started to undress him. Once they were both naked, hard and dripping, they laid on the bed and went into a 69 position sucking each other to completion. "MMMMM, Tommy said, you always taste so good and I love sucking your, hard, dripping cock!"

"You're not bad yourself, lover mine. You ready for some shut eye?" And holding each other, they cuddled close and went right to sleep.

They both woke at sunrise, stretched and got up. In the shower, they peed all over each other, while kissing passionately. Robbie knelt down and took Tommy's hard cock into his mouth and began to suck. Then he turned Tommy around and started to rim his ass, after getting it nice and wet, he stood up and thrust into him and proceeded to fuck the cum right out of his horny, eager lover. Tommy yelled, "Faster, harder, deeper, make me cum!" And that he did, as he unleashed his cum deep inside Tommy's hot, hungry, now battered ass. Robbie yelled he was going to cum, and that set Tommy off unleashing several shots against the shower wall. Robbie turned Tommy around and kissed him and said, "You have no idea, how much I love you!"

"I think I do, and I love you more, my darling, my precious Robbie! So, let's shower and get some breakfast as I am about starved to death!!"

So, they turned on the shower and bathed each other as was their custom, dried off, dressed and went for breakfast. Cal and Jeff were already sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee. "Well good morning sleepy heads and what have you been 'UP' to this morning?" asked Cal.

"OH, this and THAT," answered Robbie laughing. "What is on the agenda for today? Anyone up for a ride this morning, maybe a picnic, but to a different part of the ranch? There is a fairly large pond where we can strip, go skinny dipping, and lay in the sun for a while."

"That sounds like a plan." smiled Jeff. Just then Miss Elly brought breakfast in, which was, homemade biscuits, country sausage gravy, fried eggs, grits, grapefruit juice and more coffee. It smelled wonderful and they all dug in and ate heartily.

Robbie asked Elly if she could throw a cold picnic lunch together for them? "Gots one awready for y'all to go with as Iz heards y'all chattin about goin ridin and swimin and all, so I done gots it ready fo y'all. Iz got cold fried chicken, some salad of beans, chopped eggs, sum cookies and sum lemonade."

"Miss Elly, we really don't know what we would do without you. You're a real treasure! I am going to ask Dad to give you a big raise. How long has it been since you had a vacation?" Robbie asked. Miss Elly answered with, "Iz done need no vacation, Iz juz need to works."

"Well, Miss Elly, you are going on an all-expenses paid vacation, for two weeks anywhere you want to go!" Robbie picked up the phone and called his dad, telling him what he thought they should do for Miss Elly.

Daniel totally agreed with Robbie about giving a trip to Miss Elly. She just nneds to decide where she wants to go. Robbie told his dad about the incident at the bar the evening before, and he was glad everything worked out and no one was hurt. "Have a great day and please take care of yourself and your future husband."

After he hung up, everyone got ready to go for their ride and they soon set out for the day. They had gathered a couple of large blankets, towels and of course lunch. Robbie had called down to the stable and the horses were saddled and were ready to go when they got there. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day. They rode in the opposite direction from where the incident took place in the oak trees. They exercised the horses, trotted, galloped and all were having a grand time. After about 1 1/2 hour ride they came upon the pond (more like a small lake) and made for the nearby trees where they set out the picnic under a big willow tree in a lush, grassy area. They spread the blankets out and used the towels as pillows, just resting for a while. Of course, there was some mild and not so mild kissing as all four guys plumped up. Lemonade got poured and everyone relished the cold drink - just enough sweetness - yet still tart.

"Who's for a swim before lunch?" Robbie asked. Everyone got up and stripped naked and ran for the water. The water was warm and everyone had fun splashing each other and swimming. Robbie and Tommy, both admired the pilot's hot bodies; Cal and Jeff thought the same thing. They were so lucky to have such great employers and friends, as they were becoming close. Robbie had to be careful with his arm, but it didn't hurt much today.

They got out of the pond, dried off and sat naked on the blanket while eating the wonderful lunch Miss Elly had prepared. The fried Chicken was beyond compare and everything was just delicious. Robbie said to himself he had to get Miss Elly to teach him this recipe. He thought would go over well at the restaurants. It could be billed on the menu as "Miss Elly's Fried Chicken" in honor of the dear lady. The men discussed it and agreed. They finished lunch, cleaned up, reluctantly got dressed, and rode slowly back to the stables. What a wonderful day it was. On the way back, they all decided that staying in was best for tonight, maybe a movie or two after an early dinner.

They arrived back at the stables and the grooms took over. Each horse was given an apple which they seemed to enjoy. Robbie stroked King's neck and kissed him and said he loved him. The palomino whinnied and nudged Robbie. Again, it looked like the damn horse was smiling!

They trudged back to the house to shower and change for supper. On the way, Miss Elly said to Robbie that dinner would be in the dining room that evening since it was to be a feast. There were to be 12 for a dressy casual dinner and the bell would ring at 7:00. Since it was only 4:00, they decided to shower and have a lay down before dinner.

Both Cal and Jeff striped and walked toward the bathroom and as they walked, their cocks got very hard and were leading the way. Cal grabbed Jeff, from behind, and pulled the man towards him, spun him around and kissed him hungrily. Then Cal asked in a deep voice, "Do you know how much I love you stud?" "Not as much as I love you: now and forever and always!!" replied Jeff.

The got in the shower, washed each other's nooks and crannies - not missing one spot. They were rock hard, quickly dried each other off and ran for the bed. Jeff kissed Cal and then spread his legs and started to lick his balls. He then moved to his rosebud and started to tongue fuck him for all he was worth. Moaning deeply, Cal yelled, "Please fuck me NOW, fuck me deep, fuck me hard and fill my hole with your cum!! Please fuck me now, I need you inside me." And that is just what Jeff did, fucking him hard and deep, then letting out a huge howl as he came deep inside the love of his life. This set Cal off and he came all over them both with six ropes of thick, white cum. Jeff pulled out and sank onto the bed gasping for air and wanting more kisses. Cal glanced over at the clock and it was now 6: 25 and they had to get cleaned up and get ready for dinner. They quickly showered once more, got dressed and made it downstairs just in time for a cocktail.

Hank, the foreman of the ranch was there, as well as the three ranch hands, Bob, Jim and Mark. All were dressed casually but very nicely. They all greeted each other and there was some background noise. All the men turned around to be greeted by, Daniel, Thom and the mothers! "Surprise, how are things going boys?" The Robbie and Tommy were shocked to see their parents here for supper. They each ran up, gave their mothers hugs and kisses and man hugs for their fathers, which quickly changed into good father/son hugs. Cynthia asked how Robbie was feeling, and he replied fine, a bit sore, but fine!

Everyone stood with a drink and then the bell rang promptly at 7:00, calling everyone to dinner. The dining room looked fabulous, set for 12, with crystal, antique silver, candles and a beautiful flower arrangement placed in the center of the table. There were place cards with Daniel at the head of the table. Tommy was so glad to see his parents. This whole thing was such a surprise to everyone.

The first course was brought in. It was half of an avocado, filled with bay shrimp in a delightful, tangy cocktail sauce. Then came a cream of tomato bisque, with basil, croutons and snipped chives sprinkled on top. Everyone chatted about this and that, with the parents telling what was going on at home. Cynthia asked when they were planning to come home? Tommy and Robbie said they thought maybe tomorrow afternoon or the next morning. Thom joked that the office was overloaded with clients lined up out the door screaming,"I want service NOW! and demanding to be seen IMMEDIATELY!" Everyone laughed.

The salad dishes were cleared away and in came the main course, a huge standing prime rib roast, surrounded by roasted fingerling potatoes, garlic and Rosemary, a bowl of creamed spinach and home-made horseradish sauce - tinted a delightful pale pink. It all smelled delicious. Everyone was served from the side board. Before anyone ate, Danielle was asked to say grace. Everyone clasped hands, bowed their heads and she asked to bless this food, thanks for their boys engagement, everyone's happiness, and then asked, for good, healthy days ahead for everyone.

With that finished, all dug in and had small talk during dinner. When everyone was finished and the plates cleared, coffee was brought in and Miss Elly came out from the kitchen and asked how they liked the dinner. Everyone clapped and Daniel stood and asked Miss Elly to come over to him. He threw his arms around her, gave her a big kiss on the cheek and said, "I speak for everyone when I say the dinner was superb, as always, and to give you hardy thanks, from all of us. We truly appreciate you and all that you do. You are a true treasure and we are lucky to have you here. This is why you get this: Here are tickets for you and your family for a fully paid trip to Disney World. All expenses are paid, with suite accommodations for everyone and $5000 spending money. There are also passes to get into Epcot Center. You will also travel in one of our planes. We all hope you and the family will enjoy this trip."

Standing there in tears, Miss Elly spoke in a chocked voice and said," Misser. Daniel and everyone, I cant's believe yawl do dis for me and ma family. It be a dream that one day wez all git to go there, but dis in amazing and Iz thanks y'all for dis. My family will be shocked. I don know whats iz do widout y'all. I just love working here! Thanks to y'all."

Daniel replied, "We don't know what everyone would do without you as well. You know Miss Elly, you run this ranch and we would be totally lost without you!! So now what is for dessert?"

Miss Elly turned with tears still running down her face and shortly brought out her famous Peach Cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream. Everyone ooo'd and ahhh'd and dug in. Tommy's eyes rolled back in his head and said "This is the best cobbler I've ever had." and everyone agreed with him. "Robbie you've got to get this recipe and make this for me all the time!" Robbie looked at him and said "I would rather rassle with that rattle snake, than ask Miss Elly for one of her fabulous recipes. I'll be lucky if I get the fried chicken one. They are closely guarded and they are all up in her head."

"She never gives them out, but I will put on armor and ask."

"One can only die in the process!" Everyone laughed as they headed to the living room for a nightcap. The chat was light and a wide variety was discussed, from the ranch to all the businesses. The foreman and hands left to go home. The hour grew late and everyone headed up to bed. The Senior Blackfords up to their bedroom suite, The Gilman's to the other guest suite and the pilots, Jeff and Cal to their room. Then, of course, Tommy and Robbie headed to their suite. Everyone yelled 'GOOD NIGHT' to everyone, just like in the Waltons TV Show. All in all, it was quite amusing.

In the morning, everyone was in joyful mood and met in the breakfast room. Coffee was served and a breakfast buffet was set up on the side board. Everyone got plates and served themselves coffee cake, scrambled eggs, salsa, bacon and sausage, French toast and regular toast as well. Everyone got their coffee and a discussion was held about what to do today. The men decided to go riding, and the women decided to go into Santa Barbara and do some shopping and have lunch. So, after breakfast, the men went to change into boots and jeans and set out for the stables where the horses were already saddled and ready to go. The women left. dressed in stylish pants suits, in a SUV driven by one of the hands. Spouses kissed each other goodbye and everyone was off for the day.

The men rode out to the lake and Daniel showed Thom the ranch from the ground up. They stopped by the lake and let the horses rest for a bit and have a drink. Daniel and Thom talked business and asked how things were progressing. Thom said everything was looking really good and things were being put into place. The new office space was working well and the new lawyers were all doing a great job. Daniel said laughingly, you mean, I don't need to get on my HIGH HORSE, so to speak? Well, figuratively and literally...and all the men laughed. Everything else seemed to be doing very well, with the banks, the dealerships and the real estate doing very well. They were looking into buying two office buildings in Dallas, one in Chicago, one more down on Market St in San Francisco and possibly some new luxury apartment buildings in downtown LA, and one in San Francisco in Pacific Heights. All the buildings were fully leased and would require new leases for all the tenants with no rent increase at the moment.

"Well that sounds fine and our real estate people will get right on that, do the research, and see what kind of prices we can get." They also started discussing getting a bigger plane for the corporation fleet. A 737 with a couple of bedrooms, full baths w/showers, plenty of work spaces and 2 galleys with full staff of at least four fulltime attendants, and four pilots to fly. Let's ask Jeff and Cal about this, as they have flown for us for years. So, both seniors, got Jeff and Cal involved in the discussion of the new plane. "It has longer range and can fly non-stop to London or Paris. It's a great plane and as I love to fly bigger planes, not that I don't enjoy flying the G6."

"Was that, a request for a job change?" asked Daniel.

Jeff looked down and said gently "I will have to ask my better half and now my Fianc?."

"Fianc??" both older men said out loud. "Congratulations!" "Yes, we decided to come clean, and open up to a few people. You, Mr. Blackford, are our employer and we didn't want any secrets any longer, we told Tommy and Robbie the truth about us first. We discussed how we are going to tell our parents."

"Jeff's family is extremely religious and most certainly will NOT except us as a couple, and mine, most likely, will except us and be happy for us, at least we hope so!"

The men sat around and talked for a while, until it was time to head back to the house, shower, have a drink in celebration of the pilots future together. They mounted their horses and slowly rode back to the house, chatting about the possible new plane and looking forward to hearing more about Jeff and Cal's decision to move from the smaller jet to the larger one.

They arrived at the house but the ladies were not back yet, so the men settled on the patio and Miss Elly came out with a drink cart and some snacks, some nuts and olives, then asked what time dinner would to be served? Daniel said to wait until the ladies returned and speak to them about dinner since they should be back shortly, and that they probably bought out all the stores. Everyone laughed at that comment with both men wondering if they had any money left!

About a 1/2 hour later the ladies returned and came out to the patio, got a cocktail and sat down. Daniel asked Cynthia to speak to Miss Elly about dinner - when, where and what.

Cynthia got up and walked toward the kitchen and then the men decided to go up, shower and change for the evening. After relaxing with a great dinner of some fresh grilled salmon, mixed veggies and rice pilaf and a chocolate cream pie for dessert, everyone went up to bed since everyone was leaving in the morning after a fabulous weekend highlighted with the unexpected visit from both sets of parents.

Cal and Jeff had gone out for the evening and were just getting home when everyone was walking up stairs. Tommy saw them first and said, "Hey guys!" "What time are we flying tomorrow?" Cal spoke first and said, "We have a flight time scheduled for 9:30 AM, if that is ok."

"That sounds great." said Tommy as he continued to climb upstairs. When he walked into the bedroom, quite to his surprise, there was Robbie laying on top of the covers, completely naked as he slowly stroked his cock which was hard as nails. "See something you like here, my sexy cowboy?"

Tommy, got out of his clothes so fast you'd think he was the FLASH! His 10" cock was now hard as hell and dripping as he crossed over to their bed, crawled up to Robbie, laid down on top and kissed him very passionately.

Robbie looked into the eyes of the love of his life and said, "I love you more than life and can't wait till we get married. I want to spend the rest of my life, just like this, in bed naked and hard as rocks, kissing and fucking each other!"

"With you alone and never anyone else, that is my one and only dream darling!" said Tommy. Tommy went down and started to tongue fuck Robbie's waiting, hungry, hairy hole and it opened like a flower. Tommy shoved his tongue deep inside the waiting asshole. Robbie was moaning, moving his head back and forth and then looked deep into Tommy's green eyes, and said "FUCK ME STUD.... FUCK ME NOW... deep and hard and fill my tight, willing man hole with your fucking hot cum... and that is what Tommy did. He slid his hard, raging 10" cock deep inside his lover's ass and pounded him deep, hard and fast!

Robbie moaned again and said he was going to cum, and shot a huge load (barely touching his cock) over his head and onto the headboard followed by several smaller ones on his well-muscled hairy chest. That set Tommy off and he came deep inside Robbie's ravaged ass. Tommy collapsed on top and the two men kissed longingly and again said how much they loved each other, cuddled tight, and went to sleep in each other's arms dreaming of their lives together.

Morning came and both men dragged them-selves to the shower and as usual, washed each other thoroughly, dried off, dressed and Tommy started to pack his bag. Robbie asked, "is there really anything you need in that bag? If not, just leave it here since we will be coming down a lot, if you don't mind, and that way you always have clothes here." "Great idea darling!" replied Tommy. That decided, they went downstairs in search of coffee, parents and one of Miss Elly's great country breakfasts.

The parents were sitting in the breakfast room, finishing breakfast as their flight time was earlier. Daniel and Cynthia stood up giving hugs to both boys telling them they were loved and to be safe. "Let's all chat soon!!"

Robbie said he would see his Dad in the office, in the morning, and Tommy did the same with his parents. Thom and Danielle hugged both men as well and also said they loved them and Thom looked at Robbie and said with a huge smile, "Welcome to the family, Son!"

Robbie smiled and hugged his 'father-in-law' back and said "THANK YOU, Dad!!"

With that, the parents departed, saying thank you to Miss Elly and a huge bonus was in the mail! Tommy and Robbie sat down again and in came Jeff and Cal, looking for coffee and asking the boys when they wanted to leave? Whenever you're ready is fine with us, Boss Man, laughingly. We have no luggage since Tommy is leaving his bag here so he will have stuff here next time we come down, and I didn't bring a bag. The men finished breakfast, went and hugged Miss Elly for making their visit so very special and to give him dates so he could book the flight for the family trip to Disney World in Florida. Then they were off to the airport to fly home and start another hectic week.

They arrived back at Butler Aviation without incident and there was their car waiting for them. They said a fond farewell to Jeff and Cal and said they would get together soon for dinner, and drove back into town deciding where they were going to stay for that night.

Robbie said they would go to his apartment, use the hot-tub and eat a simple dinner after all the rich food that had consumed over the wonderful weekend. Robbie said his arm was feeling much better and only a little sore now. "Great idea," said Tommy, holding his lovers hand. "How about a light pasta dish, know what sounds really good? A Caesar Salad and French bread toasted with garlic butter.. YUMMMO said Robbie, sounds perfect! "Do we need to stop at the store for stuff," asked Tommy? "Yes, we can stop at my favorite market on the way. Getting things ready will not take long, so while I am doing dinner why don't you get comfortable. Then let's have dinner in front of a movie. I have a very special dessert planned, to be served in a very special place."

"And where is that special place, may I ask, kind sir?."

"You'll just have to wait and see, my sexy cowboy, just wait and see!" he replied with a big sexy smile.

Well, so much has happened...rattlesnakes, getting to know Jeff and Cal better, a bar incident, fabulous dinners and a surprise visit from both parents... WOW.. then let's not forget the buildings, a larger new plane... AHHHHHH.... such is life!!

Now a bit of news: I am taking some time off from writing until after the 1st. I need to finish decorating our house and getting all the crap out of the boxes and bins and then turn it all into a festive Christmas wonderland. SO much to do, and SOOOOO little time. Anyway, here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy New Year to everyone!! Best wishes to all. Remember always play safe and PLEASE donate to Nifty!

The Chef

Next: Chapter 12

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